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坏账准备个别认定法坏账准备个别认定法 一、个别认定法计提坏账准备的方法 《企业会计制度》和《小企业会计制度》在坏账准备核算方面主要的区别在于,在使用备抵法核算的前提下,《企业会计制度》规定了估计坏账准备可以用三种方法,即赊销百分比法、应收账款余额百分比法和账龄分析法。而《小企业会计制度》则在这三个方法的基础上增加了“个别认定法”。个别认定法计提坏账准备是指在对应收账款计提坏账准备时,应针对应收账款总账所属的各个明细账户上的欠款客户逐一进行偿债能力和信用度调查,据以估计各个欠款客户的偿债概率(或者可收回的可能性),并以此为依据测算可能发生的坏...
坏账准备个别认定法 一、个别认定法计提坏账准备的 《企业会计》和《小企业会计制度》在坏账准备核算方面主要的区别在于,在使用备抵法核算的前提下,《企业会计制度》规定了估计坏账准备可以用三种方法,即赊销百分比法、应收账款余额百分比法和账龄法。而《小企业会计制度》则在这三个方法的基础上增加了“个别认定法”。个别认定法计提坏账准备是指在对应收账款计提坏账准备时,应针对应收账款总账所属的各个明细账户上的欠款客户逐一进行偿债能力和信用度调查,据以估计各个欠款客户的偿债概率(或者可收回的可能性),并以此为依据测算可能发生的坏账损失,进而确定本期期末应计提的坏账准备金额。个别认定法区别于应收账款百分比法和销货百分比法的主要特点在于两个方面,一是对坏账准备计提的依据不再是销货总额或赊销总额,而是客户的信用状况和偿还能力;二是计提坏账准备的比率不再是所有的欠款客户都用一个相同的比例,而是信用状况不同其适用的比率也不同。只要调查清楚了每个客户的信用状况和偿还能力,再据此确定每个客户的计提比率和欠款数额,就能核算坏账准备。 (一)企业信用评价指标一是机构设立信用,如资本金是否按时、足额到位;企业是否按照会计法、统计法、税法等法规规定进行会计、统计和纳税等相关的登记;是否定期进行工商年检等。二是整体管理素质信用,如企业领导人的个人信誉、主要管理人员和技术人员的素质和管理能力;企业守法经营的承诺等。三是经营管理信用,如是否严格履行商业(含按期偿还货款);有否被起诉或存在其他纠纷、是否按期提供各种资料(项目计划书、财务报表等)。四是财务及资金信用,即会计信息是否真实、准确、完整;财务制度是否健全;是否按期偿付租金,交纳各项费用;是否按期分红、派息;资产质量及企业自有资金比例。五是技术信用,即拥有的知识产权或技术是否符合国家知识产权法律;企业的创新能力和产品的创新程度。六是道德信用,即提交的各项资料是否真实;商业往来中是否蓄意欺诈等。 (二)企业信用等级与坏账准备的计提 在企业信用指标建立以后,就可根据信用指标对企业信用状况和偿还能力进行调查,根据调查结果综合评价企业信用等级,将企业信用等级line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk 以相应的百分数来表示,然后再用其期末应收账款总额与该信用百分数相乘,就可得出该期坏账准备计提数额。一般可以采用信用评定机构在评估其它有价证券时采用的三等九级制度,也可以根据需要设置更为简洁、实用的信用等级。 二、个别认定法计提坏账准备的优点 首先,个别认定法计提坏账准备的基数与坏账可能产生的范围一致,保证了因计提坏账准备而产生的相关费用能与其费用产生的期间和收入严格配比,克服了计提坏账准备传统方法的局限性。传统会计实务使用备抵法进行坏账处理时,以应收账款余额为基数,这种方法扩大了坏账的产生范围,因为现销不会产生坏账,只有赊销才有可能产生坏账。个别认定法克服了这一缺陷,以本期发生的赊销金额作为计提基数,强调收入与同期费用的严格配比,为如实反映企业财务信息打下了基础。 其次,个别认定法计提坏账准备的比率与坏账可能产生的概率更加接近,使计提的坏账准备数额与其后可能产生的坏账损失更为相符,这不仅避免了企业在总体上,或者在结构上“多提”和“少提”坏账准备,抑制了“坏账准备”变成企业一个变相的、合法而不合理的调节企业利润的工具,使企业的整体财务信息更趋真实;而且从单个欠款客户来说,计提坏账准备的比率也因各自的信用状况和偿还能力而不相同,这从根本上避免了不同信用状况和偿还能力的客户使用相同的计提比率,其风险与收益也不配比的缺陷,使应收账款的回收和管理更具针对性,其风险识别也有了更为直接的依据。传统的会计实务在计提坏账准备时,笼统地使用一个或几个计提比例,而没有考虑企业信用这一主要因素。账龄分析法虽然考虑拖欠时间这一因素,但未对客户的经营状况、以及欠款还款情况等予以分析,也存在着一定的片面性。 最后,个别认定法计提坏账准备的方法改变了传统会计实务被动地核算应收账款的管理方法和被动索要应收账款的信用政策,变被动管理为主动管理,变消极索账为积极应对的信用政策,通过欠款客户的个别信用状况调查和偿还能力分析,主动与客户进行沟通和协调,line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk 从而在不影响销售额,甚至在扩大销售和市场份额的前提下,采取更为积极的措施加强应收账款的回收,防止坏账的发生,为客户提出信用方面的建议和警示,帮助客户偿还其债务。这是一种全新管理方法和核算形式,不仅能减少坏账发生的概率,更能促使债权债务双方达成双赢的局面。 三、个别认定法计提坏账准备的现实性 一是运用个别认定法计提坏账准备,要求按应收账款明细账上的客户逐一进行偿债能力和信用状况调查,然后确定各欠款客户应计提的坏账准备,增加了会计人员的工作量,同时也增加了企业会计核算的成本。由此给企业采用个别认定法核算坏账准备设置了障碍。而小企业由于其经营规模小,销售业务少,发生的应收账款也较少,相应应收账款的明细账户即欠款客户数量也少,这克服了个别认定法核算成本大的缺陷,为小企业使用个别认定法核算坏账准备提供了前提。而大中型企业由于业务量大,销售繁杂,客户众多,从而使其应用个别认定法进行核算不具有优势。因此,小企业运用个别认定法进行坏账准备的核算具有其现 实可行性。 二是小企业运用个别认定法计提坏账准备具有制度上的保障和政策上的支持。《企业会计制度》强调只能用备抵法核算坏账的同时,对坏账政策作了较为明确的规定,没有规定可以运用个别认定法。在这种情况下如果企业鉴于个别认定法的优越性而采用了个别认定法,可能面临着政策上的风险和制度上的障碍。而小企业则不同,在《小企业会计制度》中对坏账政策未作明确的规定,并且给出的估计坏账方法中包括“个别认定法”,这为小企业运用个别认定法核算坏账准备提供了制度上的保障和前提。 三是由于《小企业会计制度》自2005年始实行,使小企业运用个别认定法核算坏账准备具有了经济上的合理性,不存在因新旧核算方法上的转换而发生的调整、结转等账务事项,会计人员也不会因为在核算方法上存在所谓的“路径依赖”而产生对个别认定法的抵触,企line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk 业也不会因此在核算方法上多支付“转换成本”。这些都为小企业使用个别认定法核算坏账准备提供了支持。 四、个别认定法需要完善的外部环境 一方面要建立企业信用调查的网络技术平台。在传统会计实务中,对客户的信用评价仅是由企业内部建立客户档案决定的。由于人员的工作效率及搜集相应信息的渠道有限,要完成对客户的全方位信用调查几乎不可能。网络时代的到来为客户信用的信息量收集提供了前提,可以利用互联网的先进技术搭建一个全国性或地区性的企业信用网络平台,公布全国或地区性企业的信用状况,供该企业的利益相关者对其信用状况的查询、登记、公布及投诉,大大减少了单个企业进行信用调查的成本,也扩大了社会对企业信用状况信息需求的来源渠道,提高了企业的信用意识,有利于克服由于信息不对称而对企业的信用状况在防范和监督上的疏漏。企业信用网具有以下特点:一是登记的强制性。企业建立之初在进行工商登记、税务登记的同时还要到该网址进行信用状况登记,否则不得开业经营,从而解决企业信息资料的完整性问。二是企业信用信息采集的权威性,包括信息采集机关和发布机关的权威性。工商机关主要采集企业工商注册登记及资本到位、经营管理者信息、重合同守信用信息和不良经营的记录等信息。税务部门采集企业税务登记情况、纳税情况和处罚情况的信息。银行采集企业贷款及还款、抵押及担保等融资方面的信用状况及其不良记录等。海关采集企业外贸进出口记录及违规处罚等不良信用记录。技监采集企业产品生产许可证、安全认证情况以及产品质量情况。打假办采集企业产品质量检验情况、生产假冒伪劣被处罚记录等情况。三是企业信用网强大的信息检索功能。信息使用者可以就以下一项或若干项进行检索,如企业名称、地址、法定代表人、工商注册号、国税登记号、地税登记号、经营范围、海关注册号、注册资本及各信用信息渠道提供的信息。 另一方面,应建立和完善企业信用等级评定及管理机构。虽然企业信用网站可以建立信用评估模块,自动按照预先编制的程序对注册企业定期完成信用等级的评定,但企业信用网站的统一管理和协调可对相关资料进行核实和查证,以防一些不实或者假的信息对企业信用line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk 信息造成不良影响。另外,统一的管理和协调机构还可在各个企业信用信息的采集部门中间起沟通、联络和协调等作用。所以建立完善企业信用等级评定及管理机构非常必要。 当企业信用网建立起来以后,企业既可以在赊销前到该网站进行潜在客户的信用检索,以便制定相应的信用政策;也可以利用网上信用评估系统,根据最近时期客户所归属的信用等级,确定坏账计提的比例。还可以突破地域限制,实现与消费者、管理者和其他市场参与者的信息共享、交换与收集。 line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk PfYJJir22M60 line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risk
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