

2017-11-11 2页 doc 12KB 6阅读




行李寄存牌.doc行李寄存牌.doc ? No. 000001 行李寄存牌 LUGGAGE STORAGE TAG 行李寄存牌 LUGGAGE STORAGE TAG 宾客姓名 Guest Name 房间号码 日期 Room Number Date 行李件数 Pieces 行李员 Bellman 宾客签字 Guest Signature 宾 客 联 Guest Portion No. 000001 行李寄存牌 LUGGAGE STORAGE TAG 行李寄存牌 LUGGAGE STORAGE TAG 日期 Date 宾客姓名 Guest...
行李寄存牌.doc ? No. 000001 行李寄存牌 LUGGAGE STORAGE TAG 行李寄存牌 LUGGAGE STORAGE TAG 宾客姓名 Guest Name 房间号码 日期 Room Number Date 行李件数 Pieces 行李员 Bellman 宾客签字 Guest Signature 宾 客 联 Guest Portion No. 000001 行李寄存牌 LUGGAGE STORAGE TAG 行李寄存牌 LUGGAGE STORAGE TAG 日期 Date 宾客姓名 Guest Name 房间号码 Room Number 行李员 Bellman 宾客签字 Guest Signature 酒店logo 行 李 寄 存 条 件: 本酒店接受贵客寄存行李,其条件如下: 1. 寄存于本酒店之物品,如遇任何形式的意外或事故导致损失,本 酒店将概不负责。 2. 寄存之物品中部的夹带任何易碎品。 3. 如果贵客于物品寄存之日起,三十天内不来领取,则本酒店有权 予以处理。 4. 对寄存物品本酒店有权要求当场进行开包。 Conditions of storage Luggage is accepted for storage by the hotel on these teams. 1. The articles are deposited with the hotel at the sole risk of the Owner. The hotel will not be responsible for any loss or damage however arising. 2. It is not permitted to carry breakable in deposit articles the hotel will not be responsible for any loss arising in storage or transportation. 3. The articles deposited are not collected with one month from the date of the receipt, the hotel shall have the right to dispose it without any notice. 4. The hotel may request for articles to be opened for security inspection prior or acceptance of same forstorage.
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