

2017-09-02 6页 doc 94KB 26阅读




DNF遗忘之地攻略DNF遗忘之地攻略 1、死亡港口 进图后默认为B房间开始,一路沿着水迹来到A房间,在A房间的酒馆深处找到人鱼。 找到人鱼后回到B房间,在人鱼附近会被传送至海底,海底深处打死boss即可获得死亡港口徽章。 2、纷争之森 在A号三个房间内打牛头怪会掉落“牛头械王变身药剂”,使用药剂后来到B房间深处即可进入boss房间。 打死boss后获得纷争之森徽章。 【不变身为牛头械王的话,是无法进入boss房间的,不用担心变身后打boss困难,因为在boss面前会被拆穿恢复本身】 principles and policie...
DNF遗忘之地攻略 1、死亡港口 进图后默认为B房间开始,一路沿着水迹来到A房间,在A房间的酒馆深处找到人鱼。 找到人鱼后回到B房间,在人鱼附近会被传送至海底,海底深处打死boss即可获得死亡港口徽章。 2、纷争之森 在A号三个房间内打牛头怪会掉落“牛头械王变身药剂”,使用药剂后来到B房间深处即可进入boss房间。 打死boss后获得纷争之森徽章。 【不变身为牛头械王的话,是无法进入boss房间的,不用担心变身后打boss困难,因为在boss面前会被拆穿恢复本身】 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 3、云雾雪山 A号房间即为boss,打死boss后获得云雾雪山徽章 4、消失的村庄 A号三个房间内其中一个房间的屋子里面的墙壁会3位数的密码,然后到B房间,输入密码即可进入boss房间。 打死boss可获得消失的村庄徽章 【密码输入方式:B号房间最底部有三个转轮,转轮上方显示数字,打一次数字跳动一次,一直打到三个转轮的数字对应三位数的密码即可】 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 5、魔女庄园 沿着红色线路走,红色线路尽头消灭了绿名怪后继续左走,可以进入boss房间。 消灭boss后获得魔女庄园徽章。 6、监视者之塔 获得5个地区的徽章之后,会出现黄金哥布林,消灭黄金哥布林即可进入监视者之塔 塔内随机出现狼、哥布林、控偶师三个boss,消灭后通关经验、奖励大幅度上升。 【注意事项】 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 遗忘之地限时20分钟,消灭完最终的监视boss后如果有剩余时间还可以继续刷怪刷 。 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line
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