

2013-09-18 8页 doc 58KB 12阅读




每日一句初级口语 免费?宅在家学英语?怎么报名? 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:www.rockyclass.com/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) 一、考纲透析 大学英语四级考试中阅读理解占总分的40%,要求在35分钟内完成。其形式是阅读数篇短文(一般为四篇),每篇阅读量为250—300词左右。共计20个多项选择题。短文的体裁以叙述文、议论文、说明文为主。叙述文描述人或事的发生和发展经过,或者描述人或事及相关情景。说明文...
免费?宅在家学英语?怎么报名? 最牛英语口语模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:www.rockyclass.com/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) 一、考纲透析 大学英语四级考试中阅读理解占总分的40%,要求在35分钟内完成。其形式是阅读数篇短文(一般为四篇),每篇阅读量为250—300词左右。共计20个多项选择题。短文的体裁以叙述文、议、说明文为主。叙述文描述人或事的发生和发展经过,或者描述人或事及相关情景。说明文是对事物现象的说明或解释。议论文论证某一观点是否正确,由论点、论据与结论构成。短文的题材广泛,包括:社会生活、科普知识、历史、地理、政治、经济、文学等。阅读理解部分主要考察考生的以下能力:` 1正确理解英文原文; 2掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; 3了解用于阐述主旨和大意的事实和有关细节; 4根据上下文判断词汇和短语的具体含义; 5既能理解单句的意思,也能理解上下文之间的逻辑关系; 6根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推理; 7领会作者的观点和态度。 因此,要想理想地通过阅读理解部分,考生必须提高自己的阅读速度,提高通过阅读获取信息的能力。这就要求考生在具备一定词汇和固定短语量、熟悉语法的基础上,拓宽知识面,熟悉各种题材和体裁的文章。此外,考生还必须掌握有关阅读的基本技巧: 技巧1通过上下文猜测词义是提高阅读速度的重要手段之一。它包括: ①利用某一生词前后出现的其他单词或整个句子的意思来猜测生词。  ②利用语法知识和标点符号来猜测生词。  ③利用说明词义的定语从句来猜测生词。  ④利用生词后面的同位语来猜测不熟悉的词。  ⑤学会只猜测生词的大概意思,而不去追求其准确定义。 技巧2善于分析和理解句子的内在关系。分析和理解句子的内在关系,能准确判断句子的含意,提高阅读能力。遇到较长复合句时,首先要找出表达句子主要意思的部分,如: ①逗号之后的句子像which ,that ,who等关系代词引导的从句通常是对前面的某个名词和句子作进一步解释和说明的。 ②在短语或句子前后都有逗号时,可以把这一部分遮盖起来不要管它,再来重读句子,句子主谓结构就会突然变得清楚而又明朗了。 ③另外在句子较长找不到主语时,可以先找出谓语来(句子中动词的时态、语态变化部分),然后就可确定在谓语动词前和句子主语核心名词后面的部分为该核心名词的后置定语,这样问题就迎刃而解了。 ④利用句子中的标点符号和反映句子内在关系的关键词或词组来分析理解句子。如:not only…but(also);from…to ;as a result of ;instead等。 技巧3阅读过程中利用有用的语言信号进行预测 要成为一个有效率的阅读者,我们还要善于发现和识别有用的语言信号,如:读到thus这个单词时,我们就会期待着一个“结果”或“结论”,而见到however、but时,我们就会知道随之而出现的必定是一种和上文不同的情况。because、result ...from引导“原因”; on the other hand表示“对比”;such as 表示“举例”;consequently表示“结果”;furthermore表示提供进一步的信息;in fact表示进一步地说明和解释;similarly表示“相似”;on the contrary指一件事的相反方面;eventually表示“最终”的结果等。 二、应试策略 1.解题步骤 关于阅读理解,应该先读问题还是先看文章一直存在着分歧。由于两者各有利弊,而且每个人的阅读习惯不同,因而我们可以针对不同的文章采取不同的解题步骤。通常有以下几种方法: 1)先读懂全文,然后做题,做题时如遇到困难再重读有关的文字。这种方法的缺点在于第一遍阅读时,阅读目的性不明确,该记住的一些事实或细节未留心注意,答题时不得不再去查找。 2)先读问题,然后带着问题读文章。这种方法的优点在于目的明确,知道考查重点所在,因此阅读时就有侧重点,能节省解题时间。缺点在于,由于没有读过短文,不了解文章的主题、细节分布情况,因而可能不能很快找到所需信息。 3)首先快速通读全文,对文章内容形成总体印象。然后读问题,再把全文认真读一遍,最后回答问题。这种方法避免了前两种方法的缺点,使考生在快速阅读的过程中了解了文章的题材、主要结构,并对细节有所了解,这样既提高了做题的准确率,又能有效地利用时间。但此种方法对考生要求很高,要求考生阅读速度要比较快。 2.对症下药 1)主旨型 任何一篇文章都有主旨(中心思想),它是通过文章中各部分内容及其内在联系体现出来的。主旨型问题主要考查考生能否通过理解、分析全文,区分主要信息和次要信息,进而归纳文章的大意。 确定文章主旨或段落大意的提问方式主要有: a. The main point of the passage is…. b. The passage deals mainly with…. c. The title that best expresses the idea of the passage is…. d. The main idea of the passage may be best expressed as…. e. The passage is mainly concerned with…. f. The passage illustrates…. g. The passage makes clear that…. h. The main subject of the passage is that…. j. What’s the main idea/subject/purpose/topic of the passage? k. The passage is about…. l. The most accurate of the following statements ,on the basis of the above paragraph ,is that…. m. The author’s purpose in writing this passage is…. n. The paragraph could be entitled…. 中心思想或主旨是一篇文章或一个段落的核心。但是不同作者表现主题思想的手法也不尽相同。为使读者能够直接了解文章的主要内容,作者通常采用主题句的写作手法,即用一句或几句话来直接表达主题。因此正确把握文章的主题句(top sentence)是解答这类问题的关键。主题句一般结构简单而且完整,一般不采用长句子的形式,在句法上简洁明了。主题句意思完整、概括段中其他句子起解释、支持或扩展主题句所表述的中心思想的作用,这些句子叫做阐述句(supporting sentences)。一个段落由一个主题句和几个阐述句构成,所有阐述句必须紧密围绕主题句展开。如果一篇短文包括几个段落,那么每个段落的主题句都必须围绕短文的主题句展开。主题句在文中出现的位置不尽相同。在演绎性文章中,主题句一般位于开头部分,一开始就明确主题,然后展开讨论和说明。而在归纳性文章中,主题句常位于文章末尾,以加强文章的说服力。还有的主题句位于中间部分,这种段落开头的一、两句或几句都是铺叙,进而引出主题。主题句之后仍有一定数量的句子陈述、论述或引申这一主题句。 例文: A bus driver must answer questions while guiding a bus through heavy traffic. All day the driver answers the same questions without becoming angry. Every few minutes a bus driver has to ask passengers to step to the rear of the bus .In spite of traffic snarls and thoughtless passengers who cause delays, a bus driver is expected to cover his or her route on schedule. The title of the passage should be ____. A) Heavy Traffic B) The Bus Driver C) A Bus Driver Must Answer Questions D) Driving a Bus is Hard Work 文中第一句话指出:当交通拥挤的时候,汽车司机必须回答问题。第二句为:汽车司机整天毫不生气地回答同一个问题。第三句为:每隔几分钟他必须让顾客都到车后面去。最后一句为:尽管交通混乱给顾客造成了延误,人们还是要求汽车司机按时走完路程。每句话都说明汽车司机工作时面临不同的问题。纵观全文我们可以知道,整篇文章都是说明汽车司机工作的辛苦。选D。  2)推理型  阅读的目的不仅在于只读懂原文,还要求考生在理解原文直接陈述观点的基础上,领悟作者的言外之意。这种题的一般不能直接在短文中找到。阅读时要理解字里行间的含义,分析文章的大意和细节,注意作者的措词。根据提问中的关键字眼和短文中相应的有关内容进行分析、归纳和逻辑推理,从而得出作者未说明却已在字里行间所暗含的意思和观点。 推理型试题常见提问方式有: a. The author implies that…. b. It can be easily guessed that…. c. The author seems to be in favor of (against)…. d. We can infer (assume) that…. e. We can learn from the passage that…. f. It can be concluded from the passage that…. g. Which of the following can (not) be inferred from the passage? h. What does the article (passage) say about…? i. The passage suggests that…. j. The author of the passage would most likely imply…. k. The author may probably agree with (support)…. l. An inference which may(not)be made from the passage is…. m. From the last sentence we guess that…. n. It can be concluded that…. 推理型问题主要包括以下几大类:对作者态度、语气、风格、倾向的推理,对作者意图、主题思想的推理,对数字的推断,对文中细节的推断等。 ①针对作者态度、语气、风格、倾向的推理。 作者写文章时,经常持有某种态度或倾向。作者的语气和态度往往并不直接在文章中写出来。有时通过全文的叙述,考生可以从文章中领悟作者的观点;有时可以通过对作者使用的词汇(多为形容词和副词)的分析,来推断出作者的态度和感情,例如作者对某一观点是赞成还是反对,是批评还是客观陈述。 ②对作者意图、主题思想的推理。 考生可以利用确定中心思想(主旨)的方法先确定短文的主题和大意,然后分析句子之间的关系,在全面理解原文的基础上,推测出作者的写作意图和目的。 ③对数字的推断 考生要先在短文中找出问题所涉及的数字和文字,然后根据题目要求对各数字进行推算。考生应注意,有的题目只要求找出相关的数字,有些题目则要做简单的计算。 ④对文中细节的推断。 作者为了说明一个主题或者观点,肯定会做出一系列论述或解释,采用方式可能是举例、论证、摆事实或讲道理、提出问题或者指出事件的原因等。这种题型常常集中对文章中某一点或几点、某一方面或几方面、某一部分或几部分提出问题。回答这类问题时,考生应首先仔细阅读原文以确定推理依据的范围,然后按题意进行推断。 例文: The early settlers in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and in Virginia were drawn largely from the rural areas of England. Few actual paupers and few of the really rich were among them. Nevertheless, exclusively members of what today would be described as the rural middle -class did not people the colonists. Many settlers were so poor that they paid for passage across the Atlantic by selling their freedom for a given number of years; poverty forced others to leave their native lands for the New World against their will. It can be inferred from the passage that some settlers were able to pay for travel to the New World by A) disguising themselves as wealthy merchants B) falsifying their ancestor’s wills C) drawing and selling portraits of upper-class Europeans D) working for other people for several years 对于该问题,文章有提示,即文章的最后一个句子。我们可以从该句子中they paid for passage across the Atlantic by selling their freedom for a given number of years所包含的信息,推断出“这些人为了过大西洋需要去挣钱,其方式就是为别人打工,出售自己的自由”。故选D是正确的。 3)是非型 这类题型主要测试考生对文章内容是否真正看懂,并且理解得非常精确和全面。(A)、(B)、(C)、(D)四个选项中肯定有一个是错的,也就是说与原文不符,或者在文中根本没有提到。 这种题型的常见提问方式主要有: a. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? b. Which of the following aspects of…is NOT mentioned in the passage? c. Which of the following statements is NOT true? d. Which of the following is NOT answered by…? e. Which statement of the following is not accurate? f. Which of the following does the author NOT express…? g. The author mentions all of the items listed below EXCEPT…? h. Which of the following is NOT considered as…? i. Which of the following is NOT included in the passage? j. Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage? k. Which of the following does the author NOT express? 选择这类题型的正确答案时,要把四个选项逐一与文中信息对照才能确定。一般可在做完其他题型后再做,因为在查找其他信息时,可能会找到与是非题有关的信息,这样可以节省时间。例文: As the South was beginning to find itself after the American Civil War, the North, too, focused its interest on the lands below the Mason Dixon line. Northerners swarmed over the South,including journalists, agents of prospective investors, and speculators with plans for railroads, writers anxious to expose themselves to a new environment. One of these was Constance Fenimore Woolson ,a young woman from New Hampshire ,grandniece of James Fenimore Cooper ,who was like many Northerners ,was drawn to the unhappy South by affection ,compassion ,admiration ,or the charm of the life there .With her singular gift of minute observation and a talent for analysis ,her imagination lingered over the relics ,of the ancient South ,the quaintly emblazoned (古雅的饰有纹章的) tablets and colonial tombs ,the wrecked old mansions (大楼) that stood near by ,perhaps in ruined rice lands ,amid desolated fields and broken dikes .Such was the dwelling on the Georgia sea island that sidled and leaned in Jupiter Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as the kind of people who went to the South after the Civil War? A)investment agents B)newspaper writers C)railroad speculators D)Northern statesmen 文中开始指出北方人涌向南方,这些人包括:记者,投资代理人,准备投资铁路的投机商和急于投身新环境的作家。因此,A、B、C三个选项都在文中提到,只有D选项是没有提到的。因此D选项正确。 4)词汇型 阅读理解中对词汇的测试,主要是为了测试考生利用上下文判断单词或词组在特定语言环境中确切含义的能力。 这种题型的常见提问方式有: a. In line…the word“…”means…. b. The word“…”in the passage means…. c. The word“…”(line…) could best be replaced by…. d. According to the passage, the word“…”is known as…. e. From the passage, we can infer that the word“…”means…. f. Which of the following pairs are synonyms?&nb sp; g. As used in the passage, the phrase“…”suggests…. h. The word“…”roughly refers to…. i. The word“…”nearly means…. j. The expression“…”is closest to…. k. The definition“…”applies to what key word in the passage? l. The writer used the word“…”to indicate that…. m. The word“…”in the context means…. n. The passage used the word“…”to refer to …. 做这类题时,需要考生掌握很大的词汇量。但是仅仅拥有很大的词汇量不够,还需要考生有利用语法知识和根据上下文推测词义的能力。因为阅读理解体裁多样,题材广泛,同一单词可能在不同的语言环境中或上下文中含义不同,所以在阅读时一定要注意上下文,在理解上下文的基础上,对词义进行推测。考生可以采取以下方法解此类题: ①利用上下文进行推理。 在有生僻词出现时,作者往往在上下文,尤其在下文进一步进行解释或下定义,或用一个较简单的单词来代替该词。 例如:John is always punctual, that is, every day he comes here on time. punctual这个词的意思在后面comes here on time进行了解释,“他每天准时到这儿”。这句话实际上是对punctual下了一个定义,由此我们可以推测出punctual是“守时、准时的意思。” ②利用对比关系。 所谓利用对比关系,就是利用相邻两句意义上或结构上的对比来猜测词义。 例如:The modest receive benefit, while the conceited reap failure. 这句话的前后两部分构成对比关系,前半部分为谦受益,那么后半部分则为满招损。由此可以推出conceited意为骄傲的,自满的。 ③利用构词法,推断单词的意思。 有些词可以通过前缀、后缀、合成等形式来判断其意思。如:read(v.读);reread(v.重读);reader(n.读者,读物);readable(adj.易读的);reading(n.读,读物)。  例文: The great majority of all earthquakes occur in two specific geographic areas .One such area encompasses the Pacific Ocean and its contiguous land masses .The other extends from the East Indies to the Atlas Mountains, including the Himalayas, Iran, Turkey, and the Alpine regions .It is in these two great belts or zones that ninety percent of all earthquakes take place; they may, however, happen anywhere at any time. This element of the unknown has for centuries added greatly to the dread and horror surrounding earthquakes, but in recent times there have been indications that earthquake prediction may be possible .By analyzing changes in animal behavior, patterns of movements in the earth’s crust, variations in the force of gravity and the earth’s magnetic field, and the frequency with which minor earth tremors are observed, scientists have shown increasing success in anticipating when and where earthquakes will strike .As a result ,a worldwide earthquake warning network is already in operation and has helped to prepare for (and thus lessen) the vast destruction that might otherwise have been totally unexpected. It is doubtful that man will ever be able to control earthquakes and eliminate their destructiveness altogether, but as how and why earthquakes happen become better understood, man will become more and more able to deal with their potential devastation before they occur. What does “this element of the unknown ” mean? A) The fact that earthquakes can happen at any time or place. B) The causes of the earthquakes. C) The damages resulting from earthquakes. D) The two earthquake zones. 文中指出:几个世纪以来,地震中的不可知成份使人们对地震感到更害怕、恐慌,但是最近研究表明人们有可能对地震进行预测。通过分析动物行为的改变、地壳运动的方式、重力和地球磁场的变化以及通过对小震频率的观测,使科学家在预测何时、何地发生地震方面的成功率越来越高。世界范围内地震警报系统已经开始运行,这样就使人们有可能为本来完全无法预料的地震提前做好准备,因而有可能减小地震造成的破坏。从第二、三句中可以得知 this element of the unknown 指的就是地震会在何时、何地发生,因而选A。  5)单句释义型   单句释义题主要考察考生能否根据文章上下文或文章主题来正确理解某一句子。这类句子通常有以下特点: ①与文章主题密切相关; ②相对于文中其他句子而言,语言难度大,不容易理解; ③有时为多义句,可以从不同角度来理解,但是文中的意思必须根据上下文来判定,这也是 其难点所在。 单句释义型试题的出题方式主要有: A)The sentence“…”(Line…)means that…. B)The sentence“…”implies that…. C)The sentence“…”can be paraphrased as…. D)What does the sentence“…”mean? E)What does the sentence“…”imply? F)Which of the following is closest in meaning to the sentence“…”? 回答这类问题时,可以采用以下几种方法: a. 先弄清文章的主题,将文章主题同要求理解的句子内容联系起来,并参考上下文的内容恰当地进行推理。 b. 可以通过篇章知识和连接词来根据上下文进行推断,如on the contrary表示下面一句话和上面的意思相反;however, but, although表示转折;furthermore, not only…but also表示递进;hence, as a result, therefore、so等表示对上文的归纳、总结,或者是上文 提到内容引起的后果。 c. 通过句子中的代词(如it ,they ,those ,this ,he ,she等)的指代关系及句子的时态等,将该句子内容与上下句联系起来,对理解句子会有很大的帮助。 d. 如果句子很长,就要对句子进行结构分析。 例文: Where do pesticides(杀虫剂)fit into the picture of environmental disease? We have seen that they now pollute soil, water, and food, that they have the power to make our streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and no birds. Man, however much he may like to pretend the contrary is part of nature .Can he escape a pollution that is now so thoroughly distributed throughout our world? We know that even single exposures to these chemicals, if the amount is large enough, can cause extremely severe poisoning. But this is not the major problem. The sudden illness or death of farmers, farm workers, and others exposed to sufficient quantities of pesticides is very sad and should not occur .For the population as a whole, we must be more concerned with the delayed effects of absorbing small amounts of the pesticides that invisibly pollute our world. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the sentence“Man ,however much he may like to pretend the contrary ,is part of nature”? A) Man can avoid the bad effects of environmental pollution. B) Man acts as if he doesn’t belong to nature. C) Man shows complete indifference to what happens in nature. D) Man has no responsibilities for environmental problems. 这句话的正常语序为“However much he may like to pretend the contrary ,man is part of nature.”对这句话的理解应主要依赖对后半部分主句的正确理解,即人是自然界的一部分。句子的前半部分出现了表示转折的副词however及the contrary,表明前半句的意思应该和后半句相反,因此应选B项。 “成千上万人疯狂下载。。。。。。 更多价值连城的绝密英语学习资料, 洛基内部秘密英语,技巧,策略 请在 网上 申请报名”
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