

2013-01-19 18页 doc 74KB 83阅读




雅思复习计划雅思复习计划.txt51自信是永不枯竭的源泉,自信是奔腾不息的波涛,自信是急流奋进的渠道,自信是真正的成功之母。考完了,心里觉得空荡荡,记得以前每天早上都会8点起床,然后坐在书桌前,开始复习,从 14号开始,真的把雅思放下了,有一种说不出的感觉,失落?毕竟他陪着我走过了整整一个月完全封闭的学习,从上雅思班对雅思一知半解到上完以后惴惴不安去报了名,然后失去信心,到最后信心百倍又对学习怠慢了,整个过程很值得回味,我觉得做什么事情,结果都不太重要,重要的是我们为了得到这个结果,曾经心痛过,奋斗过,沮丧过的过程,谢谢3G这么长时间对我...
雅思复习.txt51自信是永不枯竭的源泉,自信是奔腾不息的波涛,自信是急流奋进的渠道,自信是真正的成功之母。考完了,心里觉得空荡荡,记得以前每天早上都会8点起床,然后坐在书桌前,开始复习,从 14号开始,真的把雅思放下了,有一种说不出的感觉,失落?毕竟他陪着我走过了整整一个月完全封闭的学习,从上雅思班对雅思一知半解到上完以后惴惴不安去报了名,然后失去信心,到最后信心百倍又对学习怠慢了,整个过程很值得回味,我觉得做什么事情,结果都不太重要,重要的是我们为了得到这个结果,曾经心痛过,奋斗过,沮丧过的过程,谢谢3G这么长时间对我的帮助,可以说没有3G我会茫然失措,谢谢各位网友之间的互相鼓励,这些一切一切不会在雅思考试结束划上句号,我希望在我考完的日子里继续帮助有需要的朋友们,因为能出国读书毕竟不是一件容易的事情,既然我们已经迈出了第一步,为什么不做到最好呢?? 我的一些和我一起考试的考友考完以后都心情不佳,因为没有发挥好,他们很多都打算3个月以后再战雅思,在这里我写一点关于自己对雅思的理解和具体的复习,希望对他们都有帮助,或者你没有参加过雅思考试,这种建议或以给你一些启示。 首先我觉得考雅思,就好象做一道菜一样,需要上层的材料,经验丰富的师傅,还有自身的努力,再加点运气。我给大家推荐一些材料,是在雅思考试前2个月你要准备的。 新东方系列: 1.学术类阅读理解 30.00 2.学术类阅读理解辅导 35.00 3.高分作文 35.00 4.学术类全真模拟试题(包括听力与口语全真模拟试题) 书:30.00 --“第4如果你觉得没必要就不要买了” 磁带:23.00 北语系列: 1. IELTS考试技能训练教程。听力 29.00 2.中级听力(磁带和书) 120.00 其他: 1.吴建业的写作 35.00 2.101 helpful hints for IELTS 39.00 3.202 useful exercises for IELTS 39.00 4.剑桥雅思考试题型透析 49.90 5.how to prepare for ielts 30.00 6.剑桥雅思考试1/2 19.90x2 雅思学习进度表: 彷徨的你们在刚开始的时候做什么呢??(活活就象刚开始的我啦~~~~) 改掉晚睡晚起的习惯呀,还要告诉自己现在世界上只有雅思和你了!! 今天有点累了,明天我会告诉大家在最前面的15天里,大家是要打基础的,应该做些什么,作为参考,谢谢大家阅读。 接下来就是刚开始的时候如何打基础,俗话说万事开头难,很多考友面对一大堆资料,头都痛了,合理的安排时间和劳逸结合很重要,一味死读,过于放松都不会取得好的效果的,以下是我的一些建议,广大考友可以结合自己的实际情况参考。 我先讲在最初的复习阶段关于听力的复习方法(是集百家之长,运用之,没有抄袭的!被这个搞怕了~~~~) 1.泛听与精听结合 材料:中级听力(新东方强烈推荐,接触发现确实不错) 优点:杂音极其多,语速快。听完中级再听其他雅思模拟题有一种语速好慢 呀,全部都听到了的感觉。 缺点:题型与雅思考试不太接近,取材广泛,生活各方面都有涉及 建议:运用的时候,不要去做题目,以免有误导作用 大家的:新东方老师强烈推荐,声称北语除了这个之外,其他都不太行。 IELTS考试技能训练教程。听力(黑眼睛) 优点:对于没有接触过雅思考试的考友,帮助比较大,因为他把各个题型都归 类练习了。 缺点:念的那几个不会变的,不是第一个跟第二个搭配,就是跟第三个搭配, 难度比较简单,对后期冲刺的考生其实作用不大。 建议:做的时候要极其注意收集听力词汇,归纳。准备考的考生基本不用理它 大家评价:环球雅思强烈推荐,声称黑眼睛囊括了85%的听力内容。 注:大家应该先听中级听力的,把睡意驱除,一个小时后,再拿出黑眼睛,精听之~~~~ 2.阅读一定要注意词汇量的积累 材料:学术类阅读理解 学术类阅读理解辅导 优点:帮助记忆单词,是我发现至今最有效的背单词书籍 缺点:出题思路跟雅思不太一样,错又多,而且够简单,拿这本书做阅读题的话,大 家会死得很惨。。。 建议:里面我数过了一共有大概8000个单词,足够应付雅思考试,拿来背,结合课文 好背着呢!我喜欢听着音乐背,还挺放松。 大家评价:没有人说好,除了新东方自己,不过背单词是绝佳的材料,大家不要再去 买什么单词书了,效率低,又坚持不下去,很痛苦的,经验教训呀,我买 意思经常有几个,都不知道什么时候用什么意思。 3.阅读速度的提高 材料:21cn 优点:信息量大 缺点:一个星期出一次,不够看啊!! 建议:去书店去买21cn的科技版,不过10.00,归类了近期的科技文章,要练习到一 分种200个字才行哦! 大家评价:大家都让你去买,因为china daily太政治化,广州英文早报文章写得太差 材料:海外英语 优点:里面包括了雅思经常找出题点的《探索》,文章难度及长度相当,帮助你了解当 今雅思的难度 缺点:他太包罗万象了,其他均对雅思没有太大帮助。 建议:如果能直接买到《探索》原版英文的朋友,就不要买了,可是我知道广州没有, 北京应该有的。 大家评价:我还没有看到有人注意这个杂志。纯属我个人推荐。 材料:网络 优点:免费嘛!! 缺点:看到头都晕,长期对着电脑,哪里看得下去??除非你是计算机专业的,呵呵 建http://www.economist.com/ http://www.newscientist.com/ http://www.scientificamerican.com/ http://www.scientificamerican.com/ 大家评价:网站已经推荐多次了,大家应该知道其知名度。 注:在最初期的时候阅读就是积累词汇量,因为现在雅思考试用技巧已经少了,至少我是这么认为,什么scaning呀,skimming呀,都是帮助你去理解句子,如果单词搞不懂,就算读到了也读不懂,很打击的~~~ 还有提高阅读速度,刚开始的时候可能大家做不到一分种200,不过最后是要达到一分钟300 这个速度才行!! 4.写作 材料:.吴建业的写作 优点:很好!内容够全,套句够多,包罗万象 缺点:想拿高分别买。。。 建议:把这本吃透,写作问题真的不大 大家评价:吴建业强烈推荐,呵呵,大家反映不俗。 注:大家不要再背范文了,实验证明是记不住的!!不是打击,我认为现在流传的范文,质量都一般般,顶多6分,而且大家都抄,后果可想而知啦~~~有人自己基础不太好,却希望考试通过背所谓外国网站的优秀优美的句子,可实践证明是背不下来,因为外国人的思维跟中国人不一样,如果大家很有时间,当然可以背,有高中生写作文,就拿了8分,他介绍全部句子来自外国网站。 时间表: 8:00-9:30 中级听力 9:30-11:00 黑眼睛 11:00-12:00 报纸,杂志,提高速度 3:00-6:00 新东方单词 8:00-10:00 总结作文 10:00-11:00 看网站咯,聊QQ咯。网友交流时间呀,人多力量就大,实践证明的! 今天我会继续写一下在中期复习要用的书籍和复习方法。在这个时候大家都会产生一种没有自信,沮丧,害怕的感觉,觉得好象读了这么多都没有进展的??这种感觉是很可怕的,我那个时候压力就很大,因为定的目标是6.5,可是听力好象怎么招也就5.5-6,阅读简单的可以做到6.5,难的就只有6,很多人说考完以后,反馈说现在的练习都比较简单呀!!5555,都不知道怎么办才好~~~离考试就只有3个星期,真的可以吗??在这里我想说的是,大家一定要沉得住气!!不要放弃呀,因为你离成功就差一点点了,只要再坚持一天,两天,就能提高了,千万不要放弃呀~~怎么招也要对得住咱爸咱妈的钞票和希望呀!! 中期复习资料: 1.要开始接触模拟题了 材料:学术类全真模拟试题 优点:难度逐渐增强,靠后的两篇跟考试难度相当 缺点:自己录的,所以人就几个,第一个跟第二个说,第一个又跟第三个说 建议:每天听一套。 大家评价:没有喔~~新东方老师推荐买,还可以 材料:环球雅思的听力材料(内部) 优点:把世面上的雅思题都找来,抄到自己的里面了 缺点:没有 建议:如何听:学习方法:1.作题 2.不要对答案,再做一次,注意听他的起伏,和 重读!! 3.准备听懂--40%-80% 4.边听边读原文--打记听力词汇,听到跟上为止 5.快速读 6.听懂 材料:202 useful exercises for IELTS 优点:纯英国口音,速度与考试相当,答案还不太好写 缺点:至尽发现没有,我觉得挺完美的 建议:将他听抄,每个topic听个5遍 大家评价:不错,值得推荐 注:早上还是要听中级听力,黑眼睛最后的模拟题要做到只错10题才行,如果发现做的第一套不够,就别做了,继续练习,过一段时间再做,不过一定要在考前2个星期保证黑眼睛错10 个以内,你的听力才在考试中保6~~。 2.阅读也要开始接触模拟了,不过单词一样不能放弃!! 材料:学术类全真模拟试题 优点:改变了在阅读理解和阅读理解辅导里面太简单的毛病。 缺点:还是比考试简单,不过做一下增强自信,这个一般都要在6.5-7之间才行 建议:全做,每天一套 大家评价:无 材料:how to prepare for ielts 优点:强烈推荐!!非常好,够难呀~~~让你在平时就从难入手,考试的时候就不会举 手无措。 缺点:文章取材太窄 建议:占时先不要做后面的模拟题,先搞定前面的分项练习,已经够难的了!打击一 下你的自信,不要以为做学术类全真模拟题,分挺高,那本比考试 简单呀! 大家评价:非常好!!! 4.作文 注:还是吴建业的,说实在,现在真是没几本好书了,杨凡的是框价,吴建业的是写作理由 +框价,所以大家应该知道买哪本了吧??自己理顺agree/disagree,your opinion,好坏处/理由+方法,这4种写作题型的套句。 5.口语 注:简单,就把100页真题里所有的topic都说一遍,而且很多是可以联在一起说的 例如party,happy event和photo就可以都说同一件事情,你想拥有的一样东西和 在计算机发明之前你觉得最有用的东西。而且请大家灵活运用,不要死背书,例如充分利用吴建业的作文为口语服务!!里面有相当多关于计算机,就业等的理由,背之~~还有我刚才提的学术类全真模拟题,里面就要博物馆和happy event的整套对话!! 博物馆: http://triangle.citysearch.com/best/results/7723 中间有很多最好的博物馆,点中间随便一个进去可以看到评论,都适合你用 游戏http://www.gameskidsplay.net/index.html 家乡http://www.chinats.com/ 时间表: 8:00-9:00 中级听力 9:00-10:30 模拟题 10:30-11:00 202 11:00-12:00 阅读how to prepare分项或者全真模拟题 3:00-6:00 背单词,看杂志,报纸!千万别忘了~~~~ 8:00-9:00 准备套句 9:00-10:00 准备口语 今天我会跟大家说一下最后冲刺阶段的一些注意事项和怎么运用预测。在最后的一段时间里实力已经基本稳定,要做的就是不要让自己掉下来就是了,我们可以分类一下,阅读和写作是很少发挥失常的,听力和口语就有可能。所以在最后做模拟题阶段如果阅读一直都在6-7分之间,那考试也差不多了。其实在这个时候因为已经成定局,我就比较怠慢了,希望大家不要学我,还是那句坚持,坚持,再坚持!! 1.听力:101 helpful hints for IELTS 优点:一本不错的备考模拟题集 缺点:觉得不错,没发现有什么致命的缺点 建议:只有两套听力,跟考试难度相当 大家评价:不错 how to prepare for ielts 优点:接近考试,难度相当,范围就是学校,不错 缺点:太少,只有一套 建议:最后一天才做 大家评价:好!! 2.阅读:101 helpful hints for IELTS 优点:循序渐进,由易到难 how to prepare for ielts 优点:买了那么多阅读书,发现是最贴近考试,也是难度最大的 拿来做练习真是事半功倍!! 缺点:取材太窄 建议:每天按照考试时间来做,时间范围内完成 大家评价:强烈推荐!! 剑桥雅思考试题型透析 优点:为期不多的剑桥题目 缺点;好贵,而且只有一套 建议:最后一天才做 大家评价:很多人都买了 其实说到这里,大家也不需要再去参考我的建议了,因为复习了这么长时间,自己就会归类出属于自己复习方法,最后的冲刺就看各位的水平。我主要想说一下关于预测的用法,懂得去归类预测很重要,不是拿来就背~~~不怕得罪说一句,现在的预测实则是划范围,不过鬼子行踪诡秘,我们也只有这样了,首先是要把听力的预测按照不同的类型自己归类一下,例如v38 s2,v39s2,v40s1都是讲旅游的,就拿在一起背,而且不要光背答案,要去背问题,因为考试的时候因为紧张你是很容易把答案背混淆的,关键词要划出来,考试内容听力大同小异,就算不考到这个,熟悉真题的答案也是对考试有很大帮助的! 考试前1个小时,希望大家不要再去背预测了,则应该把精力放到听磁带上,预听,培养感觉很重要的!! 好了,我把这一个月的读书心得全部写完,希望对于没有考试,或者准备再考的学生有一点帮助,祝考试成功!!今天就不列时间表了,剩下时间大家已经会自己掌握了。 分析型 1.Recently the ...has been brought into focus...Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible. In this essay, I aim to explore this complicated phenomenon from diverse perspectives, identify the relevant contributing factors and bring up some effective measures.  2.As far as I am concerned, an array of integrated factors contributes to the ...The first role that should be blamed is...Another equally important factor lies in… Last but not least...: 3. As a matter of fact, ...gives rise to a host of problems, such as...Confronted with such a thorny issue, people come up with a variety of constructive countermeasures. Personally, the following are worth recommendation... : 4. When everyone is fully aware of the severity and take feasible measures, I firmly believe... 一面倒 1.NO invention has received more praises and abuses than cars… Now there is a growing awareness over traffic safety. 2. Although some people acclaim that… 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 I am still prone to go along with the other side based on the following sound reasons.: 3.To embark on it, it comes as the first problem that...: 4. Should it remain unable to unfold my perspectives, it'll come as reinforcement that… 5.It is indisputable that nowhere in history has...been more visible. As far as I am concerned… Why would you like to go abroad? I would like to further my study in Britain. There are a lot of famous universities in Britain. World-renowned universities like Cambridge and Oxford are all in Britain. I believe I can receive first-class education in Britain. I don’t like the weather there. I would like to further my study in Britain for the reason that there are a lot of famous universities there, especially some world-renowned universities like Cambridge and Oxford. For this reason, I believe I can receive first-class education in Britain in spite of the fact that I hate the weather there. Are you a student or are you working now? I am a college student studying Business with the major in Finance, which is also the area I’d like to further study in Britain. What kinds of leisure activities are popular in China? Well, that’s quite an interesting question. Uh…how can I put it? Maybe I can put it this way. In truth I would have to say that it really depends. For young people like me, I guess the most popular leisure activity would be playing online games. Take the famous online game WOW as an example, as far as I know, the game has more than 20 million users in China. Whereas on the other hand, for the older generation like my parents, I assume their favorite pastime would be playing Mah-jong, because as you know, this traditional Chinese game is often regarded not only as a game but also a good way to socialize with family members or neighbors in China. What kinds of sports/physical activities are popular among college students in China? Well, that’s quite an interesting question. Uh…How can I put it? Maybe I can put it this way. In truth I would have to say that it really depends. For guys like me, I guess the most popular sports activity would be playing basketball. You know, in campus, if you play basketball really well, chances are that some pretty girls might be attracted to you and a case in point is that campus basketball stars always have the most attractive girlfriends. Whereas on the other hand, for girl students, I assume their favorite physical activity would be doing YOGA,because as you know, almost all the girls I know believe they are overweight and they regard YOGA as an excellent way to keep their body shape slim. Describe your idol. My idol is Jay. He is a Taiwanese pop singer and he has a lot of crazy fans all over Asia. My idol is Jay, who is a Taiwanese pop singer having huge number of die-hard fans all over Asia,whose songs are mostly written by himself. Can you tell me something about your grandparents? My grandfather is turning 86 this year My grandfather is retired and enjoying life at home. My grandfather, who is turning 86 this year, is retired and enjoying the life at home at the moment. My mother’s father passed away when I was only 2 years old, which means that I do not have a clear, distinct memory of him. Describe a day that is special to you. Valentine’s Day is the day I hate the most in a year, when I am always surrounded by loneliness. At what age do people in your country get married? In China, most people tie the knot between the age 25 and 28, when both parts of the couple are generally financially capable and mentally ready for the marriage. Talk about a shopping center you are familiar with. For boys, there are shops highlighting football, where you can buy pillows with Manchester United and AC Milan’s emblem on them. There are also special shops featuring DIY, where you can do a range of things from hammering your own silver necklace to making soap and perfumes. Describe a sport star you like. (1). David Beckham is a football player. (2). David Beckham is famous for his handsomeness. (3). David Beckham is enjoying great popularity in China. David Beckham, who is famous for his handsomeness, is a football player enjoying great popularity in China. Describe a person who is controversial Lu Yang is a super model. In China, she is regarded as ugly. But on the stage of the world, she is shining. Lu Yang, who is regarded as ugly in China, is a supermodel shining on the stage of the world. Do people take as much exercise as in the past? Most people are stressed out and no longer taking as much as exercise as in the past because they are facing the ever-increasing working pressure. Facing the ever-increasing working pressure, most people are stressed out and no longer taking as much exercise as in the past. Describe a kind of bird. Magpies enjoy great popularity in China because they are often regarded as the symbol of happiness in Chinese culture. Often regarded as the symbol of happiness in Chinese culture, magpies enjoy great popularity in China. Describe an embarrassing experience. Describe a city you have visited. There are numerous attractive scenic spots in Sydney, with the Sydney Opera being the most impressive in my opinion. Describe a band group that you like. I like a band group called May Day from Taiwan. Influenced by my sister, I started to be interested in a band group called May Day from Taiwan. Influenced by my sister, who is crazy about pop music, I started to be interested in a band group called May Day from Taiwan. Influenced by my sister, who is a crazy about pop music, I started to be interested in a group band called May Day from Taiwan, whose members are all passionate young men Influenced by my sister, who is a crazy about pop music, I started to be interested in a group band called May Day from Taiwan, whose members are all passionate young men, with one group member Nicknamed Monster being my favorite one. What’s your name? My Chinese name is Yu Weiguo, which was given by my grandfather, meaning a great and prosperous country in Chinese. Where are you from? I am a local resident in Shanghai, where I have been living since I was born. I am from Dalian, which is a coastal city in the north east China famous for seafood. Tell me about your hometown. Well, I think today’s Shanghai is totally different from what it was hundreds of years ago. In the past, Shanghai used to be a small village on the east coast of China whose incomes exclusively come from fishing. Nowadays, however, as one of the biggest cities in China, Shanghai has become the financial hub in the country and boasts for its convenient transportation and services. Well, as you can probably guess, I come from Beijing, where I have been living all my life. Although at the moment I am studying in another city-Tianjing. I suppose if I have to describe Beijing, the first thing I would say is that it is absolutely enormous, maybe even one of the biggest cities in Asia I guess. It is so big that even the locals have problems finding their way around. Another significant characteristic is that it offers examples of both classical and contemporary architecture. Actually some of the China’s most renowned landmarks like Forbidden City are ‘slap-bang’ in the middle of Beijing. Are you a student or are you working now? I am a senior majoring in Chinese in Shanghai University, which is also the school where current mayor of Shanghai graduated. What are you studying? Well, you know as a college student majoring in legal English, I have to study both English and law courses. For English courses, I study listening, speaking and translation courses, in which I believe I’m doing quite well because I have been interested in English since I was kid. (In fact, representing my university, I took part in the national English speech contest and managed to finish the competition as the runner-up, which might be seen as a proof of my English level.) (To be more specific, I am quite confident of my pronunciation, which is commented as authentic British accent by my friends from UK.) Where in contrast, I must admit that my performance in law courses, which include international law and domestic law, is quite unsatisfactory due to the fact that I find it hard to make myself interested in this section, which is actually quite boring from what I see. Tell me about your job. OK then, I could start off by saying that I’m an English teacher in a secondary school. In fact, being a teacher always gives me a feeling of fulfillment for the simple reason that you would probably feel proud of yourself when your students achieve academic progress under your instruction. In addition to what I have just said, I can add that sometimes it is not an easy task to be a teacher, especially when you teach some naughty kids who simply don’t listen to what you say at all. This means that I will have to rack my brain to think of some ways to ‘take care of’ them. Do you like listening to music? Well to be quite honest, in general I would say that I’m totally mad about music, specifically RAP, which rocks me up whenever I listen to it. As well as this, I am also a fan of classical music, in particular some world class masterpieces by Mozart or Beethoven. Listening to the classical works, you feel like being indulged in a melody paradise. And only in such time would I feel fully relaxed from the heavy working stress. What kinds of restaurants are popular in your country? OK, certainly there are quite a range of widespread restaurants in China, with restaurants which serve Sichuan food enjoying the greatest popularity. I assume they are so popular because Sichuan food, which is often quite spicy, is to the Chinese people’s taste as well as economical. In fact, it is quite common that people have to stand in queue waiting for about 2 or 3 hours before they could guarantee a seat in some most ‘hot’ Sichuan restaurants in Shanghai. In addition, another kind of trendy restaurant would be Japanese restaurant. And the unique aspect of Japanese restaurant is that the food there is often served in an “all-you-can-eat” style, which means you can enjoy unlimited amount of delicious Sashimi, Sushi and etc as long as you have a big enough stomach. What is your favorite spare time activity? Well, in this case I think I have to say my answer really depends. Like for instance, if the weather is fine, I would probably invite my friends to have a cup of coffee in Starbucks, where we could chat over coffee and kill time. On the contrary, if it is raining outside, I would be happy to be a ‘couch potato’ watching American TV series like Prison Break, by doing so I can improve my English as well as get to know a lot about the United States. Is fast food popular in your country? Alright, I guess that on the one hand, fast food enjoys great popularity among young people and this is definitely the case when you see that majority of the customers in restaurants like KFC or McDonald are young guys of my age. But you also have to understand that to older generation like my parents, it is a totally different story for the reason that older people in China often prefer traditional food like chicken soup, which is more nutritious according to them. So on the whole, I suppose the answer has to be Yes and No. Do you get on well with your family members? Well, I guess on the one hand, I bound with my mother. It seems that I can always find something in common to talk with her, who is also a pretty talkative person like me. We almost talk about everything ranging from recent events to gossip news. While on the other hand, I have to admit that the connection between my father and I doesn’t seem to be that close. I think this is mainly due to the fact that my father is a quite reserved person, which means he would prefer to conceal his feelings instead of speaking out. Would you like to be in a film? Well, quite honestly I don’t think I’ve ever thought about that, but I guess I would probably consider playing a role in a film, especially when I had the chance to be a character in a Hollywood movie. You know, if I played a role in a Hollywood movie I would have the opportunity to get to know some world-famous movie stars like Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt, who have been my idol since I was a kid and chances are that my talent in acting might be discovered by the professional talent scouts, which means I could be a superstar myself someday in the future. Describe a singer or musician that you admire Who the person is What type of music/songs he she plays/sings Why you admire this person Whether this person is popular in your country So, to start with I will talk about who the person is, and the one I’d pick is Jay, who is a pop singer from Taiwan. Continuing then with the next point of what type of songs he sings, and what I need to emphasize here is that his music is an excellent mixture of modern pop music and traditional Chinese style, which is so unique that his music could be easily distinguished from other types of music. Progressing to the subject of why I admire him, I would like to explain that it is his versatile talent in music that deeply attracts me; you know, he writes most of his songs all by himself as well as being able to sing. As a final point, if time permits, I’d like to bring in the
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