

2018-01-06 50页 doc 1MB 16阅读




2013年C1科目一题库32013年C1科目一题库3 1301、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮,提示两侧车门未关闭。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1302、未上坡的车辆遇到这种情况让对向下坡车先行。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher po...
2013年C1科目一题库3 1301、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮,提示两侧车门未关闭。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1302、未上坡的车辆遇到这种情况让对向下坡车先行。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1303、这辆小轿车不能在这个位置停车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1304、机动车发生故障时,(如图所示)闪烁。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1305、行车中机动车发生爆胎后,驾驶人可迅速使用行车制动器减速停车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 行车制动器是脚刹,在爆胎的情况下这么做会造成事故,容易引发侧翻等情况,因此不能这么做,因此本题错误。 1306、驾驶机动车在这样的路段要注意观察,随时避让横过道路的野生动物。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 遇到这种情况,要减速慢行,同时注意观察牲畜的行动,以免这些牲畜突然变更方向。因此本题正确。 1307、驾驶机动车在这种情况下可以右转弯。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1308、驾驶机动车在道路变窄的路段可以跟在任何一辆车后汇入车流。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 问题出在了这个“任何”2个字上。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1309、夜间驾驶机动车在照明条件良好的路段可以不使用灯光。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 用近光灯不会照得对方看不见路,同时为了安全起见,开启近光灯能够让相互间清晰可见。因此本题错误。 1310、车辆转弯时应沿道路右侧行驶,不要侵占对方的车道,做到“左转转大弯,右转转小弯”。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1311、机动车行驶中,车上少年儿童可不使用安全带。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1312、驾驶车辆向右变更车道时,应提前开启右转向灯,注意观察,在确保安全的情况下,驶入要变更的车道。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: ? 1313、行车中遇到无法避免的与来车正面相撞时,要迅速向有利于自己的一侧转向躲避。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 不能盲目躲避,而是应该握紧方向盘,紧急制动。因此本题错误。 1314、驾驶机动车通过漫水桥前要查明水的深度。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 过漫水桥时,若是水太深,车子通过时的危险系数就比较高,对于过高的水位,车子是不能涉水通过的,因此必须在通过桥了解水深。 (北京大暴雨就是例子啊,要先查明水深) 1315、车辆发生爆胎后,驾驶人在尚未控制住车速前,不要冒险使用行车制动器停车,以避免车辆横甩发生更大的险情。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 行车制动=制动踏板=脚刹,爆胎后,驾驶人在尚未控制住车速的时候,是不能急踩刹车的,要不然会横甩或者翻车已经后面来车追尾。 正确的做法应该是紧握方向盘,控制方向,极力保持直线行驶,利用发动机制动,减档或抢档减速度,轻踏制动踏板缓慢减速,平稳靠边停车。 1316、驾驶机动车在这种情况下可以适当鸣喇叭加速通过。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 遇到这种情况应当减速慢行,必要时停车,因此本题错误。 1317、驾驶机动车从加速车道进入行车道不能影响其他机动车正常行驶。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 不影响其他机动车正常行驶是进入其他车道的大前提,因此本题正确。 1318、驾驶机动车碰撞建筑物、公共设施后可即行撤离现场。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1319、驾驶机动车驶出隧道时切勿在眼睛明适应过程中盲目加速。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 由于在隧道内行驶较平时暗一些,在出隧道时会有一个明适应的过程,因此要慢行,让视觉恢复。因此本题正确。 1320、图中警察手势为直行信号。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 你就看警察的脑袋转向哪边就是向哪个方向转弯~ 他如果把头转向他的左边,那就是向左转,他把头转向他的右边就是向右转。 如果头没转动,那就说明这题跟转弯没关系,转向可以排除掉了。 千万别按照你自己做参照物分左右就好。 1321、如图是限制轴重标志。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: × 这个是限制质量标志。 1322、这种握转向盘的动作是正确的。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1323、如图是T型交叉路口标志。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: ? 标志中有个T字横向,说明是T型交叉路口标志。 1324、图中警察手势为左转弯待转信号。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 上边的手表式停车;下边的手掌是朝向路边的,从左到右摆动,表式让你靠右边;合起来就是靠边,停车~ 1325、在泥泞路行车中发生侧滑时,要向后轮侧滑的方向转动转向盘适量修正。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 因为好比是后轮向左侧横滑如果向右打方向,会加大横滑的幅度的~因为向右打方向,后轮左侧转动就会快,右侧会变慢,左侧抓地strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 力会下降,所以会加大横滑的幅度的,相反如果向同一方向打,还是这个例子向左侧打,右轮转动会快,左侧转动会慢,抓地力就会提高,就会恢复行使方向的~ 即本题正确。 1326、女驾驶人穿高跟鞋驾驶机动车,不利于安全行车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 高跟鞋踩刹车有安全隐患,因此这题是对的。 1327、驾驶机动车遇到成群青少年绕过路边停放的机动车时,要主动减速让行。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 遇到这种情况,要随时注意出现发生突发状况,因此要减速让行,以免发生意外。所以本题正确。 1328、在这个路口可以掉头。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1329、夜间机动车灯光照射距离由远及近,说明机动车可能已到达伏坡道的低谷。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 在平直的路面时,灯光距离不变; 出现一般的弯道时,灯光也跟着转弯,从路中移至路侧; 当上坡时,灯光随着车的上下导致灯光也由高变低; 当出现急弯或大坑时,灯光随着车的颠簸也离开路面。 因此本题正确。 1330、驾驶机动车在山区道路要选择靠山体一侧超车。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 若是靠山体的一侧有车,是不能超车的。而且在山区道路上尽可能不要超车。因此本题错误。 1331、车辆起步前,驾驶人应对车辆周围交通情况进行观察,确认安全时再开始起步。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1332、驾驶机动车在这个路口左转弯要提前按导向箭头指示向左变更车道。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 由图可知,左侧车道是左转弯车道,车辆若要左转弯应当提前变更车道驶入左转弯车道,因此本题正确。 1333、驾驶机动车在这样的道路上只能从左侧超越。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 超车要从左侧超越,因此本题正确。 1334、机动车因故障不能离开高速公路时,驾乘人员要在车上等候救援。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 程序是:当车辆发生故障时,打开双闪警示灯,应将车辆停放在最右侧的应急车道或紧急停车带内,夜间打开尾灯示宽灯,司乘人员应立即下车,在路沿下护坡内等候救援车辆、人员来,由一个人在车辆尾部150米左右放置三角警示牌或警示物),切记不能在高速公路内走动、追逐、等候~不能在故障车辆内等候~一般情况禁止在高速公路上修理车辆。 所以,在车上等候是错的,应该在路沿下的护坡或护栏外等候。 因此本题错误。 1335、如图是T型交叉路口标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 这个是Y型交叉路口标志。 1336、机动车达到国家规定的强制报废标准的不能办理注册登记。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: ? 1337、机动车灯光的作用仅仅是为了在夜间照明。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 机动车的车灯包括近光灯、远光灯、危险报警闪光灯及雾灯等,因此并不单单是用于在夜间照明,所以本题错误。 1338、如图标志的含义是确定主标志规定车辆的种类。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 辅助标志对主标志补充说明车辆种类、时间起止、区间范围或距离和警告、禁令的理由等。 1339、车辆驶离高速公路时,应当经减速车道减速后进入匝道。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1340、图中警察手势为减速慢行信号。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 变道信号 1341、烧伤伤员口渴时,只能喝白开水。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 烧伤有创面,会损失体液,淡盐水可补充体液。至于为啥淡盐水可补充体液,因为人的体液本来也含盐,淡盐水可迅速补充。因此本题错误。 1342、机动车在高速公路上行车,可以频繁地变更车道。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: × 在高速公路上可以变更车道,但不能过于频繁。此题判错的关键在于“频繁”二字。 1343、机动车停稳前不能开车门和上下人员。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1344、如图是方向、地点标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 这个标志左前右三个方向去往哪里。因此本题正确。 1345、驾驶机动车在这种情况下不能直行和左转弯 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1346、遇到这种情况时,要加速从红车前变更车道。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1347、机动车驾驶人在实习期内有记满12分记录的,注销其实习的准驾车型驾驶资格。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1348、安装防抱死制动装置(ABS)的机动车紧急制动时,可用力踏制动踏板。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? ABS技术的出现,就是大大地降低了侧滑,和原地掉头的现象,保证了行驶的安全。如果,你在使用带ABS的车辆,在刹车时的动作,类似不带ABS的车这样轻轻的踩下去,很可能会不能触发ABS系统,也就起不到ABS的作用了,所以,一般就是要求,刹车动作要果断,一脚就踩到底,保证ABS的正确执行。 1349、打开后雾灯开关,(如图所示)亮起。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1350、路面上的黄色标记是何含义, 正确 错误 正确答案: 1351、驾驶机动车在前方路口掉头前先进入左转直行车道。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 由图可知有掉头车道,因此若要掉头应当提前驶入掉头车道内,所以本题错误。 1352、驾驶人违反交通运输管理法规发生重大事故使公私财产遭受重大损失的可能处3年以下徒刑或拘役。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1353、驾驶机动车在学校附近遇到这种情况要尽快加速通过。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 遇到这种情况,要预防有学生在道路上跑动等行为,且前方有人行横道线,因此要减速慢行,必要时停车,所以本题错误。 1354、倒车过程中要缓慢行驶,注意观察车辆两侧和后方的情况,随时做好停车准备。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1355、夜间尾随前车行驶时,后车可以使用远光灯。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: × 1356、机动车在环形路口内行驶,遇有其他车辆强行驶入时,只要有优先权就可以不避让 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1357、驾驶机动车通过经常发生塌方、泥石流的山区地段,要停车观察低速通过。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 经过这类危险路段时,要先在进入前停车观察,在通过时要尽快通过。因此本题错误。 1358、机动车通过交叉路口时可以超车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》的规定,行经繁华路段、交叉路口、铁路道口、人行横道、急弯路、宽度不足4米strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 的窄路或者窄桥、陡坡、隧道或者容易发生危险的路段,不得超车。 因此本题错误。 1359、驾驶机动车在高速公路匝道上不准掉头。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 首先要知道,高速公路匝道是高速公路出口或入口靠右侧的一条道路,也就是说是高速公路的一部分。 根据有关规定,在高速公路上不准掉头、倒车或停车,因此在高速公路匝道上也不能掉头、倒车或是停车。 因此本题正确。 1360、在道路上遇到这种情况可以从两侧超车。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: × 1361、使用伪造、变造的驾驶证一次记12分。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1362、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)一直亮,表示安全气囊处于工作状态。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1363、机动车在这种情况下可以超车。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》的规定,行经繁华路段、交叉路口、铁路道口、人行横道、急弯路、宽度不足4米的窄路或者窄桥、陡坡、隧道或者容易发生危险的路段,不得超车。 因此本题错误。 1364、在交叉路口遇到这种情况时,要在红灯亮以前加速通过路口。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1365、如图标志表示前方有合流车道,注意与驶入主车道的车辆保持安全距离。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 此为合流诱导标志,从标志上不难看出是从多个岔路汇到一起。 1366、车辆在山区道路行车下陡坡时,不得超车。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1367、驾驶机动车在狭窄的路段会车时要礼让三先:先慢、先让、先停。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 对的,开车就要文明礼让,外加注意安全。 1368、驾驶机动车在铁路道口、桥梁、陡坡、隧道或者容易发生危险的路段不能掉头。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1369、灯光开关旋转到这个位置时,全车灯光点亮。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1370、驾驶人行车中意识到爆胎时,要轻踏制动踏板,缓慢减速停车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 意识到爆胎,说明还没爆,可以轻刹;如果已经爆了,刹车容易翻车,所以抢档好些。因此本题正确。 1371、行车中发现轮胎漏气要及时采取紧急制动。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 当车辆漏气时,引起轮胎不正常工作,若是采取紧急制动的方式,很有可能会造成爆胎,甚至是车子倾翻,因此本题错误。 1372、行车中发动机突然熄火后不能起动时,及时靠边停车检查熄火原因。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 发动机突然熄火,由于熄火原因有好几种可能,因此必须及时靠边停车找出原因,避免因判断错误发生意外。因此本题正确。 1373、机动车临时靠边停车后准备起步时,驾驶人应鸣喇叭示意左侧车道机动车让道。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 这样做是影响正常交通的行为,正确的做法是应当随时注意机动车两侧道路情况,向左缓慢转向,逐渐驶入正常行驶道路。 因此本题选B。 1374、车辆前轮胎爆裂,危险较大,方向会立刻向爆胎车轮一侧跑偏,直接影响驾驶人对转向盘的控制。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1375、驾驶有ABS系统的机动车在紧急制动的同时转向可能会发生侧滑。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1376、驾驶人一边驾车,一边吸烟对安全行车无影响。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1377、车辆在山区上坡路驾驶,减挡要及时、准确、迅速,避免拖挡行驶导致发动机动力不足。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1378、如动画所示,驾驶人的行为是正确的。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 由动画可知,前方有机动车,遇到这种情况应当注意避让,因此本题正确。 1379、在泥泞路段行车要牢牢握住转向盘加速通过。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 泥泞路面很易滑,若是加速行驶,会打滑,因此应当减速通过,所以本题错误。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1380、驾驶机动车上路前应当检查车辆安全技术性能。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1381、驾驶机动车遇到这种道路要提前减速减挡,利用发动机制动控制速度。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1382、造成这起事故的主要原因是行人从车前横穿。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 由图可知,行人正从人行横道线上穿过,发生这样的事故主要是由于车子没有停车让行造成的,因此本题错误。 1383、在这个区域内可以临时停车。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 如图是禁止临时或长时停车标志,因此本题错误。 1384、图中警察手势为停止信号。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 停止信号:左臂向前上方直伸,掌心向前,不准前方车辆通行。 1385、在高速公路上遇到紧急情况时不要轻易急转向避让。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 不要轻易急转向避让的原因是为了避免引发更大的状况,因此本题正确。 1386、驾驶机动车在这个时候要减速慢行。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: ? 由图可知,机动车即将驶出隧道,在出隧道时需要有一个明适应的过程,因此要减速慢行,确保安全。因此本题正确。 1387、驾驶人违反交通运输管理法规发生重大事故后,因逃逸致人死亡的,处3年以上7年以下有期徒刑。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1388、机动车发生财产损失交通事故,对应当自行撤离现场而未撤离造成交通堵塞的,可以对驾驶人处以200元罚款。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1389、驾驶机动车进入单向隧道隧道前,要减速并开启远光灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 进入隧道应当开启近光灯,因此本题错误。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1390、道路划设专用车道的,在专用车道内,其他车辆可以借道超车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 专用车道,专车通行。 1391、驾驶机动车在冰雪道路低速会车可减小横向间距。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 横向间距指的是车身与车身之间的距离,就比如停车场上,并排停放的两辆车之间的距离。 而低速会车应该与横向间距无关,低速会车应该是能够加大两车间的安全制动距离。 因此本题错误。 1392、小型汽车驾驶人发生交通事故造成人员死亡,承担同等以上责任未被吊销驾驶证的,应当在记分周期结束后30日内接受审验。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1393、驾驶有ABS系统的机动车采取紧急制动时不要将踏板一次踏到底。 正确 错误 正确答案: × ABS技术的出现,就是大大地降低了侧滑,和原地掉头的现象,保证了行驶的安全。如果,你在使用带ABS的车辆,在刹车时的动作,类似不带ABS的车这样轻轻的踩下去,很可能会不能触发ABS系统,也就起不到ABS的作用了,所以,一般就是要求,刹车动作要果断,一脚就踩到底,保证ABS的正确执行。 1394、驾驶机动车行经施工路段时,要服从施工人员指挥加速通过。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 经过施工路段时是要谨慎慢行,因此若有施工人员指挥时,也应当在指挥下慢行通过。因此本题错误。 1395、驾驶机动车在高速公路上倒车、逆行、穿越中央分隔带掉头的一次记6分。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: × 1396、驾驶机动车在这个路口右转弯时要避让非机动车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 右转弯时在非机动车道有非机动车正在前进,此时应当注意避让,待非机动车通过后再转弯,因此本题正确。 1397、如图是禁止向左转弯标志。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 首先此标志标明的方向是向左转弯,其次是红色有个斜杠的禁令标志,因此本题正确。 1398、图中警察手势为变道信号。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 这是让右转弯行车手势,因为右转弯是你自己确定要走的,已经进入了右转弯区,并不是警察让你要变更行车道的 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1399、变更车道时只需开启转向指示灯,便可迅速转向驶入相应的行车道。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 变更车道前要提前至少三秒开启转向灯,因此本题错误。 1400、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示发动机可能机油量不足。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1401、在道路上发生交通事故造成人身伤亡时,要立即抢救受伤人员并迅速报警。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1402、在道路上跟车行驶时,跟车距离不是主要的,只须保持与前车相等的速度,即可防止发生追尾事故。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: × 1403、危险化学品具有爆炸、易燃、毒害、腐蚀、放射性等特性。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 根据释义,危险化学品是指具有毒害、腐蚀、爆炸、燃烧、助燃等性质,对人体、设施、环境具有危害的剧毒化学品和其他化学品。 因此本题正确。 1404、驾驶机动车在这种信号灯亮的路口,可以右转弯。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1405、机动车上路行驶时,前排乘车人可不系安全带。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1406、如图是易滑标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 有机动车又有曲折的路线,因此这是易滑标志。所以本题正确。 1407、在高速公路上除遇障碍、发生故障等必须停车外,不准停车上下人员或者装卸货物。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 看清楚题目,是除„„外,因此,这题是对的。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1408、如图是向右转弯标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 这个是右转车道标志。 1409、驾驶有ABS 系统的机动车制动时一定轻踏制动踏板防止侧滑。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 这题是错在不是 轻踏,是用力踏,因为有ABS系统~ ABS技术的出现,就是大大地降低了侧滑,和原地掉头的现象,保证了行驶的安全。如果,你在使用带ABS的车辆,在刹车时的动作,类似不带ABS的车这样轻轻的踩下去,很可能会不能触发ABS系统,也就起不到ABS的作用了,所以,一般就是要求,刹车动作要果断,一脚就踩到底,保证ABS的正确执行。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1410、在这个区域内不允许长时间停放机动车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 如图是禁止长时间停车标志,因此本题正确。 1411、行车中当驾驶人意识到爆胎时,应在控制住方向的情况下,轻踏制动踏板,使车辆缓慢减速,逐渐平稳地停靠于路边。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1412、下坡路制动失效后,可越二级以上挡位减挡,充分利用发动机制动减速。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 注意“越二级以上”,这样做很危险,很有可能造成不必要的危险,因此本题错误。 1413、在没有绷带急救伤员的情况下,可用毛巾、手帕、床单、长筒尼龙袜子等代替绷带包扎。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 根据受伤位置的不同和创面的大小,你可以利用毛巾、手帕做成简易的三角巾,用于手臂骨折的固定等,长袜子可以作为固定捆绑的绳子。 1414、如图是单行线标志。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: × 单行线标志的那块牌子是长方形的。 直行:表示只准一切车辆直行。此标志设在直行的路口以前适当位置。 1415、如图所示白色左转导向虚线表示左转的机动车在导向线的右侧行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 应该是导向线的左侧行驶。 1416、夜间在照明好的道路上会车要提前关闭近光灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 用近光灯不会照得对方看不见路,同时为了安全起见,开启近光strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 灯能够让相互间清晰可见。而夜间行车必须开启近光灯。因此本题错误。 1417、驾驶机动车遇到这种情况要迅速向左变更车道。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 由图可知,左侧后方有来车,所以为了避免发生碰撞及影响其他车辆正常通行,因此就算要变更车道也应该等后车通过后再变更。正确的做法是,提前开启转向灯,确保左侧车道后方没有车辆临近时向左变更车道。因此本题错误。 1418、驾驶机动车遇到这种情况的行人可连续鸣喇叭催其让道。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 连续鸣喇叭不但会让老人受惊吓,同时也不礼貌。因此本题错误。 1419、距离宽度不足4米的窄路50米以内的路段不能停车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1420、驾驶有ABS 系统的机动车在紧急制动的同时转向会发生侧滑。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? ABS使汽车在紧急刹车时车轮不会抱死,这样就能使汽车在紧急制动时仍能保持较好的方向稳定性。由于四轮防抱死制动系统保留着strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 控制转向的能力,因此,在制动过程中有可能绕过障碍物,避免可能发生的事故。然而,驾驶有ABS 系统的机动车在紧急制动的同时转向会发生侧滑。 1421、驾驶机动车看到这个标志时要及时减速。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 如图前方路段要注意儿童,因此为了避免有儿童突然穿出,要减速慢行,必要时停车避让,所以本题正确。 1422、夜间机动车灯光照射离开路面,说明机动车可能已驶到坡顶。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 因为没有反射的光照到你的眼睛了。说明前方没有路。也就是说有可能是到达坡顶了,因此本题正确。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1423、浓雾天气能见度低,开启远光灯会提高能见度。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 不能开启远光灯,因浓雾会反射灯光。应开启雾灯。 1424、在大雨天行车,为避免发生“水滑”而造成危险,要控制速度行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1425、行至这种情况的铁路道口要停车观察。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1426、天气炎热,驾驶人可以赤背、光脚、穿拖鞋驾驶机动车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 要安全文明行车~ 1427、在这种的情况下可以加速超车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1428、车辆下长坡时要减挡行驶,以充分利用发动机的制动作用。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1429、服用国家管制的精神药品可以短途驾驶机动车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1430、夜间驾驶机动车通过人行横道时需要交替使用远近光灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1431、行车中遇残疾人影响通行时,应主动减速礼让。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1432、遇道路上发生交通事故时,应尽快绕道或掉头躲避,千万不要去帮助运送伤员。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 遇到这样的情况应当予以帮助,让伤者早日接受治疗,因此本题错误。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1433、驾驶机动车在没有中心线的公路上,最高速度不能超过每小时70公里。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1434、机动车下长坡时使用缓速器可以避免使用行车制动造成的磨损和发热。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 缓速器是汽车在减速或下长坡时,启用缓速器,可以平稳减速,免去使用刹车而造成的磨损和发热,大型车选用的 行车制动器就是刹车。制动器分为行车制动器(一般汽车为脚刹)、驻车制动器(一般汽车为手刹)。注意区别 1435、驾驶机动车进入交叉路口前,应降低行驶速度,注意观察,确认安全。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 安全第一,记住:一看二慢三通过。 1436、驾驶机动车时,长时间左臂搭在车门窗上,或者长时间右手抓住变速器操纵杆球头,是一种驾驶陋习。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 高跟鞋踩刹车有安全隐患,因此这题是对的。 1437、冰雪路面处理情况不能使用紧急制动,但可采取急转向的方法躲避。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 冰雪路面行驶过程中不能采取紧急制动或是急转方向的方法,这是因为冰雪路面易滑,这样做容易造成车子侧滑或侧翻。因此本题错误。 1438、进入环形交叉路口(环岛)时要注意避让已在路口内行驶的机动车。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: ? 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第五十一条 机动车通过有交通信号灯控制的交叉路口,应当按照下列规定通行: (二)准备进入环形路口的让已在路口内的机动车先行; 因此本题正确。 1439、驾驶机动车在路口遇到这种信号灯亮时,要在停止线前停车瞭望。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1440、驾驶人记分没有达到满分,有罚款尚未缴纳的,记分转入下一记分周期。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: ? 1441、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,表示驻车制动器处于制动状态。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1442、驾驶人的机动车驾驶证被依法扣留、暂扣的情况下不得驾驶机动车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1443、驾驶大型机动车在没有设置限速区间的高速公路上可以在左侧车道行驶。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: × 1444、行车中要文明驾驶,礼让行车,做到不开英雄车、冒险车、赌气车和带病车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1445、在连续降雨天气的山区公路行车时,要选择道路中间坚实的路面行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 连续降雨的山区路面,容易出现塌方、湿滑等情况,因此要尽量靠中间走,此外还要找坚实的路面,确保不会塌掉。因此本题正确。 1446、车辆行至交叉路口时,左转弯车辆在任何时段都可以进入左弯待转区。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1447、如动画所示,机动车通过铁路道口的做法是正确的。 按住 Ctrl 并单击这里查看动画(本链接安全) 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 由动画可知,前方是无人看守的铁路道口,并设有停车让行标志,而驾驶人做到了停车观看,因此本题正确。 1448、伤员骨折处出血时,先固定好肢体再进行止血和包扎。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 本题的关键在于伤员发生这种状况的时机、也就是分轻重缓急来处理主要的病情,如果是突发灾难现场救急,肉眼判断骨折处未伤及动静脉仅皮外划伤无须单独包扎止血、那么可以先行固定,送往医院后再行处置。 1449、如图是向右急弯路标志。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 箭头方向最终指向右侧,也就是向右的。而且通过变更路线的角度来看,是突然变更的。因此这题是对的。 1450、车辆通过学校和小区应注意观察标志标线,低速行驶,不要鸣喇叭。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1451、驾驶人在一个记分周期内累积记分达到12分的,交通警察依法扣留驾驶证。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1452、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)一直亮,表示发动机控制系统故障。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1453、遇到这种情况时,中间车道不允许车辆通行。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1454、如图是会车让行标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 会车让行应该是圆牌,这个是警告标志,是双向交通标志。 1455、在紧急情况下为伤员止血时,须先用压迫法止血后再根据出血情况改用其他止血法。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 一般小动脉和静脉出血可用加压包扎止血法,较大的动脉出血,应用止血带止血。 但在紧急情况下,须先用压迫法止血,然后再根据出血情况改用其它止血法。 指压止血法可以在较大的动脉出血后,用拇指压住出血的血管上方(近心端),使血管被压闭住,中断血液。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1456、驾驶机动车在隧道内跟随前车行驶时要使用远光灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 在隧道内跟车应当用近光灯,用远光灯会影响其他车辆驾驶员的判断。因此本题错误。 1457、对发生道路交通事故需要收集证据的事故车,交通警察可以依法扣留。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1458、驾驶机动车进入高速公路加速车道后再开启左转向灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 要先开启左转向灯并确保安全之后才能向左进入高速公路加速车道,因此本题错误。 1459、夜间在城市道路超车前要鸣喇叭示意前车,待前车让行后从左侧超越。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第四十七条 机动车超车时,应当提前开启左转向灯、变换使用远、近光灯或者鸣喇叭。 但由于夜间行驶时,只是鸣喇叭无法识别是哪里的车辆要超车,因此要提前开启左转向灯、变换使用远、近光灯的方式提醒,所以本题错误。 1460、如图标志的含义是确定主标志规定区间距离为向前100米。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 应该是向右,而不是向前 1461、车速较高前方发生紧急情况时,要先转方向避让,再采取制动减速,以减小碰撞损坏程度。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: × 车速较高的情况下,若直接转向,很有可能发生侧翻。因此并不是降低损失和伤害。 1462、与前车发生追尾碰撞时,要将双手迅速置于脑后合并护住头后部。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 应该握紧方向盘,若是双手离开方向盘护住头部,很有可能让车子发生偏转,造成更大的伤害。因此本题错误。 1463、驾驶机动车在道路上超车时可以不使用转向灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1464、在高速公路变更车道时,开启转向灯后迅速驶入需要变更的车道。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 本题错误的原因在于“迅速”二字,若是没有看清楚周围车辆的行驶情况,很容易与其他车辆发生擦碰或是追尾等事故,因此本题错误。 1465、机动车可以选择交叉路口进行倒车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第五十条 机动车倒车时,应当察明车后情况,确认安全后倒车。不得在铁路道口、"交叉路口"、单行路、桥梁、急弯、陡坡或者隧道中倒车。 1466、记分满12分的驾驶人拒不参加学习和考试的将被公告驾驶证停止使用。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1467、上路行驶的机动车未随车携带身份证的,交通警察可依法扣留机动车。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: × 1468、饮酒后驾驶机动车的一次记12分。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1469、机动车转弯时速度过快,离心力变大,容易发生侧滑。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 转弯速度越快,角速度越大,离心力也越大。这样一来抓地力就不够,车子就容易发生侧滑,因此本题正确。 1470、驾驶人发现轮胎漏气时,应迅速制动减速,将车辆尽快驶离行车道,停放在路边安全地点。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 当车辆漏气时,引起轮胎不正常工作,”采取制动减速,将车辆尽快驶离行车道,停放在路边安全地点“的方式是可行的,但本题却用“迅速”两个字,而这样做很有可能造成爆胎,甚至是侧翻,因此strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 本题错误。 1471、遇到这种情形时要停车避让行人。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1472、因故障在山区下坡路段长时间停车时,要用这种办法塞住车轮。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 由于是下坡路,因此若是停在此处很容易前溜,而这样做能防止车辆向下溜滑,因此本题正确。 1473、机动车在高速公路上发生交通事故无法正常行驶时,用救援车、清障车拖曳、牵引。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1474、行车中突遇对向车辆强行超车,占据自己车道时,可不予避让,迫使对方让路。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: × 1475、驾驶机动车遇到行动不便的行人在路边准备过马路时,要提前加速通过。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 行车中遇儿童、盲人、和残疾人时,必须减速或停车让行。若不让行,很有可能会发生事故。而且这类人行动不便,躲也来不及躲。因此本题错误。 1476、驾驶机动车在前方路口不能右转弯。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1477、遇窄桥时,要注意观察对向来车并提前做好停让准备,避免在桥面上会车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 这样是为了安全,窄桥上会车不安全,因此本题正确。 1478、使用其他机动车号牌、行驶证的一次记3分。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1479、造成交通事故后逃逸构成犯罪的人不能申请机动车驾驶证。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1480、驾驶机动车在道路上超车完毕驶回原车道时开启右转向灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1481、驾驶机动车进入隧道口前按照隧道口标志上规定的速度调整车速。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 在隧道入口前很明确地竖立了两个道路标志,一个是规定了车速的限速标志,一个是提醒前方是隧道的标志。因此综合起来看,本题就是对的。 1482、打开位置灯开关,(如图所示)亮起。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1483、在这种环境里行车使用近光灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1484、驾驶车辆在道路上行驶时,应当按照规定的速度安全行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1485、如图是会车先行标志。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 标志意思很明确,右边箭头代表你的车,用箭头的宽窄区分了自己和会车的先行情况,此题中自己的行车方向箭头比会车箭头要宽,权限大所以自己先行。 1486、驾驶机动车在浓雾天临时停车后,要开启雾灯和近光灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 雾天开车视野不良,因此若要停车,就应该开启危险报警闪光灯,提醒其他车辆注意。因此本题错误。 1487、机动车通过铁道路口时,应用低速挡安全通过,中途不得换挡,以避免发动机熄火。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: ? 在过铁路道口,要求降低一切危险因素,尽量缩短通过铁路道口的时间。若在这个过程中换挡,比较容易熄火,一旦熄火,危险系数就增加了。 1488、下坡路制动失效后,若无可利用的地形和时机,应迅速逐级或越一级减挡,利用发动机制动作用控制车速。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 发动机制动是利用发动机的牵阻作用减慢车速,档位越低牵阻越明显,制动性越强。在下长坡道路行驶,挂入低速档利用发动机的牵阻作用可以减少制动器的负担和减少制动次数,防止制动过热引起制动力热衰减;在冰雪、泥泞的路面上行驶,应用发动机牵阻制动可以防止侧滑。 1489、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮,提示发动机舱开启。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1490、驾驶机动车在雾天行车要开启雾灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第五十八条 机动车在夜间没有路灯、照明不良或者遇有雾、雨、雪、沙尘、冰雹等低能见度情况下行驶时,应当开启前照灯、示廓灯和后位灯,但同方向行驶的后车与前车近距离行驶时,不得使用远光灯。【机动车雾天行驶应当开启雾灯和危险报警闪光灯】。 因此本题选A。 1491、如图标志的含义是表示前方300米道路封闭。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 看看图上说的道路封闭300米 那当然是前方300米道路封闭。 1492、驶离高速公路可以从这个位置直接驶入匝道。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1493、驾驶机动车遇到这种情形要迅速靠右侧减速让行。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 由图可知,前方车辆为执行公务的消防车,因此遇到这种情况要减速靠右慢行进行避让。因此本题正确。 1494、驾驶人在道路上醉酒驾驶机动车的处3年以上有期徒刑。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1495、车辆掉头前应首先观察车后交通情况,掉头过程中前进或倒车时都应当观察前后方交通情况。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 观察车后交通情况是要知道是否可以安全掉头,确认安全可行后进行掉头。在掉头过程中要时刻注意周围的交通情况,发生状况时要主动停车避让。因此本题正确。 1496、驾驶人发现转向突然不灵,但还可实现转向时,应低速将车开到附近修理厂修好后再行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 转向不灵,但是还可以转向,一般是转向的助力系统有问题,这个时候不是不能转向而是比较费力。所以为了保证安全驾驶,应该开到最近的修理厂修理,而不是继续驾驶。 而不开也不是办法,一个是这种情况不需要牵引车来处理,二是等在原地会阻碍交通,要注意题目里“不灵,但还可以实现转向”。 1497、如图是事故易发路段标志。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 这个是表明前方是珠海的标志。 1498、在冰雪道路上行车时,车辆的稳定性降低,加速过急时车轮极易空转或溜滑。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1499、如图标志的含义是确定主标志规定区间距离为前方200米以外的路段。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 是200米,但是注意那两个字 {以外} 1500、易燃液体一旦发生火灾,要及时用水扑救。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 着火时,人们往往立即想到的是用水来灭,但有些火灾却是不能用水来扑救的。如果易燃液体密度比水小,就不应该用水,因为易燃液体会浮在水面继续燃烧。 所以本题错误。 1501、在这个路口左转弯要靠路口中心点左侧转弯。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 如图是中心圈,设在平面交叉路口的中心,用以区分车辆大、小转弯,及交叉路口车辆左右转弯的指示,车辆不得压线行驶。因此本题正确。 1502、机动车紧急制动时,ABS系统在提供最大制动力的同时能使车前轮保持转向能力。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1503、雪天行车中,在有车辙的路段要循车辙行驶。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: ? 雪天行驶时,道路通常会被雪所掩盖,因此无法了解路面的实际情况。 因此为了避免不可见的危险,就要尽可能沿着车辙行驶。因为这样安全系数更高一些。 1504、雾天行车多使用喇叭可引起对方注意;听到对方车辆鸣喇叭,也应鸣喇叭回应。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1505、驾驶机动车到达隧道出口时要握稳转向盘,预防出口处的强横向风。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 出隧道后,左右两边不再有遮挡,因此会有横风出现,因此要握稳方向盘,以免横风使方向发生偏转。所以本题正确。 1506、驾驶机动车通过这种傍山险路要靠右侧行驶。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 在这种道路上行驶要靠右行驶,以策安全,同时以免对向有来车无法及时避开。因此本题正确。 1507、如图是限制质量标志。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: × 这个是限制轴重标志。 1508、机动车行驶证灭失、丢失,机动车所有人要向登记地车辆管理所申请补领、换领。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1509、机动车通过没有交通信号灯控制也没有交通警察指挥的交叉路口,相对方向行驶的右转弯的机动车让左转弯的车辆先行。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 直的先走,然后是左边的,最后是右边 1510、救火时不要脱去所穿的化纤服装,以免伤害暴露的皮肤。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 化纤易着是一方面主要是化纤不能耐高温,融化后会紧贴在皮肤上,对皮肤伤害很大,导致烧伤。 因此救火时应当脱去化纤服装避strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 免烧伤。因此本题错误。 1511、在道路上超车时,应尽量加大横向距离,必要时可越实线超车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1512、在道路与铁路道口遇到一个红灯亮时要尽快通过道口。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1513、驾驶机动车掉头、转弯、下陡坡时的最高速度不能超过每小时40公里。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1514、超越进站停驶正在上下乘客的公交车时,一定要谨慎通过,防止盲区处有行人横过道路。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 遇到这种情况,特别要多留个心眼,虽然公交车暂时不会起步,但是此时一定要考虑到有行人从公交车前穿出的可能,此时应当降低车速,并与公交车保持足够的间距,此外还要做好随时停车的准备。 因此本题正确。 1515、打开左转向灯开关,(如图所示)亮起。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1516、行车中当机动车突然爆胎时,驾驶人切忌慌乱中急踏制动踏板,尽量采用抢挂低速档的方法,利用发动机制动使机动车减速。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 如果爆胎时,方向盘会偏向爆胎处,而且是打死了的任你怎么搬都搬不动。这个时候如果踩刹车,车子立马会发生侧翻,所以说这个时候应该抬起刹车,轰油门,抢次档,车就会往反方向跑,然后在亲点刹车,同时抢3档,然后2档,1档这样做你就会平安了~只是你如果超速行驶,上面说的效果就没有了~所以说控制好速度才是最重要的~ 1517、申请小型汽车、三轮汽车驾驶证的,年龄应在18周岁以上70周岁以下。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1518、不要在驾驶室的前后窗范围内悬挂和放置妨碍驾驶人视线的物品。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1519、车辆可以在危险路段掉头,但应谨慎驾驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第四十九条 机动车在有禁止掉头或者禁止左转弯标志、标线的地点以及在铁路道口、人行横道、桥梁、急弯、陡坡、隧道或者容易发生危险的路段,不得掉头。 因此本题错误。 1520、驾驶机动车在道路上向右变更车道可以不使用转向灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1521、驾驶人在观察后方无来车的情况下,未开转向灯就变更车道也是合理的。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1522、道路危险货物运输驾驶人、装卸人员和押运员必须了解所运载strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 的危险化学品的性质、危害特性、包装容器的使用特性和发生意外时的要急措施。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 根据《道路运输从业人员管理规定》第十二条 道路危险货物运输装卸管理人员和押运人员应当符合下列条件: (三)接受相关法规、安全知识、专业技术、职业卫生防护和应急救援知识的培训,了解危险货物性质、危害特征、包装容器的使用特性和发生意外时的应急措施; 因此本题是对的。 1523、造成交通事故后逃逸,尚不构成犯罪的一次记12分。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1524、漫水道路行车时,要挂高速挡,快速通过。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 不应该挂高速挡,而是要“应选用低速挡,以保证汽车有足够的strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 驱动力;入水时应平稳,以防溅起的水花落 入电器设备,造成电器短路;发动机中速运转,保持车速,中途不得停车、换挡和急转转向盘”这样才对。 1525、相对白天而言,夜间行车,车辆灯光照射的范围小,驾驶人的视野受限。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 晚上开车的时候受到光线暗的局限,相对观察事物的距离也就受到局限,所以视距比较短,因此很难观察到灯光照射区域以外的交通情况。为了安全考虑,减速行驶是必须的。 因此本题正确。 1526、车辆进入山区道路后,要特别注意“连续转弯”标志,并主动避让车辆及行人,适时减速和提前鸣喇叭。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1527、驾驶大型车的驾驶人不需要系安全带。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: × 系安全带不仅是出于安全考虑,同时不系安全带也是会罚款的,因此本题选B。 1528、驾驶机动车进入居民小区不能超过限速标志限定的速度行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 由图可知,进入此小区车速限制在5公里/小时,也就是说不能超过5公里/小时,因此本题正确。 1529、如图是停车让行标志。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 此标志是减速让行标志。 1530、夜间驾驶机动车遇到交叉路口黄灯闪烁时,可加速通过。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 在通过交叉路口时,发现黄灯闪烁,说明此时交通信号灯不能起到指挥交通的作用,只是用来提醒。因此通过时要先观察周围情况,减速慢行。 1531、夜间行车,驾驶人视距变短,影响观察,同时注意力高度集中,易产生疲劳。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1532、如图标志的含义是表示车辆向右行驶。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 此为道路施工安全标志,此处表示道路施工,向左行驶。 1533、行车中遇缺乏交通经验的行人时,应提高警惕,控制好车速,做好随时停车或让行的准备。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 缺乏交通经验的行人,容易犹豫不决,因此要特别注意其动向。因此本题正确。 1534、腐蚀品着火时,不能用水柱直接喷射扑救。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 无机腐蚀品或有机腐蚀品直接燃烧时,除具有与水反应特性的物质外,一般可用大量的水扑救。但宜用雾状水,不能用高压水柱直接喷射物品,以免飞溅的水珠带上腐蚀品灼伤灭火人员。 液体腐蚀品应用干砂、干土覆盖吸收,扫干净后,再用水洗刷。strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 大量溢出时可用稀酸或稀碱中和。中和时,要防止发生剧烈反应。用水洗刷撒漏现场时,只能缓慢地浇洗或用雾状水喷淋,以防水珠飞溅伤人。 1535、机动车侧滑时,车轮往哪边侧滑,就往侧滑相同的一边转动转向盘。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 车辆侧滑时,车身向右侧滑时,如果向左打轮,车会侧滑得更厉害,只能向右打轮,以保持车辆的平衡,同样,车身向左就向左打轮,记住是同向的规律,看清楚他是车轮侧滑不是车身侧滑,因此本题错误。 1536、驾驶机动车下坡使用缓速器可以完全代替行车制动装置。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 辅助制动装置作用是在不使用或少使用行车制动装置的条件下,使车辆速度降低或保持稳定、但不能将车辆紧急制停,这种作用称为缓速作用。辅助制动装置中用以产生制动力矩并且对车辆起缓速作用的部件称为缓速器。缓速器也属于辅助制动器范畴。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 也就是说缓速器并不能代替行车制动,因此本题选B。 1537、在冰雪路面驾驶机动车要避免紧急制动。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 冰雪路面较一般路面易滑,若是采取紧急制动的话,容易发生打滑,因此本题正确。 1538、未安装制动防抱死装置(ABS)的车辆,驾驶人发现汽车偏离方向时,应立即松开制动踏板,待方向得到控制后再踏制动踏板。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 发现汽车偏离方向并立即踏制动踏板容易引起侧翻。 如后轮一直被刹住的情况下,不松开踏板,汽车会出现甩尾现象;如前轮一直被刹住的情况下不松开踏板,汽车会出现方向失去控制。正确的操作办法是握紧方向并不停的点刹,直到停止。 因此本题选A。 1539、在高速公路变更车道时,应提前开启转向灯,观察情况,确认安全后,驶入需要变更的车道。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1540、交通信号包括交通信号灯、交通标志、交通标线和交通警察的指挥。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1541、当车辆已偏离直线行驶方向,事故已经无可避免时,应果断地连续踏制动踏板,尽量缩短停车距离,减轻撞车力度。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 果断的连续踩踏、放松制动踏板,也就是连续的点刹车。这样做比较有效。因此本题正确。 1542、驾驶机动车遇到这种情况可迅速从前车左侧超越。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 从图上来看,此车道应该是加速车道,从前车的行驶路线来看,应该是在前方会汇入行车道内,因此在这种情况下不能超车。所以本题错误。 1543、如图是向左向右转弯标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 这个标志的含义是禁止向左向右行驶。 1544、如图是禁止机动车驶入标志。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 这个是禁令标志,且圈中有机动车,因此这是禁止机动车驶入标志,所以本题正确。 1545、起步前踏离合器板检查踏板与驾驶室底板之间的间隙是否合适。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 检查离合器踏板,是用力踩离合器踏板,看踏板能否顺利的踏下、回位。 检查制动踏板,才是将制动踏板踩到底,检查制动踏板与车厢地板之间的间隙是否符合要求。 1546、车辆在高速公路上行车,可以频繁地变更车道。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1547、夜间驾驶人对事物的观察能力明显比白天差。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 此题说的意思是,你在白天开车的时候由于光线比较充足,所以观察事物的范围比较广,观察事物的视线距离相对也就比较大,而在晚上受到光线暗的局限,相对观察事物的距离也就受到局限,所以视距比较短,而并不是说人本身的观察有问题,所以此题是正确的~ 1548、社会车辆距离消防栓或者消防队(站)门前30米以内的路段不能停车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1549、在这段道路上不能掉头。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1550、机动车通过弯道时,在保证不发生事故的前提下可以迅速超车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 在遇弯道等情况时,都不能超车。 1551、安装防抱死制动装置(ABS)的车辆制动时,制动距离没有变化。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 因为(ABS)是防抱死制动装置。防止侧滑,就是当它发现有轮胎抱死后,会松开刹车。以后再刹再松,直到车停下。肯定增加了制动距离~ strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1552、驾驶人发现轮胎漏气,将机动车驶离主车道时,不要采用紧急制动,以免造成翻车或后车采取制动不及时导致追尾事故。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 当车辆漏气时,引起轮胎不正常工作,为了避免意外发生,应该驶离主干道,在安全地方检查也不应该紧急制动,避免后面车辆反应不及时引起事故。 1553、通过窄路、窄桥时,不得超车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1554、在高速公路行车对突然横穿动物的紧急避险措施不能超过必要的限度。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 高速路上,紧急避险措施不应超过必要的限度,应该就是指速度不能降太低,否则容易造成后面的车辆追尾,还有就是方向不能突然strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 转太多,也容易和后面的车辆相撞。因此本题正确。 1555、如图是高速公路出口预告标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 从标志上看出是表示出口的,而绿色为高速公路专用色,因此此标志位高速公路出口标志。 1556、高速公路安全距离确认路段用于确认车速在每小时100公里时的安全距离。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 如图所示,一共竖立了三块绿色的牌子,上面的数字分别为,0m、50m,在远处的一个虽然看不清楚,但也可推算出是100m的牌子,也就是要看在这100米内车子的速度。 如此说来,本题正确。 1557、机动车在发生碰撞时,安全带可以减轻驾乘人员伤害。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1558、驾驶机动车可在该路口处向右变更车道。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 因为已经到路口了,路口150米内不得变更车道。他停在左侧道,只能直行或左转。 1559、行车中遇到盲人和其他行动不便的行人,应该减速慢行,必要时停车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 行车中遇儿童、盲人、和残疾人时,必须减速或停车让行。若不让行,很有可能会发生事故。而且这类人行动不便,躲也来不及躲。 1560、在高速公路上行驶感觉疲劳时,应立即停车休息。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: × 1561、救火时不要张嘴呼吸或高声呐喊,以免烟火灼伤上呼吸道。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 这样做能避免吸入有害气体或被烟呛着。 1562、驾驶机动车遇到这种道路,可充分利用空挡滑行。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 根据如图的交通标志来看,是一个连续下坡路,在这种路况下不strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 能空挡滑行,因此本题错误。 1563、驾驶机动车临近人行横道,遇行人正在横穿道路,尽量从行人后方绕过。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 遇到这种情况应当停车让行,以防与正在横穿道路的行人相撞,因此本题错误。 1564、在照明条件好的的路段超车前也要变前照灯换远、近灯光提醒被超机动车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第四十七条 机动车超车时,应当提前开启左转向灯、变换使用远、近光灯或者鸣喇叭。 因此本题正确。 1565、驾驶车辆汇入车流时,应提前开启转向灯,保持直线行驶,通过后视镜观察左右情况,确认安全后汇入合流。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: ? 1566、危险化学品机动车发生事故时要首先向单位领导。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 本题错误的关键在于“首先”两个字,若事故比较严重,更应当先报警。向当地的110汇报详细情况,以便他们进行果断处置。 1567、遇伤者被压于车轮或货物下时,要立即拉拽伤者的肢体将其拖出。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 车轮压住了伤者,必须将车轮或货物移开后才能将伤者移出。如果硬拖的话,容易使伤者伤得更严重。因此错误。 1568、漫水道路行车时,应挂高速档,快速通过。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1569、机动车在山区道路跟车行驶时,要适当缩小安全距离。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 由于山区道路复杂多变,因此与前车的距离应该比平时要大。因此本题错误。 1570、在高速公路上驾驶机动车不要频繁地变更车道。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 在高速公路上可以变更车道,但是不能太过频繁,所以本题正确。 1571、夜间行车,驾驶人的视野受限,很难观察到灯光照射区域以外的交通情况,因此要减速行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1572、行车中,发现行人突然横过道路时,应迅速减速避让。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: ? 1573、车辆在高速公路以每小时100公里的速度行驶时,距同车道前车100米以上为安全距离。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1574、车辆在通过山区道路弯道时,要做到“减速、鸣喇叭、靠右行”。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1575、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮,提示左侧车门未关闭。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1576、驾驶机动车遇到漫水桥时要察明水情确认安全后再低速通过。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1577、在这种情况下可加速通过交叉路口。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1578、如图是注意行人标志。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 易错题,很容易看成妈妈带小孩。该标志设置在步行街的两端,为步行标志。 1579、驾驶机动车到达隧道出口时要握稳转向盘,预防出口处的强横向风。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 由于隧道是一个除了入口和出口之外都是封闭的,因此在出隧道strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 的时候,会出现强烈的反差。所以此时驾驶员就要握稳方向盘,一旦出现横风还能控制好车身,避免跑偏。因此本题正确。 1580、在这个路口不能掉头。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1581、驾驶机动车在这种隧道内要尽量靠左侧行驶。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 隧道中行驶,前方有来车,应当靠右侧行驶,因此本题错误。 1582、如图是单行路标志。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: ? 直行的外围是蓝色底的圆圈,单行的外围是蓝色底的长方形。记忆方法:单行(孤单所以很挤压,不留空) 1583、驾驶机动车遇到这种情况要主动减速让后车超越。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 由图可知,后车有超车意图,根据本车的情况,应当予以让行,因此本题正确。 1584、驾驶车辆时,长时间左臂搭在车门窗上,或者长时间右手抓住变速器操纵杆,是一种驾驶陋习。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: ? 1585、夜间会车时,对面来车的灯光会造成眩目,驾驶人要减速行驶或者停车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 造成眩目的话,很容易让驾驶人看不清周围情况,因此为了安全,要减速慢行或停车,以了解情况。因此本题正确。 1586、发生交通事故造成人员受伤时,要保护现场并立即报警。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1587、驾驶机动车在这种情况下要尽快加速通过。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 由图可知,应该是刚下过雨的路面,湿滑路面行驶要注意减速慢行,而且在超越非机动车时要注意不要溅水,因此本题错误。 1588、机动车发生火灾时,要设法将机动车停在远离城镇、建筑物、树木、机动车及易燃物的空旷地带。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 注意本题中出现的设法二字,也就是说尽可能把损失和伤害降到最低,因此应该如题中这么做。 因此本题正确。 1589、在交叉路口遇到这种情况享有优先通行权。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1590、驾驶机动车变更车道时,应提前开启转向灯,注意观察,保持安全距离,驶入要变更的车道。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 变更车道前,应先确保安全可行。因此这题是对的。 1591、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时提醒发动机需要加注机油。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: × 1592、遇到这种情况的路段,可以进入网状线区域内停车等候。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1593、距离桥梁、陡坡、隧道50米以内的路段不能停车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1594、出现制动失效后,要首先控制方向,再设法控制车速。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: ? 控制方向的目的是为了避免发生意外,稳住方向之后再控制车速,也就是慢慢减速,这样才能安全地停车。因此本题正确。 1595、机动车在行驶中,遇雨雪天气向右侧滑时,要向左打方向,使其稳定。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 所谓“侧滑”就是车辆急加速、突然制动或启动时扭矩过大而产生的侧向甩动的现象,俗称“甩尾”。造成车辆侧滑的因素很多。雪天,雨天、冰面上行车时突然抬起油门或突然加速;采取紧急制动,制动时后轮比前轮先抱死;都极易发生车辆侧滑而造成事故。 因此本题错误。 1596、夜间会车时,对面来车的灯光会造成驾驶人眩目而看不清前方的交通情况,驾驶人应将视线右移避开对方车辆灯光,并减速行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 视线向右是因为左边有车灯更容易造成眼花,而向右的话无车可让已经花了的眼稍许恢复一些。同时减速确定车辆位置是否正确,再strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 适当调整。 1597、驾驶机动车在道路上掉头时提前开启左转向灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1598、夜间驾驶车辆,驾驶人不容易产生视觉疲劳。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 夜间行驶,由于视野较白天变差,因此很容易产生视觉疲劳,因此本题错误。 1599、机动车落水后,要迅速关闭车窗阻挡车内进水,短暂闭绝空气,可打电话告知救援人员失事地点,等待救援。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 你要是有把握在短时间内被救起来当然是这样最好了,但是在正常情况下,你一旦进入河里并且封闭了空间,那么凭普通人的力气根本就不能再次打开车门了,最后活活的闷死在里面。最安全的方法,strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 还是打开车门快速逃生,车坏了就坏了吧,破财免灾。 1600、大风天气行车中,如果遇到狂风袭来,感觉机动车产生横向偏移时,要急转方向以恢复行驶方向。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 当车遇到横风时如果发生的横移,因为在横移的瞬间车轮是离开地面的,所以才会横移,最好的方法就是收油,等车速自己下来,这样就可以让车轮恢复抓地力,然后再进行打轮刹车等动作。 这题判错的原因主要是当时车轮是离地的,也就是说车轮是没有抓地力的,如果这时打轮的话不管是前轮离地还是后轮离地,都容易发生甩尾,再加上当时的横风,可能还会加重甩尾的趋势。 即本题错误。 1601、高速路上,机动车因故障暂时不能离开应急车道或路肩时,驾乘人员要下车在路边等候,但不得离开高速公路。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 错在【路边】2字~ 机动车在高速公路上发生故障时,应当依照本法第五十二条的有strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 关规定办理;但是,警告标志应当设置在故障车来车方向一百五十米以外,车上人员应当迅速转移到右侧路肩上或者应急车道内,并且迅速报警。 1602、驾驶机动车在这种情况下要加速冲过坡顶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 根据图来看,只能知道前方是一个制高点,但对于前方是平路还是下坡路并不清楚,因此不能加速通过。所以本题错误。 1603、这辆红色轿车变更车道的方法和路线是正确的。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1604、驾驶机动车遇下坡车已行至中途而上坡车还未上坡时,上坡车让下坡车先行。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 注意两个前提,一是下坡车已行至中途,二是上坡车还未上坡,此时应当由上坡车让下坡车。因此本题选A。 1605、驾驶机动车汇入车流时不能影响其他机动车通行。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 汇入车流的前提是不能影响其他车辆的正常通行,因此本题选A。 1606、行车中从其他道路线汇入车流前,应注意观察侧后方机动车的动态。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 有不少同学纠结在转向灯上,题目是说从其他道路汇入主道简单说是2条路并成一条,还需要打什么转向灯,必然要这么走的,所以要观察后方机动车的动态不出现刮蹭碰撞就好~ 1607、驾驶机动车下坡可采用踏下离合器踏板滑行的方法。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1608、驾驶机动车在路口看到这种信号灯亮时,要加速通过。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1609、灯光开关在该位置时,后雾灯点亮。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1610、驾驶车辆通过人行横道线时,应注意礼让行人。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1611、在道路上临时停车不得妨碍其他车辆和行人通行。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1612、装有ABS系统的机动车在冰雪路面上会最大限度缩短制动距离。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 因为(ABS)是防抱死制动装置。防止侧滑,就是当它发现有轮胎抱死后,会松开刹车。以后再刹再松,直到车停下。肯定增加了制动距离~ 因此本题选B。 1613、行车中遇到正在进行作业的道路养护车辆、工程作业车时要注意避让。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1614、驾驶机动车向右变更车道前开启右转向灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 变更车道前要提前开启转向灯,因此本题正确。 1615、搬运昏迷失去知觉的伤员要采取仰卧位。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 正确的做法是先开放气道,再采取去枕仰卧位,头偏向一侧,保 持呼吸道通畅,以防窒息。因此本题错误。 1616、驾驶机动车发生财产损失交通事故后,当事人对事实及成因无 争议移动车辆时需要对现场拍照或者标划停车位置。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1617、机动车转弯时速度过快,容易发生侧滑。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: ? 转弯速度越快,角速度越大,离心力也越大。这样一来车子的抓地力就变小了,此时就容易发生侧滑。因此本题正确。 1618、如动画所示,车辆在高速公路上行车,A车驾驶行为是否正确? 按住 Ctrl 并单击这里查看动画(本链接安全) 正确 错误 正确答案: × 由动画可知,机动车频繁变更车道超越其他车辆,这种做法是错误的。因此本题错误。 1619、驾驶机动车此时可以加速通过路口。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: × 由图可知,此时信号灯已经变为黄色,即将转变为红色,此时应当在停车线前停车。否则就是闯黄灯的行为了。因此本题错误。 1620、如图标志用于引导车辆驾驶人改变行驶方向。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 在前方有转变,或是在隧道里如果有转弯时,会出现这标志。 1621、驾驶机动车遇到这种信号灯,可在对面直行车前直接向左转弯。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: × 1622、下坡路制动失效后,要迅速逐级或越一级减挡,利用发动机制动作用控制车速。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 发动机制动是利用发动机的牵阻作用减慢车速,档位越低牵阻越明显,制动性越强。在下长坡道路行驶,挂入低速档利用发动机的牵阻作用可以减少制动器的负担和减少制动次数,防止制动过热引起制动力热衰减;在冰雪、泥泞的路面上行驶,应用发动机牵阻制动可以防止侧滑。 所以本题正确。 1623、如图标志表示前方有分流车道,车辆应按箭头方向直行或驶出主车道。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 此为分流诱导标志,从标志上看可以发现,是从一条线分散出去多个箭头。 1624、机动车落水后要等到水快浸满车厢时,再设法开启车门或摇下车窗玻璃逃生。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 车辆掉水后,车里有空气,车内压力低于车外的压力,这个时候你想打开车门,一是比较困难,二是即使你打开了车门,车外的水一下子涌进来,可能会造成更大的伤害。当水浸满车厢后,内外压力接近时,以上问题都能解决了。 因此本题正确。 1625、如图是靠右侧道路行驶标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 蓝色的矩形框,看里面的这么大的箭头,想象很拥挤的样子,所strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 以是单行道,指示向左向右行驶,看箭头指哪个方向就向哪个方向行驶,这样很好记啦 1626、会车遇到这种情况要低速会车或停车让行。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 由图可知,前方是窄桥,要避免在窄桥上会车,因此本题正确。 1627、将转向灯开关向下拉,右转向灯亮。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: × 1628、雨天在高速公路上高速行驶容易发生“水滑”现象。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 水滑就是因为雨天雨水多了,使轮胎与路面的摩擦系数变小了,就容易侧滑。所以本题正确。 1629、在学校门口遇到这种情况要做好随时停车的准备。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 如图是前方路段是学校要注意儿童。因此此时要减速慢行,必要时停车。因此本题正确。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1630、一个合格的驾驶人,不仅表现在技术的娴熟上,更重要的是应该具有良好的驾驶行为习惯和道德修养。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1631、如图所示斑马状导流线表示车辆应按规定的路线行驶,但可以压线或越线。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 大家要注意:实线是不允许压线的。 1632、因故障在山区上坡路段长时间停车时,要用这种办法塞住车轮。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 停在如图的上坡路面上,容易后溜,如图做法并不能防止车辆后溜,正确的做法是在轮胎后面塞住。因此本题错误。 1633、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮,表示行车制动系统可能出现故障。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1634、在这种急弯道路上行车应交替使用远近光灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1635、发动机着火时,要迅速关闭发动机,开启发动机罩进行灭火。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 开发动机罩后氧气就会迅速涌入,引起更大的火灾。 所以本题错误。 1636、在交叉路口遇到这种情况享有优先通行权。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1637、驾驶机动车遇到这种情况不要减速。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 虽然不是有障碍物的一方,但对向有机动车的情况下还是要注意strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 减速慢行,以免对向来车直接绕过障碍物驶来,因此本题错误。 1638、雨天避免“水滑”现象的有效方法就是保持高速行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 应该是降低车速,实际驾驶员也是把车速尽量降低,不是有“十次事故九次快”吗,何况是雨天。所以本题错误。 1639、在冰雪路面行车,要尽量利用行车制动进行减速。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 应该用发动机制动减速。发动机制动有三个显著特点:一是由于差速器的作用,可将制动力矩平均地分配在左右车轮上,减少侧滑、甩尾的可能性;二是有效地减少脚制动的使用频率,避免因长时间使用制动器,导致制动器摩擦片的温度升高,使制动力下降,甚至失去作用;三是车速始终被限定在一定范围内,有利于及时降速或停车,确保行车安全。 因此本题错误。 1640、违反交通信号灯通行的一次记6分。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1641、开启前照灯远光时仪表板上(如图所示)亮起。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1642、制动失灵后,驾驶人应立即寻找并冲入紧急避险车道;停车后,拉紧驻车制动器,以防溜动发生二次险情。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 不少学员会觉得这一题错误,认为“冲入”不对,我认为本题的考点在于这整个的操作过程,即制动失灵后要找到可以找到停车的地方,那么最快的方法就是找到紧急避险车道,此处用“冲入”应该是想强调快速。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 因此在做本题时,提醒大家不要受“冲入”等词汇的影响。 1643、在冰雪路面上行车,必须降低车速、加大安全距离。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1644、掉头过程中,应严格控制车速,仔细观察道路前后方情况,确认安全后方可前进或倒车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1645、遇其他机动车发生交通事故急需帮助运送伤员时,应予以拒绝,让其耐心等待救护车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 遇到这样的情况应当予以帮助,让伤者早日接受治疗,因此本题错误。 1646、夜间行车,驾驶人的视野受限,很难观察到灯光照射区域以外strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 的交通情况,因此要减速行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 晚上开车的时候受到光线暗的局限,相对观察事物的距离也就受到局限,所以视距比较短,因此很难观察到灯光照射区域以外的交通情况。为了安全考虑,减速行驶是必须的。 1647、驾驶机动车遇到这种情况时要向左占道行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 遇到这种情况要减速慢行,必要时停车,因此本题错误。 1648、驾驶人在确认后方无来车的情况下,可以不开转向灯变更车道。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: × 变更车道时要提前开启转向灯,养成良好的开车习惯,防患于未然,因此本题错误。 1649、驾驶机动车遇到接听手机或注意力高度集中的行人,要在临近时鸣喇叭警示。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 此题要注意遇到的是注意力高度集中的人,也就是说,此类人对于周围情况的变化来不及在第一时间做出反应,若等到临近时才鸣喇叭,那么就有可能行人还没反应过来就撞上了。 另外,要本着安全第一的原则,所以在遇到此类行人时,应当降低车速,并提前提醒。 因此本题错误。 1650、驾驶大型机动车在高速公路以每小时90 公里速度行驶时,跟车安全距离为90 米以上。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 按照跟车安全距离要比每小时时速大的原则,每小时90公里速度行驶时,跟车安全距离就应该要超过90米,因此本题正确。 1651、装有ABS系统的机动车在冰雪路面上会最大限度缩短制动距离。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1652、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,不影响正常行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1653、遇高速公路正常行驶机动车,尾随相距较近时,应选择时机迅速从中间插入。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: × 这种情况下若是从中间插入,很有可能与前后车辆发生擦碰或是追尾,因此不可行。所以本题错误。 1654、车辆在交叉路口绿灯亮后,遇非机动车抢道行驶时,可以不让行。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1655、机动车遇有急弯路时要在进入弯路后减速。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 遇到急弯路应当提前减速慢行,等到进入弯路后减速很容易发生侧滑或侧翻。因此本题错误。 1656、行车前车上驾乘人员都要按规定系好安全带。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 系安全带不仅是规定,同时也是出于安全考虑,因此本题正确。 1657、驾驶机动车在居民小区遇到这种情形要连续鸣喇叭。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 图中标志是禁止鸣喇叭标志,也就是在此情形下不得鸣喇叭。因此本题错误。 1658、夜间通过无交通信号灯控制的交叉路口时,不得变换远、近光灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1659、驾驶机动车遇到牲畜横穿抢道的情况,要及时鸣喇叭进行驱赶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 连续鸣喇叭的话,会让牲畜们慌乱,到时候会造成更大的交通问题。正确的做法应该是要低速让行,必要时停车让行。因此本题错误。 1660、驾驶机动车遇到这种情况时对向机动车优先通过。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 根据规定,有障碍的一方要让无障碍的一方先行,因此本题正确。 1661、驾驶机动车在冰雪道路上起步一定要使用高速挡。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: × 冰雪道路易滑,若是使用高速档,会造成侧滑等情况,因此本题选B。 1662、移动脊柱骨折的伤员,要有两名以上人员扶持移动。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 脊柱骨折意味着柔软的脊髓面临机械损伤(哪怕是非常微小的震动)所以必须保持脊柱固定(软担架根本不能规避机械损伤),因此“要有两名以上人员扶持移动”这一点是不对的。因此本题错误。 1663、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示启用地板及前风窗玻璃吹风。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1664、如图是急弯路标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 反向弯路 此标志设在两个相邻的方向相反的弯路前适当位置。 1665、夜间驾驶机动车超车时,可交替使用远近光灯向前车示意。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第四十七条 机动车超车时,应当提前开启左转向灯、变换使用远、近光灯或者鸣喇叭。 因此本题正确。 1666、驾驶人频繁变更车道不属于驾驶陋习。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: × 变更车道不能太过频繁,否则会影响正常交通,属于陋习,因此本题错误。 1667、驾驶机动车在这个路口可以直接向右转弯。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 遇到这样的情况,应当开启右转向灯,确认右侧没有非机动车接近时右转弯,避免发生碰撞,因此本题错误。 1668、行车中遇到执行紧急任务的消防车、救护车、工程救险车时要及时让行。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: ? 1669、行车中遇老人横过道路,行动缓慢,可持续鸣喇叭催促。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 连续鸣喇叭不但会让老人受惊吓,同时也不礼貌。 1670、使用已经有裂纹或损伤的轮胎行驶容易引起爆胎。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 使用已经有裂纹或损伤的轮胎行驶,造成气压不稳容易爆胎。 1671、机动车在高速行驶时,前面扬起的飞石或是遗撒物将挡风玻璃击裂,造成视线模糊不清的状况下,驾驶人要逐渐降低车速、开启危险报警闪光灯并将机动车移至不妨碍交通的地点。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 在视线模糊不清的状况下若还是高速行驶,很容易因为无法及时发现周围情况而发生事故,因此在这样的情况下就应该逐渐降低车strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 速、开启危险报警闪光灯并将机动车移至不妨碍交通的地点。 因此本题正确。 1672、如图是停车检查标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 标志中有检查二字,这个是停车检查标志。 1673、驾驶大型机动车在高速公路上遇到限速标志低于规定车速时,按规定车速行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 遇到此类情况时,应当按照限速标志行驶。所以本题错误。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1674、车在这种条件的道路上,最高速度不能超过每小时50公里。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1675、行车前要对机动车驾驶室、发动机舱、车外部、轮胎进行检查。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 驾驶室内检查有没有异常现场,气味,仪表盘警示灯,发动机检查有没有漏油,缺水,外部检查车辆平衡,车身划痕,异形,轮胎检查有没有缺气,有没有起泡,轮胎的安全线。 1676、《道路交通安全法实施条例》规定,高速公路上最高时速不得超过120公里。因此在高速公路上行驶只要时速不超过120公里就不违法。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1677、行车中遇突然爆胎时,驾驶人要急踏制动踏板减速停车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 这样做很危险,容易造成车子侧翻,因此本题错误。 1678、驾驶机动车在这个路口可以沿掉头车道直接掉头。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第四十九条 机动车在有禁止掉头或者禁止左转弯标志、标线的地点以及在铁路道口、人行横道、桥梁、急弯、陡坡、隧道或者容易发生危险的路段,不得掉头。 而本题的情况是在坡上,因此本题错误。 1679、遇前方道路上有机动车掉头时,应在其停车换挡的过程中迅速超越。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 若是贸然超越,很有可能与前车发生擦碰,因为你不知道前车什么时候换完挡起步。 1680、驾驶机动车在交叉路口遇到这种情况可以不让行。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 虽然绿灯时可以直行,但由于对向左转车辆已经转到如图位置了,因此应当予以让行,否则会发生碰撞,所以本题错误。 1681、驾驶小型载客汽车在高速公路行驶的最低车速为90公里/小时。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1682、谨慎驾驶的三原则是集中注意力、仔细观察和提前预防。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: ? 1683、驾驶大型机动车在高速公路上要按照车道限速标志标明的限速区间选择车道。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1684、如图是禁止直行和向右转弯标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 箭头方向代表着直行和右转,而这个标志又是禁令标志,因此这个标志的意思就是禁止直行和右转。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1685、驾驶大型机动车在高速公路上遇到因事故造成的堵塞时,可以借右侧路肩行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 首先不能借路肩行驶,其次这么做只会让交通更加拥堵,因此正确的做法应该是排队等候,依次通过。因此本题错误。 1686、变更车道时只需开启转向灯,便可迅速转向驶入相应的行车道。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1687、行车中不开转向灯强行并线是违法行为。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 根据有关规定,强行并线是违法行为,因此本题正确。 1688、机动车起步前,驾驶人应对机动车周围交通情况进行观察,确认安全时再开始起步。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: ? 施主牢记吧~ 1689、驾驶机动车遇到成群的青少年骑自行车时,可连续鸣喇叭迅速超越。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 施主慢一点,凡是题目中出现“迅速”的基本上都是错的了~ 1690、车辆转向突然失控时,应立即用力踏下制动踏板,使车辆尽快减速停止。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1、转向失控后,若车辆偏离直线行驶方向,应果断地连续踩踏、放松制动踏板,使车辆尽快减速停车。 2、当车辆转向失控,行驶方向偏离,事故已经无可避免时,应尽快减速,极力缩短停车距离,减轻撞车力度。 3、高速行驶的车辆,在转向失控的情况下使用紧急制动,很容易造成翻车。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 4、转向突然失控后,若车辆和前方道路情况允许保持直线行驶时,不可使用紧急制动。 1691、驾驶人有使用其他车辆号牌、行驶证嫌疑的,交通警察可依法扣留车辆。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1692、通过铁路道口时,不得超车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1693、夜间行车前方遇到这种情况时不能盲目让超。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: ? 让超车时是要在条件允许的情况下减速靠右行,而图中的情况则是前方有行人及非机动车,因此不能盲目让超。所以本题正确。 1694、机动车通过铁路道口时可以超车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》的规定,行经繁华路段、交叉路口、铁路道口、人行横道、急弯路、宽度不足4米的窄路或者窄桥、陡坡、隧道或者容易发生危险的路段,不得超车。 因此本题错误。 1695、如图标志的含义是确定主标志规定的区域。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: ? 辅助标志对主标志补充说明车辆种类、时间起止、区间范围或距离和警告、禁令的理由等。 如果没有那"区域内"的话就是错得。 1696、对无骨端外露的骨折伤员肢体固定时,要超过伤口上下关节。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 为什么要超过伤口上下关节呢,这是因为不能让这两个关节活动。这样做能防止骨折端的移位,防止造成血管和神经的损伤,后者的损伤是比较头疼的,比单纯的骨折要麻烦多了,尤其是神经的损伤,很可能会造成感觉或运动方面障碍;此外,防止骨折断端戳破皮肤从而造成骨折端的污染影响愈合。 因此本题正确。 1697、驾驶机动车不按照规定避让校车的,一次记6分。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1698、如图是注意交通信号灯标志。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 标志中有交通信号灯,且是黄色三角标志,因此这个是注意交通信号等标志。 1699、如图是慢行标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 黄色三角标志中有个慢字,所以本题正确。 1700、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,提醒驾驶人座椅没调整好。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1701、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮,提示行李舱开启。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1702、移动脊柱骨折的伤员,切勿扶持伤者走动,可用软担架运送。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 注意担架会引起误解,脊柱骨折意味着柔软的脊髓面临机械损伤(哪怕是非常微小的震动)所以必须保持脊柱固定(软担架根本不能strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 规避机械损伤),所以,用软担架运送也是错误的~ 1703、机动车行驶中遇有自行车借道通行时,可急促鸣喇叭示意让道。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 发生这种情况,应当予以让行,避免发生碰撞,因此本题错误。 1704、夜间行车遇后方机动车变换前照灯远、近光示意超车时,必须减速让路。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第四十七条 机动车超车时,应当提前开启左转向灯、变换使用远、近光灯或者鸣喇叭。 也就是说当后车变换前照灯远、近光示意时,就说明后车要超车,为了安全,前车要在条件允许的情况下减速靠右行。 因此本题错误。 1705、驾驶机动车行经城市没有列车通过的铁路道口时允许超车。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: × 1706、如图所示,黄色虚线内的专用车道用以指示仅限于某车种行驶,其他车种可借道超车或长距离行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 既然是专用车道,其他车辆当然不能借道超车或是长距离行驶。 1707、如图是立交直行和右转弯行驶标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 答错此题估计误认为是立交标志 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1708、驾驶机动车遇到右侧来风时可适当向右调整方向。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 遇到右侧来风,并不是说车子因为右侧来风方向向右偏移了,因此此时应该握紧方向盘,保持直线行驶,出现偏移时才要适当调整方向。因此本题错误。 1709、驾驶机动车发生财产损失交通事故,当事人对事实及成因无争议的可先撤离现场。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1710、设有安全带装置的车辆,应要求车内乘员系安全带。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1711、行驶在高速公路上遇大雾视线受阻时,应当立即紧急制动停车。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1712、高速行驶的机动车,在转向失控的情况下使用紧急制动,不会造成翻车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 注意“高速行驶”,也就是说是车速过快的情况下,若是转向失控时使用紧急制动,很容易造成翻车,因此本题错误。 1713、驾驶机动车在没有交通信号的路口遇到前方车辆缓慢行驶时要依次交替通行。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1714、在隧道内超车时,由于空间狭小要观察仔细迅速超越。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 隧道内不得超车,因此本题错误。 1715、造成交通事故后逃逸且构成犯罪的驾驶人,将吊销驾驶证且终生不得重新取得驾驶证。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1716、驾驶机动车遇到这种信号灯亮时,如果已越过停止线,可以继续通行。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1717、车辆通过铁道路口时,应用低速挡安全通过,中途不得换挡,strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 以避免发动机熄火。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1718、在车门、车厢没有关好时不要驾驶机动车起步。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1719、烧伤伤员口渴时,可喝少量的淡盐水。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 烧伤有创面,会损失体液,淡盐水可补充体液。至于为啥淡盐水可补充体液,因为人的体液本来也含盐,淡盐水可迅速补充。 1720、如图是两侧通行标志。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 这个是右侧通行标志。 1721、驾驶机动车向左变更车道遇到这种情况要注意让行。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 如图情况时,车辆若是想要向左变更车道,就应当让左侧车辆通过后再变道,因此本题正确。 1722、遇有注意儿童标志时,应加速通过,以防儿童突然横穿道路。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 既然有注意儿童标志,那么驾驶人就应当控制车速,并注意观察周围情况。因此本题错误。 1723、机动车在泥泞路紧急制动时,不会产生侧滑。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: × 在泥泞路紧急制动,容易产生侧滑,甚至造成翻车、坠车或与其他车辆、行人相撞。因此本题错误。 1724、这辆红色轿车可以在该车道行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1725、这辆停在路边的机动车没有违法行为。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1726、仪表显示当前冷却液的温度是90度。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1727、行经这种交通标线的路段要加速行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1728、在坡道上掉头,每次停车时应用行车制动控制,不必使用驻车制动器。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 应当使用驻车制动,以免发生溜车。因此本题错误。 1729、如图是无人看守铁路道口标志。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 有火车的是无人看守,栅栏的是有人看守。 1730、安装防抱死制动装置(ABS)的机动车紧急制动时,可用力踏制动踏板。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1731、如图是禁止车辆临时停放标志。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 禁止驶入圈圈是白底,禁止停放圈圈是蓝底,一条斜杠代表一种禁止。巧记:一个斜杠为禁止长时,变成大叉的话就是禁止临时或长时。 1732、如图是双向弯路标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 此为“两侧变窄”,没有双向弯路标志的说法。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1733、安装防抱死制动装置(ABS)的机动车制动时,制动距离会大大缩短。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 这种错误认识是由于不了解ABS的导致的。ABS可以兼顾车辆行驶中的最大的纵向制动力和横向抓地力,有效地保证车辆不会发生失控状况,但不是所有配置了ABS的车辆都会缩短制动距离,如冰雪、潮湿路面上的制动距离比车轮抱死时短一些,但在一般路面上的制动距离反而更长。 1734、在冰雪路面上行车,必须降低车速、加大安全距离。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 冰雪路面行驶时,制动距离比平时要大。因此要考虑到紧急状况。如果出现紧急情况,需要有足够的制动距离。 1735、夜间行车时,全车灯光突然熄灭,应当紧急制动,迅速停车。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: × 紧急制动很容易造成侧滑。因此应该立即采取制动,不是紧急制动,让车子减速停下来。 1736、驾驶机动车通过这段山区道路要靠路中心行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 根据如图交通标志来看,前方道路是连续急弯路,因此要靠右侧行驶,以免前方弯道突然出现来车。因此本题错误。 1737、机动车在高速公路意外撞击护栏时,有效的保护措施是向相反方向大幅度转向。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 这样做容易造成车子侧翻或倾翻,因此正确的做法是握紧方向盘,适当修正。因此本题错误。 1738、如图是右侧绕行标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 前方有障碍物,向右侧绕过。因此本题正确。 1739、如动画所示,驾驶人的行为是正确的。 按住 Ctrl 并单击这里查看动画(本链接安全) 正确 错误 正确答案: × 动画中的车辆右转的车道不对,如果是右转应该在在最右侧的车道向右转~ 1740、道路交通事故中,驾驶人有饮酒、醉酒嫌疑时,要保护现场并strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 立即报警。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1741、夜间通过无交通信号控制的交叉路口,不得变换远、近光灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 夜间通过无交通信号灯控制的交叉路口时,应当减速慢行并交替使用远近光灯示意。 1742、驾驶人一边驾车,一边打手持电话是违法行为。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1743、驾驶机动车通过漫水路时驾驶人要注意观察水流的变化。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第六十四条 机动strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 车行经漫水路或者漫水桥时,应当停车察明水情,确认安全后,低速通过。 因此观察水流变化并不能了解清楚水情,因此本题错误。 1744、驾驶车辆进入交叉路口前,应降低行驶速度,注意观察,确认安全。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1745、如图所示,中心圈用以区分车辆大、小转弯,及交叉路口车辆左右转弯的指示,车辆不得压线行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 交规书上明确提到了这个标志的作用是用以区分车辆大、小转弯,及交叉路口车辆左右转弯的指示,车辆不得压线行驶。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1746、夜间通过没有路灯或路灯照明不良的路口,要连续变换远、近光灯提示。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第五十九条 机动车在夜间通过急弯、坡路、拱桥、人行横道或者没有交通信号灯控制的路口时,应当交替使用远近光灯示意。 因此本题正确。 1747、驾驶机动车在道路上发生交通事故要立即将车移到路边。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1748、车速超过规定时速达到50%的一次记3分。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1749、如图标志的含义是表示警告、禁令的理由。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 这个标志是辅助标志,与其他标志一起出现,补充说明了其他标志的意思。因此本题正确。 1750、机动车驾驶人在实习期内驾驶机动车不得牵引挂车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1751、山区行车,对方机动车主动让行时,可低声短促鸣号以示感谢。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 这样做是友好的行为,很善意的做法,注意不要鸣太多次。因此本题正确。 1752、道路交通安全违法行为累积记分一个周期满分为12分。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1753、机动车行至泥泞或翻浆路段时,要停车观察,选择平整、坚实或有车辙的路段通过。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 停车观察是在通过泥泞或翻浆路段之前的操作,也就是说看清楚路况之后再行驶。遇到这类情况,大家都知道要走好走的路,那么什么样的路是好走的,就是平整、坚实的或是有车辙的。这三种是并列的,并不是一定要同时满足这三个条件,可以任选其一。 因此这题是对的。 1754、遇到路口情况复杂时,应做到“宁停三分,不抢一秒”。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1755、驾驶机动车通过立交桥转弯时,要距出口50,100 米降低车速,开启右转向灯。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 不管是左转弯还是右转弯都是向右进入匝道,区别仅在于是过桥右转还是不过桥右转,因此要开启右转向灯,提前50-100米降低车速,是为了安全考虑,因此本题正确。 1756、车辆行至泥泞或翻浆路段时,应停车观察,选择平整、坚实的路段缓慢通过。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1757、交通警察对未放置保险标志上道路行驶的车辆可依法扣留行驶证。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1758、机动车驶离高速公路进入匝道后,要使车速降到限定时速以下。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: ? 高速公路上的行驶车速远高于匝道上的行驶车速规定,因此在进入匝道后就要降低车速,以满足匝道行驶的车速要求。因此本题正确。 1759、驾驶机动车在冰雪路面上紧急制动时,容易产生侧滑。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 所谓“侧滑”就是车辆急加速、突然制动或启动时扭矩过大而产生的侧向甩动的现象,俗称“甩尾”。造成车辆侧滑的因素很多。雪天,雨天、冰面上行车时突然抬起油门或突然加速;采取紧急制动,制动时后轮比前轮先抱死;都极易发生车辆侧滑而造成事故。 因此本题正确。 1760、如图是禁止车辆长期停放标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 禁止驶入圈圈是白底,禁止停放圈圈是蓝底,一条斜杠代表一种禁止。巧记:一个斜杠为禁止长时,变成大叉的话就是禁止临时或长时。 1761、如图是禁止超车标志。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 禁止超车:表示该标志至前方解除禁止超车标志的路段内,不准机动车超车。此标志设在禁止超车的起点。 1762、机动车不得在隧道中倒车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第五十条 机动车倒车时,应当察明车后情况,确认安全后倒车。不得在铁路道口、交strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 叉路口、单行路、桥梁、急弯、陡坡或者隧道中倒车。 因此本题正确。 1763、行车中对出现这种行为的人不能礼让。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 虽然行人的这种行为是不可取的,但驾驶人还是要予以让行,因此本题错误。 1764、机动车在高速公路上,因故障不能离开行车道时,可在行车道上迅速抢修。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: × 应该立即在车辆后方150米以上的距离设置警示标志,开启示宽灯。车上人员退到路边防护栏外,并拨打应急报警电话。 1765、在高速公路上遇分流交通管制时,可就地靠边停靠等待管制结束后继续前行。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 应该按照指示行驶,若靠边停车,很有可能造成更大的拥堵。 1766、驾驶机动车在雾天行车开启雾灯和危险报警闪光灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1767、伪造、变造或者使用伪造、变造驾驶证的驾驶人构成犯罪的,将依法追究刑事责任。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1768、驾驶机动车向左变更车道前开启左转向灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 变更车道前要提前开启转向灯,因此本题正确。 1769、驾驶机动车在这种道路上从前车右侧超越最安全。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 超车要从左侧超车,根据如图的情况来看,还是放弃超车比较好。因此本题错误。 1770、驾驶机动车在这种情况下不能左转弯。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1771、雨天在高速公路行车,为避免发生“水滑”现象而造成方向失控,要降低车速。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 水滑就是因为雨天雨水多了,使轮胎与路面的摩擦系数变小了,就容易侧滑。因此要降低车速行驶,减低发生侧滑的可能性,因此本题正确。 1772、在路口这个位置时可以加速通过路口。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1773、通过山区危险路段,尤其是通过经常发生塌方、泥石流的山区地段,应谨慎驾驶,避免停车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1774、如图标志的含义是确定主标志规定的时间范围。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: ? 辅助标志对主标志补充说明车辆种类、时间起止、区间范围或距离和警告、禁令的理由等。此标志补充的是时间范围。 1775、驾驶人在行车中吐痰时,可通过车窗吐到道路或街道上。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 要文明,所以这题当然是错的。 1776、夜间行车,车速在每小时30公里以下时,应使用远光灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 夜间在没有照明条件的道路行车,当车速低于每小时30公里时,可使用近光灯;当车速高于每小时30公里时,可使用远光灯。夜间车辆通过照明条件好的路段,应使用近光灯。 因此本题错误。 1777、驾驶机动车在狭窄坡道上会车时,上坡车让下坡车先行。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: × 应该是下坡车让上坡车先行,因此本题错误。 1778、驾驶机动车在高速公路违法占用应急车道行驶的一次记6分。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1779、驾驶机动车时可以向道路上抛撒物品。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1780、绿灯亮表示前方路口允许机动车通行。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1781、机动车通过隧道时,不得超车。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: ? 隧道内路面比较窄,视线不好,超车容易引发交通事故,因此禁止隧道内超车。 1782、驾驶机动车遇到这种情况的人行横道线可以加速通过。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 遇到前方有人行横道应减速慢行,接近时停车让行。而由图中更可知有行人即将穿过,因此本题错误。 1783、行车中从其他道路汇入车流前,应注意观察侧后方车辆的动态。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1784、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,防抱死制动系统处于打开状态。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1785、车辆应靠高速公路右侧的路肩上行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1786、如图是立交直行和向左转弯标志。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 立交直行和左转弯行驶:表示车辆在立交处可以直行和按图示路线左转弯行驶。此标志设在立交左转弯出口处适当位置。 1787、严禁在隧道内变更车道、超车和随意停车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 根据有关规定,隧道内是禁止变更车道、超车或是随意停车的,掉头或是倒车也不行。因此本题正确。 1788、驾驶人发现轮胎漏气,将车辆驶离主车道时,不要采用紧急制动,以免造成翻车或后车采取制动不及时导致追尾事故。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: ? 1789、雾天在高速公路上发生事故后,车上人员不要随便下车行走。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 标准程序是:当车辆发生故障时,打开双闪警示灯,应将车辆停放在最右侧的应急车道或紧急停车带内,夜间打开尾灯示宽灯,司乘人员应立即下车,在路沿下等候救援车辆、人员来,由一个人在车辆尾部150米左右放置三角警示牌或警示物,切记不能在高速公路内走动、追逐、等候~不能在故障车辆内等候~一般情况禁止在高速公路上修理车辆。 所以,不要随便下车行走是错的,应该在路沿下的护坡或护栏外等候。因此本题错误。 1790、驾驶机动车遇到这种情况时,要快速向左绕过。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 遇到这种情况时应减速慢行,必要时停车避让。因此本题错误。 1791、驾驶机动车在这个路口右转弯可以不变更车道。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: × 由图可知,此为三车道道路,右转弯时应当靠右侧车道,因此如图情形是不可以直接右转弯的。因此本题错误。 1792、机动车号牌损毁,机动车所有人要向登记地车辆管理所申请补领、换领。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1793、对未按照国家规定投保交强险的车辆,交通警察可依法予以扣留。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1794、行车中突遇对向机动车强行超车,占据自己车道时,可不予避让,迫使对方让路。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 施主你就让一让吧~考试的时候碰到什么都要礼让~ strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1795、驾驶小型汽车下陡坡时允许熄火滑行。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1796、当行人出现交通违法行为时,机动车可以不给行人让行。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 此题要注意遇到的是注意力高度集中的人,也就是说,此类人对于周围情况的变化来不及在第一时间做出反应,若等到临近时才鸣喇叭,那么就有可能行人还没反应过来就撞上了。 另外,要本着安全第一的原则,所以在遇到此类行人时,应当降低车速,并提前提醒。 因此本题错误。 1797、驾驶机动车通过窄路、窄桥时的最高速度不能超过每小时30公里。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1798、车辆长时间停放时,应选择停车场停车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1799、打开前雾灯开关,(如图所示)亮起。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1800、通过急转弯路段时,在车辆较少的情况下可以超车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1801、驾驶机动车上道路行驶,不允许超过限速标志标明的最高时速。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1802、大暴雨中高速行车不会发生“水滑”现象。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 所谓“水滑”现象就是雨天汽车在积水路面上高速行驶时,轮胎与路面间的存水不能排除,水的压力使轮胎上浮,形成汽车在积水路面上滑行的现象。 也就是说大暴雨中高速行车会发生“水滑”现象。因此本题错误。 1803、机动车发生财产损失交通事故,对应当自行撤离现场而未撤离的,交通警察不可以责令当事人撤离现场。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1804、如图是前方150m处铁道路口标志。 正确 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 错误 正确答案: ? 一条斜杠代表50米,有三条就说明是150米。因此本题正确。 1805、驾驶人发现转向突然不灵,可低速将车开到附近修理厂修好后再行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 发生转向突然不灵的情况时要考虑转向能不能用,如果能实现转向,那么可以低速将车开到附近修理厂修好再行驶。但若是不能实现转向呢,若是贸然继续开,很有可能有危险发生。因此不能转向时,最好找个安全的地方停车。 所以本题错误。 1806、驾驶机动车遇到这种道路要提前减挡,以保持充足动力。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 如图可知,前方道路是上坡路,因此要提前减档,避免因动力不足后溜。因此本题正确。 1807、夜间汽灯光照射距离由近变远,表明机动车可能已进入下坡道。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 在平直的路面时,灯光距离不变; 出现一般的弯道时,灯光也跟着转弯,从路中移至路侧; 当上坡时,灯光随着车的上下导致灯光也由高变低; 当出现急弯或大坑时,灯光随着车的颠簸也离开路面。 因此本题正确。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1808、打开右转向灯开关,(如图所示)亮起。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1809、对未取得驾驶证驾驶机动车的,追究其法律责任。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1810、驾驶机动车上坡时,在将要到达坡道顶端时要加速并鸣喇叭。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1811、驾驶机动车需要掉头时,只要不影响正常交通可以在虚线处掉头。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 黄色虚线中心线处是可以掉头的,因此本题正确。 1812、遇高速公路限速标志标明的车速与车道行驶车速的规定不一致的,应按照车道行驶规定的车速行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第七十八条中有提到,道路限速标志标明的车速与上述车道行驶车速的规定不一致的,按照道路限速标志标明的车速行驶。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1813、驾驶机动车通过十字立交桥左转弯,要在过桥前开启右转向灯进入右侧匝道。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 车辆行经立交桥左转弯时,应驶过桥后向右转弯进入匝道,再右转弯完成。因此本题错误。 1814、当机动车白天驶入黑暗隧道时,提前降低车速,使驾驶人适要光线变化。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 在白天驶入隧道,驾驶人会经历一个由明到暗的暗适应过程,因此要减速慢行。所以本题正确。 1815、车辆不得在高速公路匝道上倒车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1816、驾驶机动车在这种情况下临时停车后,为避免机动车后溜可将strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 转向盘向右转。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 这样做,与在轮胎前方塞东西是同样的道理,因此本题正确。 1817、驾驶机动车汇入车流时,应提前开启转向灯,保持直线行驶,通过后视镜观察左右情况,确认安全后汇入合流。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 施主牢记吧~ 1818、驾驶机动车进入左侧车道可以掉头。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 由图可知,道路中心线为黄色虚实线,虚线一侧可以掉头,因此本题正确。 1819、驾驶机动车在高速公路匝道提速到每小时60 公里以上后直接驶入行车道。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 提速到每小时60公里以上是在加速车道完成的,而不是匝道。因此本题错误。 1820、行车中在道路情况良好的条件下可以观看车载视频。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1821、驾驶机动车在雨天起步前要使用刮水器。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 刮水器是为了提高汽车在雨天和雪天行驶时驾驶员的能见度而专strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 门设置的,也就是说使用刮水器,在雨天能够让驾驶员能够清楚地透过前挡风玻璃了解周围情况,因此本题选A。 1822、灯光开关在该位置时,前雾灯点亮。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1823、通过有人看守的铁路道口时,服从道口管理人员指挥,不要与火车抢道。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 有人看守的情况下,当然应当听从指挥,而且能抢得过火车吗, strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1824、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,提醒发动机冷却液可能不足。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1825、夜间行车,要尽量避免超车,确需超车时,可变换远近光灯向前车示意。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1826、对有伪造或变造号牌、行驶证嫌疑的车辆,交通警察可依法予以扣留 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1827、驾驶机动车在小区内遇到这样的情况要在自行车前加速通过。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: × 由图可知,前方是丁字路口,且横向道路有骑自行车的人穿出。遇到这种情况应当让自行车先行,减速慢行注意避让。因此本题错误。 1828、如动画所示,驾驶人的行为是否正确? 按住 Ctrl 并单击这里查看动画(本链接安全) 正确 错误 正确答案: × 由动画可知,有行人正通过人行横道线,遇到这种情况,驾驶人应当停车让行,等行人通过后再通过。因此本题错误。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1829、机动车通过急转弯路段时,在机动车较少的情况下可以超车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》第四十三条 同车道行驶的机动车,后车应当与前车保持足以采取紧急制动措施的安全距离。有下列情形之一的,不得超车:(四)行经铁路道口、交叉路口、窄桥、弯道、陡坡、隧道、人行横道、市区交通流量大的路段等没有超车条件的。 通过隧道,铁路道口,急转弯路段,窄路,窄桥或遇前方道路上有车辆掉头时,不得超车。 1830、机动车倒车时,后方道路条件较好的,应加速倒车,迅速完成操作。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第五十条 机动车倒车时,应当察明车后情况,确认安全后倒车。不得在铁路道口、交叉路口、单行路、桥梁、急弯、陡坡或者隧道中倒车。 因此本题错误。 另:施主别那么迅速啊, 安全第一~ strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 1831、如图所示,白色实线是车道边缘线,用来指示机动车道的边缘。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 有中间分隔带的道路,就是行驶的双车道。 1832、雨天超车要开启前照灯,连续鸣喇叭迅速超越。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 这种天气里面能见度低,车辆应该慢行,就算要超车,也不能连续鸣喇叭,而且要确保安全的情况下超车。 所以此题的关键在“迅速”两字。 因此本题错误。 1833、点火开关在LOCK位置拔出钥匙转向盘会锁住。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1834、驾驶机动车在高速公路匝道上不准停车。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 首先要知道,高速公路匝道是高速公路出口或入口靠右侧的一条道路,也就是说是高速公路的一部分。 根据有关规定,在高速公路上不准掉头、倒车或停车,因此在高速公路匝道上也不能掉头、倒车或是停车。 因此本题正确。 1835、大型客车、牵引车、城市公交车、中型客车、大型货车驾驶人strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 应当每两年提交一次身体条件证明. 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1836、在铁路道口、窄路、弯道、桥梁、隧道、涵洞等地方允许掉头。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第四十九条 机动车在有禁止掉头或者禁止左转弯标志、标线的地点以及在铁路道口、人行横道、桥梁、急弯、陡坡、隧道或者容易发生危险的路段,不得掉头。 1837、夜间跟车行驶时,后车可以使用远光灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 150米内不允许,你换位思考一下就有感受了,你开的好好的,后面一辆车开着远光灯,你从后视镜里看着就不清楚。 1838、驾驶机动车违反道路交通安全法律法规发生交通事故属于交通strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 违章行为。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1839、制动突然失灵,避让障碍物时,要掌握“先避人,后避物”原 则。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 记住以人为本,就没什么好犹豫的了。 1840、车辆在高速公路匝道上可以停车。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 1841、机动车行经交叉路口时,在快车道行驶的机动车可以不变更车 道右转弯。 正确 错误 正确答案: × strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 快车道一般为靠近路中间的那个车道,因此若不变更车道就直接右转弯,会影响同向直行车辆的正常通行。 1842、遇儿童在公路嬉戏打闹时,应连续鸣喇叭,快速通过。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 按一下喇叭就可以,让儿童注意安全,在公路不能玩耍。连续按喇叭就会吓到儿童。如果快速通过技术再好也容易出事。 1843、装有转向助力装置的机动车,驾驶人突然发现转向困难,操作费力,要紧握转向盘保持低速行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 出现这种情况时,应当握紧方向盘,减速停车。先下车看一下是不是轮胎问题,如不是,应马上进维修站检查,最好用拖车拖。 因此本题错误。 1844、夜间驾驶机动车在照明条件良好的路段要使用近光灯。 正确 错误 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 正确答案: ? 根据有关规定,夜间行驶要开启近光灯,所以不管照明条件好不好,近光灯还是不能省略的。因此本题正确。 1845、驾驶机动车通过这个路口要注意观察左侧情况。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 从图上看,是有机动车从右边道路驶出,因此要注意观察该车的行驶路线。所以本题错误。 1846、夜间临时停车要开启危险报警闪光灯、示廓灯和后位灯。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 报警灯就是前后两黄灯的一亮一灭,四个灯是同时的。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 示廓灯就是指表示整车轮廓的,在车的最边最高处,一般是红色小灯。 后位灯一般是指让后面车辆看到本车而使用的,一般是红色,晚上打开车灯时发亮。 因此本题正确。 1847、驾驶大型机动车在高速公路以每小时100 公里的速度行驶时,跟车安全距离为50 米。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 跟车的安全距离应该在100米或100以上。因此本题错误。 1848、驾驶机动车在高速公路要按照限速标志标明的车速行驶。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? 1849、驾驶人边驾车,边打手持电话是违法行为。 正确 错误 正确答案: ? strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due 中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例 第六十二条 驾驶机动车不得有下列行为: (三)拨打接听手持电话、观看电视等妨碍安全驾驶的行为; 1850、驾驶机动车遇到骑自行车人占道影响通行时,可连续鸣喇叭加速从其左侧绕行。 正确 错误 正确答案: × 遇到这种情况应当减速慢行,必要时避让。因此本题错误。 strengthen the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide about organizing principles, the "four obedience" placed in the higher position, resolutely overcome liberalism, Anarchist, populist and other unhealthy tendencies, and does not allow for arbitrary and "my house, my rules" do not allow bargaining in the duty of due
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