
作文 我的好朋友

2017-10-26 10页 doc 31KB 16阅读




作文 我的好朋友作文 我的好朋友 我的好朋友 我从小到大交过许多的好朋友,而最让我记忆犹新的,是上四年级时交的好朋友。 她,长着一双灰蓝色的大眼睛,光滑的脸蛋上泛着红光,小小的嘴上面,长着一个非常漂亮的鼻子,她的眉毛并不浓密,雪白的皮肤,使我想起了童话中的白雪公主,因为她有一双灰蓝色的眼睛,所以大家都说她是个“混血儿”,她有一个很好听的名字:吴美滢。 听说她小时候有个孪生姐姐,不过刚生下来就夭折了,她幸运的活了下来。她的妈妈十分珍惜这来之不易的女儿,因此,她妈妈对她要求十分的严格,她也十分的争气,用功地学习,所以成绩一直在班上数一数二...
作文 我的好朋友
作文 我的好朋友 我的好朋友 我从小到大交过许多的好朋友,而最让我记忆犹新的,是上四年级时交的好朋友。 她,长着一双灰蓝色的大眼睛,光滑的脸蛋上泛着红光,小小的嘴上面,长着一个非常漂亮的鼻子,她的眉毛并不浓密,雪白的皮肤,使我想起了童话中的白雪公主,因为她有一双灰蓝色的眼睛,所以大家都说她是个“混血儿”,她有一个很好听的名字:吴美滢。 听说她小时候有个孪生姐姐,不过刚生下来就夭折了,她幸运的活了下来。她的妈妈十分珍惜这来之不易的女儿,因此,她妈妈对她要求十分的严格,她也十分的争气,用功地学习,所以成绩一直在班上数一数二,也因为优秀的成绩,她从就一直担任班上的英语课代表。 她生活在一个同父异母的家庭中,她有四个哥哥,一个姐姐,家中生活比较紧张,所以她的父母整天早出晚归,一个姐姐已经出嫁,四个哥哥学习都很忙,没有人来天天照顾她,所以从她很小开始,她就一直自己做饭,自己洗衣服,自己照顾自己,所以,她非常自理、成熟、坚强。 她在别人面前,总是表现的很坚强,她从不因为一点小伤而流泪,可我知道,在这个坚强的女孩背后却隐藏着一份软弱,她的眼泪很多,当她委屈时,泪水就会在眼眶里打转,最后像断了线的珠子一样滚落下来,那是我第一次看这个坚强的女孩落下眼泪。 这就是我的好朋友——吴美滢。 我的好朋友 说起我的好朋友,有好多:邻居中的,幼儿园的,里的。但是我最要好的朋友是周天阳。 周天阳和我个子一样高,两个大眼睛嵌在一张红润的脸蛋儿上,高鼻梁,帅极了。 从一年级开始,一条友谊的锁链就把我和周天阳连在一起。我们之间从未发生过争吵,互相帮助,亲密得简直就像一个人。 记得一次期末考试,还有几分钟就上课了,同学们都在做考前准备。我才发现尺子忘带了。“没有尺子哪行呀,回家取一定来不及了。”我急得真是要哭了。这时我的好朋友周天阳看见了便走了过来问我:“李添隆,怎么了,”我心焦火燎地说:“都怪我,偏偏在这个时候忘带尺子。”周天阳看着我心急成这样,便毫不犹豫地跑回自己的座位上,只听“啪”的一声,我回头一看,只见周天阳那着两截尺子,他将一截递给我,我楞住了,“啊,多好看的新尺子呀。”我深情地望了望周天阳,手里紧紧握着那半截尺子,不知说什么好。 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 放学回家后,我从包里那出那半截尺子,爱不释手。我决定要把它珍藏起来,因为在那短短的半截尺子上凝聚着我俩之间的深厚友谊和周天阳的助人为乐的品质。 我的好朋友 我有一个好朋友名叫贝贝,她黑黑的脸蛋儿,浓浓的眉毛,不大的眼睛,小鼻子,小嘴儿。这样的五官听起来不漂亮吧,但搭配抵赖十分耐看,越看越好看。她个子很高,才11岁的人,个子倒有一米六几,如果她远远地走过来,你会以为她是个大人。 贝贝是一个性格温和的女孩子,说话总是慢声细语,好像从来不知道着急和生气。这一点是我最看重她的地方。有一次,我和贝贝在楼下踢毽子,有两个小家伙儿一直在那里捣乱,我都快烦死了,于是我一把接住毽子,拉着贝贝说:“咱们去别处踢吧,这两个小不点儿烦透了~”可贝贝却犹犹豫豫地说:“要不,让他们一起玩儿吧,”我说:“他们不会踢~”贝贝就搂着我,在我耳朵边上说:“我看他们很想玩儿,会踢的其他人都不愿意和他们玩儿,怪可怜的。不如我们教教他们吧,”“唉~好吧,真拿你没办法,我只好„舍命陪君子?了~” 贝贝有一个表妹,话特别多,个性比较强,也经常和我们一起玩儿。我总是尽量躲着她,但贝贝每次找我玩儿的时候几乎都带着她,她总是和我们捣乱,不高兴了还欺负贝贝,贝贝总是忍着,有时还得代她向我道歉,但贝贝却一点儿都不觉得烦。我悄悄问贝贝:“什么都得你让她,你就不烦,”贝贝说:“唉~谁让我比她大半岁呢,算了吧,不管她好不好,她都是我妹妹呀~”每当她说这样的话时,我就替她难过,再也说不出什么来了。唉~贝贝实在是太懂事了~ 我很欣赏她的善良、友爱和坚强,所以我们的友谊越来越深。 点评: 1.文章通过几件典型的事例表现出朋友贝贝的个性特点,文章内容充实,结构严谨,层次分明。 2.语言朴实自然,条理清晰,情节描写真实生动,对话个性鲜明,符合人物形象。 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 《我的好朋友》作文评改 [评改目的] 1、通过作文评改,使学生进一步学会抓住人物的语言、动作、神态等方面的描写,来刻画人物形象。 2、充分肯定学生的习作,采用多种方式给予赏识,培养学生的作文兴趣,增强学生习作的自信心。 3、在习作评价的过程中,鼓励学生自由地发表自己的见解,尊重富有个性和创意的表达。 4、尝试再次修改习作,感受修改对写作的重要性。培养学生自我修改作文的能力。 ,评改重点, 通过互相赏识,帮助学生学会抓住人物的语言、动作、神态等方面的描写,来刻画人物形象。 ,组织形式, weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 以赏识为主,激发学生的写作热情。 ,评改过程, 一、引入,明确评改标准 每个人都有朋友,朋友就是那个你最了解的人,是那个一颦一笑,一举一动,一个眼神,一个动作,你都能心领神会的人,所以,这次写《我的朋友》的写人作文,大家完成得都非常好,你们笔下的朋友都给老师留下深刻的印象,大家的作文都能做到抓住人物的特点,选取典型的事例,将朋友的形象跃然纸上,其中,能抓住人物神情、动作等细节刻画,把人物写得活灵活现的,呼之欲出的同学有:(大屏出示学生名单) 把我们的掌声送给这些榜上有名的孩子们,掌声过后,羡慕之余,榜上无名的我们,想到的是什么,(自己的不足,别人是怎么写好的) 找到自己作文和优秀作文的差距,明确了自己的不足之处,才能更有效的修改和完善自己的作文。通过批改,老师帮大家了一下,本次作文突出的不足之处在于:没有抓住人物的神情、动作、语言等方面做细节刻画,使你笔下的人物形象平板,模糊,不够鲜活,给读者留下的印象不够深刻。 找到了症结所在,我们就有了努力的方向,今天,我们就通过这节作文评改课,借助优秀作文的欣赏,进一步的研究怎样抓住人物的特点,通过人物的神情、动作、语言等方面的描写,将人物形象刻画得淋漓尽致。 二、佳作亮相,片断欣赏,相机引导 每次作文总会有黑马出其不意的杀将出来,在这次作文中,大家想知道杀出的这匹黑马是哪位吗,有请张仁力,给大家带来她的大作《我的朋友-----无敌小霸王》。大家在听她读文章的时候,我们要做的是什么,和你的作文相比,你认为有哪些优点和不足(大屏出示讲评标准:1、是否选择典型事例写出人物的特点2、能否抓住人物的神情、动作等方面的描写生动的刻画出人物,给读者留下深刻的印象) 根据学生的评,师适时小结: 1、外貌描写,要形神兼备 外貌描写的目的是要写出人物传神的个性,只有形神兼备,人物形象才鲜活,人物独特的外貌总在一定程度上表现他的内心状态和袒露人物内心世界的隐秘。 2、动作描写,如见其人 动作描写不仅要写出人物做了什么,而且要写出他怎么做的,做到观察的细致,还要做到为突出中心服务。 老舍说过:每一个动作中清楚有力地表现出人物的一点来,人物便越来越活泼,越实在„..weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 所以,描写人物动作时,要选取最能表现人特征的动作,才能如见其人。 3、语言,如闻其声 人物的语言描写最能反映人物的完美形象,最能表现人物的鲜明个性,言为心声,什么样的人说什么样的话,所说的内容,可以反映出人的思想品质和性格特点,所以,人物的语言一定要抓住人物的特点,才能做到如闻其声。 4、神态描写 要抓住细微变化,反映人物的思想感情。 佳作并非每个人都有,但是轻轻推开“片段欣赏”这扇窗,我们惊喜的发现,精彩的片段和语句,就像散落在草丛中的野花一样,散发着迷人的芳香,不信,你听„„.. 四个孩子分别读精彩段落,师引导学生谈启发和感悟 三、小组合作,互相发现闪光点,集中交流 四、完善自己的习作,精益求精 (1)启发谈话:俗话说金无赤金,人无完人,我们自己文章中肯定也存在着一些不足,让我们用刚才学到的知识结合着优秀篇章和片段带来的启示,来修改自己的习作,使自己的文章锦上添花。 (2)修改自己的习作。 (3)交流:说清文章原来是怎么写的,现在改成什么,为什么改。 五、名家心得,总结激励,提出要求 纵观古今中外,大凡好的文章,在一定意义上说,与其说是“写”出来的,不如说是“改”出来的。鲁迅对散文《藤野先生》的修改,达到160多处,郭沫若先生一次对人谈创作方法,一连说了7个“改”字。俄国的托尔斯泰写的《战争与和平》前后改过七遍。马克思的《资本论》也是经过多年的反复修改才定稿出版的。古今中外的名家们尚且如此重视修改,对初学作文的我们当然就更应该如此了。 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed
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