

2017-11-30 9页 doc 31KB 17阅读




粤语的揭后语大全,睇你识得几多粤语的揭后语大全,睇你识得几多 2012年卫生十项惠民工程实施方案 按照全市卫生工作会议精神~为全面落实2012年卫生十项惠民工程任务~深入推进医疗卫生体制改革。特制定本实施方案。 一、指导思想 深入贯彻落实科学发展观~努力实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民群众的根本利益~为群众提供安全、有效、方便、价廉的医疗卫生服务~让卫生改革与发展成果更快更多地惠及人民群众。实现我市医疗卫生“服务好了~质量高了~药价降了~百姓乐了”的目标。 二、基本原则 ,一,围绕深化医药卫生体制改革~切实解决好人民群众医疗保健需求问题~巩固和...
粤语的揭后语大全,睇你识得几多 2012年卫生十项惠民工程 按照全市卫生工作会议精神~为全面落实2012年卫生十项惠民工程任务~深入推进医疗卫生体制改革。特制定本实施方案。 一、指导思想 深入贯彻落实科学发展观~努力实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民群众的根本利益~为群众提供安全、有效、方便、价廉的医疗卫生服务~让卫生改革与发展成果更快更多地惠及人民群众。实现我市医疗卫生“服务好了~质量高了~药价降了~百姓乐了”的目标。 二、基本原则 ,一,围绕深化医药卫生体制改革~切实解决好人民群众医疗保健需求问题~巩固和完善三年深化医改的成果和政策~尽可能让人民群众直接受益~从解决人民群众最关心、最直接、最现实、最迫切的重点难点问题入手~妥善安排、扎实推进各项惠民工程工作, ,二,按照“统筹兼顾、突出重点、好事办好、实事办实”的原则~同步推进深化医改各项任务~确保惠民工程惠及群众。 三、任务目标 1、全面实施预约诊疗、无假日门诊。年内实现旗县区以上医院门诊“无周末”~苏木镇卫生院,社区卫生服务中the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 心,服务“全天候”~找专家看病电话预约的目标。 2、全面推行基本药物。在苏木镇卫生院,社区卫生服务中心,使用基本药物并实行零差率销售的基础上~年内扩大至一体化服务管理的嘎查村卫生室。增加县级医院基本药物使用比例~并尽可能实现零差率销售。三年内县级医院药品全部实现零差率销售。 3、逐年提高新农合保障水平~2012年人均筹资300元。政策范围内住院报销比例达到75%。封顶线达到10万元。将儿童白血病、先心病、终末期肾病、耐多药结核病、布病、重症精神病等六种疾病和宫颈癌、乳腺癌等5种疾病纳入新农合重大疾病补偿范围。 4、公共卫生服务惠及全部城乡居民~在全面完成11类41项基本公共卫生服务和6项重大公共卫生服务的基础上~每年免费为65岁以上老年人体检一次~为0-6岁儿童免费进行贫血筛查。 5、免费为全市农牧区育龄妇女进行宫颈癌、乳腺癌筛查。每年完成5万人~到2015年全部完成。 6、农牧区孕产妇在市域内住院分娩实行平产免费。 7、实施远程会诊建设工程~市医院与2-3家北京三级医院、旗县区医院分别与一家北京医院、一家自治区级医院和市医院远程会诊联网~年内全部建成并开通。使城乡居民在当地享受到大城市医院的服务。 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 8、全面推行家庭医生责任制~所有苏木镇卫生院、社区卫生服务中心均成立康复中心~组建家庭医生团队~并与居民家庭签约~为居民提供常见病、多发病的就诊服务以及家庭成员中的重点人群,老人、儿童、孕妇和慢性病患者,的预防保健服务~包括:建立健康档案、制定健康干预、开展健康教育等基本公共卫生服务~让康复中心成为居民的“健康管家”。今年启动实行家庭医生责任制试点工作~在1/3卫生院,社区服务中心,推行。三年内全面实行。 9、推广使用居民健康卡~实现居民手持“健康卡”~看病更方便。借助信息化建设~通过信息网络平台~实现居民的电子病历和健康档案在市内各医疗机构互联互通。今后~居民到任意一家公立医院,旗县以上,看病~都不需要再带上病历或者X光片、CT片等各种检查结果和检验报告单~医生刷“健康卡”~就可以调取结果。这项工作争取今年在旗县级以上医院和市级医院间实现~明年实现与外地部分大医院联通。 10、建设全市急诊急救绿色通道。整合医疗资源~加强基础设施建设和网络建设。年内建成以市医疗急救中心为主体~以旗县区医院为基础~以120急救指挥中心为纽带的急诊急救网络体系。实现20分钟应急救治全覆盖的目标。 四、工作要求 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the ,一,加强组织领导。各旗县,区,卫生局、市直各有关医疗卫生单位要成立由主要领导为组长的惠民工程工作领导小组~统一安排~精心组织~周密部署~细致操作各项惠民工程工作,要坚持“一把手”负责制~按照“一月一梳理~两月一督查~一季一通报~一年一总结”的要求~做到主要领导亲自抓、分管领导具体抓~一级抓一级~层层抓落实。 ,二,明确工作责任。各项目标任务落实到局机关各科室~各科室拟定每项工程具体实施项目方案~分解具体指标任务落实到各旗县,区,卫生局及有关单位。各旗县,区,卫生局及各有关单位负责组织实施。 ,三,强化资金管理。各旗县,区,要积极争取财政的投入~落实好所需资金。要强化资金计划、管理、考核工作~落实监管责任~要严格申请、审批和公示程序~确保资金落到实处。 ,四,加强监督检查。建立月度调度制和督查考核制度。各责任科室负责进行月度调度和季度检查~卫生局组织中期督查和年终考评~确保工作进度~确保工作质量~确保达到工作目标。各旗县,区,卫生局于每月25日至27日,遇节假休息日前臵,~将2012年卫生惠民工程目标任务进展情况书面汇报材料上报我局。 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the ,五,落实考核评估。与卫生年度任务相结合~鼓励创 先争优。我局将制定惠民工程考核评估具体办法~对“惠民 工程”实施情况进行定期通报~年底组织专门人员对各旗县 ,区,卫生局及实施情况进行考核评估~考核评估与医改心 爱你灌木经费拨付挂钩~与旗县区年度卫生工作评优挂钩。 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the
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