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孙金龙同志在调研合肥新桥国际机场建设时的讲话孙金龙同志在调研合肥新桥国际机场建设时的讲话 合办通报 ,59, 中共合肥市委办公厅 2009年11月6日 孙金龙同志在调研合肥新桥国际机场建设时的讲话 ,2009年11月4日~根据录音整理, 新桥国际机场建设~自去年12月18日正式开工以来~在省委省政府的高度重视下~在方方面面的共同努力下~推进速度非常快~已经有了初步的模样~令人鼓舞~令人振奋。大家抱着高度的政治责任感和历史使命感~抱着对合肥人民和6700万安徽人民高度负责的态度~共同又好又快地推进机场建设~尤其是建慧同志、安列同志和指挥部的同志们倾注了大量的心...
孙金龙同志在调研合肥新桥国际机场建设时的讲话 合办通报 ,59, 中共合肥市委办公厅 2009年11月6日 孙金龙同志在调研合肥新桥国际机场建设时的讲话 ,2009年11月4日~根据录音整理, 新桥国际机场建设~自去年12月18日正式开工以来~在省委省政府的高度重视下~在方方面面的共同努力下~推进速度非常快~已经有了初步的模样~令人鼓舞~令人振奋。大家抱着高度的政治责任感和历史使命感~抱着对合肥人民和6700万安徽人民高度负责的态度~共同又好又快地推进机场建设~尤其是建慧同志、安列同志和指挥部的同志们倾注了大量的心血和汗水~还有中建八局、监理公司、施工现场的同志也做了很多卓有成效的工作。在这里~我向机场建sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass 设领导小组办公室、指挥部的同志们~还有我们的监理单位、单位、施工单位~表示衷心的感谢和亲切的慰问:金山书记、三运省长非常挂念这件事~将专门抽出时间来现场察看。希望同志们再接再厉~以更好的业绩~向省委省政府和金山书记、三运省长。 新桥国际机场建设~是安徽迄今为止最大的机场建设。但相对于国内外知名机场来说~我们建设的机场并不大~也不十分复杂。目前所要建设的~主要是1条3400米长的跑道~可起降波音747客机~属于重载~承载要求较高,还有1条滑行道~以及一期10.5万平方米的钢结构航站楼等。另外~在3号区有一个4000平方米的地下室~用于存放设备,外面是一个露天停车场~再加上所需的导航、气象、油、水、电、气、热等设施和航空公司的基地。当然~还要建好连接外部和市区的进出机场通道。应该说~机场建设工程主要包括这几个方面~实际上面积也不大~没有想象的那么复杂。所以~我们在战略上要藐视它。机场建设领导小组希望~力争在两年半的时间内完成工程建设。合肥人民乃至安徽人民都希望新桥国际机场早日建成。我们一定要科学组织~精心施工~又好又快地把机场建设好~用实实在在的业绩~向sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass 全省6700万人民交上一份满意答卷。 这里~我想强调这么几个具体事情: 第一~机场建设要在全面推进的基础上~继续突出基础设施先行。机场建设领导小组办公室除了抓好工作区的规划之外~近期要尽快拿出一个机场周边道路、环境的建设规划。在机场建设过程中~各项工程组织要科学有序~注重以系统的眼光和统筹的思路~同步推进机场飞行区、工作区和相关通道、环境等建设~更好地通过优化管理来提高效率。各项基础设施建设~包括外围的道路、湖、桥、绿化等~具备条件的~可以考虑同时平行作业~不要等到机场建成了你再去建。比如~规划中的那个湖~一旦施工就会产生大量渣土~应当先建~如果机场建成后再动工~会直接影响机场保洁。再拿绿化来说~过去人们的观念是把房子盖好了~投入使用了~然后在旁边栽树,现在~要转变这个观念~栽树和建房子可以同时进行~树早栽一年~就早成活一年~等房子建好了~周围环境也很好了,我们将要建设的道路两旁~只要不影响其他施工~就可以先把树栽起来~这样马上就能给人不一样的感觉。从整个机场建设工程来讲~把外围的湖面、道路等建好了~即使机场这边还在施工过程中~也能给外边带sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass - 3 - 来一个良好形象~真正让大家看了舒心。 对机场建设的几大块工程~指挥部要认真地搞一次图上模拟作业~能同时干的马上同时干。就像部队打仗似的~先要在沙盘上运作。昨天~合肥铁路枢纽南环线及南客站开工了~包括40公里高速铁路和高铁站的建设~其中站房面积有10多万平方米~计划20个月建成,另外还有地下工程~规划27股车道~计划2年完工。可见~这项工程要比机场建设工程复杂~工期也比较紧。我想~机场建设动工比人家早~工程又不十分复杂~应该通过努力比原计划提前完工。这就要求我们的各项工作~包括进出机场的道路、沿线环境的整治等~能提前做的都要提前。至于飞行区建设~尽管要等民航部门批了之后才能建~但我们不能坐等~可以先把前期工作做起来~就像轨道交通1号线建设那样~不也是先建一个试验段吗,当然~我们的建设队伍一定要有良好的资质~要严格实行最低有效中标价~不违反国家的任何规定。毕竟~安徽人民希望这个机场早点建成。让省机场集团等早一天进驻~让航班早一天起飞~就能早一天让地方和群众受益。我想~这一点民航部门也能理解。 sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass 第二~机场建设要继续本着又好又快的原则~坚持质量第一、安全至上。百年大计~质量为本。指挥部、业主和监理单位要敢于严格要求~切实加强监管~对施工过程中的质量缺陷~要严格实行“零容忍”。诚然~我们给施工单位和企业服务的时候~要充满感情~但在涉及质量、安全、成本等问上~就要按照法律法规来~没有感情~只有严格。2007年~在金寨路高架桥工程建设中~有个标段浇筑200多米长混凝土~出现麻面、气孔、蜂窝等质量问题~我们当即责令其全部切割、拉走~所有费用由他们自己承担。在质量问题上~大家要当“黑脸包公”。如果发现施工质量问题~第一关我们不找施工单位~就找监理公司。你是我们请来监理工程质量的~必须真正负起责任来。在工程建设中~政府的职责~主要是要营造一个公开、公正、公平、透明的环境~无论是施工企业、设计企业、监理企业~还是供货商~我们都要破除潜规则~让最有资质、最有实力的公司到合肥来竞争。我们强调做好服务~就是要挑出“宝马”、“壮马”~又好又快地推进工程建设,同时~还要加强监控~看实际效果~如果不行就要直接调控。这是这几年大建设的成功经验~要一如既往地坚持并不断完善。在施工过程中~各施工单位一sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass - 5 - 定要坚持以人为本~高度重视安全生产~坚决杜绝隐患~确保工程顺利推进。 第三~机场建设要不断优化设计~注重抓好细节。新桥国际机场建设~事关安徽改革开放、加速崛起的大局~各项工程的规划设计一定要有前瞻性。20年乃至50年之后~又会是一个什么状况,尽管现在我们很难估计~但各项建设一定要做到超前、大气~为未来发展预留足够的空间。针对目前一些具体规划设计问题~要请一些国内外知名专家来具体论证一下~挑出“毛病”~进一步优化设计。这里~举长江中路改造的例子~当时因为人口和车辆比较少~路就修得比较窄,去年改造时~4公里长的路段就要拆迁20多万平方米~可见发展多么快~我们必须超前考虑。再如~停车场建设也要超前一些~这个造价并不高~第一期如果暂时用不上~可以搞商业开发~变成地下商城~等到车辆逐步多了起来~不但可以用上~还可以建第二期。还有~航站楼的玻璃幕墙~现在大多参照欧洲国家的普遍做法~但这种设计不利于通风~不管是夏天冬天都要开空调~运行能耗很高~直接关系到以后机场运营的成本。因此~我们一定要结合合肥的实际~认真研究论证~进一步把具体规划设计完善好~真正对历史sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass 负责、对人民负责。在这方面~我们也有成功的经验~如合肥大剧院通过改进设计、节能减排~节省了几千万管理成本。正在建设的滨湖会展中心~也是通过优化设计~将大大节省后期营运费用。一个机场有一个机场的特点~我们不能照搬照抄~不能只见树木不见森林~一定要把能考虑到的都考虑到~提供多个可选项~进行充分论证。 需要引起重视的是:以前~由于多方面原因~在工程施工过程中~会出现工程量变更等问题。对此~关键要抓好细节。机场建设指挥部要“先小人~后君子”~把“丑话”说在前面~如果设计单位考虑不周密~以致中途变更设计~造成工程量变更超过5%的~不管你是有意还是无意~设计单位就要自己承担相应费用~这要作为一条纪律来执行。 第四~随着机场建设的全面展开~要创造更加良好的施工环境。前一阶段~肥西县和市直相关部门密切配合、工作有力~为机场顺利开工作出了积极贡献。下一步~有关各方特别是肥西县~要更好地协调配合~共同推进机场建设各项工作。对于肥西来说~我们不仅是在支持省里的机场建设~也是在支持我们自己的发展。机场建设~对这一方群众来说~可谓是“数千年未有之变局”~让大家直接受益。当前~随sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass - 7 - 着施工单位和进场队伍越来越多~属地单位和有关部门要高度关注~协调处理好施工单位和当地群众之间的关系~妥善做好被拆迁群众安臵工作~加强教育培训~发展服务业~让群众安居乐业。当然~如果出现抢装抢卸、强买强卖、偷盗施工材料等现象~要依法处理、坚决打击。 为机场建设创造良好环境~还要注意加强宣传~动员更多的人关注、支持机场建设。比如~我们可以在合淮路过来的引入线上~在机场的临时施工便道上~在市区往这边来的路上~乃至将要建设的进出机场的连接线上等~树一些宣传牌~向人们展示新桥机场的形象。宣传牌的制作~也要大气精致~不要小手小脚。 主题词:机场建设 调研 孙金龙 讲话 本期发:各县、区委~各县、区人民政府~市直各单位~省部属 驻肥有关单位 ,共印40份, sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass
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