

2017-09-01 16页 doc 47KB 38阅读




犬细小病毒症状与治疗犬细小病毒症状与治疗 犬细小病毒症状与治疗(完全版) 在发现细小时应按以下步骤进行治疗 1.“确诊后马上停食停水。不要怕他饿到和渴了。先止泻、后治拉。止泻是关键。先护住肠胃的内黏膜,为用药打基础。如果内黏膜脱落严重就会吃什么吐什么,吃什么拉什么。再用针剂药物治疗病毒,“内护外治”当不拉时就可以不打针,直接用药物口服。24小时应见效。 2.前几天基本就是补液疗法 3.在恢复期。不能见犬不拉想吃就马上进食,因为胃肠黏膜还未长好。遵医嘱或用米汤、婴儿米粉类喂食…… 最后经过2-3天的恢复可以开始少量进食1-2周至正常。 幼...
犬细小病毒症状与治疗 犬细小病毒症状与治疗(完全版) 在发现细小时应按以下步骤进行治疗 1.“确诊后马上停食停水。不要怕他饿到和渴了。先止泻、后治拉。止泻是关键。先护住肠胃的内黏膜,为用药打基础。如果内黏膜脱落严重就会吃什么吐什么,吃什么拉什么。再用针剂药物治疗病毒,“内护外治”当不拉时就可以不打针,直接用药物口服。24小时应见效。 2.前几天基本就是补液疗法 3.在恢复期。不能见犬不拉想吃就马上进食,因为胃肠黏膜还未长好。遵医嘱或用米汤、婴儿米粉类喂食…… 最后经过2-3天的恢复可以开始少量进食1-2周至正常。 幼犬腹泻与翻肠子 幼犬在断奶后至5月龄之前,常有腹泻发生,俗称“翻肠子”实际上,肠子没有“翻”与“不翻”的现象,而是肠炎。 传染性肠炎;?寄生虫性肠炎;?食物性胃肠 幼犬的肠炎主要有3种:? 炎。 幼犬的传染性肠炎的全称叫传染性胃肠炎,犬细小病毒是病原,也称犬细小病毒性胃肠炎。细小病毒寄生在幼犬(也感染成年犬)的胃肠道黏膜层中,分裂繁殖使胃肠黏膜破损,引起以小肠黏膜出血感染的肠炎。幼犬患病后,呕吐、腹泻,呕吐物从食物到胃液,甚至有胆汁,呈顽固性呕吐;造成体液大量散失和不食;腹泻则从正常腹便变成水泻,病重时有番茄样血便从肛门喷出,非常腥臭。最后,患病幼犬以脱水、继发细菌感染和心肌炎而死亡。 幼犬患细小病毒性肠炎后;治疗采用静脉补液、止泻、止血、消炎、止吐和注射犬细小病毒单克隆抗体(以军事医学科学院实验动物中心田克恭同志研制的犬细小病毒单克隆抗体的临床疗效最佳)的方法。 幼犬的寄生虫性肠炎主要因大蛔虫感染为主,也有钩虫、鞭虫和球虫感染引起的。幼犬在吃奶过程中可以感染蛔虫。由于蛔虫幼虫在幼犬的小肠管内寄生,幼犬的肠管又相对较窄,使肠消化吸收和肠内容物的下行受到影响。有时蛔虫会在一定程度上阻塞肠腔,少量蛔虫甚至会逆行进入胃内,刺激胃壁而引起呕吐,将蛔虫(细长两头尖,火柴棍大小)吐出,并有腹泻出现。 寄生虫性肠炎造成幼犬的粪便时干时稀。蛔虫性的腹泻以粪便呈吸收不充分的性状为主,粪中血少;钩虫性的粪便中带有血丝,严重时便血,血便稀而腥臭;球虫感染性腹泻的粪便中带血,严重时呈血便。食物性肠炎(包括胃炎)以突然换食或食物久存不洁有关,新买的幼犬最易发生。因为犬的新主人不知道幼犬原来edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 的食物,喂给了幼犬是主人喜爱的食品,幼犬的胃肠在短时间内不能适应这一突然性的食物改变,消化酶不能迅速调整并适应这一变化,造成消化不充分,未被充分消化的食糜带着大量水分下泄,造成渗透性腹泻,这与食物过敏与不耐受有关。 久存不洁(未加热)和从冰箱中直接取出(未加热)的食品是造成食物性腹泻的另一个原因,它引起细菌感染、冷刺激和消化不良。 区分犬细小病毒性肠炎、寄生虫性肠炎和食物性腹泻的诊断是去正规的动物医院做粪便检查,40min即可根据化验结果确诊。所以,宠物主人为幼犬看腹泻性疾病时,应收集幼犬的粪便放人塑料袋或玻璃小瓶中带给兽医。 寄生虫性腹泻的幼犬应予驱虫、消炎和止泻治疗,多日不食的应补液。食物性腹泻的幼犬应止泻,并发细菌感染的应消炎,变更食物(尤其是食物过敏与不耐受的幼犬)可以给予幼犬宝路低过敏性日粮。 翻肠子 狗翻肠子其实就是细小病毒,细小病毒是犬的一种具有高度接触性传染的 烈性传染病。 流行病学指出:犬细小病毒对犬具有高度的接触性传染性,各种年龄的犬均可感染。以刚断奶至90日龄的犬发病率最高,病情也较严重。幼犬有的突然呼吸困难,心力衰竭,短时间内可呈现心肌炎症状而突然死亡。据临床发病犬的种类来看,外国犬比国土犬发病率高。本病一年四季均可发生,但冬春季多发期(该细小病毒耐寒怕热)。病犬的粪便中含毒量最高。 诊断方法: 1.根据临床症状,以咖啡色和番茄酱色带有特殊的腥臭气味。 2.特异性诊断可以最后确诊。目前军事医学科学院研制的犬细小病毒快速诊断盒可以进行最后的判断。 症状: 被细小病毒感染后的犬,在临床上可分为肠炎型和心肌炎型。 肠炎型:自然感染的潜伏期为7-14天,病初表现发热、体温可达40?以上,精神沉郁、不食、呕吐,初期呕吐物为食物,即之为黏液状及黄绿色液体。发病一天以后开始腹泻。病初粪便为稀粥状,随病程发展,粪便呈咖啡色或番茄酱色,腥臭,排便次数不定,血便后病犬可表现眼球下陷,鼻镜干燥,全身无力,体重明显下降,同时可见眼结膜苍白,严重的贫血症状,该病如不及时治疗可造成肠内容物的毒素吸收而中毒,使机体休克,昏迷死亡。 血相变化:红细胞总数、血红蛋白下降、比容下降,白细胞减少。病犬的白细胞数可少至60-90,(由正常犬的1.2万/立方毫米降至4000个以下)。初期呕吐edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 物为食物,即之粘液状、黄绿色或有血液。发病一天左右开始腹泻。病初粪便呈稀状,随病状发展,粪便呈咖啡色或番茄酱色样的血便。以后次数增加,血便带有特殊的腥臭气味。血便数小时后病犬表现严重脱水症状,眼球下陷、鼻境干燥、皮肤弹力高度下降、体重明显减轻。对于肠道出血严重的病例,由于肠内容物腐败可造成内毒素中毒和弥散性血管内凝血,使机体休克、昏迷死亡。肠炎型犬细小病毒病病犬若能及时合理治疗,可降低死亡率。 心肌炎型: 多见于40日龄左右的犬,病犬先兆性症状不明显。有的突然呼吸困难,心力衰弱,短时间内死亡,有的犬可见有轻度腹泻后而死亡。 治疗原则: 应用抗体,抗菌抗病毒,消炎止血止吐药。清理胃肠,调解胃肠功能,对症治疗。 犬细小病毒性肠炎的诊治体会 华西动物医院 李发志 犬细小病毒病是一种急性、烈性、致死性传染病,特征是非化脓性心肌炎或出血性肠炎。肠炎型多见于3-4月龄的幼犬;心肌炎型多见于4,6周龄的幼犬,临床症状未出现就突然死亡,或者是出现严重的呼吸困难之后死亡;出血性肠炎在临床上极为常见,2001年广泛流行,给养犬业造成了极大的危害。据国内资料报导,该病的治愈率为76.2%,笔者采用血清、单克隆抗体治疗,其效果均不够理想,采用免疫血浆治疗本病,治愈率高达92%,现总结如下。 病例统计 临床观察统计病犬410只,采用以下方法分类。 1(按品种分:吉娃娃犬84只,死亡9只,治愈75只,治愈率89%;小鹿犬76只,死亡6只,治愈70只,治愈率92%;博美犬44只,死亡4只,治愈40只,治愈率90.9%;贵宾犬36只,死亡3只,治愈33只,治愈率91.6%;北京犬41只,死亡3只,治愈38只,治愈率92.7%;狮子犬70只,死亡4只,治愈66只,治愈率94%;狼犬12只,死亡1只,治愈11只,治愈率91.6%;其它品种犬47只,死亡3只,治愈43只,治愈率91.5 %。 2(按就诊时间分:发病2天内诊治的261例,治愈246例,治愈率94 %;发病2天后诊治的114例,治愈101例, 治愈率88.5%;发病5天后诊治的35例,治愈30例,治愈率85.7%。 3(按是否免疫注射分:免疫注射犬83例,治愈78例,治愈率94%;未免疫注edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 射犬327例,治愈299例,治愈率91.4%。 疫苗只是针对性的提高对几种病的抵抗能力并不是100%有效防御的.但打过疫苗的得那些个病治愈率高~ 4(按犬的年龄分:2,6月龄犬217例,治愈195例,治愈率89.8%;7月,1岁犬96例,治愈88例,治愈率91.7%;1,2岁犬69例,治愈67例,治愈率先97%;2岁以上犬28例,治愈27例,治愈率96.4%。 症状 本病的特征症状是呕吐、拉稀、拉血、白细胞显著减少,在病程的早、中、晚期表现各不相同。 1(早期 多数犬体温升高达40,41?(少数犬体温正常),精神不振,不愿活动,钻黑角,迎送主人不积极,食欲减退,采食速度减慢,采食量减少,或绝食,呕吐食物及黄白色泡沫状液体,排便次数增多,大便正常或稍带粘液。2,3天后出现中期症状。 2(中期 患犬精神沉郁,食欲废绝,剧烈呕吐,腹泻,多数犬呈喷射状排出蕃茄汁样稀便,带有血液,发出特别难闻的腥臭味,体质迅速衰弱,消瘦,皮肤弹性降低;少数犬拉粘液便,呈黄色或乳白色果冻样;极少数犬呈间断性拉稀。一般持续3,4天转为后期症状。 3(后期 病犬迅速脱水,眼窝下陷,皮肤弹性降低,肛门松弛,大便失禁,便血,或粘液血便,恶臭,倒卧昏迷,体温下降,常在37?以下,深呼吸,最后因水、电解质平衡失调,并发酸中毒而于数小时至两天内死亡。 诊断 理论上诊断本病的方法很多,适合临床医生的有以下4种。 1(流行病学诊断 本病不分年龄,均可感染,主要是幼犬。未免疫接种犬最易感,即使免疫过的犬也可能感染。直接接触或间接接触感染,主要通过消化道感染。潜伏期7~14天,无明显季节性,城市犬易感,发病率20%~100%,死亡率50%~100%。 2(症状学诊断 特征症状是呕吐、拉稀、拉血。具体根据早中期的症状来诊断。 3(血常规检查白细胞总数明显减少,多数犬(92%)在9×109/L以下,少数犬(15%)在2×109/L以下。如果继发细菌感染,白细胞总数可增高。血清总蛋edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 白量下降至4.2,6.6mg,,红细胞压容为45,71,平均在50左右,转氨酶指数升高。如果白细胞在2×109/L以下,则预后不良。 4(试纸快速诊断法用北京军事医学科学院实验动物中心研制的犬细小病毒快速诊断试纸诊断本病,经济简便、快速适用,有极高的准确率。方法是取病犬粪便约1g左右盛入干净的消毒试管中,加生理盐水5ml,充分振荡静置5分钟(或离心),取试纸条将带有max箭头一端插入粪便上清液中(注意粪便液面不要超过max线)约15秒后取出平放在桌面上,5分钟后观察结果,呈现一条红线为阴性,两条红线为阳性。 治疗 无特效治疗药物,临床上常采用对症治疗,支持疗法、特异疗法、控制继发感染和中草药治疗 体会 1(早期诊治很重要本病的早期症状是厌食、绝食、呕吐食物及白黄色泡沫状液体,没有经验的犬主往往认为是采食过多,或吃脏东西所致,观察观察或口服多酶片、庆大就会康复,而不愿意就诊,直到病犬出现拉稀拉血症状后才到医院就诊,其治疗效果当然要差一些。从治疗效果看,早期发现、早期治疗是提高治愈率的关键。 2(输液疗法最关键 此病因为严重的呕吐、腹泻可使体内的水分及电解质大量丢失,最后因水、电解质平衡失调,并发酸中毒而于数小时至两天内死亡,因此,静脉补液、补钾、补碱是相当重要的。同时,输什么液体、量多大、速度快慢要多加考究。 3(坚持治疗勿放弃。该病病程6,9天,一般呕吐症状会持续4,5天,即使用止吐药也未必能迅速消除呕吐症状。剧烈呕吐的第二天,犬的病情会加重。即使坚持每天输液,在发病的4,5天病情可能有所加重,但只要坚持治疗,病犬的康复是有希望的,切勿轻易放弃。一些病例常在通过1,2次治疗,病情有所好转后而中断治疗,易造成复发,使病程延长或转为晚期症状。 4(禁食禁饮不可少呕吐症状未消除之前,一般不进食。病犬经液体疗法3,4天后,仍不能经口补充热量者,应鼻饲补充营养和能量。否则病犬易产生低蛋白血症而出现水肿。5%或10%葡萄糖溶液不能当作热量的主要来源,不应当用它代替饮食。由于频繁呕吐,不宜使用口服药物。禁食48,72小时,然后喂克补软膏,开口采食后喂希尔思id罐头5,7天,对病犬的康复有很好的作用。 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 5(免疫失败要考虑 无论是国产苗还是进口苗,其免疫效果并非100%,即使是免疫接种过细小病毒疫苗的犬只,也可患细小病毒病,特别是国产苗,保护效果较差,今年有很多病犬均是免疫过的,这可能与细小病毒毒株的变异有关,诊断疾病时要考虑免疫失败的因素。 6(生物制品慎选用市面上出售的血清、细小病毒单克隆抗体,品种多,质量差异很大,按说明书上介绍的用量很难达到预期的疗效。特别是价格低廉的血清,其质量肯定差,疗效不确切,这就是用血清、单克隆抗体效果差,而用自制免疫血浆效果较好的原因。应使用知名厂家,价格较合理的血清使用,以免耽误治疗。 7(防疫工作是根本 预防本病的根本措施是免疫接种,进口苗、国产苗的品种很多,一定要到正规医院、按要求连续注射质量好的疫苗。平时,特别是犬细小病毒病流行季节,用福尔马林、B丙内酯、紫外线、2,4%烧碱、10,20%漂白粉消毒笼舍、环境也至关重要。 警惕细小病毒病~ 近来,有些打过疫苗的成年狗出现了呕吐、腹泻的症状,带到医院一化验,居然是细小病毒病~几位动物医生说,目前细小病毒出现了变异,因此个别已经接种过疫苗的犬,也会发生细小病毒,原因可能是接触强毒,抵抗力低,或者免疫器官机能不足。所以,即使您的小狗打过疫苗,如果出现上述症状,也要尽快带它去就医。 ,流行病学, 犬细小病毒对犬具有高度的接触性传染性,各种年龄的犬均可感染。但以刚断乳至90日龄的犬发病较多,病情也较严重。幼犬有的可呈现心肌炎症状而突然死亡。据临床发病犬的种类来看,纯种犬及外来犬比土种犬发病率高。本病一年四季均可发生,但以天气寒冷的冬春季多发。病犬的粪便中含毒量最高。,症状, 被细小病毒感染后的犬,在临床上可分为肠炎型和心肌炎型。 ,消毒, 发现本病应立即进行隔离饲养。防止病犬和病犬饲养人员与健康犬接触,对犬舍及场地用2,火碱水或10-20,漂白粉等反复消毒。要特别提醒的是,如果您家曾有发生此病的小狗,即使环境已经消毒,也千万不要再把没有打过全部疫苗的其他小狗带回家,否则很快就会传染发病。 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the
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