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新个人所得税税率表新个人所得税税率表 级数 应征范围 税率 速算扣除数 1 80000 45% 13505 例如你工资是A,个人付的社保和公积金之和是B,算出A-B-3500的数字(3500是起征点),在上面哪个范围。 比如你算出A-B-3500等于10000,那么是第4级,那么你缴纳的个税为10000*25,-1005,1495 九月以前的个锐算法 级数 应纳税所得额 税率(%) 速算扣除数 1 不超过500元部分 5 0 2 超过500元至2000元的部分 10 25 3 超过2000元至5000元的部分 15 125 4 超过...
新个人所得税税率 级数 应征范围 税率 速算扣除数 1 <=1500 3% 0 2 1500< <=4500 10% 105 3 4500< <=9000 20% 555 4 9000< <=35000 25% 1005 5 35000< <=55000 30% 2755 6 55000< <=80000 35% 5505 7 >80000 45% 13505 例如你工资是A,个人付的社保和公积金之和是B,算出A-B-3500的数字(3500是起征点),在上面哪个范围。 比如你算出A-B-3500等于10000,那么是第4级,那么你缴纳的个税为10000*25,-1005,1495 九月以前的个锐算法 级数 应纳税所得额 税率(%) 速算扣除数 1 不超过500元部分 5 0 2 超过500元至2000元的部分 10 25 3 超过2000元至5000元的部分 15 125 4 超过5000元至20000元的部分 20 375 4 超过20000元至40000元的部分 25 1375 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is 最新个税税率表 概述:从今年9月1日起,修改后的个税法将正式实施,个税起征点将从现行的2000元提高到3500元,税率由九级改为七级,为3%至45%。(税率如下文所示) 9月1日起调整后的7级超额累进税率: 全月应纳税所得额 税率 速算扣除数(元) 全月应纳税额不超过1500元 3% 0 全月应纳税额超过1500元至4500元 10% 105 全月应纳税额超过4500元至9000元 20% 555 全月应纳税额超过9000元至35000元 25% 1005 全月应纳税额超过35000元至55000元 30% 2755 全月应纳税额超过55000元至80000元 35% 5505 全月应纳税额超过80000元 45% 13505 现行个税9级超额累进税率: 全月应纳税所得额 税率 速算扣除数(元) 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is 全月应纳税额不超过500元 5% 0 全月应纳税额超过500元至2000元 10% 25 全月应纳税额超过2000元至5000元 15% 125 全月应纳税额超过500元至20000元 20% 375 全月应纳税额超过20000元至40000元 25% 1375 全月应纳税额超过40000元至60000元 30% 3375 全月应纳税额超过60000元至80000元 35% 6375 全月应纳税额超过80000元至100000元 40% 10375 全月应纳税额超过100000元 45% 15375 最值得注意的一点是,适用25%税率的起征点从此前的20000元至40000元调整至9000元至35000元,范围明显扩大。 扣除三险一金后的收入 调整前税额 调整后税额 税收的变化 3000 75 0 减少75 3500 125 0 减少125 4000 175 15 减少160 5000 325 45 减少280 7500 725 295 减少430 8000 825 345 减少480 9000 1025 545 减少480 10000 1225 745 减少480 15000 2225 1870 减少355 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is 19000 3025 2870 减少155 20000 3225 3120 减少105 30000 5625 5620 减少5 38600 7775 7775 没变 40000 8125 8195 增加70 50000 11025 11195 增加170 100000 28825 29920 增加1095 在新的个税法中,应纳税收入3.86万元成为个税增减临界点,即月应纳税收入低于3.86万元缴纳的个税将减少,高于3.86万元则将多缴税。而在一审草案中,临界点是1.9万元。 年终奖到底该如何征税 前段时间闹得沸沸扬扬的年终奖解读为讹传事件,使得大众对于新个税法案实施后,年终奖到底如何缴税搞的是一头雾水。 记者采访有关专家得知,年终奖一次性奖金9月1日后发放将按新标准一次性计税。如果当月工资多于3500元,当月薪金和年终奖分别按新标准计税,当月工资少于3500元,年终奖补足差额部分后再计税。 比如说,韩先生2011年12月3日取得工资收入3400元,当月又一次取得年终奖金24100元。那么他的年终奖缴税情况如下: 韩先生因当月工资不足3500元,可用其取得的奖金收入24100元补足其差额部分100元,剩余24000元除以12个月,得出月均收入2000元,其对应的税率和速算扣除数分别为10%和105元。 应纳税额=×10%-105=2295元 专家同时强调,“这种计算方式一年只有一次机会。”,其他的季度奖、年中奖等奖金都并入当月工资计算个人所得税。 各种补贴、实物福利也应征缴个税 除了正常的工薪收入外,我国还对单位发放的交通补贴和通讯补贴以及实物福利等征收个人所得税。 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is 具体征收方式为,企业向职工发放的交通补贴,需要扣除一定标准的公务费用后,按照“工资、薪金”所得征个人所得税,具体公务费用扣除标准由当地政府制定,如当地政府未制定公务费用扣除标准,按全额30%作为个人收入缴税。 这也就是说,如果一名职工在某一月份获得1000元的交通补贴后,而当地又未规定公务费用扣除标准,则其中的300元,应该作为个人收入计税。 与此同时,企业向职工发放的通讯补贴,扣除公务费用后,也应计征个人所得税。如果当地政府未制定公务费用扣除标准,按通讯补贴全额的20%作为个人收入扣缴个人所得税。 除上述补贴外,单位发放的差旅补贴等费用也需要按照规定缴纳个人所得税。 多渠道可合理避税 在不违反法律规定的前提下,能够合理避税也是工薪阶层增收的重要来源。 首先,用人单位多缴纳住房公积金可以合理避税。根据我国个人所得税征收的相关规定,每月所缴纳的住房公积金是从税前扣除的,而公积金表明,职工是可以缴纳补充公积金的。通过多缴住房公积金来降低工资总额,从而减少了应当交纳的个人所得税。 此外,在收入结构中,年终奖与月薪同等对待,单独作为一个月工资、薪金所得计算缴纳个税,由于年终奖金一般数额较大,如此一来,个人所需要缴纳的个税额度必然较多。在实际操作中,纳税人可以把全年一次性奖金除以12分月获得,再选择适用的税率和速算扣除数,就可以节省不少纳税金额。 还有的单位每个月都会以合理避税的名义,要求员工拿出租车票或是手机通讯费发票抵冲工资,而这种“发票工资”被不少人戏称为“发票奴”。 专业人士告诉记者,实际上这种行为处于灰色地带,这种做法无疑等同于员工的工资计入企业运营成本,可以起到降低员工个人所得税的作用,同时也使得企业少交了不少税款。比如,刘女士目前月收入为9000元,按照正常的纳税标准,她每月需要缴税 (9000-2000) ×20%-375=1025元。但是,她每月都会向公司申请3000元的以发票报销形式得来的薪水,所以她每月仅需要缴纳个税(9000-3000-2000)×15%-125=475元。单一个月,就可以少缴纳550元,而一年下来可以节省差不多近7000元钱。 调整后的7级超额累进税率 调整后的7级超额累进税率 级数 全月应纳税所得额 税率% 速算扣除数(元) 一 不超过1500元 3 0 二 超过1500元至4500元 10 105 三 超过4500元至9000元 20 555 四 超过9000元至35000元 25 1005 五 超过35000元至55000元 30 2755 六 超过55000元至80000元 35 5505 七 超过80000元 45 13505 目前个人所得税九级超额累进税率表 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is 工资、薪金所得适用个人所得税九级超额累进税率表 级数 全月应纳税所得额(含税所得额) 税率% 速算扣除数(元) 一 不超过500元 5 0 二 超过500元至2000元 10 25 三 超过2000元至5000元 15 125 四 超过5000元至20000元 20 375 五 超过20000元至40000元 25 1375 六 超过40000元至60000元 30 3375 七 超过60000元至80000元 35 6375 八 超过80 000元至100000元 40 10375 九 超过100000元 45 15375 个税起征点提高受益 各阶段收入个税计算分析(单位:元)(个税起征点上调为3500元) 月收入 起征点2000应缴税 起征点3500元应缴税 少缴税金 (扣除三险一金后) 3500 125 0 125 4000 175 15 160 4500 250 30 220 5000 325 45 280 6000 475 145 330 8000 825 345 480 10000 1225 745 480 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is 修改后个体工商户所得和对企经营所得适用 级数 全月应纳税所得额(含税所得额) 税率% 一 不超过15000元的 5 二 超过15000元至30000元的部分 10 三 超过30000元至60000元的部分 20 四 超过60000元至100000元的部分 30 五 超过100000元的部分 35 目前劳务报酬所得适用 速算扣除数级 数 全月应纳税所得额(含税所得额) 税率% (元) 一 不超过20,000元的 20 0 二 超过20,000元到50,000元的部分 30 2,000 三 超过50,000元的部分 40 7,000 个税计算方法 个税起征点是3500 缴税,全月应纳税所得额*税率,速算扣除数 实发工资,应发工资,四金,缴税 全月应纳税所得额,(应发工资,四金),3500 扣除标准:个税按3500元/月起征标准算 如果某人的工资收入为6000元,他应纳个人所得税为: (6000—3500)×10%—105=145(元)。 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is
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