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职场套话说多了让人觉得能力不够职场套话说多了让人觉得能力不够 Management jargon can alienate staff and leave bosses looking untrustworthy and weak, according to a survey commissioned by Investors in People. “人力投资者”委托进行的一项调查表明,管理套话会使员工产生疏离感,同时会让老板显得不堪信任、缺乏实力。 Managers who spoke of "singing from the same hymn s...
职场套话说多了让人觉得能力不够 Management jargon can alienate staff and leave bosses looking untrustworthy and weak, according to a survey commissioned by Investors in People. “人力投资者”委托进行的一项调查明,管理套话会使员工产生疏离感,同时会让老板显得不堪信任、缺乏实力。 Managers who spoke of "singing from the same hymn sheet" could find themselves singing solo, the survey said. 根据调查结果,那些念叨着“口径一致、同声同气”的管理人员将会发现自己是在唱独角戏。 Workers said such phrases as "blue sky thinking", "the helicopter view" and "heads up" could lead to alienation and low morale in the office. 员工们反映,“创新思维”、“总体视角”和“给你提个醒儿”之类的短语会造成疏远的感觉、打击办公室里的士气。 The survey, carried out by YouGov to mark the 15th anniversary of Investors in People, a government-backed training initiative, found 37 percent of the 2,900 questioned believed jargon led to mistrust and encouraged a feeling of inadequacy. “人力投资者”是政府支持的一个培训项目。由“你说了算”(英国著名民意调查机构)实施的此次调查旨在纪念该项目诞生15周年。调查发现,2900名受访者中有37%认为套话会导致猜疑情绪,同时助长对管理人员能力的不信任感。 Bosses seemed oblivious to the dangers, with more than half, (55 percent) believing it to be harmless. 老板们似乎对这样的危险茫无所知,他们中有超过一半的人(55%)认为套话没什么害处。 That could explain why workers perceived it to be on the rise, with nearly 40 percent believing it was increasingly creeping into office banter. 这就解释了为什么员工会觉得套话之风正处于上升势头——将近40%的员工认为办公室闲言笑语中的套话越来越多。 Nearly 40 percent of workers surveyed believed jargon betrayed a lack of confidence, while one in five thought those who used it were untrustworthy or trying to cover something up. 接近40%的员工觉得套话是缺乏自信的表现,20%的员工认为使用套话的人要么是不堪重任,要么就是想掩盖什么事情。 Nicola Clark, director at Investors in People, said: "Whilst jargon can be useful shorthand at times, managers need to be more alert to when and how they use it." “人力投资者”总监尼古拉·克拉克说:“有些时候套话的确简短好用,但管理人员也应该更加注意运用的时机和。” "Cutting jargon out of everyday communication is clearly a challenge. However, as our research shows, if used inappropriately, jargon can be an obstacle to understanding, which ultimately can impact on an individual's performance and an organisation's productivity." “在日常交流中戒掉套话显然是件不太容易的事情,但正如我们的调查所显示的那样,用得不合时宜的套话会成为交流的障碍,最终会影响到个人的工作表现和整个机构的工作效率。”
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