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08年奥运菜单奥运菜单”英文译法出炉 [ 2008-06-18 10:03 ] 经过长达一年的“烹制”,旨在解决外国奥运观众点菜难题的《中文菜单英文译法》终于正式“出炉”,即将被送各国来华外宾的餐桌前。北京城八区三星级以上饭店从6月12日起就可前往北京市旅游局饭店餐饮管理处领取奥运菜单中译本。   The process of standardizing a menu translation is a double-edged sword. It removes the ambiguity and unint...
奥运菜单”英文译法出炉 [ 2008-06-18 10:03 ] 经过长达一年的“烹制”,旨在解决外国奥运观众点菜难题的《中文菜单英文译法》终于正式“出炉”,即将被送各国来华外宾的餐桌前。北京城八区三星级以上饭店从6月12日起就可前往北京市旅游局饭店餐饮管理处领取奥运菜单中译本。   The process of standardizing a menu translation is a double-edged sword. It removes the ambiguity and unintended humor, for sure. But then it takes away the fun and the rich connotation too. It turns a menu into the equivalent of plain rice, which has the necessary nutrients but is devoid of flavor. The Beijing municipal government's foreign affairs office and the Beijing tourism bureau have jointly published a book, Chinese Menu in English Version. It lists 170 pages of Chinese and Western dishes, and beverages. And nowhere is "chicken without a sexual life" to be found. The book will no doubt come in handy to those restaurants that depend on translation software for the English names of dishes. "Government Abused Chicken" is now correctly rendered as Kung Pao Chicken. It is praiseworthy that the translators - two dozens of them - conducted a study of Chinese restaurants in English-speaking countries, which have distilled the mishmash of translated terms into a more or less universally accepted set of norms. In this sense, the process of standardization has been going on for at least 150 years, and all the book compilers needed to do was to collect as many overseas menus as possible. Still, it is an encouraging sign that they have opted for acceptance rather than dogmatism. Moo Shu Pork (Sauteed sliced pork, egg and black fungus) has taken the place of an otherwise unpronounceable Muxu Pork. Brand names such as Tsing Tao Beer and Cantonese dialects such as Wonton have been preserved too. Unlike the debate on place name translation, vanity gives way to pragmatism. The pamphlet does not include such items as "General Tso's (or Tsao's) Chicken" and "Singapore Fried Rice", popular mostly overseas. For that matter, Yang Chow Fried Rice and even the well-liked Egg Foo Young are not included. It seems Chinese restaurateurs in North America need not bother with this translation aid. Special effort has been taken to promote the transliterations of items like Jiaozi, Baozi, Zongzi, Mantou and Huajuan. The rationale is clear: These items have subtle differences that cannot be conveyed with "dumpling" or "bun". If we divide transliterations into three levels of success, will they be as successful as Chow Mein, tofu or tea? Can they overcome unpronounceable syllables like zi? It takes more than one upsurge of foreign clients. What is puzzling is the use of transliteration when the meaning can be tersely put across in English. Why is "fish-flavored" passed up and "yu-shiang" chosen? The latter does not mean anything for those who are not into the Chinese language. (China Daily) Vocabulary: Kung Pao Chicken:宫保鸡丁 Moo Shu Pork:木须肉 Wonton:馄饨 Chow Mein:炒面 奥运双语菜单 [ 2008-06-18 10:41 ] 经过长达一年的“烹制”,旨在解决外国奥运观众点菜难题的《中文菜单英文译法》终于正式“出炉”,即将被送各国来华外宾的餐桌前。 《中文菜单英文译法》是为提高奥运会期间服务接待水平,北京市饭店业、餐饮业菜单英文译法,而由北京市人民政府外事办公室和北京旅游局编辑出版,对中国常见的2000余个菜品、主食小吃、甜点、酒类的名字做了英文的翻译。 正式公布的 《中文菜单英文译法》中,包括中餐和西餐菜名译法。新版 《中文菜单英文译法》中的大部分中文菜名,以主料、烹饪方法、形状或口感、人名或地名等几种为主来翻译。其中具有中国餐饮特色的传统食品,使用汉语拼音命名。 以下是一些具有代表性的菜品和酒水的新译法: 饺子 Jiaozi 包子 Baozi 馒头 Mantou 豆腐 To-fu 麻婆豆腐 MaPoTo-fu 佛跳墙 Fotiaoqiang(SteamedAbalonewithShark’sFinandFishMaw) 锅贴 Guotie(Pan-friedDumpling) 馄饨 Wonton 宫保鸡丁KungPaoCkicken “蓝花珍品二锅头” Lanhua ZhenpinErguotou “红星珍品二锅头” RedStar ZhenpinErguotou “剑南春” Jiannanchun “蒙古王” MongolianKing “二锅头” ErGuoTou “珍品二锅头” “ZhenpinErguotou "精装二锅头” Hongxingerguotou 清蒸童子鸡 SteamedPullet 夫妻肺片 Beef and Ox Tripe in Chili Sauce(泡在辣椒酱里的牛肉和牛内脏) 红烧狮子头 Braised Pork Balls in Soy Sauce(用棕色调料炖烂的肉丸)   中餐-凉菜类              白菜心拌蜇头 :Marinated Jellyfish and Chinese Cabbage in Vinaigrette   白灵菇扣鸭掌 :Mushrooms with Duck Feet   拌豆腐丝 :Shredded Tofu with Sauce   白切鸡 :Boiled Chicken with Sauce   拌双耳 :Tossed Black and White Fungus   冰梅凉瓜 :Bitter Melon in Plum Sauce   冰镇芥兰 :Chinese Broccoli with Wasabi   朝鲜辣白菜 :Korean Cabbage in Chili Sauce   朝鲜泡菜 :Kimchi   陈皮兔肉 :Rabbit Meat with Tangerine Flavor   川北凉粉 :Clear Noodles in Chili Sauce   刺身凉瓜 :Bitter Melon with Wasabi   豆豉多春鱼 :Shisamo in Black Bean Sauce   夫妻肺片 :Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce   干拌牛舌 :Ox Tongue in Chili Sauce   干拌顺风 :Pig Ear in Chili Sauce   怪味牛腱 :Spiced Beef Shank   红心鸭卷 :Sliced Duck Rolls with Egg Yolk   姜汁皮蛋 :Preserved Eggs in Ginger Sauce   酱香猪蹄 :Pig Feet Seasoned with Soy Sauce   酱肘花 :Sliced Pork in Soy Sauce   金豆芥兰 :Chinese Broccoli with Soy Beans   韭黄螺片 :Sliced Sea Whelks with Hotbed Chives   老北京豆酱 :Traditional Beijing Bean Paste   老醋泡花生 :Peanuts Pickled in Aged Vinegar   凉拌金针菇 :Golden Mushrooms and Mixed Vegetables   凉拌西芹云耳 :Celery with White Fungus   卤水大肠 :Marinated Pork Intestines   卤水豆腐 :Marinated Tofu   卤水鹅头 :Marinated Goose Heads   卤水鹅翼 :Marinated Goose Wings   卤水鹅掌 :Marinated Goose Feet   卤水鹅胗 :Marinated Goose Gizzard   卤水鸡蛋 :Marinated Eggs   卤水金钱肚 :Marinated Pork Tripe   卤水牛腱 :Marinated Beef Shank   卤水牛舌 :Marinated Ox Tongue   卤水拼盘 :Marinated Meat Combination   卤水鸭肉 :Marinated Duck Meat   萝卜干毛豆 :Dried Radish with Green Soybean   麻辣肚丝 :Shredded Pig Tripe in Chili Sauce   美味牛筋 :Beef Tendon   蜜汁叉烧 :Honey-Stewed BBQ Pork   明炉烧鸭 :Roast Duck   泡菜什锦 :Assorted Pickles   泡椒凤爪 :Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers   皮蛋豆腐 :Tofu with Preserved Eggs   乳猪拼盘 :Roast Suckling Pig   珊瑚笋尖 :Sweet and Sour Bamboo Shoots   爽口西芹 :Crispy Celery   四宝烤麸 :Marinated Bran Dough with Peanuts and Black Fungus   松仁香菇 :Black Mushrooms with Pine Nuts   蒜茸海带丝 :Sliced Kelp in Garlic Sauce   跳水木耳 :Black Fungus with Pickled Capsicum   拌海螺 :Whelks and Cucumber   五彩酱鹅肝 :Goose Liver with White Gourd   五香牛肉 :Spicy Roast Beef   五香熏干 :Spicy Smoked Dried Tofu   五香熏鱼 :Spicy Smoked Fish   五香云豆 :Spicy Kidney Beans   腌三文鱼 :Marinated Salmon   盐焗鸡 :Baked Chicken in Salt   盐水虾肉 :Poached Salted Shrimps Without Shell   糟香鹅掌 :Braised Goose Feet in Rice Wine Sauce   酿黄瓜条 :Pickled Cucumber Strips   米醋海蜇 :Jellyfish in Vinegar   卤猪舌 :Marinated Pig Tongue   三色中卷 :Squid Rolls Stuffed with Bean, Ham and Egg Yolk   蛋衣河鳗 :Egg Rolls Stuffed with Eel   盐水鹅肉 :Goose Slices in Salted Spicy Sauce   冰心苦瓜 :Bitter Melon Salad   五味九孔 :Fresh Abalone in Spicy Sauce   明虾荔枝沙拉 :Shrimps and Litchi Salad   五味牛腱 :Spicy Beef Shank   拌八爪鱼 :Spicy Cuttlefish   鸡脚冻 :Chicken Feet Galantine   香葱酥鱼 :Crispy Crucian Carp in Scallion Oil   蒜汁鹅胗 :Goose Gizzard in Garlic Sauce   黄花素鸡 :Vegetarian Chicken with Day Lily   姜汁鲜鱿 :Fresh Squid in Ginger Sauce   桂花糯米藕 :Steamed Lotus Root Stuffed with Sweet Sticky Rice   卤鸭冷切 :Spicy Marinated Duck   松田青豆 :Songtian Green Beans   色拉九孔 :Abalone Salad   凉拌花螺 :Cold Sea Whelks with Dressing   素鸭 :Vegetarian Duck   酱鸭 :Duck Seasoned with Soy Sauce   麻辣牛筋 :Spicy Beef Tendon   醉鸡 :Liquor-Soaked Chicken   可乐芸豆 :French Beans in Coca-Cola   桂花山药 :Chinese Yam with Osmanthus Sauce   豆豉鲫鱼 :Crucian Carp with Black Bean Sauce   水晶鱼冻 :Fish Aspic   酱板鸭 :Spicy Salted Duck   烧椒皮蛋 :Preserved Eggs with Chili   酸辣瓜条 :Cucumber with Hot and Sour Sauce   五香大排 :Spicy Pork Ribs   三丝木耳 :Black Fungus with Cucumber and Vermicelle   酸辣蕨根粉 :Hot and Sour Fern Root Noodles   小黄瓜蘸酱 :Small Cucumber with Soybean Paste   拌苦菜 :Mixed Bitter Vegetables   蕨根粉拌蛰头 :Fern Root Noodles with Jellyfish   老醋黑木耳 :Black Fungus in Vinegar   清香苦菊 :Chrysanthemum with Sauce   琥珀核桃 :Honeyed Walnuts   杭州凤鹅 :Pickled Goose, Hangzhou Style   香吃茶树菇 :Spicy Tea Tree Mushrooms   琥珀花生 :Honeyed Peanuts   葱油鹅肝 :Goose Liver with Scallion and Chili Oil   拌爽口海苔 :Sea Moss with Sauce   巧拌海茸 :Mixed Seaweed   蛋黄凉瓜 :Bitter Melon with Egg Yolk   龙眼风味肠 :Sausage Stuffed with Salty Egg   水晶萝卜 :Sliced Turnip with Sauce   腊八蒜茼蒿 :Crown Daisy with Sweet Garlic   香辣手撕茄子 :Eggplant with Chili Oil   酥鲫鱼 :Crispy Crucian Carp   水晶鸭舌 :Duck Tongue Aspic   卤水鸭舌 :Marinated Duck Tongue   香椿鸭胗 :Duck Gizzard with Chinese Toon   卤水鸭膀 :Marinated Duck Wings   香糟鸭卷 :Duck Rolls Marinated in Rice Wine   盐水鸭肝 :Duck Liver in Salted Spicy Sauce   水晶鹅肝 :Goose Liver Aspic   豉油乳鸽皇 :Braised Pigeon with Black Bean Sauce   酥海带 :Crispy Seaweed   脆虾白菜心 :Chinese Cabbage with Fried Shrimps   香椿豆腐 :Tofu with Chinese Toon   拌香椿苗 :Chinese Toon with Sauce   糖醋白菜墩 :Sweet and Sour Chinese Cabbage   姜汁蛰皮 :Jellyfish in Ginger Sauce   韭菜鲜桃仁 :Fresh Walnuts with Leek   花生太湖银鱼 :Taihu Silver Fish with Peanuts   生腌百合南瓜 :Marinated Lily Bulbs and Pumpkin   酱鸭翅 :Duck Wings Seasoned with Soy Sauce   萝卜苗 :Turnip Sprouts   八宝菠菜 :Spinach with Eight Delicacies   竹笋青豆 :Bamboo Shoots and Green Beans   凉拌苦瓜 :Bitter Melon in Sauce   芥末木耳 :Black Fungus with Mustard Sauce   炸花生米 :Fried Peanuts   小鱼花生 :Fried Silver Fish with Peanuts   德州扒鸡 :Braised Chicken, Dezhou Style   清蒸火腿鸡片 :Steamed Sliced Chicken with Ham   熏马哈鱼 :Smoked Salmon   家常皮冻 :Pork Skin Aspic   大拉皮 :Tossed Mung Clear Noodles in Sauce   蒜泥白肉 :Pork with Garlic Sauce   鱼露白肉 :Boiled Pork in Anchovy Sauce   酱猪肘 :Pork Hock Seasoned with Soy Sauce   酱牛肉 :Beef Seasoned with Soy Sauce   红油牛筋 :Beef Tendon in Chili Sauce   卤牛腩 :Marinated Beef Brisket in Spiced Sauce   泡椒鸭丝 :Shredded Duck with Pickled Peppers   拌茄泥 :Mashed Eggplant with Garlic   糖拌西红柿 :Tomato Slices with Sugar   糖蒜 :Sweet Garlic   腌雪里蕻 :Pickled Potherb Mustard   凉拌黄瓜 :Cucumber in Sauce 热菜 Hot Dishes  猪肉类 Pork   白菜豆腐焖酥肉 :Braised Pork Cubes with Tofu and Chinese Cabbage   鲍鱼红烧肉 :Braised Pork with Abalone   鲍汁扣东坡肉 :Braised Dongpo Pork with Abalone Sauce   百叶结烧肉 :Stewed Pork Cubes and Tofu Skin in Brown Sauce   碧绿叉烧肥肠 :Steamed Rice Rolls with BBQ Pork Intestines and Vegetables   潮式椒酱肉 :Fried Pork with Chili Soy Sauce,Chaozhou Style   潮式凉瓜排骨 :Spare Ribs with Bitter Melon,Chaozhou Style   豉油皇咸肉 :Steamed Preserved Pork in Black Sauce   川味小炒 :Shredded Pork with Vegetables, Sichuan Style   地瓜烧肉 :Stewed Diced Pork and Sweet Potatoes   东坡方肉 :Braised Dongpo Pork   冬菜扣肉 :Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetables   方竹笋炖肉 :Braised Pork with Bamboo Shoots   干煸小猪腰 :Fried Pig Kidney with Onion   干豆角回锅肉 :Sautéed Spicy Pork with Dried Beans   干锅排骨鸡 :Griddle Cooked Spare Ribs and Chicken   咕噜肉 :Gulaorou (Sweet and Sour Pork with Fat)   怪味猪手 :Braised Spicy Pig Feet   黑椒焗猪手 :Baked Pig Feet with Black Pepper   红烧狮子头 :Stewed Pork Ball in Brown Sauce   脆皮乳猪 :Crispy BBQ Suckling Pig   回锅肉片 :Sautéed Sliced Pork with Pepper and Chili   木耳肉片 :Sautéed Sliced Pork with Black Fungus   煎猪柳 :Pan-Fried Pork Filet   酱烧排骨 :Braised Spare Ribs in Brown Sauce   酱猪手 :Braised Pig Feet in Brown Sauce   椒盐肉排 :Spare Ribs with Spicy Salt   椒盐炸排条 :Deep-Fried Spare Ribs with Spicy Salt   金瓜东坡肉 :Braised Dongpo Pork with Melon   京酱肉丝 :Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce   焗肉排 :Baked Spare Ribs   咖喱肉松煸大豆芽 :Sautéed Minced Pork with Bean Sprouts in Curry Sauce   腊八豆炒腊肉 :Sautéed Preserved Pork with Fermented Soy Beans   腊肉炒香干 :Sautéed Preserved Pork with Dried Tofu Slices   榄菜肉菘炒四季豆 :Sautéed French Beans with Minced Pork and Olive Pickles   萝卜干腊肉 :Sautéed Preserved Pork with Dried Radish   毛家红烧肉 :Braised Pork,Mao's Family Style   米粉扣肉 :Steamed Sliced Pork Belly with Rice Flour   蜜汁火方 :Braised Ham in Honey Sauce   蜜汁烧小肉排 :Stewed Spare Ribs in Honey Sauce   木须肉 :Sautéed Sliced Pork, Eggs and Black Fungus   南瓜香芋蒸排骨 :Steamed Spare Ribs with Pumpkin and Taro   砂锅海带炖排骨 :Stewed Spare Ribs with Kelp en Casserole   砂锅排骨土豆 :Stewed Spare Ribs with Potatoes en Casserole   什菌炒红烧肉 :Sautéed Diced Pork with Assorted Mushrooms   什菌炒双脆 :Sautéed Chicken Gizzard and Tripe with Assorted Mushrooms   手抓琵琶骨 :Braised Spare Ribs   蒜香椒盐肉排 :Deep-Fried Spare Ribs with Minced Garlic and Spicy Salt   笋干焖腩肉 :Braised Tenderloin (Pork) with Dried Bamboo Shoots   台式蛋黄肉 :Steamed Pork with Salted Egg Yolk, Taiwan Style   碳烧菠萝骨 :BBQ Spare Ribs with Pineapple   碳烧排骨 :BBQ Spare Ribs   糖醋排骨 :Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs   铁板咖喱酱烧骨 :Sizzling Spare Ribs with Curry Sauce   铁板什锦肉扒 :Sizzling Mixed Meat   无锡排骨 :Fried Spare Ribs, Wuxi Style   鲜果香槟骨 :Spare Ribs with Champagne and Fresh Fruit   咸鱼蒸肉饼 :Steamed Pork and Salted Fish Cutlet   香蜜橙花骨 :Sautéed Spare Ribs in Orange Sauce   湘味回锅肉 :Sautéed Pork with Pepper, Hunan Style   蟹汤红焖狮子头 :Steamed Pork Ball with Crab Soup   雪菜炒肉丝 :Sautéed Shredded Pork with Potherb Mustard   油面筋酿肉 :Dried Wheat Gluten with Pork Stuffing   鱼香肉丝 :Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)   孜然寸骨 :Sautéed Spare Ribs with Cumin   走油蹄膀 :Braised Pig's Knuckle in Brown Sauce   火爆腰花 :Sautéed Pig's Kidney   腊肉炒香芹 :Sautéed Preserved Pork with Celery   梅樱小炒皇 :Sautéed Squid with Shredded Pork and Leek   糖醋里脊 :Fried Sweet and Sour Tenderloin (Lean Meat)   鱼香里脊丝 :Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork (Sautéed in Spicy Garlic Sauce)   珍菌滑炒肉 :Sautéed Pork with Mushrooms   什烩肉 :Roast Pork with Mixed Vegetables   芥兰肉 :Sautéed Pork with Chinese Broccoli   子姜肉 :Sautéed Shredded Pork with Ginger Shoots   辣子肉 :Sautéed Pork in Hot Pepper Sauce   咖喱肉 :Curry Pork   罗汉肚 :Pork Tripe Stuffed with Meat   水晶肘 :Stewed Pork Hock   九转大肠 :Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce   锅烧肘子配饼 :Deep-Fried Pork Hock with Pancake   两吃干炸丸子 :Deep-Fried Meat Balls with Choice of Sauces   腐乳猪蹄 :Stewed Pig Feet with Preserved Tofu   豆豉猪蹄 :Stewed Pig Feet with Black Bean Sauce   木耳过油肉 :Fried Boiled Pork with Black Fungus   海参过油肉 :Fried Boiled Pork with Sea Cucumber   蒜茸腰片 :Sautéed Pork Kidney with Mashed Garlic   红扒肘子 :Braised Pork Hock in Brown Sauce   芫爆里脊丝 :Sautéed Shredded Pork Filet with Coriander   酱爆里脊丝配饼 :Fried Shredded Pork Filet in Soy Bean Paste with Pancake   溜丸子 :Sautéed Fried Meat Balls with Brown Sauce   烩蒜香肚丝 :Braised Pork Tripe Shreds with Mashed Garlic in Sauce   四喜丸子 :Four-Joy Meatballs (Meat Balls Braised with Brown Sauce)   清炸里脊 :Deep-Fried Pork Filet   软炸里脊 :Soft-Fried Pork Filet   尖椒里脊丝 :Fried Shredded Pork Filet with Hot Pepper   滑溜里脊片 :Quick-Fried Pork Filet Slices with Sauce   银芽肉丝 :Sautéed Shredded Pork with Bean Sprouts   蒜香烩肥肠 :Braised Pork Intestines with Mashed Garlic   尖椒炒肥肠 :Fried Pork Intestines with Hot Pepper   溜肚块 :Quick-Fried Pork Tripe Slices   香辣肚块 :Stir-Fried Pork Tripe Slices with Chili   芫爆肚丝 :Sautéed Pork Tripe Slices with Coriander   软溜肥肠 :Quick-Fried Pork Intestines in Brown Sauce   芽菜回锅肉 :Sautéed Sliced Pork with Scallion and Bean Sprouts   泡萝卜炒肉丝 :Sautéed Pork Slices with Pickled Turnip   米粉排骨 :Steamed Spare Ribs with Rice Flour   芽菜扣肉 :Braised Pork Slices with Bean Sprouts   东坡肘子 :Braised Dongpo Pork Hock with Brown Sauce   川式红烧肉 :Braised Pork,Sichuan Style   米粉肉 :Steamed Pork with Rice Flour   夹沙肉 :Steamed Pork Slices with Red Bean Paste   青豌豆肉丁 :Sautéed Diced Pork with Green Peas   蚂蚁上树 :Sautéed Vermicelli with Spicy Minced Pork   芹菜肉丝 :Sautéed Shredded Pork with Celery   青椒肉丝 :Sautéed Shredded Pork with Green Pepper   扁豆肉丝 :Sautéed Shredded Pork and French Beans   冬笋炒肉丝 :Sautéed Shredded Pork with Bamboo Shoots   炸肉茄合 :Deep-Fried Eggplant with Pork Stuffing   脆皮三丝卷 :Crispy Rolls of Shreded Pork, Sea Cucumber and Bamboo Shoots   烤乳猪 :Roasted Suckling Pig   红烧蹄筋 :Braised Pig Tendon in Brown Sauce   清蒸猪脑 :Steamed Pig Brains   蛋煎猪脑 :Scrambled Eggs with Pig Brains   菜远炒排骨 :Sautéed Spare Ribs with Greens   椒盐排骨 :Crispy Spare Ribs with Spicy Salt   芋头蒸排骨 :Steamed Spare Ribs with Taro   蝴蝶骨 :Braised Spare Ribs   无骨排 :BBQ Spare Ribs Off the Bone   辣白菜炒五花肉 :Sautéed Streaky Pork with Cabbage in Chili Sauce   酒醉排骨 :Spare Ribs in Wine Sauce   无骨排 :BBQ Boneless Spare Ribs   香辣猪扒 :Grilled Pork with Spicy Sauce   云腿芥菜胆 :Sautéed Chinese Broccoli with Ham   板栗红烧肉 :Braised Pork with Chestnuts   小炒脆骨 :Sautéed Gristles   酸豆角肉沫 :Sautéed Sour Beans with Minced Pork   五花肉炖萝卜皮 :Braised Streaky Pork with Turnip Peel   腊肉红菜苔 :Sautéed Preserved Pork with Red Vegetables   竹筒腊肉 :Steamed Preserved Pork in Bamboo Tube   盐煎肉 :Fried Pork Slices with Salted Pepper   猪肉炖粉条 :Braised Pork with Vermicelli   芸豆焖猪尾 :Braised Pigtails with French Beans   干豇豆炖猪蹄 :Braised Pig Feet with Dried Cowpeas   豉汁蒸排骨 :Steamed Spare Ribs in Black Bean Sauce   蛋黄狮子头 :Stewed Meat Ball with Egg Yolk 牛肉类 Beef   XO酱炒牛柳条 :Sautéed Beef Filet in XO Sauce   爆炒牛肋骨 :Sautéed Beef Ribs   彩椒牛柳 :Sautéed Beef Filet with Bell Peppers   白灼肥牛 :Scalded Beef   菜胆蚝油牛肉 :Sautéed Sliced Beef and Vegetables in Oyster Sauce   菜心扒牛肉 :Grilled Beef with Shanghai Greens   川北牛尾 :Braised Oxtail in Chili Sauce, Sichuan Style   川汁牛柳 :Sautéed Beef Filet in Chili Sauce, Sichuan Style   葱爆肥牛 :Sautéed Beef with Scallion   番茄炖牛腩 :Braised Beef Brisket with Tomato   干煸牛肉丝 :Sautéed Shredded Beef in Chili Sauce   干锅黄牛肉 :Griddle Cooked Beef and Wild Mushrooms   罐焖牛肉 :Stewed Beef en Casserole   锅仔辣汁煮牛筋丸 :Stewed Beef Balls with Chili Sauce   锅仔萝卜牛腩 :Stewed Beef Brisket with Radish   杭椒牛柳 :Sautéed Beef Filet with Hot Green Pepper   蚝皇滑牛肉 :Sautéed Sliced Beef in Oyster Sauce   黑椒牛肋骨 :Pan-Fried Beef Ribs with Black Pepper   黑椒牛柳 :Sautéed Beef Filet with Black Pepper   黑椒牛柳粒 :Sautéed Diced Beef Filet with Black Pepper   黑椒牛柳条 :Sautéed Beef Filet with Black Pepper   黑椒牛排 :Pan-Fried Beef Steak with Black Pepper   红酒烩牛尾 :Braised Oxtail in Red Wine   胡萝卜炖牛肉 :Braised Beef with Carrots   姜葱爆牛肉 :Sautéed Sliced Beef with Onion and Ginger   芥兰扒牛柳 :Sautéed Beef Filet with Chinese Broccoli   金蒜煎牛籽粒 :Pan-Fried Beef with Crispy Garlic   牛腩煲 :Braised Beef Brisket en Casserole   清汤牛丸腩 :Consommé of Beef Balls   山药牛肉片 :Sautéed Sliced Beef with Yam   石烹肥牛 :Beef with Chili Grilled on Stone Plate   时菜炒牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Seasonal Vegetable   水煮牛肉 :Poached Sliced Beef in Hot Chili Oil   酥皮牛柳 :Crispy Beef Filet   铁板串烧牛肉 :Sizzling Beef Kebabs   铁板木瓜牛仔骨 :Sizzling Calf Ribs with Papaya   铁板牛肉 :Sizzling Beef Steak   土豆炒牛柳条 :Sautéed Beef Filet with Potatoes   豌豆辣牛肉 :Sautéed Beef and Green Peas in Spicy Sauce   鲜菇炒牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Fresh Mushrooms   鲜椒牛柳 :Sautéed Beef Filet with Bell Peppers   豉汁牛仔骨 :Steamed Beef Ribs in Black Bean Sauce   香芋黑椒炒牛柳条 :Sautéed Beef with Black Pepper and Taro   香芋烩牛肉 :Braised Beef with Taro   小炒腊牛肉 :Sautéed Preserved Beef with Leek and Pepper   小笋烧牛肉 :Braised Beef with Bamboo Shoots   洋葱牛柳丝 :Sautéed Shredded Beef with Onion   腰果牛肉粒 :Sautéed Diced Beef with Cashew Nuts   中式牛柳 :Beef Filet with Tomato Sauce, Chinese Style   中式牛排 :Beef Steak with Tomato Sauce, Chinese Style   孜然烤牛肉 :Grilled Beef with Cumin   孜然辣汁焖牛腩 :Braised Beef Brisket with Cumin   家乡小炒肉 :Sautéed Beef Filet, Country Style   青豆牛肉粒 :Sautéed Diced Beef with Green Beans   豉油牛肉 :Steamed Beef in Black Bean Sauce   什菜牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Mixed Vegetables   鱼香牛肉 :Yu-Shiang Beef (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)   芥兰牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Chinese Broccoli   雪豆牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Snow Peas   青椒牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Pepper and Onions   陈皮牛肉 :Beef with Dried Orange Peel   干烧牛肉 :Dry-Braised Shredded Beef, Sichuan Style   湖南牛肉 :Beef, Hunan Style   子姜牛肉 :Sautéed Shreded Beef with Ginger Shoots   芝麻牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Sesame   辣子牛肉 :Sautéed Beef in Hot Pepper Sauce   什锦扒牛肉 :Beef Tenderloin with Mixed Vegetables   红烧牛蹄筋 :Braised Beef Tendon in Brown Sauce   三彩牛肉丝 :Stir-Fried Shreded Beef with Vegetables   西兰花牛柳 :Stir-Fried Beef Filet with Broccoli   铁锅牛柳 :Braised Beef Filet in Iron Pot   白灵菇牛柳 :Stir-Fried Beef Filet with Mushrooms   芦笋牛柳 :Stir-Fried Beef Filet with Green Asparagus   豆豉牛柳 :Braised Beef Filet in Black Bean Sauce   红油牛头 :Ox Head with Hot Chili Oil   麻辣牛肚 :Spicy Ox Tripe   京葱山珍爆牛柳 :Braised Beef Filet with Scallion   阿香婆石头烤肉 :Beef BBQ with Spicy Sauce   菜远炒牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Greens   凉瓜炒牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Bitter Melon   干煸牛柳丝 :Sautéed Shredded Beef   柠檬牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Lemon   榨菜牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Pickled Vegetable   蒙古牛肉 :Sautéed Mongolian Beef   椒盐牛仔骨 :Sautéed Calf Ribs with Spicy Salt   辣白菜炒牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Cabbage in Chili Sauce   荔枝炒牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Litchi   野山椒牛肉丝 :Sautéed Shredded Beef with Wild Pepper   尖椒香芹牛肉丝 :Sautéed Shredded Beef with Hot Pepper and Celery   堂煎贵族牛肉(制作方法:黑椒汁、香草汁) :Pan-Fried Superior Steak ( with black pepper sauc
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