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关爱空巢老人、留守儿童方案关爱空巢老人、留守儿童方案 西台小学 关于制定“关爱空巢老人志愿 服务行动”的 实施方案 为推进西台小学志愿服务活动深入开展,大力弘扬中华民族尊老爱老、助人为乐的传统美德,现制定 “关爱空巢老人志愿服务行动”实施方案如下 一、指导思想 以党的十八大精神为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,突出以人为本,从空巢老人迫切需要、又能办得到的志愿服务入手,动员社会力量广泛开展关爱空巢老人志愿服务行动,推动“关爱行动”持续健康发展,促进社会和谐稳定。 二、行动主题 老吾老以及人之老 三、行动内容 1、生活照料。就近就熟组织招募...
关爱空巢老人、留守儿童 西台小学 关于制定“关爱空巢老人志愿 服务行动”的 实施方案 为推进西台小学志愿服务活动深入开展,大力弘扬中华民族尊老爱老、助人为乐的传统美德,现制定 “关爱空巢老人志愿服务行动”实施方案如下 一、指导思想 以党的十八大精神为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,突出以人为本,从空巢老人迫切需要、又能办得到的志愿服务入手,动员社会力量广泛开展关爱空巢老人志愿服务行动,推动“关爱行动”持续健康发展,促进社会和谐稳定。 二、行动主 老吾老以及人之老 三、行动内容 1、生活照料。就近就熟组织招募低龄健康中老年志愿者,组建志愿服务队伍,根据空巢老人具体情况开展生活照料志愿服务。如对生活不能自理空巢老人,提供送餐、帮助做饭、打扫卫生、帮助购物、陪同就医等志愿服务;对生活半自理的老人,提供一天一次电话问候、三天一次上门服务、急事随叫随到等志愿服务;对生活不能自理、经济困难的空巢老人,除提供必要生活 照料志愿服务外,积极开展政策咨询、倡导慈善援助和社会捐助等志愿服务。 2、为老人读报、陪老人聊天等方式,有针对性地进行心理咨询和心理疏导。定期在西台小学开展种有益身心健康的活动。 3、健康保健和应急救助。要发挥西台小学的作用,组建健康保健和应急救助专业志愿者队伍。一是根据本地空巢老人的具体情况,如空巢老人分布情况、高龄空巢老人规模、平常应急救助情况等,设立西台小学24 小时志愿服务热线电话,及时为西台小学空巢老人提供应急救助志愿服务。 二是定期开展老年健康保健知识讲座,建立西台小学空巢老人健康状况信息档案(如健康状况、生活方式、体检情况等),每2 个月至少开展1 次。 4、文体健身。要发挥成教学校、中小学校等作用,组建具有书法、美术、音乐、棋类、老年健身等特长的志愿者队伍,依托西台小学老年人活动室、老年健身活动设施,经常开展西台小学老年体育、文化娱乐志愿服务活动。 5、亲情关爱。(西台小学)要根据空巢老人家中子女不在身边的现状,组织亲情关爱志愿者经常主动上门,嘘寒问暖。在中华民族传统节日如春节、元宵、端午、中秋、重阳,看望慰问空巢老人;对空巢老人情况记录存档,在他们生日之际,赠送贺卡或小礼物。 四、行动方式 1、以“定向结对”为主要服务方式。根据空巢老人的实际需求,采取“一对一”、“一对多”、“多对一”等形式开展“关爱行动”。活动中突出重点,优先为困难空巢老人提供关爱志愿服务。 2、(西台小学)在招募志愿者时,要根据空巢老人特别是高龄空巢老人行动不便、大多有病、不易接近陌生人、不愿意给别人增添麻烦的特点,尽量就近就熟招募低龄健康老人成为“关爱行动”志愿者,使他们在拥有较多的共同语言、of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 熟悉的生活背景下建立信任关系,推动关爱志愿服务活动开展。 五、工作举措和要求 1、加强领导,组建机构。成立“关爱行动” 志愿者服务工作领导小组 2、西台小学要围绕实施“关爱行动”的基本内容,积极招募组建志愿者队伍,不断完善志愿服务体系,并对志愿者进行注册登记,建立档案。 3、加强志愿者培训。加强对开展“关爱行动”的指导。要根据志愿服务的实际需要,采取多种形式,对志愿者进行职业道德教育、志愿理念普及和相关专业技能培训,不断提高志愿服务水平。 4、建立志愿服务“台帐”。全面对空巢老人基本情况进行摸底调查,对空巢老人的基本信息、服务需求等情况统一建档,制定有针对性的志愿服务规划,确保所有需要帮助的空巢老人都纳入“关爱行动”范畴。 5、组织开展志愿服务活动。在居家养老工作的基础上,根据空巢老人在生活照料、心理抚慰、应急救助、健康保健、法律援助、文体活动、亲情关爱等方面需求,定期开展志愿服务,不断满足他们日益多样化的志愿服务需求。 6、制定志愿服务工作规范,推动志愿服务规范化、制度化。开展“关爱行动”志愿服务不能走过场、搞形式主义。西台小学要围绕空巢老人志愿服务需求类别,制定不同志愿服务的基本规范和,如生活照料类志愿服务的频次与形式、服务质量的监督与考评。凡开展“爱心行动”志愿服务的,要保存图片、影像、服务记录等档案资料备查。 、完善志愿者激励机制,激发参与志愿服务的积极性。 镇党委和政府要建7 立完善志愿者激励机制,制定表彰奖励办法。通过激励表彰机制,普及志愿理念、弘扬志愿精神、传递志愿爱心、营造志愿氛围,充分发扬志愿者的积极性,吸引和鼓励更多的人投身志愿服务事业。及时推广宣传先进典型。 8、把空巢老人关爱志愿服务行动纳入精神文明创建年度目标考核,加大督查力度,促进工作顺利实施,取得成效。 西台小学 2013-7-8 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 西台小学组织空巢老人积极参与 社会活动安排 时间:2013-3-8 地点:西台小学 社会活动内容;参加三.八国际劳动妇女节103周年纪念活动。 活动开展情况: 1、3月5日——7日,由学校组织向社区空巢老人放映电影3场(每晚1场)。 2、3月7日上午,由西台小学“爱心行动”志愿服务队向空巢老人演出文娱节目,让空巢老人特是空巢女性老人欢度“三.八”妇女节。 西台小学关爱行动志愿服务工作领导小组办公室 2013年3月7日 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 西台小学 关于制定“关爱空巢老人志愿 服务行动”的活动记录 一、活动主要负责人 杨亚琴 白瑛 二、空巢老人的社会现状 空巢家庭指无子女或虽有子女,但子女长大成人后离开老人另立门户,剩下老人独自居住的老年家庭。如果适应不好,很容易诱发各种身心问题,不但影响老人的生活质量,还会给家庭带来各种困难,从而导致一系列的社会问题。因此,空巢家庭问题,不仅仅是个别家庭问题,而是具有广泛意义的社会、经济问题,它关系着现代化的进程、人们的生活质量、社会和谐和安定,是全面实现小康社会的一个重要因素。关注空巢老年家庭,研究空巢老人问题具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。为了让这些老人的生活空间更大,精神世界更精彩,有关部门倡导市民踊跃参与到“编外儿女”队伍中,给这些空巢老人尽一份孝心。老人需要经济支助、生活照料、精神慰藉。 三、养老社会公共设施现状 公共养老设施资源短缺,机构设施和服务水平偏低、养老机构特别是商业性的养老机构收费过于高昂。同时,观念和情感方面的障碍,也影响他们选择机构养老的方式。 四、活动实施可行性分析 社会服务的滞后性,在短时间不可能把空巢老人这个社会问题得到很好的解决。我们作为社会的一份子,有这份社会义务尽自己的责任。 五、活动具体实施过程 (1)、通过各居委会、老年办、社会调查等方式了解一些空巢老人的资料,根据社团的具体情况,适当的选择三十位左右的典型并且急需帮助的老人,实行一对一的帮扶方式。活动开始时,选择两个左右进行试点,充实基础,逐步的扩大。 (2)、全校园招聘,面向同学,采取自愿的原则,根据实际情况选拔志愿者。 (3)、社团统一安排支援到帮扶的空巢老人的家中,通过交谈的方式,了解老人走过的一生并且记录下来,之后统一整理编辑。 (4)、志愿者首次前往的车费由社团提供,以后的车费由自己负担。 (5)、资料的采编应该在一个月内完成,一个月后汇集修订。 六、后续发展 空巢老人这是一个长期的工作,心源社应该把它当做一个常规活动,一直坚持下去。通过逐步的发展,扩大社会影响力,带动更加多的人参加进来。逐步建立一个有效的管理体系,井然有序的开展下去。同时逐步的积累资金,加大对这方面的投入。最终,活动的定位是:社团引导,全员参加,社会资助,自主发展,一体多元化管理。 八、总结 空巢老人成为了社会关注的热门话题,我们作为学生,相应社会的号召,做出自己的努力。同时,走向社会实践自己、锻炼自己。我们需要这样的机会,他们也需要我们。构建和谐社会,需要我们有一个和谐的理念。 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 2012年3月28日 第9期 西台小学关爱空巢老人活动简讯 空巢家庭指无子女或虽有子女,但子女长大成人后离开老人另立门户,剩下老人独自居住的老年家庭。在家庭生命周期理论中,空巢期一般被看作是家庭生命周期发展的最后的一个阶段。全国65岁以上的单身老人户中11.5%为空巢老人。其中,城市中空巢家庭的老人户占老人总数的27%左右,也就是说,四分之一以上的城市老年家庭是空巢家庭城区的老龄人群中,儿女不在身边的比例超过30%,总人数多达5000多人。预计到2030年,我国的空巢老年人家庭的比例可能达到90%,届时我国老年人家庭将“空巢化”。 为空巢老人按摩 签发:杨亚琴 编校:王庆洁 打印:王庆洁 抄报:金凤区教育局 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 西台小学学雷锋乡村少年宫志愿者 活动方案 青年志愿者活动是新时期服务社会的新生力量,青年志愿者倡导志愿精神,传播先进文化,团结互助,平等友爱。为继承传统和弘扬青年志愿者“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”的志愿精神与传统美德,倡导时代新风正气,进一步建立和完善青年志愿者服务的机制,切实提高我校团员青年的综合素质,激励和引导团员青年积极投入到和谐社会、和谐校园的创建工作中,为自己和他人的学习和生活创造一个和谐、宽松、健康的良好环境,为服务社会、奉献社会贡献力量。根据市、区文明委的文件精神,2013年3月份我校将在全校开展以“讲文明树新风、弘扬雷锋精神、参与志愿服务、献礼十八大、温暖身边人”为主题的“学雷锋、讲文明、树新风”志愿服务活动。制定青年志愿者活动方案如下: 方案一——绿色校园之节能从我做起 活动地点:本校内 活动目的:通过本次活动,向同学们宣传节能观念,唤醒大家的节能意识。同时要求教师员工以身作则引导全校广大学生树立“节约光荣、浪费可耻”的观念,为节约能源,创作绿色校园尽自己的一份力。 活动内容: 1、向同学们宣传节能观念,唤醒大家的节能意识。 2、在教学楼内 “巡逻”,关掉空教室里的电灯。 3、在校园厕所、食堂洗盆池等公共场所“巡逻”,关掉没旋紧的水龙头。 方案二——废除课桌文化 活动地点:本校内 活动目的: 1、宣传课桌文化的坏处,杜绝课桌文化。 2、增强同学们对保护环境,爱护公物的自觉意识。 3、提高我校学生的精神文明,加强学生的文明意识,创建和谐校园。 活动内容 1、在全校各班级宣传课桌文化的坏处,杜绝课桌文化。 2、定期清理多媒体教室、阶梯教室等公共教室桌面上的乱涂乱画。 3、以班级为单位清理班级课桌上的乱涂乱画。 4、清理校园及周边区域内的垃圾。 5、宣传环保知识,提高学生的环保意识。 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 西台小学乡村学雷锋少年宫志愿者 活动安排 为全面贯彻中央加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设若干意见的精神,落实中央文明办和省文明办工作部署,市文明办决定,在我校组织开展学雷锋文化志愿者进乡村少年宫活动。现将有关事项如下 一、活动目的 组织民间手艺人、科普志愿者以及在文学、音乐、舞蹈、书画等方面有专长的志愿者进乡村少年宫,通过文化志愿服务引导未成年人提高文化涵养,提升未成年人思想道德建设工作水平。 二、活动安排 1、市文新局、市科协、市文联分别组织民间手艺人、科普志愿者或在音乐、舞蹈、书画方面有专长的志愿者,深入我市乡村少年宫开展学雷锋文化志愿服务活动。暑假前、暑假期间各组织一次活动、下半年组织两次活动,每次活动时间不少于两小时。 2、我校要结合自身实际组织相应活动,拿出我校的活动方案,暑假前、暑假期间各组织一次活动。 4、我校收集并于7月20日前提供活动方案文本、志愿者签到表、活动图片、媒体报道(包括网络媒体)等档案资料。 三、工作要求 1、高度重视、加强领导。各地各单位要高度重视,统一部署,周密安排,加强对学雷锋文化志愿服务活动的组织领导和工作指导,分别制定落实活动方案。 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 2、突出特色,精心组织。要紧紧围绕活动主题,加强组织动员,集中力 量开展好富有特色、内容形式多样的学雷锋文化志愿服务获得,不断增强关爱行 动的社会影响力。 3、加强宣传,营造氛围。各地各单位要加大媒体宣传力度,重视传统媒 体宣传的同时,利用网站、微博等新媒体、新平台积极宣传,营造好良好的社会 氛围。 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 西台小学“学雷锋文化志愿者进乡村学 校少年宫” 记录(3月份) 活动主题 志愿者进乡村活动 活动时间 3月14日 活动地点 良田镇 参加人数 80人 联系人 王怡 活动情况简组织民间手艺人、科普志愿者以及在文学、音 介 乐、舞蹈、书画等方面有专长的志愿者进乡村少年 宫,通过文化志愿服务引导未成年人提高文化涵养, 提升未成年人思想道德建设工作水平。 今天,我班组织学生开展关爱“留守儿童” 活 动。 我先向学生讲述了古代文学名人从小勤奋自学 成材的故事,并送给学生四个字“勤奋、刻苦”,要 求每一位同学就关爱工作说说自己的感想。然后全 班同学和留守儿童一起讲故事,希望她学习革命先 辈的精神,也希望她能向他们一样勤奋刻苦,长大 后为国家多做贡献。 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 2013年3月4日 第3期 西台小学开展以“弘扬雷锋精神,做全面发展一代新 人”为主题的系列实践活动简讯 近期,我校以3月5日学雷锋纪念日为契机,开展以“弘扬雷锋精神,做全面发展一代新人”为主题的系列实践活动,号召广大师生大力学习、弘扬和践行雷锋精神,提升我校师生思想道德素质,现将活动内容报道如下: 3月4日,我校大队部组织召开大队委会议,讨论并通过了此次学雷锋系列活动方案; 3月4日,周一上午升旗仪式时,五年级(1)班马志伟同学进行了热情洋溢的国旗下讲话,讲话主题为“弘扬雷锋精神,争做时代先锋”,全体师生受到了极大的感染,都表示要用实际行动践行雷锋精神、争做时代先锋;下午班队课,各中队开展 了“学习雷锋,争当先锋”的主题队会,队员们积极地讲雷锋的故事、背雷锋的名言、读雷锋的日记,论雷锋的精神,另外,我校还充分利用校刊、班刊及红领巾广播室等德育阵地宣传雷锋精神,报道身边的好人好事。3月4日下午,我校100多名学生和少先队员,在老师的带领下,顶着骄阳,冒着酷热,举着队旗,拿着扫把、抹布、抬着垃of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 圾筐,推着垃圾车,在学校办公室、垃圾箱,公共卫生区进行了大扫除和清理垃圾死角。同学们干劲十足,吃苦耐劳。另有志愿者20员,3月5日准备去社区的街道、市场和政府大院进行了大扫除和清理垃圾死角。尽我们小学生的一份力量,学习雷锋精神。 通过开展以“弘扬雷锋精神,做全面发展一代新人”为主题的系列实践活动现在一代一代的青少年,都向雷锋同志学习,雷锋精神成为推动社会进步的精神力量。雷锋精神的意义在于,在平凡与伟大,个人与国家、有限的生命与无限的为人民服务之间找到了结合点。 雷锋的精神是中华民族一笔可贵的精神财富,我们不但要在“学雷锋”活动中发扬这样的高尚精神,也要在日常生活中,一点一滴,方方面面发扬这样的优良传统,让这种“雷锋精神”永远的流传下去,让中华民族的传统美德发扬光大。 班队会图片: of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 布置活动现场: 志愿者进行了大扫除和清理垃圾 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 签发:杨亚琴 编校:王庆洁 打印:王庆洁 抄报:金凤区教育局 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 西台小学关爱留守儿童 工作活动安排 一、活动目标: 通过对留守儿童问题的调查、分析与研究,找到影响留守儿童健康成长的原因,有针对性地提出行之有效的措施和办法,狠抓落实,为“留守儿童”营造健康、快乐、平等、和谐的成长环境,同时,要加强领导,形成合力,大力宣传,建立目标责任制和完善的工作考评制度,不断提高广大未成年人的综合素质。 二、主要措施: (一) 健全机制,发挥学校主阵地的作用: 制订具体工作计划,实施“留守儿童”教育工作方案,总结经验,树立典型,推动“留守儿童”教育管理工作制度化、规范化和经常化。使学校真正成为学生学知识、学文化、不断提高思想觉悟的主阵地、主渠道。 (1)学习上优先辅导。学校要从学习方面对留守儿童逐一进行分类、分组,落实到每一位任课教师。由任课教师具体分析学生的学业情况,制定学习帮扶计划,明确帮扶时间、内容和阶段性效果。每个留守儿童由老师牵头确立一名学习帮手,教师要对结对帮扶效果进行定期检查,建立进步档案。 (2)生活上优先照顾。学校对留守儿童要多看一眼,多问一声,多帮一把,使学生开心、家长放心。食堂要注意营养搭配均衡,有益身体发育。留守儿童患病时,要及时诊治,悉心照料。要指导寄宿学生学会生活自理,养成文明健康的生活习惯。 (3)活动上优先安排。学校要高度重视并认真组织留守儿童参加集体活动,或根据特点单独开展一些活动,既使其愉悦身心,又培养独立生活能力。 实施教职工结对帮扶留守儿童制度。 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 建立健全教师与留守儿童的谈心制度。 通过定期举行主题班会、团队活动,举办书画展、演讲比赛、文艺演出等各种活动,组织留守学生积极参与,使他们生活在欢乐、和睦的氛围中,找到回家的感觉,增强学习、生活的信心,体会到学习的快乐、成长的快乐。 注重对留守儿童的心理健康教育。 针对品德行为偏差和心理障碍的留守儿童,班级要着重开设心理教育课,大力开展心理咨询、心理矫正活动,定期开展思想教育、情感教育、独立生活教育和体谅父母教育等,使留守儿童感到备受关爱,体验到生命成长的快乐与幸福,消除不良情感体验,树立乐观向上的生活态度,培养正确的人生观、价值观。 (二)构建全社会的教育网络,形成关爱合力: 1、加强与留守儿童父母或监护人交流与沟通。 班级要向留守儿童的家长公布学班主任、任课教师的联系电话。增进学校和家长的沟通联系。利用电话、家访等指导家长或临时监护人掌握与学校和儿童沟通的技巧,提高教育儿童的水平。遇到重大事情,老师要及时与在外务工的留守儿童父母进行交流,达到真诚沟通、解决问题的目的。还要通过书信、电话、网络等多种形式与家长定期联系,帮助家长提高自身素质,转变教育观念和育人方式,共同关注儿童生活、学习情况和心理、生理状况,引导鼓励儿童努力学习,自爱自强,做一名合格的社会义建设者和接班人。 2、加强委托监护人的教育培训。 班级要充分利用学校的育人阵地和育人功能,通过举行培训班、召开座谈会、汇报会等途径,加强对儿童或其监护人的教育和培训,向他们传授科学的育人观和教育方法,使之提高文化水平,转变思想观念和教育方式,提升育人水平。 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 2012年3月28日 第9期 西台小学关爱留守儿童活动简讯 1.2亿农民常年于城市务工经商,产生了近2千万留守儿童。88.2%的留守儿童只能通过打电话与父母联系,其中53.5%的人通话时间在3分钟以内,并且64.8%的留守儿童是一周以上或者更长的时间才能与外出的父母联系一次,有8.7%的儿童甚至与父母就没有联系。49.7,的孩子表示想和外出打工的父母在城市生活,但也有44.1,的被调查对象明确表示不想和外出打工的父母在城市生活。有24.2,的留守儿童与照顾他们的成人很少或从不聊天。 参观科技馆 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 为留守儿童做讲座 签发:杨亚琴 编校:王庆洁 打印:王庆洁 抄报:金凤区教育局 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 西台小学“关爱留守儿童活动” 记录(6月份) 活动主题 社区留守儿童“勤奋刻苦”活动 活动时间 6月14日 活动地点 良田镇 参加人数 68人 联系人 白瑛 活动情况简为了提高留守儿童的社会服务能力,增强环 介 保意识,我校开展了“社区清洁我先行”的 行动 活动过程: 今天,我班组织学生开展关爱“留守儿童” 活动。 我先向学生讲述了古代文学名人从小勤奋自学成材的故事,并送给学生四个字“勤奋、刻苦”,要求每一位同学就关爱工作说说自己的感想。 然后全班同学和留守儿童一起讲故事,希望她学习革命先辈的精神,也希望她能向他们一样勤奋刻苦,长大后为国家多做贡献。 效果反馈 此次关爱活动的开展,使留守儿童开阔了视野,增长了知识,让他们真正感受老师和同学们对她的关爱。 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support
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