

2010-06-30 50页 doc 460KB 10阅读




雅思基础词汇必备雅思基础词汇表(A~C) Abbreviate to make (a word, story, etc.) shorter: 节略 Abet to help in a plan, esp. a crime: 怂恿; 教唆 Ability power and skill ,esp. to do ,think, make, etc (尤指制作, 思考, 创造等的)能力; 才能 She has the ability to go to college, but she doesn’t...
雅思基础词汇(A~C) Abbreviate to make (a word, story, etc.) shorter: 节略 Abet to help in a plan, esp. a crime: 怂恿; 教唆 Ability power and skill ,esp. to do ,think, make, etc (尤指制作, 思考, 创造等的)能力; 才能 She has the ability to go to college, but she doesn’t want to. Abrupt 1. sudden and unexpected:突然的 The train came to an abrupt stop, making many passengers fall off their seats. 2. ( of behavior, character, etc.) rough, rather impolite: (行为, 性格等); 无礼的 Abuse 1. to do cruel things to(a person or animal): 虐待, 凌辱(人或动物) I won’t allow you to abuse that dog. 2. to say cruel or rude things to or about (somebody or something): 骂(人或事); 讲…坏话 3. to put to wrong use ;use badly: 滥用; 妄用 to abuse one’s power Academic 1. concerning teaching or studying ,esp. in a college or university:(学院或大学) 教学的; 学术的 2. concerning those subject taught to provide skills for the mind rather than for the hand: 人文研究的; 学术上的 Accelerator the piece of apparatus in a car , etc . which is used to increase speed:(汽车等的) 加速装置; 加速器 Access 1.a means of entering ; way in ; entrance: 进入; 通路 The only ( means of ) access to their house is a narrow road. 2. means or right of using , reaching , or entering: 使用接近或者进入的方法权利 Accommodation a place to live ; room , flat , house , hotel room ,etc .住所 What sort of accommodation can you get in? Accomplishment 1.the act of accomplishing or finishing work completely and successful: 完成; 成就 2. a skill ; something in which one is accomplished: 造诣; 成就 Accordance agreement: 一致 I sold the house , in accordance with your orders . Accuracy the quality of being ACCURATE : exactness or correctness :正确性; 准确性 Accurate careful and exact ; exactly correct : 准确的; 确切的 Give me an accurate report of what happened . Acidity the quality of being acid ; sourness: 酸性; 酸味 Acquaintance 1. a person whom one knows, esp . through work or business , but who may not be a friend : (通过工作或业务) 认识的人;相识2.information or knowledge, as obtained though personal experience rather careful study:(从经验所得的) 知识;了解 I have an/some acquaintance with the language . Acquire to gain or come to possess by one’s own work ,skill , action . etc.获得;取得; 得到 He acquired a knowledge of computers by careful study. Acquisition 1.the act of acquiring: 得到;获得. 2.something acquired: 获得物 This car is my latest acquisition . Adequate enough for the purpose , and no more :刚够的;适量的 The city’s water supply is no longer adequate. Adhere to stick firmly ( to another or each other ): 粘;附着 The two surfaces adhered ( to each other ) , and we couldn’t get them apart. Adjudicate to act as a judge : 裁判;裁决. To adjudicate a singing competition Adjust to change slightly , esp . in order to set right or make suitable for a particular job or new condition:调整;使适合. I must adjust my watch because it’s slow. Administration the control or direction of affairs , as of a country or business :管理;行政 You would need some experience in administration. Administrative of or concerning the control and direction of affairs , as of a country of business :行政的;管理的 Adopt to take ( someone else’s child ) into one’s family and to take on the full responsibility in law of a parent : 收养 Adoption ( an example of ) the act o adoption : 收养;采取 If you can’t have children of your own ,why not consider adoption ? Adoptive having adopted ( esp . a child ) :收养的(尤指小孩子) her adoptive parents Adrenalin a chemical substance ( hormone ) made by the body during anger , fear , fear , anxiety , etc . causing quick or violent action : 肾上腺素 Adult (of) a fully grown person or animal, esp. a person over an age stated by low, usu. 18 or 21: 发育成熟的(人或动物); 成年人(尤指够法定年龄者, 通常为18或21岁) This movie is for adults , not children . Adverbial (something) like , used as , or having qualities typical of an adverb :状语; 状语的 Adverse not in favor of going against ; opposing : 不利的;相反的 The judge gave us an adverse decision. Aerodynamics the science that studies the forces that act on bodies moving through the air: 空气动力学;气体力学 Aerosol a small container from which liquid can be forced out in the form of a fine mist: 喷雾器;喷洒雾剂的小容器 Aesthetics the study , science. or philosophy of beauty, esp . in art : 美学;审美观 Affirmative (a word) declaring “yes”: 肯定的(话);赞成的(话) an affirmative answer Afflict to cause to suffer in the body or mind ; trouble :折磨;使烦恼 afflicted with blindness Affluent having plenty of money or other possessions; wealthy:富裕的;富足的 Agenda a list of the business or subject to be considered at a meeting :议程 Agile able to move quickly and easily ; active :敏捷的;灵活的 Agriculture the art or practice of farming , esp . of growing crops:农业 Aid support ; help : 援助;帮助 He went to the aid of the hurt man. Alluvial being , concerning , or made of soil put down by rivers , lakes , floods , etc . 冲击的;淤积的 Ally to join or unite , as by political agreement or marriage :结合;团结(政治联盟或来联姻) the small country allied itself with / to the stronger power . Almond a fruit tree whose seeds are eaten as nuts : 杏树 Alphabet the set of letters used in writing any language, esp. when arranged in order: 字母表 Alpine of or concerning the Alps or other high mountains : 关于阿尔卑斯山脉或其他高山的 Alternative (of two things) that may be used, had, done, etc. instead of another; other: 两者选一的; 其他的 The returned by an alternative road. Something, esp. a course of action that may be taken or had instead of one or more others: 抉择; 可供选择的 The alternative to being taken prisoner was to die fighting. Altitude height, as of a mountain above sea level: (海拔)高度 Amalgamate to join; unite; combine: (企业, 团体, 组织等)(使)联合;(使) 合并 Amateur a person who performs, plays, takes part in sports, takes photographs, etc. for enjoyment an without being paid for it: 业余爱好者 Amber (the color of a yellowish brown hard clear substance used for jewels, decorations, ect. 琥珀 Ambitious having a strong desire for success, power, riches, etc. 有雄心的; 野心勃勃的 an ambitious to succeed in politics Ambivalent having opposing feelings towards , or opinions about , something or someone : (对人或事)有矛盾情绪(或看法)的 Ambulance a motor vehicle for carrying sick or wounded people, esp. to a hospital: 救护车 Ammonia a strong gas with a sharp smell, used in explosives, in chemical to (fertilizers) to help plants grow, etc. 氨 Amphibian an animal that is able to live both on land and in water : 水陆两栖动物(如蛙) Amputate to cut off (part of the body), esp. for medical reasons: 切除 (身体的一部分); 截肢 He leg was so badly damaged that the doctors had to amputate it . Analogous like or alike in someway : 类似的,相似的 Your suggestion was analogous to one that was made earlier . Analysis ( an ) examination of something together with thoughts and judgments about it : 分析;剖析 His analysis of the accident showed what had happened . Anatomy the scientific study of the bodies of living things, esp. by cutting up dead bodies: 解剖学 Anchor a heavy piece of metal , usu. hooked , at the end of a chain or rope , for lowering into the water to keep a ship from moving : 锚 To stop sailing and lower the anchor :停船下锚;抛锚 Anecdote a short interesting or amusing story about a particular person or event : 轶事;趣闻 Anguish very great pain and suffering, esp. of mind: (心里) 极大的痛苦 She was in anguish over her missing child . Antenna a long thin sensitive hair like organ. usu . in pairs , on the heads of some insects and animals that live in shells , and used to feel with : 触角;触须 Anthropology the scientific study of the human race ,including its different its bodily types and its beliefs , social habits ,etc . 人类学 Antibiotic ( a medical substance , such as penicillin ) produced by living things and able to stop the growth of , or destroy , harmful bacteria that have entered the body: 抗菌素;抗生素 Anticipation the act of anticipating : 预期;期待 We waited at the station in anticipation of her arrival . Anticlockwise BrE in the opposite direction to the hands of a clock :逆时针方向的 Antiquated old and not suited to present needs or conditions ; not modern ;old-fashioned: 过时的;陈旧的;老式的. Anxiety fear and worry , esp . as caused by uncertainty about something :担忧;不安;焦虑. They felt strong anxiety ( for her safety / about her ) . Aphorism a true or wise saying or principle expressed in a few words maxim :格言;警句 Apiece to , for , or from each person or thing ;each: 每人;每个;个 The apples cost fifty cents apiece . Apparel clothes , esp . of a fine or special sort : 服装;衣着(尤指质地优良或特制的) priestly apparel Apparent easily seen or understood ; plain : 明显的;显而易见的 Her anxiety was apparent to everyone . Appeal strong request for help , support , money , mercy : 恳求;呼吁;(帮助;支持;钱;慈悲等) Appendix a short wormlike organ leading off the bowel , and having little or no use: 阑尾;盲肠 Appliance an apparatus , instrument , or tool for a particular purpose , esp . a machine run by electricity and used in the house : 器具; 装置(尤指家用电器) This house has several appliances such as a washing machine and clothes dryer . Applicable able to have an effect on : 生效的;适用的 The new law is applicable beginning next Monday. Appraise to judge he worth , quality , or condition of ; find out the value of :估价;评价 They appraised the house carefully before they bought it . Approach the act of approaching : 靠近;接近 The approach of winter brings cold weather . Appropriate correct or suitable : 正确的;合适的 His bright clothes were not appropriate for a funeral . Approve to agree officially to : 批准; 同意;通过. The company president approved the building plans . Approximate nearly correct , but not exact :大概,大约 The approximate number of boys in the school is 300 but remember that 300 is only an approximate figure . Aquatic living or happening in or on water : 水生的; 水中或水上的 Aquatic plants / animals Arable 可耕的;适用于耕种的. Arbitrate to act as a judge in (an argument), esp. at the request of both sides: 仲裁; 公断 Someone must arbitrate between them. Arboreal concerned with , or living in trees 树林的; 有关树林的;乔木的 Archaeology the study of the buried remains of ancient times , such as houses , pots , tools, and weapons :考古学 Architecture the art and science of building , including its planning , making , and ornamentation : 建筑学 Argument a disagreement, esp . one that is noisy ; quarrel : 争论;争吵 Arithmetic the science of numbers ; calculation by numbers: 算术(学) ;计算 Aroma a strong usu. pleasant smell :芳香; 香气 The aroma of fresh coffee Arouse to cause to wake ; rouse : 唤醒,叫醒 We aroused him from his deep sleep . Arrange to set in a good or pleasing order : 布置;整理;排列 to arrange flower Arrangement an agreement or plan ; something arranged : 安排;准备 She’s in charge of all the arrangements for the wedding . Array to set in order : 部署,列阵 The soldiers were arrayed on the opposite hill . Artery a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the blood :动脉 Arthritis a disease cause pain and swilling in the joints of the body : 关节炎 Ascertain to discover ( the facts of something ) ; get to know : 发现;查明;确定 I am going to ascertain the truth Ascribe attribute to : 把…归于 He ascribe his success to skill and hand work. Assault a sudden violent attack :突袭 He led an assault against or to which one is being sent : ( 分配的 ) 工作;任务 an assignment in India Assist to help or support : 援助 帮助 They assisted ( him ) in performing the operation Associate ( cause to ) join as friends or business partners : ( 使) 交往, 合伙 He associate with criminals . Assortment a group of mixed things or of various example of the same type of thing ; mixture: 什锦;各式各样物品的配合. This box contains an assortment of candy . Assume to take as a fact or as true without proof ,suppose: 假定;设想. If he’s not here in five minutes ,we will assume (that) he isn’t coming . Assure to try to cause ( someone ) to believe or trust in something ; promise : 保证;担保 I assure you that this medicine cannot harm you . Assured having or showing certainty of one’s own abilities : 自信的,有信心的 an assured manner Asterisk a star like mark ( * ) use : 星状标记(*) Asthma a diseased condition which makes breathing very difficult at times : 气喘(病) ;哮喘. Astrology the art of understanding the supposed influence on events and character of the starts and planets : 占星术,星占学 Asymmetric having sides that are not alike : 不对称的 Attach to fix ; fasten ; join : 固定住;系;连接 The picture is attached to the wall by a nail . Attain to succeed in arriving at , esp . after effort ; reach : (尤指经过努力)获得,达到 She attained the position of director . Attendance the act of attending :照顾;护理 There is a doctor in attendance . Audience the people listening to or watching a performance , speech , television show , etc . 听众观众 The audience was / were very exited by the show . Audiovisual of , for, or concerning both sight and hearing : 视听的,听觉的,视觉的 The school’s audiovisual department has lots of films and records . Automatic able to work or move by itself without needing the operation of a person : ( 尤指机器) 自动的 The heating system here has an automatic temperature control . Auxiliary offering or giving help ; adding support : 辅助的;补助的;附属的.Auxiliary workers / machinery Available able to be gotten , abstained , used , seen . etc . 可得到的,可用的,可看见的 I’m sorry ,sir , those shows are not available in your size . Average the amount found by adding together several quantities and then dividing by number of quantities : 平均数 The average of 3,8,and 10 is 7 Aware having knowledge or understanding : 意识到的;知道的 Are you aware of the difficulty / that there is a difficulty ? Awesome expressing or causing feelings of awe ( esp . when fear is present ) : 可怕的;令人恐惧的 an awesome account of the terrors of war Ballot to vote or decide by secret voting ( about ) : 投票 They’ve balloted for the new chairman , but nobody knows the result yet . A sheet of paper used to make a secret vote : 投票用纸;投票 They are counting the ballots now . Bankruptcy the quality or state of being BANKRUPT : 破产(指事例) There were many bankruptcies in the business world because it was hard to sell anything that year . Barbecue a metal framework on which to cook meat over an open fire , usu. outdoors : 烤肉用的架子 Barge a large low flat-bottomed boat used mainly for carrying heave goods on a canal or river : 大平地载货船;驳船 Barrier something placed in the way in order to prevent or control the movement of people or things : 障碍 The police put up barriers to control the crowed . Basic more necessary than anything else ; on which everything else depends , or is built : 基本上;根本上 the basic rules of good driving Basis that from which something is made , started , built , developed, or calculated : 基础;根据 The basis of this drink is orange juice . Batch a quantity of material or number of things to be dealt with at one time: 需要一次处理的东西 a batch of bread /leaves Beach a shore of an ocean , sea , or lake or the bank of a river covered by sand , smooth stones , or large pieces of rock : 海泊湖泊, 河泊 A seashore area, esp. one used for swimming and sunbathing: (游泳, 日光浴之) 海滩 Bend to ( cause to ) be forced into or out of a curve or angle : ( 使) 弯曲 to bend the wire Beneficial ( of nonliving thing ) helpful ; useful : ( 指非生物 ) 有益的;有用的 His vacation has had a beneficial effect . Benzene a colourless liquid, obtained chiefly from coal , that burns quickly and changes easily into a gas , it is used to make certain types of engine run and in making various chemical products : 苯( 要从煤提炼而成之无色液体) Bid to offer ( a price ) whether for payment or acceptance , as at an auction : (拍卖时) 出价 She bid 10 yuan for the book . Biodegradable able to decay or disintegrate naturally : 会腐烂的; 会自然分解的 Plastic is not biodegradable . Bizarre strange ; peculiar ; odd : ( 尤指外表或事件)奇怪;稀奇古怪 Blast to break up by explosions : ( 指岩石 ) 炸开 The road is closed because of blasting . Blindfold to cover ( the eyes ) with a piece of material : (用东西将眼睛)蒙住 Blink to shut and open ( the eyes ) quickly , once or several times : 眨眼 She blinked ( her eyes ) as the bright light shone on her . Bob to move ( something ) and repeatedly up and down ,as on water :上下来回的疾动 The small boat was bobbing in the rough water of the lake . Boom to make a deep hollow sound : 隆隆作响 The guns boomed . Boost to push up from below : 往上推 If you boost me up , I can just reach the window . Bore to make a round hold or passage ( in something ) : 钻孔;开洞 This machine can bore through solid rock . Botany the scientific study of plants : 植物学 Boundary the limiting or dividing line between surfaces , spaces , countries , etc. border : 边界;疆界 Bout a shout period of fierce activity or illness : ( 活动或生病) 一阵,一回 a bout of drinking ( = drinking alcohol ) Brainstorm a sudden clever idea : 突如其来的好主意 She has a brainstorm and got them all out of trouble . Brash rudely disrespectful and proud : 傲气的;粗鲁的;无礼的 Brass a very hard bright yellow metal ,a mixture of copper : 黄铜 Breadwinner the person who works to apply a family with food and money : 养家者 Breakthrough the action of forcing a way through the enemy : 打破敌人防线 a military breakthrough made at night. The action of making a discovery ( often suddenly and after earlier failures ) that will lead to other discoveries : 突破 Brewery a place where beer is made : 啤酒厂;酿酒厂 Bronchitis an illness of the bronchial tubes : 支气管炎 Bubble a hollow ball of liquid containing air or gas : 气泡;水泡.bubbles on a boiling liquid Bucket an open of how to arrange private or public income or spending : (个人或公共) 预算 Buffalo a large wild cowlike animal formerly very common in north America and Europe with a very long curved horns and shoulders covered with lots of hair : 野牛 Bugbear a cause of concern , perhaps without reason : 担心;烦恼 The national bugbear of rising prices . Bulk great size, shape , mass, or quantity:体积大;大量 Bulletin a short public usu. Official notice or n共ews report intended to be made pubic without delay: 告示;公告Here is the latest bulletin about the president’s health. Bunch a number of things fastened, held, or growing together at one point: 一束;一串 a bunch of flowers Bungalow a type of house which is all on one level: 平房 Buzzword a word or phrase that sounds exact but lacks exact meaning; often used in politics and professions: 流言; 传言 Calculate to work out or find out ( something) by using numbers: 计算; 核算 Have you calculated (that) we would arrive to 6:00 p.m. Calculator a small machine which can carry out number operations and which usu. Has a memory : 计算器 Calendar a list showing the days and months of the year:日历 I used the calendar to count how many days I have been here . Calibrate to make degrees and dividing points on ( the scale of a measuring instrument ); 标定 ( 量器) 刻度;分度 Calorie a measure used when stating the amount of heat : 卡路里(食物所产生的热和能量单位) One thin piece of bread has 90 calories . Campus the grounds of a university , college , or school : 校园 Canal a waterway dug in the ground , esp . to allow ships or boats to travel along it : 运河 ; 水道 The Panama canal joins two oceans . Cancel to gi
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