

2017-10-15 17页 doc 47KB 12阅读




宝宝去火营养粥宝宝去火营养粥 宝宝4款去火营养粥 百合枸杞猪肉粥 症状:宝宝一般偏瘦,睡觉多汗,容易心烦,易口渴、舌红、舌苔少。这类宝宝容易因汗多而着凉、感冒。 材料:百合20克,30克、枸杞10克、猪肉碎和米适量。 做法:先将米煮成粥,然后放入百合、枸杞、猪肉碎丁一起煮至熟为止。 山药猪肉粥 症状:宝宝一般偏胖、虚胖,有薄薄的舌苔、舌不红,这类宝宝因为体质虚弱,也容易感冒。 材料:山药20克(或生山药切片)、猪肉末和大米适量。 做法:先将大米煮成粥,将山药、猪肉末一起煮至熟为止。对于已经感冒的宝宝来说,需要通过清淡、有营...
宝宝去火营养粥 宝宝4款去火营养粥 百合枸杞猪肉粥 症状:宝宝一般偏瘦,睡觉多汗,容易心烦,易口渴、舌红、舌苔少。这类宝宝容易因汗多而着凉、感冒。 材料:百合20克,30克、枸杞10克、猪肉碎和米适量。 做法:先将米煮成粥,然后放入百合、枸杞、猪肉碎丁一起煮至熟为止。 山药猪肉粥 症状:宝宝一般偏胖、虚胖,有薄薄的舌苔、舌不红,这类宝宝因为体质虚弱,也容易感冒。 材料:山药20克(或生山药切片)、猪肉末和大米适量。 做法:先将大米煮成粥,将山药、猪肉末一起煮至熟为止。对于已经感冒的宝宝来说,需要通过清淡、有营养的饮食来调理。 葱白粳米粥 症状:如果你的宝宝在感冒初期表现有以下的症状:咳嗽、痰多且稀、鼻涕清稀、舌苔发白、大便白而干、尿很多、不爱喝水,多是因为着凉所致的寒性感冒。 材料:葱白(葱的根部)5,6段,生姜6,7片、粳米适量。 做法:先将粳米煮成粥,同时将葱白放入粥中,快好时放入生姜煮5,10分钟后就可熄火。 薄荷牛蒡子粥 症状:倘若宝宝在感冒初期的症状表现为:痰咳不出来、咽疼、爱喝水、有黏稠性鼻涕、舌头红色、舌苔变黄、脉搏也比平常快,多是因室温过高引起的热性感冒。 材料:薄荷6克、牛蒡子10克、粳米适量。 做法:先将牛蒡子单煮15分钟,取出牛蒡子,留下汁水备用。将梗米煮成粥,10分钟后放入薄荷,在粥快好时,放入牛蒡子汁水,煮5分钟即可。 给宝宝清润去秋燥的12款粥 梨子粥:用梨子两个,洗净后连皮带核切碎,加粳米100克煮粥。有生津润燥、清热化痰的功效,亦可用作秋季保健食品。 木耳粥:将白木耳5,10克浸泡发涨,加粳米100克,大枣3,5枚同煮粥。白木耳味甘淡性平,有滋阴润肺、养胃生津的作用。 百合粥:新鲜百合60克,冰糖适量,加粳米100克煮粥。有清心润肺之功效,对热病后余热未清、虚烦惊悸等症,均比较适宜。 芝麻粥:将黑芝麻适量淘洗干净,晒干后炒熟研碎,每次取30克,同粳米100克煮粥。芝麻可润五脏,补虚气。 麦门冬粥:用麦门冬20,30克,煎汤取汁,再以粳米100克煮粥待半熟,加入麦门冬汁和冰糖适量同煮。麦门冬可养阴生津,对肺燥、干咳、少痰等症效果较好。 菊花粥:菊花50克煎汤,再与粳米100克同煮粥,具有清暑热、散风热、清肝火、明眼目的作用,对秋季风热感冒、心烦、咽燥、目赤肿痛等有一定效果。 胡萝卜粥:胡萝卜洗净后切成小碎块放入锅里,加上粳米和水慢火熬煮食用。可防止孩子皮肤粘膜与眼睛干燥。 蔗浆粥:新鲜甘蔗500克,去皮榨汁备用,以粳米50克煮粥,熟后兑入蔗汁50毫升,再煮沸一次,调匀即可食用。 银耳粥:银耳10克,发泡后加入大米100,150克淘净同煮,加适量蜂蜜搅匀即可。银耳味甘淡性平,归肺、胃经,具有滋阴润肺、养胃生津的功效,适用于虚劳干咳、少痰和痰中带血丝、口燥咽干、神经衰弱、失眠多梦等症。 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 山药粥:山药100克,大米100克。山药洗净切块,大米淘净煮粥,一日2次分食。有健脾胃、益肺补肾的功效,凡身体虚弱、烦躁失眠者均可食用。 沙参银耳粥:沙参50克,银耳50克,粟米50克,冰糖10克。 做法:将沙参洗净,放入陶器罐内,放入清井水,先煮30,40分钟,去沙参,放入银耳,粟米(均洗净),再煮1小时放入冰糖,再熬10,15分钟,即可食用。具有滋阴补气的效果。 生地麦冬粥:生地黄50克,麦冬(去芯)40克,粳米50克,金钱枝桔饼30克。 做法:将生地黄、麦冬洗净,切成碎片,装入已消毒的纱布袋内,放入陶器罐内,放入清井水,先煮1小时,捞布袋去渣,放入粳米(洗净)熬粥30分钟,即可食用。具有除燥的功效。 给宝宝吃粥的学问 从宝宝4个月起,就可以给他添加辅食了。大米中谷蛋白面筋的含量最低,最不易引起过敏反应,所以,米粥是非常适合宝宝的辅食之一。当宝宝对米粥逐渐适应了,就可以逐步添加其他食物,使孩子获得更全面的营养。 推荐几种婴儿混和粥的做法: * 肉末粥 做法:将瘦猪肉洗净,用刀横断肌纤维,在断面刮取酱状肉泥,加入粥内再煮沸。 * 鱼肉粥 做法:洗净少刺的鱼,去皮去内脏,用刀刮取腹侧鱼肉,注意勿带骨刺,将鱼肉研碎成泥样加入粥内再煮沸。 * 蛋花粥 做法:将鸡蛋去壳,把蛋打烂后拌入粥内,搅匀再煮沸。 * 猪肝泥粥 做法:将洗净的猪肝横剖,用刀刮取切面酱状物,放入粥内再煮沸。 以上各种粥可同时加入蔬菜末和豆制品一道煮着吃。 小贴士:给宝宝做的粥尽量不加盐或少加盐,鱼泥、肉末中如果需要加,也应以能尝到一点点咸味为度。因为给婴儿添加盐,会增加肾脏的负担,对孩子的健康不利。婴儿的味觉较成人敏感,成人觉得较清淡的口味,孩子却会觉得很可口,所以一定不要用成人的口味去给孩子选择食物,千万不要随意在孩子的食物中添加调味剂,否则会使孩子习惯口味香浓的食物,并为日后养成偏食挑食的坏习惯留下隐患。如果让孩子养成嗜盐、糖等习惯,还会增加其日后患心血管疾病的风险。 去湿粥 材料。有荞麦,扁豆,赤小豆,薏米,白米。 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 木棉花去湿粥 土茯苓 25克 木棉花40克 赤小豆25克 扁豆25克 大米250克 水适量 陈皮1块 盐适量 陈皮用暖水泡开。土茯苓、木棉花、赤小豆、扁豆、陈皮和大米洗净,放入锅中,注入清水。水和材料的分量比约为6:1.大火烧开后转慢火,煮2小时后放入适量的盐调味即成。粥煮好后,要捞起土茯苓和木棉花才可食用。 消暑食疗:去湿粥 芦根麦冬消暑汤 三豆汤 去湿粥 俗谚有云:「小暑大暑,有米懒煮」。站在养生的角度,暑热天时,别说是「有米懒煮」,即使是有饭,也没有胃口吃。这是因为「暑湿」困在大小肠中,积湿成滞,令消化系统甚至整个人也变得懒洋洋了。尤其是从事户外体力劳动及运动的人,大量出汗,大量饮水,胃口更差,这时候,如果能适当做一些去湿健脾的食疗,不单可以补充营养、体力,而且,还可以清除体内的湿邪毒素,增强免疫力,减少患夏令肠胃病或感冒的机会。暑热天时,本来吃雪糕,饮冰冻的汽水、啤酒、果汁,就最惬意,但是这些「生冷」东西吃多了,就更加坏肠胃,不如利用冬瓜、鲜莲叶来煲「去湿粥」,「去湿粥」是广东民间一条夏令食疗方。 主药有:赤小豆、扁豆、生熟薏米、肇实、赤茯苓、川萆薢、木棉花、灯芯花,共八味,都是很平和健脾化湿的;用来煲粥,得米气之助,对调理脾胃最有裨益,加上冬瓜、鲜莲叶,更能消暑、清热,利大小便,如果小便短而黄、疲倦、口干口臭,可加朱苓、泽泻,很见效。小孩怕苦,粥煲好后可加片糖调味。 芦根麦冬消暑汤 ,,木聚糖和维生素b1、b2及c,碳水 芦根性寒味甘,含薏苡素及蛋白质5 化合物51,。具有凉润爽口,消热生津,止渴、止呕除烦的作用,对咽喉炎、声带疲劳及口腔炎、牙周炎都有良好的疗效。麦冬性微寒味甘微苦,并有养阴、生津、润肺、清心的功能。 取鲜芦根100克(干品30克)、麦冬20克煎汤代茶饮,对夏日炎炎人体大量出汗,所造成头晕、烦闷和胃肠等有良好的治疗作用。 宋代文学家苏东坡用芦根麦冬煎汤保护咽喉和口腔;清代温病学专家吴鞠通在此基础上发展为“五汁饮”,用于治疗热病伤津,口干心烦。夏日防中暑,可饮芦根麦冬汤。贾佩琰 三豆汤 “三豆汤”由绿豆、赤豆和黑大豆一同熬制而成,既是药品又是食品。其制作方法是:将以上三味(每味,,克为宜)置于锅中,加入清水,,,毫升,用文火熬成,,,毫升,待其冷却,即可食用。 “三豆”保健功能很多。绿豆性味甘寒,具有清热解暑之功效;赤豆性味甘酸,功效为清热利水、散血消肿,可治腹部胀满、脚气浮肿、小便不利等,对夏天皮肤常发生的疮疡肿疖等有较强的排毒消肿作用;黑大豆性味甘寒、微苦,功效为解毒、散热、除烦,可治伤风感冒、夏季头痛、鼻塞不通等,也是夏令消暑清热之佳品。三味共用效果更佳。 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 清热去湿汤 (2~3人分量) 材料:土伏苓250克,粉葛250克,赤小豆50克,扁豆50克,陈皮半个,水8碗。 做法:土伏苓去皮切段,粉葛去皮切块,将材料放入煲内,水滚转慢火煲3小时即可。 ?适合去骨火,去湿,清热毒。 鹌鹑去湿汤 (2~3人分量) 材料:鹌鹑4只,薏米、百合各50克,姜3片。 做法:鹌鹑、薏米、百合、姜一同放入砂锅中,加清水适量煲1个半小时即可。 ?适合清热去湿,润肺化痰。 健脾祛湿汤 (2~3人分量) 材料:淮山(干品)10克,土茯苓10克,溪黄草10克,猪胰(猪横月利)300克,清水适量。 做法:淮山、土茯苓、溪黄草、猪横月利洗净一同放进砂煲中,加适量清水煲开,然后转小火煲1小时即可饮用。 ?适合脾胃差者饮用。 和中化湿汤 (3~4人分量) 材料:木棉花30克,鸡蛋花30克,槐花30克,薏米30克,瘦肉100克,炒扁豆30克,陈皮或砂仁12克。 做法:木棉花、鸡蛋花、槐花、薏米、瘦肉、炒扁豆、陈皮或砂仁洗净一同放入砂煲中,加清水适量,用大火煲开,再转小火煲1小时即可。 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 教你煲一个“去湿汤”:随手抓一把薏米,一把赤小豆煲水半个来小时,如果睡眠不好,疲乏就加一把元肉一起煲。(注意孕妇和产妇不能吃薏米,要去掉薏米,加一些大枣、百合、枸杞等,同样能达到祛湿,又有其它效果的汤。) 全家老小每天喝两三碗,坚持一个月,检查大便就会发现有变化。体质湿的人,大便比较烂。 薏米和赤小豆不容易煮烂,如果有闷烧锅就可以煮烂。 1、神色晦暗、精神不足,甚至心悸、贪睡、心中空虚——加桂圆。 这个汤特别适合强脑力劳动者,也很适合中老年人。 2、烦躁失眠,或者脸上起红疹、痘痘——加百合、莲子。 莲子要去掉里面的心。还可以加点冰糖,在各类糖中,只有冰糖是凉性的,能清心火。莲子最能养心,清心火,同时又能健脾补肾,但是莲子稍有滞涩作用,身体比较瘦弱的人可以用,蛋那种体内淤滞较多的胖子恐怕就不宜用了。 3、胃种寒痛、食欲不佳、怕冷——加黑豆。 4、肾虚——加几片生姜。不能加太多,否则汤会辛辣,也可放适量红糖调味。生姜性温、能温中驱寒,健脾和胃。 5、脚气——加黄豆。 脚气病,是典型的湿热下注。食用加了黄豆的汤,同事用熬出来的汤洗脚,内外同治,效果更佳。 6、咳嗽——加梨。 将雪梨去皮去核切成1-2厘米见方的小块,假如薏米赤小豆(或红豆)粥中煮,可以润肺化痰、止咳。 7、食欲不振、身体羸弱——加山药,也叫淮山。 山药号称“气死小人参”,有时它比人参的补益作用更大,是补脾胃的圣品,而且能强肾固精,润肺益气。 8、泄泻、腹痛、糖尿病——加南瓜。 南瓜能补中益气,还能消炎止痛,杀虫,解毒,它是直接入胰脏的,对保护胰脏,预防糖尿病来说,是非常好的东西。 9、体虚、早泄、遗精、夜尿过多——加茨实。 10、孕妇——不要薏米,加少量黄芪、党参。 11、产妇——不要薏米,加大枣、小米、红糖。产妇产后的保养,喝这个粥加大枣能温中、健脾、养血,是非常适宜的。 强调一下,这个汤不可以加大米,因为大米长在水里,含有湿气,湿性黏稠,所以大米一熬就黏稠了,赤小豆(或者红豆)和薏米都是祛湿的,本身不含湿,所以它们怎么熬都不稠,汤很清。 中医恰恰是利用了它这种清的性质,来把人体的湿给除掉,一旦加入大米,就等于加进去了湿气,那就功效全无了。 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 扁豆薏米炖鸡脚 功效:健脾去湿,舒筋活络。 主材料:扁豆2克、薏米2克、鸡脚50克、姜1片、食盐等。 做法: 1、鸡脚在入汤前要先“飞水”。 2、将扁豆、薏米、鸡脚、姜片一起放进炖盅/煲内,待煮好后加入食盐调味即可。 要点:鸡脚最好选购瘦细的本地鸡脚,不要盲目追求“肉感”,因为汤所取的是鸡脚骨的营养和浓味。 桑杏炖猪肺 功效:解感冒、润肺、止咳。 主材料:桑叶2克、南北杏2克、猪肺50克、姜1片、蜜枣半粒、食用油、姜葱、食盐等。 做法: 1、猪肺买回来后要先用清水对着肺喉冲洗一下,冲至发胀后放出水,如此重复几次。 2、烧红镬,用油及适量姜葱爆香猪肺,爆至干水捞起。 3、将桑叶、南北杏、猪肺、姜片、蜜枣一同倒进炖盅/煲内,待煮好后加入食盐调味即可。 要点:猪肺不要买鲜红色的,鲜红色的是充了血,炖出来会发黑,最好选择颜色稍淡的猪肺。 川贝炖鹧鸪 功效:补肺润肺,化痰止咳。 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 主材料:川贝3克、鹧鸪1只、南北杏5克、姜1片、食盐等。 做法: 1、鹧鸪杀好后,清干净内脏,洗净待用。 2、川贝买回来后要洗干净。 3、将川贝、鹧鸪、南北杏、姜片一同放进炖盅/煲内,待煮好后加入食盐调味即可。 要点:川贝外貌与薏米非常相似,不过价格差别很大,要注意区分。一般川贝在药材店买得到,要选购未经处理过的(带少许灰色),处理过的川贝相当白净,虽然好看,但功效较弱,而且价钱也较贵。 地胆头炖猪月展 功效:清热泻火,解毒。 主材料:地胆头20克、猪月展50克、姜1片、蜜枣1粒、食盐等。 做法: 1、将猪月展肉洗干净,切好待用。 2、把地胆头、猪月展、姜片、蜜枣一起放进炖盅/煲内,待煮好后加入食盐调味即可。 要点:地胆头属于中草药,在市场及药材店都有售,不过市场里的较新鲜,煮出来的汤也会较鲜,无论在市场还是药材店卖的地胆头,其药效都是一样的。猪月展肉要买小块的,因为小块的肉质会更嫩滑 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding
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