

2017-12-06 31页 doc 542KB 29阅读




K线图之阴线阳线K线图之阴线阳线 K线之阴线阳线 1、什么是阴线阳线 阴线阳线是用K线图分析股票趋势的时候经常用到的一个术语,什么是阳线,当收盘价高于开盘价时,实体部分一般绘成红色或空白,称为“阳线”;什么是阴线,当收盘价低于开盘价时,实体部分一般绘成绿色或黑色,称为“阴线"。 如图所示 2、什么是小阳星 小阳星是指全日中股价波动很小,开盘价与收盘价极其接近,收盘价略高于开盘价。 小阳星的出现,表明行情正处于混乱不明的阶段,后市的涨跌无法预测,此时要根据其前期,线组合的形状以及当时所处的价位区域综合判断。 小阳星如图示 S...
K线图之阴线阳线 K线之阴线阳线 1、什么是阴线阳线 阴线阳线是用K线图分析股票趋势的时候经常用到的一个术语,什么是阳线,当收盘价高于开盘价时,实体部分一般绘成红色或空白,称为“阳线”;什么是阴线,当收盘价低于开盘价时,实体部分一般绘成绿色或黑色,称为“阴线"。 如图所示 2、什么是小阳星 小阳星是指全日中股价波动很小,开盘价与收盘价极其接近,收盘价略高于开盘价。 小阳星的出现,明行情正处于混乱不明的阶段,后市的涨跌无法预测,此时要根据其前期,线组合的形状以及当时所处的价位区域综合判断。 小阳星如图示 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 3、什么是小阴星 全日中股价波动很小,开盘价与收盘价极其接近,收盘价格略低于开盘价格。小阴星的出现表明行情疲软,发展方向不明。其波动范围较小阳星增大,多头稍占上风,但上攻乏力,表明行情发展扑朔迷离。 4、什么是小阳线 小阳线是指开盘价与收盘价波动范围较小阳星增大,多头稍占上风,但上攻乏力,表明行情发展扑朔迷离。 小阳线如图示 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 小阳线与小阳星区别 5、什么是小阴线 小阴线是指开盘价与收盘价波动范围较小阴星增大,小阴线在盘整行情中出现较多, 也可在下跌和上涨行情中出现,多空双方小心接触,但空方略占上风,呈打压态势,但力度 不大。单根小阴线研判意义不大,应结合其它K线形态一起研判。 小阴线如图示 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 小阴线与小阴星区别 6、什么是中阳线 中阳线的出现说明多空双方经过一天的战斗之后,多方把价格推高的幅度不如长阳线,多方占据的优势也不如长阳线那样大,只能说多方占据明显优势。中阳线的波动范围在1.6%-3.5%之间。 中阳线经常出现在盘整末期股价开始上扬初期的交汇点附近,或股价的上涨过程中以及股价大幅下跌后的强势反弹中。它表现为买方占据了优势,并且对卖方给予了强大的反击,卖方在这种情况下受到的挫折很大。 这种K线一般出现在强势中,但如果在股价大幅下跌过程中出现此种K线,也只是暂时性的止跌,股价并不会立即出现反转迹象。 中阳线如图示 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 中阳线与小阳线与大阳线区别 7、什么是中阴线 中阴线是指全日股票价格波动范围明显增大,卖方占据一定上风,表明行情发展正朝有利于卖方的方向发展。中阴线的波动范围在1.6-3.5%之间。 中阴线常在股价下跌初期或股价在上升回荡时出现,它的具有较强杀伤力。其表现为买方当天受到严重的打击,买方在卖方强大的攻势面前显的毫无办法,而且节节败退,其显示买方的无奈与卖方的强大。 遇到此种K线应当谨慎对待,并且采取相应的措施保住自己的成果。 中阴线如图示 中阴线与小阴线与大阴线的区别 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 8、什么是下影阳线 下影阳线是一种带下影线的红实体。一开盘卖方强盛,股价表现出一路下跌,但在下探过程中成交量萎缩;当下跌到某一价位后,股价开始止跌回升,随着股价的逐步盘高成交量均匀放大,并最终以阳线报收。 如果在低价位区域出现下影阳线,表明该股票的股价探底成功,多方的攻击沉稳有力,股价先跌后涨,行情有进一步上涨的潜力。其中,下影线越长,说明后市上涨力度将越强。 下影阳线如图示 9、什么是上影阳线 上影阳线是一种带上影线的红实体。一开盘买方强盛,价位一路上推,但在高价位遇卖方压力,使股价上升受阻。卖方与买方交战结果为买方略胜一筹。具体情况仍应观察实体与影线的长短。 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 红实体比影线长,表示买方在高价位是遇到阻力,部分多头获利回吐。但买方仍是市场的主导力量,后市继续看涨。 实体与影线同长,买方把价位上推,但卖方压力也在增加。二者交战结果,卖方把价位压回一半,买方虽占优势。但显然不如其优势大。 实体比影线短,表明股价在高价位遇卖方的压力、卖方全面反击,买方受到严重考验。大多短线投资者纷纷获利回吐,在当日交战结束后,卖方已收回大部分失地。买方一块小小的堡垒(实体部分)将很快被消灭。这种K线如出现在高价区,则后市看跌。 上影阳线如图示 10、什么是穿头破脚阳线 穿头破脚阳线是一种上下都带影线的红实体。如图2-11所示,开盘后价位下跌,遇买方支撑,双方争斗之后,买方增强,价格一路上推,临收盘前,部分买者获利回吐,在最高价之下收盘,这是一种反转信号。如在大涨之后出现,表示高档震荡,如成交量大增,后市可能会下跌。如在大跌后出现,后市可能会反弹。这里上下影线及实体的不同又可分为多种情况: (1)上影线长于下影线之红实体:又分为,影线部分长于红实体表示买方力量受挫折。红实体长于影线部分表示买方虽受挫折,但仍占优势。 (2)下影线长于上影线之红实体:亦可分为,红实体长于影线部分表示买方虽受挫折,仍居于主动地位。影线部分长于红实体表示买方尚需接受考验。股价走出如图所示的图形说明多方已占据优势展开逐波上攻行情,股价在成交量的配合下稳步升高,预示后市看涨。 穿头破脚阳线如图示 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 11、什么是光头阳线 光头阳线是一种带下影线的红实体。最高价与收盘价相同,开盘后,卖气较足,价格下跌。但在低价位上得到买方的支撑,卖方受挫,价格向上推过开盘价,一路上扬,直至收盘,收在最高价上。总体来讲,出现先跌后涨型,买方力量较大,但实体部分与下影线长短不同,买方与卖方力量对比不同。 实体部分比下影线长。价位下跌不多,即受到买方支撑,价格上推。破了开盘价之后,还大幅度推进,买方实力很大。 实体部分与下影线相等,买卖双方交战激烈,但大体上,买方占主导地位,对买方有利。 实体部分比下影线短。买卖双方在低价位上发生激战。遇买方支撑逐步将价位上推。上面实体部分较小,说明买方所占据的优势不太大,如卖方次日全力反攻,则买方的实体很容易被攻占。 光头阳线若出现在低价位区域,在分时走势图上表现为股价探底后逐浪走高且成交量同时放大,预示为一轮上升行情的开始。如果出现在上升行情途中,表明后市继续看好。 光头阳线如图示 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 13、什么是光脚阳线 光脚阳线是一种带上影线的红实体。如图所示,开盘价即成为全日最低价,开盘后,买方占据明显优势,股票价格不断盘升,表示上升势头很强,但在高价位处多空双方有分歧,股价下跌,最终仍以阳线报收。总体来讲,出现先涨后跌型,买方力量占优,但实体部分与下影线长短不同,买方与卖方力量对比不同。购买时应谨慎。 一般来说,如果在低价位区域出现光脚阳线,且实体部分比上影线长,表明买方开始聚积上攻的能量,进行的第一次试盘。 如果在高价位区域出现光脚阳线,且实体部分比上影线短,表明买方上攻的能量开始衰竭,卖方的能量不断增强,行情有可能在此发生逆转。 光脚阳线图示 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 14、什么是光头光脚阳线 光头光脚阳线表示最高价与收盘价相同,最低价与开盘价一样。上下没有影线,从一开盘,买方就积极进攻,中间也可能出现买方与卖方的斗争,但买方发挥最大力量,一直到收盘。买方始终占优势,使价格一路上扬,直至收盘。 如图所示,该图形表示强烈的涨势,股市呈现高潮,买方疯狂涌进,不限价买进。握有股票者,因看到买气的旺盛,不愿抛售,出现供不应求的状况。 表明多方已经牢固控制盘面,逐浪上攻,步步逼空,涨势强烈。 光头光脚阳线图示 15、什么是上影阴线 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 上影阴线是一种带上影线的阴实体。一开盘,买方与卖方进行交战。买方占上风,价格一路上升。但在高价位遇卖压阻力,卖方组织力量反攻,买方节节败退,最后在最低价收盘,卖方占优势,并充分发挥力量,使买方陷入"套牢"的困境。具体情况仍有以下三种: (1)阴实体比影线长,表示买方把价位上推不多,立即遇到卖方强有力的反击,把价位压破开盘价后乘胜追击,再把价位下推很大的一段。卖方力量特别强大,局势对卖方有利。 (2)阴实体与影线相等,表示买方把价位上推,但卖方力量更强,占据主动地位。卖方具有优势。 (3)阴实体比影线短,表示卖方虽将价格下压,但优势较少,明日入市,买方力量可能再次反攻,阴实体很可能被攻占。 这种线型如果出现在高价位区时,说明上档抛压严重,行情疲软,股价有反转下跌的可能;如果出现在中价位区的上升途中,则表明后市仍有上升空间。 上影阴线图示 16、什么是下影阴线 下影阴线是一种带下影线的阴实体。一开盘卖方强盛,股价表现出一路下跌,但在下探过程中成交量萎缩;当下跌到某一价位后,股价开始止跌回升,随着股价的逐步盘高成交量均匀放大,但收盘价仍无法达到开盘价之上,最终以阴线报收。实体部分与下影线的长短不同也可分为三种情况: (1)实体部分比影线长,说明卖压比较大。一开盘,大幅度下压,在低点遇到买方抵抗,买方与卖方发生激战,影线部分较短,说明买方把价位上推不多,从总体上看,卖方占了比较大的优势。 (2)实体部分与影线同长,表示卖方把价位下压后,买方的抵抗也在增加,但可以看出,卖方仍占一定的优势。 (3)实体部分比影线短,卖方把价位一路压低,在低价位上,遇到买方顽强抵抗并组织反击,逐渐把价位上推,最后虽以阴线收盘,但可以看出卖方只占极少的优势。后市很可能买方会全力反攻,把小阴实体全部吃掉。 下影阴线图示 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 17、什么是光脚阴线 光脚阴线是一种带上影线的阴实体。收盘价即成为全日最低价。开盘后,买方稍占据优势,股票价格出现一定涨幅,但上档抛压沉重。空方趁势打压,使股价最终以阴线报收。 一般来说,如果在低价位区域出现光脚阴线,表明买方开始聚积上攻的能量,但卖方仍占有优势。 如果在高价位区域出现光脚阴线,表明买方上攻的能量已经衰竭,卖方的做空能量不断增强,且占据主动地位,行情有可能在此发生逆转。 光脚阴线图示 18、什么是光头阴线 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 光头阴线是一种带下影线的阴实体,开盘价是最高价。一开盘卖方力量就特别大,价位一种下跌,但在低价位上遇到买方的支撑,后市可能会反弹。实体部分与下影线的长短不同也可分为三种情况: (1)实体部分比影线长,表明卖压比较大。一开盘,股价大幅度向下,在低点遇到买方抵抗,买方与卖方发生激战,影线部分较短,说明买方把价位上推不多。从总体上看,卖方占了比较大的优势。 (2)实体部分与影线同长,表示卖方把价位下压后,买方的抵抗也在增加,但可以看出,卖方仍占优势。 (3)实体部分比影线短,表示卖方把价位一路压低,在低价位上,遇到买方顽强抵抗并组织反击,逐渐把价位上推,最后虽以阴棒收盘,但可以看出卖方只占极少的优势。后市很可能买方会全力反攻,把小阴实体全部吃掉。 这种线型如果出现于低价位区,说明抄低盘的介入使股价有反弹迹象,虽然短期内不会立即出现大幅上涨,但由于有买盘在低价位区介入,后市会有一定的上涨机会。 光头阴线图示 19、什么是穿头破脚阴线 穿头破脚阴线是一种上下都带影线的阴实体。在交易过程中,股价在开盘后,有时会力争上游,随着卖方力量的增加,买方不愿追逐高价,卖方逐渐占据主动,股价逆转,股价下跌。在低价位遇买方支撑,买气转强,不至于以最低价收盘。有时股价在上半场以低于开盘价成交,下半场买意增强,股价回至高于开盘价成交,临收盘前卖方又占优势,而以低于开盘价之价格收盘。 这也是一种反转试探。如在大跌之后出现,表示低档承接,行情可能反弹。如大涨之后出现,后市可能下跌。 穿头破脚阴线图示 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 20、什么是光头光脚阴线 光头光脚阴线表示开盘价即成为全日最高价,而收盘价成为全日最低价,上下没有影线。如图所示,股价从一开始,卖方就占绝对优势,握有股票者不限价疯狂抛出,造成恐慌心理。市场呈一面倒,直到收盘、价格始终下跌,最终以全日最低价收盘价。 这种K线图形表明空方在一日交战中最终占据了主导优势,多方无力抵抗,股价的跌势强烈,次日低开的可能性较大。如果在股价的高位区出现次种图形,投资者最好在最短的时间内,以第一时间将手中持有的股票抛光,尽可能先回避风险。 光头光脚阴线图示 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote
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