

2017-12-26 4页 doc 16KB 5阅读




浅析名词作定语.doc浅析名词作定语.doc 浅析名词作定语 请看一道习题: Three famous actors,with whom were two____actresses came to our____shop. ;shoe 's;shoes …… 作定语用的名词一般没有与之相应的同根形容词。它既可以是有生命的~也可以是无生命的,既可以是可数的~也可以是不可数的。它能表明被修饰的名词的A.地点、B.时间、C.目的或用途、D.种类、E.原料或来源源等等。例如: streets城市街道~a corner shopo街道拐角的商店~...
浅析名词作定语.doc 浅析名词作定语 请看一道习题: Three famous actors,with whom were two____actresses came to our____shop. ;shoe 's;shoes …… 作定语用的名词一般没有与之相应的同根形容词。它既可以是有生命的~也可以是无生命的,既可以是可数的~也可以是不可数的。它能明被修饰的名词的A.地点、B.时间、C.目的或用途、D.种类、E.原料或来源源等等。例如: streets城市街道~a corner shopo街道拐角的商店~a kitchen tablec厨房桌子~a roof gardeng屋顶公园, holidays暑假~Sunday papersu星期日报纸~November fogse十一月的雾季, tennis courtc网球场~a tennis club网球球俱乐部~ a peace conference和平会议~和milk bottles牛奶瓶, love storyo爱情故事~a murder story凶杀案故事~traffic lightst交通管理用的红绿灯~a train driverv火车司机, walls石墙~straw hatsh草帽~rubber boots胶鞋~pineapple juicen菠萝汁~plant fatf植物脂肪。 1 / 5 名词作定语时~一般用单数形式~但在个别情况下也有在 用复数的。例如: goods trainr货车~sports meeting运动会~~machines hall展览机器的大厅。 注意:被修饰的名词变复数时~一般情况下~作定语用意 的名词不需要变为复数形式~但由词man或woman作定语修饰修的名词变成复数时~两部分皆要变为复数形式。例如:: man doctor—men doctors s男医生 woman singer—women singers 女歌手 有的作定语用的名词有与之相应的同根形容词。一般情之 况下~名词作定语侧重说明被修饰的名词的或性质,同被 根形容词作定语则常常描写被修饰的名词的特征。例如:写 "bold watch"h指手表含有金的性质,而 "golden watch"c则表示手表是金色的特征~不一定含有金。再举两例:例 stone house 石头造的房子 stony heart o铁石般的心肠 peace conference c和平会议 peaceful construction 和平建设 名词作定语与名词所有格作定语有时是有区别的。一般名 来说~名词作定语通常说明被修饰的词的性质~而名词所有语 格作定语则强调对被修饰的词的所有,权,关系或表示逻辑调 2 / 5 上的谓语关系。例如:在“系the Party memberss,党员,”中~名词定语表示members的性质,在在“the Party's calls,党的号召,”中~召Party具有动作发出者的作用~callss虽然是名词~却具有动作的含义。再举一例: a student teacher s实习教师 a student's teacher s一位学生的老师师 ,练习, Britain,____are all painted red. boxes boxes e box box is the only one among the y ____ writers who ____ stories fori children. ;writes ;write e ;writes ;write 3.—What does Mr Brown do for a living? l — He's one of the most successful _h ___ in the city. _ reporter t 3 / 5 's reporters 's reporter o reporters dropped the ____ and brokee it. of coffee 's cup for coffee cup 's said that two ____ would ct ome to the village. o doctor doctors doctors 6.—Is it getting dark early tont ight? t — I think see ____ is on already. street light light ofe the street street's light light stree t of us supposed to go all g 4 / 5 out for the team on the ____. e field field l 's field field of sep ports are only two ____ assistants _ in that ____ shop. ;shoe ;shoe ;shoes ;shoes h ,ten ____ have disappeared at les ast in that country. reporter 's reporters r reporter reporters p Keys;1e,5 ACDDC;6,9 ABBD 5 / 5
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