

2017-10-10 50页 doc 227KB 34阅读




高等教育自学考试商务英语专业——国际商务合同自学考试大纲高等教育自学考试商务英语专业——国际商务合同自学考试大纲 黑龙江大学外语教学研究部 1、本课程的性质 2、本课程设置的目的和总体教学要求 3、学时安排 1、考纲与教材关系 2、考核目标 3、命题原则 4、学习要求 5、自学教材 6、自学方法 7、社会助学 第一章 国际商务合同的作用 第二章 影响国际商务合同的因素 第三章 交易当事人(第一部分) 第四章 起草国际货物销售合同 第五章 贸易条款和国际贸易术语解释通则 第六章 国际买卖合同中的主要问题 第七章 交易当事人(第二部分) 第八章 起...
高等教育自学考试商务英语专业——国际商务自学考试大纲 黑龙江大学外语教学研究部 1、本课程的性质 2、本课程设置的目的和总体教学要求 3、学时安排 1、考纲与教材关系 2、考核目标 3、命题原则 4、学习要求 5、自学教材 6、自学方法 7、社会助学 第一章 国际商务合同的作用 第二章 影响国际商务合同的因素 第三章 交易当事人(第一部分) 第四章 起草国际货物销售合同 第五章 贸易条款和国际贸易术语解释通则 第六章 国际中的主要问题 第七章 交易当事人(第二部分) 第八章 起草明确的合同条款 第九章 交易当事人(第三部分) 第十章 合同在不同地区的效力 第十一章 世界主要法系中的合同要义 第十二章 买货要约 第十三章 试销 第十四章 订货单 第十五章 有条件销售合同 第十六章 咨询服务合同 1 第十七章 销售代表合同 第十八章 特许 第十九章 分销合同 第二十章 委托销售合同 第二十一章 许可合同 第二十二章 术语列表 2 为了适应社会主义现代化建设事业对培养人才的需要,我国在20世 纪80年代初建立了高等教育自学考试制度,经过近20年的发展,高等教育自学考试已成为我国高等教育基本制度之一。高等教育自学考试是个人 自学,社会助学和国家考试相结合的一种新的高等教育形式,是我国高等 教育体系的一个组成部分。实行高等教育自学考试制度,是落实宪法规定 的“鼓励自学成材”的重要措施,是提高中华民族思想道德和科学文化素 质的需要,也是造就和提拔人才的一种途径。应考者通过规定的考试课程 并经思想品德鉴定达到毕业要求的,可以获得毕业证书,国家承认学历并 按照规定享有与普通高等学校毕业生同等的有关待遇。 从80年代初期开始,各省、自治区、直辖市先后成立了高等教育自 学考试委员会,开展了高等教育自学考试工作,为国家培养造就了大批专 门人才。为科学、合理地制定高等教育自学考试,提高教育质量,全 国高等教育自学考试指导委员会(以下简称全国考委)组织各方面专家对 高等教育自学考试专业设置进行了调整,统一了专业设置标准,全国考委 陆续制定了几十个专业考试计划。在此基础上,各专业委员会按照专业考 试计划的要求,从造就和选拔人才的需要出发,编写了相应专业的课程自 学考试大纲,进一步规定了课程学习和考试的内容与范围,有利于社会助 学,使自学要求明确,考试标准规范化、具体化。 黑龙江省考委根据国务院发布的《高等教育自学考试暂行条例》,参 照教育部拟定的普通高等学校有关课程的教学大纲,结合自学考试的特点, 组织制定了《国际商务合同自学考试大纲》。 《国际商务合同自学考试大纲》是该课程编写教材和自学辅导书的依 据,也是个人自学,社会助学和国家考试(课程命题)的依据,希望各位 应考者及授课教师应认真贯彻执行。 黑龙江大学外语教学研究部 二零零三年十一 3 中国加入WTO 意味着中国将进一步与世界各国的政治、经济、文化各个方面的交流与合作力度的加大。然而,中国经济的发展在许多领域里 都面临着人才匮乏的局面,特别是能够适应国际竞争需要的国际管理人才, 因此,培养并造就一批优秀的国际化人才,是我们在新一轮国际竞争中赢 得主动的关键。 黑龙江大学外语部正是根据人才市场的这一需求,凭借多年开办应用 英语专业的经验以及雄厚的应用英语师资力量,特开办了商务英语专业(独 立本科段)。一方面为国家解决国际性商务人才缺乏尽一份微薄之力;另一 方面,也为有志于在国际商务方面有更深要求的人士,提供了一个深造的 机会。为此,我们经过课程的精心论证、挑选了有丰富教学和实践经验的 教师,认真的选择了有针对性的教材来满足学员的要求 根据《国际商务合同》的课程要求,我们编写了本书的考试大纲。本 考试大纲依据高等自学考试商务英语(独立本科段)专业的考试计划的要 求编写而成,注重考核应考者使用英语起草和翻译国际商务合同等法律性 文件的能力以及对国际贸易主要业务环节的操作规程和国际惯例的了解程 度。本考试大纲目的在于使应考者在熟悉国际商务合同的起草,实施等业 务的同时掌握与此专业有关的恰当的英文表达,进而提高其从事国际交流 与合作的实际效果。 针对以上要求,本考试大纲进一步规定了课程学习和考试的内容与 范围,有利于社会助学,使自学要求明确,考试标准规范化、具体化。 本考试大纲的目的在于使学生在学习的过程中,能够思路清晰、重点 突出、一目了然。知道哪些知识应该必须掌握;哪些知识应该理解;哪些 知识应该作为一般性的了解;同时也有利于学习者学以致用,并能够帮助 学员最大限度的发挥自己的潜能达到学习的目的,顺利的通过考试,用所 学到的知识解决实际工作中的问题。能够达到这样一个目的,是我们开办 商务英语(独立本科段)的办学目的,也是广大学员所衷心希望的。 4 国际商务合同是高等自学考试商务英语专业独立本科段的必考的基础 课程。国际商务合同作为国际贸易活动的基本要素,其重要作用日益突出。 国际商务合同的起草,翻译和实施涉及经济学,社会学,民俗学,谈判技 巧和法律等诸多社会科学和人文科学的范围。国际商务合同一书旨在提供 当代国际商务合同的起草,翻译和实施的一些基本原则以及一些应当引起 注意的地方。通过本课程的学习,应考者应达到普通高等学校商务英语专 业基础阶段的水平。 本课程设置的目的在于使自学者深入了解国际商业交易中的商业协 议,培养和造就一批适应与现代经济活动特点的具有较高素质的商务人员。 本课程是专业核心课,注重从理论上和实践细节上对自学者进行指导,通 过该门课程的学习,使学生掌握起草和翻译国际商务合同的基本的原则和 基本的方法以及在实际操作中应注意到的特殊之处,然后针对具体案例运 用这些原则和方法去分析问题,解决问题,做到理论与实践相结合,提高 其作为商务人员的素质。 国际商务合同为4学分的核心课程,其授课进程为18周, 每周4学时。 本考试大纲本着科学性、指导性、可行性和可检查性的原则,所作的 各项规定是商务英语专业核心课程“国际商务合同”编写教材、个人自学、 国家考试命题,社会助学和检查学习质量的依据。“国际商务合同”教材的 总体要求和总体水平以及教材的选材、习题设计等方面与大纲中规定的课 5 程性质、任务、内容、考核目标等方面的内容相一致。 为了使本课程的自学考试达到标准化、规范化的要求,本大纲在规定 各章自学考试内容提要的基础上,对各章规定了考核目标,包括考核知识 点和考核要求,明确考核目标、可使应考者进一步了解考试内容和要求, 知道怎么学和怎么考,更有目的有计划地学习教材;可使社会助学单位知 道应该如何组织教学,根据应考者的实际情况进行辅导,使之达到既定的 要求;可使命题单位正确把握试题的广度、深度和难易程度。 考核知识点是指考核知识范围的广度,明确考生最低限度应该掌握的 知识内容。 考核要求是指需要应考者掌握知识的深度和应用知识的能力。本大纲 中的考核要求按照“识记”、“领会”、“应用”三个应达到的能力层次来规 定。三个能力层次是递进的等级关系,各个能力层次的含义如下: 识记:能认知有关的概念、原则、方法的含义,并能表述和判断其是 与非。这是最低层次的要求。 领会:在识记的基础上,能全面把握有关的基本概念、基本原则、基 本方法、并能表述其基本内容和基本道理,分析相关问题的区别和联系。 这是较高层次的要求。 应用:在领会的基础上,能运用基本概念、基本原则、基本方法等去 分析有关的理论问题,处理某些实际问题,进行分析。这是最高层次的要 求。 (1)本课程考试的命题,应根据本大纲所规定的考试内容提要和考 试目标,确定考试范围和考核标准,不要扩大或缩小考试范围,也不要提 高或降低考核标准。考试内容要覆盖到各个章节,并适当突出课程的重点 内容,难易程度要适中。 (2)试题要合理安排题目的考察能力层次结构。每份考卷中各种能 力层次题目所占的分数比例一般为:识记占20%,领会占30%,应用占50%。 (3)试题要合理安排难度结构。试题难易程度可分为易、较易、较 难、难四个等级。每份试卷中,不同难易程度试题的分数比例一般为:易 占20%;较易占40%;较难30%;难占10%。 试验难度和能力层次不是一个概念,在各能力层次中都会有不同难 度的问题,切勿将二者混淆。在每一个能力层次的题目中,都会难易程度 不同的问题。 (4)本课程考试要合理安排试卷的题型结构。本课程的试题题型包 6 括名词解释,翻译合同条款,合同起草题,每次考试应设有数套考题,供 考生抽签之用。 (5)评分要求采用百分制,60分为及格。考试为一次性通过。 在每章的“学习目的和要求”中,对不同的问题的学习要求,选用几 种不同含义的词汇加以表述,以体现学习应达到的深浅程度。 识记:是指要求应考者对本课程的基本知识和相关知识应有所知晓。 理解:是指要求应考者对课程的基本概念和基本原则,要在了解的基 础上,知道“是什么”并从道理上懂得“为什么”。 应用:是指要求应考者对本课程的重要概念和重要原理,要在一般理 解的基础上,能融会贯通地分析其基本特征和全部内涵,论述其他概念、 原理的相关性。能综合运用所学的基本方法和基本技能,根据所给定的特 殊条件,灵活自如地处理专业问题。 上述要求很难截然区分,这里只是做一概要的界定。 (1)指定教材 《国际商务简明教程系列—国际商务合同》 Karla C. Shippey, 上海外语教育出版社 2001年 (2)专业自学参考书 《Contracts》 Steven L. Emanuel, 中心出版社 2003年 《国际商务合同起草与翻译》 胡庚深 王春晖 申云桢 外文出版社 2001年 根据本课程的目的要求,应考者在学习中应该着重掌握以下几个环 节: (1)认真阅读教材。阅读教材是基本的教学环节。只有把教材仔细消 化了,其他学习环节才能搞好。如果不把教材真正弄懂弄通,就忙于阅读 其他教学资料或做复习题,必然事倍功半。阅读教材前,应先看自学大钢 中的学习目的和要求及内容提要,理解每一章节的要点,然后系统地读书。 读书时,首先要掌握每一章的梗概,弄清每一章的重点内容;其次在全面 理解每章内容的基础上,要把本章与以前各章内容联系起来加以思考。 (2)作好读书笔记。写读书笔记是巩固所学知识的一个重要方法, 这对于自学尤为重要。阅读教材是理解课程内容的基础,但看了书并不一 定就能弄懂弄通,更不一定就能学得扎实。要切实掌握课程内容,必须将 7 读书与思考结合起来,手脑并用,通过笔记用自己的英语表述出来,变成 自己的东西。 写笔记的方法可以多种多样,如写内容提要、名词解释、问题解答、 学习心得等等。 (3)参阅有关资料。《国际商务合同》一书中包含大量的概念、基本 术语及专业知识等内容。应考者如觉得书上解释不够详细,还可适当查阅 一些参考书,如百科全书等。 (4)认真完成作业。《Contracts》每章都设有复习题,应考者应在认真读书的基础上做好这一练习,以便复习巩固所学知识。在完成作业过程 中要注意三个问题:看清题意,按复习题中提出的要求进行;仔细做题, 要认真细致地对待作业中的语言,努力做到用词恰当,语法正确;尽是用 自己的语言来回答问题。书上的复习题是为应考者掌握各章的重点提供线 索的,不是考试题。考试题中会有各种变化。 (5)注意联系与对比。了解主要英语国家的民族组成,文化传统, 法律体系。掌握这些国家的基本情况,进一步加深对这些国家的了解。 社会助学是高等教育自学考试的必要条件,要切实抓好。社会助学单 位和辅导教师应注意如下几项要求: (1)要把握社会助学的正确导向。社会助学单位和辅导教师应根据 自学考试大纲规定的考试内容和考核目标,认真研究指定教材,明确本课 程的特点、学习范围和学习要求,对自学者进行切合需要的辅导,并从学 习方法上给以指导。特别要注意引导他们全面系统地掌握课程内容,不搞 猜题押题,防止把“助学”变成“助考”。 (2)要正确处理专业知识和实际运用英语能力的关系。要自学者一 方面要求了解和掌握这些国家的地理、历史、经济、政治等方面的基础知 识,另一方面则通过听讲、阅读、讨论、做作业等方式,扩大词汇量,复 习巩固综合英语课中所学到的知识和技能,进一步提高实际运用英语的能 力。 (3)要正确处理一般和重点的关系。课程内容有一般和重点之分, 但两者是密切联系,不可分离的,不掌握全面就不可能深入重点,而且考 试的内容要覆盖全部课程的。因此,社会助学单位和辅导教师都应指导自 学者全面系统地学习教材,掌握全部考试内容和考核知识点,在此基础上 再对重点问题深入研究。要此导自学者把全面理解和重点深入探讨结合起 来,切忌孤立地只抓重点。 (4)要正确处理基础知识和应用能力的关系。社会助学单位和辅导 8 教师既要重视基础理论知识,又要重视语言应用能力的培养;要在全面辅 导的基础上,着重培养应考生分析问题和解决问题的能力,引导学员将简 单应用综合应用联系起来,把学到的有关基础理论知识和技艺转化成应用 的能力。 9 一. 学习的目的和要求 通过本章的学习,使学生掌握国际商务合同的定义及其构成的基本要 素;理解合同,特别是国际商务合同的重要作用;在了解国际商务合同的 形式基础上理解书面合同在实际应用中的重要作用;掌握国际商务合同的 几个基本特点,着重注意文化差异对合同的起草和实施带来的冲击力以及 应对这一情况时应注意的细节问题;初步了解解决国际商务合同争端时的 法律适应问题。 二. 学习要点 第一节 合同的定义及形式 , 合同的定义 , 合同的形式 第二节 权力平衡 , 起草合同的一方 , 熟悉书面合同的一方 , (不公正的)合同的实施 第三节 跨国界的权利和义务 , 权利和义务在国际商务实践与国内商务实践中的不同 , 国际法的管辖范围 , 权利与义务的精确性和可预见性 第四节 跨文化期待 , 了解双方文化的差异,以便在起草合同时尊重对方的文化,同时体现 己方的要求 10 , 了解对方的国际商务历史及经验,以取得相互谅解 , 相互了解对方的权利与义务 第五节 个人承诺 , 获得交易对方承诺的标志——文化差异的重要性 第六节 制约合同的法律法规 , 交易任一方的国内法规和商务实践不是其国际商务运作的唯一指导, 外国法以及国际法都应在考虑范围之内 第七节 合同的执行 第八节 救济的选择 , 在争端产生之前决定解决的机制 第九节 商务合同的基本条款 , 对商品质量,数量,类型的描述 , 运输时间 , 价格 , 付款与交货条款 三. 考核知识点 1. 合同的定义,形式及书面合同在实际应用中的重要性 2. 合同的基本条款 四 考核要求 识记:合同的概念 应用:国际商务合同的基本条款 一 学习目的和要求 11 通过本章的学习使学生从宏观了解影响国际商务合同的因素,对文化、 政治、法律等方面的因素对国际商务的影响有一个基本的认识,为以后的 学习打基础。 二 学习要点 第一节 文化因素 , 对外贸易的成功依赖于对对方文化的了解与尊重 , 对文化的了解与尊重应细化到个人,而不是国家 , 文化的影响贯穿于贸易始终 第二节 全球化与一致化的趋势 , CISG 第三节 政治的作用 , 政局的稳定与否影响对外贸易 , 国家的政策影响对外贸易 第四节 法律的作用 , 了解双方的法规是必要的 , 法律法规是不断变化的 第五节 网络的影响 三 考核知识点 1. 影响国际商务合同的因素 2. CISG 的例外条款 四 考核要求 识记:影响国际商务合同的因素 12 领会: CISG 例外条款 一. 学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习使学生了解合同中买卖双方的根本目的,理解买卖双 方的隐性成本,掌握买方为确保商品质量所应采取的一些基本措施以及卖 方提高产品竞争力的根本途径,在此基础上充分认识并理解律师对买卖双 方的重要性以及选择律师的基本原则和标准 二. 学习要点 第一节 买方: , 买方即消费者 , 买方可以被视为消费链的中间部分:买方可以将购得的货物或服务转 卖给下一级的买方 , 买方也可能成为该货物或服务的最终消费者 , 买方的目标 , 买方的根本目标是通过付出最少的成本获取最高质量和最多数量的产 品或服务 , 达到这一目标的前提是弄清目标市场的供求情况: , 供>求 买方在谈判中处于优势,易于达到目标 , 供=求 买卖双方处于均势,买方不是很容易达到目标或者需要降低目 标 , 供<求 买方在谈判中处于劣势,很难达到目标,处于被动局面 , 买方的安全措施 , 买方应设法确保卖方货物或服务的质量是否与承诺相符,值得信赖 , 检查样品 , 调查卖方的背景 , 参观检查卖方的办公地或产品生产设备 , 签订低风险的合同以检验对方的能力 , 买方的隐性成本 , 国际运输成本 , 结关成本 13 , 保险成本 , 其他商务工作被中断带来的成本:安置到岸货物需要做的工作如训练 员工,安装,测试等等都会给买方带来隐性的成本 , 交际成本:包括为卖方提供的住宿,饮食,交通等的成本 , 第三方带来的成本:买卖双方不可控的一些因素,如国际或国家性的 政治事件突然爆发,结关出现问题,国内法规的影响等等都会影响卖方的 运作,从而增加买方的成本 , 销路损失与生产延误:到岸货或购买的服务质量有问题,延误等等会 使买方丧失销路或生产延误 , 临时设施:为了等待延误的货物,买方不得不延长存储设施的租用时 间 , 货物商品的替换:为了减少迟到货物带来的进一步的损失,有时买方 不得不使用替代产品,成本也相应提高 第二节 卖方 , 卖方的定义 , 卖方的目标:在将产品的生产与分销的成本压到最低的同时获取最大 限度的利润。 , 卖方对产品或服务的升级:提高产品质量与独特性,承担买方部分的 隐性成本(如运输成本,结关成本),提供优质客户服务等 , 卖方的隐性成本 , 产品的适应性:产品有时被要求进行一定程度的修改以适应进口国的 法律政策,文化背景 , 国际运输成本(见买方隐性成本) , 结关成本 (见买方隐性成本) , 保险成本 (见买方隐性成本) , 第三方带来的成本 (见买方隐性成本) , 临时设施 (见买方隐性成本) , 减轻和弥补过失的花费:此种成本包括合同失败,卖方要另寻买主以 及对货物重新进行修改以适应新买主要求的费用;货物运回的费用。 第三节 买方的律师 , 买方咨询律师的原因 , 律师可以提供的法律帮助 , 向律师咨询的时机 14 , 选择律师的标准 , 通常情况下律师不提供的意见 第四节 卖方的律师 , 买方咨询律师的原因 , 律师可以提供的法律帮助 , 向律师咨询的时机 , 选择律师的标准 , 通常情况下律师不提供的意见 三. 考核知识点 1. 买卖双方的隐性成本 2. 寻找律师的标准 3. 向律师咨询的时间 4. 那些问题在律师责任范围之外 四. 考核要求 识记:买卖双方的本质及根本目的 领会:买卖双方的隐性成本,买方为确保商品质量所应采取的一些基本措 施以及卖方提高产品竞争力的根本途径 应用:何时向律师咨询,问哪些问题;律师通常不负责提供的意 见 一. 学习目的和要求 使学生了解起草国际货物销售合同时特定条款的订立和解释。掌握合同双 方应对四个基本条款,它们是:货物(数量,种类和质量);运输时间;价 格;支付时间以及支付方式。在此基础之上理解其他的特定条款并能对这 些特定的条款进行解释。 二. 学习要点 15 第一节 起草合同的条款包括: , 合同日期 , 明确合同当事人 , 货物 – 描述 数量 价格 , 支付条件 , 成本和费用的承担者 , 包装要求 , 商品运输的时间,方式,承运人 , 保险条款 , 商品所有权条款 , 进口/出口 文件准备条款 , 发票条款 , 再出口禁止条款 , 商检条款 , 担保条款 , 补偿条款 , 知识产权和工业产权条款 , 及时履行条款 , 前提条款 , 撤销条款 , 不可抗力条款 , 违约损害条款 , 仲裁条款 , 法律选择条款 , 合同变更条款 , 转让条款 , 生效与转让条款 , 合同终止条款 , 对合同的整合理解 , 关于互相通知的条款 , 有权控制或管理合同双方的官方组织 , 独立咨询协商: 合同双方均确认已经就合同的法律,税收,账目等方面的问题与律师等专业人士进行过独立咨询。 , 关于官司成本与律师费 , 接受和履行条款 16 三. 考核知识点 货物(数量,种类和质量);运输时间;价格;支付时间以及支付方式 四. 考核要求 识记:国际货物销售合同时特定条款的订立和解释 应用:掌握合同双方应对四个基本条款,在此基础上尽快熟悉其他重要条 款 一 学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习,让学生了解国际贸易术语解释通则,并掌握在最后 签订合同时所签署的贸易条款。 二 学习要点 第一节 国际贸易术语解释通则1990 , 国际贸易术语解释通则的发展 , 国际贸易术语解释通则的应用 , 国际贸易术语解释通则1990的内容 , 工厂交货条件 , 货交(指定地点)承运人(价) , 船边交货价 , 离岸价 , 成本价运费 , 到岸价(成本加保险费、运费价格) , 运费付至 , 运费、保险费付至 , 边境交货(价) , 目的港船上交货 , 目的港码头交货 , 未完税交货 17 , 完税后交货 第二节 其它贸易条款 , 附加服务 , 出口结讫 , 进口结讫 , 关税支付 , 关税支付的进口结讫 , 码头交货(价)或目的码头交货(价) , 工厂交货(价) , 机厂交货(价) , 装运港船上交货(价) , 铁路交货(价) , 敞车交货(价)/卡车上交货(价) , 运费到付 , 运费已付/运费付讫/云飞先付 , 运费付讫和运费计算 , 来车装载 , 发车装载 , 承运车重装 , 理舱和平舱 , 来车卸载 , 增值税已付 , 增值税未付 三 考核知识点 国际贸易术语解释通则1990 四 考核要求 识记:国际贸易术语解释通则的发展和应用 应用:熟记理解国际贸易术语解释通则,并能在实践中应用 一 学习目的和要求 18 通过本章的学习使学生掌握国际买卖合同中应注意的事项,了解各国 在实践中的一些做法。 二 学习要点 第一节 出口问题 , 适应出口国 , 符合法律规定 , 市场适应性 , 担保 , 出口国的政府规章 , 获取出口许可证 , 许可证费用 , 满足出口限制要求 , 符合出口限制的费用 , 出口手续费和税费 , 延迟出口和无法出口的风险 , 及时性 , 延误货物出口 , 政府干预 第二节 世界各国的出口限制 , 阿根廷 , 澳大利亚 , 比利时 , 巴西 , 保加利亚 , 加拿大 , 中国 , 埃及 , 芬兰 , 德国 , 希腊 19 , 印度 , 以色列 , 意大利 , 日本 , 马来西亚 , 墨西哥 , 巴基斯坦 , 菲律宾 , 俄罗斯 , 南非 , 韩国 , 西班牙 , 英国 , 美国 第三节 进口问题 , 进口国的政府规章 , 获取进口许可证 , 许可证费用 , 满足进口限制要求 , 符合进口限制的费用 , 进口手续费和税费 , 海关规章 , 延迟进口和无法进口的风险 , 及时性 , 延误货物进口 , 政府干预 第四节 世界各国的进口限制 , 阿根廷 , 澳大利亚 , 比利时 , 巴西 , 保加利亚 , 加拿大 20 , 中国 , 埃及 , 芬兰 , 德国 , 希腊 , 印度 , 以色列 , 意大利 , 日本 , 马来西亚 , 墨西哥 , 巴基斯坦 , 菲律宾 , 俄罗斯 , 南非 , 韩国 , 西班牙 , 英国 , 美国 第五节 国际支付和外汇 , 支付方式 , 货币 , 履行不能 , 担保 , 世界各国的支付 , 稳定的通货 , 没有外汇管制的国家和地区 , 外汇管制的国家和地区 , 阿尔及利亚 , 巴哈马 , 中国 , 哥伦比亚 , 塞浦路斯 , 萨尔瓦多 , 加蓬 21 , 印度 , 以色列 , 尼加拉瓜 , 俄罗斯 , 叙利亚 , 泰国 , 越南 第六节 工业产权和知识产权的保护 , 商标和品牌的价值 , 合同中的保护 , 不保护商标的后果 , 保护范围 , 阐明权利 , 改变产品 , 广告 , 买方的侵权保护 , 卖方的侵权保护 第七节 法律选择、司法权选择、补救方法选择 , 法律选择 , 法庭选择 , 行使司法权 , 实施 , 补救方法选择 三 考核知识点 国际买卖合同中的重要问题 四 考核要求 识记:各国在国际贸易实践中的一些做法 领会:国际进出口贸易的一些重要事宜包括国际支付,外汇,知识产权以及 工业产权的保护,适用法律和司法管辖范围的选择,救济的选择 22 一 学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习使学生掌握买方如何在跨国交易中用合同保护自己的 权益;掌握卖方如何在跨国交易中用合同保护自己的权益;了解律师在保 护买方合法权益中的作用;了解律师在保护卖方合法权益中的作用;掌握 相关术语的表达方式及正确含义 二 学习要点 第一节 买方权益的保护 , 签订书面合同 , 履行合同前确定双方当事人已就该合同达成合意 , 确认卖方缔结合同的代理权 , 在合同中明晰货物的规格 , 限制因不可抗力等因素给自己带来的风险,责任 , 订立明确,具体的合同条款 , 在签订合同前全面理解合同中的术语 , 在合同中规定有效的寻求救济的条款 第二节 卖方权益的保护 , 签订书面合同 , 履行合同前确定双方当事人已就该合同达成合意 , 限制因不可抗力等因素给自己带来的风险,责任 , 订立完整的,明确的合同 , 按所缔结的书面合同履行合同 , 在合同中规定有效的寻求救济的条款 第三节 买方律师可提供的帮助 , 核对卖方背景信息 , 复查支付要件 , 复查投保的必要性 , 复查进口要件 23 , 复查适销性要件 , 复查税收要件 , 复查相关的风险,责任 第四节 卖方律师可提供的帮助 , 复查政治及经济风险 , 核对买方背景信息 , 复查付款要件 , 复查进出口事项 , 复查相关的风险,责任 三 考核知识点 1. 买方在跨国交易中用合同保护自己的权益的几种情况 2. 卖方在跨国交易中用合同保护自己的权益的几种情况 3. 律师在保护双方合法权益中的作用 四 考核要求 识记:律师保护合同当事人的重要作用 领会:买卖双方如何用合同保护自己的权益 应用:在深入理解的基础上正确灵活的运用合同术语 一 学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习使学生掌握特定合同条款的准确表达方式,了解如何 草拟明确完整的合同,以及如何用明确的合同条款保护合同当事人的合法 权益 二 学习要点 第一节 特定合同条款的准确表达方式 24 , 订立合同条款的表达方式 , 承诺条款的表达方式 , 货物描述条款 , 货物质量条款 , 确定的价格条款 , 确定购买价格的条款应明确指出所包含的具体成本费用 , 交付时间以及相应贸易术语条款 , 交付地点以及相应贸易术语条款 , 保险条款 , 所有权条款 , 所有权转移条款 , 反还货物条款 , 清关条款 三 考核知识点 1. 合同条款的准确表达方式 2. 相关术语的含义及表达 四 考核要求 领会:准确,明了的合同条款的重要作用;理解重要的术语 应用:掌握正确的合同条款起草原则,能够用术语正确地草拟合同条款 一 学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习使学生掌握哪些基本要素是合同应当具备的,如何在 合同最终订立之前检查和确定这些基本要素是否存在,并被恰当地表述于 合同之中。以及如何就合同中的法律权利和责任向律师咨询。 二 学习要点 第一节 买方应注意的条款 25 , 承诺关系条款 , 合同权力条款 , 基本条款 , 检验货物条款 , 交货条款 , 货物规格条款 , 海关清关条款 , 运输条款和保险条款 , 担保和退货条款 , 转让条款 , 终止权条款 , 违约的补救条款 , 是否有机会向独立的律师咨询 第二节 卖方应注意的条款 , 承诺关系条款 , 合同权力条款 , 基本条款 , 交货条款 , 海关清关 , 货物规格条款 , 运输条款和保险条款 , 担保和服务条款 , 知识产权条款 , 转让条款 , 终止权条款 , 违约的补救条款 , 是否有机会向独立的律师咨询 第三节 买方向律师咨询的问题 , 无效和可撤消条款 , 合同所需手续 , 支付和装运条款 , 出口和进口条款 26 , 担保和补救方法 第四节 卖方向律师咨询的问题 , 无效和可撤消条款 , 合同所需手续 , 支付和装运条款 , 出口和进口条款 , 担保和补救方法 三 考核知识点 1. 合同当事人在合同最终订立之前应该检查,确认的基本条款 2. 当事人律师可以提供的法律援助 四 考核要求 领会:当事人律师可以提供的法律援助 应用:合同最终订立之前应该着重检查的条款 一 学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习,使学生了解起,不同国家的不同商业文化和惯例对 起草,签订,实施国际商务合同时的重大影响。掌握由此引发的商业合同 纠纷的基本解决方式及其优缺点。 二 学习要点 第一节 文化和习俗 , 合同与商业关系:了解合同是否是双方贸易活动的基础,或者商业关 系占更重要的地位 , 双方贸易关系的发展需要时间 , 讨价还价不可避免 27 , 建立关系网对扩展业务有重要意义 第二节 合同中的争端解决 , 沟通 , 放弃 , 修改 , 协商 第三节 调解 , 调解的优、缺点 , 调解的程序 第四节 仲裁 , 仲裁的优点 , 仲裁的缺点 , 程序 第五节 诉讼 , 诉讼的优、缺点 , 诉讼程序 三 考核知识点 1. 国情,商业文化与惯例对国际贸易活动的重大影响 2. 合同的争端解决方式 3. 调解,仲裁及诉讼的程序与优缺点 四 考核要求 识记:不同商业文化和惯例对国际贸易活动的影响 领会:合同争端的解决方式 应用:商务争端的调节,仲裁和诉讼的程序与优缺点 28 一 学习目的及要求 通过本章的学习,使学生了解世界几大主要法系的分类及适用范围。 掌握普通法法系,民法法系和阿拉伯法系各自的发展过程,特点,相应的 仲裁制度和合同运行的情况。掌握特定术语的表达及内涵。 二 学习要点 第一节 世界几大法系的概述 , 世界几大法系的类型及适用范围 第二节 普通法法系(英美法系) , 英美法系发展的过程 , 英美法系的特点 , 仲裁 普通法法系国家的仲裁制度 , 合同 普通法法系国家的合同订立原则,效力,履行及救济的情况 第三节 民法法系(大陆法系) , 民法法系的特点 , 普通法法系国家的合同订仲裁 , 仲裁 民法法系国家的仲裁制度 , 合同 民法法系国家的合同订立原则,效力,履行及救济的情况 第四节 阿拉伯法系 , 阿拉伯法系国家的法律渊源 , 阿拉伯法系国家的法律现状 , 仲裁 阿拉伯法系国家的仲裁制度 , 合同 阿拉伯法系国家的合同订立原则,效力,履行及救济的情况 三 考核知识点 29 1. 世界主要法系各自的特点 2. 不同法系国家内合同运行的状况 四 考核要求 识记:世界几大主要法系的分类及适用范围。普通法法系,民法法系和阿 拉伯法系各自的发展过程,特点。 领会:相应的仲裁制度和合同运行的情况。 应用:掌握特定术语的表达及内涵。 一 学习目的及要求 通过本章的学习,通过仔细研读课本所给出的要约样本,了解做出要 约一方和受要约人在要约中应注意的相关内容。掌握相应术语的表达及内 涵。 二 学习要点 第一节 样本合同:买货要约(做出要约方) , 要约应包括和注意的几点内容: , 明确相对人(受要约人) , 明述合同主要条款 , 合同意图和应确认的相应款项 , 格式条款的应用 , 交付日期 第二节 样本合同:买货要约(受要约一方) , 应注意的问题: , 合同条件的变更 , 指定的交付时间 30 , 固定的价格 , 有瑕疵的货物 , 有关损坏,缺货,丢货的通知义务 , 许可证及原材料 , 情境变更而引起的合同履行问题 , 不可抗力 , 货物保障 , 知识产权问题 , 仲裁及适用的法律 三 考核知识点 1. 要约的内容及相关内容的表达 2. 相应术语的表述及内涵 四 考核要求 领会和应用:做出要约一方和受要约人在要约中应注意的相关内容。掌握 相应术语的表达及内涵。 一 学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习,让学生了解使用试销合同之前应注意的一些 问题,并掌握试销合同的起草及其样本。 二 学习要点 第一节 格式运用(使用试销前考虑要素) , 合同双方的关系 , 对另一方的信任度 , 试销的交易额和风险 , 试销与长期利益的关系 , 试销的可商讨性和可更改性 , 低成本、快速成交 31 , 不注重依据法和强制性 第二节 合同样本:试销 , [买方信头] , [日期] , [买方公司名称] , [买方地址] , 我方确认在某某日期你方对下列商品的订单: , [列出商品,包括数量,种类,型号,颜色,和其它辨别特征。 如商品种类在价格上有差别,应包括每件商品价格和所定货数目的 总价。] , 订单条款如下: , 交货日期 , 价格 , 特殊包装约定 , 支付 , 退货保单 , 以下签署将产生合同效力 , [卖方公司名称]:签署[个人签署,头衔,公司地址] , [买方公司名称]:签署[个人签署,头衔,日期] 三 考核知识点 1. 使用试销合同之前应注意的一些问题 2. 试销合同的起草和样本 四 考核要求 领会:使用试销合同之前应注意的一些问题 应用:试销合同的起草和样本 32 一 学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习,让学生了解如何订货和订单的性质,掌握订 货单的合同样本。 二 学习要点 第一节 合同样本:订货单(正面) , [买方信头] , 订货单编号:[编号] , 日期:[年月日] , 发至:[买方地址和名称] , 我方发出以下订单,以订单背面所列为条件: , 型号 商品项目 数量 价格/项目 总价 , [列举] [列举] [列举] [列举] [列举] , 小计 , 税款 , 运送 , 总价 , 装载和运送条款:[详列,包括进出口成本和单证,目的港,运 送时间,保险要求] , [买方签署] 第二节 合同样本:订货条款(反面) , 卖方接受订货 , 送货 , 价格和支付条款 , 数量 , 保险 , 发货单据 , 制图和产品规格所有权 , 卖方保证 , 验货 , 转让 33 , 合同的设立 , 依据法和法律选择 三 考核知识点 1. 订货单格式(正面) 2. 订货条款(反面) 四 考核要求 领会:如何订货和订单的性质,订货单的合同样本 应用:订货条款 一 学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习,让学生了解如果商品价格高昂,买方如何先使用商品逾后付款,即签订有条件销售合同;掌握有条件销售合同的 具体条款。 二 学习要点 第一节 样本合同:有条件销售合同 , 在[日期],此协议由卖方[名称,地址等说明]和买方[名称,地址等说明]签订。双方同意如下: , 货物销售。买方同意销售,买方同意购买如下商品:[列举] , 购买价格。商品价格和支付期限 , 所有权。卖方在卖方完全支付价款之前保留商品所有权 , 商品使用。买方在完全支付价款前后的使用 , 保险。保险额的支付方,受益人;保险公司的选择 , 知识产权。知识产权的所有者属卖方;买方不侵害知识产权的 义务 , 拖欠和提前付款。买方拖欠付款时,卖方的权利;争端的解决 方式 , [双方签署] 34 三 考核知识点 有条件销售合同的具体条款 四 考核要求 领会:买方如何先使用商品逾后付款,即签订有条件销售合同 应用:有条件销售合同的具体条款 一 学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习,让学生了解在买卖货物的过程中,咨询服务 合同的地位;了解咨询服务合同的种类;掌握咨询服务合同的样本 格式。 二 学习要点 第一节 咨询服务合同的地位 第二节 咨询服务合同的种类 第三节 合同样本:咨询服务合同 , 在[日期],此协议由[公司名称,地址等说明]和[咨询公司的名 称,地址等说明]签订,条款如下: , 订约 , 期限条件 , 咨询服务成果 , 酬金 , 独立承揽人资格 , 咨询服务报告 , 利益冲突 , 保密条款 , 知识产权 35 , 终止条款 , 转让条款 , 通知条款 , 依据法 三 考核知识点 1. 咨询服务合同的地位 2. 咨询服务合同的种类 3. 咨询服务合同的样本和条款 四 考核要求 识记:咨询服务合同的地位 领会:咨询服务合同的种类 应用:咨询服务合同的样本和条款 一 学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习,让学生了解在货物买卖中雇用销售代表的必要和作 用,了解应注意的事项;掌握与销售代表签订销售代表的样本和 条款。 二 学习要点 第一节 雇用销售代表的必要和作用 第二节 对销售代表应注意的事项 第三节 样本:销售代表劳务合同 , 此协议由[厂商:名称,地址等]和[销售代表:名称,地址等] 签订。 , 双方承诺:厂商生产和销售[商品描述或商品列举],销售代表 36 根据约定在[地址:某国]为厂商报价和销售商品。因此,双方 协议如下: , 指定销售代表 , 销售员的义务 , 期限 , 厂商义务 , 佣金 , 知识产权 , 转让 , 违约赔偿 , 变更 , 双方意向 , [公司名称] , 附[签署] , 销售代表 , [公司名称] , 厂商 , 附[签署] , [个人签名和头衔] 三 考核知识点 1. 雇用销售代表的必要和作用; 2. 对销售代表应注意的事项 3. 销售代表劳务合同的样本和主要条款 四 考核要求 识记:雇用销售代表的必要和作用 领会:对销售代表应注意的事项 应用:销售代表劳务合同的样本和条款 一 学习目的及要求 通过本章的学习,通过仔细研读课本所给出的特许经营合同样本,了 37 解合同当事人在特许经营合同中应注意的相关问题。掌握相应术语的表达 及内涵。 二 学习要点 第一节 样本合同:特许经营合同 , 特许经营合同应包含和明确表述的内容: , 明确双方当事人 , 合同叙述部分内容: , 特许经营权 , 首次年费 , 授予特许经营权者的义务 , 特许经营人在商务运行中的义务 , 赔偿事项 , 保险事项 , 未完全履行涉及的相关问题 , 不履行涉及的相关问题 , 合同有效时间 , 特许经营终止 , 授予特许经营权者在特许经营权终止上的权利 , 遵守法律 , 独立的合同关系 , 弃权 , 书面形式的特许经营权获得 三 考核知识点 特许经营合同的重要条款 四 考核要求 掌握有效且完整的特许经营合同应包含的内容及每项内容里所及的相 关的问题。了解相应术语的表述及内涵。 一 学习目的和要求 38 通过本章的学习,通过仔细研读课本所给出的分销合同样本,了 解合同当事人在分销合同中应注意的相关问题。掌握相应术语的表达 及内涵。 二 学习要点 第一节 分销商的权利和分销合同的性质 第二节 分销合同样本 , 此协议由[厂商:名称,地址等]和[销售代表:名称,地址等]签订。 双方承诺:厂商指定唯一的分销商,该分销商在一定地域范围内销售产品。 双方协议如下: , 指定分销商 , 协议条款 , 当事人关系 , 分销商义务 , 制造商的义务 , 货物清单 , 定价与支付条款 , 货币流通受阻时的支付方式 , 质保 , 赔偿责任划分条款 , 知识产权条款 , 转让条款 , 唯一分销权的中止 , 制造商终止合同 , 分销商终止合同 , 合同终止后生产商从分销商处回购商品条款 , 赔偿条款 , 合同修改条款 , 通知 , 关于放弃和延误实施合同的条款 , 协议条款:当事人口头或书面宣言,他们怀着各方都知道的共同意愿, 统一为各方的利益而履行某些义务 39 , [公司名称] , 附[签署] , 销售代表 , [公司名称] , 厂商 , 附[签署] , [个人签名和头衔] 三 考核知识点 1. 分销商的作用与权利 2. 分销合同的样本与重要条款 四 考核要求 识记:分销商的作用与权利 应用:分销合同的样本与条款 一 学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习,使学生深入了解合同当事人在委托销售合同中应注 意的相关问题,掌握委托销售合同的基本条款与样式。 二 学习要点 第一节. 委托销售合同定义 第二节. 合同样本 , 此协议由[厂商:名称,地址等]和[销售代表:名称,地址等]签订。 双方在明确协议当事人的意图,和对某些重要概念做出详尽的解释后双方 协议如下: , 协议双方的关系 , 合同的有效期限 40 , 库存目录 , 运输条款 , 商品的所有权 , 价格条款 , 支付条款 , 存货报告 , 受托人的附加义务 , 制造商的附加义务 , 产品丢失的风险承担者 , (制造者提供的,有限的)产品质量担保 , 针对产品质量的赔偿条款 , 知识产权 , 产品销售权利的转让条款 , 由产品制造者造成的合同终止的情况 , 由受托方造成的合同终止的情况 , 协议终止 , 赔偿 , 合同的修改 , 关于通知的条款 , 关于合同实施的延误和放弃的条款 , 协议条款:当事人口头或书面宣言,他们怀着各方都知道的共同意愿, 统一为各方的利益而履行某些义务 , [公司名称] , 附[签署] , 销售代表 , [公司名称] , 厂商 , 附[签署] , [个人签名和头衔] 三 考核知识点 1. 委托销售合同定义 2. 委托销售合同的基本条款与样式 四 考核要求 识记:委托销售合同的概念 41 应用:委托销售合同的基本条款与样式 一 学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习,使学生了解许可合同的性质和特点,在此基础上掌 握委托销售合同的基本条款与样式。 二 学习要点 第一节 许可合同的定义 第二节 合同样本 , 此协议由[厂商:名称,地址等]和[销售代表:名称,地址等]签订。 双方在明确协议当事人的意图,和对某些重要概念做出详尽的解释后双方 协议如下: , 同意许可 , 合同期限 , 知识产权规定 , 产品质量 , 设计和产品结构 , 定价 , 合同双方关系 , 许可费用支付 , 销售忠诚 , 转让 , 合同终止 , 终止影响 , 赔偿 , 修改 , 通知 , 履行放弃和履行延迟 , 合同术语 , 赔偿保证 , [公司名称] 42 , 附[签署] , 销售代表 , [公司名称] , 厂商 , 附[签署] , [个人签名和头衔] 三 考核知识点 1. 许可合同的定义 2. 许可合同与与特许经营合同的区别 3. 许可合同的基本条款与样式 四 考核要求 识记:许可合同的定义 领会:许可合同与与特许经营合同的区别 应用:许可合同的基本条款与样式 一 学习目的与要求 通过本章的学习,帮助学生更好的理解和掌握《国际贸易术语解释通 则》。本章内容应当贯穿于全部课程的教学之中。 二 考核要求 应用:掌握本章列出的术语,能够正确理解和运用《国际贸易术语解释通 则》。 43 Part One: Define the following terms (30%) Part Two: Translation (30%) Part Three: Draft a sample contract according to the given conditions (40%) Part One: Define and explain the following terms (30%) 1. Requirement contract 181 2. Destination contract 179 3. Consignment contract 178 4. Governing law clause 179 5. Warranty 182 Part Two: Translation (30%) 1. 对本合同的任何修改和/或补充只有在双方授权代表在书面签 字后方为有效,并成为本合同不可分割的组成部分。(P64) 2. 本合同终止后,甲方仍有权使用乙方提供的专用技术,仍有权 设计、制造、使用、销售和出口合同产品。合同期满后,双方 发生的未了债券和债务,不受合同期满的影响,债务人应对债 权人继续偿付未了债务。(P85) 3. 乙方保证是本合同规定提供的一切专有技术和技术资料的合 法所有者并有权向家方转让,如果发生第三方指控侵权,由乙 方负责与第三方交涉并承担法律上经济上的全部责任。(P76) 4. ―Technical Information‖ means confidential engineering data, drawings, specifications and production procedures, brochures, catalogs and all other technical information necessary to the manufacture, operation, sale and service of the product, which are owned or hereafter acquired by Party B and/or which Party B has or may have the right to control and furnish to Party A during the 44 term of this Contract. (P66) 5. If the other party fails to perform its obligation in the contract within the time limit agreed upon in this Contract, and fails to eliminate or remedy such breach within 15 days following the receipt of the notice thereof from the non-breaching party and still again fails to perform the Contract within the period of time allowed for delayed performance, in such case the non-breaching party shall be entitled to rescind the contract by a written notice to the defaulting party and still have the right to claim damages from the defaulting party. (P81) Part Three: Draft a sample contract according to the given conditions 售 货 合 同 合同编号: CGC001 买方:Tiger International LLC 签订日期:1999.7.21 卖方:China Geo-engineering Co. 签订地点:北京, 中华人民共和国 双方同意按下列条款由买方售出下列商品: (1)商品名称、规格及包装 (自拟) (2)数量(170kg) (3)单价(USD 50.00) (4)总值(USD 8500.00) (5)装运期限:不晚于1999年8月20日 (6)装运口岸:北京机场 (7)目的口岸:美国纽约JFK国际机场 (8)保险;由 方负责,按本合同总值110%投保_____险。 (9)付款:凭保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期有电 报套汇条 款/见票/出票____天期付款信用证,信用证以_____为受益人并允许分批装运 和转船。该信用证必须在______前开到卖方,信用证的有效期应 为上述装船 期后第15天,在中国______到 期,否则卖方有权取消本售货合约,不另行通 知,并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。 45 (10)商品检验:以中国________所签发的品质/数量/重量/包装/ 卫生检验合格证书作为卖方的交货依据。 其他条款: 1. 异议:品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起30天内提出, 数量异议须于货 到目的口岸之日起 15天内提出,但均须提供经卖方同意的公证行的检验证 明。如责任属于卖方者,卖方于收到异议20天内答复买 方并提出处理意见。 2. 信用证内应明确规定卖方有权可多装或少装所注明的百 分数,并按实际装运数量议付。(信用证之金额按本售货 合约金额增加相应的百分数。) 3. 信用证内容须严格符合本售货合约的规定,否则修改信用 证的费用由买方负担,卖方并不负因修改信用证而延误装 运的责任,并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。 4. 除经约定保险归买方投保者外,由卖方向中国的保险公司 投保。如买方 需增加保险额及/或需 加保其他险,可于装船前提出,经卖方同意后代为投保, 其费用由买方负担。 5. 因人力不可抗拒事故使卖方不能在本售货合约规定期限 内交货或不能交 货,卖方不负责任, 但是卖方必须立即以电报通知买方。如果买方提出要求, 卖方应以挂号函向买方提供由中国国际贸易促进委员会 或有关机构出具的证明,证明事故的存在。买方不能领到 进口许可证,不能被认为系属人力不可抗拒范围。 6. 仲裁:凡因执行本合约或有关本合约所发生的一切争执, 双方应以友好方式协商解决;如果协商不能解决,应提交 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会的仲裁规则进行 仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。 7. 附加条款(本合同其他条款如与本附加条款有抵触时,以 本附加条款为准。): 买方签字: 卖方签字: 46 Preface Introduction I. Nature of the course and learning objectives 1. Nature of the course 2. Objectives of the course and general requirement of course teaching 3. Timetable II. Description and requirements of self-taught exam outline 1. Relationship between outline and the textbook 2. Objective of assessment 3. Principles of examination 4. Learning requirements 5. Self-taught textbook 6. Self-taught method 7. Social learning assistance III. Contents of the course and objectives of the examination Chapter One The role of contracts in international commerce Chapter Two Issues affecting international contracts Chapter Three Parties to the transaction, Part I Chapter Four Drafting the international contract for sale of goods Chapter Five Trade terms and Incoterms Chapter Six Key issues in international sales contracts Chapter Seven Parties to the transaction, Part II 47 Chapter Eight Drafting precise contract provisions Chapter Nine Parties to the transaction, Part III Chapter Ten Validity of contracts locally Chapter Eleven Contract fundamentals in international legal systems Chapter Twelve Offer to sell goods Chapter Thirteen Memorandum of Sale Chapter Fourteen Purchase order Chapter Fifteen Conditional contract of sale Chapter Sixteen Consulting contract Chapter Seventeen Sales representative contract Chapter Eighteen Franchise agreement Chapter Nineteen Distribution agreement Chapter Twenty Consignment agreement Chapter Twenty-One Licensing contract Chapter Twenty-Two Glossary IV. Sample paper and referenced answer 48 Preface In the early 1980‘s China established a system of examination on the advanced self-learning education, which aims to cultivate talents for China‘s development. After 20 years‘ development, the system has become one of the fundamental cornerstones of China‘s advanced educational system. As an important component of China‘s advanced educational system, it is a brand-new style, which combines self-learning, Social learning assistance, and national test. The system of examination on advanced self-learning education is not only an important measure to carry out the constitutional principle of ?encouraging self-learning by the citizens to be the talents for the country‘, but also a way to improve the whole nation‘s morality quality and scientific quality. Once the examinees pass the tests and meet the moral requests they can get the certification and therefore have the same right and advantage as the graduates of college. From early of 1980s, many provinces, municipalities, and cities established the committees for advanced self-learning education and carried out examination work for self-learning. Since then they have trained a lot of talented professional persons. In order to set examination standards properly and scientifically and to improve the teaching quality, national supervision committee unified the programme setting standards and made examination plans for dozens of programmes. Beyond this, according to the examination requirements, every special committee compiled its own examination outline, which regulates the contents and scope of study and examination. According to the temporary regulation of higher educational self-study examination, the examination committee of Heilongjiang University compiled self-study examination outline for Business English Programme. This outline is not only the guide for compiling teaching materials and self-study reference books, but also the guide for personal study, social support learning and national test. Therefore, every examinee and teachers should carry it out carefully. 49 Introduction China‘s entry to WTO provides more opportunities for China to cooperate with other member states in the field of politics, economy, and culture. Accordingly, China needs more persons with ability of management to develop its economy. To cultivate more talents is the key point for China to win in the international competition. According to the demand of talents, the Foreign Language Department of Heilongjiang University, which is not only experienced in teaching Applied English but also holds a lot of excellent teachers, launches the project of Business English. On the one hand this project can help to cultivate more talents for the country, on the other hand, it provide a good chance for those who want to learn more in the field of international business to continue study. Therefore, we select some experienced teachers and specific teaching materials to fulfill the requirements of the students. The outline for the examination of International Business Contracts is drafted according to the general outline for the examination of business English. The focus of the examination is to test the examinee on the drafting and translating international business contract and on the understanding of the essential procedures in international business. The aim of the outline is to help the examinee be familiar with the drafting and performance of the contract and furthermore master the professional English expression to perform more effectively in the international communication and cooperation. To meet these requirements stated above, this outline sets the content of study and examination. Therefore, it helps the learners have a clear understanding about the module and makes the examination standard and specified. By reading this outline, learners will understand which part should be master, which part have to be understood, and which part should be know just generally. Meanwhile, it helps the learners connect the study with practice and stimulates their potentiality to study, to pass the examinations and to resolve problems in practice. It is not only the learners‘ hope, but also the fundamental aim for us to create 50 business English major. I. Nature of Course and Learning Objective 1. Nature of the course International Contracts is the fundamental course required in examination of Independent Undergraduate Stage of Commercial English Major of Advanced Self-study Examination. The role of International Contracts grows more and more important for it functions as the essential element in international trade activities. The drafting, interpretation and application touch upon many social sciences and humanities such as economics, sociology, folklore, negotiable technique, law and the like. The book International Contracts puts its purpose on providing the drafting, the basic principles of interpretation and application, and other aspects needing attention. After the learning of the course, candidates for the examination should reach the requirement of Common High College Commercial English Major in fundamental stage. 2. Objective of the course and general requirement of course teaching The establishment of this course is intended to make the students have a deep insight into commercial agreement in international commercial transaction, train and bring up a batch of qualified business personnel suitable for modern economic activities. As the core of major course, this course attaches the importance to the theoretical and practical instruction to the learners in details. Through the learning of the course, let students master the basic principles and methods of drafting and interpreting international contracts, and special areas needing attention in the actual application. Let them analyze with the above principles and methods directing against particular case, meeting the need of combination of theory and practice, promoting 51 the qualification of business personnel. 3. Timetable International Contracts is the core course, which holds four credits; the teaching process proceeds eighteen weeks, which consists of four class periods per week. II. Description and requirements of self-taught exam outline 1. Relationship between outline and the textbook Under the doctrine of scientific, directive, feasible, and inspect, all the specifications of the examination outline constitute the base of compiling teaching materials of the core course International Contracts, the base of personal self-study, national examination assignment, assist in society, and checking learning quality. The general requirement and level of International Contracts teaching material, selecting material, exercise designing, and other aspects are consistent with stipulation in examination outline such as nature of course, task, content, assessment objective, and so on. 2. Objective of Assessment For the purpose of meeting the demand of standardization and normality of self-study examination on this course, on the base of setting the main content of self-study examination respecting respective chapters, the specification of examination outline also concerns about objective of assessment, which includes essentials and requirements of examination. Therefore, the clear-cut of objective of 52 examination makes candidates for examinations get a further understanding of examination content and requirement, how to learn and how to take examinations, resulting in learning purposely. Simultaneously, the outline enables social assist units to be aware of how to organize instruction, how to give guidance to candidates for exams in light of their actual situations, reaching the fixed target consequently; enables assigning examination units to seize scope, depth, and degree of difficulty of examination. The content of assessment refers to scope of examination knowledge, specifying the minimum degree of learning. The requirement of assessment refers to ability of exam candidates to learn and to practice. This exam outline formulates according to three-capability rank "recognition", "comprehension", and "application". Three-capability rank goes forward one by one, the respective definition as followings: Recognition: Being able to recognize the meaning of related conceptions, principles, and methods, convey and decide wrong or right of it. This is the minimum level of requirement. Comprehension: Based on recognition, being able to master essential conceptions, principles, and methods comprehensively, indicate its basic content and tenet, and analyze the differences and connection of related problems. Here comes to higher rank of requirement. Application: After the stage of comprehension, being capable of applying essential conceptions, principles, and methods to relevant theoretical problems, solving and analyzing some concrete cases. So presents the highest requirement here. 3. Principles of examination (1) Every proposition in the examination paper should be accorded to the examination requirements and objectives stated in the examination outline. Examination contents should cover every chapter and give prominence to the emphasized parts of the module. The difficulty of the examination should be proper. (2) The propositions should reflect the different ability levels set in the examination requirements. Generally speaking, the percentage is: remember level 20%, understand level 30%, and use level 50%. 53 (3) Arrange difficulty structure properly. Generally, in every examination paper, the allocation is: very easy questions 20%, easy questions 40%, middle level questions 30%, difficult questions 10%. Difficulty and ability level are not same concepts, even in the same ability level; the questions may be at different difficulty. (4) Arrange types of questions properly. (5) Full mark of this module is 100; pass mark is 60. 4. Learning requirement In some chapters‘ learning aim and requirements, the students will find certain words used to express the demands of different questions in order to define the extent the learning should reach to. (1) Recognition: requires examinee to know the basic and relevant knowledge. (2) Comprehension: requires examinee, on the basis of knowing the basic concepts and principles of the courses, to know what it is and to understand why it is theoretically. (3) Application: requires examinee cannot only generally understand the important concepts and theories, but also harmoniously analyses their basic characteristics and the total connotation, and expound the correlation of other concepts and theories. Moreover they should be able to use the basic methods and skills learned, to agilely handle professional problems, in accordance with specified conditions given. 5. Self-learning textbooks (1) The textbooks assigned Karla C. Shippery, International Contracts, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press 2001 (2) Recommended books for the self-study Steven L. Emanuel, Contract, Center Press 2003 Hu Gengshen、 Wang Chunhui、 and Shen Yunzhen, Draft and Translation of International Business Contract,Foreign Language Press 2001 6. Self-taught method 54 On the basis of the requirement and the aim of the course, examinee should master following segments: (1) Read the textbooks seriously. Reading the textbooks is the basic part of learning. One cannot learn very well, without digesting text carefully. If one is eager to read other teaching recourses and do practices without really understanding text, he/she cannot get the expectant result. Before reading the text, read the aim of learning, requirement, and the abstract firstly in order to understand the main points of each chapter, then read the book systematically. When reading, first of all, grasp the outline of each chapter, gain clear idea of each chapter; secondly, on the basis of completely understanding the content of each chapter, ponder over this chapter with the chapters ahead. (2) Take note of reading carefully. Taking note of reading is a important method of consolidating the knowledge learned, especially for self learning. Reading is the base of understanding the content of course, but reading does not amount to fully understanding, other than mastering firmly. If you want to grasp practically, you must integrate reading with thinking, to make it part of yourself through taking note with your own English. There are many kinds of methods of taking notes, such as taking abstracts, explaining words, solving problems, writing understanding of learning, etc. (3) Refer to the relevant references. International Contracts contains plenty of concepts, basic terms, and professional knowledge, etc. Once thinking the explanations in book insufficient, the examinee should look in up some references, for example, encyclopedia. (5) Finish assignments carefully. International Contracts assign review questions for each chapter. Examinee should do the questions carefully, on the basis of carefully reading in order to review and consolidate the knowledge learned. In the process of doing the homework, pay attention to these 3 points: make clear the idea of the review question, and answer it according to its requirements; do the practices carefully, deal with the words in questions carefully, do your up most to use the proper words, and make sure using grammar in the right way; use your own words as much as possible to answer the question. The review questions are the guide of the main points of 55 each chapter for examinee, but not the final exam questions themselves. In the formal exam, those points will be showed in other forms. (6) Pay attention to relate and contrast. Acquaint the nation formation, cultural tradition, and legal system of the main English speaking countries. Master the basic conditions of those countries to comprehend them further. 7. Social learning-assistance It is important to develop social learning –assistance because it is a necessary condition in higher education self-study exam. Social learning institutes and tutors are required to attach importance to the following points. (1) Adhering to the correct guideline: in compliance with the contents and objectives in self-study exam outline, social learning assistance institutes and tutors should study the textbooks carefully, know the characteristics, scope, requirements of the course well, make practical help, and guide them in study methods. The emphasis is that institutes and tutors should lead students master the contents of the course comprehensively, not guess the exam questions .the phenomena that learning assistance is replaced by exam assistance should be avoided. (2) Dealing with the relationship between professional knowledge and capability of English application .On one hand, self-taught students are required to know and master basic knowledge of those countries, such as geography, history, economy, politics, etc. On the other hand, in order to develop the capability of English application further, students will enlarge their own vocabulary. (3) Dealing with the relationship between general knowledge and emphasized knowledge. Contents in this course can be divided into general knowledge and emphasized knowledge, which is closely related, not separated from each other. The questions in the exam will cover all the knowledge in this course .If the whole knowledge are not concerned, the emphasized knowledge will not be mastered well. Therefore, social learning assistance institutes and tutors should guide self-taught students study the whole textbook 56 comprehensively, help them master all the contents and knowledge points of the exam. Based on this, emphasized knowledge should be further studied. Self-taught students will be led to master the knowledge at large and probe into the emphasized knowledge. The notion will be completely wrong that it is enough to knowing the emphasized knowledge only. Dealing with the relationship between basis knowledge and application skills. Social learning assistance institutes and tutors should not only attach importance to basic theory but also to developing students‘ language practical skills. On the basis of comprehensive teaching, emphasis will be put on training students to analyze and solve question by themselves, leading them to connect the simple application and comprehensive application and leading them to put basic theory into practice. Chapter One. The Role of Contracts in International Commerce I. Objectives By study of this chapter, the students should understand: The definition of contract; key terms of a contract; the importance of international contract and written contract; what is cross-culture expectation and how to choice governing law when disputes arise. 57 II.Contents Balance of power , The party who drafts the contract , The party familiar with written contracts , Enforcement of one-sided contracts Cross-border rights and obligations , Differences in business practices , International laws , Preciseness and predictability Cross-cultural expectation Personal commitment Governing law Enforcement Choice of remedies Necessary terms , International trends Payment and delivery terms III. The Points of Examination 1. The definition and formation of contract and the importance of written contract. 2. Basic terms of contract IV. The Requirements of Examination Recognition: The definition of contract Application: basic terms of international contract Chapter Two. Issues Affecting International Contracts I. Objectives 58 By study of this chapter, the students should understand: The elements affecting international contracts; a passing understanding of cultural, political, law issues affecting international commerce, which constitutes the base of later learning. II. Contents Cultural issues Trends toward globalization and uniformity CISG Role of politics Regulatory laws Internet issues III. The Points of Examination The issues affecting international contracts The exclusion provisions and its‘ application of CISG IV. The Requirements of Examination Recognition: The issues affecting international contracts Comprehension: The exclusion provisions and its‘ application of CISG Chapter Three: Parties to the Transaction, Part I I. Objectives By study of this chapter, the students should understand the fundamental goal and the hidden costs of both parties of contracts; comprehend that buyer how to take measures to get the guarantee of production quality, that to a seller what essential ways to be conducted to promote the competitiveness of products; have an insight into the importance of attorneys to both parties and the basic principles of selecting attorneys. 59 II. Contents Buyer The buyer‘s goals The buyer‘s safeguards The buyer‘s hidden costs Seller The seller‘s goals The seller‘s promotion The seller‘s hidden costs Attorney for buyer Why should the buyer consult an attorney? The legal system Importing and exporting Contracts Protection against liabilities and losses When to consult an attorney In the beginning During a transaction Finalizing your purchase Enforcing or renegotiating the purchase How to select an attorney Advice an attorney typically will not provide Customs Transport Banking Accounts Attorney for seller Why should the buyer consult an attorney? The legal system Importing and exporting Contracts Protection against liabilities and losses When to seek legal advice In the beginning During a transaction Finalizing your purchase Enforcing or renegotiating the purchase 60 How to select an attorney Advice an attorney typically will not provide Customs Transport Banking Accounts III. The Points of Examination The hidden costs of both parties The standard of selecting attorneys When to seek legal advice Advice an attorney typically will provide IV. The Requirements of Examination Recognition: The nature and goal of buyer and seller Comprehension: The hidden costs of both parties, to a buyer what measures to get the guarantee of production quality, what essential ways to be conducted to promote the competitiveness of products. Application: when to seek legal advice, what to ask; advice an attorney typically will not provide. Chapter Four. Drafting the International Contract for Sale of Goods I. Objectives By study of this chapter, the students should understand the specific contract provisions explained in the process of drafting international contracts for sale of goods, comprehend the four essential provisions and some other specific provisions and its’ interpretation. Terms necessary for enforcement 61 Implied terms Simple vs. Complex Transactions Specific contract provisions explained Contract date Identification of parties Goods-description, quantity, and price Payment terms Costs and charges Packaging arrangements Transaction and delivery of goods Insurance Title to goods Import/export documentation Invoices Re-exportation prohibition Inspection rights Warranties Indemnity Intellectual and industrial property rights Timely performance Conditions precedent Cancellation Force majeure Liquidated damages Arbitration Governing law and choice of forum Amendment to contract Inurement and assignment Severability Integration Notice Authority to bind party to contract Independent counsel Legal costs and fees Acceptance and execution 62 III. The Points of Examination Goods---Description, Quantity, and Quality; The time of shipment; Price; Payments terms IV. The Requirements of Examination Recognition: The specific contract provisions explained in the process of drafting international contracts for sale of goods. Application: The four essential provisions and some other specific provisions and its‘ interpretation. Chapter Five. Trade Terms and Incoterms I. Objectives By study of this chapter, the students should understand INCOTERMS, and comprehend other trade terms assigned in contracts. Incoterms 2000 Development of Incoterms Use of Incoterms Incoterms 2000 Other trade terms Additional services Cleared for export Cleared for import Duty unpaid Duty unpaid not cleared for import EX dock or EX quay EX factory FOB airport FOB vessel FOR (free on rail) FOT (free on truck) Freight collect 63 Freight prepaid Freight prepaid and charged Loaded on arriving vehicle Loaded on departing vehicle Reloaded on carrying vehicle Stowed and trimmed Unloaded from arriving vehicle VAT paid VAT unpaid III. The Points of Examination Incoterms 2000 IV. The Requirements of Examination Recognition: The use and development of Incoterms 2000 Application: Remember and understand Incoterms 2000s and be able to apply the terms in practice. Chapter Six. Key Issues in International Sales Contracts I. Objectives By study of this chapter, the students should recognize the key issues in international sales contracts, understand several adoptions in different countries. II. Contents Export issues Adaptations to importing country Compliance with laws 64 Market adaptations Warranties Government regulations of exporting country License procurement License costs Compliance with export restrictions Costs of complying with restrictions Export fees and taxes Risk of delay or failure Timeliness Default Government interference Exporting around the world Import issues Government regulation of imports License procurement License costs Compliance with import restrictions Costs of complying with restrictions Import fees and taxes Customs regulations Risk of delay or failure Timeliness Default Government interference Importing around the world International payments and foreign exchange Method of payment Currency Impossibility of performance Warranties Payments round the world Stable currencies Countries and regions without foreign exchange requirements Countries with restrictions Protection of industrial and intellectual property Value of your mark and name 65 Contractual protection Consequences of not protecting your mark Scope of protection Clarifying rights Alterations to products Advertisement Buyer‘s infringement protection Seller‘s protection against infringement Choice of law, jurisdiction, and remedy Choice of law Choice of forum Exercise of jurisdiction Enforcement Choice of remedies III. The Points of Examination Key issues in international sales contracts IV. The Requirements of Examination Recognition and remembrance: import and export issues Comprehension: other issues such as International payments and foreign exchange, protection of industrial and intellectual property, Choice of law, jurisdiction, and remedy Chapter Seven Parties to Transaction, Part 2 I. Objectives By study of this chapter, the students should comprehend how buyer and seller can protect their benefits in cross-border transaction, understand the role of attorneys in protecting both parties’ legal benefits, cognize the expressions of relevant terminologies and its’ correct notion. 66 Buyer Get it writing Make a definite agreement before you act on it Verify the seller‘s authority to make the contract Know what goods you are getting Limit your risk from factors beyond your control Require precise terms Match your actions to your written words Understand all the terms before you sign Make sure the remedies are meant for you Seller Put it in writing Make a definite agreement before you act on it Verify the buyer‘s authority to make the contract Limit your risk from factors beyond your control Make your contract complete and precise Match your actions to your written word Make sure you can use the remedies provided Buyer‘s attorney Check out the seller Review payment requirements Review insurance needs Review import requirements Review marketability requirements Review tax requirements Review import requirements Review risks involved Seller‘s attorney Review political and economic risks Check out the buyer Review payment options Review export import issues Review risks involved 67 III. The Points of Examination How buyer can protect their benefits in cross-border transaction, How seller can protect their benefits in cross-border transaction, understand the role of attorneys in protecting both parties‘ legal benefits Understand the role of attorneys in protecting both parties‘ legal benefits IV. The Requirements of Examination Recognition: The role of attorneys in protecting both parties‘ legal benefits. Comprehension: How buyer and seller can protect their benefits in cross-border transaction. Application: To apply contract terminologies on the base of deep comprehension . Chapter Eight Drafting Precise Contract Provisions I. Objectives Through the learning of this unit, enable the students to master the specific expressions of certain provisions of contract correctly. Enable students to know how to draft the complete contract in precise and certain terms and how to use the definite provisions to protect the legal rights of the parties to contract. II. Contents Specific contract clauses Formation of contract on signing Formation of contract on acceptance of order Description of goods Quality of goods Purchase price fixed Purchase price with costs Delivery time and shipping terms Delivery place and shipping terms 68 Insurance Transfer of title time Transfer of title: simultaneous with risk Return of goods Clearance of customs Inspection rights III. The Points of Examination a) the correct expressions of the contract provisions b) the meaning and expressions of relevant terms IV. The Requirements of Examination Comprehension: understand the important role of the precise and definite provisions in the contract; understand the important terms Application: master the principles of drafting a contract correctly and use the terms in the proper way to draft the provisions of contract Chapter Nine Parties To The Transaction, Part 3 I. Objectives Through the learning of this chapter, enable students to master the basic elements of a valid contract, and how to examine and confirm the existence of these basic elements prior to the final formation of contract. Enable students to express these elements properly in the contract and how to consult the attorney about the rights and obligations concerning the contract. II. Contents Buyer Commitment to relationship Authority to contract Essential terms Inspection of goods Delivery terms 69 Specification of goods Customs clearance Transport terms and insurance Warranties and returns Assignments Termination rights Remedies on default Independent counsel Seller Commitment to relationship Authority to contract Essential terms Delivery terms Customs clearance Specification of goods Transport terms and insurance Warranties and returns Intellectual property rights Assignments Termination rights Remedies on default Independent counsel Attorney for buyer Void or voidable provisions Formalities of the contract Payment and delivery terms Export and import provisions Warranties and remedies Attorney for seller Void or voidable provisions Formalities of the contract Payment and delivery terms Export and import provisions Warranties and remedies III. The Points of Examination 70 a) The essential provisions should be examined and confirmed before the final formation of the contract b) The legal assistance of the attorney from whom the parties to contract can seek for IV. The Requirements of Examination Comprehension: the legal assistance of the attorney from whom the parties to contract can seek for Application: the essential provisions should be examined and confirmed before the final formation of the contract Chapter Ten Validity Of Contracts Locally I. Objectives Through the learning of this chapter, enable students to know how the business culture and tradition of different countries can effect the draft, formation and performance of international business contract. Master the basic way and the respective advantages and disadvantages of the settlements of the disputes of the business contract. II. Contents Culture and custom The contract The pace The bargain The network Contract dispute resolution Communication, waiver, modification and negotiation Mediation Advantages and disadvantages Procedures Arbitration Advantages to arbitration 71 Disadvantages to arbitration Procedures Litigation Advantages and disadvantages Procedures III. The Points of Examination a) the influence of the situation of the country ,the business culture and tradition in international trade activities b) the solutions of contract dispute c) the advantages and disadvantages of mediation, arbitration and litigation IV. The Requirements of Examination Recognition: the influence of the business culture and tradition in international trade activities Comprehension: the solutions of contract dispute Application: the advantages and disadvantages of mediation arbitration and litigation Chapter Eleven Contract Fundamentals In International Legal Systems I. Objectives Through the learning of this chapter, enable students to know the classification of legal systems worldwide. Master the developing process and characteristics of common law, civil law and Islamic law and the respective arbitration and contracts in each law system. Master the meaning and expressions of relevant terms. II. Contents 72 Legal system worldwide Common law Arbitration Contracts Civil law Arbitration Contracts Islamic law Arbitration Contracts III. The Points of Examination a) the characteristics of each law system worldwide b) the contracts in countries of different law system IV. The Requirements of Examination Recognition: the classification of legal systems worldwide; the developing process and characteristics of common law, civil law and Islamic law respectively Comprehension: the respective arbitration and contracts in each law system Application: the meaning and expressions of relevant terms Chapter Twelve Offer To Sell Goods I. Objectives Through the learning of this chapter and by study the sample contract given by our text book, enable students to know what the offeror and offeree should pay special attention to when making an offer. Master the meanings and expressions of relevant terms. II. Contents Sample contract 73 [Seller‘s letterhead] [Date] [Buyer‘s company name] [Buyer‘s address] Re: sale of [identification of goods] Dear [Sir/Madam]: We thank you for your inquire of [date] regarding the purchase of [identify goods]. We are pleased to offer you our most competitive price of [currency and amount]. The minimum order is [amount and unit]. Please note that our acceptance of your order will be subject to the conditions printed on the reverse of this letter. Also, your order will not creating a binding contract between us. After we have received your order, we will confirm in writing our acceptance, at which time we will then have a binding contract with you. Special shipping terms for this order are as follows: [specify] We will deliver the goods ordered to your address as stated above, unless you specify a different address in your order. The delivery will be within [number] days of our receipt of your order, unless we otherwise inform you. The terms of delivery are as follows: [specify] If we do not receive an order from you by [date], this offer is withdrawn. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours [Signature of seller] Sample contract: offer to sell goods (reverse side) Condition of sale Amendments to conditions Designated delivery times Firm price No warranties Defective goods Notice of damage, shortage, or loss Licenses and raw materials Stoppage, delay, or interruption of work Force majeure Indemnification for specifications Intellectual property rights 74 Arbitration Governing law III. The Points of Examination a) the form of a offer and expressions of the relevant matter b) the meanings and expressions of relevant terms. IV. The Requirements of Examination Comprehension and application: what the offeror and offeree should pay special attention to when making an offer; the meanings and expressions of relevant terms Chapter Thirteen Memorandum Of Sale I. Objectives By study of this chapter, the students should know some key points when using a memorandum of sale and on this basis the students should be able to remember the form of the memorandum of sale and to draft a correct memorandum of sale. II. Contents Use of form Sample Contract: Memorandum of sale [Seller‘s letterhead] [Date] [Buyer‘s company name] [Buyer‘s address] We confirm your order received on [date] for the following goods: [list the goods, including quantity, type, model numbers, color, and other identifying characteristics. If the types of goods differ in price, include the price per item and the price for the total quantity ordered.] The terms of this order are as follows: Date of delivery: on or before [date] 75 Price: total [currency and amount] [special trade terms] Special packing arrangements: [specify] Payment: deposit paid at time of order [currency and amount] Net on receipt of [goods/invoice][currency and amount] Return policy Your signature below will create a binding contract between us Sincerely, yours [Name of seller‘s company] By [signature] [Name and title of person signing] [Company address] Accepted [Name of buyer‘s company] By: [signature] [Name and title of person signing] Date:[date] III. The points of examination a) key points that should be considered before using a memorandum of sale. b) form of a memorandum of sale c) how to draft a memorandum of sale IV. Requirements of examination Comprehension: key points that should be considered before using a memorandum of sale Application: draft a memorandum of sale Chapter Fourteen Purchase Order I. Objectives By the study of this chapter, the students should know how to make an order and the nature of purchase order. Besides, the form of a purchase order should be remembered. II. Contents 76 Sample contract: purchase order [front side] , [Buyer‘s letterhead] , Purchase order No: [number] , Date: [date] , We are pleased to place the following order, subject to the conditions appearing on the reverse of this purchase order: Model number: [list] Description: [list] Quantity: [list] Price/item: [list] Total price: [list] Subtotal Tax Shipping Total price , Terms of shipping and delivery: [specify, including importing and exporting costs and documentation, destinations, delivery times, and insurance requirements]. [Signature of buyer] Sample contract: Purchase terms [reverse side] , Conditions of purchase order The purchase order on the reverse side is conditioned on the following terms , Acceptance , Delivery , Price and payment terms , Quantities , Insurance , Shipment documentation , Title to drawings and specifications , Seller‘s warranties , Inspections , Assignment , Creation of contract , Governing law and forum 77 III. The points of examination purchase order (front side) purchase terms (reverse side) IV. Requirements of examination Comprehension: how to make an purchase order, the form of a purchase order Application: purchase terms Chapter Fifteen Conditional Contract of Sale I. Objectives By the study of this chapter, students should know if the price of the goods is too high, how a buyer can make the payment after consuming the products. They are also required to understand the detailed terms of a conditional contract of sale. II. Contents Sample: conditional contract of sale , On [date], this agreement is made between [name], [a/an] [description and nationality] of [address] (the seller) and [name], [a/an] [description and nationality] of [address] (the buyer). The parties agree as follows: , Sale of goods , Purchase price , Title , Use of goods , Insurance , Intellectual property rights , Default and acceleration , [Signature of both parties] III. The points of examination The important terms of a conditional contract of sale 78 IV. Requirements of examination Comprehension: how a buyer can make the payment after consuming the goods. Application: the detailed terms of a conditional contract of sale Chapter Sixteen Consulting Contract I. Objectives By the study of this chapter the students should understand the role and categories of consulting contracts in business transaction. They should be able to make a sample of consulting contract in correct form. II. Contents Sample: consulting contract , This Agreement is made as of [date], between [name], [a/an] [description and nationality] of [address] (the company) and [name], [a/an] [description and nationality] of [address] (the consultant). , Engagement , Term , Efforts of consultant , Compensation , Independent contractor status , Consulting report , Conflict of interests , Confidentiality , Intellectual property rights , Termination , Assignments , Notice , Governing law III. The points of examination the role of consulting contract 79 the categories of consulting contracts the form and important terms of a consulting contract IV. Requirements of examination Reorganization: the role of consulting contract Comprehension: the categories of consulting contracts Application: the form and detailed terms of a consulting contract Chapter Seventeen Sales Representative Contract I. Objectives By the study of this chapter, the students should know the importance and effectiveness of employing a sales representative. Moreover, they should know the form and detailed terms of a sales representative contract. II. Contents Sample: contract for services of sales representatives , This Agreement is made on [date] between [name], [a/an] [individual or type of entity and nationality or place of formation] of [address] (the manufacturer) and [name], [a/an] [individual or type of entity and nationality or place of formation] of [address] (the sales representative). , Appointment , Obligations of sales representative , Term , Obligation of manufacturer , Commissions , Independent contractor relationship , Intellectual property rights , Assignment , Remedies for violations , Modification , Notices , Intention of parties , [Name of company] 80 , By [signature] , Sales representative , [Name of company] , By [signature] , Manufacturer [Name and title of person signing] III. The points of examination the importance and effectiveness of employing a sales representative the general issues that should be pay attention to by the sales representative the form and important terms of a sales representative contract IV. Requirements of examination Recognisation the importance and effectiveness of employing a sales representative Comprehension: issues that should be pay attention to by the sales representative Application: the form and detailed terms of a sales representative contract Chapter Eighteen Franchise Agreement I. Objective By the study of this chapter, students should be able to understand the terms of the franchise agreement, to know the key points that should be pay attention to by both parties, and to make a sample franchise agreement. II. Contents Sample contract: franchise agreement , This Agreement is made on [date] between [name], [a/an] [individual or type of entity and nationality or place of formation] of [address] (the franchiser), and [name], [a/an] [individual or type of entity and nationality or place of formation] of [address] (the franchisee). , Recitals 81 , Agreement , License , Initial fee , Franchisee‘s obligations , Franchiser‘s obligations , Franchisee‘s obligations regarding operations , Indemnification , Insurance , Noncompetition , Default , Term , Termination , Franchiser‘s rights on termination , Compliance with laws , Independent contractors , Waiver , No oral representations , Date , [Signature] , Franchisee , [Name of company] , Franchiser , By [signature] , [Name and title of person signing] III. Points of examination Important terms of a franchise agreement IV. Requirement of examination Application: the form and detailed terms of a franchise agreement Chapter Nineteen Distribution Agreement I. Objective By the study of this chapter, students should be able to understand 82 the terms of the franchise agreement, to know the key points that should be pay attention to by both parties, and to make a sample distribution agreement II. Contents Sample contract: distribution agreement , This agreement is made on [date] between [name], [a/an] [individual or type of entity and nationality or place of formation] of [address] (the manufacturer), and [name], [a/an] [individual or type of entity and nationality or place of formation] of [address] (the distributor). , Recitals , Agreement , Appointment , Term of agreement , Relationship of the parties , Obligation of the distributor , Obligation of the manufacturer , Orders of goods , Prices and payment terms , Payment method for blocked exchange , Warranties , Indemnities , Intellectual property rights , Assignment , Termination of exclusive distribution rights , Termination of agreement by manufacturer , Termination of agreement by distributor , Repurchase of products on termination , Remedies , Modification , Notices , Waivers and delays of performance , Each party acknowledges that he or she has read and understood the terms of this agreement, and accordingly sign below. [Name of company] 83 Distributor By [signature] [Name and title of person signing] [Name of company] Manufacturer By [signature] [Name and title of person signing] III. Points of examination Important terms of a distribution agreement IV. Requirements of examination Application: the form and detailed terms of a distribution agreement Chapter Twenty Consignment Agreement I. Objective By the study of this chapter, students should be able to understand the terms of the consignment agreement, to know the key points that should be pay attention to by both parties, and to make a sample consignment agreement II. Contents , Sample contract: consignment agreement This agreement is made on [date] between [name], [a/an] [individual or type of entity and nationality or place of formation] of [address] (the ―Manufacturer‖), and [name], [a/an] [individual or type of entity and nationality or place of formation] of [address] (―consignee‖). , Recitals A. The parties acknowledge that the Manufacturer produces and sells [describe goods or the goods listed in the current product list attached to this agreement] and products that are similar in nature and type (the ―goods‖). B. The Consignee has requested to receive goods on consignment for the manufacturer for the purpose of stocking and selling the goods as 84 an authorized representative of the manufacturer. C. The manufacturer desires to furnish goods to the consignee as an authorized representative in [state and/or country] (―territory‖) on the terms and conditions of this agreement. , Agreement , Relationship of the parties , Term of agreement , Stock orders , Delivery terms , Title to goods , Price terms , Payment terms , Inventory reports , Additional obligations of consignee. , Additional obligations of the manufacturer , Risk of loss , Warranties , Indemnities , Intellectual property rights , Assignment , Termination of agreement by manufacturer , Termination of agreement by distributor , Termination of agreement , Remedies , Modification , Notices , Waivers and delays of performance , Terms of agreement , Each party acknowledges that he or she has read and understood the terms of this agreement, and accordingly sign below. [Name of company] Consignee By [signature] [Name and title of person signing] [Name of company] Manufacturer 85 By [signature] [Name and title of person signing] III. Points of examination The concept of consignment agreement Important terms of a consignment agreement IV. Requirements of examination Recognition: the concept of consignment agreement Application: the form and detailed terms of a consignment agreement Chapter Twenty-One Licensing Contract I. Objective By the study of this chapter, student should be able to understand the nature and characteristics of a licensing contract, to know the key points that should be pay attention to by both parties, and to make a sample licensing contract. II. Contents , Sample contract: licensing agreement This agreement is made on [date] between [name], [a/an] [individual or type of entity and nationality or place of formation] of [address] (the ―licensor‖), and [name], [a/an] [individual or type of entity and nationality or place of formation] of [address] (―licensee‖). , Recitals A. The parties acknowledge that licensor owns executive rights in the intellectual property shown in the list attached to this agreement (―intellectual property‖). B. The licensee desires to manufacture and sell [type of goods] (―goods‖) carrying the licensor‘s intellectual property in [state and/or country] (―territory‖). , Agreement , Grant to license , Term of agreement , Intellectual property rights 86 , Quality of goods , Design and components of goods , Price of goods , Relationship of the parties , Payment of license fee , Sales royalties , Assignment , Termination of agreement , Effect of termination , Remedies , Modification , Notices , Waivers and delays of performance , Terms of agreement , Indemnity , Each party acknowledges that he or she has read and understood the terms of this agreement, and accordingly sign below. [Name of company] Licensee By [signature] [Name and title of person signing] [Name of company] Licensor By [signature] [Name and title of person signing] III. Points of examination The concept of licensing contract Differences between licensing contract and franchise contract Form and important terms of a licensing contract IV. Requirement of examination Recognition: The concept of licensing contract Comprehension: differences between licensing contract and franchise contract Application: form and detailed terms of a licensing contract 87 Chapter Twenty-Two Glossary I. Objective By the study of this chapter, student should be able to understand the fundamental terms of international contract. II. Contents 97 Terms listed in the Chapter. III. Points of examination Concept of the terms IV. Requirements of examination Comprehension: Meaning of each term. 88 IV. Sample paper Part One: Define the following terms (30%) Part Two: Translation (30%) Part Three: Draft a sample contract according to the given conditions (40%) Part One: Define and explain the following terms (30%) 6. Requirement contract 181 7. Destination contract 179 8. Consignment contract 178 9. Governing law clause 179 10. Warranty 182 Part Two: Translation (30%) 6. 对本合同的任何修改和/或补充只有在双方授权代表在书面签 字后方为有效,并成为本合同不可分割的组成部分。(P64) 7. 本合同终止后,甲方仍有权使用乙方提供的专用技术,仍有权 设计、制造、使用、销售和出口合同产品。合同期满后,双方 发生的未了债券和债务,不受合同期满的影响,债务人应对债 权人继续偿付未了债务。(P85) 8. 乙方保证是本合同规定提供的一切专有技术和技术资料的合 法所有者并有权向家方转让,如果发生第三方指控侵权,由乙 方负责与第三方交涉并承担法律上经济上的全部责任。(P76) 9. ―Technical Information‖ means confidential engineering data, drawings, specifications and production procedures, brochures, catalogs and all other technical information necessary to the manufacture, operation, sale and service of the product, which are owned or hereafter acquired by Party B and/or which Party B has 89 or may have the right to control and furnish to Party A during the term of this Contract. (P66) 10. If the other party fails to perform its obligation in the contract within the time limit agreed upon in this Contract, and fails to eliminate or remedy such breach within 15 days following the receipt of the notice thereof from the non-breaching party and still again fails to perform the Contract within the period of time allowed for delayed performance, in such case the non-breaching party shall be entitled to rescind the contract by a written notice to the defaulting party and still have the right to claim damages from the defaulting party. (P81) Part Three: Draft a sample contract according to the given conditions 售 货 合 同 合同编号: CGC001 买方:Tiger International LLC 签订日期:1999.7.21 卖方:China Geo-engineering Co. 签订地点:北京, 中华人民共和国 双方同意按下列条款由买方售出下列商品: (1)商品名称、规格及包装 (自拟) (2)数量(170kg) (3)单价(USD 50.00) (4)总值(USD 8500.00) (5)装运期限:不晚于1999年8月20日 (6)装运口岸:北京机场 (7)目的口岸:美国纽约JFK国际机场 (8)保险;由 方负责,按本合同总值110%投保_____险。 (9)付款:凭保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期有电 报套汇条 款/见票/出票____天期付款信用证,信用证以_____为受益人并允许分批装运 和转船。该信用证必须在______前开到卖方,信用证的有效期应 为上述装船 期后第15天,在中国______到 期,否则卖方有权取消本售货合约,不另行通 90 知,并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。 (10)商品检验:以中国________所签发的品质/数量/重量/包装/卫生检验合格证书作为卖方的交货依据。 其他条款: 1. 异议:品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起30天内提出, 数量异议须于货 到目的口岸之日起 明。如责任属于卖方者,卖方于收到异议20天内答复买 方并提出处理意见。 2. 信用证内应明确规定卖方有权可多装或少装所注明的百 分数,并按实际装运数量议付。(信用证之金额按本售货 合约金额增加相应的百分数。) 3. 信用证内容须严格符合本售货合约的规定,否则修改信用 证的费用由买方负担,卖方并不负因修改信用证而延误装 运的责任,并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。 4. 除经约定保险归买方投保者外,由卖方向中国的保险公司 投保。如买方 需增加保险额及/或需 加保其他险,可于装船前提出,经卖方同意后代为投保, 其费用由买方负担。 5. 因人力不可抗拒事故使卖方不能在本售货合约规定期限 内交货或不能交 货,卖方不负责任, 但是卖方必须立即以电报通知买方。如果买方提出要求, 卖方应以挂号函向买方提供由中国国际贸易促进委员会 或有关机构出具的证明,证明事故的存在。买方不能领到 进口许可证,不能被认为系属人力不可抗拒范围。 6. 仲裁:凡因执行本合约或有关本合约所发生的一切争执, 双方应以友好方式协商解决;如果协商不能解决,应提交 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会的仲裁规则进行 仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。 7. 附加条款(本合同其他条款如与本附加条款有抵触时,以 本附加条款为准。): 买方签字: 卖方签字: 91
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