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汽车旅馆项目研究汽车旅馆项目研究 1、项目投资背景简介 雅致股份经中国证监会批准于2009年11月24日在深圳证劵交易所发行 A股成功,本次公开发行A股7364.1万股,每股申购价格16.82元,已募集资金12.38亿元。本次雅致股份IPO发行成功后,根据公司2008年扣除非经常性损益后的全面摊薄净资产收益率为25.11%,由于从募集资金到投资项目产生预期效益需要一定时间,募集资金到位后公司的净资产将大幅增加,而投资项目收益尚未完全体现,短期内公司存在净资产收益率下降的可能。 为避免净资产收益率降低的风险,需要开拓新的投资领域,按供应链...
汽车旅馆项目研究 1、项目投资背景简介 雅致股份经中国证监会批准于2009年11月24日在深圳证劵交易所发行 A股成功,本次公开发行A股7364.1万股,每股申购价格16.82元,已募集资金12.38亿元。本次雅致股份IPO发行成功后,根据公司2008年扣除非经常性损益后的全面摊薄净资产收益率为25.11%,由于从募集资金到投资项目产生预期效益需要一定时间,募集资金到位后公司的净资产将大幅增加,而投资项目收益尚未完全体现,短期内公司存在净资产收益率下降的可能。 为避免净资产收益率降低的风险,需要开拓新的投资领域,按供应链理论通常的做法一般可投资企业现行的上游或下游领域。由于企业对对下游的活动房屋运用领域较为熟悉,同时与该领域具有较广泛的接触,俗话说“做生不如做熟”,因而投资活动房屋的新兴运用领域为其中的选择之一。据我公司的经营性质和产品特色,可考虑进军汽车旅馆行业。 2、汽车旅馆项目介绍 2.1汽车旅馆简介 汽车旅馆,原文源自英语Motel,由motor hotel 缩写形成合成词Mote。原指没有房间的旅馆,可以停车,而人就睡在汽车内,比停在露天多了层保护。 汽车旅馆与一般旅馆最大的不同点,在于汽车旅馆提供的停车位与房间相连,一楼当作车库,二楼为房间,这样独门独户的设计为典型的汽车旅馆房间。汽车旅馆多分布于高速公路交流道附近或是离城镇较偏远公路旁,便于以汽车作为交通工具的旅客投宿。在中国,分布在全国的几百家莫泰(motel)连锁酒店尽管叫“汽车旅馆”,但实际上是连锁商务酒店。 而在日本或台湾,汽车旅馆有时候是“情人旅馆”的代名词。在台湾,许多高速公路沿线地区、新开发的市镇或风景区附近,分布有较多的汽车旅馆。由于竞争激烈,使得汽车旅馆的经营走向休闲的方式,装潢设计达到甚至超越高级饭 店的水准,还有主题式的房间设计(例如夏威夷式、科幻式),申请住房的客人也不再限定于旅客,更扩展到一般民众的休闲娱乐的需求。此类汽车旅馆经常被业内人士自称为“精品(汽车)旅馆”或类似的命名方式,除了供一般旅客投宿过夜外,也提供短暂休息服务,即时钟旅馆式的租用方式,作用与日本等地的爱情旅馆(ラブホテル)类似。近年来也陆续出现了一些度假别墅(Villa)风格的汽车旅馆,汽车旅馆的开设位置也由市郊逐渐往市区内推移。 2.2汽车旅馆发展历史 一家在美国俄亥俄州利马公路边的典型汽车旅馆图片 A motel is a hotel designed for motorists, usually having direct access to an open parking area.汽车旅馆起源于美国,最早是为汽车驾驶员而开设,通常有 一个直接的通道通往一个开阔的停车区域。翻开二战后的词典,“汽车旅馆”解释 为汽车和旅馆的合成词,是指有一个面向停车场的门的房间的单独建筑,在某些 情况下是由一个公共区域,一排小木屋和带有一个公共停车场组成。 Entering dictionaries after World War II, the word motel, a portmanteau of motor and hotel or motorists' hotel, referred initially to a type of hotel consisting of a single building of connected rooms whose doors faced a parking lot and, in some circumstances, a common area; or a series of small cabins with common parking. As the United States highway system began to develop in the 1920s, long distance road journeys became more common and the need for inexpensive, easily accessible overnight accommodation sited close to the main routes, led to the growth of the motel concept.[1] 随著20世纪20年代美 国公路系统的迅速发展,长距离的公路旅途越来越普遍, Contents [hide] , 1 History , 2 Long-term , 3 Short-time , 4 Films , 5 Legal issues , 6 References , 7 External links [edit] History Wigwam Motel No. 6, a unique motel/motor court on historic Route 66 in Holbrook, Arizona Auto camps predated motels by a few years.[2] Unlike motels, auto camps and tourist courts typically provided bed and breakfast or hotel style service, usually with stand-alone cabins. After the invention of the motel, auto camps continued in popularity through the Depression years and after World War II, their popularity finally starting to diminish with the construction of freeways and changes in consumer demands. Examples include the Rising Sun Auto Camp in Glacier National Park and Blue Bonnet Court in Texas. Such facilities were "mom-and-pop" facilities on the outskirts of a town that were as quirky as their owners. They attracted the first "road warriors" as they crossed North America in their new automobiles. The 1935 City Directory for San Diego, CA lists "motel" type accommodations under Tourist Camps. Arthur Heineman's Motel Inn of San Luis Obispo In contrast, though they remained "Mom and Pop" operations, motels quickly adopted a homogenized appearance and were designed from the start to cater purely for motorists.[3] The motel concept originated with the Motel Inn of San Luis Obispo, constructed in 1925 by Arthur Heineman. In conceiving of a name for his hotel Heineman abbreviated motor hotel to mo-tel.[1] Motels are typically constructed in an 'I'- or 'L'- or 'U'-shaped layout that includes guest rooms, an attached manager's office, a small reception and, in some cases, a small diner. Post-war motels sought more visual distinction, often featuring eye-catching neon signs which employed themes from popular culture, ranging from Western imagery of cowboys and Indians to contemporary images of spaceships and atomic era iconography. Motels differ from hotels in their common location along highways, as opposed to the urban cores favored by hotels, and their orientation to the outside (in contrast to hotels whose doors typically face an interior hallway). Motels almost by definition include a parking lot, while older hotels were not built with automobile parking in mind. With the 1952 introduction of Kemmons Wilson's Holiday Inn, the mom-and-pop motels of that era went into decline. Eventually, the emergence of the interstate highway system, along with other factors, led to a blurring of the motel and the hotel, though family-owned motels with as few as five rooms may still be found, especially along older highways. [edit] Long-term The Oceanic Inn, a motel on the oceanfront in Asbury Park, New Jersey Motels / hotels with low rates sometimes serve as housing for people who are not able to afford an apartment or have recently lost their home and need somewhere to stay until further arrangements are made. Motels catering to long-term stays often have kitchenettes. [edit] Short-time See also: Love hotel In most countries of Latin America and some countries of East Asia, motels are also known as short-time hotels, offering a short-time or "transit" stay with hourly rates, primarily intended for people having sexual liaisons and not requiring a full night's accommodation. In Mexico, love hotel equivalents are known as "Motel de paso" (Passing Motel), even if they are actually meant mostly for pedestrian access. In Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil, motels are used by people for sexual intercourse only. In Argentina, these establishments are called albergue transitorio ("temporary lodging"), though known as telo in vesre-slang. In Panama, love hotels with individual garages are known as Push Buttons (referring to the button that you push to close the garage door and the other button that grants access to the room). In Paraguay, similarly to Brazil and Colombia, motels may charge only by the hour and are also popularly known as reservados. In Singapore, cheap hotels often offer a slightly more euphemistic "transit" stay for short-time visitors. In Manila, a campaign against the hotels, believed by religious conservatives to contribute to social decay in the predominantly Roman Catholic country, ended with the city banning hotels from offering stays of very short duration. As of December 2006, there are still many short time hotels in operation. In Belgium and France, these establishments are known as hôtels de passe. In Chile, they are known as moteles parejeros (coupling motels), and many of them offer hourly rates. In the United States and Canada, some ordinary motels in low income areas—often called no-tell motels or hot sheet motels—play a similar role to love hotels. [edit] Films Bates Motel set at Universal Studios The Bates Motel is an important part of Psycho, a 1959 novel by Robert Bloch and Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 film, Psycho. Film sequels, Psycho II and Psycho III, also feature the motel as does the 1987 television movie, Bates Motel. The motel makes appearances in Psycho IV: The Beginning, but is not featured as much as in previous films. The Bates Motel returned to prominence in the 1998 remake of the original film. [edit] Legal issues Motels have also served as a haven for fugitives of the law. In the past, the anonymity and the ability to move around easily between motels in different regions by dropping in and checking out with a simple registration process allowed fugitives to remain ahead of the law. However, several advances have reduced the capacity of motels to serve this purpose. Credit card transactions, which in the past were more easily approved and took days to report, are now approved or declined on the spot, and are instantly recorded in a database, thereby allowing law enforcement access to this information. This system was implemented in 1993 after the abduction and murder of Donna Martz, whose credit card was used by her killers, following her death to purchase food, gasoline and to pay for overnight motel stays.[4] The story of Martz's disappearance, leading to the development of this system, was described on The FBI Files. Laws in many places now require registering guests to present a government-issued photo ID, especially when paying with cash. Local law enforcement agencies frequently check motels when they suspect a wanted individual may be staying in their jurisdiction. 项目前景 据悉,汽车旅馆采用化的建造模式,内部省掉了一切顾客不需要的设施 和豪华装饰,以最低的价格向驾车的商务旅行者和度假家庭提供廉价的住宿服 务。 从国际上汽车旅馆产生与发展的进程分析 ,以高速公路为主体的公路交通 条件的完善和一定比例的私人轿车拥有量 ,以及追求个性化体验的自助旅游者 比例的提高,是汽车旅馆存在的前提。随着公路交通条件的快速改善和人们生活 观念的改变,汽车旅馆近些年来在世界各地越来越兴盛,成为人们驾车外出或旅 游期间设在公路边的新家。 在中国,随着我国国民经济的持续增长,高速公路网的不断完善,私家车的 数量不断攀升,以及自驾车旅游的盛行,我国已具备了发展汽车旅馆的初步经济 条件,并且汽车旅馆业市场是一块未开垦的处女地,发展潜力巨大。但是我国具体国情又决定了我国的汽车旅馆应有自己独有的特色,如汽车旅馆样式是什么样的模型、设计上是什么风格、经营上运用什么样的模式等等,都需要进一步的深入研究。 , 项目投资风险 1、汽车旅馆受国家整体经济和地域环境限制。如国外的汽车旅馆、餐厅普遍存在,与他们国家是汽车王国、城乡或城与城之间距离远有关。而国内,城乡之间紧密,一般从一个城镇到另一个城镇,半小时车程内就可到达,人们不愁找不到住宿之地。 2、汽车旅馆受文化差异和人民生活习惯的影响。在国内,人们习惯黄金周才大举外出旅游,但在国外人们的旅游观念很强,经常性外出,所以造成其旅馆生意兴隆,可以运营、维持,但国内的旅馆若等到黄金周才有生意,那生存是很成问题的。再者,从旅游观念上看,国内人旅游大多喜欢热闹,每到一处均喜欢体验各地的风情民俗,若要他们住到离城镇远的偏僻之地,他们未必愿意。 3、目前我国发展这类产品的配套设施还不完善,发展汽车旅馆产品至少还需3年至5年时间磨合,比如道路、交通、食品安全、自驾游的应急措施等都不够完善。在国外,人们休闲度假的观念已深入人心,而配套人们自驾游的各类设施、服务素质都达到一定高度;还有道路的安全、公路质量、旅游相关法律等,国内与之相比都还有一段距离。 4、我公司是否有实力研发设计出符合我国国民需求的汽车旅馆,经验不足。 , 项目商业运作模式 1、直接销售给经营者。风险小,收益快。 2、合资经营。我司以所有硬件设施作为投资资本,合作方负责经营管理,我方不参与管理。风险部分被分摊,又容易进入市场。 3、独资经营。资金投入较大,经验少,整体风险较高。
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