

2013-11-13 22页 ppt 560KB 31阅读




进出口nullExports and imports in chinaExports and imports in china 1. 2001年中国加入世贸组织 2. 世界第一大出口国 3. 世界第二大进口国 4. 全球最大的新兴市场 Key wordsKey words1. Export rebates (出口退税) 2. FDI ...
nullExports and imports in chinaExports and imports in china 1. 2001年中国加入世贸组织 2. 世界第一大出口国 3. 世界第二大进口国 4. 全球最大的新兴市场 Key wordsKey words1. Export rebates (出口退税) 2. FDI (外商直接投资) 3. anti-subsidy (反补贴) 4. Double dip (二次探底) 5. Protectionism (贸易保护主义) 6. anti-dumping ( 反倾销) 7.Emerging market (新兴市场) 8.Foreign trade corporation (外贸公司) 9.Forwarder (货代) 10. post-crisis era (后危机时代) 11.Trade surplus (贸易顺差) 12.Trade deficit (贸易逆差) International financial crisesInternational financial crises 金融危机: 又称金融风暴(The Financial Crisis) ,是指一个国家或几个国家与地区的全部或大部分金融指标(如:短期利率、货币资产、证券、房地产、土地价格、商业破产数和金融机构倒闭数)的急剧、短暂和超周期的恶化。 2007年-2009年环球金融危机,又称世界金融危机、次贷危机、信用危机,更于2008年起名为金融海啸及华尔街海啸等,是一场在2007年8月9日开始浮现的金融危机。自次级房屋信贷危机爆发后,投资者开始对按揭证券的价值失去信心,引发流动性危机。即使多国中央银行多次向金融市场注入巨额资金,也无法阻止这场金融危机的爆发。直到2008年9月9日,这场金融危机开始失控,并导致多间相当大型的金融机构倒闭或被政府接管。 当前的金融危机是由美国房产市场泡沫促成的 中国如何应对金融危机? (政府四大措施)中国如何应对金融危机? (政府四大措施)1.四万亿投资计划 2.十大产业振兴 Top Ten Revitalization Industries ( 钢铁、汽车、船舶、石化、纺织、轻工、有色金属、装备制造和电子信息、运输物流 ) 3.汽车、家电、建材下乡 (China‘s Home Appliance、car、building materials Subsidy Program for Rural Areas ) 4.银行信贷六成转做基础建设 (financial credit)李克强在2010年世界经济论坛年会上的特别致辞李克强在2010年世界经济论坛年会上的特别致辞 2010年1月28日,中国国务院副总理李克强出席了在瑞士达沃斯举行的2010年世界经济论坛年会,并发表了为《合作包容共创未来促进世界经济健康复苏和持续发展》的特别致辞 Build a Common Future Through Cooperation and Inclusiveness And Promote Sound Recovery and Sustained Development Of the World Economy ——Special Message by H.E. Li Keqiang null 过去一年,面对国际金融危机的严重冲击,中国政府果断决策、及时部署,实施了保持经济平稳较快发展的一揽子计划,在较短时间里实现了经济回升向好。同时,中国经济增长是开放的。去年中国货物进口10056亿美元,贸易顺差比上年减少了近1000亿美元,是世界第二大进口国和全球最大的新兴市场。中国国内生产总值增量达到3800亿美元,为世界 经济复苏作出了积极贡献。 In the past year, facing the severe impact of the international financial crisis, the Chinese government made the resolute decision and took timely measures to implement a package plan aimed at maintaining steady and fast growth, and our efforts resulted in quick economic rebound and recovery. Meanwhile, our economic growth is open in nature. China’s imports of goods totaled 1,005.6 billion US dollars last year and its trade surplus dropped by nearly 100 billion US dollars over 2008, making it the world’s second largest importer and the largest emerging market. With an increase of 380 billion US dollars in GDP, China’s contribution to world economic recovery is obvious. 过去一年,面对国际金融危机的严重冲击,中国政府果断决策、及时部署,实施了保持经济平稳较快发展的一揽子计划,在较短时间里实现了经济回升向好。同时,中国经济增长是开放的。去年中国货物进口10056亿美元,贸易顺差比上年减少了近1000亿美元,是世界第二大进口国和全球最大的新兴市场。中国国内生产总值增量达到3800亿美元,为世界 经济复苏作出了积极贡献。 In the past year, facing the severe impact of the international financial crisis, the Chinese government made the resolute decision and took timely measures to implement a package plan aimed at maintaining steady and fast growth, and our efforts resulted in quick economic rebound and recovery. Meanwhile, our economic growth is open in nature. China’s imports of goods totaled 1,005.6 billion US dollars last year and its trade surplus dropped by nearly 100 billion US dollars over 2008, making it the world’s second largest importer and the largest emerging market. With an increase of 380 billion US dollars in GDP, China’s contribution to world economic recovery is obvious.null 为有效应对危机,我们大规模增加财政公共支出并实行结构性减税。既刺激了市场需求,促进了经济增长;又减轻了企业负担,增强了经济活力。我们把民生工程作为公共投资的重点。在总额4万亿元的两年投资计划我们在促进增长中不放松调整结构,积极发展新能源、节能环保等战略性新兴产业,加快淘汰高耗能、高排放的落后产能。 To effectively cope with the crisis, we increased public spending by a large margin and carried out structural tax cuts. They stimulated market demand and spurred economic growth, while reducing burdens on enterprises and strengthening vitality of the economy. The focus of public investment was to improve people’s wellbeing. under the two-year investment program totaling four trillion yuan, While promoting growth, we spared no efforts in readjusting the economic structure. We actively developed new industries of strategic importance, such as new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, and accelerated the phasing out of outdated production facilities that are energy intensive and heavily polluting. null 继续实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,同时根据新形势新情况着力提高政策的针对性和灵活性。关键是处理好保持经济平稳较快发展、调整经济结构和管理好通胀预期的关系,着力提高经济增长质量和效益,切实防范可能出现的风险。 continue to follow a proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy and make our policies better targeted and more flexible in response to new circumstances. The key in achieving this goal is to strike a balance among promoting steady and fast growth, readjusting economic structure and properly managing inflation risks. We will endeavor to raise the quality and efficiency of growth and take effective measures to fend off potential risks.null 传统的粗放型增长方式必须转变,过于依赖投资和出口的发展模式必须创新。加快经济发展方式根本性转变,加大经济结构战略性调整,着力创新发展模式。 we must change the old way of inefficient growth and transform the current development model that is excessively reliant on investment and export. We need to follow the scientific outlook on development, accelerate transformation of economic growth pattern, intensify strategic adjustment of economic structure, and endeavor to explore new development model. null 依靠技术创新和节能减排促进产业结构优化升级 We will rely on technological innovation, energy conservation and emissions reduction to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading. nullnullnullnullnullnullnull1.目前的对外出口总体形势如何? 当前的出口形势总体来看是比较好的,前7个月我们的出口增长有38%,这个增长速度无论是对中国自己来说,还是跟其他国家相比都还是挺高的速度。 2.为什么有这样高的速度呢? 1)一个是经济危机以后,国际经济有所复苏。 2)去年的基数很高,在去年同期是两位数负的增长 3)中国相对比较强的国际竞争力 下半年贸易顺差是关键 下半年贸易顺差是关键 另外,摩根士丹利大中华区首席经济学家王庆提出,现在“暑假”行将结束,她认为下半年我国的贸易顺差将是影响人民币是否升值的关键。具体而言,王庆认为,贸易顺差占G DP比重的2%将成为一条分界线:贸易顺差高于G DP的2%,人民币的贸易加权汇率将会上升,低于2%则将保持大致稳定。 据摩根士丹利预测,下半年中国的贸易顺差可能将远超上半年。据该行预测,中国的出口增长不大可能出现急剧下滑,且中国的全球市场份额实际上也有所上升。而同时随着经济刺激计划的退出,预计下半年内需及进口增长将大幅减速。由此,如果贸易顺差依然高企,则人民币的贸易加权汇率将会大幅度上升。贸易加权汇率:根据一国各贸易伙伴的相对贸易量,给它的币值进行加权,来评估该国货币是否坚挺的一种方法。举例来讲,如果一国的大部分贸易是与日本进行的,那么该国货币对日元的比值变动,在计算总体汇率价值时,将占有较大的比重。这个总体价值一般用一个指数水平表示,每天都在变化。 Resons for exports’ riseResons for exports’ rise1. Increse of China's products' competitiveness 2. raising tax rebates (出口退税) Resons for imports’ rise 1. The chinese government reduces administrative obstacles to the foreign investors 2. As the country prospers,the standard of living improved 3. Inflation of the RMB What can we do to increase china’s export volume? What can we do to increase china’s export volume? 中国外贸如何迈进?中国外贸如何迈进?1.产业结构调整,产品结构调整,出口地域调整 2.不断增强抵御出口风险的能力 3.开发新兴市场,增进与第三国家的贸易往来 4.削减成本,提高产品国际竞争力 5.保持人民币汇率的稳定,完善人民币汇率机制 6.新型科技和设备的引进 7.实行“引进来”和“走出去”战略 8.加强国际间合作和项目投资
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