

2017-08-31 19页 doc 48KB 18阅读




我叫MT第三季第1集我叫MT第三季第1集 我叫MT第三季第一集 1. 獸人戰士緊張的對著電話說:“喂喂~你們現在再哪,聯盟召喚了飛行騎兵~” Hello?where are you now? Alliance summoned the cavalry! 2. 亡靈女術士說話“石爐碉堡遭遇聯盟,速來支援~” We have enemy contact at stonehearth bunker,need support! 3. 亡靈女術士“喂,哈嘍,說話啊,” Hello? say something! 4. 男臉:“哦打喝呀~” ...
我叫MT第三季第1集 我叫MT第三季第一集 1. 獸人戰士緊張的對著電話說:“喂喂~你們現在再哪,聯盟召喚了飛行騎兵~” Hello?where are you now? Alliance summoned the cavalry! 2. 亡靈女術士說話“石爐碉堡遭遇聯盟,速來支援~” We have enemy contact at stonehearth bunker,need support! 3. 亡靈女術士“喂,哈嘍,說話啊,” Hello? say something! 4. 男臉:“哦打喝呀~” Arrryaaaa~ 5. 男臉說:“哼哼~我們5火球今天真是百干百勝~” We "five fireballs" team is so overwhelming lol 6. 男臉:“啊打打~”“喝啦啊~~” Arrrdaaaa~ whoooyaaa~ 7. 亡靈女術士召集的問:“怎麼了,說話啊,喂喂~” Hello? anybody there? 8. 亡靈女術士說:“那邊也滅了。。。” Well, they have fallen as well. 9. 亡靈女術士憤怒的說:“我們上,和他們拼了~再堅持幾分鐘石爐就燒了~” Guys, we have to hold this bunker for few more mins untill it's burnt. 10. 【棍】說:“我自己就收拾他們了~” I will finish them myself alone! 11. 女lr說:“小心點,雖然這幾個是笨蛋,但也不要輕敵。。。” Beware,those fools are tough. 12. 【騎】跑過來蹲在地上哭“嗚嗚嗚嗚。。。” Oooooo 13. 亡靈女術士說:“多謝~請問英雄尊姓大名,” Many thanks, and what's your name heroine? 14. 女lr頭也沒轉,深沉的說:“雷鋒。。。” It's on my head. 15. 女lr說:“你們到哪了。。。” Where are you now 16. 女dz說:“我們剛拿下冰翼碉堡” We just took icewing bunker 17. 女lr說:“我馬上就過去。。。” I will be there soon. 18. 女dz說:“斜坡碰面” See you under the hill. 19. 女dz面部特寫:“看來這場戰鬥要打很久了,都聚集在斜坡對推了” Looks we will have a long fight, we will push from the icewing. 20. 獸人獵人說:“這要拜那個沒教養的牛所賜啊。。。要不是他開了雷矛,聯盟現在已經被我們坑住了~” Thank for the stupid bull, he started the boss so early, so we've been screwed 21. 男臉特寫:“我們五火球今天要稱霸奧山,成為奧山的代王,姐妹們,我們上~” We five-fireballs rule this place, sisters! to arm! 22. 男臉拍拍衛兵的肩膀說:“小牛犢子,給雜家閃開,這個墓地充公了~” Hey sucking bull. move your ass from here. 23. 4個衛兵砍5火球,男臉:“哎呀哎呀~~~” Ahya! 24. mt怒說:“傻饅~你到底在哪,” Shammy where the hell are you? 25. sm:“我在一個塔上隱蔽著~” I'm hiding on a tower. 26. mt繼續說:“這麼多塔,到底是哪個~,” Which one? 27. sm特寫說:“我看看啊,你等下” Let me see.. 28. sm特寫說:“我看到一個長的挺像你的廢物,你找找~” I see a bull has stupid looking as you, can you see me? 29. mt特寫說:“好,一會再聯繫” Alright, will see you soon. 30. mt說:“注意觀察有沒有一個長的像我一樣的廢物~” Looking for a bull who has stupid looking as me 31. 小弟1說:“傻饅姐姐以前說過全世界就你一個廢物。。。” Shammy said you were the only one have stupid looking. 32. mt憤怒的說:“sm你個瘋牛,看到我居然不叫我~” Shammy you naughty, you already saw me. 33. sm說:“人家不確認是不是你嗎。。。” I was just not sure. 34. mt又憤怒的說:“全世界就我一個廢物,不是我還能是誰~,” I'm your "only one" "stupid looking" bull ok? 35. sm著急的說:“mt~快隱蔽,有人來了~” MT!hide!someone comes. 36. sm說:“就他一個,我們送他一程不,” He's alone, shall we kill him? 37. mt說:“好,你上,我精神支持你~” Good idea, you do it. 38. sm大怒說:“mt~你又皮癢了是不是~,” MT, stop being chicken! 39. mt說:“哦哦,看,那是誰~,” Oh! look, who goes there? 40. sm怒著說:“少轉移話題~” Are you listening? 41. ss大媽邊走邊唱:“?春天裡那個百花香?~啊~今天奧山死的真爽啊~” (singing)we smell flowers in spring~ we die for horor in AV~ 42. ss特寫說:“哦啊~敢問這位少林凸僧,你可是在開旗子,” Hey body, are you capturing the flag? 43. ss繼續說:“你看看你,本嬌花好心好意問候你全家,你最起碼也得說句人話儀錶敬意吧,在這鵝毛大雪的春天,你難道沒有從我的語氣里感受到一絲溫暖么~” Look, I'm asking you a question, It's bad manners to answer nothing. this is a cold place, and my greeting is warm, can you feel it? 44. ss說:“敞開褲襠~去迎接新的一天吧~這是多么棉花的事情啊~” Be positive and happy every day, It makes you happier. 45. ss大媽說:“有朝一日你會感謝我為你指明道路,雖然你的頭髮長不出來,但是毛不一定非要長頭上么~” You will realise what I'm saying is right, and don't worry about your hair,it doesn't have to be grown on head. 46. ss又說:“怎麼了,你想感受下溫暖么,好吧~俺成全你” So..wanna feel something warm? fine. 47. ss說:“這還沒完呢~” I have more.. 48. ss邊走邊說:“啊~我要繼續尋找我的春天去~” Keep looking for my spring~ 49. sm說:“我覺得還是不要和他打招呼的好。。。” I think we don't have to worry about him. 50. mt說:“嗯,我也這麼覺得。。。” I feel the same... 51. sm特寫說:“我們趕緊去找xd他們吧,大家要集合起來才行~” Let's go find Drood, we need to get together. 52. mt特寫說:“為啥要集合啊,” Why we have to? 53. sm說:“你還好意思問,要不是你剛才手賤開了雷矛,至於現在這樣么,” This is actually your fault, you started the boss too early, that's why we were hit back. 54. mt猥瑣情說:“嘿嘿~俺拿了2個墓地了~還偷了聯盟的大小姐~” Don't worry I took 2 graveyards and killed Balinda 55. sm特寫:“美個屁~” It's not gonna cover your ass. 56. sm說:“我們看一下戰況” Well let's see what's the situation now. 57. mt眼睛一瞇,2手一攤說:“哎~我們很有優勢嘛~” See, we've still got the upper hand. 58. sm特寫說:“懶得理你~” It's still not gonna cover you ass 59. sm說:“xd,你在哪,” Drood, where are you now? 60. xd說:“噢~我正要去前線看看戰況~聯盟在斜坡處集合了~” I'm heading to the front, enemies are gethering at icewing. 61. xd說:“你們先去男人房,聯盟可能去偷男人了~” You two may go protect Galvanger now. 62. lr特寫,nb狀說:“呆~妖孽~敢欺負我們部落的兄弟~” Fxcking enemy, you dare to kill my hordes! 63. lr邊跳邊說:“哇哈哈~美屢教我的風箏術果然好用,我現在天下無敵了~” Thank you Beauty teach me how to kite, so good to use lol. 64. lr自言自語:“哼,快死了~我就要勝利” I will get him! get him!!you die! 65. lr:“啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~”【高空墜下】 Ahhhhhhhhh~ 66. sm說:“那我們先去男人房吧~” Let's defend the Gal. 67. mt說:“男人在哪啊,” Where is he? 68. mt特寫說:“lr,你有啥煩惱啊,那麼想不開~” Huntard, why you killed youself 69. lr大怒說:“靠~我幫一個部落的兄弟出頭,結果太小心掉下來摔死了~” I was killing an alliance, and I fell. 70. sm搖搖頭說:“哎,沒買保險就不要見義勇為~” No insurance,no adventure 71. lr特寫說:“就是就是,我去找美屢買保險~” Right, will buy some insurance from Beauty 72. sm生氣的說:“買保險找地精人壽,找美屢有什麽用~” You should buy it from goblins, why Beauty? 73. lr臉紅特寫,捂著臉說:“找美屢可以。。可以。。。”然後蹲下就到一邊:“哎呀哎呀~” Find Beauty, and we can.. we can............Ahyaya~ 74. sm說:“lr你在想什麽~,” Huntard what do you have in mind? 75. sm怒狀說:“mt你在想什麽,” And you MT,what are you thinking about! 76. mt說:“和你想的一樣。。。” Same as you 77. sm:“你個臭流氓~” you dirty jerk! 78. sm怒特寫:“小小年紀不學好,太三俗了~” Always have dirty things in mind 79. lr特寫說:“哎呀sm~那是因為mt喜歡你~” Because MT like you, Shammy. 80. sm不好意思的說:“沒想到mt喜歡我這個人見人愛花見花開溫柔善良美麗大方闭月羞花沉鱼落雁温婉娴淑千娇百媚仪态万千国色天香花容月貌明目皓齿淡扫峨眉清艳脱俗香肌玉肤回眸一笑百媚生的卡哇伊小母牛啊~” Ah, MT,what do you like about me? my pretty looking?my rich wealth? my cheerful disposition?my charming voice? my soft heart?or my powerful spells? 81. mt說:“嗯~我就是喜歡你這種幽默感~” Yeah, I like your such sence of humor 82. mt一聲慘叫:“啊~~~~~” Ahhhhhh!!! 83. sm特寫:“看,聯盟過來一隊人偷男人了~” See, some alliance are coming to get Gal. 84. mt說:“怎麼辦,要不我們戰術撤退吧~” What now? how about we retreat? 85. sm生氣的說:“你說啥子,再說一遍,” What? I didn't hear you. 86. lr說:“mt說他喜歡你的幽默感~” MT just said he likes your sence of humor. 87. sm說:“算了~現在開始我指揮,我們去增援男人~” What the...fine, I'm in charge here, we are gonna defend Gal, now. 88. sm說:“呆賊還沒排進來嗎,” Orc rogue is still not here, is he? 89. mt:“你問我有毛用~” Are you asking me? 90. 姚明臉特寫:“大小姐,探子回報,部落也在集合兵力,看來要與我們死磕了” Lady, scout said bloody hordes are assembling at Icewing as well, things get more boodly 91. 大小姐坐在馬上,轉頭嚴肅的問姚明臉:“用得著回報嗎~,前面不就是么~你有什麽策略嗎,” We are here at Icewing, why need a scout to tell me. and what do you have in mind? 92. 姚明臉說:“三十六計走為上計~” Retreat. 93. 大小姐聽到後生氣的說:“哼,這一計太不符合騎士精神了~” This is not a knight way. 94. 姚明臉特寫說:“那麼,大小姐您有何高見,~” So what's your plan? 95. 大小姐生氣的說:“我要想的出來要你幹嘛~,” If I have a plan I don't need you as adviser 96. 姚明臉特寫:“哦~大小姐息怒,大小姐蕩漾~不過這場戰鬥不都是您惹出來的么。。。” Ok ok don't angry please, with all due respect, you started this fight 97. 大小姐怒著說:“什麽,要不是那個沒教養的牛偷襲我,至於這樣么 It's all because the fxcking bull killed me! 98. 姚明臉說:“至於么,” Is it? 99. 大小姐說:“不至於么,” Isn't it? 100. 姚明臉說:“至於么,” Is it? 101. 大小姐:“不至於么,” Isn't it? 102. 姚明臉:“不至於么,” Isn't it? 103. 大小姐:“至於么,” Is it? 104. 姚明臉:“不至於~” no it is not. 105. 大小姐滿意的點點頭說:“嗯。”片刻恍然大悟,生氣的說:“嗯~,” Right.... no! 106. 姚明臉說:“您看,就您這智力必然想出什麽好計策。。” See, you can't even play a brainstorm game. 107. 大小姐怒:“老不死的,幾天沒練你不自在了是不是~,有本事你想一個計策出來~” Old fool stop playing, just figure out a plan now! 108. 姚明臉說:“那老夫就獻醜給您指條明路。。。” So now I figure out a plan. 109. 大小姐特寫:“快說~” Speak! 110. 姚明臉特寫,看看大小姐沉默片刻說:“無敵爐石~” Bubble and hearth 111. 暗夜男一拍大腿:“好~太妙了~簡直是高科技啊~” Woot! what a high tech 112. 姚明臉怒喝:“暗夜男~休得無禮,這會讓大小姐很沒面子的~” Stop yelling NE, Lady will lose face 113. 大小姐恨的牙根癢癢,惡狠狠的說:“我已經很沒面子了。。。。” I've already lost face because of you. 114. 姚明臉說:“噢,大小姐您的心胸有如大波。。哦不。。大海一樣寬廣。。。這等小事就不要和我們計較了~” Lady you are large-minded, forgive our small faults~ 115. 大小姐特不好意思的說:“算了。。。那個。。無敵爐石真的好用嗎,。。” Well, btw, let's talk about bubble and hearth 116. 姚明臉看看大小姐伸出大拇指說:“大小姐,您是這范兒的,不以风骚惊天下,就以淫荡动世人啊。。。” Lady, good job, and I will let every alliance know what you doing right now is a wise decision 117. 大小姐生氣的喝道:“國足~” Warriors! 118. 姚明臉:“啊~~~~~~~”的慘叫一聲 Ahhhhhhh~ 119. 大小姐一揮手說:“上~一定要拿回冰翼~” Charge! we will take back Icewing, for honor! 120. mt正面特寫:“哎呀,我們進去要死了怎麼辦,~” If we get in there, we may die~ 121. sm說:“死了復活啊~” Don't worry,you will be rezzed 122. mt說:“哎。。。復活要修理費啊。。。自從改了隊伍分配,我G不多了,裝備差了,連roll點都不過20了~” That will be a huge repair bill. I'm really poor since we change to group loot, rolls never higher than 20 123. sm說:“G不多是應該的,裝備爛是人品差,roll點不過20去找你ms妹子算帳去吧。。。” You deserve this, poor and poor gears. 124. mt傷心的耷拉下腦袋:“哎。。。啥時候才能富有啊。。。” Sigh, when can I get rich again 125. lr特寫說:“mt~我教你個辦法,絕對能掙錢~” MT, I will tell you a trick to make money. 126. mt怒著說:“閉嘴,你能有什麽好辦法,再廢話把你嘴打斷~” Shut up, you never tell me anything useful! 127. lr說:“呃。。好吧。。。難得我想出這麼好的辦法~” Well, pitty, such a good idea and you don't want to listen. 128. mt說:“啥辦法啊,” What is it about? 129. lr說:“你給我一個八格包包~我就告訴你~” I will tell you if you give me an 8-slot bag. 130. mt說:“哦,好,你給我一個12格包包我就給你一個8格的包包~” Ok, If you give me a 12-slot bag I will give you an 8-slot one. 131. lr說:“哦,好~”然後拿出一個12格包給mt說:“給,給我一個8格包包~” Oh, fine.....now , give me an 8-slot bag 132. mt說:“給你~” here it is 133. lr高興的說:“哇哈哈~mt你上當了~八格包包到手了~” lol.MT, you are tricked, I won my 8-slot bag back! 134. lr特寫,怒說:“哼,殺人放火欠債還錢,早晚一天我能騙回我的包包們~看,這就是第 一個~” You swindled my bags, I'm ganna take all them back! this one is the first. 135. mt猥瑣的說:“嘿嘿,這貌似是條生財之道~ Lol, this is really good way to get rich. 136. sm說:“lr,你腦子被驢踢了,~” Huntard, you really don't have a brain. 137. lr特寫生氣的說:“什麽~,” What? 138. sm說:“我們現在是來騙包的還是來救援的~,” Are we coming here to play this stupid bag game or to fight enemies? 139. lr特寫說:“就是就是,mt,先還你包,我們先收拾了聯盟再騙你~” Right, MT, take your 8-slot bag, I will swindle you next time. 140. mt特寫:“哎~,還有這種好事啊~” Huh, so cool of you. 141. lr特寫說:“哼,有我在呢,我去看看~” I'm gonna take a look. 142. lr說:“哎呀哎呀~我看到幾個聯盟在對男人行注目禮~” I saw several alliance are looking at Gal. 143. mt說:“我們沖進去,把聯盟引向男人,叫男人全殲了他們~” We charge in and pull the alliance to the Gal, Gal will kill them all. 144. sm大怒:“他們來了,我們上~保衛我們的男人~” Here they come, to arm , for our general. 145. 亡靈女術士特寫:“馬上就燒了,我們準備去前線增援~” The bunker will be burnt. we get ready to support the front. 146. 亡靈女術士特寫:“先收拾了他們~” We get them first 147. sm邊奶邊喊:“快增援男人啊~” Need more defence on Gal. 148. 暗夜男疼的大叫:“疼死我了~~” What the hell, it's killing me 149. 姚明臉邊跑邊說:“大小姐,奶媽要站到後方~” Lady, healers should stand back. 150. 大小姐特寫:“切,用你管” Not your business 151. sm特寫,大喊:“lr跑哪去了,~” Where is Huntard? 152. mt怒著說;“nnd~殺他們的奶~” Shxt. kill the healer first! 153. mt說:“他們的奶沒了,我們去幫男人~” Their healers are all dead, we come up to help Gal. 154. mt特寫說:“小伙持久力不錯么~” This guy really can hold~ 155. sm說:“好了,你們2個留下保護男人,我們去前線增援他們” Well,You two defend Gal here, rest of us support the front 156. 亡靈女術士說:“我們走,去增援前線” So be it. 157. 亡靈女術士說;“遭了~石爐要被拿走了~” Damn, stonehearth gone! 158. 女lr邊走邊說:“喂,和我去拿回墓地。。。” Hey, come with me, we take back the graveyard 159. sm說:“快,冰翼快燒了,要拖住他們,把石爐拿回來~” Hold the Icewing bunker, and we need to take back stonehearth 160. mt:“哎,lr咧,” Huh? where is huntard? 161. sm說:“回去找lr~” You look for Huntard 162. lr左右看看:“唉,”疑問了一句 Hmmm? 163. 血色牛直接說:“這裡交給我,你們去拿墓地~” I will take care of this, you go grab back the graveyard 164. 女dz慢慢站起來:“混蛋。。。”說罷磕了一個紅再次衝上前線 God damn it! 165. xd特寫說:“噢~漫長的拉鋸戰開始了。。。” Holy.. bloody war is now stared 166. 女lr說:“你好像沒什麼狀態么,暗夜男這類的都打的這麼累。。。” What are you doing? and you killed the noob NE so slowly 167. 女dz說:“呃。。在想事情。。” I'm thinking of.. things. 168. xd特寫說:“不是都解決了么~還在想什麽,” What things are still bothering you? 169. 女lr說:“肯定是法絲的事情了。。。” About Magie perhaps 170. 女dz說:“嗯,最初我以為法絲和聯盟有什麽關係,現在看來,這個坑是填不上了。。。” Yeah, still some questions are there. I thought Magie got something to do with alliance. 171. 女lr說:“慢慢來吧,我徽章回去一趟,不能讓拉鋸發生” Let it be,don't think too much. I will teleport back and try to flank them. 172. xd說:“我去看看男人房,mt他們可能還在那~” I will go back to Gal room, MT must be there. 173. 大小姐說:“這裡很可能開始拉鋸。。。” Here will comes the seesaw battle 174. 姚明臉說:“暗夜男,你帶國足們去男人房,分散敵人的注意力,我們直衝冰雪墓地一舉拿下墓地” NE,you and warriors head to the Gal room, draw enemy fire on you, we will hit the Iceblood graveyard. 175. 大小姐生氣表情:“我們上~” Let's do it! 176. xd說:“噢~哀木涕,你們真在~聯盟大軍已經到中場了,我們速去增援啊~” MT, you are still here, alliance already pushed to the middle, we have to help there. 177. mt憤怒表情說:“哼~聯盟太放肆了~走~我們快逃~” Alliance are so bad, let's fall back 178. sm惡狠狠的說:“mt,你打算去哪,” MT, what are you doing? 179. mt戰戰兢兢的說:“我。。我去叫人。。。” I'm calling some...backups 180. sm怒特寫:“人都在前線,你去後方幹嘛~,” We are all in the front line, what are you doing in rear area 181. mt特寫:“我。。我叫剛才的術士阿姨來幫忙。。。” I will ask Aunty lock for help 182. sm說:“免了~” No, don't 183. xd急忙說:“噢~暗夜男來了~” NE is here! 184. sm大驚“快~進男人房~” Hurry up, we get in room and defend Gal. 185. mt怒著說:“哼,哪裡不平哪裡有我~” I will be where the fight is at. 186. sm大喊:“停~” Stop! 187. sm說:“不是這樣的~” Stop it! 188. lr一聲慘叫:“啊呀~~~” Ahhhhhh~ 189. lr滿地打滾,大喊:“mt~你杵瞎了我的氪金狗眼~” MT you jabbed my eyes! 190. mt特寫,說:“你不是叫我杵你眼睛么~,” Didn't you let me to jab you eyes? 191. lr喊到:“我是叫你杵暗夜男的眼睛~” No, I want you to jab NE's eyes! 192. mt說:“噢~” Alright 193. sm大怒:“mt~”同時喊:“楊教授連續吻~” MT!Chain lightening! 194. xd:“啊我靠~傻饅別沖,往男人那跑~~” Fxck!Shammy stop!get back to the general~ 195. 女dz自言自語:“遭了~” No, shxt! 196. 大小姐說:“掩護我開旗子~” Cover me, I cap the flag 197. 姚明臉說:“YOU~快去追她~” You, go after her! 198. 姚明臉無奈的說:“真是廢物。。。” What a noob... 199. 姚明臉說:“大小姐,速度開旗,部落要復活了” Lady, faster, Hordes will get rezzed! 200. 大小姐邊開邊說:“我正在開呢,快了~” I'm working on it! 201. mt抬頭看看說:“10秒復活~9~8~” 10 secs to resurrect.9,8 202. mt說:“5~4~” 5,4 203. mt說:“2~ 2 204. mt說:“1~” 1 205. 姚明臉說:“好~守好墓地”然後指著五火球說:“你們,去把哨高塔拿下~”然後指著地 中小隊說:“你們去把冰雪哨塔拿下~” Nice, defend this graveyard. you, go get the towers, you, go take the Iceblood tower 206. 大小姐嚴肅的說:“我們向前推進~” We push! 207. mt特寫說:“nnd~我們怎麼辦~,” Fxck, what do we do now? 208. sm特寫說:“看來我們只能先守住霜狼墓地了,這回被動了~” Now we have to defend frostwolf graveyard, we are so fxcked 209. sm大驚:“啊,” What? 210. 大小姐大吃一驚:“什麽~,” What? 211. sm高興的說:“呆賊幹得好~” Rogue,Well done! END
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