

2017-09-16 12页 doc 36KB 96阅读




学前儿童发展心理学注意一学前儿童发展心理学注意一 序号 2 课时 3 课型 新授课 课 题 专题一 注意(一) 1掌握注意的概念 2掌握无意注意、有意注意的概念,功能,外部表现。 3掌握注意的外部表现 教学目标 4掌握学前儿童各个年龄阶段注意的特征 5掌握学前儿童注意品质的发展 6掌握学前儿童注意分散的原因及培养要求 教学重点 注意的概念、外部表现,培养要求 注意的培养,学前儿童注意的特征、注意分散的原因及培养(补充多教学难点 动症问题) 教学策略 讨论法、讲授法 案例分析 教学准备 多媒体课件 教师教学环节与内容 学生活动 ...
学前儿童发展心理学注意一 序号 2 课时 3 课型 新授课 课 题 专题一 注意(一) 1掌握注意的概念 2掌握无意注意、有意注意的概念,功能,外部现。 3掌握注意的外部表现 教学目标 4掌握学前儿童各个年龄阶段注意的特征 5掌握学前儿童注意品质的发展 6掌握学前儿童注意分散的原因及培养要求 教学重点 注意的概念、外部表现,培养要求 注意的培养,学前儿童注意的特征、注意分散的原因及培养(补充多教学难点 动症问题) 教学策略 讨论法、讲授法 分析 教学准备 多媒体 教师教学环节与内容 学生活动 活动 第1课时 教师 导入 一、注意 讨论:什么是注意, 注意实验:观察注意的外表表现 的游 (一)注意的概念: 戏活 动1 注意是心理活动对一定对象的指向和集中。指向性和集 中性是注意的两个显著特点。 指向性是指人在清醒状态时,每一瞬间的心理活动有选择的 倾注与某些事物,而同时离开其它的事物。 集中性是指把心理活动贯注于某一事物。 体验注意 集中有两种情况:一是指在同一时间内各种有关的心理活动的指向性 共同集中于一定的对象; 和集中性 二是指维持着这种指向,使活动不断地深入下去。 教师 slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, (二)注意的功能: 新授: 选择功能——使心理活动有选择地指向有意义的、符合 需要的、与当前活动有关的对象,避开无关的对象,保证以 最小的精力完成最重要的任务。 举例说明 保持功能——使心理活动稳定在选择的对象上,贯穿始 终,直至达到目的为止。 举例演示 讨论: 调控功能——使人及时觉察事物的变化,调节自己的心 注意 理和行为,使活动准确进行。 有什 内部表现么表实例演示 和外部表现, 二、注意的外表表现 现, 人在注意时候,有明显的外表表现: 1. 适应性运动: “侧耳倾听”、“举目凝视”、"呆视着" 2. 无关运动停止: 当人集中注意时,常常表现出静止状态:如看电影、电 视看到入迷处,各种怪异现象都有可能出现。 3. 呼吸运动变化 呼与吸的比例发生变化:呼长吸短;轻缓等。 补充:注意的功能 三、注意与心理过程 注意不是一种独立的心理过程, 没有自己单独的反映 内容,注意参与各种心理过程的始终,注意是一切认识过程 的开端, 注意是一扇门,一切来自外部世界的刚刚进入 心灵的东西都要从它那里通过。 第2课时 教师什么是刺讲授 激物, 四、注意的种类 教师 导入 依据不同的划分,可将注意划分为不同的类型。 根据注意产生和保持时有无目的、以及意志努力程度的 注意不同,把注意分为以下三种:无意注意、有意注意和有意后 有哪 注意。 些种 类, (一)无意注意 slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 1、什么是无意注意 无意注意(不随意注意)是没有自觉的目的,也不需要 作意志努力的注意 。举例说明 2、引起无意注意的原因 体验无意 (1)刺激物的本身的特点,即客观原因 注意与有 意注意 主要指周围事物中一些强烈的、新奇的、巨大的、新鲜 教师的、活动的、反复出现的事物。 新授: 刺激物的强度 刺激物之间的差异程度 刺激物的运动变化 刺激的新异性 (2)人们本身的状态,即主观状态 需要和兴趣 精神与机体状态 知识经验 讨论:(二)有意注意(随意注意) 有意1、什么是有意注意 注意 有意注意也称随意注意,是指有自觉目的,必要时还需 有什 作出一定意志努力的注意。 么表 有意注意是在人类社会实践中发生和发展起来的,是人现, 类所特有的心理活动,与无意注意有着质的不同。 2、引起和保持有意注意的条件 对活动目的、任务的理解 培养间接兴趣 用坚强的意志排除干扰 合理的组织活动 把智力活动与实际操作结合起来提出问题 运用自我提醒和自我命令 (三)、有意后注意(随意后注意) 有意后注意是指有预定目的,但不需要意志努力的注意。 有意后注意是在有意注意的基础上发展起来的,是一种高 级类型的注意,具有高度的稳定性。 无意注意、有意注意和有意后注意三者在实践活动中紧 密联系,协同活动,在一定条件下会转化:无意注意在一定slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 教师条件下可以转化为有意注意,有意注意也可以转化为有意后 讲授 注意。 根据注意的对象在外部世界或个体内部,可将注意分为 外部注意和内部注意。 (一)、外部注意 外部注意是心理活动指向、集中于外部刺激的注意。看。 (二)、内部注意 内部注意是心理活动指向自己的内心世界和内部世界的 注意。想;“听”。 五、注意的品质 (一)注意的广度(范围) 1.含义:在同一有限时间内所能注意到的对象的数量。 讨论: 2.影响因素 有意注意 的条件, 知觉对象的特点 人的知识经验 个人的活动任务 (二)注意的稳定性(持久性) 1.含义:注意保持在某些事物或活动上的时间长短。 2.影响因素 a注意对象的特点 内容丰富,复杂多变,就易稳定。 活动的内容和活动的方式 b主体状态 意志、态度、兴趣、健康状况、疲劳、情绪 • 第3课时 slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 教师导入 一、学前儿童注意的发生 注意的游(一)原始的注意行为————定向注意 戏活动3 本质:先天的无条件定向反射 选择性注意的发生、发展 1(新生儿的选择性注意 2(婴儿的选择性注意 影响婴儿注意选择性的因素 新生儿注意的5条规律P38 3.1岁之前儿童注意的发展特征P39 教师新授: 0-3个月儿童注意的发展特征 3-6个月儿童注意的发展特征 6-12个月儿童注意的发展特征 (二)1-3岁儿童注意的发展 1.注意发展与客体永久性 五个阶段的发展特点 2.注意收到表象的影响 3.注意收到言语的支配 讨论: 4.注意的时间延长,注意的事物增加 学前儿童 有意注意(三)3-6岁儿童注意的发展 的特点, 1.学前儿童无意注意占优势 学前儿童 注意的几无意注意 个阶段是无意注意的发展 什么, 2.有意注意的萌芽 儿童有意注意的形成大致经过三个阶段: 第一阶段,儿童的注意由成人的言语指令引起和调 节。 第二阶段,儿童通过自言自语控制和调节自己的行 为。 第三阶段,运用内部言语指令控制、调节行为。 婴儿的注意基本都是无意注意。 幼儿有意注意的特点: ?幼儿的有意注意受大脑发育水平的局限。 ?幼儿的有意注意是在外界环境,特别是成人的要求 下发展的。 ?幼儿逐渐学习一些注意的方法。 slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, ?幼儿的有意注意是在一定的活动中实现的 二、注意的品质的发展 教师讲授 1(注意的范围不断扩大 2(注意的稳定性不断提高 3(注意的转移力不断发展 4(注意的分配能力不断增强 三、引起幼儿分心的主要原因 你了解幼 (一)无关刺激的干扰 儿注意分 (二)疲劳 散的原因 吗, (三)缺乏兴趣和必要的情感支持 二、防止幼儿注意分散 对于幼儿园教师来说,防止儿童注意分散,要从以下 方面考虑: (一)排除无关刺激的干扰 (二)根据幼儿的兴趣和需要组织教育活动 (三)灵活地交互运用无意注意和有意注意 对于家长来说,则要注意以下几点: (一)制定并严格遵守合理的作息 (二)适当控制幼儿的玩具和图书的数量 (三)不要反复地向儿童提要求 你了解多 (四)要求、鼓励孩子做事到底,有始有终 动症吗, 补充:儿童多动症 1.观察体验1岁前学前儿童注意的特征 2.学前儿童注意发展的表现 结束: 讨论:如 何对待多 分析学前儿童注意分散的原因。 动症的孩 子, 作业与实 践 教学反思 slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,
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