

2018-02-18 10页 doc 44KB 150阅读




无犯意就无犯人无犯意就无犯人 一、故事简介 诸葛某,男,16岁,系某专科学校学生。 一天诸葛某从家中偷拿钱款数百元,其母发现失窃而在家里宣称: 次日要去警察处报这案。诸葛某害怕警察侦查后发现其偷拿家中钱款行为,遂于当晚服灭鼠药自杀,未果。后诸葛某又产生在自家食物中投入氧化乐果致家人中毒,以促其母赶回家中而不报案的念头。遂于是日上午,将家中农药40%氧化乐果一匙用水稀释后倒入饭锅。用餐时,其祖母、弟弟感觉饭有异味,犯罪嫌疑人诸葛某即主动重新做饭,当家人出现中毒症状后,犯罪嫌疑人诸葛某积极采取措施送治,经医院诊治未发生伤亡之后果。 经...
无犯意就无犯人 一、故事简介 诸葛某,男,16岁,系某专科学校学生。 一天诸葛某从家中偷拿钱款数百元,其母发现失窃而在家里宣称: 次日要去警察处报这案。诸葛某害怕警察侦查后发现其偷拿家中钱款行为,遂于当晚服灭鼠药自杀,未果。后诸葛某又产生在自家食物中投入氧化乐果致家人中毒,以促其母赶回家中而不报案的念头。遂于是日上午,将家中农药40%氧化乐果一匙用水稀释后倒入饭锅。用餐时,其祖母、弟弟感觉饭有异味,犯罪嫌疑人诸葛某即主动重新做饭,当家人出现中毒症状后,犯罪嫌疑人诸葛某积极采取送治,经医院诊治未发生伤亡之后果。 经法医鉴定:嫌疑人之祖母、弟弟损伤程度均不够达到轻伤。 经司法精神病学鉴定:诸葛某作案时未成年,精神检查报告指出,其显示出极端脆弱的畸型心理和冲动性与不成熟的人格特征;但诸葛某无精神病,作案当时实质性辩认能力完整,就精神状态看,具有完全责任能力。 本案案发后,公安机关以诸葛某涉嫌故意杀人罪(未遂)立案侦查,但未予刑事拘留,亦未提请批捕。侦查终结后,公安局将该案直接移送检察机关审查起诉。 检察机关初次审查后认为,犯罪嫌疑人诸葛某虽实施了在其家中食物内掺入农药的行为,欲借家中出事掩盖其生活中擅取钱款花用的过错,但并无非法剥夺他人生命的犯罪目的,不符合直接故意杀人犯罪未遂的构成要件;本案在客观上亦无其他致人伤害或死亡的结果发生,故不构成间接故意杀人或伤害犯罪;在自已家中食物里掺入农药之行为未危及公共安全,按照罪刑法定原则,其行为又不符合其他犯罪构成要件,故犯罪嫌疑人诸葛某在家中食物内下毒,虽显属happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 错误,但尚未触犯刑法,不构成犯罪,遂经检察委员会讨论决定,对诸葛某涉嫌故意杀人案做出无罪不起诉的决定。 公安机关收到不起诉决定后,对此表示异议,向检察院提出复议要求,检察院依法另行指定检察官对案件进行再次审查,得出结论是原无罪不起诉决定正确,予以维持。 公安机关依照刑事诉讼法的规定,向上级检察院提请复核。上级检察院经审查,决定维持原无罪不起诉决定。 至此,本案程序全部终结。 二,两个法谚与一个原则 张明楷教授在《刑法格言的展开》一中指出,西律思想史上有这样两个法谚。一个罗马法格言说,“任何人不因思想受处罚”;另一个由英国人用拉丁语表述的法律格言说,“无犯意则无犯人”(Non reu nisi mens sit rea)。前者说的是思想是自由的,国家不能对任何人 的思想进行刑事处罚,正如马克思所说,除了我的行为外,我根本不是法律的对象。 后者则从另外一个方向强调,不能对不具有犯意的行为进行刑事处罚(如意外事件、精神错乱、年幼无知等均不能归责于行为人)。 了解法律常识的人士皆知,现代的法律都采用了这两个法谚的文化内核,并形成了一个原则:在实体法上认定犯罪成立,应当实行主观与客观的统一,反对客观归罪,禁止主观归罪。对于刑事执法者而言,此原则旨在防止其随意出入人罪;对于公民来说,此原则足以保障人权。 三、评论 前述情节和诉讼经过,都显示了当事人行为的特殊性。一方面,从案由看,公安局提出的起诉意见是认定“故意杀人”这一重罪名; happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 另一方面,从办案过程看,公安局和检察院均对法制采取认真负责的态度,检察院认定无罪后,公安局运用法律规定的全部程序对检察院的决定提出了复议复核请求。而这种对法律认真负责的态度,正是刑事诉讼法规定的“既打击犯罪又保障无辜”这一双重任务得以实现的重要基础。 从刑事实体法的角度分析,刑事执法中的分歧焦点是:在间接故意主观状态中实施的行为是否存在未遂状态? 案件经历了全部法律程序后被最终确认无罪,主要基于以下理由: 行为主体和主观动机的特殊性,是办理本案时必须正确对待的一个背景因素。分析本案诸葛某作案动机、作案前的心态和作案手段,从普通人的角度来看,令人费解,因此,侦查机关对其进行了司法精神病检查。但细析其案前案后的各种表现并非受精神症状支配,而系出于其自身贪图物质享受、爱面子、强烈的虚荣心以及母子间感情不能有效沟通等因素引起本案行为,其自杀及在食物中掺放农药均与此种极端脆弱的畸形心理恶性膨胀有关,并具有冲动性及不成熟的人格特征。故本案具有一定的特殊性。 本案行为人的主观心理状态应属间接故意,没有构成直接故意所必须具备的犯罪目的和其他认知因素。如前所述本案分歧的焦点是当事人的行为是否具有直接或间接的杀人故意,如果是间接故意,则行为有无未遂状态。 所谓直接故意,是指明知自己行为会发生危害社会的结果,并希望这种结果发生的心理态度。间接故意,是指明知自己的行为可能发生危害社会的结果,并放任这种结果发生的心理态度。从法学理论上区分直接故意和间接故意是容易的,但具体到某一案件上,特别是犯罪嫌疑happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 人在拒不供述故意或供述内容和客观实际不符的情况下,判断其主观故意的内容是直接故意或是间接故意,则向来是司法实践中的难点。 然而,就本案而言,只要从以下几个方面入手,不难看出本案的主观特征是间接故意。本案行为人无剥夺他人生命的犯罪目的,这与因利益冲突或者感情纠葛而起争执,进而图谋报复等有明显区别。其作案的手段选择有鲜明的个性化特点:有节制(在选择往食物中投放农药的数量时明显有所控制)。这与他的行为动机是符合的。作案的特定地点是在家中,特定时间即只有家中二人就餐的时间。因此,行为不可能危及公共安全,因而可以排除投毒罪的可能。犯罪嫌疑人和被害人之间的关系是近亲属关系,且感情较为亲密,不存在尖锐对立。 行为人之所以对如此亲密的人实行本案的行为,虽常人不可理解,但与其作为未成年人不太成熟的人格特征和畸形的心理特征相符。行为人在实施其行为后,对于已经或者正在发生的后果所持态度、采取的应对措施,都可推测其作案时的心理状态。本案诸葛某看到家中老人和弟弟吃了带有农药的食物时,即主动提出重新烧饭;在家人出现轻度中毒症状后,又立即叫人救治。均反映出其主观上与直接故意状态下的行为人不同的心理特征。 从上述几个方面进行分析,得出的结果是一致且不相冲突的,因而可以判定犯罪嫌疑人的故意形式:不具有加害他人致人伤亡的犯罪目的,因而,不构成直接故意,属于间接故意。根据我国刑法学界统一的认识,间接故意犯罪均是“结果犯”形态,因而不存在未遂状态。 也就是说,如果客观上没有发生符合犯罪要件的后果,则对持间接故意的行为人不能定罪。在这一点上,与过失犯罪作为结果犯的处理规则是一样的:无结果不定罪。钱某的行为既未发生致人死亡的后果,也没有发生致他人轻伤的结果,因此,故意杀人和故意伤害罪均不构成;在家中食物内投放农药,行为在客观上并未危及不特定多数人的生命财产安全,即尚不危及公共安全,也不构成投毒罪。 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 检察机关对诸葛某作出无罪不起诉的决定完全符合刑法规定,较好发挥了检察机关在刑事 诉讼中严格把关、防止错诉、避免刑及无辜的重要作用。 总之,对法律的适用既非照本宣科般简单,也不是没有标准的臆断。内里具有丰富的文化 价值判断,又有可资引用的法定标准。 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party
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