

2011-01-13 19页 pdf 350KB 32阅读




外贸英语交流 本文档转载于实惠网外贸论坛(http://bbs.sfyh.com )欢迎加入外贸交流 QQ 群: 95545465 免费外贸 b2b 平台-实惠网(www.sfyh.com )注册轻松获得美金。 外贸英语交流 1) A: I don't believe we've met.我们以前没有见过吧? B: No, I don't think we have.我想没有。 A: My name is Chen Sung-lim.我叫陈松林。 B: How do you do? My...
本文档转载于实惠网外贸论坛(http://bbs.sfyh.com )欢迎加入外贸交流 QQ 群: 95545465 免费外贸 b2b 平台-实惠网(www.sfyh.com )注册轻松获得美金。 外贸英语交流 1) A: I don't believe we've met.我们以前没有见过吧? B: No, I don't think we have.我想没有。 A: My name is Chen Sung-lim.我叫陈松林。 B: How do you do? My name is Fred Smith. 您好,我是弗雷德·史蜜斯。 2) A: Here's my name card. 这是我的名片。 B: And here's mine. 这是我的。 A: It's nice to finally meet you.很高兴终于与你见面了。 B: And I'm glad to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。 3) A: Is that the office manager over there? 在那边的那位是经理吧? B: Yes, it is, 是啊。 A: I haven't met him yet. 我还没见过他。� B: I'll introduce him to you .那么,我来介绍你认识。 4) A: Do you have a calling card ? 您有名片吗? B: Yes , right here 有的,就在这儿。 A: Here's one of mine.�B 喏,这是我的。 B: Thanks. 谢谢 5) A: Will you introduce me to the new purchasing agent? 请替我引介新来负责采购的人好吗? B: Haven't you met yet? 你们还没见面吗? A: No, we haven't.� 嗯,没有。 B: I'll be glad to do it. 我乐意为你们介绍。 6)�e�b y.q8k A: I'll call you next week.我下个星期会打电话给你。�a8 B: Do you know my number? 你知道我的号码吗? A: No, I don't. 不知道。 B: It's right here on my card. 就在我的名片上。 7) A: Have we been introduced?对不起,我们彼此介绍过了吗?�?�{ B: No, I don't think we have been. :不,我想没有。 A: My name is Wong.我姓王。X0N�c B: And I'm Jack Smith. 我叫杰克·史密斯。 8)� r A: Is this Mr. Jones?是琼斯先生吗? B: Yes, that's right. 是的。 A: I'm just calling to introduce myself. My name is Tang.我打电话是向您作自我介绍,我姓唐。 B: I'm glad to meet you, Mr. Tang. 很高兴认识你,唐先生。Q8Y 9) A: I have a letter of introduction here. 我这儿有一封介绍信。� B: Your name, please? A: It's David Chou.周大卫。� B: Oh, yes, Mr. Chou. We've been looking forward to this. 啊,周先生,我们一直在等着您来。 10) A: I'll call you if you give me a name card. 给我一张名片吧,我会打电话给你。 B: I'm sorry, but I don't have any with me now.真抱歉,我现在身上没带。"@ A: Just tell me your number, in that case. 这样子,那就告诉我你的电话号码好了。 B: It's 322-5879. 约会篇: 11)精英外贸 A: Do you have some time tomorrow? 明天有空吧? B: Yes, I do.� |有啊 A: How about having lunch with me?一起吃顿中饭怎样?�MB: Good idea."好主意 12)�y,Y0E X#N�w A: If you're free, how about lunch?有空的话一起吃顿中饭如何? B: When did you have in mind?你想什么时候呢? A: I was thinking about Thursday?我看星期四怎样?�B: That will be fine with me. 没问题。 13)精英外贸论坛+f A: I'm calling to see if you would like to have lunch tomorrow. 我打电话给你,是想知道明天一起 吃顿中饭怎样? B: I'm sorry, but this week isn't very convenient for me. 对不起,这个星期我都不方便。 A: Perhaps we van make it later.那么,也许改天吧。 `�H B: That would be better. 好啊。 14) A: I'm calling to confirm our luncheon appointment.我打电话来,是想确定一下我们约好吃饭的事。 B: It's tomorrow at twelve o'clock, right?是明天 12 点吧?-`-R A: Yes, that's right. 是的,没错 B: I'll be there. 我会去的。精 15) A: I'm sorry, but I have to cancel out luncheon appointment.(真抱歉,不过我不得不取消我们午餐 的约会。 B: I'm sorry to hear that. 真遗憾。 A: I have pressing business to attend to .我有紧急的事情要处理。 B: No problem. we'll make it later in the month .没关系,这个月改天再说吧。论坛�s�j/^&U 16) A: I need to change the time we meet for lunch.我需要更改我们见面吃午饭的时间。Z/u B: What time would be good for you? 什么时间你合适呢?精英外 A: I'll be about half an hour late. 我大概要慢半个小时。 B: Good, I'll see you there at 12:30.好的,十二点我会在那儿与你碰面。�R3w�C�r8D�U-{4T-~ 17) A: I'll get the check. 我来付帐。7 B: No, let me pay this time. 不,这次由我付。 A: No, I insist. 不,还是我来。 B: Well, thank you very much. 好吧,那就谢谢你啦?: 18)bbs.cnexp.net1f A: This lunch is on me today, 今天这顿饭算我请客。$]� B: I think you got it last time.我记得上回也是你请的。论坛 A: It's my pleasure.我请得心里高兴。 B: That's very nice of you.既然这样,那就多谢了。 19)�] A: Shall we split the check.大家分摊吧? B: Why don't you let me pick it up.就让我来付帐好了。 A: Oh, that's not necessary. 啊,不必这样。 B: I know it's not necessary. I want to do it.我知道不必这样,可是我愿付? 20) A: I really enjoyed the lunch.8 这顿饭我吃得好高兴。 B: Yes, let's do it again real soon.是啊,让我们不久再一起用餐吧。%\ A: I'll be back in town next month. 我下个月会再回这里来。 B: Good, I'll invite you out when you're here.好极了,等你来的时候,请再接受我的招待。 参观篇: 21) A: Would you like to go through our factory some time?什么时候来看看我们的工厂吧? B: That's a good idea. 好啊 A: I can set up a tour next week. 我可以安排在下个礼拜参观。 B: Just let me know which day.决定好哪一天就告诉我。外贸论坛 22) A: thank for coming today. 谢谢您今天的莅临。 B: I'll wanted to see your factory for a long time. 好久就想来看看你们的工厂了。 A: we can start any time you're ready. 只要你准备好了,我们随时可以开始。 B: I'm all set.�我都准备好了。 23) A: The tour should last about an hour and a half . 这次参观大概需要一个半小时。 B: I'm really looking forward to this. 我期待这次参观已久了。 A: We can start over here. 我们可以从这里开始。 B: I'll just follow you.7 我跟着你就是。T 24)精英外贸论坛�{/y�U�I�e7z�D1x6x�G�Y�p A: Please stop me if you have any question.有任何问题,请随时叫我停下来。B: I well. 好的 A: Duck your head as you go through the door there.经过那儿的门时,请将头放低。 B: Thank you. 谢谢。 25)精英外贸论坛 6i IA: You'll have to wear this hard hat for the tour.精参观时必需戴上这安全帽。 B: This one seems a little small for me. 这顶我戴好像小了一点。 A: Here, try this one. 喏,试试这一顶。 B: That's better. 好多了。 26) F9Y�o�M�z�T ^ A: That's the end of the tour. 参观就此结束了。 B: It was a great help to me.真是获益良多 A: Just let me know if you want to bring anyone else.8e 如果你要带别人来,请随时通知我。�`8a B: I'd like to have my boss go through the plant some day.我真想叫我老板哪天也过来看看。�~�} 27) A: I'd like to see your showroom. 我想参观你们的展示中心 B: Do you know where it is?�你知道地方吗?f /A: No, I don't.不知道 4g�X B: I'll have the office send you a map. 我会叫公司里的人送张地图给你。*|� 28)'Z�HZ A: I'm hoping to get to your showroom.�我打算到你们的展示中心看看 B: When might you go? 什么时候想去呢? A: I was thinking about next Tuesday. 我想下个礼拜二。 B: I'll meet you there, shall we say about eleven o'clock. 我会在那儿等你,你看十一点左右如何。 29) a: Welcome to our showroom.6 欢迎参观我们的展示室,o!F3l�] X t f B: Thank you, I'm glad to be here. 谢谢,我很高兴到这里来。C A: Is there anything I can show you. 有什么要我拿给你们看的吗? B: I think I'd like to just look around .哦,我只是看看而已。 30)精英外贸论坛"u;\�D�t-o6f�G A: Where can we see your complete line? 什么地方可以看到你们全部产品的样品? B: We have a showroom in this city. 我们在本市设有一个展示中心。 A: I'd like to see it. 我想看看。 B: Drop by anytime. 随时欢迎参观者。精英外贸论坛 31) A: Is this your first visit to our showroom.您是第一次到我们展示室来的吧。J$B: Yes ,it is . 是的。 A: Can I show you around. 我来带你四处看看好吗? B: That would be nice of you .那太好了! 32) A: Be sure to call me if you need anything . 如有什么需要,请叫我精 B: Where are your smaller computers? 你们的小型电脑在那里? A: Over there, near the back.就在那边,靠后头的地方。Y B: Thanks . I see them now . 谢了,我现在看到了。 33) A: This is our latest product . 这是我们的最新产品。 B: When is it going to be on the market? 什么时候上市啊 A: It will be out next month .b 下个月即可推出。bs.cnexp.net�^#[O9V9J4K0i B: Could I have this sample free of charge? 这样品可以免费送我吗? 34)*B�e� A: I'd like to take these catalogs with me .这些目录我想带走。 B: Sure . go right ahead . 好啊,请便。 A: And I want these price lists as well. 还有这些价目表我也要。 B: Please take whatever you like .请随意拿取吧。精英外贸论坛$ 35)精英外贸论坛�n2I� A: How is the product selling? 这产品卖得怎么样? B: It's selling well .卖得很好啊! A: What are the selling points of your product? 你们的销售重点是什么呢?L�_p�O�a B: Compared with competing products , ours is smaller and lighter.比起其它竞争产品,我们的比 较轻巧。 36) �UH�G.C u�k4g A: I 'm not sure how this works. 我不懂这是如何操作的 B: Would you like me to demonstrate it for you? 要不要我来为你示范一下? A: Can you ? 可以吗? B: Sure .no problem at all. 当然,没问题。 37)精英外贸论坛#B)Q b F�h�j-S%I�z4s A: Anything particular you're interested in ? 有什么你特别感兴趣的吗? B: I'm very much interested in your personal computers.1 我对你们的个人电脑深感兴趣。 A: Well, this is our latest catalog. 嗯,这是我们的最新的目录。 B: We'll order after we see the sample. 我们要看过样品才会下订单。 38) A: We're having a special showing next week in our showroom.下周我们的展示室将有一个特别 的展示会 B: What do you mean by special?怎么特别呢。 A: It will be by special invitation only. 我们只邀请特别的客户 B: Please make sure I get an invitation.请记住寄张请帖给我哦。�J#m4`2 39) A: We hope you enjoyed the visit to the showroom.希望你还喜欢我们的展示室 B: Yes ,it helped me out a lot.嗯,收获不少,bs.cnexp.net�q�\ O�H�y�c�d A: Would you be kind enough to sign our visitors' book ? 请在来宾簿上签名好吗? B: I'd be happy to .很乐意。 40)0s9u A: We have this item in three price levels .此一品目,我们分三种等级的价格。�I�V*v�e B: We need the best possible quality. 我们要尽可能最好的品质。 A: That means the A-24. 那就是 A-24 了。 B: I see ,that's what we will order. 哦,我们要订的就是那种。精 报价篇: 41) A: We can offer you this in different levels of quality. 这产品我们有三种不同等级的品质。� B: Is there much of a difference in price? 价钱也有很大的分别吧?�M E�R�H4z#f A: Yes ,the economy model is about 30% less. 是的,经济型的大约便宜 30%。精英外贸论坛 B: We'll take that one . 我们就买那种。H 42) A: Is this going to satisfy your requirements ? 这种的合你的要求吗? B: Actually , it is more than we need . 事实上,已超出我们所需要的。 A: We can give you a little cheaper model .我们可以提供你便宜一点的型式。精英外贸论坛 B: Let me see the specifications for that .让我看看它的规格说明书吧。 43) A: You're asking too much for this part . 这零件你们要价太高了。 B: we have some cheaper ones .我们有便宜一点的。 A: What is the price difference?'价钱差多少?#R�Y4P"v6w B: The basic model will cost about 10% less .基本型的便宜约 10%左右。精英外贸论坛&U 44)9 A: How many different models of this do you offer? 这个你们有多少种不同的型式。�P1x"c�I2 B: We have five different ones .五种 82X�U1gM�V5J b A: Is there much of a price difference . 价钱有很大的差别吗?� B: Yes, so we had better look over your specifications. 是的,所以我们最好先把您的规格说明细 看一遍。 45) A: The last order didn't work out too well for us 上回订的货用起来不怎么顺。 B: What was wrong? 有什么问题吗?$b A: We were developing too much waste . 生产出来的废品太多了。 B: I suggest you go up to our next higher price level. 我建议您采用我们价格再高一级的货 46) A: Did the material work out well for you ?b 那些材料进行的顺利吗? ~%I� �Fs�D B: Not really .不怎么好。�{8h�M7t�A: What was wrong? 怎么啦?]�W� B: We felt that the price was too high for the quality . 我们觉得以这样的品质价钱太高了。 47), W4k- A: Has our material been all right? 我们的原材料没问题吧? B: I'm afraid not .;有问题呢。k� O A: Maybe you should order a little better quality�也许您应该买品质好一点的 j{"k� a�Q3o B: Yes, we might have to do that .b 是呀,恐怕只有这么做了。)} A5H N8|.|英外贸论坛 48)�F A: I think you had better come out to the factory .( 我看你最好走一趟工厂 v*O�v�}�D�Z�b B: Is there something wrong . 出了什么事吗。 A: Yes ,your last shipment wasn't up to par . 嗯,你上次送去的货没有达到。 B: Let 's go out and have a look at it .- 走,我们去看看? f�_�Y 49) W� A: I want you to look at this material . 我要你看看这材料! B: Is this from our last shipment ? 这是上次叫的货吗? A: Yes ,it is . B: I can see why you are having some problems with it . 我明白为什么你用起来会有问题了。 50) A: I would suggest that you use this material instead of that .我建议你改用这种替代那种。 B: But that costs more . 可是那样成本较高。 A: But you will get less waste from this .但可以减少浪费。 B: We'll try it once .那么就试一次看看吧。 51)精英外 A: Our manufacturing costs have gone up too much . 我们的制造成本增加太多了。 B: You might try one of our cheaper components .'f 你试试这种较便宜的组件怎样?�@ A: Let's take a look at your price list again 我再看一次你们的价目表吧。 B: Sure . I'll bring it in next week .b 好哇 ,我下个礼拜带过来。bs.cnexp.net� Y 52)�D�N.H#g6J%x6L�`�Y A: This is the best material we have to offer .这是本公司所供应的最好的原料。 B: Actually, don't think we need it to be this good .说实在的,我并不认为我们用得着这么好的 A: I can let you have this kind cheaper . 我可以算你便宜一点。 B: Let's do that .那就这么说定吧? 53)精英外贸论坛�R�s�I4g-L7k/_!? A: How is the new material working out for you? 新原料用得如何? B: Fine, we're saving a lot of money with it. 不错,节省了不少的钱, A: I'm glad to hear that . 听你这么说真高兴。 B: It was a good suggestion .thanks .你建议得不错,谢谢。 54) A: How many would you like to order ? 您要订多少? B: Is there a minimum order? 有最低订购量的限制吗?Y2v;U�E%_!] A: No,we can ship in lots of any size .没有,任何数量都可以出货。 B: We'll try one case of this .那么,这种的就试一箱吧 h�k 55) A: We're ready to take your order now. 你们现在可以下订单了。 B: We want to try this component as a sample.4 这种组件我们想试个样品看看。L�{-p2z"L+h A: I can send one for you to try . 我们可以寄个给你试用。 B: Yes , please do that .2 好,那就麻烦你了 B�H 56) 2Q8\�T�v l A: How many would you like to order?您要订多少? B: How do they come packaged ?货是怎样装的呢? A: In cases of 100. 一箱装 100 个 B: We'll take 500.b 我们要 500 个 57) A: We need seven of these . 我们要七个这种的。 B: They come in cases of five .它们是五个一箱。 A: Then ,send two cases please . 这样的话,就送两箱吧。� B: Good .thank you for the order .好的,谢谢你的订货。 58) A: We can't handle an order that small . 这么少的数量,我们不能接受。 B: What is the minimum we would have to order .那么我们至少得订多少呢。 A: 300 pieces .300 个 B: I see ,send those ,then . 哦,那就 300 个吧。 59)精英外贸论坛 A: We have a problem with your order .3 你订的货有点问题。t�Q�UB: What is it ?什么问题。 A: We can't split open a case to fill your order .因为我们不能拆箱来凑足你的订量。�Q9`�W B: I'll see if we can take the whole case .那我考虑看看是不是可以买整箱。 60) A: Do you offer any quantity discounts ?( 大量购买有折扣吗?J�B: No, we don't. 不,没有。 A: Then give us three cases of this .那么这种的就买三箱好了精 61) A: You could save a lot if you would order a little more . 如果你单子下得多一点,可以省不少的 钱。 B: How could we do that?怎么说呢? M^�p6H A: We offer a discount for large orders .我们对大量订购有打折 9i�a(x3A�H A�d B: Let me take another look at our requirements .那我们看看我们的需要量有多少$x 62) A: Your prices seem a little high . 你们的价钱高了一些 B: We could make them lower for you . 我们可以算你便宜一点。 A: How ? 怎么做呢? B: If you order in large lots , we'll reduce the price . 如果你大量订购,我们可以降价 63) A: We can offer a 10% discount for orders over 10000 pieces. 订购一万个以上,我们可以打九折。 B: I'm not sure we can use that many . 我怕我们用不了那么多。 A: It would represent quite a savings . 这省下的可是一笔不少的钱哩。 B: Ok, I'll see what I can do .1 好吧,我考虑考虑吧 64) A: Why are there three prices quoted for this part ? 这种零件为什么有三种不同的报价? 6L'H B: They represent the prices for different quantities. 那表示不同的量有不同的价钱。 A: I see . 原来如此。 B: The more you order , the more you will save . 订购愈多,省的钱愈多 65) A: Is this your standard price ? 这是你们的基本准价吗? B: Yes ,it is . 是的 1 精英外贸论坛;d9y�g9qA: It seems too high to me 好像贵了一点。 B: We can negotiate the unit price for large orders .� 如果大量订购,单价可以再谈。X 66) A: I'm calling about mistake on our last invoice .4 我打电话来,是因为上回的发票有错。 B: What was it ?� 怎么啦。' A: We should have been given the large quantity price .'? 你应该开大宗折扣价才是。 B: Yes ,that is absolutely right . 啊,对的,是应该这样。 67)0I6E A: Doesn't the quantity discount apply on this order ? 这次下的单子没有大宗折扣吗?精英 B: No ,I'm sorry ,but it doesn't.精抱歉,没有。英外贸论坛�n�b�{�`�A: Why not? 为什么没有? B: Because these items are from different shipments. 因为这几项品目不属同一批货。) 68))~%Z�q6B�F�j A: We can make the price lower if you would order a bit more . 如果你单子下多一点,我们可以减价。 B: How much more ? 还要多下多少? A: Just three more cases .0 只要再三箱就可以了。 B: I think we can do that . 那我想没问题。 69) A: I have the quotations you asked for . 你要的报价已经做好了。 B: Good ,we've been looking for them . 好啊 ,我们一直等着看呢。� A: I'll leave them for you to look over .� 我会留下来给你慢慢的看。*X�i$`3`�z�{5b B: I'll give you a call when we are ready to talk about them 等我们准备好可以谈的时候,我会打 电话给你。 70) ~ A: Were you able to quote on all the items we need ? 我们需要的每个项目你都能报价吗。 B: No, not all of them . 不,没全部。 A: Oh ?why not ? 哦,为什么? B: We aren't able to supply the third ad fifth items . 第三及第五项目,我们没有货供应。 71) A: Here are the quotations that you asked for .3 这是你的报的价。H `�P�f�p�e�Z�W8p B: How do they compare to last year's ? 与去年的相比怎么样。 A: The price increases haven't been too bad at all .,~ 没有涨太多。�K t�B�l(}!x B: That's good to hear .let's take a look at your prices . 那好,我们来看看你的报价吧。 72) A: I have a question about this quotation you submitted . 你提出的报价我有问题。 B: What is it ?- 什么呢?E�e0h;S A: The third item has been omitted . :第三项目漏掉了。�N� B:Oh,yes .we don't carry that item anymore.哦,是的,那一项目我们不再卖了。;�u ^)F�H�r�h�U� 73) A: What is the deadline for submitting the quotation ?6 报价截止日是哪一天?? B: We need it in our office by next Monday . 下星期一以前要送到我们公司。 A: I think we'll able to make that .- 我想没问题。\m�^0[1T B: Good .we can't extend the deadline .0] 那好,我们可不能延期的。 74) G�f3S A: We'd like a chance to bid on this business. 我们希望能有机会投标这笔生意。 B: We'll be taking quotations next month . 我们将在下个月接受报价。 A: Will you let us have the specifications ? 规格说明书可以给我们吗。 B: Sure ,just drop in my office some time and pick them up .!没问题,什么时候到我办公室来拿都可以。 75)* A: Can you tell me why our bid was not accepted?� 请告诉我为什么我们没有得标好吗? B: I think you were a little too high on some of the items .我想你们有几个项目的价格高了一点。{ A: On which ones ?b 哪几个品目呢,bs.cnexp.net+`9C&s�B�F�~%] B: You're perfectly welcome to inspect the winning bid .� 我们很欢迎你来查阅得标者。 u/w 76) A: Was our bid accepted ? 我们得标了吗? �e�{ lB: No ,I 'm sorry .it wasn't . 抱歉,没有。 A: Can you tell me why ?精能告诉我什么原因吗?英外贸论坛�x�y�D�F'E�w�^�T B: Sorry ,but I'm not at liberty to reveal that information.. 对不起,我示能随意泄露情报。~�_ 77) A: Congratulations ! your bid has won . 恭喜!你得标了。 B: I'm glad to hear that . 真是好消息, A: When can you come around to discuss some details with us ?什么时候可以过来和我们讨论 细节呢? B: I'll be there next Monday at noon .� 下个星期一中午吧。u�]6t*K+U�Q j�s 78) A: What is your best price on this item ? 此一品目的最低价是多少? B: $24.95 per hundred pieces 一百个美金二十四块九毛五。 A: That will be fine with us . 这价钱还可以。 B: Fine . I'll start the paperwork for your order right away . 好啊,那我立刻就为你们的订单作准备了。 79) A: Can we expect the same price as last time ? 价钱能够和上次的一样吗?�a7T"E�Q�B�m B: Oh ,yes ,no problem about that. 哦,可以。没问题的。M�I�C A: Good ,we'll be ordering in just a few days. 很好,两三天内我们就会下订单。 80) A: This price is quite a bit higher than it was last time . 这次的价格比上次要贵了一些。 B: We're sorry ,but we 've had a slight price increase here . 真抱歉,不过我们出只涨了一点点而已。 A: Slight ?I wouldn't call this slight . 一点点?这叫一点点?! B: We've had to increase our prices on this item by just 8%.这一种我们不得已也只加了 8%而已。 81) A: We think the price in item number five is too high . 第五项我们认为价钱太高了。b�d$` B: That's about the best we can do on that .* 那差不多是我们所能开出的最低价了。 A: We'll have to talk it over some more . 这个我们还得再谈一谈。精英外贸论坛-Q B: Let's see if we can work it out to your satisfaction . 我来看看是否有什么办法能让你满意精英 82)bbs.cnexp.net A: I'm sorry ,but we have a problem here . 对不起,我们有困难。 B: What is it ?精什么困难。 A: We can't handle these price increase of yours . 我们没办法接受你们提高价钱。 B: Let's talk about it some more .� 我们再谈吧。p-D6`�L-QE�x 83) A: Are these new prices acceptable ,then? 那么,这些新价格可以接受吧?bbs.cnexp.net4B*pa B: I'll have to check with my boss. 我得和老板先谈谈。精英外贸论坛 6r2a A: I'm sure you'll find that we are very competitive now .我敢说你们一定会发现,我们现在的价钱 是不怕别人竞争的。 B: I'll let you know as soon as I get an answer . 我一有消息就立刻通知你。 84) A: I don't think we'll be able to pay these price. 这种价钱我们恐怕没办法接受。 B: We may be able to work out a better deal for you . 我们也许可以想出一个对你有利的办法。 A: Such as ?精譬如说什么?英外贸论坛�S�B x8f-_+q'f�p9H�K B: We can give you a discount if you order for immediate shipment .如果你的订单是马上出货的 话,我们可以打折。 85) A: We're not going to be able to get together on price . 在价格上我们的看法似乎无法一致。 B: Why not ?+ 怎么会呢?f�e A: Your bid is much higher than your competitor's . 你们的价钱比起其他公司高出太多了。 B: I'll check back with by head office for you . 这个我回头会跟总公司查核一下。 86) A: I've got good news .* 我有好消息告诉你。N� k _ B: What is it ?精什么好消息?英外贸论 A: The head office agreed to the lower price you asked for . 总公司已同意你要求的较低价格。 B: Good .now we can go ahead and write up the order . 好极了,现在我们可以准备下单了。精 87)精英外贸论坛"G�N9p'e*o�a7Z0i�U P A: What are your discount terms ?折扣的条件是什么? B: We give a 2% discount for cash . 付现的话折扣 2%。 A: Is that all ?� 只能这样吗?MB: Yes ,that is the best we can do .G 是的,这是我们的最低价了。 88) G-K�A u A: What are your discount terms ?� 你们的折扣条件如何? B: 2-10-net-30 . 2-10-net -30�2V5W� Q A: Let 's see ,that means a 2% discount if paid within ten days 哦。那是说如果 10 天内付款,有 2% 的折扣。V B: Yes , and full payment is due within 30 days., 是的,如果在 30 天骨付款就没有折扣。 89) A: I'm glad that you could see me today .� 真高兴你今天能来。 B: Yes ,we only have one more item to take care of . 是啊,要谈的只剩下一项而已了。 A: That's right .we have to work out the final price . 是的,我们得把最后的价格敲定。
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