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初学造价者必看------看了受益匪浅初学造价者必看------看了受益匪浅 无论你以前从事什么行业,无论你为何原因选择这个行业,既然选择了这个行业,我们就要以负责的态度,以专研的态度,以认真的态度去从事好这门行业。 根据自身的经历和参考了网友的一篇文章为初学造价的朋友提供一些参考: 造价这门行业说容易也很容易,有一部分技能是通过大量的练习取得的,通过不断的学习收获的。勤能补拙是良训。 初学造价,施工现场是你无言的老师,定额、清单无疑是最好的教材。可能初次看定额如同天书,带着问题去看定额你就犹如恍然大悟的感觉。先从最基本的知识看起。看定额不要被其中诸如调整...
初学造价者必看------看了受益匪浅 无论你以前从事什么行业,无论你为何原因选择这个行业,既然选择了这个行业,我们就要以负责的态度,以专研的态度,以认真的态度去从事好这门行业。 根据自身的经历和参考了网友的一篇文章为初学造价的朋友提供一些参考: 造价这门行业说容易也很容易,有一部分技能是通过大量的练习取得的,通过不断的学习收获的。勤能补拙是良训。 初学造价,施工现场是你无言的老师,定额、清单无疑是最好的教材。可能初次看定额如同天书,带着问题去看定额你就犹如恍然大悟的感觉。先从最基本的知识看起。看定额不要被其中诸如调整、另计等词汇迷惑,看得懂的地方要仔细看,看不懂的要硬着头皮看,要由易到难,循序渐进,你别指望看一遍就能记住或掌握什么,请你去看第二遍、第三遍。绝不能因为难而自己是初学者就不去看,那么你将依然是门外汉。如何使用定额最好参照一个别人做好的去理解。自己试着去套几项定额。然后比较一下自己与别人有什么地方套的定额不同,有什么地方出现了问题,然后去解决它。 初学造价要讲究方法,以一个专业为主攻方向,集中火力学习这个专业。不能捡了芝麻掉了西瓜。不能一上来就贪学太多的专业,那样只会引起消化不良,不如先找准一个自己擅长的专业来系统的学, cover for outdoor use, where the rain and flooding of the electrical equipment shall be necessary for drying insulation tested before they can be used. 4, the distribution box must be strong, full, close and lock, door painted red danger signs, box no debris and numbered. 5, landed the distribution box should be flat on the ground to prevent flooding, soil, no debris piled up near the distribution box. 6, laying construction site lighting circuits apart from the protection line, separate or pipe laying, Office lighting set switch control, work shed, ground tap control, light bulbs from the ground 2.5M. 7, where the use or operation of electric machinery and professional and technical education must be safe, learn about electrical knowledge, know how its performance, correct methods of operation. 8, must be healthy, sane, responsible workers engaged in electrical work, operating machinery and equipment must have a certificate. 9, before the use of electrical equipment, electrical wiring running correctly passed to the operations personnel. 10, electrical personnel should be required to wear insulating footwear and protective equipment, correct use of insulated protective equipment or appliances. 11, end, or work stoppage for more than an hour, to switch box power off, lock, protect power cord and tool. 12, on-duty electrician certificates. (C) the fire safeguard measures 1, construction site must adhere to the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" approach, careful follow-up of the People's Republic of China Fire Services Ordinance, step by step implementation of the responsibility system for fire protection, using a variety 学习要仔细更要动脑子,不要随便放过看似简单的小疑问,出现问题不能马上解决时就先记下来,等有条件时再去解决。遇到问题要学会从多几个角度去思考,不会举一反三,你可能永远也学不精。学会推敲,有可能你碰到一个问题,解决时你就会发现其他类似的问题也随着解决了。 1、毕业之后,学校的书千万不能仍,当然你要是学别的专业,改行学造价就无所谓了,工作之后发现,在学校的课本完全能涵盖现在所需要的专业知识,缺的就是经验了。我换了几个单位了,那是我的专业书籍一直在随着我的工作地点变化,每次换地方的我的行李箱中最沉重的就是我的书籍。 2、和学校的老师别断了联系,因为学校里的老师,有的既有经验又有理论知识,我一直和我的专业老师有联系,有问题经常向他们请教,时不时联系联系他们,有时间就去看看他们,忙时就电话联系一下。他们也在找工作时帮了我不少忙,在此,我向他们表示我崇高的敬意。有时候你碰到问题时他们能够给你提供很好的建议及解决。 3、刚开始接触造价时,最好能兼做施工,这样,对以后做造价时有很大的帮助,算东西时,脑海中有直观的三维印象,也了解施工,不容易少算,不容易漏项,当然做土建的第一个工程最好有地下车库,因为,那是土建最难的地方,上面都千篇一律,当然,小别墅除外(有的砖混结构阁楼也很难看懂)。 cover for outdoor use, where the rain and flooding of the electrical equipment shall be necessary for drying insulation tested before they can be used. 4, the distribution box must be strong, full, close and lock, door painted red danger signs, box no debris and numbered. 5, landed the distribution box should be flat on the ground to prevent flooding, soil, no debris piled up near the distribution box. 6, laying construction site lighting circuits apart from the protection line, separate or pipe laying, Office lighting set switch control, work shed, ground tap control, light bulbs from the ground 2.5M. 7, where the use or operation of electric machinery and professional and technical education must be safe, learn about electrical knowledge, know how its performance, correct methods of operation. 8, must be healthy, sane, responsible workers engaged in electrical work, operating machinery and equipment must have a certificate. 9, before the use of electrical equipment, electrical wiring running correctly passed to the operations personnel. 10, electrical personnel should be required to wear insulating footwear and protective equipment, correct use of insulated protective equipment or appliances. 11, end, or work stoppage for more than an hour, to switch box power off, lock, protect power cord and tool. 12, on-duty electrician certificates. (C) the fire safeguard measures 1, construction site must adhere to the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" approach, careful follow-up of the People's Republic of China Fire Services Ordinance, step by step implementation of the responsibility system for fire protection, using a variety 4、刚做造价时,要放得下身段,别以为你是大学生感觉很牛,现在大学生满大街都是,不要以大学生自居,别人让你干什么,你就干什么,他不可能让你端洗脚水吧,这样,别人才能更好的教你,别人更乐意教你而你也能学更多东西,因为,每个工程都是不一样的,多做就能多学。如果你很懒,你的师傅或者你的领导亲自打扫卫生等等,他们能对你有好感吗~他们乐意教给你东西才怪呢~ 5、要找一个能锻炼人的地方,有的单位业务很少,很清闲,这样虽然很好,但是学不到东西,你应该立马走人。我的工作虽然待遇虽然不是很好,但能学到东西,也很累也很忙,虽然每天都少不了免费的加班,但是我的生活也充实,能学到东西能有收获,多付出一些是很有必要的。很值~~~ 6、要找一个好师傅,让他好好教你,当然你也要好好干活,博得他的好感,还要多往工地跑,不要老待在办公室算东西,要到工地上多看,多向那些有技术、有经验的工人请教,请教时递一支烟,那就更好了,他们会认为,你一个大学生向他们请教,还递烟,是他们的荣幸,他们会更好的教你。 7.走在路上时经常看一下路边的建筑物联想一下我们的专业想一想如果是我们做这个建筑物,我们该如何去做。把学习当做自己的东西,自己的~而且是不分时间不分场合的学习。这一点你做到了,你就会进步很快。我碰到的几个刚毕业的学生学习主动性很大,这样他们能学好cover for outdoor use, where the rain and flooding of the electrical equipment shall be necessary for drying insulation tested before they can be used. 4, the distribution box must be strong, full, close and lock, door painted red danger signs, box no debris and numbered. 5, landed the distribution box should be flat on the ground to prevent flooding, soil, no debris piled up near the distribution box. 6, laying construction site lighting circuits apart from the protection line, separate or pipe laying, Office lighting set switch control, work shed, ground tap control, light bulbs from the ground 2.5M. 7, where the use or operation of electric machinery and professional and technical education must be safe, learn about electrical knowledge, know how its performance, correct methods of operation. 8, must be healthy, sane, responsible workers engaged in electrical work, operating machinery and equipment must have a certificate. 9, before the use of electrical equipment, electrical wiring running correctly passed to the operations personnel. 10, electrical personnel should be required to wear insulating footwear and protective equipment, correct use of insulated protective equipment or appliances. 11, end, or work stoppage for more than an hour, to switch box power off, lock, protect power cord and tool. 12, on-duty electrician certificates. (C) the fire safeguard measures 1, construction site must adhere to the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" approach, careful follow-up of the People's Republic of China Fire Services Ordinance, step by step implementation of the responsibility system for fire protection, using a variety 吗,学习的东西是别人的吗,还用领导催促你吗~要充分利用业余时间学习,一旦你忙起来你就没有时间学习了,你有的时间就剩晚上了,你要利用好,不要玩游戏或者干其他的事,多看书,做工程要考证,造价师可不是那么好考的,再有,多上一些专业网站看看或者加一些专业QQ交流群,那里有你需要的资料,那里能解决你的疑问,那里能交到工作伙伴。 8、多学电脑知识,学好造价软件,能提高你的工作效率,尤其是那些算量软件、钢筋抽样软件,当然,刚入门的人,一定要先手算几个工程,再运用算量软件,这样,才能知道软件究竟好不好。有些拿不准的地方要测算一下。 9.最重要的一点,是要有耐心、平常心,不要烦躁,不要麻痹大意,作造价要耐的住寂寞,算量时,可能就你一个人安安静静的算,你能坐住吗,而投标时,你更是要没日没夜的算好几天,你行吗,当然,还要有平常心,和你一起毕业的其他同学也许做其他行业已经发达了,你千万别眼红,因为,做造价,需要的就是经验的积累,你现在不如他们,将来,他们会不如你,而如果你要半途而废,你可能就一直不如他们了。当然做造价工作你不能有无所谓的态度。 10.做造价工作一定养成一个良好的习惯,因为一个好的习惯是很难养成的,但是一个坏的习惯很轻而易举而且很难改掉。 cover for outdoor use, where the rain and flooding of the electrical equipment shall be necessary for drying insulation tested before they can be used. 4, the distribution box must be strong, full, close and lock, door painted red danger signs, box no debris and numbered. 5, landed the distribution box should be flat on the ground to prevent flooding, soil, no debris piled up near the distribution box. 6, laying construction site lighting circuits apart from the protection line, separate or pipe laying, Office lighting set switch control, work shed, ground tap control, light bulbs from the ground 2.5M. 7, where the use or operation of electric machinery and professional and technical education must be safe, learn about electrical knowledge, know how its performance, correct methods of operation. 8, must be healthy, sane, responsible workers engaged in electrical work, operating machinery and equipment must have a certificate. 9, before the use of electrical equipment, electrical wiring running correctly passed to the operations personnel. 10, electrical personnel should be required to wear insulating footwear and protective equipment, correct use of insulated protective equipment or appliances. 11, end, or work stoppage for more than an hour, to switch box power off, lock, protect power cord and tool. 12, on-duty electrician certificates. (C) the fire safeguard measures 1, construction site must adhere to the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" approach, careful follow-up of the People's Republic of China Fire Services Ordinance, step by step implementation of the responsibility system for fire protection, using a variety 11.准备一个U盘或者移动硬盘,积累你自己的资料,收集相关的专业资料,然后不断地学习,不断地积累,这也是你自己的一笔不小的财富。 12.没事的时候可以找一套小型的图纸(广联达的那套图纸好),联系练习,找找感觉。 13.学学施工工艺的相关书籍及,做到以后工程造价的时候不漏项不漏算。别人聊天的时候你不要随波逐流,想想自己现在学会了什么,该学习什么, 14.工程造价的时候不要贪图捷径,要一步一个脚印的来,循序渐进的来。 希望对那些刚毕业或刚从事造价行业的朋友们有帮助。 如果你觉得好,如果你觉得对你有帮助你就顶一下吧。有收获的同时也支持一下。 cover for outdoor use, where the rain and flooding of the electrical equipment shall be necessary for drying insulation tested before they can be used. 4, the distribution box must be strong, full, close and lock, door painted red danger signs, box no debris and numbered. 5, landed the distribution box should be flat on the ground to prevent flooding, soil, no debris piled up near the distribution box. 6, laying construction site lighting circuits apart from the protection line, separate or pipe laying, Office lighting set switch control, work shed, ground tap control, light bulbs from the ground 2.5M. 7, where the use or operation of electric machinery and professional and technical education must be safe, learn about electrical knowledge, know how its performance, correct methods of operation. 8, must be healthy, sane, responsible workers engaged in electrical work, operating machinery and equipment must have a certificate. 9, before the use of electrical equipment, electrical wiring running correctly passed to the operations personnel. 10, electrical personnel should be required to wear insulating footwear and protective equipment, correct use of insulated protective equipment or appliances. 11, end, or work stoppage for more than an hour, to switch box power off, lock, protect power cord and tool. 12, on-duty electrician certificates. (C) the fire safeguard measures 1, construction site must adhere to the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" approach, careful follow-up of the People's Republic of China Fire Services Ordinance, step by step implementation of the responsibility system for fire protection, using a variety
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