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【英文原版】谁主宰着美国 Who Rules America

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【英文原版】谁主宰着美国 Who Rules America Who Rules America? A R E S E A R C H R E P O R T You already know that the news and entertainment media are biased. Now you will find out why they are biased. Updated November 2004. Copyright ©2004 by National Vanguard Books 2 T HERE IS NO GREATER POW...
【英文原版】谁主宰着美国 Who Rules America
Who Rules America? A R E S E A R C H R E P O R T You already know that the news and entertainment media are biased. Now you will find out why they are biased. Updated November 2004. Copyright ©2004 by National Vanguard Books 2 T HERE IS NO GREATER POWER in the world today than that wielded by the manipulators of public opinion in America. No king or pope of old, no conquering general or high priest ever disposed of a power even remotely approach- ing that of the few dozen men who control America’s mass media of news and entertainment. Their power is not distant and impersonal; it reaches into every home in America, and it works its will during nearly every waking hour. It is the power that shapes and molds the mind of virtually every citizen, young or old, rich or poor, simple or sophisticated. The mass media form for us our image of the world and then tell us what to think about that image. Essentially ev- erything we know—or think we know—about events out- side our own neighborhood or circle of acquaintances comes to us via our daily newspaper, our weekly news magazine, our radio, or our television. It is not just the heavy-handed suppression of certain news stories from our newspapers or the blatant propagan- dizing of history-distorting TV “docudramas” that charac- terizes the opinion-manipulating techniques of the media masters. They exercise both subtlety and thoroughness in their management of the news and the entertainment that they present to us. For example, the way in which the news is covered: which items are emphasized and which are played down; the reporter’s choice of words, tone of voice, and facial ex- pressions; the wording of headlines; the choice of illustra- tions—all of these things subliminally and yet profoundly affect the way in which we interpret what we see or hear. On top of this, of course, the columnists and editors remove any remaining doubt from our minds as to just what we are to think about it all. Employing carefully developed psychological techniques, they guide our thought and opinion so that we can be in tune with the “in” crowd, the “beautiful people,” the “smart money.” They let us know exactly what our attitudes should be toward various types of people and behavior by placing those people or that behavior in the context of a TV drama or situation comedy and having the other TV characters react in the Politically Correct way. Molding American Minds For example, a racially mixed couple will be respected, liked, and socially sought after by other characters, as will a “take charge” Black scholar or businessman, or a sensi- tive and talented homosexual, or a poor but honest and hardworking illegal alien from Mexico. On the other hand, a White racist—that is, any racially conscious White per- son who looks askance at miscegenation or at the rapidly darkening racial situation in America—is portrayed, at best, as a despicable bigot who is reviled by the other characters, or, at worst, as a dangerous psychopath who is fascinated by firearms and is a menace to all law-abiding citizens. The White racist “gun nut,” in fact, has become a familiar stereotype on TV shows. The average American, of whose daily life TV-watch- ing takes such an unhealthy portion, distinguishes between these fictional situations and reality only with difficulty, if at all. He responds to the televised actions, statements, and attitudes of TV actors much as he does to his own peers in real life. For all too many Americans the real world has been replaced by the false reality of the TV environment, and it is to this false reality that his urge to conform re- sponds. Thus, when a TV scriptwriter expresses approval of some ideas and actions through the TV characters for whom he is writing, and disapproval of others, he exerts a powerful pressure on millions of viewers toward confor- mity with his own views. And as it is with TV entertainment, so it is also with the news, whether televised or printed. The insidious thing about this form of thought control is that even when we realize that entertainment or news is biased, the media masters still are able to manipulate most of us. This is because they not only slant what they present, but also they establish tacit boundaries and ground rules for the permissible spectrum of opinion. As an example, consider the media treatment of Middle East news. Some editors or commentators are slavishly pro- Israel in their every utterance, while others seem nearly neu- tral. No one, however, dares suggest that the U.S. government is backing the wrong side in the Arab-Jewish conflict, or that 9-11 was a result of that support. Nor does anyone dare suggest that it served Jewish interests, rather than American interests, to send U.S. forces to cripple Iraq, Israel’s principal rival in the Middle East. Thus, a spectrum of permissible opinion, from pro-Israel to nearly neutral, is established. Another example is the media treatment of racial issues in the United States. Some commentators seem almost dis- passionate in reporting news of racial strife, while others are emotionally partisan—with the partisanship always on the non-White side. All of the media spokesmen without exception, however, take the position that “multiculturalism” and racial mixing are here to stay and that they are good things. Who Rules America? by the research staff of National Vanguard Books 3 Because there are differences in degree, however, most Americans fail to realize that they are being ma- nipulated. Even the citizen who complains about “managed news” falls into the trap of thinking that because he is presented with an ap- parent spectrum of opinion he can escape the thought controllers’ in- fluence by believing the editor or commentator of his choice. It’s a “heads I win, tails you lose” situa- tion. Every point on the permissible spectrum of public opinion is accept- able to the media masters—and no impermissible fact or viewpoint is allowed any exposure at all, if they can prevent it. The control of the opinion-mold- ing media is nearly monolithic. All of the controlled media—television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, motion pictures— speak with a single voice, each reinforcing the other. De- spite the appearance of variety, there is no real dissent, no alternative source of facts or ideas accessible to the great mass of people that might allow them to form opinions at odds with those of the media masters. They are presented with a single view of the world—a world in which every voice proclaims the equality of the races, the inerrant na- ture of the Jewish “Holocaust” tale, the wickedness of at- tempting to halt the flood of non-White aliens pouring across our borders, the danger of permitting citizens to keep and bear arms, the moral equivalence of all sexual orientations, and the desirability of a “pluralistic,” cosmopolitan society rather than a homogeneous, White one. It is a view of the world designed by the media masters to suit their own ends— and the pressure to conform to that view is overwhelming. People adapt their opinions to it, vote in accord with it, and shape their lives to fit it. And who are these all-powerful masters of the media? As we shall see, to a very large extent they are Jews. It isn’t simply a matter of the media being controlled by profit- hungry capitalists, some of whom happen to be Jews. If that were the case, the ethnicity of the media masters would reflect, at least approximately, the ratio of rich Gentiles to rich Jews. Despite a few prominent exceptions, the prepon- derance of Jews in the media is so overwhelming that we are obliged to assume that it is due to more than mere hap- penstance. Electronic News and Entertainment Media Continuing government deregulation of the telecom- munications industry has resulted, not in the touted in- crease of competition, but rather in an accelerating wave of corporate mergers and acquisi- tions that have produced a handful of multi-billion-dollar media con- glomerates. The largest of these conglomerates are rapidly growing even bigger by consuming their competition, almost tripling in size during the 1990s. Whenever you watch television, whether from a local broadcasting station or via cable or a satellite dish; whenever you see a feature film in a theater or at home; whenever you listen to the radio or to recorded music; whenever you read a newspaper, book, or magazine—it is very likely that the information or en- tertainment you receive was pro- duced and/or distributed by one of these megamedia companies: Time Warner. The largest me- dia conglomerate today is Time Warner (briefly called AOL- Time Warner; the AOL was dropped from the name when accounting practices at the AOL division were questioned by government investigators), which reached its current form when America Online bought Time Warner for $160 billion in 2000. The combined company had revenue of $39.5 bil- lion in 2003. The merger brought together Steve Case, a Gentile, as chairman of AOL-Time Warner, and Gerald Levin, a Jew, as the CEO. Warner, founded by the Jewish Warner brothers in the early part of the last century, rapidly became part of the Jewish power base in Hollywood, a fact so well-known that it is openly admitted by Jewish authors, as is the fact that each new media acquisition becomes domi- nated by Jews in turn: Speaking of the initial merger of Time, Inc. with Warner, Jewish writer Michael Wolff said in New York magazine in 2001 “since Time Inc.’s merger with Warner ten years ago, one of the interesting transitions is that it has become a Jewish company.” (“From AOL to W,” New York magazine, January 29, 2001) The third most powerful man at AOL-Time Warner, at least on paper, was Vice Chairman Ted Turner, a White Gentile. Turner had traded his Turner Broadcasting Sys- tem, which included CNN, to Time Warner in 1996 for a large block of Time Warner shares. By April 2001 Levin had effectively fired Ted Turner, eliminating him from any real power. However, Turner remained a very large and outspoken shareholder and member of the board of directors. Levin overplayed his hand, and in a May 2002 show- down, he was fired by the company’s board. For Ted Turner, who had lost $7 billion of his $9 billion due to Levin’s mis- management, it was small solace. Turner remains an out- sider with no control over the inner workings of the company. Peter Chernin of Fox: Without the cheerleading of Fox News, the Iraq War would have been a much harder sell to the American people. 4 Also under pressure, Steve Case resigned effective in May 2003. The board replaced both Levin and Case with a Black, Richard Parsons. Behind Parsons the Jewish influence and power remains dominant. AOL is the largest Internet service provider in the world, with 34 million U.S. subscribers. It is now being used as an online platform for the Jewish content from Time Warner. Jodi Kahn and Meg Siesfeld, both Jews, lead the Time Inc. Interactive team under executive edi- tor Ned Desmond, a White Gentile. All three report to Time Inc. editor-in-chief Norman Pearlstine, a Jew. Their job is to transfer Time Warner’s content to target spe- cific segments of America Online’s audience, especially women, children, and teens. Time Warner was already the second largest of the international media leviathans when it merged with AOL. Time Warner’s subsidiary HBO (26 million subscribers) is the nation’s largest pay-TV cable network. HBO’s “competitor” Cinemax is another of Time Warner’s many cable ventures. Until the purchase in May 1998 of PolyGram by Jew- ish billionaire Edgar Bronfman, Jr., Warner Music was America’s largest record company, with 50 labels. Warner Music was an early promoter of “gangsta rap.” Through WHEN TED TURNER, the Gentile media maverick (pictured, top), made a bid to buy CBS in 1985, there was panic in the media boardrooms across the country. Turner had made a fortune in advertising and then built a successful cable-TV news network, CNN, with over 70 million subscribers. Although Turner had never taken a stand contrary to Jewish in- terests, he was regarded by William Paley and the other Jews at CBS as uncontrollable: a loose cannon who might at some time in the future turn against them. Furthermore, Jewish newsman Daniel Schorr, who had worked for Turner, publicly charged that his former boss held a personal dislike for Jews. To block Turner’s bid, CBS executives invited billionaire Jewish theater, hotel, insurance, and cigarette magnate Laurence Tisch to launch a “friendly” takeover of CBS. From 1986 to 1995 Tisch was the chairman and CEO of CBS, removing any threat of non-Jewish influence there. Subsequent efforts by Ted Turner to acquire CBS were obstructed by Gerald Levin’s (pictured, bottom) Time Warner, which owned nearly 20 percent of CBS stock and had veto power over major deals. But when his fellow Jew Sumner Redstone offered to buy CBS for $34.8 billion in 1999, Levin had no objections. Thus, despite being an innovator and garnering headlines, Turner never commanded the “connections” necessary for being a media master. He finally decided if you can’t lick ’em, join ’em, and he sold out to Levin’s Time Warner. Ted Turner summed it up: “I’ve had an incredible life for the most part. I made a lot of smart moves, and I made a lot of money. Then something happened, and I merged with Time Warner, which looked like the right thing to do at the time. And it was good for shareholders. “But then I lost control. I thought I would have enough moral authority to have all the influence in the new company. If you go into business, be very careful with whom you merge. “I thought I was buying Time Warner, but they were buying me. We had kind of a difference in viewpoint. Then they merged with AOL, and that was a complete disaster, at least so far. I have lost 85 percent of my wealth.” “Be very careful with whom you merge.” Ted Turner’s Lesson: 5 its involvement with Interscope Records (prior to Interscope’s ac- quisition by another Jewish-owned media firm), it helped to popular- ize a genre whose graphic lyrics explicitly urge Blacks to commit acts of violence against Whites. Bronfman purchased Warner Mu- sic in 2004, keeping it solidly in Jewish hands. In addition to cable and music, Time Warner is heavily involved in the production of feature films (Warner Brothers Studio, Castle Rock Entertainment, and New Line Cinema). Time Warner’s publishing division is managed by its editor-in- chief, Norman Pearlstine, a Jew. He controls 50 magazines including Time, Life, Sports Illustrated, and People. Book publishing ventures in- clude Time-Life Books, Book-of-the- Month Club, Little Brown, and many others. Time Warner also owns Shoutcast and Winamp, the very tools that most independent Internet radio broadcasters rely on, and, as a domi- nant player in the Recording Indus- try Association of America (RIAA), was essentially “negotiating” with it- self when Internet radio music roy- alty rules were set that strongly favored large content providers and forced many small broadcasters into silence. (The Register, “AOL Time Warner takes grip of net radio,” 8th April 2003) Disney. The second-largest media conglomerate today, with 2003 revenues of $27.1 billion, is the Walt Disney Company. Its leading personality and CEO, Michael Eisner, is a Jew. The Disney empire, headed by a man described by one media analyst as a “control freak,” includes several televi- sion production companies (Walt Disney Television, Touch- stone Television, Buena Vista Television) and cable networks with more than 100 million subscribers altogether. As for feature films, the Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group includes Walt Disney Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, Holly- wood Pictures, and Caravan Pictures. Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Jewish Weinstein brothers, Bob and Harvey, who have produced such ultra-raunchy movies as The Crying Game, Priest, and Kids. When the Disney Company was run by the Gentile Disney family prior to its takeover by Eisner in 1984, it epitomized wholesome family en- tertainment. While it still holds the rights to Snow White, the company under Eisner has expanded into the production of a great deal of so- called “adult” material. In August 1995, Eisner acquired Capital Cities/ABC, Inc., which owns the ABC television network, which in turn owns ten TV stations outright in such big markets as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Hous- ton. In addition, in the United States ABC has 225 affiliated TV stations, over 2,900 affiliated radio stations and produces over 7,200 radio pro- grams. ABC owns 54 radio stations and operates 57 radio stations, many in major cities such as New York, Washington, and Los Ange- les. Radio Disney, part of ABC Radio Networks, provides pro- gramming targeting children. Sports network ESPN, an ABC cable subsidiary, is headed by Presi- dent and CEO George W. Bodenheimer, who is a Jew. The corporation also controls the Disney Channel, Toon Disney, A&E, Life- time Television, SOAPnet and the History Channel, with between 86 and 88 million subscribers each. The ABC Family television network has 84 million subscribers and, in addition to broadcasting entertain- ment (some of it quite raunchy for a “family” channel), is also the network outlet for Chris- tian Zionist TV evangelist Pat Robertson. Although primarily a telecommunications company, ABC/Disney earns over $1 billion in publishing, owning Walt Disney Company Book Publishing, Hyperion Books, and Miramax Books. It also owns six daily newspapers and publishes over 20 magazines. Disney Publishing Worldwide publishes books and magazines in 55 lan- guages in 74 countries, reaching more than 100 million readers each month On the Internet, Disney runs Buena Vista Internet Group, ABC Internet Group, ABC.com, ABCNEWS.com, Oscar.com, Mr. Showbiz, Disney Online, Disney’s Daily Blast, Disney.com, Family.com, ESPN Internet Group, ESPN.sportzone.com, Soccernet.com, NFL.com, NBA.com, Infoseek (partial ownership), and Disney In- teractive. Time Warner’s Norman Pearlstine: He controls 50 popular magazines. Disney CEO Michael Eisner: Subverting the Disney legacy. 6 Viacom. Number three on the list, with 2003 revenues of just over $26.5 billion, is Viacom, Inc., headed by Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein), a Jew. Melvin A. Karmazin, another Jew, was num- ber two at Viacom until June 2004, holding the positions of president and chief operating officer. Karmazin remains a large Viacom shareholder. Replacing Karmazin as co-presidents and co-COOs are a Jew, Leslie Moonves, and Tom Freston, a possible Jew. (We have been unable to confirm Freston’s Jewish ancestry; he has done work for Jewish organizations and was involved in the garment trade, a heavily Jewish industry, importing clothing from the Third World to the U.S. in the 1970s.) Viacom produces and distrib- utes TV programs for the three largest networks, owns 39 televi- sion stations outright with another 200 affiliates in its wholly-owned CBS Television Network, owns 185 radio stations in its Infinity radio group, and has over 1,500 affiliated stations through its CBS Radio Network. It produces fea- ture films through Paramount Pic- tures, headed by Jewess Sherry Lansing (born Sherry Lee Heimann), who is planning to re- tire at the end of 2005. Viacom was formed in 1971 as a way to dodge an anti-monopoly FCC ruling that required CBS to spin off a part of its cable TV op- erations and syndicated program- ming b
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