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教育技术学专业教育技术学专业 教育技术学专业“数据结构课程的教学研究 韦春妙 教育技术 数据结构 教学质量 论文摘要:本文从教育技术学专业“数据结构”课程的重要性出发,提出了当前教学中存在的学校管理政策、教师教学和学生自身等三个方面的问题,并深入研究其解决策略。最后,提出了有利于教学发展的几点建议,以促进教学质量的提高。 一、引言 教学是诸多因素相互作用的活动,是由教师的教、学生的学,以及教学内容、教学方法、教学管理、教学保障等诸多因素在一定的时空环境内综合作用的复杂活动。高校教学具有教学任务的多样性、教学内容的高深性、教学对象的...
教育技术学专业 教育技术学专业“数据结构课程的教学研究 韦春妙 教育技术 数据结构 教学质量 论文摘要:本文从教育技术学专业“数据结构”课程的重要性出发,提出了当前教学中存在的学校管理政策、教师教学和学生自身等三个方面的问题,并深入研究其解决策略。最后,提出了有利于教学发展的几点建议,以促进教学质量的提高。 一、引言 教学是诸多因素相互作用的活动,是由教师的教、学生的学,以及教学内容、教学方法、教学管理、教学保障等诸多因素在一定的时空环境内综合作用的复杂活动。高校教学具有教学任务的多样性、教学内容的高深性、教学对象的差异性、教学情境的复杂性和教学过程的探索性等诸多特点。“数据结构”作为高等院校教育技术学专业的一门专业课程,其教学目标是培养学生通过理解、分析和研究计算机处理的数据对象的特性,从而选择适当的数据结构、存储结构和相应的算法,并熟练掌握算法的时间分析和空问分析技巧。而且,“数据结构”还是教育技术学专业部分专业课的先导课,如“数据库原理与应用”、“网络编程”等,所以本课程的教学效果将直接影响到学生对其它后续专业课的学习,在专业建设的地位十分重要。因此,本文针对教育技术学专业学生的特点、数据结构课程的性质以及相关的学校教学政策,对教育技术学专业“数据结构”课程教学中出现的问题以及解决策略进行了研究。 二、教学中存在的问题 education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishment system, to reward the good part (once a month), on the part of financial penalties and rectification; Reasonable arrangements for the construction program, and install cross long items such as running the turbine base level layer to be installed after the end of construction; When the erection of scaffolding, workers must be handled with care, steel pipe, fasteners, tools must be manual transmission prohibited high throw, throw, prevent smashed equipment, insulation materials, etc. 7.3 General protection normal protection apply to all products, and generally include the following related content: keep identity intact, complete; Ensure products are lost, the appearance of damage; Necessary from dust, moisture, rust, seal, cover; Regular inspections, simple test; Climate of temporary protection. In addition to the regular maintenance of some equipment or parts, also according to its characteristics or manufacturing plants, customer demand for professional care and maintenance. List of professional equipment, contents and methods established by the project management organization. For important or high maintenance requirements of equipment hanging maintenance card should be used for maintenance. Engineering Management Department equipment list, the responsibility for equipment and technical personnel in accordance with technical standards, product specifications and other documentation for "maintenance", and 虽然数据结构课程在教育技术学专业中的开设时间已有多年历史,但目前数据结构在教育技术学专业中的教学还存在一定的问题,主要现在学校管理政策、教师教学和学生自身等个方面。 1(学校管理政策方面。(1)当前各大高校都出现了“重科研轻教学”的现象。很多高校教师认为搞好科研是“名利双收”的事情,因此往往在科研上投入的时间较多,而忽略了教学。(2)在教学设备上,跟计算机专业的硬件设施、多媒体设备以及上网条件相比,教育技术学专业的条件相对差一些,学校对此的重视还不够。 2(教师教学方面。(1)观念陈旧,缺乏研究能力。一般来说,承担“数据结构”课程教学的老师都具有较深厚的计算机知识,可是他们往往偏重于专业知识的传授,忽略了教学方法的革新问题,而教学方法的革新要求教师具有一定的研究能力。缺乏研究能力的教师,面对教育改革发展的新形势,往往只能被动地跟着走。(2)“数据结构”教学课件形式死板、文字较多、活泼性差、甚至出现文字错误,不能吸引学生的注意力。(3)板书中,字体较小、文字歪斜、字迹潦草、层次不够清晰。 3(学生自身方面。(1)学生计算机知识水平层次不齐,而且跟计算机专业的学生相比,教育技术学专业的学生的计算机操作能力相对较弱,掌握的编程语言较少,编程水平较低。(2)对于数据结构这种理论性较强的课程,大部分学生没有学习兴趣,积极性比较差,没有养成自主学习的良好习惯。(3)数据结构课程本身具有一定的复杂性和抽象性,学生往往把握不了课程的知识脉络,对理论知识理解较困education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishment system, to reward the good part (once a month), on the part of financial penalties and rectification; Reasonable arrangements for the construction program, and install cross long items such as running the turbine base level layer to be installed after the end of construction; When the erection of scaffolding, workers must be handled with care, steel pipe, fasteners, tools must be manual transmission prohibited high throw, throw, prevent smashed equipment, insulation materials, etc. 7.3 General protection normal protection apply to all products, and generally include the following related content: keep identity intact, complete; Ensure products are lost, the appearance of damage; Necessary from dust, moisture, rust, seal, cover; Regular inspections, simple test; Climate of temporary protection. In addition to the regular maintenance of some equipment or parts, also according to its characteristics or manufacturing plants, customer demand for professional care and maintenance. List of professional equipment, contents and methods established by the project management organization. For important or high maintenance requirements of equipment hanging maintenance card should be used for maintenance. Engineering Management Department equipment list, the responsibility for equipment and technical personnel in accordance with technical standards, product specifications and other documentation for "maintenance", and 难,在实践教学中学生的实验动手能力相对薄弱。(4)实验中,学生往往忽略了算法的分析和研究,而只着眼于怎么把程序调通,偏离了数据结构实验教学的方向。数据结构课程的核心是算法设计,不能等同于程序设计。数据结构强调的是基本数据组织与基本处理方法,应该注重基本算法设计能力的培养,用这些基本内容构成程序设计的核心。 三、解决策略 从教育技术学专业“数据结构”课程教学存在的问题来看,其教学改革要从教学制度、教学思想、教学内容、教学过程、教学环节、教学设备、教学原则、教学方法和教学组织形式等九个方面着手。具体措施如下: (1)在上,学校应加强对教学的重视力度。各高校应根据自身实际,制定向教师倾斜的分配制度和管理机制,这是确保教师队伍数量和质量的重要保障。比如采取“骨干教师评选和奖励制度”以及“教学成果积分制”等,提高教师教学和探索教学方法的积极性。 (2)加强“数据结构”等计算机专业课的硬件教学设备建设,为教育技术学专业的老师和学生提供较好的学习和上机环境。 3)要确定每次数据结构课程的教学内容。教学内容是的核心,要抓纲务本,因材施教,紧扣目标,突出重点。为了适应各层次学生的学习需求,需要提升教学内容层次,激发他们的学习兴趣。 (4)对于在职的教师队伍,应该通过多种形式的继续教育方式,通过参加教学方法的改革实验或参加学术会议,为高校教师灌述新的education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishment system, to reward the good part (once a month), on the part of financial penalties and rectification; Reasonable arrangements for the construction program, and install cross long items such as running the turbine base level layer to be installed after the end of construction; When the erection of scaffolding, workers must be handled with care, steel pipe, fasteners, tools must be manual transmission prohibited high throw, throw, prevent smashed equipment, insulation materials, etc. 7.3 General protection normal protection apply to all products, and generally include the following related content: keep identity intact, complete; Ensure products are lost, the appearance of damage; Necessary from dust, moisture, rust, seal, cover; Regular inspections, simple test; Climate of temporary protection. In addition to the regular maintenance of some equipment or parts, also according to its characteristics or manufacturing plants, customer demand for professional care and maintenance. List of professional equipment, contents and methods established by the project management organization. For important or high maintenance requirements of equipment hanging maintenance card should be used for maintenance. Engineering Management Department equipment list, the responsibility for equipment and technical personnel in accordance with technical standards, product specifications and other documentation for "maintenance", and 教育理念,掌握新的教学方法,从影响很深且又习惯的“满堂灌”教学模式中走出来,适应新形势下的教学要求,不断提高教师的综合素质。 (5)在教学中应该将学生的独立思考与合作交流相结合。通过在教学中设置问题情境,学生参与,师生合作讨论来培养学生的创新意识和实践能力。这样可以变“以教师为中心的教学模式”为“以学生为中心的教学模式”,争取较以前更多的时间让学生参与教学,提高学生学习的积极性和自主学习的能力。 (6)加强教材建设。高校必须重视教材建设,教育部鼓励各高校使用“面向2l世纪课程教材”和近3年出版的新教材,重要目的是为了吸收科学技术和社会发展的最新成果,结合专业调整,加快教材的更新换代,要杜绝质量低劣的教材进入课堂。 (7)数据结构课程中算法设计是一个关键方面,也是学生普遍感觉比较难的一个问题。教学中,教师应该对算法给予准确描述和举例,并对实例采用化的函数设计(即函数设计中包含充分的注释语句)方法来引导学生,这样可以帮助学生更好地理解函数中的参数。 (8)加强实践教学。实践教学对于提高学生的综合素质、培养学生的创新精神和实践能力具有特殊作用,必须予以高度重视。要建立和完善教学、科研、生产相结合的多功能实验室,充实基础实验室设备,改善实验教学条件,积极更新实践教学内容,探索实验教学与科研课程相结合的新的实验教学模式,多开新的综合性、设计性实验。 四、几点建议 (1)当前各种语言如c++、Java的广泛使用和蓬勃发展,使得数据education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishment system, to reward the good part (once a month), on the part of financial penalties and rectification; Reasonable arrangements for the construction program, and install cross long items such as running the turbine base level layer to be installed after the end of construction; When the erection of scaffolding, workers must be handled with care, steel pipe, fasteners, tools must be manual transmission prohibited high throw, throw, prevent smashed equipment, insulation materials, etc. 7.3 General protection normal protection apply to all products, and generally include the following related content: keep identity intact, complete; Ensure products are lost, the appearance of damage; Necessary from dust, moisture, rust, seal, cover; Regular inspections, simple test; Climate of temporary protection. In addition to the regular maintenance of some equipment or parts, also according to its characteristics or manufacturing plants, customer demand for professional care and maintenance. List of professional equipment, contents and methods established by the project management organization. For important or high maintenance requirements of equipment hanging maintenance card should be used for maintenance. Engineering Management Department equipment list, the responsibility for equipment and technical personnel in accordance with technical standards, product specifications and other documentation for "maintenance", and 结构的描述语言也越来越丰富,使用C++或Java的数据结构课程教学已经普遍存在于高校的计算机专业中。因此,扩大教育技术学专业学生的语言学习范围、提高各种语言的使用能力也是势在必行的。 (2)对教师来说,要搞好“教学”和“科研”的关系,合理分配教学和科研的时间,重视教学的同时,不耽误科研的进度。高校将“教学”和“科研”融为一体,由一个部门统一去管理和操作是时代发展的需求。现在一些地方将教育科研与教学研究两个部门合并,统称“教育科学研究院”,就是一种很好的尝试。 (3)大学扩招问题影响了学生的质量,较差的学生影响了班级的学风建设。政府部门应该采取相应的措施,缓解教师授课中学生水平良秀不齐的压力。 五、总结 总之,教育技术学专业“数据结构”课程的教学要根据教学对象的特点,灵活运用教学方法,才能有效地激励学生的学习动机,激发学生学习的主动性、积极性。要设计正确科学的课堂讲授思路,强化阶段目标教学内容设计,提高课程的教学效率。只有这样,才能把教育技术专业数据结构课程的教学提高到一个新的认识,教学质量达到一个新的高度。 education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishment system, to reward the good part (once a month), on the part of financial penalties and rectification; Reasonable arrangements for the construction program, and install cross long items such as running the turbine base level layer to be installed after the end of construction; When the erection of scaffolding, workers must be handled with care, steel pipe, fasteners, tools must be manual transmission prohibited high throw, throw, prevent smashed equipment, insulation materials, etc. 7.3 General protection normal protection apply to all products, and generally include the following related content: keep identity intact, complete; Ensure products are lost, the appearance of damage; Necessary from dust, moisture, rust, seal, cover; Regular inspections, simple test; Climate of temporary protection. In addition to the regular maintenance of some equipment or parts, also according to its characteristics or manufacturing plants, customer demand for professional care and maintenance. List of professional equipment, contents and methods established by the project management organization. For important or high maintenance requirements of equipment hanging maintenance card should be used for maintenance. Engineering Management Department equipment list, the responsibility for equipment and technical personnel in accordance with technical standards, product specifications and other documentation for "maintenance", and
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