首页 > 讲座:对青少年进行性健康教育的必要性


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讲座:对青少年进行性健康教育的必要性nullnullYouth at the Threshold of Life跨入生活的青年 Our family… when YTL started in 1994Our family… when YTL started in 1994Our Family NOW...Dani Kati Abigél 我们现在的全家福 我们现在的全家福 nullnullYouth at the Threshold of Life跨入生活的青年 null“A youth leads a life of deep s...
nullnullYouth at the Threshold of Life跨入生活的青年 Our family… when YTL started in 1994Our family… when YTL started in 1994Our Family NOW...Dani Kati Abigél 我们现在的全家福 我们现在的全家福 nullnullYouth at the Threshold of Life跨入生活的青年 null“A youth leads a life of deep searching and questioning. It is a period, when a person needs guidance due to the fact that at this time in his or her life a lot of misunderstanding is likely to arise.” - Kenya Pedagogical Institute“A youth leads a life of deep searching and questioning. It is a period, when a person needs guidance due to the fact that at this time in his or her life a lot of misunderstanding is likely to arise.” - Kenya Pedagogical Institute“青年人的生活是深入探索和探讨的过程,很多男孩女孩们很可能会对生活产生错误的理解,因此这个阶段的青年人需要一些指导。” -肯尼亚师范学院 THE GOALS OF THE YTL SYMPOSIUM 座谈会目标 THE GOALS OF THE YTL SYMPOSIUM 座谈会目标 1. To create the proper atmosphere in the classroom. 营造良好的课堂气氛 2. To acquire the confident use of proven material. 再次验证已证实卓有成效的材料 3. To help understand the problems youth face and to rekindle your passion for teaching and helping them.帮助理解青年人面临的问并激发你教育和帮助他们的热情 THE NEED FOR THE YTL PROGRAMTHE NEED FOR THE YTL PROGRAMGOAL #1: 目标1 To increase the self-esteem, confidence and communication skills of the student, so as to build their capacity for making friends. 增强学生的自尊心、自信心和交际技能,从而培养他们结交朋友的能力。 开展YTL项目的必要性 A Good-bye Letter of a16 year old boy 一个16岁男孩儿的一封遗 A Good-bye Letter of a16 year old boy 一个16岁男孩儿的一封遗书 “Dear world, I do not want to live any longer. I am tired of it! I just want to sleep and never wake up. I do not want to do anything. I do not see its meaning. I do not want to eat. I do not want to breathe. I do not want to feel. I do not want to talk. I do not want to get a hair cut. I do not want to go to school and write my biology test. I do not want to be sad or lonely or depressed. Mom and Dad, it is not your fault. I am not free. I feel sick. I AM EMPTY. Bye. 亲爱的世界: 我再也不想活下去了。我厌倦这一切!只想这样睡下去,永远不醒来,我什么也不想做,看不到生活的意义,我不想吃饭,不想呼吸,也不想感受这一切。我不想说话,不想剪头发,不想去学校参加生物考试,也不想悲伤、孤独或忧郁下去,妈妈爸爸,这不是你们的错。我感受不到自由,我很难受,很空虚,再见。 PS.: …I have great fear! 附:我特别害怕nullDESTRUCTION 毁灭 DISENGAGEMENT – rootless 脱离-无所寄托 DISORIENTATION 丧失方向 DISASSOCIATION – seclusion 分离-隔离DISILLUSIONMENT – despair 觉醒-绝望 DISAPPOINTMENT 失望 THE STAIRWAY OF FATALISM 宿命论阶梯 THE NEED FOR THE YTL PROGRAM 开展YTL项目的必要性 THE NEED FOR THE YTL PROGRAM 开展YTL项目的必要性 GOAL #2: 目标2 To decrease sexual promiscuity, so as to decrease Sexually Transmitted Diseases, teenage pregnancies and the number of AIDS-infected people. 减少性关系的发生,从而减少性传播疾病、青少年怀孕以及艾滋病感染人数。 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: 国家过敏及感染疾病研究院:National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: 国家过敏及感染疾病研究院: “In 2003, approximately 2,000 children under the age of 15 years and 6,000 young people (between 15 and 24 years of age) were infected daily by HIV virus. This means that in every 5 minutes there was an infection!!!” 年,每天约有2000名15岁以下的孩子和6000名年轻人(15到20岁之间)感染上HIV病毒。这就意味着每5分钟就会有一例感染发生。 http://www.niaid.nih.gov/vrc/clintrials/clin_statistics.htmnull“There is now sign of decrease of the AIDS epidemic in Eastern-Europe and Central Asia. In 2003 about 230.000 people were infected with HIV, thus the number of those carrying the virus increased to 1.5 million. Last year there were 30.000 victims of AIDS.” “有迹象表明东欧和中亚艾滋病感染人数呈下降趋势。2003年约有23万人感染了HIV病毒,因此携带该病毒的人数上升到了150万。去年有3万人死于艾滋病。” According to the common HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) program of UN and WHO. 据联合国艾滋病规划署和世界卫生组织相关项目报告 UNAIDS/WHO-2004 AIDS Epidemic Update:联合国艾滋病规划署/世界卫生组织-2004艾滋病感染最新数字 null“In Asia 8.2 million are living with HIV infection, including 1.2 million NEWLY infected this past year. AIDS claimed 540,000 lives in 2004.” 亚洲有820万人感染了HIV病毒,其中包括去年新近感染120万人。艾滋病在2004年夺去了54万人的生命。 http://www.unaids.org/NetTools/Misc UNAIDS/WHO-2004 AIDS Epidemic Update:联合国艾滋病规划署/世界卫生组织-2004艾滋病感染最新数字 nullBangladesh 加拉国 , India 印度 China中国 , Ukraine乌克兰 , Botswana博茨瓦纳 , USA美国 , Latin America拉丁美洲 “The sexual culture of the Hungarian population between 14-20 years of age” survey 匈牙利14到20岁人口的性文化调查 “The sexual culture of the Hungarian population between 14-20 years of age” survey 匈牙利14到20岁人口的性文化调查 67% of the boys and 62% of the girls said that they can sleep with someone they do not love. 67%的男孩和62%的女孩认为他们会跟自己不爱的人发生性 nullThis year my daughter had sex with 17 men. A month ago she had abortion and two years ago she attempted suicide. This morning when she left for school I asked her: 今年我的女儿和17个男人发生了性关系。一个月以前她堕了胎,两年前她曾经自杀。今天早晨她要去上学的时候我问她 Honey, why are you doing this? Why are you destroying yourself? Is sexual desire so strong in you, that you cannot control it? Why are you doing this? 孩子,为什么你要这样做?你为什么要毁掉你自己?你是因为性欲很强,所以才无法控制自己吗?你为什么要这样做? A TRUE STORY OF A 15 YEARS OLD GIRL一个15岁女孩的真实故事nullMy daughter answered: 我女儿回答说: Mom! There is no sexual desire in me! I do not even like sex! 妈妈,我没有性的欲望!我也不喜欢性行为。 Then why are you doing this? 那么你为什么这样做? Mom! At least at the end when it is over, I hear from every boy, that he loves me! 妈妈!至少到最后结束的时候,我能听到每个男孩对我说他爱我! “The sexual culture of the Hungarian population between 14-20 years of age” survey 联合国艾滋病规划署/世界卫生组织-2004艾滋病感染最新数字 “The sexual culture of the Hungarian population between 14-20 years of age” survey 联合国艾滋病规划署/世界卫生组织-2004艾滋病感染最新数字 91% knows a lot about AIDS. 91%的人对艾滋病很了解 90% believes the best way of protection is using condoms. 90%的人认为自我保护的最好就是使用避孕套。 However... 70% do NOT use condom! 然而……70%的人不使用避孕套!National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: “66% of the STD infections occurs in people population under 25 years of age… STDs cause irreparable, lifelong damages, including blindness, bone-deformations, mental deficiencies and death.” 66%的性传染疾病发生在25岁以下的人群中……性传染疾病导致了不可挽回的终身损害,包括失明,骨骼变形,大脑损伤及死亡。 www.cdcnpin.orgnullLet’s play!Youth at the Threshold of Life跨入生活的青年THE NEED FOR THE YTL PROGRAM 开展YTL项目的必要性THE NEED FOR THE YTL PROGRAM 开展YTL项目的必要性GOAL #3: 目标3 Students would increasingly be aware of the danger of drugs. They will learn to say no to drugs, so as to decrease drug abuse and first time drug use. 学生将不断意识到毒品的危害。要学会对毒品说不,从而减少滥用毒品和毒品的初次使用。THE NEED FOR THE YTL PROGRAM 开展YTL项目的必要性 THE NEED FOR THE YTL PROGRAM 开展YTL项目的必要性 GOAL #4: 目标四: Students will prepare for adulthood, marriage and family life by strengthening their moral foundations, value system and character development. 学生们需要加强自己的道德底蕴、建立自己的价值系统,并发展自己的性格才能,为进入成熟期,跨入婚姻和家庭生活做好准备。nullYouth at the Threshold of Life跨入生活的青年 null“Character is the measure of our freedom from the tyranny of our instincts. It is the space we create between our urges and actions.” 品格是脱离本能束缚的方法。是我们在欲望和行动之间创造出来的空间。 - Valson ThampunullYouth at the Threshold of Life跨入生活的青年Norman Rockwell: GIRL AT THE MIRROR 镜中女孩 Norman Rockwell: GIRL AT THE MIRROR 镜中女孩 nullYouth at the Threshold of Life跨入生活的青年Norman Rockwell: GIRL AT THE MIRROR镜中女孩 Norman Rockwell: GIRL AT THE MIRROR镜中女孩 nullYouth at the Threshold of Life跨入生活的青年 nullYouth at the Threshold of Life跨入生活的青年 The structure of the YTL material 材料结构 The structure of the YTL material 材料结构 Readings (14) 阅读 Classroom Sessions and Lessons Plans (41) 课堂讲解及课程设计 Games, Skits and Exercises 游戏,故事及练习 Videos (5) 看录像 Books (3) 读书 Evaluations, Tests, Information 评估、测试、信息 WWW.FEK.HUWWW.FEK.HUWWW.FEKNYOM.HUYTL’S History& Impact! YTL 的过去及其影响 YTL’S History& Impact! YTL 的过去及其影响 1. Classrooms around the world 全世界的课堂 2. YTL Clubs and Camps 俱乐部及夏令营 3. YTL Parenting & Marriage Seminars 父母及婚姻培训 4. Proven Results 成果 nullUNAIDS Fact Sheet 2004 联合国艾滋病规划署2004年情况报告 UNAIDS Fact Sheet 2004 联合国艾滋病规划署2004年情况报告 “A 2003 survey found that 2 of 5 Chinese men and women could not name a single way to protect themselves against infection.” 年调查显示5个中国男人和女人中有2个不能说出至少一种保护自己免受感染的方法。
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