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两分钟演讲稿两分钟演讲稿 两分钟演讲稿 篇一: 两分钟演讲稿 两分钟演讲稿 在场的老师及同学们大家好~ 在我的演讲开始之前,我想先说一下,在平时呢我是一个挺会侃的人,说话也挺利索,但现在站在这,我觉得有一点紧张,所以能不能请大家先给我点掌声鼓励我一下,~呵,谢谢~ 下面就开始我的演讲了,我今天演讲的题目是《青春无悔》。在场的同学们,包括我,我们都还处在一个让人羡慕的青春期,青春它本应是一个充满活力、热情及遐想的年纪,它可以很张扬,但同时又可以很安静。处在这样一种年纪的我们本应要好享受青春带给我们的希望及未来的憧憬,可是在我们的身旁常...
两分钟演讲稿 两分钟演讲稿 篇一: 两分钟演讲稿 两分钟演讲稿 在场的老师及同学们大家好~ 在我的演讲开始之前,我想先说一下,在平时呢我是一个挺会侃的人,说话也挺利索,但现在站在这,我觉得有一点紧张,所以能不能请大家先给我点掌声鼓励我一下,~呵,谢谢~ 下面就开始我的演讲了,我今天演讲的题目是《青春无悔》。在场的同学们,包括我,我们都还处在一个让人羡慕的青春期,青春它本应是一个充满活力、热情及遐想的年纪,它可以很张扬,但同时又可以很安静。处在这样一种年纪的我们本应要好享受青春带给我们的希望及未来的憧憬,可是在我们的身旁常常发生的是“少年不识愁滋味,为赋新词强说愁”的情形,整天听到“我很烦啊”,“我愁死了”等等。 那么,为什么会出现这种情形呢,那是因为他们没有珍惜时间,在浪费青春,如果把时间充分利用了,还会出现这种情形吗,大家都知道伟大的作家鲁迅吧,曾有人夸他是一个天才作家,而鲁迅则说: “我不是什么天才,我只是把别人喝咖啡的时间用来写作而已。”是的,时间是靠自己挤出来的,青春很短暂,我们浪费不起,我们不能 预见自己的未来,更无法掌控自己的未来,我们所能握住的只有今天。所谓“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”,讲的就是人要在趁年轻时候,多多努力,让自己的青春无悔。 问大家一下,你们听过可米小子的《青春纪念册》吗,看来很多人都听过,很好听吧,呵。在这里,我希望在场的所有同学都能好好珍惜青春,不浪费青春,掌好自己的舵,把握好方向,走好现在的每一步,让自己的青春无悔,等到201X年,我们大学毕业后,在场的我们都能用一颗“无悔”的心装订成我们汉语言061的“青春纪念册”。 篇二: 学生两分钟演讲稿 学生两分钟演讲稿 敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好~ 劳动是人类生存和发展的基石。没有劳动就没有我们这个缤纷的世界。然而,劳动也是艰辛的,会付出汗水,付出辛劳。因此我认为每个人的劳动成果都应该受到尊重。 劳动不仅伟大,而且神圣。劳动创造了物质生活,创造了精神文明,创造了人类五千年灿烂的文明史。劳动人民用自己的勤劳和智慧,为整个世界做出了巨大的贡献~ 劳动是没有高低贵贱之分的。当太阳还未升起的时候,被誉为“城市美容师”的清洁工早早的来到自己的岗位上,为城市扫去了垃圾,却怎么也扫不去两鬓不断生长的银发;那些建筑工人冒着严寒酷暑,将一砖一瓦盖成大楼大厦。瞧~那些高楼大厦是多么的雄伟壮观~我们的老师把自己的知识传递给我们,使我们一个个踏上了成功之路??这些不都是别人辛勤劳动的成果吗,这凝结着汗水的劳动成果,理所当然受到尊重。 然而,有些人却不这么做: 走在大街上随地吐痰,随手扔垃圾,即使不远处就有垃圾箱,也不肯多走一步;上课不专心听讲,做小动作;走在花园里践踏草坪,使环境得到了破坏??这些不尊重别人劳动成果的人是可耻的~ 同学们,请时刻提高自己的道德素养,养成良好的文明习惯,珍惜别人的点滴劳动成果吧~让我们从自身做起~从现在做起~ 我的演讲完毕, 谢谢大家~ 篇三: 两分钟演讲稿 《做孩子的榜样》 记得法国作家卢梭说过:“榜样~榜样~没有榜样,你永远不能成功地教给儿童任何东西。”法国作家罗曼,罗兰也说过: “要撒播阳光到别人心中,总得自己心中有阳光。”我想,我们每个教师的言行举止就如同这里的“榜样”和“阳光”。俗话说,喊破嗓子不如做出样子,所以说教师是一面旗帜,学生如影随形般地追着走;教师是路标,学生毫不迟疑地顺着标记往前行。 说实话,从我加入教师这支队伍已经六年了,也当了六年班主任,我只是给了学生一缕春风,而他们却给了我整个春天。嗓子哑时,讲台上悄悄放着的金嗓子喉宝;手工课后,那些歪歪扭扭的纸质玫瑰花堆满了我的办公 桌??这一切的一切让我享受到被感恩、被喜爱的满足?? 一个人的生命是有限的,而我们的教育事业是常青的。我的生命在学生身上延续,我的价值在学生身上体现。我无悔于我的生命,更无悔于我的选择。如果人生再给我一次选择,我仍会义无反顾地选择做教师,仍会执着的拿起粉笔,在大地上画满一个个迎接光明的窗子,引领孩子们去拥抱多彩的人生。 亲爱的老师们,我们要以“捧一颗心来,不带半棵草走”的精神,守住心灵的宁静,建设爱岗敬业,爱生如子的精神家园。不仅做为人民服务的教师,更要做让人民满意的教师,让我们一起携手努力。 我的演讲完毕, 谢谢大家~篇四: 两分钟演讲稿。dc 尊敬的各位领导,亲爱的各位牛商会的伙伴们: 大家好。 今天走上这个豪华气派的舞台我的心情很激动。我能站在这个豪华舞台上,我要感谢牛商会的各位领导,是你们搭建了这个舞台,你们辛苦了。我还要感谢富宇门锁的老板,是你给我这么好的一次机会,让我在这里学习 成长。现在我介绍一下自己,我叫卢金铃, ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?来自富宇门锁,我们公司是专门制造锁具的,主要生产大门锁。在公司里我负责的是免费推广这一块,来公司不久才一个月,对推广这方面还是有很多不懂的地方,但是牛商精神不断的鞭策自己,克服困难,永不言败,全力以赴。我相信我一定会超越自我,迈上辉煌。 谢谢大家~篇五: 两分钟的英语演讲稿 两分钟的英语演讲稿 I ll tell yu an experience f myself happened last eek. Last Thursday ur schl as tackling smething abut rking fr study. i anted t have a try even thugh i kne the salary as s l and i had little chance,because the students h had the certificate ere alays thught t have pririty t get the jb. frtunately i as called at nn and a teacher said t me that she anted me t rk fr her and asked if i culd change my mind. at that mment i as s excited that immediately i accepted her idea. but later n,she fund me that i m nt a student,s i had little chance and suggest me t get ne. then an idea ccurred t me that i culd call my father and ask him t send me the letter. at the same time i as tld that i as admitted t the jb and dn t need the certificate. that time i frgt t remind my father,until the next day he called me that he had psted it and it uld arrive in just ne day. at that mment i as mved, and even mved int tears, because i kne my father as injured nt lng befre,the prcess f helping me ith the affairs as nt s cnvenient fr him. but he tried his best t help me. smetimes e may plain abut unsatisfying things arund us,and blame them n ur parents,smetimes they ll be angry ith us, and smetimes e can t quite understand hat they are thinking abut. but n balance, almst every parent is selfless t his r her child. they are ready t ffer everything t us hen e are in bad situatin. e used t sharing srr ith them,but d nt frget t share ur happiness ith them, perhaps they ill be much happier than e are. s frm n n, let s care mre abut ur parents and d nt leave pity t them. that s hat i ant t tell yu tday. thank yu! 中学生感恩英语演 讲稿 the pet said: spring flers t the dr pushed pen 。 i said: thanks giving t the dr pushed pen the living. if yu carefully listen t the vices f flers, are everyhere harmnius life mvement. 诗人说: 花朵把春天的门推开了。我说: 感恩把生活的门推开了。只要你用心去听花开的声音,生活到处 都是和谐的乐章。 then, as a middle schl student, h thanksgiving? 那么,作为一名中学生,怎样感恩呢, first thanksgiving their parents, because everyne s life is a cntinuatin f the parents f ne bld, all f the parents gave us lve, let us enjy the human rld f affectin and happiness, therefre, e uld like t thank the parents. 首先要感恩自己的父母,因为每个人的生命都是父母血脉 的延续,父母给了我们全部的爱, 让我们享受到了人世间的亲情和幸 福,因此,我们要感谢父母。 teachers are ur grth领路人, are ur friends, teachers care fr us , their rds and deeds, let us benefit fr life, e pay fr teachers effrts and seat, e shuld thanksgiving teachers. 老师是我们成长的领路人,是我们的朋友, 老师爱护我们,言传身教,让我们受益终身,老师为我们付出心血和 汗水,我们应该感恩老师。 students study the lives f ur fell students t encurage each ther, help each ther, t jintly vere difficulties and setbacks, the mn taste f success and happiness learning, e shuld be grateful fr every day and e acpanied the students. 同学是我们学习生活的同伴,同学间互相鼓励,互相帮助, 共同战胜困难与挫折,共同品尝学习的成功与快乐,我们应该感谢天 天与我们相伴的同学。 thanksgiving-fighting, thanksgiving unlimited! students, and sciety thanksgiving! let us alays t the life caring and full f lve and lve! 感恩无痕,感恩无限~ 同学们,学会感恩吧~让我们的生活永远走向关怀,充满真情和爱心~ 高中英语演讲稿: 怎样才能学好英语 as everyne kns,english is very imprtant tday.it has been used everyhere in the rld.it has bee the mst mn language n internet and fr internatinal trade. if e can speak english ell,e ill have mre chance t succeed.because mre and mre peple have taken ntice f it,the number f the peple h g t learn english has increased at a high speed. but fr myself,i learn english nt nly because f its imprtance and its usefulness,but als because f my lve fr it.hen i learn english, i can feel a different ay f thinking hich gives me mre rm t tuch the rld.hen i read english nvels,i can feel the pleasure frm the bk hich is different frm reading the translatin.hen i speak english, i can feel the cnfident frm my rds.hen i rite english,i can see the beauty hich is nt the same as ur chinese... i lve english,it gives me a clrful dream.i hpe i can travel arund the rld ne day. ith my gd english, i can make friends ith many peple frm different cntries.i can see many places f great intrests.i dream that i can g t lndn,because it is the birth place f english. i als ant t use my gd english t intrduce ur great places t the english spken peple,i hpe that they can lve ur cuntry like us. i kn, rme as nt built in a day. i believe that after cntinuus hard study, ne day i can speak english very ell. if yu ant t be lved, yu shuld learn t lve and be lvable. s i believe as i lve english everyday , it ill lve me t. i am sure that i ill realize my dream ne day! thank yu! 中学生三分钟英语演讲稿 gd mrning,dear teacher and my friends. it’s a very intresting tpic tday. i think my dad as a her fr me hen i as a yung child. e d g fishing, alks, and ther fun things fr a kid. every child has a gd and great father, and s d i. my dad played a very imprtant rle in my daily life`````exactly speaking, in my past 16 years. my father alays stands in the center f my life, frm past till n and pssibly in the future. my family as rather pr hen i as in my childhd. e didn t have ur n huse and had t live in a shabby, small rm rented frm my father s factry. the rm as s small that there as little space fr peple t alk. i didn t have my n bed and had t sleep ith my parents. this is terrible bth fr my parents and me. but father made this all different~ he rks very hard n his n business, n e have ur n 2 husese,surly,i have my n rm.and he take ur family s much happiness, richer and richer. hen i as little, i did everything ith my dad. yu culd alays find me sitting n his knee r alking and ding everything ith him. every night he uld read me a bed time stry and make the vices f each character. i learnt a lt frm my daddy. i learnt t never take things t seriusly and t alays smile. like many ther fathers, my dad and i als has generatin gap. he is nt gd at r even can’t rk the puter. s hen i sitting at the puter desk,he ill say smething like ‘yu shuld pay mre attentin t yur study’, ‘dn’t aste time n the puter games’ , ‘it ill be bad fr yur eyes’ and s n. h can i- a puter fan – reduce time n puter? s i cntinue studying and playing n it years pasted, my father is ver 45 n. it is time fr me t lk after him and i am sure i ill d and e ill live an even better life. and i ill say,i really lve yu dad,cause yu are the her in my mind. thank yu s much! Say N t Junk fd Gd mrning, everybdy! Bys and girls, please raise yu hand If yu dn’t like fried chicken ings.(你可现场问问题) H abut duble cheese burger? Raise yu hands if yu dn’t like French fries. I can see s many peple like fried chickens, duble cheese burgers and French fries. N let me ask yu ne mre questin: Raise yu hands if yu like junk fd. I can see that nbdy likes junk fd. Right? Bys and girls, d yu realize that the ne yu ere in favr just n are junk fds. Junk fd is a slang rd fr fds ith limited Nutritinal value. Fds that are high in salt, sugar, fat r calries and l nutrient cntent. are junk fds. Bys and girls, listen up! junk fds may cause hypertensin Junk fds may increase varius kinds f cancer, cardivascular disease, diabetes, and besity Bys and girls, I am nt standing here t scare yu Eating healthy fds shuld start frm the yung S let us start frm tday Let us say n t junk fd Bys and girls, it is nt a matter h lng yu culd live It is the quality f life that cunts! Gd bless everybdy! Bye! Ladies and gentlemen, gd mrning. It’s my great hnr t be here and I am very happy t see yu all. Thank yu fr being here. hat I am ging t talk abut tday is h t speak gd English. First f all, I’d like t talk abut the imprtance f speaking gd English and share my experience in learning English ith yu. As yu kn, English has bee an internatinal language. herever yu g, English is alays mnly used. It is cnvenient t kn the language. At the same time, English may be the mst imprtant factr in deciding hich cuntries are leaders in the future. The language f the mst advanced management and technlgy is undubtedly English. Being able t absrb this infrmatin is really the key t the ne century. In the 21century. e can’t g there and speak ur n language because nbdy is ging t learn it in rder t understand us. ur Asian rival, India, has surged ahead f ther develping cuntries in infrmatin technlgy because f its superir English skills. Unless e are able t master English, e ill nt be able t get ur ppulatin t use IT and take advantage f the ne ecnmy. There is an urgent need t have a rkfrce hich is prficient in the language in vie f the infrmatin technlgy nslaught. Secnd, abut learning English, I think laying a strng fundatin is the first and mst imprtant step. In ther rds, yu shuld read and speak English every day. Memrizing ne rds and phrases is als helpful. f curse, learning English takes sme time, s dn’t be impatient. Remember, Rme asn’t built in a day. And then since English is nt ur native tngue, e must develp the muscles f yur speech rgans t prduce unfamiliar sunds. hen yu read, read as ludly as pssible, as clearly as pssible and as quickly as pssible. Tngue muscles’ training is f imprtance in learning any freign language. Third, if yu ant t speak gd English, please dn’t care h prly ell yu speak, nly care abut catching the chances t speak. Yu must enjy lsing face, just frget abut yur face. The mre yu speak, the better yur English ill bee. The mre mistakes yu make, the mre prgress yu ill make. Yu must enjy speaking pr English, because speaking is the nly thing that ill lead yu tards success. Dn’ t give up. Just try yur best. Every time yu mve yur muth, yur memry ill deepen, yur muscles ill strengthen. Yu can make it. I have made a cnsiderable amunts f public English speaking in my life, I am ften asked hy the crazy English methd is better than ther methds r if the crazy English methd ill help all English learners. My anser is, the methd ill help the English learners because it is a perfect match ith the Chinese principles f diligence, self-help and determinatin. Mere expsure t English ill nt enable yu t speak English. If yu ant t drive yu have t get in the car and drive, if yu ant t dance yu have t turn n the music and dance, if yu ant t sim yu have t jump in the ater and sim. In fact, simming is the perfect parisn t learning English. Yu can’t learn t sim by sitting in a rm and reading bks abut simming skills. In rder t be a simmer yu’ve gt t cnquer yu fear, yu’ve gt t survive and suck in ater, yell fr help, yu’ve gt t lse face many times befre yu can make it. But, t be a gd simmer yu’ve gt t practice again and again. T be a
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