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如何做好“两个经常性工作”如何做好“两个经常性工作” 如何做好“两个经常性工作” 经常性思想工作和经常性管理工作(以下简称“两个经常”)是基层部队的两项基础性工作,也是加强部队全面建设不可忽视的两个重要环节。当前,部队基层出现了一些管理松懈、作风松散、纪律松弛的问题,甚至引发了这样或那样的事故、事件、案件,从现象看是个别人的问题,从根本上看都有深层次的原因,都是从渐变开始,都有一个形成的过程,并有其一定的、主客观的内外因果关系。这表明,新形势下做好“两个经常”工作的责任更大,任务更重。 年轻人当兵到部队,正处于世界观、价值观、人生观形成的关键时期...
如何做好“两个经常性工作” 如何做好“两个经常性工作” 经常性思想工作和经常性管理工作(以下简称“两个经常”)是基层部队的两项基础性工作,也是加强部队全面建设不可忽视的两个重要环节。当前,部队基层出现了一些管理松懈、作风松散、纪律松弛的问题,甚至引发了这样或那样的事故、事件、案件,从现象看是个别人的问题,从根本上看都有深层次的原因,都是从渐变开始,都有一个形成的过程,并有其一定的、主客观的内外因果关系。这表明,新形势下做好“两个经常”工作的责任更大,任务更重。 年轻人当兵到部队,正处于世界观、价值观、人生观形成的关键时期,如果一踏进军营就置身于一个部队经常性工作很规范、很活跃、很有力的环境中,他们的健康成长就有了可靠的保证,就为今后的进步奠定了坚实的基础。部队首先是党领导下的人民军队,通过“两个经常”来实施管理教育,是对我军优良传统的继承,更是部队一项带根本ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 性、全局性、经常性的基础工作。只要我们牢牢把握“经常”二字,一方面针对思想主体做到“六个经常”,另一方面针对对象客体实施“八个一遍”,两方面有机结合,就能随时捕捉信息的源头,发现问题的苗头,掌握工作的主动。 首先,“六个经常”通思想,通过耐心的说服教育,启发自觉,提高官兵服从管理的觉悟。 一、常观察实情。部队管理的重点是人,而管人的关键是管思想,人的思想又具有敏感性、易变性、及时性、适应性等特点。经常性思想工作只有熟悉社会的思想动态,掌握部队的思想规律,摸清官兵的思想脉搏,才能“见微知著,防患未然”。察实情首先是了解兵心,熟知下属官兵的内心世界,掌握下属官兵的心理,理解下属官兵的喜怒哀乐。其次,必须准确认识、研究把握新时期边防部队,尤其是仓库单位工作的特点和当代青年的思想规律,在继承发扬我军思想教ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 育优良传统的基础上,坚持从仓库业务的实情出发,坚持从官兵的思想实际出发,坚持以人为本,把管理教育真正做到官兵心里,做到日常执训练、工作、生活的各个环节。 二、常分析反省。恩格斯曾告诫我们,无论从哪方面学习,都不如从经验教训中学习来得快。一个人在前进中,不可能每一次都因为有教训才能进步,教训也不可能每个人都亲身经历体会,要注意从本上、从别人的教训、从自己的反省中得到警示。孔子常讲日常省则无忧惧。带兵人不仅要坚持好每月必须的综合分析和随机的专题分析制度,而且要从自身开始,推已及人,由表及里,对部队曾经和现有的一些问题经常定期、定性、定量分析,从中找到管理教育的症结所在,以教训为良师,以困难为动力,以支部为堡垒,前瞻性、超前性地分析可能发生的问题,主动端正班子和队伍的思想,及时贴近“软胁”来帮带,提前做好防护、管理、教育工作。 rhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lungpoisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of aracute es of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in drome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and castheory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac synasthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the -ac diuretic, antispasmodic and anticardi fects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs,ation; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, efcificergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing spelife support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common em ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart3 三、常平等沟通。传统的教育是单向的,现代沟通要求是平等双向的,通过管理者与被管理者之间情感的交流和沟通,产生相互信任和理解,才能把思想疏通好。一个基层单位思想工作开展得好,带兵人首先要放下架子,做到官兵平等,和兵打成一片,与兵同吃、同住、同操练、同劳动、同娱乐。这样,才能消除官兵距离,才能熟悉掌握兵的思想、工作、学习、生活、性格、心理、家庭等情况,兵也才会视干部为知已,讲掏心窝子话,道肺腑之言,说内心的甘苦,带兵者才能知道战士在想什么、干什么、需要什么,而不被表面现象所迷惑,对症下药,做好“一把钥匙开一把锁”的工作。 四、常组织活动。形式多样、内容丰富的活动可以融洽关系,凝聚兵心,激励斗志。激励可分为精神和物质的手段,其中精神激励是针对军人在精神方面的需要采取有效措施调动其积极性的活动,如我军在战争年代广泛开展的杀敌立功运动就是一种激励活ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 动。据心理研究,荣誉是因为自己或者与自己有关的集体或个人具有优良品质或取得伟大成就而感到光荣的心理。因此,带兵人要善于组织各种活动,管教结合,育教于乐,通过经常开展读书演讲、评比竞赛、参观见学等活动,保证活动不间断、作风不松散,不断陶冶官兵思想情操,提高政治觉悟。 五、常检查督导。经常检查督导不仅要在具体事物上,更要在思想政治建设上,看干部、骨干对经常性思想工作重视不重视,机制健全不健全,活动开展得经常不经常,重点人和危险苗头清楚不清楚等等。只有坚持经常检查督促,才能及时发现和解决问题,加强思想教育的针对性。做到当基层官兵处于迷茫之际,及时给予启发指点,当官兵思想空虚之时,及时给予精神粮食,当官兵刚出现问题苗头时,及时提醒忠告。不等不靠经常查,主动发现苗头准,解决思想问题通,这样才能带出一支精神振奋的部队。六、常讲评。对人的思想教育是一项变化、长期、 rhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lungpoisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of aracute es of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in drome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and castheory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac synasthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the -ac diuretic, antispasmodic and anticardi fects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs,ation; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, efcificergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing spelife support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common em ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart5 复杂、艰巨的工作,有着内在的思想规律,这种规律是可认知、可总结的。尽管部队面临复杂周边环境和社会形势,官兵的思想因时而变,但只要及时总结就能顺势而为、乘势而上。因此,对基层开展思想教育要经常总结讲评,表扬好的,批评差的,特别重视那些小型、管用、现实、针对性强的经验,不断完善,使之经常化、制度化、系统化、理论化,在基层营造一个做思想工作光荣,经常做思想工作同样建功立业的良好氛围,从而推动经常性管理教育提升到一个新的水平,做到常教、常新、常升华。 其次,“八个一遍”抓正规,通过日常制度的落实,规范约束,用部队纪律管理官兵的行为。 一、起床后营区走一遍。俗话说,“一日之计在于晨”,部队语,“出门看脚步,进门看内务”,无论是好作风还是坏习惯,总是相互影响的,互相作用的。基层带兵人首要营造整体的养成环境,培养良好的行为举止,这ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 不是一日之功,需经过长期的磨练,在潜移默化中塑造和培养素质。具体来讲从每天的起床开始,抓好营区经常性的管理,从第一声脚步、第一时内务抓起,时时抓,天天养,点滴入手,日积月累,必见成效。 二、就餐前食堂转一遍。兵营有些话,如“吃得好了,才不想家,以情带兵,才得人心”,“吃得好不好,感情深不深”,说明以情带兵首先体现在伙食上。带兵人必须像亲人那样关心爱护部队里的每一个成员,就餐前食堂转一遍,实实在在关心官兵衣食冷暖,用真挚的情感建立起密切的战友关系,才能把官兵紧紧地凝聚在部队大家庭之中,形成合力、战斗力。三、开会前情况摸一遍。毛泽东同志说的好,“没有调查就没有权”。部队经常性管理工作也是一样,只有开会前俯下身子切切实实将具体情况摸一遍,了解部队的实情,求证事件的原因,才能对症下药,才能以理服人,从而使经常性部队管理工作落到实处。四、点名时军容整一遍。作风建 rhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lungpoisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of aracute es of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in drome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and castheory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac synasthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the -ac diuretic, antispasmodic and anticardi fects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs,ation; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, efcificergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing spelife support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common em ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart7 设从军容抓起。点名时军容整一遍,能培养官兵严整的军容姿态、过硬的纪律作风,从而增强队伍的组织性和纪律性,解决队伍中存在的工作作风懒散、自我要求不严的问题,以达到抓训练、强素质、树立优良作风的目标。五、操课时带头做一遍。孔子曰,“己欲不为,勿施与人”。现在许多干部管不好部队,一个重要的原因就是以身作则差。干部作为管理教育工作的领导者,既要重言,更要重行。操课时带头做一遍,可以树立管理者以身作则的表率形象,是激励和带动部队良性发展的基本要求。六、晚饭后人员清一遍。晚饭后人员清一遍,是深入了解官兵思想动态,全面客观掌握重点人员、重点部位、重点环节,特别是干部“八小时”以外安全情况,排查安全隐患,增强安防工作的针对性、实效性的重要途径。七、熄灯、午夜后铺哨查一遍。查铺查哨,看似平常却影响全面。条令条例是规范官兵行为的唯一标准,是部队管理的依据。熄灯和午夜后铺ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 哨查一遍,是带兵人执行、落实军令,实施制度管理,对人员实行全方位、全时空、全员额控制的有效方式,同时也可通过抓好一个制度细节来影响一片,逐步形成以点带面,群抓共管自我约束的良好风气。八、就寝前思绪理一遍。经常性工作是一项具体的、广泛的和长期性的工作,是帮助官兵塑造正确世界观、人生观和价值观的直接有力渠道。每天就寝前思绪理一遍,能有效优化管理思路,谋划整体效应,查找工作盲区,明确下部管理措施,形成良性循环,以推动部队正规化发展的整体效益。 最后,“两个经常”工作只有成一体,处理好管理与教育的关系,形神合一,才能事半功倍。当前,管好干部带好兵,主要体现在“两个经常”的紧密结合、扎实有效上,两者是相互依存又相互促进的关系。治军带兵不能就教育抓教育,就管理抓管理,或者重管轻教、教管脱节,关键要克服管理和教育两张皮的现象。管理是一项基础性工作,它 rhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lungpoisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of aracute es of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in drome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and castheory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac synasthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the -ac diuretic, antispasmodic and anticardi fects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs,ation; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, efcificergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing spelife support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common em ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart9 与思想工作是密不可分的,它的基础在于思想教育,要在启发官兵自觉服从的基础上实施严格管理。离开经常性思想教育搞管理,管理工作就容易简单粗暴,离开经常性管理工作抓教育,思想工作就容易软弱无力。两者犹如鸟之两翼,缺一不可,只有将“两个经常”一体化、经常化、规范化,并有机结合起来,渗透于部队基层各项工作之中,才能真正提高部队管理的整体效益。 ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung
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