
iphone存储其他清理教程(Other cleanup tutorials for iPhone storage)

2018-04-12 6页 doc 24KB 49阅读




iphone存储其他清理教程(Other cleanup tutorials for iPhone storage)iphone存储其他清理教程(Other cleanup tutorials for iPhone storage) iphone存储其他清理教程(Other cleanup tutorials for iPhone storage) On several other situations: 1. "other" is the "normal" file that is automatically generated by the system (not the system file that everybody s...
iphone存储其他清理教程(Other cleanup tutorials for iPhone storage)
iphone存储其他清理教程(Other cleanup tutorials for iPhone storage) iphone存储其他清理教程(Other cleanup tutorials for iPhone storage) On several other situations: 1. "other" is the "normal" file that is automatically generated by the system (not the system file that everybody says); 2. "other" will gradually increase with your installed applications, songs, photos, videos and other files (because of different storage locations); 3., "other" is a lot of water, not really exist so many junk files, they can be reduced"; 4. files that are not "iTunes" transferred to the machine are all identified as "other" (especially with 91 installed PXL format software); 5., the use of different circumstances, cleaning methods vary from person to person, need specific analysis, the most direct way is to brush machine; 6. if not squeamish students can completely ignore the other ""; 7. no jailbreak students, please ignore "other"". About "other" cleaning process (welcome students to feedback more methods): 1, the most common case: iTunes synchronous video, audio file lost Reason: because of USB interface and other reasons, iTunes synchronization sometimes fails. At this time, video and audio files will disappear suddenly. Sometimes it comes back again, but sometimes it doesn't work. At this point, from the capacity point of view, iTunes video and audio capacity will be reduced, and accordingly, other capacity will increase. Our goal is to find out the missing files and delete them. Cleaning method: The /private/var/ mobile /Media/iTunes_Control/Music directory, iTunes multimedia file upload (such as MP3, MP4 etc.) storage directory, the file is not modified, but the file name has been modified, can be directly downloaded to the computer to read. The folders that start with "F", such as F11, F20, etc., delete the F start folder, restart the machine, cancel the multimedia synchronization, and synchronize again 2, iTunes sync photos failed Reason: due to unknown reasons, iTunes sync picture photos will fail. At this time, the original picture of iPhone can not be found, but in fact the file is there. The picture file is in the /private/var/mobile/Media/Photos/Thumbs folder of iPhone. If you have PC, you don't want to keep the pictures in these iPhone, you can delete all the files in Thumbs directly, and the Photo Database file at the same level as Thumbs. If the pictures you need, there is no PC, then you can put the Thumbs folder in the ithmb file to the PC, and then use the Format Factory software (Format Factory.exe decompression in Google search, there are a lot of download). Cleaning method: Find the /private/var/mobile/Media/Photos/Thumbs directory, delete the F start folder, restart the machine, cancel the multimedia synchronization, and then synchronize again 3, the installation process is not clean Reason: the official installation is, of course, the iTunes IPA format file, the third party installer such as Cydia (including DEB), 91, App direct copy paste, etc.. Although iTunes, Cydia, 91 can be deleted through their own programs, but sometimes delete is not clean. The most common is the same program installed respectively with different versions of these programs, sometimes you will find that can be loaded into the iPhone, but there is only one, but you forgot to pack a few times, what version. So there's more and more waste in iPhone. In this case, you can only enter the corresponding folder, open the search. Cleaning method: The IPA is installed in the /private/var/mobile/Applications folder, and the location of the software can be roughly determined by the date of installation; Cydia, 91, and manually installed DEB are all in the /private/var/stash/Applications folder, where the folder name is clear. Find the software folder you want to delete and delete it directly on the premise that you have deleted it on the iPhone, but not deleted, That is, you found a software that you deleted in these folders, but it still has its folder; /User/Media/ApplicationArchives/ directory can be safely deleted, which is to delete the error of the software package. 4, file management software file deletion is not clean or remain in the recycle station (actually not deleted) Reason: if the file management software iFile, the default is not open the recycle bin function, if you open the recycle bin, there may be recycling station you have deleted files. Cleaning method: find the file management software's Recycle Bin folder (iFile recycle bin is located in /var/mobile/Library/iFile/Trash/), delete the files in the recycle bin. 5, Cydia, 91, App manually installed software are included in other capacity, if you are all through these programs installed software, then do not fuss, other will be so large, garbage is here. Don't want it, delete it yourself. The /private/var/mobile/Library/NetDragon/Applications is junk file path 91 residual installation failed after the installation failed can only be removed, if deleted folder will lead to the correct installation procedures cannot be opened; The /private/var/cache/apt/archives/partial Cydia is not downloaded content, Cydia will not regularly download and delete the contents of the Cydia can download HTTP, you re install is likely to continue to download it, if starting from scratch, that is not part of the download has been automatically deleted. If there is a DEB program that you don't want, and you don't download it, you can delete it directly. 6, Email attachments are also in other places, if you have deleted mail attachments, or downloaded mail attachments, you can delete them. 7, Safari download IPA and DEB, if you have installed Safari download Plug-in, remember to clear the downloaded files in time. 8. The files in the var/vm directory are left before the virtual memory is installed, and some are deleted. 9, var/mobile/Library/Caches/ directory, if there is a virtual file at the beginning of Proswitcher, then delete. 10, the use of file management tools to copy their own files, the most common is the font files, video files, self delete. Friendly reminder: 1, pay attention to backup before operation, in order to prevent operation mistakes lead to tragedy; 2, step 1, 2 directly delete with iFunBox, must shut down restart the machine (cancel invalid), otherwise pictures, music, video can not synchronize and play normally. Because iFunBox is deleted directly, it does not update the iTunes database; 3, away from the 91 assistant, using 91 installed PXL format software, these software can not be recognized by iTunes, will all become "other""; 4, "other" is not completely clear, that is, the new machine "other" will account for about 200MB storage space. When iFunBox directly deletes the media folder, the direct point synchronization will temporarily eliminate the "other", but this is an illusion. After restarting the machine again, the "other" will come back; 5, "other" will not affect the stability and use of your mobile phone, they just take up some space, 300M-500M trillion is normal, "other" accounted for a few G can self check the above items to compress.
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