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湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 综合英语三

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湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 综合英语三湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 综合英语三 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第1页 授课 授课 课 题 Unit 1 My Father 8 Lecture 时数 类型 1. To understand the different values different people hold and the generation gap 教 学 2. To learn some vocabulary in the text 目 的 3. To contrast uncountable mass nouns with rel...
湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 综合英语三
湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 综合英语三 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第1页 授课 授课 课 题 Unit 1 My Father 8 Lecture 时数 类型 1. To understand the different values different people hold and the generation gap 教 学 2. To learn some vocabulary in the text 目 的 3. To contrast uncountable mass nouns with related countable nouns 1. To have a good mastery of the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 教 学 2. To understand the different values different people hold and the generation gap 重 点 3. To understand the various writing techniques employed by the writer 1. To master the expressions for describing personality, personal appearance and managing 教 学 relationships 难 点 2. To understand some complicated sentences and expressions 3. Summarize the text 主1. easy to get along/on with 2. vain 3. unapproachable 4.easy-going 要5. keep oneself to oneself 6. be out of touch with 7. slightly 8. come first ,9. be off somewhere doing something 10. rehearse 11. autograph 知 识12. be proud of something 13. incredibly 14. show off 15. MBE ,16. be please to do something 17. let somebody down 18. settle down 语19. not see much of somebody 20. in the wrong/right clothes 21. humble 言 点 22. ideal 23. be opposed to 24. break up 附 记 Periods 1-2 或 Teaching Materials: Part 1 Listening & Speaking Activities 教学说明 Teaching Steps: Step 1 Leading in 教 Ask several Ss to talk about their summer vacation. Lead them to the topic of this unit. 学 Step 2 Presentation: Brainstorming 过 1. Introduce the five tasks on the board and explain the meanings of each category with exemplary words and expressions. 程 2. Have the Ss work in pairs or groups to complete the five tasks.(to think out five expressions for each category) ,3. Have three or four Ss present their work on the board. 学4. Comment on and add selectively new words or expressions to their lists by 时using the vocabulary for reference. 分1) Adjectives for describing personality/character: 配 Positive adjectives: easy-going, honest, open-minded, humorous, , interesting, peasant, pleasurable, frank, sympathetic, helpful, loyal 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第2页 Negative adjectives: arrogant, dishonest, difficult, narrow-minded, boring, loathsome, unpleasant, selfish, rude, cowardly Neutral adjectives: complicated, reserved, silent, quiet, talkative, sophisticated, ambitious, aggressive, timid, impulsive, sociable/unsociable 2) Expressions for personal appearance/one’s looks (most of these expressions describe the physical features of a person): Size: thin, skinny, slim, slender, big, large, small, little, stout, plump, fat, 教 robust, athletic, muscular Age: old, young, look old/young, doesn’t look one’s age, youngish, elderly, 学 middle-aged, in one’s thirties/forties… Resemblance: look like somebody, resemble, take after somebody, have 过 someone’s eye’s/nose/hair… 3) Expressions for likes and dislikes: 程 love, like, enjoy, be crazy/mad about, be keen on, be interested in dislike, feel sick about, hate, be indifferent to, don’t care for, be disgusted ,with 学4) Expressions for managing relationships: 时Improving relations: get along with, have a good or friendly relationship 分with, be on good terms with, live happily with, be kind/nice/agreeable to, 配 compliment, praise, appreciate one’s help/advice , Hurting relations: laugh at, criticize, ridicule, quarrel with, split with, break up with, look down upon, interfere with one’s affairs, have a bad relationship with, there is bad blood between…and…, be difficult/hard on somebody Neutral: cope with, keep in touch with, be in/out of contact with 5) Expressions for people we know or meet : friends, strangers, acquaintances, colleagues, classmates, schoolmates, roommates, fellow students, fellow workers, neighbors, alumnus (pl. alumni) employer—employee, superior—inferior/subordinate, teacher—student, doctor—patient, salesman—customer, etc. 5. Have the Ss classify these expressions. Step 3 Practice: Listening 1. Introduce the following questions as a pre-listening activity. Have you any brothers or sisters? How are you getting on? Are you afraid of him? 2. Discuss the meaning of some terms in the listening. (to refer to P4 in the Teacher’s Book) 3. Play the tape and ask Ss to answer the questions. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第3页 Step 4 Consolidation: Speaking. 1. Ask Ss to talk about the topic with the help of Part A and Part B. 2. Ask several pairs to present their dialogue. Step 5 Homework 1. Ask Ss to talk about Part C with their partners. 2. Preview the text in P2. Periods 3-4 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension and Language Activities(Para1-3) Teaching Steps: Step 1 Leading in: Introduce the text by asking and talking about the following questions: 1. Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? 2. List at least three things that show the differences between you and your parents. 3. How can you bridge the gap between you and your parents? Step 2 Practice: Ask Ss to listen to the tape of the text, after listening, analyze the structure of the text. Part 1 (Para.1—Para.2): The narrator describes her father’s character, which is completely different from hers. Part 2 (Para.3—Para.6): The narrator tells the reader that she and her father have different interests. Step 3 Presentation: Go through the text. Explain some Language Points and difficult sentences. Language Points Part 1 I. Listen to this part, and then ask students to answer Questions 1—4. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following words. 1. get on/along with sb | get on/along (together): to have a friendly relationship with sb(与某人)和睦相处,关系良好 e.g. He’s never really got on with his brother. 他从未与哥哥真正和睦 相处过。 We get along just fine together. 我们相处得很融洽。 They two have never really got on. 她俩一直合不来。 My grandfather is very easy to get on with. 我的爷爷非常随和。 2. vain: adj. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第4页 1) (disapproving) too proud of your own appearance, abilities or achievements 自负的;自视过高的 SYN conceited e.g. She’s too vain to wear glasses. 她太爱虚荣,不肯戴眼睛。 2) that does not produce the result you want 徒劳的;枉然的;无结果 的 SYN useless e.g. She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears. 他紧闭双眼,却无法忍住眼泪。 IDM in vain: without success 枉费心机;徒劳无益;白费力气 e.g. All our efforts were in vain. 我们的所有努力都付诸东流了。. 3. unapproachable: adj. (of a person) unfriendly and not easy to talk to 不 友好的;难接近的;不好说话的 OPP approachable 4. easy-going: adj. relaxed and happy to accept things without worrying or getting angry 悠闲的;随和的;不慌忙的 e.g. I wish I had such easy-going parents! 我要是有这么随和的父母 多好啊~ 5. keep (oneself) to oneself: to avoid meeting people socially or becoming involved in their affairs 离群索居;不与人往来;不管别人的事 e.g. Nobody knows much about him; he keeps himself very much to himself. keep sth to oneself: to not tell other people about sth 把…秘而不宣;不 将…说出去 6. be out of touch (with sb): to no longer communicate with sb, so that you no longer know what is happening to them 失去联系;不再了解(某人 的)情况 be, get, keep, etc. in touch (with sb):(与…)有(或进行、保持等) 联系 be, keep, etc. in touch (with sth): to know what is happening in a particular subject or area 了解(某课题或某领域的情况) be, become, etc. out of touch (with sth): 不再了解,不懂得(某课题 或领域的情况) 7. come first: to be considered more important than anything else 首要;第 一;首先要考虑的 e.g. In any decision she makes, her family always comes first. 8. rehearse: v. 1) to practise or make people practise a play, piece of music, etc. in preparation for a public performance 排练;排演 e.g. We were given only two weeks to rehearse. We’ll just be rehearsing the final scene. 我们只排演最后一幕。 2) to prepare in your mind or practise privately what you are going to do or say to sb 默诵;背诵;默默地练习 e.g. She walked along rehearsing her excuse for being late. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第5页 9. autograph: n. a famous person’s signature, especially when sb asks them to write it (名人的)亲笔签名 e.g. Could I have your autograph? v. (of a famous person)to sign your name on sth for sb to keep (在…上)签名 10. be proud of sb/sth | be proud to do sth | be proud that…: feeling pleased and satisfied about sth that you own or have done, or are connected with 骄傲的;自豪的;得意的;满足的 e.g. Your achievements are something to beproud of. She was proud that her daughter had so much talent. 11. incredibly: adv. 1) extremely e.g. incredibly lucky/stupid/difficult/beautiful 2) in a way that is very difficult to believe 令人难以置信 incredible: adj. 1) extremely good or extremely large 极好的;极大的 2) impossible or very difficult to believe 不能相信的;难以置信的 12(show off: (informal, disapproving) to try to impress others by talking abut your abilities, possessions, etc. 炫耀自己;卖弄自己 e.g. He’s just showing off because that girl he likes is here. show sb/sth off : 1) to show people sb/sth that you are proud of 炫耀; 卖弄;显示 2)(of clothing 服装)to make sb look attractive, by showing their best features使显得漂亮;使夺目;衬托 e.g. a dress that shows off her figure 衬托出她优美身材的连衣裙 Para 3 I(Listen to this paragraph, and then ask students to answer Questions 5&6. II(Ask some Ss to explain the following words and expressions. 13. be pleased to do sth: happy or willing to do sth 高兴,乐于(做某事) e.g. I was pleased to hear you’ve been promoted. 14. let sb down: to fail to help or support sb as they had hoped or expected 不能帮助,不能支持(某人);使失望 e.g. I’m afraid she let us down badly. let sb/sth down: to make sb/sth less successful than they/it should be (使) 略逊一筹,美中不足 e.g. She speaks French very fluently, but her pronunciation lets her down. 她法语讲得很流利,但美中不足的是发音不大好。 15. settle down: 1) to start to have a quieter way of life, living in one place (在某地)定居下来,过安定的生活 e.g. When are you going to married and settle down? 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第6页 2) to get into a comfortable position, either sitting or lying 舒适地坐下(或躺下) e.g. I settled down with a book. 我手拿一本书,舒舒服服地坐下。 settle down |settle sb down: to become or make sb become calm, less excited, etc.(使某人)安静下来,平静下来 settle (down) to sth: to begin to give your attention to sth 开始认真对 待;定下心来做 settle in | settle into sth: to move into a new home, job, etc. and start to feel comfortable there 安顿下来;习惯于(新居);适应(新工作) e.g. How are the kids settling into their new school? 孩子们在新学 校习惯了吗, III(Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of this paragraph. Step 4 Homework Ask Ss to finish the language work from Page 6-7. Periods 5-6 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension and Language Activities(Para4-6)& Language work Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision Ask Ss to listen to the passage from Para1 to Para 3 and then summarize the main idea. Step 2 Presentation I(Listen to this part, and then ask students to answer Questions 7—10. II(Ask some Ss to explain the following words. 16(ideal: adj. 1) ideal (for sth): perfect; most suitable 完美的;理想的;最 合适的 2) [only before noun]existing only in your imagination or as an idea; not likely to be real 想象的;不切实际的 e.g. In an ideal world there would be no poverty and disease. 在理 想的世界里将没有贫穷和疾病。 n. [C] an idea or standard that seems perfect, and worth trying to achieve or obtain 理想;看似完美的思想(或) e.g. political ideals 政治 理想 [C, usually sing. ] ideal (of sth): a person or thing that you think is perfect 完美的人(或事物) e.g. It’s my ideal of what a family home should be. 这是我心目中完美的家庭住宅。 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第7页 17. be opposed to: disagreeing strongly with sth and trying to stop it 强烈反 对 e.g. She seems very much opposed to your going abroad. 18. break up (with sb): end a relationship with sb 与某人绝交 e.g. She’s just broken up with her boyfriend. break with sth: give up sth; abandon sth 与某事物决裂; 放弃某物 e.g. break with tradition, the past 与传统、过去决裂 19. humble: adj. 1) having a low rank or social position (级别或地位)低下 的,卑微的 e.g. a man of humble birth/origins a humble occupation卑下 职业 2) showing you do not think that you are as important as other people 谦逊的;虚心的 e.g. Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes. 要虚心地从 自己的错误中。 v. 1) to make sb feel that they are not as good or important as they thought they were 贬低;使感到卑微 e.g. He was humbled by his action. 2) to easily defeat an opponent, especially a strong or powerful one 轻松打败(尤指强大的对手) e.g. The world champion was humbled last night in three rounds. 这位世界冠军昨晚三个回合就被轻松击败。 III(Difficult sentence 1. I didn’t want to go there in the first place: I had no intention to go there from the very beginning. part in (an Activity or a situation) 使某人/某事 参与某活动或陷入某情况 e.g. Many innocent people were involved in the event.许多无辜者被 卷入该事件中。 2. As a family, we’re not that close. : The word that in the sentence is an adverb to emphasize the degree of a feeling or quality. IV(Cultural Background 1. Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫CF. the White House It’s the place where the Queen lives and works. The governmental system of the UK is the monarchy. The supreme ruler is the monarch, i.e. the queen. No. 10 Downing Street It’s the prime minister’s residence where he works and lives. 2. Public school In the UK, the public school are in fact independent school (or private 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第8页 school. They are so called because they were originally seen as ―public‖ alternative to have private tutors in rich families). Parents choose to pay fees in order to send their children to those schools because the quality of education is such that their children have a better chance of getting into good universities or/ and getting better jobs when they leave school. V(Feature of the passage 1. The passage used several ―must‖ and ―can’t‖ to express guess. 2. It’s written from a personal viewpoint. It’s a daughter’s view on he relationship with her father. Probably, others may have different, even opposite views on the same facts. Step 3 Practice Ask students to think about the main idea of the text. Summary of the text: In the article, the narrator presents her personal impression about her father from two perspectives: first, she describes her father’s character, which is completely different from hers; second, she tells the reader that her father have different interests. So, they are not very close. Step 4 Consolidation: Language work A. Check Part A with the students. B. For Part B, ask Ss one by one to recall the meaning and usage of each expression first, and then rewrite the sentences with the expressions. Step 5 Homework 1. Prepare a retelling of the text, tell them they can use the key points on P6 as guidelines. 2. Ask Ss to finish the Grammar work, Vocabulary work and Translation from P10-12. Periods 7-8 Teaching Materials: Language work & Extended Activities Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision: Ask Ss to retell the text using the key words on P6. 1. Give Ss 3 minutes to retell the story first to their partners. 2. Choose one or two Ss to present their retelling to the class. 3. Take notes of the Ss’s presentations. 4. Comment on the Ss’s work- both on the content and the language. Correct their language errors, if any. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第9页 Step 2 Practice: 1. Have a dictation on P8. 1) Read the passage at normal speed once. 2) Have one student retell what he/she Hs heard to ensure that the Ss have grasped the main idea. 3) Read the text slowly and have the students take down the passage. 4) Ask a student to read his/her dictation to the class to check the diction, have the Ss correct their errors, if any. 2. Language work A. Check Part A with the students. B. Check Part B by asking Ss one by one to read the sentences. C. Ask Ss one by one to recall the meaning and usage of each expression first, and then rewrite a given sentence with the expression. 3. Grammar work Ask Ss to pay special attention to the differences between countable nouns and uncountable nouns. A. Ask Ss to differentiate each group of nouns B. Ask Ss to finish the sentences in each group C. Give some comments to Ss’s performance. 4. Vocabulary work A. Ask Ss to explain the choices one by one. B. Give some comments to Ss’s performance. Step 3 Presentation: Read More 1. Have the Ss read the passage before class. 2. Ask one or two Ss to summarize the story in on more than five sentences. 3. Advise the Ss to draft the summary first on paper. 4. Check the answer to True or false on P12. 5. Explain some language points. 1. tell sb off (for sth./doing sth.): (informal) scold or reprimand sb 斥责或 责骂某人 e.g.: The teacher told him off for not doing his homework. 2. pull string/wires (for sb): (informal) use influential friends, indirect pressure, etc. in order to obtain an advantage (for sb) 凭借私人关系、 间接压力等(为某人)谋取好处;走后门 e.g.: His uncle pulled a few string to get him into that university. 3. to somebody’s liking: giving sb satisfaction: Pleasing sb 合某人意;讨某人喜欢 e.g.: I trust the music was to your liking. 4. bits and pieces; bits and bobs: (informal) small objects or items of 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第10页 various kinds 各种各样的小零碎儿 e.g. My daughter always has a lot of bits and pieces in her coat pocket. Step 4 Consolidation: Translation 1. Have the Ss work in pairs first to check each other’s work. 2. Assign a few Ss to write their translations on the blackboard. 3. Comment on the Ss’s work and correct errors, if any. Step 5 Homework Ask Ss to finish the given out-of-class exercises. 教 学 后 记 备课时间: 年 月 日 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第11页 授课 授课 课 题 Unit 2 Why My Great-uncle Gave Up the Ministry 8 Lecture 时数 类型 1. To learn to describe people and their behavior 教 学 2. To learn some vocabulary in the text 目 的 3. To know how to expand a sentence with infinitive to- structure and the structure for (doing ) something expressing “purpose” 教 学 1. To have a good mastery of the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 重 点 2. To master the ways to describe people and their behavior 1. To comprehend the whole text and complex sentences 教 学 2. To understand the cultural background 难 点 3. To summarize the text 主 要 ,concern, jolly, beloved, clumsy, pastoral, inadvertently, underneath, panic, slip, devastated, 知bring oneself to do sth, resolve to, unburden, retire, knock over, assume, grope, in search for, 识retrace one’s steps, crisp, smudge, mount, fixture, rip…from, topple, clutch, rise to one’s feet, , 语demolish, reverence 言 点 附 记 Periods 1-2 或 Teaching Materials: Part 1 Listening & Speaking Activities 教学说明 Teaching Steps: Step 1 Leading in 教 Ask several Ss to talk about their impressions of some people. Lead them to the topic of this unit. 学 Step 2 Presentation: Brainstorming 过 1. Introduce the five tasks on the board and explain the meanings of each category with exemplary words and expressions. 2. Have the Ss work in pairs or groups to complete the five tasks.(to think out 程 five expressions for each category) ,3. Have three or four Ss present their work on the board. 4. Comment on and add selectively new words or expressions to their lists by 学 时using the vocabulary for reference. 分1) Expressions for describing general impressions of a person: 配 Positive expressions: polite, smart, cute, nice, a good leader, gentle, , charming, wise man, optimistic, hospitable, generous, creative, integrated, upright, capale, quick-witted, graceful, charming Negative expressions: clumsy, rude, careless, stupid, a follower, (sb) have 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第12页 more age than experience , wise guy, coarse, underhand, sneaky, dishonorable, deceitful, violent, gossip, like the devil, evil, devilish, divous Neutral expressions: funny, sensitive, forgetful, outspoken, restless 2) Expressions for describing someone’s emotional changes: 教 Changes for the better: Calm, cool, cheer up, feel better, be sympathetic with, tranquil, peaceful, 学 free from anxiety/ worry, unruffled, cheerful Changes for the worse: 过 get panicky, feel nervous, have butterflies in the stomach, get irritated/ angry, become anxious, wear/ have a questioning expression, be horrified, 程 feel guilty, be embarrassed, disappointed ,3) Expressions for behavior: 学Silly behavior: 时 Play the fool, make a fool of oneself, be up to no good/ mischief, mess/ 分fool around, behave badly, get into trouble 配 Good behavior: , be as good as gold, set a good example to sb, turn over a new leaf, behave oneself, do good deeds, be a good model Neutral behavior: Behave, conduct oneself 4) Expressions for social position or titles: Headmaster, doctor, nurse, teacher, director, supervisor, composer, pilot, airhostess, hairdresser, coach, president, chairman/ chairwoman, professor, singer 5) Expressions for commenting on personalities: Can’t stand, (can’t) put up with, it takes all sorts (to make a world), To err is human, to forgive is divine, (someone’s silly behavior) almost bring down the house, arouse hilarious laughter, be disgusted at/ with 5. Have the Ss classify these expressions. Step 3 Practice: Listening 1. Introduce the following questions as a pre-listening activity. (1) Do you know your granny’s/ grandpa’s birthday? (2) Do your know the shoe size of your father/ mother? (3) What is your mother’s favorite food? 2. Discuss the meaning of some terms in the listening. (to refer to P17 in the Teacher’s Book) 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第13页 3. Play the tape and ask Ss to answer the questions. Step 4 Consolidation: Speaking. 1. Ask Ss to talk about the topic with the help of Part A and Part B. 2. Ask several pairs to present their dialogue. Step 5 Homework 1. Ask Ss to talk about Part C with their partners. 2. Preview the text in P2. Periods 3-4 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension and Language Activities (Text from Para1-3) Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision Ask three Ss to present their story to the class. Give some comments to their presentations. Step 2 Leading in: Introduce the text by asking and talking about the following questions: 1. Have you ever done sth foolish or made any mistakes accidentally, e.g. cheating in the exams or telling lies? 2. How did you feel when you commit a folly? 3. What do you think is the best policy if you have unintentionally committed a folly? Step 3 Practice: 1. Ask Ss to read the new words and expressions in the word list. 2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape of the text, after listening, analyze the structure of the text. Part 1 (Para.1): This part is a general description of the narrator’s great-uncle and his accidental killing of a small dog because of his clumsiness. Part 2 (Para.2—Para.6): This part describes how the narrator’s great-uncle’s clumsiness led to a terrible mess in the guest house during his visit to the lady Part 2 (Para.7): The narrator’s great-uncle retired from the ministry at last because of his clumsiness. 3(Ask Ss to introduce some background knowledge. 1)Baptist,Puritans from England (Thanksgiving Day) The church of England(英国国教)was too Catholic(Roman).(The Catholic church belongs to the Christian church.) King Henry VIII wanted to 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第14页 purify the church, hence ―puritans‖ came into being. These puritans were Protestants(新教徒)who followed the doctrine preached by John Calvin. The majorities of Americans belong to the Protestant church. Over 60% of Americans are said to be Protestant believers. The Baptists are the largest protestant group. 天主教相信人可以通过上帝在人间的代教皇通上帝取得联系。而清教徒相信人的命运是生前由上帝决定的,上帝的力量无所不能,为人所不知。浸礼会教徒主张承认全身浸水以表示成熟负责任的皈依经历。他们相信这种用“圣水” 浸礼的人就获得了新生。 2)12 inches (英寸)=1 foot (ft)(英尺)=30.48(cm) 6*30.48=1/3*30.48= Step 4 Presentation: Go through the text. Explain some Language Points and difficult sentences. Language Points Part 1 1. Listen to this part, and then ask students to answer Question1&2 on Page 19. 2. Ask some Ss to explain the following words. 1. concern: v. 1) to be about sth (also be concerned with sth ) 与…有关;涉及 e.g. The story concerns the prince’s efforts to rescue Pamina. 这故事 讲的是王子奋力解救帕米娜。 2) [often passive] to affect sb; to involve sb 影响,涉及,牵涉(某人) e.g. The individuals concerned have some explaining to do. 事情涉及到的每一个人都要做出解释。 3) to worry sb 让(某人)担忧 e.g. It concerns me that you no longer seem to care. 你似乎不再在乎, 这令我担忧。 n. a feeling of worry, especially one that is shared by many people. concerned: adj. worried and feeling concern about sth e.g. concerned parents concerning: prep.(formal) about sth; involving sb/sth e.g. He asked several questions concerning the future of the company. 2. jolly: adj. 1) happy and cheerful e.g. a jolly face/mood 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第15页 2) (old –fashioned) enjoyable e.g. a jolly evening/party/time 3. beloved: adj. loved very much 深爱的;亲爱的 e.g. my beloved son 我的爱子 4. clumsy: adj. (of people and animals) moving or doing things in a very awkward way 笨拙的;不灵巧的 e.g. His clumsy fingers couldn’t untie the knot. 他的手很笨拙,无法 解开这个结。 5. inadvertently: adv. by accident; without intending to 无意地;不经意地 e.g. We had inadvertently left without paying the bill. inadvertent: adj. e.g. an inadvertent omission 不经意的疏忽 inadvertence: n. [U] 6. panic: v. to suddenly feel frightened so that you cannot think clearly and you say or do sth stupid, dangerous, etc. to make sb do this (使)惊慌, 惊慌失措 e.g. 1) I panicked when I saw the smoke coming out of the engine. 2) The gunfire panicked the children. n. a sudden feeling of great fear that cannot be controlled and prevents you from thinking clearly e.g. a moment of panic 一时惊慌 7. slip: v. 1) to put sth somewhere quickly, quietly or secretly 迅速放置;悄 悄塞;偷偷放 [VN+adv./prep.] e.g. Anna slipped her hand into his. 2) to go somewhere quickly and quietly, especially without being noticed 悄悄疾行;溜 e.g. She slipped out of the house before the others were awake. 3) to slide a short distance accidentally so that you fall or nearly fall 滑倒;滑跤;失脚 e.g. As I ran up the stairs, my foot slipped and I fell. 8. devastated: adj. extremely upset and shocked(极度)不安的,混乱的, 震惊的 e.g. Her family is absolutely devastated. 他的一家感到极为震惊。 9. bring oneself to do sth: to force oneself to do sth 强迫自己做某事 e.g. She could not bring herself to tell him the news. 她难以开口把 这个消息告诉他。 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第16页 Part 2: Para 2&3 1. Listen to this part, and then ask students to think about the main idea of the these paragraphs. 2. Ask some Ss to explain the following words. 10. resolve to: to make a firm decision to do sth 决心;决定 e.g. 1) He resolved not to tell her the truth. 2) She resolved (that) she would never see him again. resolve (on sth/on doing sth) 11. unburden: v. 1) unburden sb/sth (of sth): to take sth that causes a lot of work or worry away from sb/sth 给…解除(负担);分忧 OPP burden 2) burden yourself/sth (of sth) (to sb): (formal) to talk to sb about your problems or sth you have been worrying about, so that you feel less anxious 倾诉;诉说;诉苦 e.g. She needed to unburden herself to somebody. 她需要找一个 人倾诉。 12. retire: v. 1) (literary) to go to bed e.g. I retired late, for as always the morning would arrive too soon. 2) retire (from sth)|retire (as sth): to stop doing your job, especially because you have reached a particular age or because you are ill/sick; to tell sb they must stop doing their job (令)退职;(使)退休 e.g. 1) She was forced to retire early from teaching because of ill health. 2) He has no plans to retire as editor of the magazine. 他还 不打算从杂志编辑的位子上退休。 retired: adj. having retired from work 已退休的;已退职的 e.g. a retired doctor 13. knock over: knock sb/sth over: to hit sb or upset sth and make them fall to the ground e.g. The boy knocked over the bottle. 14. assume: v. to think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it 假定;假设;认为 e.g. 1) Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds. 咱们暂时假 设计划成功。 2) It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第17页 普遍认为,紧张系工作过重所致。 15. grope: v. 1) [+adv./prep.] to try and reach a place by feeling with your hands because you cannot see clearly(用手)摸索着往前走 e.g. He groped through the darkness towards the doors. 他摸黑朝门 口走去。 2) grope (around/for sth): to try and find sth that you cannot see, by feeling with your hands 摸索;搜寻;探寻 e.g. He groped around in the dark for his other sock. 他在黑暗中到处 瞎摸找另一只袜子。 16(in search for: an attempt to find sb/sth, especially by looking carefully for them/it 搜索;搜寻;搜查;查找 e.g. 1) She went into the kitchen in search of/for (looking for) a drink. 2) The search for a cure goes on. 人们还在继续探寻治疗方法。 17(retrace one’s steps: to go back along exactly the same path or route that you have come along 沿原路返回;折回 e.g. She turned around and began to retrace her steps towards the house. 她转身沿原路向那栋房子走去。 18. crisp: adj. (of paper or fabric) fresh and clean; new and slightly stiff without any folds in it洁净的;挺括的 e.g. a crisp new $5 bill 一张崭新挺括的5元钞票。 a crisp white shirt 洁净挺括的白衬衫 19. smudge: v. to make a dirty mark on a surface 弄脏;留下污迹 e.g. The mirror was smudged with fingerprints. 镜子上有脏手印。 n. a dirty mark with no clear shape (模糊的) 污迹,污痕 e.g. a smudge of lipstick on a cup 3. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of these two paragraphs. Difficult sentences 1. He was paying a pastoral call one day on a woman in Dillon: He was visiting a woman as a minister. A pastoral visit is part of duties or activities in the Christian churches. 2. Although he was devastated he could not bring himself to tell the woman…: Although he was conscience-stricken for his follies he could not make himself tell the woman. Step 5 Homework: Finish the Language Work & Translation after the text,. Periods 5-6 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension and Language Activities (Text Para 4-7 & Language Work & Translation ) Teaching Steps 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第18页 Step 1 Revision Ask Ss to listen to the passage from Para1 to Para 3 and then summarize the main idea. Step 2 Presentation: Go through the text. Explain some Language Points and difficult sentences. Para 4-6 1. Listen to this part, and then ask students to think about the main idea of these paragraphs. 2. Ask some Ss to explain the following words. 20. landing: n. [C] the area at the top of a staircase where you arrive before you go into an upstairs room or move onto another staircase 楼梯平台 21. mount: v. mount sth (on/onto/in sth):to fix sth into position on sth, so that you can use it, look at it or study it 镶嵌;安置 e.g. The diamond is mounted in gold. 这颗钻石被镶到了金饰物 上。 22. stairwell: n. the space in a building in which the stairs are built 楼梯井 (建筑物内楼梯占用的空间) 23(fixture: n. a thing such as a bath or a toilet that is fixed in a house and that you do not take with you when you move house 固定装置(如浴盆、抽水马桶) e.g. The price of the house includes fixtures and fittings. 房屋价格包 括固定装置和附加设备。 24(rip…from: to remove sth quickly or violently, often by pulling it. 猛地 扯开;突然拉开 25(topple: v. [+adv./prep.] to become unsteady and fall down; to make sth do this(使)摇摇欲坠,倒塌,倒下 e.g.: The pile of books toppled over. 26. clutch: v. to hold sb/sth tightly 紧握;抱紧;抓紧 e.g. She stood there, the flowers still clutched in her hand. 27. reverence: n. [U] reverence (for sb/sth) (formal) a feeling of great respect or admiration for sb/sth 尊敬;崇敬 e.g. The poem conveys his deep reverence for nature. 这首诗表达了 他对大自然的深深崇敬之情。 Difficult sentence In a shaken state of mind…: In a condition of panic. The phrase indicates that he was greatly upset and disturbed. Para. 7. a private preparatory school: In the United States, a private 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第19页 preparatory school is a privately-run school in which secondary school courses are provided to prepare pupils for advanced education (usually college education). But, in England a preparatory school refers to part of schooling in elementary education. Step 3 Practice: Language work A. Check Part A with the students. B. Check Part B by asking Ss one by one to read the sentences. C. Ask Ss one by one to recall the meaning and usage of each expression first, and then rewrite a given sentence with the expression. Step 4 Consolidation: 1. Ask Ss to summarize the second accident. 2. Ask Ss to answer Question 4 on Page 19. Step 5 Homework 1. Prepare a retelling of the text, tell them they can use the key points on P6 as guidelines. 2. Ask Ss to finish the Grammar Work & Vocabulary Work on P24-25. Periods 7-8 Teaching Materials: Extended Activities Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision: Ask Ss to retell the text using the key words on P19. 1. Give Ss 3 minutes to retell the story first to their partners. 2. Choose one or two Ss to present their retelling to the class. 3. Take notes of the Ss’s presentations. 4. Comment on the Ss’s work- both on the content and the language. Correct their language errors, if any. Step 2 Practice: 1. Have a dictation on P22. 1) Read the passage at normal speed once. 2) Have one student retell what he/she Hs heard to ensure that the Ss have grasped the main idea. 3) Read the text slowly and have the students take down the passage. 4) Ask a student to read his/her dictation to the class to check the diction, have the Ss correct their errors, if any. 3. Grammar work 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第20页 Ask Ss to practice how to expand a sentence with infinitive structure, for structure or clause for purpose.. A. Ask Ss to do the matching exercise. B. Ask Ss to pay attention to the expressions of purpose. C. Tips: Some infinitive structures may cause ambiguities, for example, the last sentence: He left us to pay the bill. Who actually paid, he or we? To disambiguate such a structure, we can say He left in order to pay the bill or He left it to you to pay the bill. 4. Vocabulary work A. Ask Ss to classify the words in the chart and write them down in the proper places.. B. Ask Ss to pay attention to the use of the vocabulary in different collocations. Step 3 Presentation: Read More 1. Have the Ss read the passage before class. 2. Ask one or two Ss to summarize the story in on more than five sentences. 3. Advise the Ss to draft the summary first on paper. 4. Check the answer to True or false on P12. 5. Explain some language points. 1. run into sb: meet sb by chance 偶遇 Run into sth: encounter (difficulties, problems, etc.) 遭遇(困难,问题) e.g. run into danger/ trouble/heavy debt 陷入危险/困境、债务之中 2. a shortage of : lack of sth needed; deficiency 缺少,不足,短缺 e.g. a shortage of food/ fuel/housing/funds/staff 燃料/住房/资金短缺,人员缺乏 3. make room for: offer one’s place to sb 给某人腾出空位 e.g. Can you make room on the shelf for more books? Could you sit closer together to make room for the old lady. 4. let go of sb/ sth; let sb/sth go: release (one’s hold of) sb/ sth 松开或释放 e.g. let go of the rope 5. hold on to sb/sh: keep grasping or gripping sb/ sth; not let go of sb/sth抓住或握住某人、某物 e.g. hold on to the rock to stop himself slipping hold on to one’s hat Step 4 Consolidation: Translation 1. Have the Ss work in pairs first to check each other’s work. 2. Assign a few Ss to write their translations on the blackboard. 3. Comment on the Ss’s work and correct errors, if any. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第21页 Step 5 Homework Ask Ss to finish the given out-of-class exercises. 教 学 后 记 备课时间: 年 月 日 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第22页 授课 授课 课 题 Unit 3 Saved by His Mistakes 8 Lecture 时数 类型 1. To learn to describing difficult or problematic situations, fear, solving problems, and 教 学 rescue work 目 的 2. To learn some vocabulary in the text 3. To know how to expand noun phrases by using to do sth.; of doing sth. 1. To have a good mastery of the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 教 学 2. To master the ways to describe difficult or problematic situations, fear, solving problems, 重 点 and rescue work 教 学 1. To comprehend the whole text and complex sentences 难 点 2. To summarize the text 主 要 ,set out to do sth; gloomy; gut; roar with laughter; admit; run out of; spot; intend to do sth; 知plunge; get level with; ominously; crumble; tumble; miraculously; pick oneself up; yelp; slow up; 识out of reach; room ( space ); drench; drown; comfort; furiously; in the end; frantically; rescue , 语party 言 点 附 记 Periods 1-2 或 Teaching Materials: Part 1 Listening & Speaking Activities 教学说明 Teaching Steps: Step 1 Leading in 教 Ask Ss the following question and lead them to the topic of this unit. Have you ever run into / seen / heard difficult or problematic situations? 学 How did you /they solve it at last? 过 Step 2 Presentation: Brainstorming 1. Introduce the five tasks on the board and explain the meanings of each 程 category with exemplary words and expressions. 2. Have the Ss work in pairs or groups to complete the five tasks.(to think out ,five expressions for each category) 学3. Have three or four Ss present their work on the board. 时4. Comment on and add selectively new words or expressions to their lists by 分using the vocabulary for reference. 配 1) Expressions for describing difficult or problem situations: , Words: accident, incident, event, happening, crash, shipwreck, overturn, sink, bump, collide Phrases: be in difficulty/ trouble/ danger, have difficulty/ trouble (in) doing sth., have a hard time doing sth., be left stranded on/ in /at, etc., be 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第23页 landed with (unpleasant tasks, people, etc. ), be caught/ stuck/ jammed in (a traffic jam, etc.), get stuck, be in danger 2) Expressions of fear: Afraid, alarmed, anxious, startled, unnerved, frightened, scared, horrified, 教 astounded, panicky, become hysterical, act frantically/ furiously/ desperately, live in fear, get a fright, go as white as a sheet, nearly jump out 学 of one’s skin, scared, stiff 3) Expressions for solving problems: 过 Take action, fight against, get to the bottom of things (discover the real cause of the problem), figure/ work out what to do, take measures, get/ act 程 together, put sth. right, find a solution, sort thins out, clear things up, straighten things out ,4) Expressions for rescue work: 学Save, help, rescue, give first aid, bandage, pull out of (a difficult situation, 时a calamity, etc. dig out, save one’s life, come to one’s rescue/ help, get sb. 分out of (a difficult situation), pick up sb. (from a dangerous place), be 配 picked up (by helicopter, boat, ect.) , Step 3 Practice: Listening 1. Introduce the following questions as a pre-listening activity. Have your ever had any unforgettable experiences before? Can you still remember the feelings you had then? 2. Discuss the meaning of some terms in the listening. (to refer to P31 in the Teacher’s Book) 3. Play the tape and ask Ss to answer the questions. 4. Step 4 Consolidation: Speaking 1. Ask Ss to talk about the topic with the help of Part A and Part B. 2. Ask several pairs to present their dialogue. 3. Step 5 Homework 1. Ask Ss to talk about Part C with their partners. 2. Preview the text in P2. Periods 3-4 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension (Text from Para1-4) Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision Ask three Ss to present their story to the class. Give some comments to their presentations. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第24页 Step 2 Leading in: Introduce the text by asking and talking about the following questions: 1. Do you know how many kinds of dogs? In what way are they useful for the humans? 2. Some animals, especially pets, as many people believe, could save their masters from danger. Have you read any such stories? Step 2 Practice: 1. Ask Ss to read the new words and expressions in the word list. 2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape of the text, after listening, try to summarize the main idea of the text in several sentences. Summarization of the text: The story is about a boy’s adventurous hunting trip in which he was trapped in the deep hollow of a huge tree and was eventually saved with the help of his three dogs. The irony of the story is that the boy was saved by his mistakes ---- by the two pups whom he mistook for beagles and had paid a big price of five dollars to buy them. The story is related in a chronological order. Step 3 Presentation: Go through the text. Explain some Language Points and difficult sentences. Language Points Para.1-2 I(Ask two Ss to read these two paragraphs, and then ask students to answer Question1 on Page 32. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 1. … set out to go coon hunting … e.g. 1) The detective set out to establish a motive for the crime. 2) They set out (off) (for the city proper)( began a journey) at six and hoped to arrive before dark. coon: infml. AmE = raccoon 浣熊. 2. With him were his old shepherd dog and two beagle hound pups. This sentence is inverted for the sake of balance. The natural order is ―His old shepherd dog and two beagle hound pups were with him.‖ beagle: a smooth-haired dog.( a kind of hound) 猎兔犬 hound: dog for chase / hunting 猎犬 pup: a young seal (otter) 小海豹 (水濑) Note: a puppy --- a young dog 小狗, 幼犬 4. … roared with laughter: laugh hilariously 5. admit: state or agree to the truth of ( usu. sth bad) e.g. 1) The thief admitted his crime. 2) He admitted to the murder. 3) She admitted stealing. 4) They admitted him to be mad. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第25页 5) I admit that it was difficult. confess: admit formally that one has done wrong or committed a crime. e.g.1) She finally confessed to having stolen the money. 2) He had confessed to seventeen murders. 3) Most rape victims confess a feeling of helplessness. 4) You just go to the church and confess your sins. 5) He confessed himself guilty / to be a thief. make a clean breast of ( idiom) = make a full confession of acknowledge: recognize the fact or existence of … e.g. 1) I acknowledge the truth of your statement. 2) They acknowledged having been defeated (that they had been defeated). 3) They refused to acknowledge defeat / that they were defeated / themselves beaten. 4) He acknowledged it to be true / that it was true. 5) He was acknowledged as (to be) the best player. 6. run out of sth / sth runs out : have no more of it left. e.g. 1) We’d just reached the motorway when the petrol ran out. 2) There has been a tremendous demand for that brand. We have run out (of that) 3) Lucy never runs out of ideas for clever party decorations. 4) The contract runs out ( becomes invalid) at the end of the year, and will have to be renewed. Para 3-4 I. Ask two Ss to read these two paragraphs, and then ask students to answer Question2 on Page 33. II.Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 7. get level with sth: be at ( reach )the same height as … level : having a horizontal surface. Note the other synonyms: flat, even : smooth and level e.g. 1) Find level ground ( 平坦的地面) for the picnic table. 2) Add one level ( not heaped) ( 一平汤匙) table spoonful of sugar. 3) The two pictures are not quite level , that one is higher than the other. 4) The countryside is very flat here ( 地势平坦 / has no hills). 5) People used to think that the world was flat, now we know it is round. 6) The cake was flat. ( 没有发起来 / did not rise while cooking) 7) She lay flat (平躺) on her back in the warm sunshine. 8) The earthquake laid the city flat ( 痍为平地). 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第26页 9) Our request was flatly rejected / denied. 10) Here is the most even ( 平坦 ) part of the golf course. 11) The wine cellar stays at an even temperature ( 恒温) all the year round. 12) The child’s pulse is even ( 稳定 / steady) now. 13) The two players are pretty even ( 不相上下). 14) Our scores are now even ( equal). 15) 4,6,8 are even ( not odd) numbers. 16) A billiard-table must be perfectly even. 8. limb: a leg or arm of a person or animal, or the wing of a bird. 9. crack: break without dividing into separate parts; split. e.g. 1) Don’t pour hot water into the glass or it will crack. 2) The plate cracked when I dropped it. 3) The boiling water cracked the glass. 4) He fell out of the window and cracked his skull.5) 5) He heard a cracking (劈啪响,发出爆裂声)noise of the tree among the forest. 6) A cracked bell can never sound well. ( idiom) 10. …he jumped to the rim of the tree trunk, and at once the edge crumbled. rim: the outside edge or border of a round or circular object. verge: (esp. BrE) the edge or border of a road or path. brink: an edge esp. of something high and dangerous. edge: the thin sharp cutting side of a blade, tool etc. brim: the outer edge of a cup , bowl etc. e.g. 1) Please sharpen the edge of the axe. 2) Can you stand a coin on ( its ) edge? 3) The edge of the knife is very sharp. 4) You fit the tyre round the rim of the wheel. 5) Don’t go too near the edge of the cliff. 6) He stood by the water’s edge. 7) Karl is on the brink of a brilliant acting career. (be almost in a row and very different situation.) 8) Lucy tried to hide her grief but she was on the verge of (be about to do sth.) tears. ( nearly crying) 9) Scientists are on the verge of a major breakthrough. 10) He drove his car onto the grass verge at the side of the road. 11) He stood on the brink of the cliff / of danger. 12) He filled the cup to the brim. 13) The cowboy’s hat had a wide brim. 11. crumble: 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第27页 A. If something soft or brittle crumbles, it breaks into a lot of small pieces. e.g. 1) Roughly crumble (弄碎, 碎成细屑) the cheese into a bowl. B. If an old building or piece of land is crumbling, parts of it keep breaking off. e.g. 1) A big gray mountain crumbled into the sea. 2) Their marriage (The empire) is crumbling. ( gradually deteriorate or come to an end. 渐渐垮掉, 走向末路) 12. He plunged down into the hollow of the dead tree, too suddenly to make a sound. plunge: ( to cause ) move or be thrown suddenly forward and downward. ―向前(下)倒下‖ e.g. 1) The car suddenly stopped and he plunged forward/ through the window. 2) He fell from the cliff and plunged to death. 3) He ran to the edge of the lake and plunged in. 4) to sniff the sea-air / to sniff ( at ) a rose / to sniff the danger in the air. 5) If your nose needs wiping don’t sniff; blow it on the handkerchief. 6) If you sniffle, you keep sniffing, usually because you are crying or have a cold. (idiom) get / have the sniffles ( infml ) : have / get a slight cold. 13. daze: to make sb unable to think or feel clearly, esp. by a shock or blow. e.g. 1) After the accident Jane was dazed. 2) For 35 minutes I was walking around in a daze. 3) At the end of the interview I was dazed ( in a daze = confused and unable to think clearly) and exhausted. III. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of these two paragraphs. Jerry fell from a broken limb of a dead beech tree when he tried to capture a raccoon and plunged down into the deep hollow of the huge tree but was miraculously unhurt. Step 4 Homework Look up some words and phrases from the text in the dictionary after class. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第28页 Periods 5-6 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension and Language Activities (Text Para 5-10 & Language Work & Translation ) Teaching Steps Step 1 Revision Ask Ss to listen to the passage from Para1 to Para 4 and then summarize the main idea. Step 2 Presentation: Go through the text. Explain some Language points and difficult sentences. Para 5-6 I. Ask two Ss to read these paragraphs, and then ask students to answer Question3 on Page 33. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 14. sniff : draw air into the nose with a slight sound. sniffle: sniff noisily and repeatedly to keep the liquid from running out. e.g. 1) They all had colds and were sniffing and sneezing. 2) He sniffed the medicine. 3) You must sniff this lovely perfume. 15(Yelp: make short sharp cry because of pain or excitement 发出短而尖的 叫声 e.g. The dog yelped when I stepped on its paw. 16. slow up/ down: to become slower / make sth. slower e.g. Drivers should slow down and take extra care in foggy conditions. 17. out of one’s reach / out of the reach of sb. e.g. These medicines should be kept out of the children’s reach. 18.do no good to do sth.: be of no value做---已无济于事/没什么用、没什 么价值 e.g It will do no good to send the old man to hospital, for he is dying now. 把老人送进医院是无济于事的了,他快死了 We must understand that it will do no good to cry over spilt milk. Don't allow yourself to sink into grief; it can do no good. 不要使自己陷入悲哀之中, 这样一点好处也没有。 C.F. be no good (doing sth) e.g. It’s no good talking to him. 同他谈也没什么用。 do (sb) good: benefit sb 有益于某人 e.g. Eating more fruit can do you good III. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of these two paragraphs. Jerry examined his situation inside the tree, tried to find a way out and finally sent the old dog, Shep, to get help from home. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第29页 Para. 7-10 I. Ask two Ss to read these paragraphs, and then ask students to answer Question4 on Page 33. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 19. writhe: twist the body in great pain. ( ―蠕动,扭动身体‖ ) If you writhe, your body twists and turns violently backwards and forwards , usually because you are in great pain or discomfort. e.g. 1) He was writhing on the ground in agony. 2) The shark was writhing around wildly, trying to get free. 20. Outside, Jerry could hear the pups whimpering.: If someone whimpers, they make quiet unhappy or frightened sounds, as if they are about to start crying. e.g. 1) She lay at the bottom of the stairs, whimpering in pain. 2) David’s crying subsided to a whimper. sob: When someone sobs, they cry in a noisy way, breathing in short breaths. 3) ―Everything is my fault.‖ She sobbed. 4) With a sob, she dropped the bag and went to sit beside him. 21. drench: to make somebody/something completely wet 使---湿透 drench somebody/something: We were caught in the storm and got drenched to the skin. drench somebody/something in/with something: His face was drenched with sweat. 22. drown: [INTRANSITIVE, TRANSITIVE] to die because you have been underwater too long and you cannot breathe; to kill somebody in this way e.g. He was drowned at sea. They had drowned the unwanted kittens. Two children drowned after falling into the river. 23. … the old dog, who had leaped over them frantically as he came,… leap: (leapt or leaped) to jump with special force, very suddenly. hop: to jump on one foot or with both feet together. skip: to jump lightly or quickly, esp. on one foot. jump: to move suddenly and quickly away from where one has been by using the legs. e.g. 1) He leapt (over ) the wall. 2) He heart leaped (gave a skip) when he saw her. 3) Prices just leapt this year. 4) The girl was skipping over the rope. 5) She gave a quick skip over the horse. 6) This is a hopping race; let’s see who can h 7) He jumped to his feet and ran out of the room. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第30页 8) He keeps jumping from one subject of conversation to another. 9) We stood there watching him skip rope. 10) William hopped up and down to keep warm. III. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of these two paragraphs. Jerry’s brother came with Shep to help but it was the pups’ barking that guided him to the right tree. Jerry was saved by a rescue party. Step 3 Practice & Consolidation: Language work A. Check Part A with the students. B. Check Part B by asking Ss one by one to read the sentences. C. Ask Ss one by one to recall the meaning and usage of each expression first, and then rewrite a given sentence with the expression. Step 4 Homework 1. Prepare a retelling of the text, tell them they can use the key points on P33 as guidelines. 2. Ask Ss to finish the Grammar Work & Vocabulary Work on P38-39. Periods 7-8 Teaching Materials: Extended Activities Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision: Ask Ss to retell the text using the key words on P33. 1. Give Ss 3 minutes to retell the story first to their partners. 2. Choose one or two Ss to present their retelling to the class. 3. Take notes of the Ss’s presentations. 4. Comment on the Ss’s work- both on the content and the language. Correct their language errors, if any. Step 2 Practice 1. Have a dictation on P35. 1) Read the passage at normal speed once. 2) Have one student retell what he/she Hs heard to ensure that the Ss have grasped the main idea. 3) Read the text slowly and have the students take down the passage. 4) Ask a student to read his/her dictation to the class to check the diction, have the Ss correct their errors, if any. 2. Grammar work Ask Ss to practice how to expand a sentence with ―to do sth.‖ or ―of doing 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第31页 sth.‖. A. Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences. B. Ask some Ss to present their sentences to the class. C. Give comments to Ss’s presentations. 3. Vocabulary work A. Ask Ss to explain these expressions. B. Ask Ss to do the multiple choice exercise. C. Check the choices with the class. Step 3 Presentation: Read More 1. Have the Ss read the passage before class. 2. Ask one or two Ss to summarize the story in on more than five sentences. 3. Advise the Ss to draft the summary first on paper. 4. Check the answer to True or false on P37. 5. Explain some language points. 1. afford sth. / to do sth.: to have enough money to buy or to do sth.]] e.g. Quite a lot of Chinese families can afford cars now. At the moment, I can afford a trip to Europe. 2. to spring up: to appear or develop quickly and suddenly. e.g. High buildings are springing up every day in this city. 3. to have no use of sth.: to not need sth.. e.g. Our children are all gone; we have no use for this big house.] When their son started school, they had no use for his toys and gave them away. 4. in sb’s day: when sb. was young. e.g. In my day, money was considered dirty. In my day, students would feel ashamed of being late for class. Step 4 Consolidation: Translation 1. Have the Ss work in pairs first to check each other’s work. 2. Assign a few Ss to write their translations on the blackboard. 3. Comment on the Ss’s work and correct errors, if any. Step 5 Homework Ask Ss to finish the given out-of-class exercises. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第32页 教 学 后 记 备课时间: 年 月 日 授课 授课 课 题 Unit 5 Learning a Language 8 Lecture 时数 类型 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第33页 1. To learn to describe your experience in learning a language 教 学 2. To learn the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 目 的 3. To know about the grammar points: real conditional vs. unreal conditional sentences with on a / one condition; on condition (that); provided/ providing; suppose/ supposing 教 学 1. To have a good mastery of the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 重 点 2. To master the expressions for describing your experience in learning a language 教 学 1. To comprehend some complicated sentences and expressions 难 点 2. To summarize the text 主1. in question 2. ultimate 3. embark on 要 ,4. a variety of 5. mingling 6. hybrid 知7. collide with 8. bits and pieces 9. in contact with 识10. legitimate 11. literal 12. identification , 语13. after all 14. convey 15. equivalent 言16. to the extent that 点 附 记 Periods 1-2 或 Teaching Materials: Part 1 Listening & Speaking Activities 教学说明 Teaching Steps: Step 1 Leading in 教 Ask Ss the following question and lead them to the topic of this unit. , When did you start learning English? 学 , Do you find English difficult to learn? If so, what are the difficulties? 过 , How do you manage to remember new words? , What do you read out of class? 程 Step 2 Presentation: Brainstorming ,1. Introduce the five tasks on the board and explain the meanings of each 学category with exemplary words and expressions. 时2. Have the Ss work in pairs or groups to complete the five tasks.(to think out 分five expressions for each category) 配 3. Have three or four Ss present their work on the board. , 4. Comment on and add selectively new words or expressions to their lists by using the vocabulary for reference. 1) Expressions for language: accent(口音) , (regional) dialect (地方方言), standard English, RP (Received Pronunciation), British / American /Australian English, rhythm, stress, tone, grammar 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第34页 2) Expressions for assessing language behavior: appropriate, suitable, out of place, rude, polite, over-polite, formal, 教 informal, doesn't sound right, doesn't feel fight, doesn't look right, beautifully / well written, poorly written, fluent, accurate, precise, to the 学 point, readable, (in)comprehensible, make (no) sense 3) Verbs expressing the use of language: 过 speak (language, accent, dialect), write in (English / German / French, etc.), listen, read, communicate, translate, interpret, paraphrase 程 4) Expressions for forms of language use: articles, poems (poetry), verse, nursery rhymes (童谣、歌谣), stories, ,novels, theses, papers, nursery rhymes, lines (in poems), scripts (of 学dramas, plays, films, songs, recordings, etc.), lyrics (of songs), letters, 时memos (memoranda), compositions, notes, posters, forms (表格), 分speeches, documents, announcements, 配 5) Expressions for types of language users: , speaker, listener (audience), writer, author, poet, reader, translator, interpreter, pen-friend, scriptwriter, playwright, copywriter, reporter, radio / TV announcer, journalist 6) Expressions for language learning memorize, learn something by heart, rote learning, understand, use, review, revise, make notes, take down notes, repeat, practice, make oneself understood, memory fails one, be rusty Step 3 Practice: Listening 1. Introduce the following questions as a pre-listening activity. What do you think is the most difficult aspect of learning English? 2. Discuss the meaning of some terms in the listening. (to refer to P31 in the Teacher’s Book) 3. Play the tape and ask Ss to answer the questions. Step 4 Consolidation: Speaking 1. Ask Ss to talk about the topic of language learning with the help of Part A. 2. Ask several pairs to present their dialogue. Step 5 Homework 1. Ask Ss to prepare a short story about their experience in the use or misuse of language in communication according to Part C. 2. Preview the text in P2. Periods 3-4 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension (Text from Para1-2) 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第35页 Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision Ask three Ss to present their story to the class. Give some comments to their presentations. Step 2 Leading in: Introduce the text by asking and talking about the following questions: 1. What is the difference between learning a language and learning how to drive a car? 2. Why do people using the same language sometimes have trouble understanding each other? Step 3 Practice: 1. Ask Ss to read the new words and expressions in the word list. 2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape of the text; after listening, try to summarize analyze the structure of the text. •The first paragraph: The author argues that, contrary to the view that language could be learned systematically with clear ultimate success, learning a language is actually a lifelong activity. •The second paragraph: The author uses the English language as an example to show that every language is a complex affair, and learning a language is thus, metaphorically speaking, an endless voyage. •The third paragraph: This paragraph discusses the second misconception that words have fixed and clear meanings, and points out that words, beside their core meanings, are also used creatively and have extended meanings, which are what makes language so delightful. •The fourth paragraph: This paragraph focuses on the misconception that the speakers of a language speak exactly the same variety and have no problem of understanding each other. Speakers of the standard forms of English in different regions may be able to communicate with each other but the situation is entirely different with dialect speakers. Step 4 Presentation: Go through the text. Explain some Language Points and difficult sentences. Language Points Para.1-2 I. Ask two Ss to read these two paragraphs, and then ask students to answer Question1-4 on Page 63&64. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第36页 1. in question: that is being discussed or talked about 讨论(或议论)中的 e.g. On the day in question we were in New York. 在所说的那一天,我们在纽约。 The goods in question had been stolen. 所说的那些货物已经被盗。 Cf. out of the question: impossible or not allowed 不可能的,不允许的 e.g. Another trip abroad this year is out of the question. 今年再度出国是绝无可能。 You can’t go to the wedding in that old shirt—it’s quite out of the question. 你不能穿着那件旧衬衫去参加婚礼---这是绝对不行的。 2. ultimate a. [ only before noun. ] 1) happening at the end of a long process; final 最后的,最终的,终极的 e.g. Our ultimate goal/aim/objective/target 我们最终的目的/目标 We will accept ultimate responsibility for whatever happens. 无论出什么事情,我们愿意承担全部责任。 The ultimate decision lies with the parents. 最后的决定权握在父母手中。 2) most extreme; best, worst, greatest, most important, etc. 极端的,最好(或坏,伟大,重要等的) e.g. The ultimate sports car 最棒的跑车 This raced will be the ultimate test of your skill. 这次竞赛将是对你 的技能的最大的考验。 3) from which sth. originally comes; basic 根本的; 基本的; 基础性 的 e.g. the ultimate truths of philosophy and science 哲学和科学的基本 原理 3. subsequently: adv. Afterwards 随后,接着,后来 e.g. They quarreled with each other and ~ they broke up . Cf. consequently: as a result; therefore 所以,因此 e.g. My car broke down and ~ I was late. 4(embark on/ upon sth.: to start to do sth. 从事,着手,开始(新的或艰难的事情) e.g. She is about to embark on a diplomatic career. 她即将开始外交生涯。 In the 1950s China embarked on a major program of industrialization. 20 世纪要50年代,中国开始实施工业化的重大计划。 5. a variety of: several different sorts of the same thing ( 同一事物的)不同种类,多种式样 e.g. There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from. 有种类繁多的 图案可供选择。 He resigned for a variety of reasons. 他由于种种原因辞职了。 This tool can be used in a variety of ways. 这一工具有多种用途。 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第37页 6. mingling n. mixture mingle v. (written) to combine or make one thing combine with another (使) 与…结合;使混合 mingle A and B (together)/ mingle A with B e.g. The sounds of laughter and singing mingled in the evening air.笑声 和歌声交织在夜空中。 Her tears mingled with the blood on her face. 她的泪水和脸上的血 混在了一起。 7. hybrid n. sth. that is the product of mixing two or more different things (不同事物)的混合物,合成物 e.g. The music was a hybrid of western pop and traditional folk song. 这种音乐融合了西方流行音乐和传统民歌。 e.g. a hybrid language /system 混合语言/体系 8. collide: ~ (with sb./ sth) 1) strike violently with sth or each other (运动中 的人/物) 猛撞或互撞 e.g. The bus collide with a van as it turned the corner. The ships collide in the fog. 2) (of people, aims, opinions, ect) in disagreement or opposition; conflict---不一致或相反;冲突 e.g. The interests of the two countries collide. Have you found our value systems often ~ with our parents. 9. be subjected to subject somebody/something to something:[OFTEN PASSIVE] to make somebody/something experience, suffer or be affected by something, usually something unpleasant e.g. to be subjected to ridicule The city was subjected to heavy bombing. The defence lawyers claimed that the prisoners had been subjected to cruel and degrading treatment. 10. bits and pieces /bits and bobs: (BrE. Informal ) any small things of various kinds 各种零碎的小东西 e.g. Let me get my bits and pieces together. 让我把自己的零星杂物收拾好。 I still had a few bits and pieces of work left to do. 我还有一些零碎的工作要做。 11. in contact with: be/get/stay in contact (with) 与…保持联系 e.g. We stay in contact with each other by telephone. 我们互相通过电 话保持联系。 Cf. make/lose contact with (= succeed in communicating or stop communicating with sb. ) 与某人取得/失去联系 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第38页 e.g. I’ve lost contact with most of my school friends. 我已经和大部分的校友失去联系了。 put sb. in contact with (= make it possible for sb. to another person by giving them that persons address or telephone number.) 使某人得以 与…取得联系 e.g. Sarah put me in contact with an expert in the field. 萨拉帮我与该领域的一个专家取得了联系。 III. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of these two paragraphs in their own words. Step 5 Homework Look up some words and phrases from Para 3 &4 in the dictionary after class. Periods 5-6 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension and Language Activities (Text Para 3&4 & Language Work ) Teaching Steps Step 1 Revision 1. Ask Ss to listen to the passage from Para1 to Para 4 and then summarize the main idea. 2. Try to recall some expressions in this part. Step 2 Presentation: Go through Para 3&4. Explain some Language points and difficult sentences. Para 5-6 I. Ask two Ss to read these paragraphs, and then ask students to answer Questions5-7 on Page 64. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 12. somewhat: to some degree; rather 达到某种程度,颇为 e.g. I was ~ surprised to see him.--- 有点吃惊。 He answered ~ nervously. --- 回答时有点局促不安。 13. legitimate a. 1) for which there is a fair and acceptable reason 正当合理的,合情合理的 e.g. a legitimate expectation/ concern/excuse 合乎情理的预测/忧虑/借口 It seemed a perfectly legitimate question. 这似乎是完全合乎情理的问题。 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第39页 2) allowed and acceptable according to the law: legal 合法的; 法定的; 法律认可的 e.g. the legitimate government of the country 这个国家的合法政府 Is his business strictly legitimate? 他的生意是否绝对合法, {opp} illegitimate {n.}legitimacy {v. } legitimize 14. arise out of/ from sth. : follow as a result of sth:由--- 而产生,造成,引起 e.g. In a family, most of the problems ~the lack of communication. 15. literal a. 1) [ usually before n. ] being the basic or usual meaning of a word or phrase 字面意义的 e.g. literal meaning /sense/interpretation字面义,本义,原义 What is the literal meaning of this word? Cf. figurative a. (of language, words, phrases, etc.)used in a way that is different from the usual meaning, in order to create a particular mental image比喻的,借喻 e.g. I was using the word ―battle‖ in its figurative sense. metaphorical a. connected with or containing metaphor 隐喻的 2) [usually before n.]that follows the original words exactly 完全按原文 的 e.g. a literal translation 直译 3) (disapproving) lacking imagination 缺乏想象力的 e.g. Her interpretation of the music was too literal.她演奏的音乐太平 淡乏味。 literalness n. [u] 16. identify: 1) ~ sb/ sth as sb/ sth. to show, prove ect who or what sb /sth is; recognize sb/ sth as 确认、证明---;鉴别出---(系)--- e.g. Can you ~ the man who stole your wallet. The woman ~ied the old man as her lost father. 2)~ with sth:consider sth to be identical with wth; equate two things 将---与---等同 e.g. One can’t ~happiness with wealth. 17. convey v. 1) convey sth. ( to sb. ) to make ideas ,feelings ,etc. known to sb. 表达, 传递(思想,感情等) [vn] e.g. Colors like red convey a sense of energy and strength. 红色之类的颜色可给人以充满活力与力量的感觉 Please convey my apologies to your wife. 请向你妻子转达我的歉意。 [v wh-] e.g. He tried to convey how urgent the situation was.他试图说明 情况是多么紧急。 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第40页 [v that] e.g. She didn’t wish to convey that they were all at fault.她不愿 表现出他们人人都有错。 2) convey sth./sb. (from …)(to…) to take ,carry or transport sb./sth. from one place to another 传送,运送 e.g. Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators.管道把热水 从锅炉输送到暖气片 18. claim: state or declare (sth) as a fact (without being able to prove it); assert 声称;宣称; 断言 e.g. She claimed that she could speak several foreign languages. She claims to have the ability to organize the party well. 19. equivalent n. [c] (of /to sth.) a thing, amount, word, etc, that is equivalent to sth. else 相等的东西,等量,对应词 e.g. Some Japanese words have no English equivalents. 一些日语单 词在英语中没有对应词 Breathing such polluted air is the equivalent of smoking ten cigarettes a day. 呼吸这么严重的空气等于每天抽十枝烟。 a. equivalent (to sth.): equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc. (价值,数量,意义,重要性等)相等的,相同的 e.g. Eight kilometers is roughly equivalent to five miles.八公里约等 于五英里。 20. to the extent that/to such an extent that (= used to say that sth. has affected or influenced sth. so much that it causes sth. else to happen) 达 到如此程度/达到…程度 e.g. Violence increased to the extent that residents were afraid to leave their homes.暴力事件多到了令居民不敢出门的程度。 He has changed to the extent that I no longer recognized him.他变得我 简直认不出来了 III. Analyze some sentences: 1. Studying any language is, in fact, an endless voyage: The writer uses a metaphor here to compare studying a language to a sea journey. Notice the metaphor is extended in the same paragraph to other related concepts: It begins its career… (the beginning of the journey); … collide with a special kind of old French … (meeting, contacting others in the seafaring); several waves of Latin …; …flood of Greek … These words and expressions help to bring out the similarities between language learning and a sea voyage, though they are different in nature. 2. The English language is just such a hybrid: The English language is just such a mixture of many different languages. 3. The boat was manned entirely by women and children: Women and 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第41页 children were in charge of the boat’s operation. In this sentence, man is used as a verb, with the meaning to supply men or people needed in operational posts. IV. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of these two paragraphs in their own words. Step 3 Consolidation: Ask Ss to summarize the whole text The article discusses three aspects of language learning, while trying to clear up three related misconceptions, which are; language can be learned systematically with clear ultimate success; words have clear-cut and fixed meanings; people of the same language background speak the same variety everywhere. The message of the article is that learners should be aware that language is not a fixed unchanging thing, therefore learning a language is, in fact, a lifelong task. Step 4 Practice: Language work A. Check Part A with the students. B. Check Part B by asking Ss one by one to read the sentences. C. Ask Ss one by one to recall the meaning and usage of each expression first, and then rewrite a given sentence with the expression. Step 5 Homework 1. Prepare a retelling of the text, tell them they can use the key points on P64 as guidelines. 2. Ask Ss to finish the Grammar Work & Vocabulary Work on P69-70. Periods 7-8 Teaching Materials: Extended Activities Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision: Ask Ss to retell the text using the key words on P64. 1. Give Ss 3 minutes to retell the story first to their partners. 2. Choose one or two Ss to present their retelling to the class. 3. Take notes of the Ss’s presentations. 4. Comment on the Ss’s work- both on the content and the language. Correct their language errors, if any. Step 2 Practice 1. Have a dictation on P67. 1) Read the passage at normal speed once. 2) Have one student retell what he/she Hs heard to ensure that the Ss have 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第42页 grasped the main idea. 3) Read the text slowly and have the students take down the passage. 4) Ask a student to read his/her dictation to the class to check the diction, have the Ss correct their errors, if any. 2. Grammar work The phrases on a /one condition, on condition that---, provided/ providing, suppose/ supposing can be used in both real and unreal conditions. A. Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences. B. Ask some Ss to present their sentences to the class. C. Give comments to Ss’s presentations. D. Ask Ss to finish the matching exercises by themselves. 3. Vocabulary work A. Ask Ss to explain the following expressions: whisper, murmur, mutter, scream, stutter, stammer, yelp. Different verbs of speaking are often associated with different moods. The following table can be introduced to the Ss before or after the exercise. Verbs Moods than often do with the Adverbs that often go with verb the verb Whisper Romantic, secretive, timid, Softly, gently, quietly, frightened stealthily, eagerly Murmur Romantic, or quietly Softly, gently, quietly, complaining ceaselessly, apologetically Mutter irritated Unhappily, gloomily, irritably, angrily, bitterly, furiously Scream Frightened or irritated Hysterically, madly Stutter/StaNervous or afraid nervously mmer yelp Painful, frightened Painfully, miserably B. Ask Ss to finish the blacks. C. Check the exercises with the class. Step 3 Presentation: Read More 1. Have the Ss read the passage before class. 2. Ask one or two Ss to summarize the story in on more than five sentences. 3. Advise the Ss to draft the summary first on paper. 4. Check the answer to True or false on P68. 5. Explain some language points. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第43页 1) mighty: powerful, strong. 2) abate: (of wind, noise, pain ect. ) make or become less 减小,减少,减轻. 3) condemn:~ sb to do sth (律): sentence sb to--- 4) strain: strech sth tightly by pulling 拉紧,绷紧 e.g. ~ a rope 5) recede: move back from a previous position 自原处往后退 e.g. The tide has receded from the shore. Step 4 Consolidation: Translation 1. Have the Ss work in pairs first to check each other’s work. 2. Assign a few Ss to write their translations on the blackboard. 3. Comment on the Ss’s work and correct errors, if any. Step 5 Homework Ask Ss to finish the given out-of-class exercises. 教 学 后 记 备课时间: 年 月 日 授课 授课 课 题 Unit 6 Bargains 8 Lecture 时数 类型 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第44页 1. To learn to describe your experience in shopping 2. To learn the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 教 学 3. To know about the grammar points: (1)Unfulfilled past obligations, etc. and actions taken 目 的 despite obligations to the contrary; unused ability and unfulfilled wishes and intentions (2) More about unreal conditional sentences 教 学 1. To have a good mastery of the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 重 点 2. To master the expressions for describing your experience in shopping 教 学 1. To comprehend some complicated sentences and expressions 难 点 2. To summarize the text 主 要1. orthodox 2. extort 3. novelty ,4. fade 5. might as well 6. for the sake of 知 识7. provided that 8. make a living of 9. in bulk ,10. fall for 11. serve somebody right 12. prohibit 语 言 点 附 记 Periods 1-2 或 Teaching Materials: Part 1 Listening & Speaking Activities 教学说明 Teaching Steps: Step 1 Leading in 教 Ask Ss the following question and lead them to the topic of this unit. , What facilities does a supermarket usually have? 学 , What terms do we use for money when we are buying things 过 Step 2 Presentation: Brainstorming 1. Introduce the five tasks on the board and explain the meanings of each 程 category with exemplary words and expressions. 2. Have the Ss work in pairs or groups to complete the five tasks.(to think out ,five expressions for each category) 学3. Have three or four Ss present their work on the board. 时4. Comment on and add selectively new words or expressions to their lists by 分using the vocabulary for reference. 配 1) Expressions of shop: , Department store, the grocer’s, book-shop, supermarket, the butcher’s, fruit shop, greengrocer, confectioner, the baker’s, shoe shop, the florist’s, chain stores, superstore, general store, corner shop, kiosk, shopping centre, shopping mall 2) Expressions for buying and selling: 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第45页 buy, sell, go shopping, do the shopping, go to the shops, shop around, shop at / in, go window shopping, get, purchase, pick up something, wholesale, retail, sell out, out of stock, make / strike a bargain, bargain for, on the 教 market, sale, for sale, on sale, discount 1/2, 1/3, 50% ... off (the original price), shopping list, haggle over the price (讨价还价), paying on credit 1学 (using the credit card), paying with a debit card, swipe one’s card through a POS machine (在购物终端机器上刷卡) 过 3) Expressions for money: change, cash, credit card, cheque (British English), check (American 程 English), coin, note (British English), bill (American English) 4) Expressions for shopping facilities: ,counter, shelf, window, trolley, vending machine (售货机), checkout, 学cash-register (收银机),shopping basket, shopping cart 时5) Expressions for people in a shop: 分 shop owner, boss, manager, shopkeeper, shop assistant (sales assistant), cashier (收银员), customer, shopper, buyer 配 , Notes: 1. dollar-shop: one of the various names for stores which sell discount goods 2. vanity store: a vanity store is a business in which goods are more expensive then elsewhere. People who shop there value the brand or social status more than the actual value or use of the goods. 3. debit card: credit cards allow the card holder to buy things on credit while the debit card doesn’t. To use a debit card you Step 3 Practice: Listening 1. Introduce the following questions as a pre-listening activity. (1) How do you come to a decision when shopping? (What is your priority in decision- making amongst these factors: price, quality, appearance, practical use for you, or your friend ect.?) (2) Do you have special/ interesting shopping experiences? Describe them. 2. Discuss the meaning of some terms in the listening. (to refer to P74 in the Teacher’s Book) 3. Play the tape and ask Ss to answer the questions. Step 4 Consolidation: Speaking 1. Introduce some useful expressions for shopping. For shop assistant: 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第46页 (1) Attending a customer 1) What can I do for you? 2) Can I help you in any way? 3) Can I be of any assistance to you? (2) Asking what the customer wants to buy? 1) May I help you? What can I do for you? 2) Can I get you anything else? 3) Is there anything else I can show you? 4) Are you looking for---? 5) What material/ colour / style do you prefer? 6) What kind of---did you have in your mind? (3) Recommending sth. to the customer 1) Here are some samples. 2) Here’s a pair in your size. They’re very good for the price. 3) Try this one, please. It’s the latest fashion. 4) We have a very wide selection of--- (4) Bargaining on the selling side 1) Sorry, our price is fixed. 2) We can give you a ten percent discount off the price. 3) You won’t get a better buy than this one. 4) The price is reasonable because the quality is super. 5) The price is moderate enough. 6) That’s almost the cost price. 7) What price are your willing to pay? 8) It’s a real bargain. For customer: (1) Telling the shop assistant what you’d like to buy 1) Can you show me---? 2) Could I have a look at---? 3) Bring me a larger size, please. 4) I’m just having a look around. 5) I wish to order--- 6) I’d like to have a--- (2) Asking the shop assistant for information and advice 1) Could you advise me on what kind of shoes would fit me best? 2) Do you have any less expensive ones? 3) Is this dress machine-washable? 4) What make/ make is it? 5) What material is it made of? (3) Bargaining on the buying side 1) That’s a bit more than I wanted to pay. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第47页 2) That’s a little high for us. What would be your lowest price for that? 3) Can you give me a discount? 4) Can you come down a bit? 5) I can give you no more than--- 6) It’s a little overpriced. 2. Ask Ss to talk about the topic of shopping with the help of Part A. 3. Ask several pairs to present their dialogue. Step 5 Homework 1. Ask Ss to prepare a short story about their experiences in shopping according to Part C. 2. Preview the text in P2. Periods 3-4 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension (Text from Para1-2) Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision Ask three groups of Ss to present their role-play to the class. Give some comments to their presentations. Step 2 Leading in: Introduce the text by asking and talking about the following questions: 1. What are your attitudes towards bargaining? Why? 2. When you make a bargain, what should you do and what should you arrive? Step 3 Practice: 1. Ask Ss to read the new words and expressions in the word list. 2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape of the text; after listening, try to summarize analyze the structure of the text. The frist paragraph: Through contrasting the orthodox definition and the recent understanding of bargain, the writer introduces the thesis statement, i.e. a bargain is a dirty trick to extort money from the pockets of silly and innocent people. The second paragraph: The writer illustrates how a bargain may be created by modern businessmen. Instead of selling the goods at a reasonable price, they try to sell at a higher price than its real worth. The third to six paragraphs: The writer explores what is known as the consumer psychology. Consumers tend to believe that they can save 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第48页 money by getting even the slight discount and this often results in absurd purchases of unnecessary things. Step 4 Presentation: Go through the text. Explain some Language Points and difficult sentences. Language Points Para.1-2 I. Ask two Ss to read these two paragraphs, and then ask students to answer Question1-4 on Page 63&64. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 1. orthodox a. orthodoxy n. 1) ( esp. of beliefs or behavior) generally accepted or approved of; following generally accepted beliefs 普遍接受的;正统的;规范的 e.g.. orthodox medicine 传统医学 He is very orthodox in his views. 他的观点十分正统。 [opp] unorthodox 2) following closely the traditional beliefs and practices of a religion 正统信仰的;正宗教义的 e.g. an orthodox Jew 正统的犹太教徒 2. extort v. extort sth.( from sb.): to make sb. to give you sth. by threatening them 敲诈;强夺;勒索 e.g. The gang extorted money from over 20 local businesses. 这帮歹徒向当地20多家 勒索过钱财。 extortion n. e.g. He was arrested and charged with extortion.他因敲诈罪而拘捕和控告。 3(to start with: 1) at the beginning 起初,开始时 e.g. The club had only six members to start with. 这家俱乐部起初仅有六名会员。 She wasn’t keen on the idea to start with. 她一开始并不喜欢这个主意。 2) in the first place, as the first point (给出首要理由)首先,第一 e.g. To start with it’s much too expensive„ 首先是太贵„ 4. novel: a.1) new; strange of a kind not known before 新奇的,异常的。】 e.g. a novel experience 新经验 to be on the lookout for whatever is novel 追求新奇 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第49页 novelty: n. a. the quality of being novel; newness 新奇;新鲜 2) new or strange thing or person 新奇的人或物 e.g. Riding was a novelty to her. 骑马对她来说是件新鲜事。 appreciate novelty 欣赏新奇的事物。 I find no novelty in the novel. 5. fade v. 1) to become or to make sth. become paler or less bright 使变淡,变暗 e.g. All color had faded from the sky. 天上的颜色都退去了。 The curtains had faded in the sun. 窗帘已经给晒退了色。 The sun had faded the curtains. 太阳把窗帘晒退了色。 He was wearing faded blue jeans. 他穿着退色的蓝色牛仔裤。 2) fade (away): to disappear gradually 逐渐消逝;逐渐消失 e.g. Her smile faded 她的笑容逐渐消失 His voice faded to a whisper. (= gradually became quieter).他的声音 越来越小,变成了耳语。 The laughter faded away. 笑声逐渐消逝。 6. Whereupon conj. 于是,马上,然后(and then) e.g. I related the anecdote, whereupon he laughed heartily. 我叙述那 件轶事,他听了(马上)开怀大笑。 She laughed at him, whereupon he walked out. 她嘲笑他,他随之离 去了。 He saw me coming, whereupon he offered me his seat. 他看到我进 来,便把他的座位让给了我。 7. off: adv. taken from the price 减价的;削价的 e.g. shoes with 5 pounds 减价5英镑的鞋子 All shirts are/have 10 % off. 衬衣全部减价10%。 III. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of these two paragraphs in their own words. Step 4 Homework Look up some words and phrases from Para 3-7 in the dictionary after class. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第50页 Periods 5-6 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension and Language Activities (Text Para 3-7 ) Teaching Steps Step 1 Revision 1. Ask Ss to listen to Para1 and Para 2 and then summarize the main idea. 2. Try to recall some expressions in these two parts. Step 2 Presentation & Practice Go through Para 3-7. Explain some Language points and difficult sentences. I. Ask two Ss to read these paragraphs, and then ask students to answer Questions3-8 on Page 80. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 8. miss: vt. Fail to hit, hold, catch, or see what you want 未击中,未抓住,未看见,错过 e.g. We were nearly missing the ship. 我们差一点就误了船。 She regretted having missed the film. 她后悔没看上那场电影。 miss an opportunity 9. may/might as well do sth.: to do sth. because it seems best in the situation that you are in, although you may not really want to do it 做„倒也无妨;只好做某事 e.g. If no one else wants it, we might as well give it to him. 如果没有人要这个,我们不妨给他吧。 One may as well be hanged (for) a sheep as for a lamp.偷小羊是死罪, 大羊也是死罪 10. Accuse: ~ of charge sb with doing sth wrong or having broken the law 控告;告发 e.g. She accused him of theft. 她控告他行窃。 He accused the man of having committed a crime. 他指控那个人有 罪。 11. for the sake of sb./sth.( for sb.’s/sth.’s sake ): in order to help sb./sth. or because you like sb./sth.因某人/某物的缘故 e.g. They stayed together for the sake for the children.为了孩子,他们还 待在一起。 You can do it, please, for my sake.这个是你能做的。求你了,就算为 了我。 12. Plead: (pleaded, pleaded NAmE also pled, pled) 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第51页 1) ~(with sb)(fro sth) to ask sb for sth in a very strong and serious way. e.g. She pleaded with him for another chance to pass the test. 2) (~-ADJ) to plead guilty/ not guilty: to state in court that you are guilty or not guilty of a crime 承认,认罪 13. resist: (use in negative sentences) to stop yourself from having sth you like or doing sth you wanted very much to do 抵制,忍不住 e.g. I finished the cake, I couldn’t resist it. He couldn’t resist showing off his new car. 14. Sane: adj. not mad; helthy in the mind.头脑清醒的,明智的 e.g. He is not quite sane。 他神智不太正常。 15. provided/providing conj. (that…) used to say what must happen or be done to make it possible for sth. else to happen 如果;假如;在„条件下 e.g. We’ll buy everything you produce, provided of course the price is right.当然了,倘若价格合适,我们将采购你们的全部产品。 Provided that you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to 100 pounds a day.只要账户存款足够,每天可提取不超过100英 镑。 16(make a living of: depend on sth. for a living e.g. He makes a living of small business. 17. in bulk:in large amounts e.g. It’s cheaper to buy in bulk.大批购买便宜些。 18. fall for:1) be deceived by受。。。欺骗 e.g. Sometimes even adults will fall for children’s tricks. 2) fall for sth.: be attracted to sb. /fall in love with sb.一见倾心 e.g. They met, fell for each other and got married six weeks later. 19. It serves sb. right (for doing sth.):used to say that sth. that has happened to sb. is their own fault and they deserve it 咎由自取,罪有应得 e.g. Left you, did she? It serves you right for being so selfish.她离开 了你,是吗,那你活该,你太自私了。 e.g. He is not reliable, but I like him all the same. What said is not absolutely reasonable; all the same, there is some truth in what he says. 20. prohibit v. 1) prohibit sth./sb. from doing sth.: 禁止 [often passive] to stop sth. from being done or used especially by law e.g. Soviet citizens were prohibited from traveling abroad.苏联时代的 公民被禁止出国旅游。 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第52页 2) to make sth. impossible to do 阻止;使不可能 e.g. The high cost of equipment prohibits many people from taking up this sport.昂贵的装备令许多人对这项运动望而却步。 III. Analyze some sentences: 1. Still, people say, one has to have washing powder (or whatever) and one might as well buy it a penny cheaper. Since one has to use washing powder, it is better to buy it a penny cheaper than buy it at the full price. 2. ---otherwise a charming and seemingly sane girl---: If she doesn’t tell me stories such as---, she would be a charming and a seemingly healthy girl. IV. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of Part 3& Part 4 in their own words. Step 3 Consolidation: Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of the whole text The main idea of the article is that a bargain is a dirty trick to extort money from the pockets of silly and innocent people. On the one hand, the businessmen encourage people to believe that they are buying things on the cheap. On the other hand, silly and innocent customers tend to believe that they have actually made some money through bargains. Step 4 Homework 1. Prepare a retelling of the text, tell them they can use the key points on P80 as guidelines. 2. Ask Ss to finish the Language Work, Grammar Work & Vocabulary Work from P81-88. Periods 7-8 Teaching Materials: Extended Activities Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision: Ask Ss to retell the text using the key words on P80. 1. Give Ss 3 minutes to retell the story first to their partners. 2. Choose one or two Ss to present their retelling to the class. 3. Take notes of the Ss’s presentations. 4. Comment on the Ss’s work- both on the content and the language. Correct their language errors, if any. Step 2 Practice I. Have a dictation on P83. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第53页 1) Read the passage at normal speed once. 2) Have one student retell what he/she Hs heard to ensure that the Ss have grasped the main idea. 3) Read the text slowly and have the students take down the passage. 4) Ask a student to read his/her dictation to the class to check the diction, have the Ss correct their errors, if any. II. Language work A. Check Part A with the students. B. Check Part B by asking Ss one by one to read the sentences. C. Ask Ss one by one to recall the meaning and usage of each expression first, and then rewrite a given sentence with the expression. III.Grammar work 1. More about modal verbs 1) Should+ have+ v.-ed. or ught to + have + v.-ed is used to express an unfulfilled obligation in the past. Shouldn’t+ have+ v.-ed. or oughtn’t to + have + v.-ed is for expressing the past obligation to the contrary. 2) Sometimes, ought to is a little stronger than should. 3) Could + have + v.-ed is used to express unused ability in the past. 4) Would like to + have + v.-ed is used to express someone’s unfulfilled wishes or intentions. A. Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences. B. Ask some Ss to present their sentences to the class. C. Give comments to Ss’s presentations. 2. More about unreal conditional sentences. Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences by themselves. IV.Vocabulary work A. Ask Ss to finish the blank-filling by themselves. B. Check the exercises with the class. Step 3 Presentation: Read More 1. Have the Ss read the passage before class and think about the following questions? 1) What does the title mean? Is ―Charlie‖ a person or sth.? What does ―travail‖ mean? 2) Is it easy for the family to get Charlie home? 3) What is Charlie used for at home? 2. Ask one or two Ss to summarize the story in on more than five sentences. 3. Check the answer to True or false on P85. Step 4 Consolidation: Translation 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第54页 1. Have the Ss work in pairs first to check each other’s work. 2. Assign a few Ss to write their translations on the blackboard. 3. Comment on the Ss’s work and correct errors, if any. Step 5 Homework Ask Ss to finish the given out-of-class exercises. 教 学 后 记 备课时间: 年 月 日 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第55页 授课 授课 课 题 Unit 7 Out of the Mists 8 Lecture 时数 类型 1. To learn to describe childhood experiences 2. To learn the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 教 学 3. To know about the grammar points: (1) More passive-constructions: have/ make/ feel/ 目 的 hear/ see/ find + noun + passive (2) Quasi-passives: passive + prep. phrases other than the by-phrase, such as I’m surprised at you. The lion was shot with a rifle., including the structure: We are supposed to leave now. 教 学 1. To have a good mastery of the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 重 点 2. To master the expressions for describing childhood experiences 教 学 1. To comprehend some complicated sentences and expressions 难 点 2. To summarize the text 主 要1. nebulous 2. be wrapped in 3. have a terrible job to do sth ,4. be deprived of 5. indignant 6. cross 7. up to 知 识8. get(fly) into a temper 9. cut (take, tear, fall) to pieces ,10. in the wrong 11. righteous 12. in company 语13. to/on the contrary 言 点 附 记 Periods 1-2 或 Teaching Materials: Part 1 Listening & Speaking Activities 教学说明 Teaching Steps: Step 1 Leading in 教 Ask Ss the following question and lead them to the topic of this unit. , What was you favorite game when you were a child? 学 , Do you have any unforgettable experiences in your childhood? 过 Step 2 Presentation: Brainstorming 1. Introduce the five tasks on the board and explain the meanings of each 程 category with exemplary words and expressions. 2. Have the Ss work in pairs or groups to complete the five tasks.(to think out ,five expressions for each category) 学3. Have three or four Ss present their work on the board. 时4. Comment on and add selectively new words or expressions to their lists by 分using the vocabulary for reference. 配 1) Expressions of for describing past events: , Once, once upon a time, a long time ago, at one time, ages ago, some time ago, donkey’s years (many years) ago, when I was little, the day before 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第56页 yesterday, a fortnight (2 weeks) ago, yesterday evening, in the end, from 1981 to 1997, from May to July, since 1995, since June, since the middle of last month, since last night 2) Expressions for describing childhood memories: Positive adjectives: wonderful, innocent, easy, fantastic, unrestrained, carefree 教 Negative adjectives: terrible, troublesome, gloomy, confusing, painful, scary, uncertain, fearful 学 Neutral adjectives: unforgettable, vague, hazy, nebulous, clear, vivid 3) Expressions for places for children: 过 Nursery, kindergarten, kindie (slang, children’s language), day-care centre, nursery school, play- center, pre-school center 程 4) Expressions for people looking after children: Teacher, nanny, baby-sitter, nursemaid, nurse ,5) Expressions for games or for children’s play apparatus: 学 Hide-and-seek, playing birdie/ kicking shuttlecock (踢毽子), riding 时tricycle, slide, skipping rope, swing, seesaw/ teeter- totter, merry-go-round, 分marbles, toy bricks/ building blocks, rubber band skipping, whipping tops, 配 hopscotch, Frisbee, catapult/ slingshot, iron hoop, drop handkerchief, cat’s , cradle, jackstone, kite flying, play a game of tag, tug-of-war Step 3 Practice: Listening 1. Introduce the following questions as a pre-listening activity. (1) Are you the only child in your family? Do you want to have a brother or sister? Why? (2) Did you get along well with your brother or sister in your childhood if you have any? 2. Discuss the meaning of some terms in the listening. (to refer to P91 in the Teacher’s Book) 3. Play the tape and ask Ss to answer the questions. Step 4 Consolidation: Speaking Ask Ss to talk about the following topic: What are the differences between your childhood and that of today’s children? Step 5 Homework 1. Ask Ss to prepare a short story about their childhood experiences with the use of expressions in Brainstorming. 2. Preview the text in P2. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第57页 Periods 3-4 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension (Text from Para1-2) Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision Ask three Ss to present their story about their childhood experiences to the class. Give some comments to their presentations. Step 2 Practice: 1. Ask Ss to read the new words and expressions in the word list. 2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape of the text; after listening, try to summarize the main idea of the text and talk about the implied meaning of the title. The article records Anne’s reminiscences of her childhood around the time of the First World War. As she said, her memories are nebulous because she was then too young to register them. Her memories are like scenes emerging out of the mists in the early morning. Step 3 Presentation: Go through the text. Explain some Language Points and difficult sentences. Language Points Para.1-2 I. Ask two Ss to read these two paragraphs, and then ask students to answer Question1-6 on Page 95. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 1. nebulous: formal an idea that is nebulous is not at all clear or exact 模糊 的;不清楚的 ,synonym vague adv. nebulously n. nebulousness e.g. a nebulous concept/ description 模糊的概念/ 描述 The rules are too nebulous to be applied consistently. 2. nanny: a woman whose job is to take care of the children in a family, usually in the family's own home (儿童家中的)保姆 3. air raid: [c] an attack in which bombs are dropped on a place by planes 空 袭 e.g. It was give out that seven people had been killed in the air raid. 据 宣布,,人在这场空袭中丧生。 The children had to be got under the stairs whenever there was an air raid.每当空袭就不得不把孩子们藏到楼梯底下。 4. wrap v. -pp- 1) ~ sth (up) (in sth) to cover sth completely in paper or other material, for example when you are giving it as a present (常与up连用)包;裹;卷 e.g. The present was beautifully wrapped in gold paper. 2) ~A (up) in B | ~B round/around to cover sth/sb in material, for example 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第58页 in order to protect it/them用…包裹(或包扎、覆盖等) e.g. She was wrapped up in a thick winter coat. 她包裹在一件厚厚的冬衣里。 ~ sth around/ round sth/ sb to put sth firmly around sth/sb用...缠绕 (或围紧) e.g. A scarf was wrapped around his neck. 他的脖子上围着一条围巾。 She wrapped her arms about his neck. 她用胳膊搂住他的脖子. 3) be wrapped up in sth to give so much of your attention to something that you do not have time for anything else 专心致志于;全神贯注于;完全沉浸于 e.g. He is wrapped up in his work. 他专心致志地工作。 5. reasonable: fairly good, but not especially good, acceptable不错的;还算好的;过得去的 ,synonym average e.g. She has a reasonable chance of doing well in the exam. The hotel was reasonable, I suppose (=but not excellent). 我觉得这家酒店还可以。 6. on leave: [u] time that you are allowed to spend away from your work, especially in the armed forces 假期;休假 e.g. Your basic annual leave is 20 days. 你的基本年假是二十天。 to take a month’s paid/ unpaid leave 带薪/不带薪休假一个月 She went home on leave. 她休假回家。 7. tramp: [vi. always + adv/prep, vt.] to walk somewhere slowly and with heavy steps (尤指长时间地)重步行走,踏,踩 tramp through/across/around etc e.g. We tramped through the wood. 我们吃力地走过了树林。 I have tramped all day. 我已长途跋涉了一整天。 She’s been tramping the streets looking for a job. 她一直在大街上四处奔走寻找工作。 8. hamlet: [c] a very small village 小村庄 9. be unknown (to sb): adj. not known or identified 未知的;不详的;未被确认的 e.g. a man unknown to me我不认识的人 inventions unknown to antiquity古人所不知的发明 It was unknown country to me. 这地区对我说来是陌生的。 unknown to sb without someone knowing „尚不知道;把„蒙在鼓里 e.g. Unknown to his wife, Ronald had been having an affair. 罗奈尔得背着妻子偷情。 Unknown to me, he had already signed the agreement. 他背着我已签了协议。 10. indignant: adj. angry and surprised because you feel insulted or unfairly 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第59页 treated 愤慨的;愤怒的;义愤的indignant (at/about) | indignant (that…) –synonym angry/ irate e.g. He is indignant at her words. 他对她的话感到气愤。 Liz was indignant at the way her child had been treated. 莉兹对于她的孩子受到的待遇大伟光火。 The indignant passengers beat the pickpocket up. 愤怒的乘客们把那个扒手痛打了一顿。 I was indignant because I felt that I had been punished unfairly. 我非常愤慨,因为我觉得对我的惩罚是不公平的。 11. knock sb ? up: British English to wake someone up by knocking on their door 敲门唤醒某人 e.g. What time do you want me to knock you up in the morning? 早上你要我几点中叫醒你? knock sth ? up to make sth quickly and without using much effort 迅速准备好;快速并轻易做成 e.g. Michael knocked up a shed in the back garden. 麦克尔在后花园迅速搭起了一个小棚。 She knocked up a fantastic meal in ten minutes. 她十分钟就作好一顿美味佳肴。 12. cross: [usually before noun] especially British English angry or annoyed 恼怒的;十分愤怒 的;生气的 get/be cross (with sb); cross at/about e.g. Don't get cross with me, it wasn't my fault. 不要对我生气,那不是我的错。 It's no good getting cross with him. 和他生气没有用。 She was cross at being interrupted. 她对被人打断十分生气。 13. cocoo: n茧;卵袋,卵囊;保护膜;防护层;软罩 1) a place or situation in which you feel comfortable and safe, and are protected from anything unpleasant cocoon of e.g. She was surrounded by the cocoon of a loving family. 她被包围在家庭中相互关爱的所形成的保护中。 2) sth that wraps around you completely, especially to protect you cocoon of e.g. She is wrapped in a cocoon of blue silk. 她被包裹在蓝色丝绸的软罩里。 14. up to sth: adv. 1) as much or as many as a certain amount or number but not more 到达(某数量、程度等);至多有 e.g. The Olympic Stadium will hold up to 80,000 spectators. 奥林匹克体育场最多可容纳八万观众。 I can take up to four people (= but no more than four) in my car. 我的汽车最多能带四个人。 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第60页 2) (also up until) for the whole of a period until a certain time or date 直 到;不多于;不迟于 e.g. Up to now he’s been very quiet 到目前为止他一直很安静。 She continued to care for her father up to the time of his death.她一直照顾 她父亲直到他死。 3) [in questions and negatives] clever, good, or well enough to do sth (体 力或智力上)能胜任;与„一样高(或好) e.g. I'm afraid Tom just isn't up to the job (=he does not have the necessary ability). 我担心汤姆无法胜任这份工作。 Her latest book isn’t up to her usual standard. 她的新作没有达到她平常 的水准。 III. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of these two paragraphs in their own words. The first paragraph: Anne introduces briefly her early childhood days in the First World War, living with her mother, sister, brother and a nanny while her father was away at the front. The second paragraph: Anne tells her clearest memories of her wartime-experiences of being woken in the night when there was an air raid or at the unexpected arrival of her father on leave, including an interesting anecdote of her father looking for the family in the depths of night. Step 4 Homework Ask Ss to finish the Language Work on Page 95 and Translation on Page 102. Periods 5-6 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension (Text Para 3 ) and Language Activities Teaching Steps Step 1 Revision 1. Ask Ss to listen to Para1 and Para 2 and then summarize the main idea. 2. Try to recall some expressions in these two parts. Step 2 Presentation & Practice Go through Para 3. Explain some Language points and difficult sentences. I. Ask two Ss to read this paragraph, and then ask students to answer Questions7-11on Page 95. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第61页 15. get(fly) into a temper发脾气;勃然大怒 e.g. Her boss would fly into a temper if a project wasn't done on time. 如果没有按时完成她的老老板会大发雷霆。 He often gets into a temper for no reason at all. 他经常无缘无故地发脾气。 16. cut (take, tear, fall) to pieces 1) fall to pieces: a) to become old and in bad condition 变得破旧不堪; 瓦解;破碎 e.g. All my clothes are falling to pieces.我所有的衣服都将破旧不堪了。 b) to no longer be successful or working well 停止运作;崩溃;瓦解 e.g. The economy is falling to pieces. 经济面临崩溃。 2) tear sth to pieces to damage sth badly by breaking it into many parts 撕碎 3) cut sth to pieces make sth into a particular shape by cutting 切成碎片 17. stockinet [u] especially British English a soft cotton material that stretches (做袜子、内衣裤用的)有弹力织物 18. deprive sb of sth to prevent someone from having sth, especially sth that they need or should have剥夺, 从...夺走; 使丧失; 使不能享有 e.g. These misfortunes almost deprived him of his reason. 这些不幸的事情几乎使他失去理智。 The new laws deprived many people of the most elementary freedoms. 新法律剥夺了许多人的最基本的自由。 19. impunity: do sth with impunity if someone does sth bad with impunity, there is no risk that they will be punished for it 免于惩罚;不受惩罚;逃过惩罚 e.g. He behaved badly with impunity as he knew the teacher was weak. 他表现不好,却没有受到惩罚,因为他知道老师软弱可欺。 If laws are not enforced, crimes are committed with impunity. 如果法律不能实施,人们就会犯罪而不受惩罚。 20. frightened feeling afraid 惊吓的;受惊吓的;害怕的 ,synonym scared frightened of; frightened to do sth; frightened that e.g. Her father had an awful temper and she was always frightened of him. 她的父亲脾气糟透了,她总是怕他。 The boy was frightened to speak. 这个男孩不敢说话。 To tell the truth, I was frightened to death (=very frightened). 说实话,我吓得要死。 21. the tail end of sth the last part of an event, situation, or period of time 末尾;末端;尾端;结尾部分 e.g. Peter was at the tail end of his class. 彼得是班上最差的学生。 He came at the tail end of the lecture. 他在讲座快结束时才来。 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第62页 I only heard the tail - end of their conversation. 我只听到了他们谈话的末尾。 22. be in the wrong to make a mistake or deserve the blame for sth (在事故、错误、争论等中)有错,应承担责任;应受责备 e.g. Which driver was in the wrong? 那个司机应承担责任?He admitted that he was in the wrong. 他承认是他的不是。 23. righteous adj. 1) righteous indignation/anger etc 义愤strong feelings of anger when you think a situation is not morally right or fair 正当的;公平合理的;正义的 e.g. He was full of righteous indignation about the attack. 他对此次袭击感到义愤填膺。 2) formal morally good and fair 公正的;正直的;正当的 e.g. a righteous God/ judgment. 公正的上帝/ 判决 24. around the clock (also round the clock) British English all day and all night without stopping 日夜不停的;持续一整天的 e.g. They worked round the clock, refusing to go home. 他们日夜不停地干,家都不肯回了。 Surgeons are working round the clock to save his life. 外科医生们正在日夜工作以抢救他的生命。 People with very important jobs sometimes have to work around the clock.有要职在身的人有时要日以继夜地工作。 25. in company (=when surrounded by other people, especially at a social occasion) 在(客)人面前 e.g. Don't yawn in company. 在客人面前别打呵欠。 Parents should teach their children how to behave in company. 父母应该教他们的孩子怎样在总人面前表现得体。 26. to the contrary showing or proving the opposite 反对地;与此相反地;有相反情况;尽管„ evidence/statements etc to the contrary e.g. We knew nothing to the contrary. 当时我们不知道任何相反的情况。 Unless there is evidence to the contrary, we ought to believe them. 我们应该相信他们,除非有相反的证据 He continued to drink. despite advice to the contrary. 他一直在喝酒,尽管有人劝他别喝了 III. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of Para 3 in their own words. The third paragraph: Anne tells how strict the Victorian philosophy of child rearing was with vivid description of how she was punished for cutting a pair of knickers to pieces. Step 3 Consolidation: Language work I. Check Part A with the students. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第63页 II. Check Part B by asking Ss one by one to read the sentences. III. Ask Ss one by one to recall the meaning and usage of each expression first, and then rewrite a given sentence with the expression. Step 4 Homework 1. Prepare a retelling of the text, tell them they can use the key points on P95 as guidelines. 2. Ask Ss to finish the Grammar Work & Vocabulary Work from P100-102. Periods 7-8 Teaching Materials: Extended Activities Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision: Ask Ss to retell the text using the key words on P95. 1. Give Ss 3 minutes to retell the story first to their partners. 2. Choose one or two Ss to present their retelling to the class. 3. Take notes of the Ss’s presentations. 4. Comment on the Ss’s work- both on the content and the language. Correct their language errors, if any. Step 2 Practice I. Have a dictation on P98. 1) Read the passage at normal speed once. 2) Have one student retell what he/she Hs heard to ensure that the Ss have grasped the main idea. 3) Read the text slowly and have the students take down the passage. 4) Ask a student to read his/her dictation to the class to check the diction, have the Ss correct their errors, if any. II. Grammar work A. Explain the Passive- constructions: have/ make/ feel/ hear/ see/ find + noun + passive B. Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences. C. Ask some Ss to present their sentences to the class. D. Give comments to Ss’s presentations. III. Vocabulary work A. Ask Ss to explain the phrases in italics. a. off the top of my head: (can’t say sth) without my thinking or preparation.(说出话)未经考虑或准备的 b. to bear sth in mind: used when reminding or warning oneself or sb about sth important which they should remember 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第64页 c. out of sight, out of mind: (saying) people quickly forget things or people if they are absent. d. rill a bell: rimind (sb) about sth vaguely, but they can’t remember exactly what it is; sound familiar 模糊地记得,听起来耳熟 e. on the tip of one’s tongue: unable to recall a word, or an expression but one may suddenly get it at any moment 话到嘴边或几乎想起 f. rack one’s brains: try hard to think of sth 绞尽脑汁 g. jog one’s memory: help sb to recall sth; remind sb of sth 唤起某人的记 忆 B. Check the exercises with the class. Step 3 Presentation: Read More 1. Have the Ss read the passage before class. 2. Ask one or two Ss to summarize the story in on more than five sentences. 3. Advise the Ss to draft the summary first on paper. 4. Check the answer to True or false on P99. 5. Explain some language points. 1. under way (also underway) having started 已经开始;在进行中 e.g. Preparations are well under way for a week of special events in May. 五月份特别活动周的准备工作已经顺利开展。 2. sign up (for sth) to arrange to do a course of study by adding your name to the list of people doing it 报名(参加课程) 3. root for sb/sth [no passive] (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用 于进行时) (informal) to support or encourage sb in a sports competition or when they are in different situation (体育比赛或遭遇困难时)给助威, 给„加油 e.g. We’re rooting for the Bulls. 我们为公牛队加油。 Good luck——I’m rooting for you! 祝你好运——我支持你~ 4. lose sight of sb/sth to stop considering sth; to forget sth 忽略;忘记 e.g. We must not lose sight of your original aim. 我们决不能忘记我们 最初的目标。 5. count v. count (for sth) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to be important 重要 e.g. Every point in this game counts. 这场比赛每一分都很重要。 It’s the thought that counts. 贵在心意。 6. break [c] (informal) an opportunity to do sth, usually to get sth that you want or to achieve success 机会或机遇 e.g. We’ve had a few bad breaks (= pieces of bad luck) along the way. 我们一路上遭遇了几次厄运。 7. square if you square yourself, or square your shoulders, you make your back and shoulders straight to show you are ready or determined to do sth 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第65页 挺直身子;挺起胸膛 e.g. Bruno squared himself to face the waiting journalists. 布鲁诺挺起 胸膛面对记者。 8. hold/keep sth in check to keep sth under control so that it does not spread or get worse 控制;制止 9. crow ~ (about /over sth) (disapproving) to talk too proudly about sth you have achieved, especially when sb else has been unsuccessful (尤指在其 他人不成功时)洋洋自得地夸口,自鸣得意 –synonym boast 10. immune ~ (from sth) protected from sth and therefore able to avoid it 受 保护;免除;豁免 e.g. No one should be immune from prosecution. 任何人都不应免于 被起诉。 11. humiliate v. to make sb feel ashamed or stupid and lose the respect of other people 羞辱;是丧失尊严 e.g. I’ve never felt so humiliated. 我从未感到如此羞辱。 Step 4 Consolidation: Translation 1. Have the Ss work in pairs first to check each other’s work. 2. Assign a few Ss to write their translations on the blackboard. 3. Comment on the Ss’s work and correct errors, if any. Step 5 Homework Ask Ss to finish the given out-of-class exercises. 教 学 后 记 备课时间: 年 月 日 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第66页 授课 授课 课 题 Unit 10 A Horse and Two Goats 8 Lecture 时数 类型 1. To learn to describe non-verbal communication 教 学 2. To learn the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 目 的 3. To know about the grammar points: adj./ n. with an infinitive structure (including It is adj./ n. + to do…; for/of Np to do…) 教 学 1. To have a good mastery of the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 重 点 2. To master the expressions for describing non-verbal communication 教 学 1. To comprehend some complicated sentences and expressions 难 点 2. To summarize the text 主 要 ,1. massive 2. disturb 3. plead 4. sacred 知5. capital 6. relate 7. ingratiating 8. respectful 识9. get out of sight 10. react to11.refer to 12. dawn on 13. pace (v.) , 语14. at the thought of 15. make somebody an offer for 16. sound policy to do--- 言 点 附 记 Periods 1-2 或 Teaching Materials: Part 1 Listening & Speaking Activities 教学说明 Teaching Steps: Step 1 Leading in 教 Ask Ss the following question and lead them to the topic of this unit. In addition to verbal messages, what other means can human beings 学 use for communication? List at least two means and explain how they work. 过 Step 2 Presentation: Brainstorming 程 1. Introduce the five tasks on the board and explain the meanings of each category with exemplary words and expressions. ,2. Have the Ss work in pairs or groups to complete the five tasks.(to think out 学five expressions for each category) 时3. Have three or four Ss present their work on the board. 分4. Comment on and add selectively new words or expressions to their lists by 配 using the vocabulary for reference. , 1) Expressions for understanding/ getting across message: understand, know learn, acquire (knowledge, information), have an idea of, take/ get the message, be well informed about sth., get/ put the message across, express, reveal, display, make oneself understood, dawn on sb., sth. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第67页 clicks in one’s mind, sth. occurs to sb. 2) Expressions for failure of communication: misunderstand, don’t know…, be confused about…, get… wrong, take too much for granted, be ignorant about sth., have misconceptions about…, be 教 biased/ prejudiced against…, be puzzling/ puzzled, be mystifying/ mystified, make a faux pas (a culturally embarrassing mistake), blunder in 学 etiquette 3) Expressions for emotional states: 过 happy/ unhappy, satisfied/ dissatisfied, friendly/ unfriendly, hospitable, hostile, cold, enthusiastic, be embarrassed/ embarrassing, sad, depressed, 程 low-spirited, moody, cheerful, delighted, glad, overjoyed 4) Expressions for body language: , nod, winking, raise one’s eye-brows, stare at sb., avert one’s eyes from sb., 学purse one’s lips, thrust out one’s tongue, make a face, put on a smiling/ 时good/ happy face, move/ turn one’s head, wave, beckon, palm up/ down, 分take… into one’s arms, kiss sb. on the cheek/ mouth/ forehead etc., touch, 配 eye contact, his/her eyes speak for himself/ herself…, a cloud crosses his/ , her face…, be red in the face, blush, beam 5) Expressions for differentiating between various meanings: meaning(s), nuances of meaning, (fine) shades of meaning, tell the slight differences between…,recognize the importance/ significance of…, with serious consequences, capture the delicate meaning of…, … speak louder than words Step 3 Consolidation: Speaking Ask Ss to work in small groups to find out more about means of communication other than language with the help of Part A in Speaking. Step 4 Homework Ask Ss to preview the text: A Horse and Two Goats. Periods 3-4 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension (Text Part 1) Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision Ask three Ss to recall some means for non-verbal communication. Step 2 Leading in: Introduce the text by asking and talking about the following questions: 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第68页 What do you think might cause misunderstanding in communication? Step 3 Practice: 1. Ask Ss to read the new words and expressions in the word list. 2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape of the text; after listening, try to summarize the main idea of the text and talk about the implied meaning of the title. The story is about an encounter between an old Indian villager and an American tourist in India, neither of whom understand the other’s language. As a result, the American’s intention of buying the statue of a horse is misunderstood by the Indian as an offer for his two goats. . Step 4 Presentation: Go through the text. Explain some Language Points and difficult sentences. Language Points Part.1 I. Ask two Ss to read these two paragraphs, and then ask students to answer Question1- on Page 143. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 1. massive guardian The horse was worshipped by the villagers as a protector of the village. Massive indicates that the horse is not only large in size, but also heavy in weight. Here is one more example: The new stadium is massive building. massive adj. very large, solid and heavy 2. in the shape of a prancing horse having the shape of a horse springing up from its hind legs e.g. a triangular shape The island was originally circular in shape The pool was in the shape of a heart. (fig) The government provides us with money in the shape of student loans. 3. hold your head high/ hold up your head to be proud of or not feel ashamed about sth. that you have done 昂首挺胸;抬起头来 e.g. She managed to hold her head high and ignore what people were saying. 她努力昂首挺胸,不理会人家的闲言碎语。 If you do this, you’ll never be able to hold your head up again. 4. … his tail looped up with a flourish the horse’s tail curled up spiritedly. A flourish is a decorative display intended to make people notice it. flourish n. 1) an exaggerated movement that you make when you want sb. to notice(为了引起注意的)夸张动作 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第69页 e.g. He opened the door for her with a flourish. 2) an impressive act or way of doing sth. 给人深刻印象的行为;令人难忘 的方式 e.g. The season ended with a flourish for Mike, when he scored in the final minute of the match. Mike以一个惊人之举结束了这个赛季,他在 比赛最后一分钟进了球。 v. 1) to wave sth. around in a way that makes people look at it (为引起注 意)挥舞 2) to develop quickly and be successful or common 繁荣,昌盛,兴旺 e.g. She was flourishing a letter from her boyfriend. Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate. 在目前的经济气候下,很少有企业兴旺发达 -synonym thrive 5. drowse: to be in a light sleep or almost asleep. e.g. My mother was sitting on the porch drowsing in the sun. 6. at the sight of sth. /at the thought of sth. e.g. Mary will faint at the sight of blood. She kept tossing and turning in bed all night at the thought of the barbecue tomorrow. 7. pace: walk with slow regular steps 以规则的步伐走动 e.g. He paced slowly toward the gate. He paced up and down in the room as he tried to find a solution to the problem. 8. sunburnt/ sunburned: used to describe the condition of skin that has become red and sore by being in the strong heat of the sun for too long, or that is very suntanned. e.g. When you go out in the hot sun, you should always put cream on your skin to avoid getting sunburnt. Sunburnt faces 9. respectful: showing politeness or honor to someone or something e.g. There was a ~ two-minute silence as we remembered the people who had died in the war. 10. ingratiatingly adv. ingratiating adj. trying too hard to get sb’s approval---used to show disapproval 巴结的 e.g. an ingratiating smile/ manner 阿谀奉承的微笑/样子 v. ingratiate yourself: (no passive, disapproving) to make someone like you by praising or doing sth to please them (靠奉承或作某事等)取悦 于某人 e.g. He’s always trying to ~ with his boss in the hope of promotion.他竭 力巴结老板,希望得到提升。 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第70页 8. react (to sth.)(by doing sth.) to behave in a particular way or show a particular emotion because of something that has happened or been said (, see also respond) e.g. How did Wilson react to your idea? He reacted to the suggestion that he had put forward by smiling. 面 对---他笑了。. She reacted very badly (=was very upset) when her parents split up. You have to react quickly to changed circumstances. 对变化了的情 况--- react against sb./ sth. to show dislike or opposition is response to sth., especially by deliberately doing the opposite of what sb. wants you to do 反对,反抗 e.g. He reacted strongly against the testing method of the current educational system.他强烈反对现代教育体制下的考试方法。 9. plead v. 1) to ask for sth. that you want very much in a sincere and emotional way [+for] plead with sb. for sth./(to do sth.) e.g. Civil rights groups pleased for government help. He pleaded with his parents for a more understanding attitude. 他求 父母多加谅解。 She pleaded with him not to go. 2) (law) to state in a court of law whether or not you are guilty of a crime e.g. plead guilty/ not guilty/ innocent 10. at length: 1) for a long time and in detail e.g. We already discussed this matter at great length. You still have to check your paper at some length before hand it in. 2) (literary) after a long time e.g. ― I’m still not sure ,‖he said at length. 11. utter. V. to say e.g. She didn’t ~ a word during lunch. Adj. (only before noun) used to emphasize how great or complete sth. is 完全的,十足的 e.g. That’s utter nonsense~ III.Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of this part in their own words. Part One: The American tried to strike a conversation about the statue of the horse he admired, but the old man mistook him for a police officer investigating a recent murder in the neighborhood. Step 4: Homework 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第71页 Ask Ss to look up some expressions in Part 2 of the text. Periods 5-6 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension (Part 2 of the text) Teaching Steps Step 1 Revision 1. Ask Ss to listen to Part1 and then summarize the main idea of this part. 2. Try to recall some expressions in this part. Step 2 Presentation & Practice Go through Part 2. Explain some Language points and difficult sentences. I. Ask two Ss to read this paragraph, and then ask students to answer Questions5-9 on Page 143. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 12. relate sth. (to sb.) to tell sb. about events/ facts/ experience/ a story that have happened to you or to someone else叙述(事实,经历等),讲(故 事等) e.g. He later related the whole story to me. She related the events of the last week to the police. He related in detail how he managed to survive the earthquake. 13. chat (also chat away) (especially British English) to talk in a friendly informal way, especially about things that are not important 闲聊 e.g. John and I sat up until the early hours chatting. chat with/ to e.g. Mary was there, chatting to her mother. chat about e.g. Susie chatted away about her social life. 14. the like of sb /sth (also sb's/sth's like) something similar to someone or a particular person or thing, or of equal importance or value e.g. This will be a show, the like of which I have never seen before. The man was a genius. We shall not see his like again. 15. sound policy a good idea or plan 16. dawn on sb. if sth. dawns on you, you begin to realize it for the first time or sth gradually become clear to sb. 使开始明白/渐渐领悟 e.g. It dawned on me that Jim had been right all along. Then the truth dawned on me. 17. make sb. an offer (for/ on sth.) offer a particular amount of money for sth. e.g. They made an offer on the house which I’m satisfied with. 他们 买这个房子出的价我还满意。. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第72页 The company made an offer of $5 million for the site. ---出价5百万美元买这个地方。 18. salute n. an act of raising your right hand to your head as a sign of respect, usually done by a soldier to an officer举手礼 e.g. As they left, the Corporal gave them a respectful salute. in salute e.g. Everyone at the table raised their glasses in salute. salute to e.g. Her first words were a salute to the people of South Africa. As a salute: 以表示敬意 19. touch off 1) to draw with light strokes描绘出;(用几笔)勾划出 2) to cause sth to catch fire or to explode; to make sth. begin, especially a difficult or violent situation 触发,引起 e.g. ~ a bomb Her comments touched off a wave of protests. 她的评论触发了一阵抗议的浪潮 III. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of Part 2 in their own words. The second part: Both parties tried to employ different means of communication to work out the other’s intention. But the misunderstanding continued and got worse, finally leading to a funny ending when the American was left alone waiting with two thin goats. Step 3 Consolidation: Language work I. Check Part A with the students. II. Check Part B by asking Ss one by one to read the sentences. III. Ask Ss one by one to recall the meaning and usage of each expression first, and then rewrite a given sentence with the expression. Step 4 Homework 1. Ask Ss to work with their partners to act out the dialogue between the old man and the American tourist. Suppose both of them can speak English. 2. Ask Ss to finish the Language Work & Translation after the text. Periods 7-8 Teaching Materials: Extended Activities Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision: 1. Ask several groups of Ss to act out the dialogue between the old man and the American tourist. Suppose both of them can speak English. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第73页 2. Comment on the Ss’s work. Step 2 Practice I. Have a dictation on P146. 1) Read the passage at normal speed once. 2) Have one student retell what he/she Hs heard to ensure that the Ss have grasped the main idea. 3) Read the text slowly and have the students take down the passage. 4) Ask a student to read his/her dictation to the class to check the diction, have the Ss correct their errors, if any. II. Grammar work A. Expand an adjective with an infinitive structure. a. Highlight tie functions of these adjectives for expressing one’s feelings or opinions in the following two structures: Sb. is +adj. + to do--- It is +adj. + +to do b. Ask Ss to finish these sentences with the adjectives in the chart. B. Expand a noun phrase with an infinitive structure with ―it‖ as an impersonal subject. a. The structure: It is adj. + for/of Np + to do b. Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences with the above structure. III.Vocabulary work A. Ask Ss to do matching exercise. B. Check the exercise with the Ss and ask them to pay attention to the underlined parts. Step 3 Presentation: Read More 1. Have the Ss read the passage before class. 2. Ask one or two Ss to summarize the story in on more than five sentences. 3. Advise the Ss to draft the summary first on paper. 4. Check the answer to True or false on P148. 5. Explain some language points. 1. call (sth.) (out); call (out) to sb. (for sth.) to shout or say sth. loudly to attract sb.’s attention; to ask or order a person or an organization to help, especially in a difficult or dangerous situation 大声呼叫,大声说以吸引注意力 e.g. She called out to her father for help. The army was called out to help fight fires. 2. look up to sb. to admire or respect sb. e.g. I’ve always looked up to Bill for his courage and determination. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第74页 Step 4 Consolidation: Translation 1. Have the Ss work in pairs first to check each other’s work. 2. Assign a few Ss to write their translations on the blackboard. 3. Comment on the Ss’s work and correct errors, if any. Step 5 Homework Ask Ss to finish the given out-of-class exercises. 教 学 后 记 备课时间: 年 月 日 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第75页 授课 授课 课 题 Unit 12 The Danger of Market Forces 8 Lecture 时数 类型 1. To learn to talk about environmental issues 教 学 2. To learn the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 目 的 3. To know about the grammar points: Verb-noun collocations 教 学 1. To have a good mastery of the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 重 点 2. To master the expressions for talk about environmental issues 教 学 1. To comprehend some complicated sentences and expressions 难 点 2. To summarize the text 主 要 ,1. derelict 2. provincial 3. exotic 4. tantalizing 知5. rummage 6. dormancy 7. exploit 8. sustainable 识9. save from 10. be up to 11. be bewildered 12. all but , 语13. interfere with 14. lay out 15. take--- for granted 16. fear for 言 点 Periods 1-2 附 记 Teaching Materials: Part 1 Listening & Speaking Activities 或 Teaching Steps: 教学说明 Step 1 Leading in Ask Ss the following question and lead them to the topic of this unit. 教 , 1. Why does ―environment‖ come with ―economy‖? , 2. What, do you think is the relation between them? 学 Step 2 Presentation: Brainstorming 过 1. Introduce the five tasks on the board and explain the meanings of each category with exemplary words and expressions. 程 2. Have the Ss work in pairs or groups to complete the five tasks.(to think out five expressions for each category) ,3. Have three or four Ss present their work on the board. 学4. Comment on and add selectively new words or expressions to their lists by 时using the vocabulary for reference. 分1) Expressions for the features of the natural environment: 配 water — river, stream, creek(小湾,小溪), lake, ocean, sea, gulf, bay , mountain — mountain mount hill others — grassland, prairie, plateau(高原), plain, desert, oasis(沙漠中 的绿洲), valley, cliff 2) Expressions for the features of the man-made environment: road, street, highway, motorway, small path, railway, canal, bridge, dam, 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第76页 dyke / dike(堤,坝,堰),building, concrete block, garden, lawn, rock-work (人造假山等) 3) Expressions for meteorological / climate features: 教 weather, atmosphere, air, cloud, rain, snow, tornado, hail(冰雹),storm, hurricane, typhoon, trade wind(季风),EL Nino(厄尔尼诺现象),natural 学 phenomenon, greenhouse effect, global warming 4) Expressions for economic development: 过 production, GDP (gross domestic production国民生产总值), growth rate (增长率),efficiency, productivity, industry, agriculture, farming, 程 horticulture (园艺学),cash crop (经济作物),earn foreign currency, developed / undeveloped / developing countries, backyard / advanced ,areas, special economic zone (经济特区), development zone (开发区) 学5) Expressions for economic changes: 时increase / decrease (production, productivity), be better / worse off, 分improve / deteriorate, do damage to, slow down economic development 配 6) Expressions for environmental protection: , protect the environment, no littering / spitting, pollution control, disposable chopsticks (一次性筷子), disposable meal boxes (一次性饭 盒), water waste treatment (污水处理),landfill (垃圾填埋), environment-friendly (不损坏环境),waste, deforestation (毁林开垦) / desertification (沙漠化),nature habitats for wild animals / plants, keep a balance between economic development and environmental protection Step 3 Practice: Listening 1. Introduce the following questions as a pre-listening activity. (1) What is desertification? (2) What causes desertification? What problems are caused by desertification? (3) Have you heard of Heishui Chengt? How much do you know about it? 2. Discuss the meaning of some terms in the listening. (to refer to P177 in the Teacher’s Book) 3. Play the tape and ask Ss to answer the questions. Step 4 Consolidation: Speaking 1. Ask Ss to talk about the environmental problems and economic development with the help of Part A and Part B. 2. Ask several pairs to present their dialogue. Step 5 Homework Ask Ss to preview the text: The Danger of Market Forces. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第77页 Periods 3-4 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension (Text Part 1) Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision Ask three Ss to recall some expressions for environmental issues. Step 2 Leading in: Introduce the text by asking and talking about the following questions: 1. Tell your partner what has happened to the environment in your own town or city. Has it improved or deteriorated? Give examples. 2. People in many areas cut down trees for economic purposes – deforestation. Discuss what damage it causes to our environment. Step 3 Practice: 1. Ask Ss to read the new words and expressions in the word list. 2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape of the text; after listening, try to talk about the implied meaning of the title. Market demands and increase in production for immediate profits are forces that drive people over- exploit natural resources and eventually destroy our environment. The presence of green beans in a British supermarket in winter time and the endangered Lake Naivasha are cases in point. 3. Ask Ss to analyze the structure of the text. Part 1 (Para.1—Para.4): What the author see in the local supermarket and in the global supermarket in contrast to the winter scene of the derelict allotments makes him feel uneasy and disturbed, and triggers off his reflections on environmental protection.. Part 2 (Para.5—Para.7): A case study: how Lake Naivasha is endangered by the market forces. Part 3 (Para.8—Para.11): Environmentalist’s worries and suggestions. Step 4 Presentation: Go through the text. Explain some Language Points and difficult sentences. Language Points Para.1-2 I. Ask two Ss to read these two paragraphs, and then ask students to answer Question1- 2 on Page 171. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 1. rummage: v. (+adverb or preposition) to search for sth. by moving things aroundcarelessly and looking into, under and behind them 翻找或搜寻某 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第78页 物 e.g. rummage through a drawer for a pair of socks 在抽屉里翻找一双袜子 She ~d in/ through his schoolbag for a pen. ~ around/ about the house 2. be bewildered: be puzzled, be confused 迷惑的,混乱的 e.g. The child was bewildered by the noise and the crowds. 我被噪声和人群弄得晕头转向。 I am totally bewildered by the noise and the crowds. 你的话完全把我弄糊涂了。 3. Lay out: 1) to apread sth out so that it can be seen easily or is ready to use 摆开,展示,布置 e.g. He laid the map out on the table. Lay the material out flat. 2) to present a plan, an argument, etc. clearly and carefully. e.g. All the terms and conditions are laid out in the contract. 所有的条款和条件--- 4. provincial: adj. 1) of a province 大行政区的,省的the provincial government 省政府 provincial taxes 省的税收 2) of the provinces 首都以外的provincial newspapers, theatres, towns 首都以外的报纸、剧院、城镇 5. take… for granted: be so familiar with sb/sth that one no longer appreciates his/its full value; assume sth to be true; or believe sth without doubt 因熟悉某人某事而觉察不出其真正价值(不重视),认为某事属实;认为…是必然的,视为理所当然 e.g. He never praises his wife, he just takes her for granted. 他从不夸妻子,只是觉得她一切理当如此。 I take it for granted you have read the book. 我认为你一定读过这本书。 It was taken for granted that they would come and join us. 大家都理所当然地认为他们会来并加入我们。 6. exotic: adj. 1) introduced from another country; not native 由外国引进的;非本地的 e.g. exotic houseplants 引进的室内盆栽 exotic fruits 外国水果 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第79页 exotic words 外来词 2) striking or attractive because colorful or unusual(因富色彩或形式奇 特)醒目的,吸引人的,漂亮的 e.g. exotic plumage 别致的羽毛 exotic clothes 奇装异服 7. so much so that: to such an extent that 达到这种程度以致 e.g. We are very busy—so much so that we can’t manage to take a holiday this year. 我们今年很忙—忙得今年都没办法度假了。 8. humble: adj. 1) (of a person or his words or actions) having or showing a low or modest opinion of one’s own importance; not proud(指人或其言行)谦虚的: e.g. my humble apologies 鄙人的道歉 in my humble opinion 依拙 见 2) a) (of a person, his position in society, etc) low in rank: unimportant(指 人、其社会地位等)低下的,卑微的: e.g. men of humble birth 出身卑 微的人 b) (of a thing) not large, or elaborate; poor(指事物)简陋的,低劣的 e.g. a humble home, meal, offering 简陋的家、简单的饭菜、小惠 III. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of these two paragraphs in their own words. Para. 1-2: The writer is bewildered at the rich variety and abundance of vegetables and fruit on the shelves of the local supermarket. The easy access to this year-round fresh produce makes him feel uneasy and disturbed. Para.3-4 I. Ask two Ss to read these two paragraphs, and then ask students to answer Question3- 4 on Page 171. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 9. allotment: n.1) [U] action of allotting 分配,分派,摊派,拨款;[C] amount or portion allotted 2) [C] small area of public land rented for growing vegetables or flowers (作种菜或种花之用而出租的)小片公地 10. tantaliz(s)e: v. to arouse sb/ sth’s desire/ curiosity by the sight of sth that is desired but cannot be reached(以可望不可及之物)逗引或招惹(人 或动物) e.g. Give him the toy—don’t tantalize him. 把玩具给他吧,别让它干 着急了。 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第80页 He was tantalized by visions of power and wealth. 他追求不到可望而不可及的权力和财富,受尽了折磨。 tantaliz(s)ing: adj. that arouses desire or curiosity 引起贪欲或好奇心的,撩人的 e.g. a tantalizing smell of food 诱人的食物气味 a tantalizing story 引人入胜的故事 11. derelict: adj. deserted and allowed to fall into ruins 弃置的;破旧的;坍 塌的 e.g. a derelict house 弃置的房屋 derelict areas 离弃的地区 12. dormancy: n. temporary inactivity 暂时不活动;休眠:蛰伏 winter dormancy 冬眠 13. all but: 1) almost 近乎;几乎;差不多 e.g. It was all but impossible to climb to the mountaintop. 爬到山顶 几乎是不可能的。 She was all but unconscious when the doct6or arrived. 2) all except 除了… 都 e.g. All but two of the computers broke down. 除了两台电脑外所有 的电脑都除了故障. III. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of these two paragraphs in their own words. Para. 3-4: The writer gives a description of the winter scene of the derelict allotments in contrast to the rich variety of summer vegetables in the supermarket. The contrast triggers off his reflections on environmental protection. Step 4 Homework Ask Ss to look up some expressions in Part 2 an Part 3 of the text. Periods 5-6 Teaching Materials: Part 2 Reading Comprehension (Part 2 and Part 3 of the text) Teaching Steps Step 1 Revision 1. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of Part 1. 2. Try to recall some expressions in this part. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第81页 Step 2 Presentation & Practice: Go through Part 2 and Part 3 the text. Explain some Language Points and difficult sentences. Part 2(Para. 5-7) I. Ask two Ss to read this paragraph, and then ask students to answer Questions5-8 on Page 171. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 14. Bounds: (plural noun) legal or social limits:界限,界定,限制 e.g. What you did was beyond/ outside the bounds of acceptable behavior. His desire for polical power apparently knows no bounds(seems to be unlimited). 15. Be careful with/ of / about: take care; be cautious 小心,当心,警惕 e.g. Be careful about what you say to him. Be careful with money: not spending money on unimportant things 精打细算 His mother has always been careful with money. 16. interfere with sth: 1) handle, adjust, etc sth without permission, esp. so as to cause damage (未得允许)摆弄,(尤指)弄坏 e.g. Who’ s been interfering with the clock? It’ s stopped. 是谁摆弄这 钟来着,已经不走了. 2) prevent sth from being done or carried out properly 阻碍; 妨碍; 妨害 e.g. interfere with someone else’s plans 妨碍某人的计划 interfere with sb: 1) distract or hinder sb 干扰或妨碍某人 e.g. Don’t interfere with him while he’ s working. 他工作的时候不要 打搅他。 3) ( Brit euph婉) assault sb sexually(在性方面)侵犯某人 17. Fear for : to be worried about sth/ sb. 为---担心 e.g. We fearfor his safety. He fered for his little son, left alone at home. 18. Save sb. / sth.(from sth. / doing sth) to keep sb. / sth. safe from death, harm, loss etc. 拯救 e.g. He tried in vain to save their marriage from beading up. Money from local businessed helped save the school from closure. 19. sustainable: adj. that can keep alive or in existence 能持续的;能维持的 e.g. sustainable economic development 经济的持续增长 III. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of Para. 7 in their own words. Para. 7: A Kenya environmentalist expressed her worries about the future of Lake Naivasha because of the over-exploitation of its resources out of economic considerations. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第82页 Part 3(Para. 8-11) I. Ask two Ss to read this paragraph, and then ask students to answer Questions9-11 on Page 171. II. Ask some Ss to explain the following expressions. 20. take advantage of: 1) make use of sth well, properly, etc.充分利用 e.g. They took full advantage of the hotel’s facilities.他们充分利用旅馆的设备。 2) make use of sth / sb unfairly or deceitfully to get what one wants(为达到目的不正当或不老实地)利用某人或某事 e.g. Investors in these countries are taking advantage of our ignorance, our poverty, our powerlessness, to exploit the environment. Nowadays, you should be careful not to let others ~your kindness and sympathy. 21. exploit: v. 1) use, work or develop fully (esp. mines and other natural resourses)利用或开发(尤指矿藏和其他自然资源) e.g. exploit oil reserves, waterpower, solar energy, etc 开发石油资源、开发水利资源、利用太阳能 2) use (sb/sth) selfishly and unfairly for one’s own advantage or profit 剥削或利用某人某物 e.g. child labor exploited in factories 在工厂中受剥削的童工 She exploited her boyfriend’s generosity. 她利用了她男朋友的慷慨。 22. be up to: to be sb.’s duty or responsibility; to be for sb. to decide 是---的职责、 责任 III. Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of Part 3 in their own words. Part 3: The producers must not take advantage of the local people’s weaknesses and over-exploit the environment, and the customers should be told about how such over-exploitation has damaged the environment and affected the life of the local people. Step 3 Consolidation: Language work I. Check Part A with the students. II. Check Part B by asking Ss one by one to read the sentences. III. Ask Ss one by one to recall the meaning and usage of each expression first, and then rewrite a given sentence with the expression. Step 4 Homework 1. Ask Ss to finish the Language Work & Translation after the text. 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第83页 Periods 7-8 Teaching Materials: Extended Activities Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision: Ask Ss to retell the text using the key words on P171. 1. Give Ss 3 minutes to retell the story first to their partners. 2. Choose one or two Ss to present their retelling to the class. 3. Take notes of the Ss’s presentations. 4. Comment on the Ss’s work- both on the content and the language. Correct their language errors, if any. Step 2 Practice I.Have a dictation on P174. 1) Read the passage at normal speed once. 2) Have one student retell what he/she Hs heard to ensure that the Ss have grasped the main idea. 3) Read the text slowly and have the students take down the passage. 4) Ask a student to read his/her dictation to the class to check the diction, have the Ss correct their errors, if any. II. Grammar work: verb-noun collocation 1. Ask Ss to finish the multiple choices in Part a & b. 2. Check the choices together with the class, giving explanations in necessary. III.Vocabulary work A. Ask Ss to point to the expression in each sentence in Part a and ask them to explain those expressions, giving corrections if necessary. B. As to do black-filling exercise of Part b and check the answers together with the Ss. Step 3 Presentation: Read More 1. Have the Ss read the passage before class. 2. Ask one or two Ss to summarize the story in on more than five sentences. 3. Advise the Ss to draft the summary first on paper. 4. Check the answer to True or false on P176. 5. Explain some language points. 1. conserve: v. prevent sth from being changed, lost, destroyed 使某事物不变质或不被损坏;保护;保藏;保存 e.g. conserve one’s strength, health, resources, etc 保住体力、健康、资源等 new laws to conserve wildlife in the area 保护该地区野生动物的新法令 2. deliberate: adj.1) done on purpose; intentional故意的;有意的;蓄意的 a deliberate insult, lie, act 蓄意的侮辱、存心编造的谎言、故意的行为 2) unhurried; careful 不慌不忙的;小心翼翼的 湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案 第84页 e.g. She has a slow, deliberate way of talking. 她谈话的方式缓慢而谨慎。 3. overlap: v.1) partly cover (sth) by extending over its edge(与某物)部分重叠 e.g. The tiles on the roof overlap each other. 房上的瓦是一块搭着一块的。 2) (fig 比喻) partly coincide (with sth) 部分(和某事物)巧合、一致 e.g. Our visits to the town overlapped. 我们彼此都恰巧到小镇观光。 His duty and mine overlap. 他的职责和我的有部分重叠。 Step 4 Consolidation: Translation 1. Have the Ss work in pairs first to check each other’s work. 2. Assign a few Ss to write their translations on the blackboard. 3. Comment on the Ss’s work and correct errors, if any. Step 5 Homework Ask Ss to finish the given out-of-class exercises. 教 学 后 记 备课时间: 年 月 日
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