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从上海到泰州从上海到泰州 从上海到泰州 我2010年10月份从上海转到泰州工作,大概2个半小时的车程。中国的高速公路很牛x,2 个小时多一点你就可以跑300km。上海离泰州288km。就算是坐公共汽车从上海到泰州也只需 要两个半小时。到了泰州的第一天我是住在宾馆里,然后我的同事帮我找公寓租住,第二天就搬 到新租的公寓里了。我在中国呆了2年了,中国的各种干净各种有秩序我都习惯了但是最近我 回到印度感到的各种脏乱差让我很蛋疼。 I have no way to express my anger and my anguish besid...
从上海到泰州 从上海到泰州 我2010年10月份从上海转到泰州工作,大概2个半小时的车程。中国的高速公路很牛x,2 个小时多一点你就可以跑300km。上海离泰州288km。就算是坐公共汽车从上海到泰州也只需 要两个半小时。到了泰州的第一天我是住在宾馆里,然后我的同事帮我找公寓租住,第二天就搬 到新租的公寓里了。我在中国呆了2年了,中国的各种干净各种有秩序我都习惯了但是最近我 回到印度感到的各种脏乱差让我很蛋疼。 I have no way to express my anger and my anguish besides posting these blogs for you to see and help with in your ability our nation in becoming a cleaner place, a good place to live and prosper. The least we can do is to keep our surroundings clean by not littering, by disposing the garbage off properly, by teaching our children and those we come in contact with, how this can be the pride of the nation. We can also clean the nation by not voting the corrupt to power, by discouraging corruption. By not choosing the leaders who have installation of their own statues as a priority, by not supporting the leaders who incite regionalism, religionism and those who propagate a sham of caring for the poor by standing against progress. I really do not want to sermonize because the people who blog are intelligent, educated, aware, awake and idealistic. They can decide but sadly those who can, don’t decide and their opinion doesn’t count much. 我来的这个地方是个叫高港(注:泰州市辖区)的小镇,大概6年前新建的。在中国有几百个 像这样新建的小镇。中国花了大价钱新建了无数的住宅道路。但是问题是没有足够多的有钱人来 买这些住宅。高岗镇城建我估计已经考虑到50年以后了,道路是6车道水泥路面,还有自行车 道,人行道,绿化带。住宅小区24小时供水电气。我不知道政府是怎么考虑的,有些没人的地 方政府也把配套的桥梁什么的建好了,貌似他们考虑到100年以后了吧。 The people are beginning to wake up to the new riches flooding the nation. The common man is still having hand to mouth existence. The cost of living as compared to India is higher. Education is expensive. I see very few schools around. In India in the morning even in small towns you will see hundreds of school buses on the roads but here I hardly see any. I was surprised the other day when my interpreter told me that the small town where she grew up has only a middle school. The other day when we went together to a nearby city, she showed me the higher secondary school where she would come every day. The place she showed me is nearly twenty kilometers from where she lives. She is only twenty four years old and as per her even still there are no other schools around where she lives, at least not yet. I have travelled hundreds of miles by roads, by rails and by air to far distant places but I haven’t seen any shanties on the outskirts of the towns. I haven’t seen the beggars and urchins lining up outside the temples for free food or extending their palms at the cross-roads. The old and the young and men and women all seem to be working for livelihood. I think and I see, that not many people pursue academic careers here. The education is very expensive and most of the parents can't afford to put their children through college. The children thus acquire vocational skills and that's what China needs and has, strong labour class to flood the international market with the products at unbelievably low prices so that none can compete. The children who are good at studies are picked up by the government and groomed to be a part of the national think tank. So you have excellent, highly skilled work force and intelligent policy makers. The approach is completely in contrast with our approach. The British needed cheap clerks to run their gubernatorial work. They have gone but we are still making cheap, good for nothing clerks who can’t write even a sentence correctly in their mother tongue, can’t do a simple sum of arithmetic but since they have been given a post graduation degree by “Ganda Singh College of Tiberewala village” they think they will be managers in MNCs and doing some menial jobs is below their status. If they are from backward class who have benefited from quota largesse doled out by the vote counting government and are the wards of the directors of Public Sector Companies, or high government officials then, they don’t need to look for the job, they just need to appear for an IAS examination and they will become directors themselves one day. I know one such, who was a D.C. and lived in the bungalow that belonged to my wife’s uncle and we the newly married couple were living in the annexe. My father happened to visit us and he saw him. Later my father told me that he had joined as LDC ( Lower division clerk) under him some twenty years ago and he could not even draft a letter but he cleared his IAS and was now a Deputy Commissioner while my father slogged all his life to rise to be only an Accounts officer. This is not the end of the story, his son who was about my age told me one day that he had cleared his IPS. I congratulated him but he said, Dad says, “what is the use of IPS? You appear for IAS.” I am sure today he will be holding a high post somewhere. After all the government belongs to them and it’s not for nothing that the Gujars are sitting on the Railway Tracks holding the government to ransom. They know what they are losing to Meenas ( another community which for being recognized as backward gets all the privileges of quota while the Gujars get nothing). I had a friend, Sharma (Brahmin- Pandit) who got admission in the medical college on the basis of fake BC certificate. Let’s come back and talk about those poor non- B/C children who don’t have any such privilege but have degrees that are of no value. Whose fault it is? Their parents couldn’t afford their education. They took loans and the children carry the burden and the guilt but there are no jobs awaiting them. They can’t get through the selection, they can’t bribe nor they can get a back door entry. If by chance they get in, they try to make the best of it. They become a part of the corrupt system but remain incompetent and useless as ever. If they were guided properly, if they had chosen to learn vocational skills which agreed with their temperament, they would have done better. If they had learnt their father’s vocation, maybe they would be better craftsmen than them. But in India skilled people cannot think of having the same respect and status as the academically qualified. Imagine sharing a table with your driver and the mechanics and picking up food from the common dishes. All of us know this wasn’t Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of promoting the backward class. As such the constitution provided them with reservation for thirty years but there can always be amendments in the constitution. It will be amended again and again by those benefitting. It would have been better if it were written in pencil or not written at all like the British Constitution but there it works because the people holding the offices have some sense of responsibility, some sense of shame, they have some character and some morals. Give me one example where the government policy of quota has helped a bright child and I will give you a hundred where it has failed. There are people like Anand Kumar () who are really helping the bright, poor, unprivileged children. But there are not many like him. We want the people come up purely on the basis of merit so that Mayavatees and Lallus and Stalins don’t rule the states. So that we don’t hear the sons and the daughters get the gift of legacy. Can we do that? Do we really want that? 大巴车内 上海磁悬浮车内景 上海的立交桥 上海印象 高港的街道 我住的小区 我的寓所 稻谷晾晒在路边 夜景 换个角度看街道 小区边上的公园 公立幼儿园 快乐的人民 小区附近公园的图片 镇里的中心公园 即使雪天垃圾清理也不能停止 我偶然碰了发布键,来日将有更多图片奉上,再见 All Comments HiHiHi / Navneet, Thank you for uploading so many pics about China! Just as other Chinese readers on this site, I came to your blogs after having read some of them in a Chinese website. I have to agree with you that China has undergone lots of changes in the past couple of decades. Most people, especially younger generations, take for granted on what we currently have because they don't have much idea about how China was back then. Only when you've been through the entire process of before-and-after change you will be able to realize how much achievement the Communist government has brought to the country. Personally I have nothing to say against this government on the economic aspect. I'm glad you share the same opinion with me on this matter. Thank you for your endless efforts on publicizing China on net! I think Chinese government should award you, or hire you as a public relation ambassador on international arena. HaHa!! Just my view. Navneetkumarbakshi / Prasad Ji. Though Mao is said to be their leader but Indeed it's the farsightedness of Deng Xiaoping that has brought the results. If China had rigidly adhered to Mao's vision then probably today's China wouldn't have been much different from DPRK of Qing Jon Un but it's the contribution of the society as a whole that builds a nation. That's where we differ from them. We do not think about personnel gains. It's always me and my family unless we extend it to my neighbourhood, my city, my nation, we won't be able to match them. Navneet Prasad Ganti / Navneetji, good comparisons ! The more respect I am developing for Deng Xiaoping. He was also part of the communist party apparatus, but somehow broke away to form a new and a powerful nation. Indians care only about their houses, up to their compound walls. Beyond that is nobody's responsibility. Similarly, it is only up to one's family, beyond that it is all rot. We have strong families, good houses, but a very weak democratic nation. Navneetkumarbakshi / India is a vast country and there are very beautiful places but as I see from the cleanliness all around me our general sense of cleanliness needs a thorough overhaul. Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi / You are absolutely right Bintscheow comparisons are relative and though I haven't been to Korea or Japan recently but they are certainly very clean and possibly even now much cleaner than China. Navneet JewChiBin / And I did see some pics of Indian travel from others Chinese. They are amazing. India is a country with an ancient civilization as China, but India has longer history than China. India has Tagore, Mama Teresa and Gandi and beautiful indian ladies..And many chinese vocabulary was original from India. JewChiBin / hi, Navneet. I am a guy from China. Thank you for your introduce of my motherland. I think many things are compared, i always thot China and Korea are both dirty compared to Japan. Navneetkumarbakshi / Thanks Neha- China is very beautiful. In last twenty years there have progressed tremendously. I have posted many blogs on China. Read more when you get tim. Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi / I am very happy to get a mail from you. You have very frankly discussed some good and bad features of both the countries. Every country, every society has good and bad points. Yes you are right most of the Indians are very religious. It has it's own good and bad points while a good faith can keep a person strong in principles but now a days religion has become a tool for inciting violence, for extorting money. People merely follow religious practices as mere rituals and do not include the tenets of it in their day to day lives. Second thing is that people in India enjoy too much of freedom. They have a say in everything the government does and because of this for whatever the government does there are protests and support marches. Because of too much of freedom the law lacks muscle. People can get away with crime. There is rampant corruption and misuse of public funds. That's why though the government on the paper spends a lot of money on eradicating poverty but the benefits don't reach the poor. Navneet Yan / Greeting Navneet Ji, I am a Chinese who worked in India(branch of a China company) about one and half years after graduation from China, I was in Delhi last year and now I'm in Mumbai. I readed your blog by chance in a China website, someone translated your article of the high speed train journey from Shanghai to Wuhan into Chinese, many people response on that one.Thank you for your praise of China in some aspects like infrastracture, yes, China achieved progress in the last 30 years, while lots of problems come together with such high speed development, like the unbalance of development, small part of people gain most of the country's wealth etc.Lots of people(especially the educated guys) criticize the gov. on internet, this is because they love this country, such activities are truely helpful and precious, the good thing is that we see the gov. is improving in some aspects, this will take a long time while we are waiting.OK, I want to share some of my feeling in India, as you mentioned in your article, lot of people spitting in the public place, shitting by the road, Delhi & Mumbai both are dirty, the only clean place I visited in India is inside of Taj Mahal. Another thing impressing me is the time sense of Indian, people always late, the driver, the employee, the customer, people always tell you "5 minuts", while they will arrive in half hour.While the good thing I experienced in India is that almost 100% people have their own believing, most of them follow Hinduism, they always be in very good mentality and most people are polite, not like in China, people don't have faith, only work for income, social position, every day under heavey pressure, so lots of Chinese don't have patience on people arounding, they are easily get angry, while most of them can keep good manner to foreiner.Hope you have very nice stay in China. Neha / The pictures you uploaded speak a lot about this destination. Good one :) Surong Zhang /o Hi,navneetkumarbakshi. I was in Hotel in North of Delhi for 3 months.Then i move to a more nice guest house in East of Kailaish. Now the environment is much better than north of dehli. I think there are too much difference between us. I think people are more happy here. Navneetkumarbakshi / So nice to hear from you Surong. Are you living in New Delhi? Well I am in China and once again at Gaogang. I go to Taizhou very often but haven't yet posted many blogs on Taizhou though I have posted many blogs on China. I love China and want the people to know about it's beauty. How little people know about this beautiful country and it's beautiful people. Surong Zhang 13235906 / I am from Taizhou. I am happy to see somebody from India visit my hometown before.Now I am in New Delhi. Navneetkumarbakshi Thanks Deepak and I am happy if my effort is helping you besides conveying my views. I write abot what I see in China. Check on my other posts on China too. I have hundreds of pictures waiting to be posted here. Deepak Udage / These are some fantastic photographs you are sharing with us.All the photo graphs are absolutely mind blowing.Infrastructure there looks very much developed.You have done a fantastic photography.Thanks for sharing such a wonderful information with us. George7304 / the link is here: George7304 / I pasted some pictures taken between 1983 and 1988, you can see the China's progress. george George7304 / They gambling because they want to win and make more money. But it is for sure most of them will lost while very few of them can win. Seldom of them can resist the temptation. I am living in Singapore now and very near to you. Especially the people coming from China, money is more important because China is poor 30 years ago. george Divya V / George, Thanks for your agreement with my views.. I presume you are a chinese living elsewhere.. I have been trying to understand the point '3' in your bullet... I find them hardworking, but too obsessed with money.. Money is their fundamental driving point in life. and they discuss no end to make those 20 cent saving by eating in a place that give you 20 cents less..&these are people who make large amoint of money.. & the irony is they make all the money and give all away in gambling! Baffles me!! RAJAH IYER / we need Benevolent dictatorship..only solution like hand over power for 15 yrs to Abul Kalam!Thats my view! Navneetkumarbakshi / Dear Rajah Iyer Frankly speaking I often think that I can't do enough justice to report about their progress and dedication in my blogs. It far exceeds what I write and post pictures of. It is immense and besides intrinsic quality of dedication and sincerity good governance. stability and accountability have contributed to their progress. Can you imagine something like some idiots sitting on rail tracks for months for inclusion of their community in to OBC category, distribution of mixies as election gimmick, selling of national wealth for pittance? They will shoot the culprits after summary trial or even without a trial. Check my other blogs on China RAJAH IYER / navneeth China truly amazes me..especiall when I see your wonderful pics of a small town..the KG looks like our Anna University in Chennai! India can only talk & talk..there are examples of Chinese growth success not only inside China but outside as well I was in Nairobi and saw their road laying bet Nairobi to Mombasa in just 12 months..all 6 lane..I saw every day ltrs to the editor column appreciation for Chinese dedication in work from locals..When shall we such a change in India? Kalmadis,Hassan Alis,&Rajas can only decide! Navneetkumarbakshi / Thanks VETY that's what we are self centred, selfish hypocrites. Regds, Navneet VETY / Great post navneetkumarbakshi. Peppered with musings , some of anguish and others of hope. To see China through your eyes was really amusing. Absolute callousness of the average Indian for his surroundings has been a subject of so many articles and discussions and even psychological treatise which blames the 'bhangi complex' in each one of us for this miserable state of affairs. We keep our houses clean and even bathe twice but are shy of cleaning the muck from our door step which in our subconscious mind we think to be the duty of lesser castes. Hah hah. Quite amusing, is it not? Regards Vety George7304 / I think India will get better and better on cleanliness because all of you (high educated) are aware of this and want to use effort to change it. The process might be long but progress will exist gradually. Don't panic. and keep changing it. Like what China government do: let western guys keep saying but China do what it should do. george George7304 / In China. 10 years ago, I experienced the same thing:"Our civic sense is marred for ages,things cant change.My wife whenever she sees some paper thrown around while on our walks, picks it up and throws it where it should it.Give it up, I but she hopes one day others watching shall follow. " But now I think things get changed. China government don't have the pressure of election. so they can push people to do something that India government cannot do like one child policy and fast-renovation. george George7304 / Now China government are not able to provide enough work for so many college students. Each year 6M undergraduate of the college. So sometimes, their salary can not be compared trained experience blue-collar workers. These guys above doesn't seems to be any anxiety because their parents can provide enough for them. You can think: they are the only child of the parents. Do they need anxious? The ones anxious already went to big cities like shanghai, nanjing and so on george George7304 / China good cheap due to a lot of factors, let me list of them: 1) Complete supply chain and good roads (infrastructure). Let say if you factory build a TV set. in China, within 100KM, you can get everything you are required in your Downstream vendors. More over, these are many of them you can choose (fast, cheap or quality?) In vietnam and india, you cannot get them. you have to import from overseas, so time? cost? 2) enough not-expensive well TRAINED labour. One of my friend built a project in India, it is very difficult for him to find a good electric welder. He complained, in China, finding a senior engineer will not be harder than finding an electric welder in India. Why? Because India are lack of enough well trained workers. However, India has enough well trained programmers. 3) China Engineer can make work by himself compared india. My friend complained that India's engineers seldom do the work by themselves even for a handy work. they usually ask workers to do it. Is this right? George7304 / I think maybe this is new town and not enough student enroll at the place. and maybe young couples children are too small to go to school. Trust me in something: If there are enough demand, everything will be out in one night in China. george George7304 / Finally, you know the truth of the western. A lot of we Chinese are aware of this 10 years ago. Now we Chinese are thought by China-man Mao : Backwardness will take a beating. Can you image 100 years ago, western countries just use several ships then can conquer a eastern country? Now they did it to Libya. Don;t tell us dictatorship. Too many US alliance are dictatorship in Arab Countries. george Azad582002 / was there in 1976 changed a lot George7304 / Hi, Divya: maybe someday we can go out have a drink. you hit the point of what I think. 1) my position in China has lost because long time not been there. 2) one child policy. Now I have two children. 3) Chinese hardworking because they feel driven adjective and want to be rich. 4) All of the Harry potter series gets published in Mandarin in almost a week of the english publications: Because they can make money..... george George7304 / civic sense can be gain after 1-2 generation continuously training. If you compare people in China and Singapore, you can still see big gap. george George7304 / Hi, let me try to response intuitively. the end user should take the most responsibility. and the importer is the second responsibility. then is the producer. This is a supply chain. In USA and Singapore. Made in China is not so bad (of course cannot be compared to made in Japan. but how about price?) because importer don't import low level product. why? because nobody buy it. If a lot of people will buy it (have demand), the low level product even not be produced from China, but could be from other countries. but why from China? because China has the most complete product supply china and enough cheap labours which can make price low. Vietnam and India wage is much lower, but supply chain is not complete, lot of compenant have to be imported from oversea. so overall cost is high. george George7304 / Haha, Nav: All of foreigner (non-Chinese) are cheated by medias (including western medias and india medias). When they talk about China, so "dictatorship", "communist", "evil", "poor", and more will be thought. India medias will re-say what western media say because seldom indian have visited China. When they visited China, they changed their thought even at first they cannot accepted right away. because what they saw is totally different what they are thought. Can we say this is "brain-wash"? Unfortunately, still a lot of western people is still being "brain-washed" by their media. We have to admit everybody is brain-washed. from school, we are brain-wash by teacher because teacher try to teach us knowledge, they are washing our brain. Now after so many event, like culture development, and 89 event, seldom Chinese can be brain washed because they don't trust that media says. Once they see some news in media, they intuitively will question it first. This is different like western people, they almost trust the media very much. On thing you can't deny: every Indian will feel China is much better than what the media of India said. and I am sure you are one of them. and more, because China media seldom report the negative thing of other countries(Maybe government don't want them to report the bad thing of other countries), so Chinese believe other countries are heavy. that is why a lot of Chinese still try to stowaway to other countries. But based on what you see in the place you are living now, do you think they need to stowaway overseas now? george George7304 / let me give some comments in my intuitive feelings: 1) not all the road are owned by state(national), a lot of road is owned by groups. It depends on who invest it. 2) in 30 years ago, China is also not clean. I can remember we inject using repeated used injectors (glass made instead of one time plastic one at 30 years ago) 3) China does want the people educated. Let me give you a figure: In China now, 1/4 children will go to college. each year, about 20M children given to birth. and now each year, 6M student will go to university. Most of them (>80%) are science and technology major, I think. This percentage (1/4) is the same ratio like Singapore. (can we image this?) 4) China's collage tuition is not high compared to other countries. For example, commonly tuition of science and technology university is US$800 (5000RMB) yearly. How is it in USA? India? Singapore is US$8000 yearly. And in China if you choose education major or military college, it is free. But why some Chinese feel it is expensive? a) compared to 15 years ago, it is 100RMB (now it is 5000RMB), so people feel it is expensive. b) compared the peasant or farmer's income, it is expensive. But even in USA, can a low income family can afford the tuition of college? George7304 / In China there are more than 200 site like youtube. the biggest ones are : 1) Youku.com 2) Ku6.com 3) 56.com 4) tudou.com there are hundred of millions of video clips, movies, serial dramas in side it. george George7304 / why dog don't bark in China? Let me give some possible reasons: 1) dogs must have a license and most of the residents their dogs actually are illegal (no license). So police have the right to kill the dogs. there are lot of report that dogs bite people and government authorise some special group to kill un-license dogs. so if dogs bark, someone will complain and call police and the dog will be killed if no license. The fee of license is very expensive, about US$800 (5000RMB), more expensive than a dog. 2) in Singapore, dogs also don't bark. I think only rural dog without chains will bark, right? george George7304 / China does have many village like India. But I think the percentage is different. China may have that link of village 5%, India maybe 30%. That is the difference. I have to say that Communist party government is very efficiency. Please compare the government in Japan and China in the disaster's process.. China government is quite fast response. (I just write what I am intuitively thinking, so special purpose.) For cities, I think most cities are like this. But western journalist and reporters never tell the truth about this and ignore this, which make me frustrated even I live oversea 10 years)\ george george George7304 / Hi, No traffic jam is because it is a small town. If you go to Shanghai, many many traffic jams there. For cleanliness, if you visit Singapore, you will find China is actually still very dirty in the street. george George7304 / Hi, This flyover is a non-other choice's choice. This is due to the wrong plan before building this city. If everything well planed before, then no need so many flyovers in city. george George7304 / Hi, Same thing happened in China before ( I am Chinese). Now new generation is better than us. In this 20 years, from 1990, China changed a lot and even I don't believe it would be so fast. Actually, India is also developing very fast recent years. george Navneetkumarbakshi / Kaye Ji- Surely we can do it one day. There are people like your wife, there are people like us, there are many sincere and proud Indians. There are hard working and good Indians who are making all the difference that we see. In reply to Rajnignadha's comment I asked her to read Dr. Kalam's e-mail forward that I had posted long ago. If you haven't read this much circulated e-mail before, here read it now Regds, Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi / Yes Rajni- this is the most surprising thing. We the same Indians are very law abiding, hard working, sincere, loving people and good citizens of the countries other than India. Long back I posted one blog that also contained much circulated letter form Dr. Abdul Kalam- i you have not read Dr. Kalam's letter before then read this blogpost Regds, Navneet Rajnigandha52 / """"The least we can do is to keep our surroundings clean by not littering, by disposing the garbage off properly, by teaching our children and those we come in contact with, how this can be the the pride of the nation """" navneet ji this piece and the ones where you have said about our buying education ----say all that has to be said about our country's debacle -----and guess what the same people who are so callous here in there own motherland DO NOT find it DIFFICULT at all to follow the rules laid out by alien societies. that much for patriotism . thankyou so much for this excellent writeup and fabulos pictures regards rajni Kaye Sharma / Hi Navneet, I always ask people who have lived abroad and returned to India , how do they cope with the filth, cacophony and rude behaviour by taxi wallas and others. Always get the same answer--we get used to it, laments shall give BP everyday. Our civic sense is marred for ages,things cant change.My wife whenever she sees some paper thrown around while on our walks, picks it up and throws it where it should it.Give it up, I but she hopes one day others watching shall follow. China is making great strides, miles ahead of us .Yet Raghav' Behl's --"Super power" insists India shall lead China in the next 30 yrs.I dont see how! They are more homogeneous 90% Hans, more disciplined and proud of their country.Education apart they shall have more English speaking for corporate jobs, or are converting corprorates into learning mandarin. We have it all , but ruined by our politicians, reservations, corruption and above all misplaced sense of freedom--pee where yopu like, spit out of a car,throw banana peels on the roads. Thanx for your trip to Shanghai and the beautiful pictures, and your keen observations. Do you think--'yes we can too' one day ? I''d like to think so--no symptoms , only a slide each day. regards kaye Navneetkumarbakshi / Thanks Ashu- Will write more about China and post more pics. Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi / You are right Madhavi- Freedom should be the basic right of every individual but it shouldn't mean that people should squat on the rail tracks or burn public property every other day. It shouldn't mean that the rape victims should go scot free and those perpetrating violence, arson, looting should not be brought to justice. Law and order, discipline and national pride is very important. They work sincerely and hard. The wages are better than those in India but cost of living too is higher. Exploitation of labour is a universal truth but if they have no unions they have no voice and if you allow them like you do in India they indulge in arm twisting. Navneetkumarbakshi / Thanks Sivaram56 It is my personal perception about the schools and the children I see with the bags around here and back home in India. There doesn't seem to be any anxiety or mad rush for acquiring worthless degrees because vocational skills are as respected and well paying. Can't say about how things will be tomorrow but today they seem to be miles ahead of the rest of the world. Navneet Dr Madhvi / NNb When I talked of cheap labor, I didn't mean it in any derogatory way.... I have no grudge against chinese for producing goods at cheap rates and I am no admirer of west, who are suckers...its only the proportion I am talking about. If they produce cheap, they give less to labor too. I know we could have done much better with little more descipline, yet to live in democracy is a big incentive. I am equally irritated with our conditions, but then we need a huge change in mindset of people. Thoda dande ka jor bhi jaroori hai vaise. Sivaram56 / Dear Navneet A nice article on life at China.Good to see Shanghai Metro,your colony and your apartment and parks etc;During my recent study on comparing education of China with India I got the figures that China do have same comparable schools in secondary and primary level. This surprised me . I agree with most of the other points. Well things may change in future as China is dependent on exports to US. But China has spent well on infrastructure which is a great thing.Nice one this. Sivaram Navneetkumarbakshi / Your observation is very right PGR but shallow degrees to the people who do not deserve them and when you can't give them any employment may inflate the national figures but are useless in reality. The government should generate opportunities and the society must learn to respect skilled people and consider them at par. Freedom is very essential for growth but surfeit of everything is bad. Regds, Navneet PGR / Dear Navneet That was quite an informative post on China coupled with some digressive thoughts on our nation. That there are not enough schools in China sounds surprising to me. It must be calculated strategy of communists to reduce intellectual (rebellious) class and thereby minimize internal uprisings. In a way it is a pity that such a large nation is consciously not giving opportunity to every human being to grow and achieve his true potential. No wonder I see massive immigration of Chinese people to Canada and US. Good photos too...You have a lovely apartment:). PGR Ashualec /o totally agree with your write up ..the pics are so good and your house is v beautiful. Navneetkumarbakshi / Bina Ji- Even when we live in another country and have reasons to praise her but have nothing much to speak about our own country, dukh to hota hi hai Thanks Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi / In shanghai I could see children waiting for school buses, here I don't see many or rather any. As such because of one child policy the children are less. They have given some relaxations in this policy now. Like if both parents are single children of their parents then you can have two. Or if you have some agricultural land and your first child is a female you can have another child. In Shanghai I came to know that you could always have a second child but you were supposed to pay a hefty some to the government, those who could pay could have the second child. We would top all indices that depict human downfall. Binagupta / Dear NKB: your China blogs are truly enjoyable. Just wish India would emulate all the good from its neighbors- the rot that has set in- is too deep I guess! sigh! warm regards bina ps: I truly love USA:) V-S-Gopal / Hi NKB, Fine text and lovely photos. Am surprised that education is not cheap or free. India must be amongst the top-dirtiest countries in the world. Our idea of dirtiness stops with using a lota of water. The WHO should invent "World Dirtiness Index". We will be right amongst the top. Cheers! vs gopal Navneetkumarbakshi / What is the use of giving such degrees Panchali? Lack civic sense? We have none of it. I understand Panchali some of us can still hang our heads down in shame most of the others can't even do that, they have no shame left in them to cause their heads to hang down :)) Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi / Most of these pictures are not of Shanghai but of a small township called Gaogang which you may not be able to find on Chines map. I have been to many of their small towns and seen some villages too. I don't get time to post so many blogs on China but have a lots of pictures with me. Yes laws are very strict but not much stricter than those in Singapore. One has to abide by the laws of the country one lives in except when one is living in India because there is no law nor any order there. :)) One child policy is relaxed now. Yes you can't rebel against the government, can't possibly even speak against their policies but the issue is not that. The issue is as you have rightly observed they are very sincere, hardworking and fired up people. Will post more blogs. Navneet Comment Report Abuse Navneetkumarbakshi / Cheap things? We are all complicit to this. They have endless orders from all over the world from power generating plants to, trains to aircrafts to ships, computers, electronic or anything under the sun. Why is the whole world hording on to China for getting their things manufactured here? Before them Japan was ruling the world market and they have crippled the US cars and electronics industry. The US has been printing paper currency and ruling the world, fooling the world. The British looted the whole world and are still dipping in to the loot for their existence. They were dumping their goods in India and chopping off the hands of our weavers. America, Britain, France jump in at every opportunity to escalate the conflict because they want to sell their arms and ammunition. They gift arms to Pakistan and sell them to India at double the price ( Buy one get one free is a time tested selling strategy). Indians are setting up shops all over the world, getting software written by the Indians whom they pay half of what they will have to pay to the locals. The shipping Industry is resting on the shoulders of the Indians who work for less and do better work but that less is more for us because cost of living in India is low. The ship owners register their ships in Panama, Monrovia and such countries where they have tax exemptions. A businessman is a businessman first. Laxmi Mittal wouldn't have become a billionaire if he had not set up his first plant in Malaysia. Which car do you drive? How many of it's parts are made in India? Why don't you buy an Ambassador? Which mobile phone do you have? Chances are that it is manufactured in China and so must be most of the parts of your Laptop and TV and other gadgets you use. Is the software loaded on your computer a genuine product? Do you always buy genuine products or don't mind listening to a pirated CD once in a while? How much are you paying your maid? Do you give her weekly off, health care an other benefits like one month off every year with all expenses paid for ? Is she getting minimum wages as prescribed by the government of India in the minimum wages act? Wages here maybe low but are not as low as they are in India, if the cost of living is taken in to consideration. The people are gainfully employed. There are no wastlers loitering about, no beggars to be seen. The law is strict and it should be so but the progress and the prosperity is to be seen to be believed. I invite you to come here and see for yourself. I am not a communist nor do I endorse the policies of the ruling congress or BJP, but I too have a strong national feeling. The transformation of China is the last ten fifteen years is unbelievable. Divya V / I work and interact with a number of Chinese here in singapore, and majority of them dont want to go back to China.. They either say there is just too much of competition, or that they cant have a big family as there are rules to limit number of children they can have or that they are used to the sophitication in sg, that it will be tough for them to go back home.... From what i understand, big cities and their suburbs are well developed, but the other smaller town are still not good enough.. But, I continue to admire them for their hardworking nature (we indian only claim we are hardworking, but nothing compared to their levels) and the rate at which they convert everything into Chinese for ease of use to even a simplton.. All of the Harry potter series gets published in Mandarin in almost a week of the english publications.. :)) Shanghai.. someday have to travel there. Till then, happy to be seeing it in your pictures! Thanks for sharing ~Divya Mrs Muffet / Navneet : I can see, you wrote this with a lot of anger and anguish. The best was -- “Ganda Singh College of Tiberewala village" --hahahaha... Chill....we lack civic sense, so never dream or aspire for a cleaner and tidier India. These pics put our heads down to shame...! Beautiful pics...amazing roads :)) Thanks for sharing.. Panchali Dr Madhvi / No haven't been to china but know many who have been staying there for long. May be second hand information...but tell me who is responsible for the cheap things available all over the world labeled 'made in china'...a large group of people must be involved in it...do you think they would be paid so well? its putting two and two together. But let us forget china...isn't what I say about our own country true??? No , i never want to give anyone a dressing down...just that I put my arguement vehemently. cheers. Navneetkumarbakshi / Thanks for dressing me down but I have reservations about a better tomorrow you dream of at least for now. I don't see it coming in the near future. Where in my article have I blamed the government for all our woes? And if you think that all the riches and prosperity that China projects is only in the cities and their villages are teeming with poor, uncared for urchins then you don't know much about the present day China. Have you been here? Recently? Why not plan a visit and see it for yourself. Dr Madhvi / They are on the road to prosperity, no doubt. The govt owns everything and so does its top employees. In India the worst thing is living in unhygeinic conditions and please stop blaming govt for it. This is an inherent quality in us. We can't even keep our places of worships clean either, but can fight over them and shed blood...even vote for different gods....beats me! We are horribly corrupt too...so unclean from within and without. In china they want people to remain uneducated and remain at peripheries...work as lobors and never ask for more except in cities. It serves their purpose. They need them for huge turnover where they work as menial workforce. In India Govt is committed to parting education to all. Even if it makes people read and write, if it makes girls a little educted too so they can count and keep accounts at home, they are bound to provide education to their own children...That is the target...the beneficial effects will be seen in the next generation. So let us not just crib and complain.... Its common for citizens here to just complain and not be the participants in uplift of the down trodden. We can coax govt, punish them to work better, throw them out if they don't perform but we also need to introspect our own role in contributing to the progress of the country. If everyone tries, we can make a difference. But for that we have to put our attention away from self serving, selfish ways. Madhvi Navneetkumarbakshi / Karanji Hum sudhar nahin sakate. Hamari aisi koyee mansha hi nahin hai, koyee prerna nahin. I remember when I was living in Shanghai there was a shop at the entrance to the society. It was open 24 hrs. On weekend all adult children would party there smoking and drinking 2.5% beer after beer. Girls so ashamedly dressed up as if luring or dying for a good lay. And they were all Gore children. You won't find any Chinese kids indulging in such nonsense anywhere. You find them courting ofcourse but you don't find them wooing or leering or passing lewd remarks at passing women. In fact you don't find any kind of rowdism, goondaizm and vulgarity here even when you find all girls wearing micro minis in summer. There is a lot of order and discipline here. Whether it is out of fear or national pride but it is there. Eight hours of duty here means sincere work for eight hours. No beedi smoking or chai pani breaks. How can we think of competing with such a nation? Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi / Thanks Ghazala- Will post more. Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi / Dear LPMJi I can't access Youtube here in China but I know what it will be about. We are very individualistic and selfish. We have no national pride.That is what has to change. Regds, Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi / I can't say about all or the far flung ones but those that I have seen have electricity, accessible roads and piped water supply. Though some houses have wells and use wood stoves but gas is available in cylinders. I haven't seen people keeping cattle so there are no cow dung cakes and pigs roaming around. Dogs are there but I have never heard them bark- that inspired the title of one of my blogs "Dogs don't bark in China" Crowding is there in certain localities but nothing like India as all land belongs to government and they are fast demolishing the old localities and building new. There are no protests or dharnas against governments injunctions and you can get marching orders any time but the government first makes a colony and then shifts the people. All in all there is a lot of order here. Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi / Hahahaha Sangeeta- It's a fully furnished apartment. Pink or red or green...It's the choice of the owner :)))) LollipopMan / NKBji, The least we can do is to keep our surroundings clean by not littering, by disposing the garbage off properly, by teaching our children and those we come in contact with, how this can be the pride of the nation. I think that our trouble is we keep our houses clean by chucking our garbage onto our neighbours or onto our roads. Here is a video that highlights this problem. LPM Prakashzanwar / Navneet ji Its like everything wanted to there. from photos i could see Cleanlinss, facilities, no traffic jams, facilities, recreation etc etc. I just wonder, tell me does China have villages like we do have in India, with bare minimum or almost nil facilities especially roads and medical treatment? What about cities? All cities are like this? or there are crowded cities like Mumbai, Delhi (ofcourse some areas)? If your asnwer is in no, then I must say, they do dream ahead. Prakash Sangeeta Monga / Navneet..red would have been understandable..it wd have been their choice..you could blame it on them..but a man with Pink?????????????????? :))))))) Ghazala / Hi, The flyovers really knocked me out. What straight lines man, just like a scale. A very extensive blog on a small town in china. Good work Navneetji :-) Karan Diwan / Navneetkumarji, congrats atleast you are lucky to go to a place which is modern n moving, i have travelled the world,i can say "HUm nahi sudrangay",forget govt,policies and other things,the future is bleak i have 2 colleges outside my house , one is science other is engineering college,i see students standing on the middle of the road talking you have to honk, these morons dont have that much sense that they are slowing traffic n sometimes i have to use language they understand to tell them FO bcs even after honking they stare and are itching for a fight,what progress can you expect from others, what comes naturally to us w/o effort is how to increase the population and "ram ram japna sub ka maal apna",we are family oriented not society oriented.economic power my arse. rgds//kd Navneetkumarbakshi / What a frank admission Sangeeta. I too check the length of the post before checking the content. :)) What's wrong with pink? Don't know nor was it bothering me when I chose the flat. Thank God it's not shocking red which is their favourite colour. :)))) Sangeeta Monga / sigh sigh...n some more sighs..Just when would it all come true..?????? i saw the scroll bar and almost left yr post cos it just appeared too long :P then I almost checked and stopped :) but pink apt for you??????????? loved the pics..a real treat Navneetkumarbakshi / We have a long way to go and the path before us is not even defined. We don't know which side to proceed. The people who talk of our standards don't have any standards, they don't know what the standards are. Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi / Jab ham apni skills par naaz karane lageinge. Navneetkumarbakshi / Dignity of labour is something that is missing in our culture altogether, and this mindset has segregated skill development from childhood as a desirable objective as compared to formal bookish learning. We are ourselves to blame for it Aditi. When I see the stressed children, the anxious parents and millions of children taking Engineering and Medical level entrance exams my heart really cries for them. All of them have been deprived of their childhood by flawed thinking, flawed system. How many of them will be really happy even after successfully becoming Engineers and Doctors. You know Aditi I am not sure if I had done much better in life if I pursued a career in journalism or literature. Maybe I would have ended up being a school teacher but I would have been a lot more happier. Navneet Aditi Ray / Navneet, your observation is absolutely on the dot about the hands on skill development emphasised by China and the white collar kind of school education curriculum in Indian schools. The school education in India does not prepare a child for any skill based livelihood as a young adult, should the child not be very bright to pursue college studies. This kind of school education that we now have in India, with no pass and fail till middle school, can at the most earn brownie points in human development indices with a sudden jump in Class VIII level population, but not provide ready livelihood. Dignity of labour is something that is missing in our culture altogether, and this mindset has segregated skill development from childhood as a desirable objective as compared to formal bookish learning. The irony is that it is also not that the people in the Government are not aware of the China model of vocational skill development among children, but there are not enough votaries to give it a try. CaravanBpl / Navneet.. hamara dard kab hadh sey guzaregaa ki hum apni aawaaz uthakar apne desh ke haalaat ko sanwaar paeingey? here people have dandy visions and promises yet once they are in the chair apparently all the "idealism" gets sucked out and they end up being a pale imitation of their predecessor... City Lover / Navneet ji, I 100% agree with you on the neatness part. Morever if you walk in front of an apartment complex or hospital you will be surprised whether they are occupied or haunted! No tea stalls, ironwala, or even a gathering of 2 - 3 persons in front of these gigantic 30 + storeyed bldgs. Even the security gaurd will be cooly sitting inside the cabin watching all the happenings outside, in the CCTV. The passcodes to enter the building or the lifts are always in working condition. Yes, we have still a long way to GO. I was pissed off when some minister pointed out during the CWG that our QUALITY standard is different from others. CL
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