

2017-10-07 8页 doc 25KB 63阅读




装修公司装修流程装修公司装修流程 keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport ...
装修公司装修流程 keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, 装修公司装修流程 第一步、客户逐步质量认定制 客户逐步质量认定制,工程从材料进场到竣工验收,均请客户共同参与,每一步均需有客户认定签字,每一道工序验收前,质检员或项目经理应教会客户如何进行检验。 第二步、客户咨询 电话咨询、客户上门咨询、设计师上门咨询。比如当您拨打公司电话时将会听到:您好,城市人家装饰~我是客户服务员***(或设计师***)。 客服员每日接待新客户时,要与客户填写“客户洽谈单”,并对客户就公司情况做简单介绍。 客服员根据客户的需求推荐合适的设计师为客户服务。 客服员定期协同设计师电话回访填写“客户洽谈单”的客户,征求客户对公司的服务意见。 第三步、参观在施工程 公司每周六、日为客户免费提供看房班车,参观工地,专人讲解。 第四步、上门量房 客户要求设计师上门量房的要求,不能被拒绝。公司会与您签订《客户立项》。然后设计师上门为您量房。 第五步、绘制平面图,为客户做初步预算 量房后100平米以下会在5天左右为您绘制出平面图、效果图和预算书,然后邀请您见面,介绍初步设计思路及大概工程预算。 第六步、客户修改、认定 公司会充分了解您的需求,最大限度的贴切您的意愿设计。 第七步、绘制详细图纸 图纸、预算需经连锁店设计主管审核、签字。签订后,三天之内会给您出齐详细施工图。 keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, 第八步、签订,客户交首期款 签订合同后,我们会让客服员为您培训《客户须知》及必要的家装知识。个别有违反物业管理规定的装修项目,如果您执意要求施工,请您必须签订“客户授权施工责任书”。 暖气、煤气管路及设施不能改动。公司与客户签定订的合同一式两份,客户、财务部各一份。公司的财务部保留合同及图纸原件。交给客户的施工合同、合同附件、报价单、图纸等资料应装订成册。并且图册应付公司专用首页。 签约时客户需支付合同总造价的60%,工程过半或工期过半后支付合同总造价的35%,竣工验收合格后支付其余尾款。 第九步、建立客户工程档案 公司的工程统计员将把您的档案编号,建立客户工程档案,填写工程资料明细,向相关人员发放工程管理表格。客服员会及时完善《客户管理档案》,以便为客户做好服务。 第十步、设计一次交底 从签订合同之时算起,三天以内进行设计一次交底,由客服员召集质检员及项目经理,在设计部与设计师进行一次交底。 第十一步、设计现场交底 设计一次交底次日,进行设计现场交底,客服员召集质检员、客户、工长及项目经理,进行现场交底。质检员和项目经理对施工现场进行查看,质检员负责向客户说明现状,并填写“施工现场原状情况说明单”。 可能客户在时间方面遇特殊紧迫原因,设计师经请示连锁店设计主管和工程部同意后,我们将直接进行现场交底。 第十二步、施工领款、备料 施工队领款人员的照片应在财务部备案。项目经理持工程部签发的领料单,到公司指定材料部领料。 第十三步、施工队进场,基础施工开始 施工队进场应按小区物业管理部门的规定,提供公司的资质证明、营业执照副本、项目 keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, 经理照片及相关负责人的照片,后由物业管理部门发放开工证。施工前,由项目经理与客户共同填写“施工现场原状情况说明单”,确认无误后双方签字。 第十四步、分阶段材料进场验收 项目经理填写“进场材料验收单”,并询问设计师是否有特殊材料,如有必须有设计师签名,进场材料验收记录单上须有客户与项目经理、质检员的签字。 第十五步、施工质量监督 质检员检查自己的责任工地时应填写“质检员工程自检情况汇报表”;检查他人责任工地时应填写“质检员工程互检情况汇报表”;工程部经理、企业管理人员检查工地时应填写“工程质量巡检情况汇报表”。 第十六步、隐蔽工程及闭水试验 隐蔽工程包括水暖、电气、通风等系统。 由监理填写隐蔽工程验收记录单,隐蔽工程验收记录单须有客户及项目经理签字。 第十七步、工程前半期施工 质检员按公司施工工艺标准检验施工质量,对于材料及施工质量不符合公司规定的,必须要求施工队拆、换。对于铺设电气线路不包线管,拐弯处不用弯头,除要求施工队立即拆除外,还应对施工队予以重罚。 第十八步、设计师作中期预决算 工程过半,项目经理通知设计师作中期预决算,由项目经理提供实量参数,设计师填写中期预决算单,交财务部。财务部填写客户交款通知,由项目经理转交客户。中期预决算单须有设计师、项目经理、质检员及客户的签字。 第十九步、设计师去现场与客户交流 工程中,设计师应与客户保持联系。工程时间过半,设计师应到现场与客户沟通,了keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, 解客户是否有增减项要求,减项不能超过合同总价的5%,并检查施工队是否按图施工。 工程施工过程中如出现方案变更,必须由设计师出图,经设计师、项目经理、质检员、客户签字。 第二十步、项目经理通知客户交中期款 项目经理通知客户到公司财务部交中期款。 第二十一步、工程后半期施工 主要项目完工后,客户再提出拆、改要求时,客户同意按公司的报价全部承担拆、改费用,并预付拆、改费用预算的95%后,方能按客户的要求施工。 第二十二步、分阶段验收 由监理填写“分阶段验收单”,分阶段验收单须有客户及项目经理、质检员的签字。 第二十三步、质检员通知客服部,可以参观工地 工程过半后,质检员将可参观的工地通知客户服务主管。客户服务主管将工程部提供的工地严格审核后,通知连锁店设计主管。 第二十四步、电话访问客户及与客户沟通 工程中,客服员在各阶段验收后电话访问客户,并做记录,对客户提出的问题必须在24小时内予以解决或答复。 在施工现场,施工现场展示栏内有客户意见交流簿,客户可将对施工中的意见填写在上面,对客户提出的问题,质检员必须在24小时内予以解决或答复。 总经理、设计部经理、工程部经理应经常翻阅电话访问纪录及施工现场客户意见交流簿。 施工中,公司领导将邀请部分客户代表参加“客户交流会”。 第二十五步、工程增减项 工程中客户提出任何变动要求,请与设计师直接联系,每一项变更,均须由设计师填 keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, 写“工程变更单”。客户、设计师、项目经理、质检员须在工程变更单上签字。 为了充分保护客户利益,请客户不要与现场人员直接磋商。 第二十六步、竣工结算 项目经理应在竣工前,填写“竣工结算单”,验收时交于客户。竣工结算单须有客户、质检员、设计师及项目经理的签字。 第二十七步、客户交尾款 竣工验收合格,客户、项目经理、质检员在“竣工验收单”上签字。 客户须在自“竣工验收单”签字之日起,三日内,到公司财务部交尾款。 第二十八步、发给客户保修单 竣工验收,客户交齐尾款,由财务部填写工程保修单并将工程保修单交与客户。财务部经理请客户填写“客户评价表”。财务部将“客户评价表”转交客服部,由客服员作计算机录入。员工的主要收入取决于客户评价表。 第二十九步、保修期服务 保修期内,由客服务部安排设计师电话回访客户一次,质检员电话回访客户一次,项目经理上门回访客户一次。客服员每三个月电话回访客户一次。 保修期内,公司将邀请部分客户代表参加“客户交流会”。 keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing,
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