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教你社会化媒体营销教你社会化媒体营销 社会化媒体营销 不少中小企业在没有做任何规划之前就开始了社会化媒体营销,越进行就发现离他们期望的结果越远。不仅没有吸引到客户的访问或购买,反而花费了大量的时间、财力和精力。 其实,完全不必是这个结果的。事实上,已经有不少在社会化媒体营销领域获得了成功的人们。通过学习他们的经验,制定一个清晰可行、可衡量的营销方案,并付诸实施,我们可以轻松的解决这个问题。 在这篇文章里,我会给出一个手把手的可执行方案,它可以很大程度上帮你在社会化媒体营销中获得成功。 M:市场信息(Market Intelligenc...
教你社会化媒体营销 社会化媒体营销 不少中小企业在没有做任何规划之前就开始了社会化媒体营销,越进行就发现离他们期望的结果越远。不仅没有吸引到客户的访问或购买,反而花费了大量的时间、财力和精力。 其实,完全不必是这个结果的。事实上,已经有不少在社会化媒体营销领域获得了成功的人们。通过学习他们的经验,制定一个清晰可行、可衡量的营销,并付诸实施,我们可以轻松的解决这个问题。 在这篇文章里,我会给出一个手把手的可执行方案,它可以很大程度上帮你在社会化媒体营销中获得成功。 M:市场信息(Market Intelligence) 在实施社会化媒体营销方案之前,你需要先制定一个市场营销。市场营销计划一般是从调研开始。你会发现,有很多企业在进行营销之前,并没有做好这一步,最终导致了他们的失败。 想想看:你希望按照清晰的、可以达到目标的步骤做事,还是宁愿毫无计划的进行, 所以,在做任何事情之前,收集市场信息吧,包括: -谁是你的目标用户,谁是你的竞争对手, -他们是怎样使用社会化平台的, -在哪里可以找到他们, -他们是怎样和其他人交流的, -获取他们的注意力、吸引他们的最好办法是什么, 这里有一些小技巧,在市场调研中可以用到: -关键词调研:了解你目标用户搜索哪些关键词来解决他们的问题,你就能更了解他们的意图。Market Samurai是一个很好的关键词分析工具。 -问卷调查:通过问卷调查来了解目标用户的真实意图。 -论坛:经常逛一逛相关的论坛,尽量多和他们交流,建立良好的关系,了解他们正在谈论什么。 -Quantcast.com:这里可以得到很多网站的公开信息。 -Google trends:了解搜索引擎当前的热门趋势。 -搜索竞争对手:在Google里搜索你的产品相关的关键词,找到排在最前的15个网站,看看他们都在干什么。 -搜索Twitter:经常通过特定的关键词或短语了解实时信息,与时俱进。 O:目标(Objectives) ―目标是一种调动企业的资源和能量以创造未来的手段。― – 彼得•德鲁克(Peter F. Drucker) 针对你的目标市场和竞争对手收集到有价值的信息后,接下来就可以制定你的目标了。 一些好的目标举例: -6个月内网站流量增长X% -2011年12月之前收入增加X% -对指定的关键词(并列出关键词)提高Google搜索结果排名至第三页(或更前) -在2011年11月之前潜在顾客量增加X% -在2012年12月之前客户获取成本降低X% 要记住:不能度量的目标是无法达到的,必须要建立可衡量的目标。 S:战略(Strategy) 制定关于社会化媒体营销的战略,而且战略描述里需要指明可执行的行动计划。 除了可执行外,战略还需要能持久。比如战略可以是―在合适的平台上打造我们的品牌,和目标用户活跃的交流‖,而不能是―在twitter上打造品牌保持活跃‖。因为twitter也许明天会消失,比如被某个竞争对手取代,或者你的目标用户不再使用twitter。所以不能让你的战略依赖某个特定的服务。 合理的战略可以让你瞄准目标。 下边是一些好的战略举例: 假如你的目标是增加流量,那么你的战略可以是:―建立一个搜索引擎友好的、吸引人的、有趣的博客,使得你的目标用户们喜欢阅读,并且愿意分享到他们的社会化平台上去‖。 假如你的目标是增加收入,那么你的战略可以是:―在降低客户引导成本的同时提高转化率‖。 T:战术方法(Tactics) 战术是指用来执行战略的具体方法。 假如你的目标是―增加净利润‖,你选择的战略是―通过降低客户引导成本来降低开销‖,那么你的方法可以是: -建立在线形象(去twitter、facebook开设账号,在社会化网络上露脸) -建立一个品牌化的、个性化的博客 -用博客内容吸引客户,维护潜在客户列表 -在博客里创建一块内容来记录转化,可以用一些诱惑的优惠促销来保证较高的转化率。 社会化媒体平台 有效的方法能够节省时间金钱,获得更大的成功。 当制定了M.O.S.T计划后,你就可以开始筛选、评估、最终选择一些适当的社会化平台来执行你的计划了。 当前最流行的社会化平台莫过于LinkedIn、Twitter、Facebook和YouTube。衡量哪个平台最好的标准是:你的目标用户是否在那里,并且比较活跃。找到之后,就到那个平台去,和他们交流,建立良好的关系,并引导他们去你的网站(最好是能够继续沟通的地方,比如企业博客)。 选择哪个平台,以及平台的优先级设定,是看哪个平台更适合你的战略,你的目标用户更持久的使用哪个平台,而不是哪个平台最火。 比如,Marketing Sherpa指出一个常见的现象:很多企业不维护博客的原因是,他们认为在Twitter、Facebook、社会化书签等平台投入比较容易,而创建维护博客更难一些。他们犯的错误就是不应该看哪个更容易执行,而应该看哪个的回报率更高。 根据Marketing Sherpa的2010社会化媒体营销报告显示,博客和微博相关的营销是受社会化媒体营销人员评价最高的,能最有效的达到营销目标。 写博客 当你在适当的社会化平台上建立了一定的品牌后,想从用户关系中获利的最好办法就是:引导他们去你的博客(而不是你的企业网站)。在你的博客里,记住要: -内容需要有价值、有用,这样可以显示你很专业,而且也更有可能让用户传播你的信息。 -鼓励交互、对话。用户参与越多越好。 -应预售,而不是销售。不少企业博客犯的错误就是直接在博客上做销售或打折。 -渗透你的品牌。 -行文要树立独特的风格(比如:幽默的,或者热情的,或者便捷的等等) 以上就是为什么要引导用户去你的博客而不是你的网站的原因。 只要网上有你的目标用户,那么当你选择了你的潜在用户常用的社会化平台后,你就需要创建一个企业博客进行更有效的营销。不过等一下,我说的可不是随便建立一个博客,而是一个经过的、规划过的、用来达到如下目标的博客: -吸引流量 -将访客变为购买客户的销售漏斗 -把你打造成为所属领域的意见领袖 -将潜在客户转化为忠诚的甚至疯狂的粉丝 -让你的消息通过粉丝口口相传 创建你的销售漏斗 销售漏斗是将你的潜在客户从对你不熟悉(―我不认识你‖)转化成对你忠诚(―我喜欢你‖)的过程。 一个被广泛验证成功的引导潜在客户购买的办法,可以用如下这个过程描述: 吸引用户->建立关系->展示推广 吸引用户:当一个潜在客户到达你的博客后,需要显示一些他们认为有价值的东西(可能是电子书、报告、或者视频等),以此来换取他们填写名字和邮件地址。 建立关系:用程序每周(或隔周)给用户自动发送电子邮件。邮件里依然需要包含一些有价值的东西,比如一些小技巧、有用工具的链接、一些方法、报告等等。所谓欲取先与,向用户兜售之前,一定要先给用户价值,维护好关系。 展示推广:最好有80%的内容是免费且有用的,其余20%可以和销售相关。也就是说你的邮件的80%提供了价值,只有20%是邀请他们购买。 看起来很简单吧。 疯狂的定义是:反反复复的做同一件事情,并期待不同的结果。 衡量:最后,你需要跟踪这些社会化媒体营销的进展,这样你可以了解哪些地方让你得到最大的转化。 一些衡量指标: -关于你的品牌或者企业的评论的数量和质量 -到你博客的渠道以及各自的流量 -关注者、粉丝数量 -订阅数、不同活动的客户到达量 -和有影响力的人的互动 -SEO排名靠前的关键词数量 -链入链接的数量和质量 -客户引导成本 -转化率 如果发现哪些指标的衡量效果不明显,就采取一些措施让它有效,或者干脆不使用它。如果发现哪些指标有用,就更广泛的使用它,以得到更好的衡量效果。 ―博客是高质量在线营销的基础。我有一个客户,在它的价值数百万美元的产品上线时,客户全都从一个博客点击过来。还有一些博客爱好者,他们在博客上投入的精力,让他们获得了接近六位数的收入。博客可以让你兑现童年时候的开个柠檬水小摊的承诺。―营销专家、营销撰稿人Jaime Mintun如是说。 如果你还没有写博客的话,就马上开始吧。Marketing Sherpa指出―如果没有博客,在线营销将难以达到既定目标―。 如果想充分利用博客,可以参考《社会化媒体营销方法》和《5个提高博客质量的方法》。 如果你已经拥有一个博客,你是否已从社会化媒体营销中受益呢,有没有一些技巧可以 分享给读者呢,如果有的话,欢迎留下评论。 附图片文字翻译: 第二幅图:―目标是一种调动企业的资源和能量以创造未来的手段。― – 彼得?德鲁克 (Peter F. Drucker) 第三幅图:合理的战略可以让你瞄准目标。 第四幅图:有效的方法能够节省时间金钱,获得更大的成功。 第五幅图:疯狂的定义是:反反复复的做同一件事情,并期待不同的结果。 How to Get the M.O.S.T. From Your Social Media Marketing By Clement Yeung Published November 19, 2010 Many small businesses and solo entrepreneurs dive into social media marketing strategies without visualizing a bigger plan. What ensues is usually far from what they had hoped. Instead of attracting more leads and sales, they end up wasting time, money and passion. It doesn’t have to be this way. This problem can be easily remedied by taking time to learn from those who are already experiencing success with social media marketing and by implementing a clear, specific, actionable and measurable web marketing plan. In this article, I’ll give you a step-by-step overview of the actions that will M.O.S.T. help you succeed in marketing your business online. M: Market Intelligence Before you implement any social media marketing strategy, you need to create a marketing plan. A plan always starts with research. It’s amazing how many businesses fail to do this step properly before they start marketing. I’ve been guilty of it in the past, so I can sympathize! Think of it this way: Would you rather hop in a plane with clear instructions on how to get to your destination, or play it by ear? Before anything else, gather market intelligence: , Who are your target audience and competitors? , How are they using social networks? , Where can they be found? , How are they interacting or communicating with others? , What are the best ways to catch your audience’s attention and engage them? Some tips and resources you can use for market research: , Keyword research:You would do well to find out the keywords your target audience is using to find solutions to their problems. A brilliant tool for this is Market Samurai. , Surveys:Perform surveys to find out what your target market is really thinking. , Forums:Hang out in niche/interest-specific forums and interact as much as you can to build relationships and find out what people are talking about. , Quantcast.com: See public information on popular websites in your niche to get a snapshot of what you can expect for your own. , Google trends: Find out what’s hot in the search engines now. , Google competitors:Check out the top 15 ranking websites in Google for the keywords relating to your niche and look at what they’re doing online. , Twitter search: Keep your finger on the pulse of the marketplace by instantly revealing real-time tweets for certain keywords and phrases. O: Objectives After you’ve gathered valuable and actionable information about your target market and about your competitors, you can then set your objectives. Sample objectives: They (objectives) are the means to mobilize the resources and energies of the business for the making of the future. ~ Peter F. Drucker , Increase website traffic by X% within the next 6 months. , Increase sales revenue by X% by December 2011. , Improve search engine rankings and get on page 3 of Google (or better) for specific target keywords (list the keywords). , Increase lead generation by X% per month by November 2011. , Reduce customer acquisition costs by X% before December 2012. Remember: you can’t achieve what you can’t measure, so it’s essential to establish measurable and targeted objectives! S: Strategy Create a social marketing strategy with a tactical plan of action. A clever and enduring strategy would be to ―build a strong presence within our niche and engage with our target audience,‖ NOT ―build our brand and get active on Twitter.‖ Twitter could be gone tomorrow – replaced by a competitor… or your target audience may stop using it. What will you do then if your strategies bank on that particular service? A sound strategy will align you with your objectives. If your objective is to increase traffic, then you might choose a strategy like, ―publish a search engine–optimized, engaging and entertaining blog that our target audience loves to read and share with their social networks.‖ If your objective is to step up revenue, you might want to adopt a strategy like, ―Increase sales conversion while lowering cost per lead.‖ T: Tactics Effective tactics will save you time and money and amplify your success. Tactics are specific actions, steps or decisions that you can use to execute your chosen strategy. For example, if your objective is to ―increase net profits‖ and your chosen strategy is to lower overhead by lowering your cost per lead, then your tactics might be: , Build a presence online. , Build a branded, customized blog. , Start building a list by using our blog’s content as bait. , Create a high-converting opt-in section in our blog. Make it convert well by creating an irresistible freebie to give away. Social Media Platforms After you have formulated your M.O.S.T. plan, it’s time to identify, assess and select the appropriate social platforms to use. The most popular social media platforms for business are LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. The best ones to leverage are those where your target audience is already active and engaged. So go to where they are, interact with them, build a relationship and then drive them to an appropriate website of yours (for best results, send them somewhere that continues the conversation, like a business blog). Your choice and prioritization of platforms should depend on how well they fit into your strategy and how regularly your target audience uses them, NOT which brands are currently generating the most hype on them. For example, a common trend identified by Marketing Sherpa is that there aren’t many businesses that blog because they perceive it as difficult to initiate and maintain when compared to the investment in Twitter, Facebook, social bookmarking, etc. As a result, these businesses make the mistake of focusing on using specific media just because they are perceived as easier to set up and use, not necessarily because they generate the best return. Marketing Sherpa’s Social Media Marketing Report 2010 revealed that tactics related to blogging and microbloggingearned the highest ratings among social marketers in terms of the most effective tactics for achieving objectives. Blogging for Business Once you’ve established your presence on the appropriate social media platforms, the best way to profit from those relationships you’ve built is to drive them to your blog (NOT your company website) and engage with them even more. In your blog, aim to: , Post valuable, useful content that demonstrates your expertise, and encourage your audience to spread your message. , Encourage interaction with your market. Instigate conversations. The more participation and involvement you can generate from your audience, the better. , Pre-sell, NOT sell. Many business blogs make the mistake of posting exclusively about their sales, promotions or discounts. , Exude your brand. , Give a taste of what it’s like to work with you or buy from you (fun/enthusiastic/easy, etc.). The above are key reasons why it’s best to direct Internet users to your blog, not your website. As long as your target market can be found online and as long as you’ve identified specific platforms that your prospects actively use, you’ll need a business blog to effectively market online. But wait a second. We’re not talking about just any business blog, we’re talking about a blog that’s designed, configured and optimized to: , Attract traffic. , Convert visitors into leads on autopilot by getting them into your sales funnel. , Establish you as a trustworthy thought leader in your niche. , Convert leads into loyal, raving fans. , Help spread your message and generate buzz by digital word-of-mouth marketing. Create Your Sales Funnel Your sales funnel is the process you’ll use to take a prospect from unfamiliarity (”I don’t know you”) to loyalty (”I love you!”) or even fanaticism. One of the most proven and best ways in our experience to get prospects to become leads can be summarized in this process: , Opt in -> Relationship building -> Make an offer Opt-in:When a prospect arrives at your blog, offer them something of massive value in their eyes (maybe an ebook, report, video series, etc.) in exchange for their name and email address. Relationship building:Using an auto-responder, send them an email every week or twice a week. Your email should also contain something that gives massive value. It could contain tips, links to tools, strategies, reports, updates, etc. Make sure to give value and build your relationship with your audience before you try to sell them anything. Make an offer:We recommend a ratio of 80% free, valuable content and 20% selling. This means that 80% of your emails give value (no selling) and only 20% of them are invitations to take their experience of you to a higher level and buy from you. Insanity is commonly defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. It’s really this simple. Measure: Finally, you need to track your progress while marketing with social media so that you can see where you’re getting the most success and the best bang for buck. Some metrics you could measure are: , Quantity and quality of commentary about your brand/business , Amount of traffic and sources of traffic to your blog , Network size in terms of followers, fans, etc. , Leads generated (number of subscribers), different landing pages for different campaigns , Engagement with influential people , SEO rankings, number of keywords for which you rank well , Quantity and quality of incoming links , Cost per lead , Conversion rate Identify what’s not working and then either tweak your approach to make it work, or discard it. Identify what IS working and then scale up that approach to produce a wider smile. Conclusion ―Blogs are the foundation of all high-profit marketing online today. I see it with my multimillion-dollar product launch clients who funnel all their traffic through a blog. I even see it with my small-hobby-blogger clients who turn their passion into a mid-tier six-figure income. Your business blog can cash in on the elegant promise of that simple lemonade stand we all cherished as kids!‖ ~Jaime Mintun – marketing maven and copywriter If you don’t have a blog—start one now. Marketing Sherpa has already identified that if you don’t have a blog, you’re going to find it more difficult to achieve your business objectives through marketing online. To get the most out of business blogging, check out How to Engage With Social Media and 5 Ways to Make Your Blog Posts Outstanding. If you’re already using a blog, are you doing well to leverage social media in your favor? Are there any tips or tricks you have to share with our readers?Let us know and leave a comment in the box below.
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