

2017-09-21 14页 doc 37KB 19阅读




联想手机保修政策联想手机保修政策 (国家质量技术监督检验检疫总局、国家工商行政管理总局、信息产业部2001年9月17日公布,自2001年11月15日起施行) 第一为了切实保护消费者的合法权益,明确移动电话机商品销售者、修理者和生产者的条 修理、更换、退货(以下称“三包”)责任和义务,根据《中华人民共和国产品质 量法》、《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》、《中华人民共和国电信条例》制 定本规定。 第二本规定适用于在中华人民共和国境内销售的由无线接入的移动电话机商品(包括手条 持式移动电话机、车载移动电话机、固定台站电话机及其附件,见本规定...
联想手机保修政策 (国家质量技术监督检验检疫总局、国家工商行政管理总局、信息产业部2001年9月17日公布,自2001年11月15日起施行) 第一为了切实保护消费者的合法权益,明确移动电话机商品销售者、修理者和生产者的条 修理、更换、退货(以下称“三包”)责任和义务,根据《中华人民共和国产品质 量法》、《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》、《中华人民共和国电信条例》制 定本规定。 第二本规定适用于在中华人民共和国境内销售的由无线接入的移动电话机商品(包括手条 持式移动电话机、车载移动电话机、固定台站电话机及其附件,见本规定 附录1 《实施三包的移动电话机商品目录》) 第三移动电话机商品实行谁销售谁负责三包的原则。销售者与生产者或供货者、销售者条 与修理者、生产者或供货者与修理者之间订立的,不得免除本规定的三包责任 和义务。 第四本规定是实行移动电话机商品三包的最基本要求。国家鼓励销售者、生产者作出更条 有利于维护消费者合法权益的、严于本规定的三包承诺。承诺作为明示担保,应当 依法履行,否则应当依法承担责任。 第五销售者应当承挺以下责任和义务: 条 (一)销售移动电话机商品,应当严格执行本规定; (二)应当执行进货检查验收; (三)应当采取措施,保持销售的移动电话机商品的质量; (四)销售时,应当符合以下要求: , 1. 开箱检验,正确调试,当面向消费者交验移动电话机商品; , 2. 核对移动电话机主机机身号(IMEI串号)和进网标志、附件的出厂序号 (批号)、产品商标和型号; , 3. 介绍产品的基本性能,使用、维护和保养方法,以及三包方式和修理者; , 4. 开箱检验,正确调试,当面向消费者交验移动电话机商品; , 5. 提供三包凭证、有效发货票,三包凭证应当准确完整地填写(见 附录2 《移动电话机商品三包凭证》)并加盖销售者印章,有效发货票应当注明主 机机身号(IMEI串号)、附件的出厂序号(批号)、产品商标及型号、销售 日期、销售者印章、金额等内容; (五)不得销售不符合法定标识要求、不符合说明书等明示的性能及功能,或者产 品质量不合格的移动电话机商品;不得销售未标注生产日期的电池; (六)在三包有效期内,移动电话机商品出现故障,销售者应当根据本规定承担三 包责任,不得故意拖延或无理拒绝; (七)妥善处理消费者的查询、投诉,并提供服务。 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 第六销售者应当承挺以下责任和义务: 条 (一)修理者应当具有行业主管部门委托的维修资质审批机构颁发的证书,维修人 员应当经培训考核,持证上岗; (二)承担三包有效期内的免费修理业务和三包有效期外的收费修理业务; (三)维护销售者、生产者的信誉,应使用与产品技术要求和质量要求相符的 新的 零配件;认真记录修理前故障情况、故障处理情况和修理后的质量状况; (四)按有关修理或者的约定,保证修理费用和修理配件全部用于修 理;接受销售者或者生产者的监督和检查; (五)保持常用维修配件的储备量,确保维修工作正常进行,避免因零配件缺少而 延误维修时间; (六)向消费者当面交验修理好的移动电话机商品并如实完整地在三包凭证上填写 修理者名称、地址、邮政编码、电话及维修记录; (七)承担因自身修理过错造成的责任和损失; (八)妥善处理消费者投诉,接受消费者有关商品修理质量的查询。 第七生产者(进口者视同生产者)应当承担以下责任和义务: 条 (一)具有信息产业部颁发的电信设备进网许可证书;移动电话机主机机身贴有进 网许可标志,并随机携带该机型的产品使用说明书、合格证和三包凭证;产品说明 书应当按固家标准GB5296(1《消费品使用说明总则》规定要求编写,应当明确产 品的功能特点、适用范围、使用、维护与保养方法、注意和警示事项、常规 故障 判断等;三包凭证应当符合本规定 附录2《移动电话机商品三包凭证》的要求; (二)保证移动电话机商品符合法定标识要求、符合产品说明书等明示的性能及功 能,保证产品质量合格;应当明示待机时间,在电池显著位置清晰地标注生产日期; (三)应当自行设置或者指定与销售规模相适应的具有维修资质证书的修理者负责 三包有效期内的修理,并提供修理者的名称、地址、邮政编码、联系电话等;修理 者名称和地址撤销或者变更的(应当及时公告; (四)按照有关修理代理合同或者协议的约定,提供三包有效期内发生的维修费用; 维修费用在产品流通的各个环节不得截留,应当最终全部支付给修理者; (五)按照有关修理代理合同或者协议的约定,提供足够的合格零配件;保证能够 在产品停产后二年内,继续提供符合技术要求的零配件; (六)按照有关修理代理合同或者协议的约定,提供必需的维修技术软件、技术资 料、技术培训等技术支持; (七)妥善处理消费者的投诉、查询,并提供咨询服务。 第八移动电话机主机三包有效期为一年,附件的三包有效期见附录1《实施三包的移动条 电话机商品目录》。三包有效期自开具发货票之日起计算,扣除因修理占用、无零 配件待修延误的时间。三包有效期的最后一天为法定休假日的,以休假日的次日为 三包有效期的最后一天。 第九在三包有效期内,消费者依照本规定享受修理、更换、退货的权利,修理、换货、条 退货应当凭发货票和三包凭证办理。 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 消费者丢失发货票和三包凭证,但能够提供发货票底联或者发货票(底联)复印件 等有效证据,证明该移动电话机商品在三包有效期内的,销售者、修理者、生产者 应当依照本规定承担免费修理、更换责任。 消费者丢失发货票和三包凭证,且不能提供发货票底联或者发货票(底联)复印件 等有效证据,但依照主机机身号(IMEI串号)显示的出厂日期推算仍在三包有效期 内的,应当以出厂日期后的第90日为三包有效期的起始日期,销售者、修理者、 生产者应当按照本规定负责免费修理。 第十在三包有效期内,移动电话机主机出现质量问题的,由修理者免费修理。修理者应条 当保证修理后的移动电话机商品能够正常使用30日以上。 第十自售出之日起7日内。移动电话机主机出现附录3《移动电话机商品性能故障表》一条 所列性能故障的,消费者可以选择退货、换货或者修理。消费者要求换货时,销 售 者应当免费为消费者更换同型号同规格的移动电话机。消费者要求退货时,销 售者应当负责免费为消费者退货,并按发货票价格一次退清货款。 第十自售出之日起第8日至第15日内,移动电话机主机出现附录3《移动电话机商品二条 性能故障表》所列性能故障的,消费者可以选择换货或者修理。消费者要求换货 时,销售者应当免费为消费者更换同型号同规格的移动电话机主机。 第十在三包有效期内,移动电话机主机出现附录3《移动电话机商品性能故障表》所三条 列性能故障,经两次修理,仍不能正常使用的,凭三包凭证中修理者提供的修理 记录,由销售者负责为消费者免费更换同型号同规格的移动电话机主机。 第十在三包有效期内电池、充电器、移动终端卡、外接有线耳机、数据接口卡等移动四条 电话机附件出现本规定 附录3《移动电话机商品性能故障表》所列性能故障的, 销售者应当为消费者免费更换同品牌同型号同规格的附件。更换两次仍不能正常 使用的,销售者应当负责免费为消费者退货,单独销售的,按发货票价格一次退 还货款;与主机一起销售的,按退货当时单独销售的价格一次退还货款。 第十送修的移动电话机主机在7日内不能修好的,修理者应当免费给消费者提供备用五条 机,待原机修好后收回备用机。 第十因生产者未按合同或者协议提供零配件,使维修者延误了维修时间,并自送修之六条 日起超过60日未修好的,凭发货票和三包凭证中修理者提供的修理记录,由销售 者负责免费为消费者更换同型号同规格的移动电话机主机。 第十因修理者自身原因,使修理时间超过30日未修好的,凭发货票和三包凭证中修理七条 者提供的修理记录由销售者负责免费为消费者更换同型号同规格的移动电话机主 机。 第十符合换货条件,但销售者无同型号同规格商品,消费者不愿意调换其他型号规格八条 的商品而要求退货的,销售者应当负责免费为消费者退货,并按发货票的价格一 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 次退清货款。 第十符合换货条件,并且销售者有同型号同规格移动电话机商品,消费者不愿意调换九条 而要求退货的,销售者应当予以退货,但对于使用过的商品应当按本规定 附录1 《实施三包的移 动电话机商品目录》规定的折旧率收取折旧费。 折旧费的计算日期自开具发货票之日起至退货之日止,其中应当扣除修理占用和 待修时间。 第二换货时,应当提供新的商品。 十条 第二十换货后,商品三包有效期自换货之日起重新计算。由销售者再发货票背面加盖一条 印章,注明更换日期,并提供新的三包凭证。 第二十销售者按本规定为消费者退货、换货后,属于生产者、供货者责任的,依法 向二条 负有责任的生产者、供货者追偿,或者按购销合同办理;属于修理者责任的, 依法向修理者追偿,或者按代理修理合同或者协议办理。生产者、供货者按照 上述规 定赔偿后,属于修理者责任的,依法向修理者追偿,或者按代理修理合 同或者协议办理。 第二十对于在经营活动中赠送的移动电话机商品,应当按照本规定承担三包责任。 三条 第二十属下列情况之一的移动电话机商品,不实行三包,但可以实行合理的收费修理: 四条 (一)超过三包有效期的; (二)无三包凭证及有效发货票的,但能够证明该移动电话机商品在三包有效 期内的除外; (三)三包凭证上的内容与商品实物标识不符或者涂改的; (四)未按产品使用说明书要求使用、维护、保养而造成损坏的; (五)非承担三包的修理者拆动造成损坏的; (六)因不可抗力造成损坏的。 第二十生产者、销售者、修理者破产、倒闭、兼并、分立的,其三包责任按国家有关五条 法律法规执行。 第二十消费者因商品三包问题与销售者、修理者、生产者发生纠纷时,可以向消费者六条 协会、信息产业部门移动电话机(电话机)产品质量投诉中心、质量管理协会 用户委员会和其他 有关组织申请调解,有关组织应当积极受理。 第二十销售者、修理者、生产者未按本规定承担三包责任的,消费者可以的产品质量七条 监督部门申诉机构或者工商行政管理部门消费者申诉举报中心申诉,由产品质 量监督部门或者工商行政管理部门责令其改正。 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 销售者、修理者、生产者对消费者提出的修理、更换、退货的要求故意拖延或 者无理拒绝的,由工商行政管理部门、产品质量监督部门、信息产业部门依据 有关法律法规的规定予以处罚,并向社会公布。 第二十销售者、修理者、生产者未按本规定承担三包责任的,消费者也可以依照《仲八条 裁法》的规定与销售者、修理者或生产者达成仲裁协议,向国家设立的仲裁机 构申请裁决;还可以直接向人民法院起诉。 第二十需要进行商品质量检验或者鉴定的,可以委托依法考核合格和授权的产品质量九条 检验机构或者省级以上产品质量监督部门进行产品质量检验或者鉴定。 第三本规定由国家质量监督检验检疫总局、国家工商行政管理总局和信息产业部按职十条 责分工负责解释。 第三十本规定从2001年11月15日起实行。 一条 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ...
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