

2017-09-18 38页 doc 105KB 43阅读




设备一级保养内容设备一级保养内容 目 录 1、设备一级保养基本内容及要求………………………………………2 2、插齿机一级保养内容及要求…………………………………………3 3、车床一级保养内容及要求……………………………………………4 4、工具磨床一级保养内容及要求………………………………………5 5、立式车床一级保养内容及要求………………………………………6 6、普通铣床一级保养内容及要求………………………………………7 7、摇臂钻床一级保养内容及要求………………………………………8 8、锯床一级保养内容及要求……………………………………...
设备一级保养内容 目 录 1、设备一级保养基本内容及………………………………………2 2、插齿机一级保养内容及要求…………………………………………3 3、车床一级保养内容及要求……………………………………………4 4、工具磨床一级保养内容及要求………………………………………5 5、立式车床一级保养内容及要求………………………………………6 6、普通铣床一级保养内容及要求………………………………………7 7、摇臂钻床一级保养内容及要求………………………………………8 8、锯床一级保养内容及要求……………………………………………9 9、卧式镗床一级保养内容及要求 ……………………………………10 10、深孔钻镗床一级保养内容及要求 …………………………………11 11、内圆磨床一级保养内容及要求 ……………………………………12 12、普通、万能外圆磨一级保养内容及要求 …………………………13 13、普通平面磨床一级保养内容及要求 ………………………………14 14、龙门刨床一级保养内容及要求 ……………………………………15 15、龙门铣床一级保养内容及要求 ……………………………………16 16、落地镗床一级保养内容及要求 ……………………………………17 17、剪板机一级保养内容及要求 ………………………………………18 18、油压机一级保养内容及要求 ………………………………………19 19、电焊机一级保养内容及要求………………………………………20 20、空压机一级保养内容及要求………………………………………21 21、行车一级保养内容及要求 ………………………………………22 22、设备一级保养记录表………………………………………………23 设备一级保养基本内容及要求 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 以生产工人为主,在维修人员(钳、电、润滑工)配合下,对设备表面进行彻底清扫。一般不进行拆卸解体,以疏通油路、清洗各油孔、毡垫,去活动面毛刺,调整间隙为主。达到脱黄袍、清内脏,漆见本色铁见光,油路通、油窗亮,操作灵活、运转安全、正常。 插齿机一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保养内容及要求 部 位 1、清洗机床外表、修光导轨毛刺,无锈蚀、无黄袍。 一 外表 2、检查、补齐手柄、手球、螺丝、螺帽。 1、清洗进给机构,分齿机构、摇杆机构。 二 传动 2、调整交换齿轮间隙。 3、调整插头弹簧、各部斜铁及三角皮带。 1、清洗滤油器、各油孔、油池,检查、调整各润滑点的三 润滑 供油情况。 2、保持油质良好,油路畅通,油标醒目。 1、清洗冷却槽,过滤网,做到管路畅通,固定整齐,牢四 冷却 靠。 1、清洗电器箱、电动机、电器装置固定整齐。 五 附件 2、检查各限位,做到灵敏可靠。 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 车床一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保 养 内 容 及 要 求 部 位 1、 清洗机床外表及各罩盖,保持内外清洁,无锈蚀,无 黄袍。 一 外表 2、 清洗各丝杠、光杠和操作手杆。 3、 检查并修补螺钉、手球、手柄、油杯等。 1、 检查主轴并帽、螺丝有无松动,定位螺丝调整适当。 二 床头箱 2、 调整摩擦片间隙及制动器。 1、 清洗刀架,调整中小拖板斜铁间隙至0.02-0.06mm之 刀架及 间。 三 溜板 2、 清洗各油孔、毡垫。 3、 调节横向丝杠间隙,刻度盘空转量允许1/20。 1、 各部位清洁。毛线、毡垫及黄油杯等均应无铁屑及其 他杂物。 四 挂轮箱 2、 检查和调整齿轮啮合间隙在0.25-0.4mm之间。 3、 轴套无晃动现象。 五 尾座 1、拆洗尾座,去除套筒外表及锥孔毛刺,保持内外清洁。 1、 清洗过滤器、冷却泵、冷却槽。 润滑及 六 2、 油路畅通,油孔、油线、油毡清洁无铁屑。 冷却 3、 检查油质,保持良好,油杯齐全,油窗明亮。 1、 清理积油及灰尘。 七 电器 2、 由电工检查各电器接触点,接线要牢固。 工具磨床一级保养内容及要求 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked im第 3 页 共 19 页 mediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 保 养部 序号 保养内容及要求 位 1、清洗机床外表及各罩盖,保持内外清洁,无锈蚀、无一 外表 黄袍。 2、检查、补齐手柄、手球、螺丝、螺帽。 磨头拖板1、清洗纵、横拖板及升降机构并注入润滑脂。 二 及升降机2、调整磨头皮带松紧,并清洗垂直导轨。 构 3、检查磨头锥体并修光毛刺。 1、清洗各油孔,油管、油毡,做到油路畅通,油管固定整三 润滑 齐,牢靠。 四 附件 1、检查清洗吸尘器及其他附件,做到清洁整齐,无锈蚀。 1、清扫电器箱、电动机。 五 电器 2、电器装置固定整齐。 立式车床一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保养内容及要求 部 位 1、清洗机床外表及各罩盖,保持内外清洁,无锈蚀、无黄 袍。 一 外表 2、清洗长丝杠、光杠及操纵杆。 3、检查补齐螺钉、手球、手柄。 1、清洗各导轨,检查并适当调整斜铁间隙,要求导轨无疤刀架横梁立二 痕、无锈蚀、无咬损。 柱及导轨等 2、检查调整变速箱磨擦片间隙及制动器。 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 1、检查清洗油管、油孔、毛线、毛毡,做到油路畅通,油 窗明亮。 三 液压及润滑 2、清洗滤油器,要求无油污及杂物,保持油质良好。 3、检查液压系统,保持运行正常。 1、清扫电动机,电器箱。 四 电器 2、电器固定整齐。 普通铣床一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保养内容及要求 部 位 1、机床外表清洁及保持各罩盖内外清洁,无锈蚀、无黄袍。 一 外表 2、清洗各部丝杆。 3、检查修补螺钉、手球、手柄、油杯。 1、清洗滤油器,润滑油应无油泥及铁屑,油窗明亮。 二 主轴箱 2、各变速手柄定位牢靠。 1、工作台各部分进行清洁。 2、调整丝杠螺母间隙及轴向窜动量。 三 工作台 3、调整导轨斜铁的间隙在0.03,0.06mm之间。 4、清洗手压油泵和油毡,保持清洁。 1、润滑油中应无杂物及铁屑,保持油路畅通,油窗明亮。 四 进给箱 2、各变速手柄应定位牢靠。 3、调整磨擦片间隙。 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked im第 5 页 共 19 页 mediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 1、清洗过滤网、冷却液槽,无沉淀、无铁屑杂物。 五 冷却 2、各部管道应畅通,固定要牢固。 3、根据情况调换冷却液。 六 附件 1、应擦拭清洁,无锈触,放置整齐。 1、清洁无油污和灰尘。 七 电器 2、电器限位装置安全可靠。 摇臂钻床一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保养内容及要求 部 位 1、外表清洁,无黄袍,修整导轨、工作台毛刺,要求无锈 蚀、拉痕。 一 外 表 2、检查、补齐螺钉、手球、手柄。 3、清洗立柱、摇臂、导轨及升降丝杆。 1、检查各变速手柄、定位应正确牢靠、保持运转正常。 二 传 动 2、检查、调整磨擦片摇臂夹紧装置松开、夹紧情况。 3、检查行程定位装置灵活、安全可靠。 1、检查油质,保持良好,油杯齐全,油路畅通,油窗明亮。 润滑冷却三 2、清洗冷却泵、过滤器、冷却槽,管路固定整齐、牢靠。 及其他 3、清洗附件,保持清洁整齐,无锈蚀。 1、清扫电器箱,电动机。 四 电 器 2、检查行程限位装置安全可靠。 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 锯床一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保养内容及要求 部 位 1、清洗机床外表及各罩壳,保持内外清洁,无锈蚀、无黄袍 一 外 表 2、检查补齐螺钉、螺帽、手柄、手球。 1、 检查、调整三角皮带。 二 变速箱 2、 检查、调整压板与导轨间隙。 3、 检查变速手柄是否定位正确、灵活可靠。 1、 清洗各油孔、油杯、毛线、毛毡,保持油质良好、夹紧液压及油路畅通,油窗明亮。 三 润滑 2、 拆洗滤油器,检查油压,保持液压系统运行正常。 3、 检查、调整夹紧装置是否安全可靠。 1、 检查、清洗、调整送料装置。 送料装置及四 2、 清洗冷却泵、过滤网、冷却槽,修整管道及阀门,冷却 要求无漏水现象。 1、清扫电器箱,电动机。 五 电 器 2、电器装置固定牢固。 卧式镗床一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保养内容及要求 部 位 1、清洗机床外表及各罩盖,保持内外清洁,无锈蚀、无黄 袍。 一 外 表 2、清洗长丝杆,光杠,齿条。 3、检查补齐手球、手柄,螺钉、螺帽。 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked im第 7 页 共 19 页 mediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 1、检查,清洗主轴箱前、上、后的防尘盖板,调整三角皮 主轴箱进给带及主轴箱夹紧拉杆。 二 箱 2、清洗平旋盘滑板及调整斜铁。 3、检查平衡锤钢丝绳及接头或链条、链轮是否安全可靠。 1、检查、清洗各导轨,工作台,修整毛刺,要求无锈蚀, 工作台导轨无拉痕。 三 及后立柱 2、检查、调整各斜铁,间隙为0.02-0.04mm。 3、检查和调整后尾座及工作台压紧装置。 1、清洗滤油器、各油孔,油线,油毡,保持油质良好,油四 润滑及冷却 路畅通,油杯齐全,油窗明亮。 2、清洗冷却泵、过滤网、冷却箱。 1、清扫电器箱、电动机。 五 电器 2、电器装置固定整齐。 深孔钻镗床一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保养内容及要求 部 位 1、清洗机床外表及各罩盖,保持内外清洁,无锈蚀、无黄 袍。 一 外表 2、清洗长丝杆,光杠,齿条,保持清洁无锈蚀。 3、检查补齐手球、手柄,螺钉、螺帽。 1、检查床身导轨及各滑动面,修整碰伤、毛刺及拉痕。 二 床身床头箱 2、检查主轴轴承及其他轴承温升情况。 3、检查主轴并帽螺丝有无松动,定位螺丝调整适当。 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 进给箱拖板1、检查、调整垫铁、压板间隙。 三 钻杆箱及钻2、检查各手柄,保持手动、自动、快速传动平衡,运行正 杆支架 常。 1、清洗滤油器、各油孔、毛线、毛毡,保持油质良好,油四 润滑 路畅通,油窗明亮。 1、清洗冷却车、冷却泵、过滤器、受油器,检查、调整油 压、保持管道、受油器无漏油现象。 五 冷却附件 2、清洗钻镗杆、中心架等附件,保持清洁,无锈蚀、放置 整齐。 1、清扫电器箱、电动机、电器装置固定整齐。 六 电器 2、检查各行程限位、联锁装置是否安全可靠。 内圆磨床一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保养内容及要求 部 位 1、清洗机床外表及各罩盖,保持内外清洁,无锈蚀、无黄一 外表 袍。 3、检查、补齐手柄、手球、螺丝、螺帽。 磨头及砂轮1、调整皮带松紧、检查电动机张紧轮及螺钉、螺帽是否松二 座 动。 1、清洗滤油网,要求无油污及杂物,保持油质良好,油路三 液压及润滑 畅通,油管固定牢靠,油窗明亮。 2、检查、调整液压系统,保持运行正常。 1、拆洗冷却泵、过滤网及冷却箱,要求无杂物、铁屑,做 到管路畅通,固定整齐,无漏水现象。 四 冷却及其他 2、清洗附件,做到清洁、整齐、无锈迹。 3、清洗头架,调整皮带,保持内外清洁、变速灵敏。 1、清扫电器箱、电动机。 五 电器 2、电器装置固定整齐。 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked im第 9 页 共 19 页 mediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 普通、万能外圆磨一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保养内容及要求 部 位 1、清洗机床外表及各罩盖,保持内外清洁,无锈蚀、无黄一 外表 袍。 2、检查、补齐的柄、手球、螺丝、螺帽。 磨头及砂轮1、调整平皮带、要求松紧适当。 二 座 2、调整砂轮架的皮带,使之松紧适当。 1、清洗滤油网,要求无油污及杂物,保持油质良好,油路三 液压及润滑 畅通,油管固定牢靠,油窗明亮。 2、检查、调整液压系统,保持运行正常。 1、清洗头架、尾座套筒,保持内外清洁。 头架尾座及2、拆洗冷却泵、过滤网及冷却箱,要求无杂物、铁屑,做四 其他 到管路畅通,固定整齐,无漏水现象。 3、清洗附件,做到清洁、整齐、无锈迹。 1、元件及接触点安全可靠。 五 电器 2、清洁电器外表面。 普通平面磨床一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保养内容及要求 部 位 1、清洗机床外表,无锈蚀、无黄袍。 一 外表 2、拆卸有关防护盖板,进行清洗,做到清洁,固定牢。 3、检查、补齐的柄、手球、螺丝、螺帽。 1、拆开磨头砂轮架罩壳,检查电动机及其他螺钉、螺帽是 磨头及砂轮 二 否松动,并擦洗干净。 座 2、拆洗导轨油垫毡,检查砂轮架导轨有无拉痕及毛刺,予on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 以修理。 1、清洗滤油网,要求无油污及杂物,保持油质良好,油路 三 液压及润滑 畅通,油管固定牢靠,油窗明亮。 2、检查、调整液压系统,保持运行正常。 1、拆洗冷却泵、过滤网及冷却箱,要求无杂物、铁屑,做 到管路畅通,固定整齐,无漏水现象。 四 冷却及其他 2、清洗附件,做到清洁、整齐、无锈迹。 3、检查电磁工作台之吸力,如达不到要求,应由电工及时 修复。 1、元件及接触点,线路应安全可靠。 五 电器 2、清洗电器外表面。 龙门刨床一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保养内容及要求 部 位 1、拆洗有关罩壳,达到内外清洁。 2、清洗机床外表、导轨、长丝杆、光杠等,无锈蚀、无黄一 外表 袍。 3、检查、补齐手柄、手球、螺钉、螺帽。 1、调整各刀架,横梁、斜铁间隙。 刀架立柱横二 2、检查、调整抬刀装置应灵活可靠。 梁及导轨 3、检查联轴器是否有松动。 1、检查、清洗油管、油孔、毛线、毛毡,做到油管整齐, 固定牢,无泄漏。 三 润滑 2、检查、调整润滑油泵的压力及各润滑点的供油情况,保 持油质良好,无杂质、铁屑。 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked im第 11 页 共 19 页 mediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 1、清扫电器箱、电动机、电器装置固定整齐。 四 电器 2、检查各行程限位器的工作是否正确,安全可靠。 龙门铣床一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保 养 内 容 及 要 求 部 位 1、机床外表清洁及保持各罩盖,保持内外清洁,无锈蚀、一 外表 无黄袍。 2、检查修补螺钉、手球、手柄、油杯。 1、清洗丝杆、光杠、各导轨面及工作台,修整导轨面毛刺铣头主柱横二 与拉痕。 梁及导轨 2、清洗调整各铣头、横梁斜铁间隙。 1、清洗滤油器,要求无油污及杂物,保持油质良好。 2、检查清洗各油孔,油管、毛线、毛毡,做到油路畅通,三 液压及润滑 油窗明亮。 3、检查液压系统,保持运行正常。 1、清扫电动机及电柜,保证电柜内清洁、无杂物。 四 电器 2、电器装置牢固整齐。 3、检查限位装置及其它保护装置是否安全可靠。 落地镗床一级保养内容及要求 序号 保 养 保 养 内 容 及 要 求 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 部 位 1、 清洗机床外表及罩盖,去除黄袍、油污、积屑,保持 内外整洁; 一 外 表 2、 清洗及润滑横梁、立柱各导轨面、所有丝杆及回转工 作台; 3、 机床附件摆放整齐,清洗干净,做好防护。 主轴箱及立1、检查,清洗主轴箱前、上、后的防尘盖板. 二 柱 2、检查平衡锤钢丝绳及接头或链条、链轮是否安全可靠。 1、 检查、清洗各导轨,工作台,修整毛刺,要求无锈 蚀,无拉痕。 三 工作台导轨 2、 检查工作台各油路是否畅通。 3、 检查所有气阀及电磁阀工作是否正常。 1、清洗滤油器、各油孔,油线,油毡,保持油质良好,油 路畅通,油杯齐全,油窗明亮。 四 润滑及冷却 2、清洗冷却泵、过滤网、冷却箱。 3、检查各齿轮箱的润滑是否正常,并检查各油箱油位是否 正常。 1、 清扫电器柜、电动机,保证电柜内无杂物。 五 电器 2、 检查各限位及其它保护装置是否正常 3、 电器装置固定牢固。 剪板机一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保 养 内 容 及 要 求 部 位 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked im第 13 页 共 19 页 mediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 1、清洗机床外表及各罩盖,保持内外清洁,无锈蚀、无黄一 外 表 袍。 2、检查、补齐螺钉、螺帽。 1、调整皮带及制动器松紧。 2、检查、调整离合器、弹簧、挡销、拉杆、开关等,应灵 活可靠。 二 传动 3、检查并调整刀架、压料架、导轨与压板间隙。 4、检查刀片固定是否牢靠,刀片是否锋利和有无损坏,根 据情况修理或更换。 5、检查所有紧固件是否松动或损坏,应调整、紧固或更换。 1、检查、补齐油杯;保持油质良好,油路畅通,油杯固定三 润滑 牢。 1、清扫电器箱,电动机。 五 电 器 2、电器装置固定整齐。 油压机一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保 养 内 容 及 要 求 部 位 1、清洗机床外表及各罩盖,保持内外清洁,无锈蚀、无黄一 外 表 袍。 2、检查、补齐螺钉、螺帽、手柄、手球。 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 1、检查立柱、机身等所有紧固件是否松动或损坏,根据情 况,调整、紧固或更换。 立柱机身主2、清洗、修整上、下工作台面、立柱及机身导轨毛刺,拉二 缸顶出缸 痕,并调整导轨间隙。 3、检查、调整或更换主缸、顶出缸的密封环,保持无漏油 现象。 1、清洗过滤器,保持油质良好,油位正常;油标明亮,管 道无泄漏。 2、检查高压泵有无发热与泄漏现象,并进行调整排除。 三 液压及操纵 3、检查、调整联轴器、各种滑阀、溢流阀、保压阀、安全 阀、单向阀、操纵阀、操纵杆、油压表等,保持工作灵活, 安全可靠。 四 润滑 1、检查、调整各润滑供油情况,保持润滑良好。 1、清扫电器箱,电动机,电器装置固定整齐。 五 电 器 2、检查行程限位、保险装置安全可靠。 电焊机一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保 养 内 容 及 要 求 部 位 一 外保养 1、清扫机体内外,无积灰,整洁。 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked im第 15 页 共 19 页 mediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 1、接线板应完整。 2、检查电路板接插件是否牢固,并整理好机内及机外电线。 3、螺丝钉紧固牢靠,配好接线鼻子。 二 线路 4、如果是旋转式电焊机,应检查换向器及电刷,清除换向 器及电刷上的痕迹,距离调整适当,保持接触良好。 5、检查电刷架与机盖连接是否牢固。 空压机一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保 养 内 容 及 要 求 部 位 一 外 表 1、清洗空压机及电动机外表面,无油污、无锈蚀。 二 润滑 1、清洗注油器、油管,保持油质良好,油路畅通。 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 1、除去油垢各炭结。 三 进排气阀 2、检查阀片平行度、平面度、必要时更换阀片。 四 安全阀 1、清洗、检查,保持灵敏可靠。 五 滤清器 1、清洗空气与油滤清器。 六 填料 1、检查密封填料,必要时换新。 七 曲轴 1、检查、调整曲轴和轴瓦的间隙。 八 连接螺栓 1、检查各连接螺栓是否松动,并加以紧固。 九 仪表 1、检查压力计、温度计,保持灵敏、可靠。 行车一级保养内容及要求 保 养 序号 保 养 内 容 及 要 求 部 位 一 外 表 1、全面清洗吊车外表面,无积灰、无黄袍、无严重锈蚀。 1、检查传动轴座、减速箱、联轴器、及轴键是否松动,并紧大车 二 固。 小车 2、检查、调整制动器,做到灵敏、安全、可靠。 1、检查钢丝绳、吊钩及滑轮是否安全可靠,如有断茬,应按升降 三 规定更换。 卷扬 2、检查、调整制动器,做到灵敏、安全可靠。 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked im第 17 页 共 19 页 mediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 1、对所有轴承座、制动架、联轴器注入适量润滑脂。 四 润滑 2、检查减速箱油位、油质,并添加新油至油位线。 1、清扫电动机外部(滑环端内外)及保护盘、制动盘内外, 保持清洁,无积灰。 2、接触器、制动器、行程开关等机械传动部分加油润滑。 3、检查滑线与滑块接触情况,接触应保持良好。 4、检查所有电器及箱体固定是否良好;接线盒及端子板等接 线螺丝是否松动,并加以紧固。 5、检查滑线瓷瓶,电阻片有无松动,并加以紧固。 五 电 器 6、检查滑块联结线及线鼻子有无脱焊及折断现象,根据情况 予以修复。 7、检查电动机刷架机构及炭刷滑环等磨损情况,根据情况修 理或更换磨损零件。 8、检查控制器与形状的触头接触是否良好,有无烧损现象, 线圈是否发热。 9、检查电磁铁工作是否正常,线圈是否发热。 10、检查电动机运转是否正常。 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back 设 备 一 级 保 养 记 录 表 设备名称: 设备编号: 操作工: 内 设备外表及设备主体及润 滑 及 容 序 电 器 存在问 保养日期 保养人 检查人 备注 场地 附件 冷 却 号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked im第 19 页 共 19 页 mediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only authorized people can access. check content check iron core and no iron and other ferromagnetic materials in the tank to check there is no attachment on the iron core of iron and other metal, tighten all clamp bolts on the iron core, in order to reduce the magnetic resistance, noise. Tighten the clamping screws on the winding, to make the winding axial compression level are consistent, then with a magnet and other tools check tank for nuts, bolts and iron slag and other magnetic materials. Check and adjust voltage tap switch (voltage switching device), check that the voltage switch equipment of the rotating device is flexible, and good lubrication, mechanical interlocks and the limit switch should correct; check the primary and secondary contacts is good, feeler gauges check (if possible). For electric-driven switch device should turn on control power in order to check if the tap switch and indicator is reliable, indicator is correct. Check iron core wear heart bolt and the upper and lower grounding tablets first check iron core upper and lower grounding tablets whether contact good, has no rust loose phenomenon exists, then with 2.5Kv trillion Europe table detection iron core bolt, on to of insulation resistance, or to 1KV Exchange voltage or 2.5KV DC voltage for continued 1min of resistance pressure test, requirements wear heart bolt minimum insulation resistance not is less than 5 ω, as not meet requirements should remove wear heart bolt check, and for insulation processing. Core winding crane tank checked, qualifying transformer oil flushing of the body, hanging core winding back
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