

2018-02-17 13页 doc 44KB 35阅读




b2c在线支付系统b2c在线支付系统 b2c在线支付系统由网畅基于PHP+MYSQL开发具有商品分类、 品牌管理、商品管理、支付方法管理、配送区域和配送方法设 置、商品搜索和分类查询、商品评论、购物车、非会员和会员 订单提交、订单管理、在线支付、订单统计、销售统计等网上 商店常用的功能。该模块适合企业网站建立在线商品销售栏目, 开展B2C电子商务。 b2c在线支付系统模式图 供应商发布商品?管理员审核商品并发布自家商品?买家支付 货款给管理员?管理员发送商品 b2c在线支付系统功能介绍 1、网店参数设置 非会员订购设置:可以设置是否允...
b2c在线支付系统 b2c在线支付系统由网畅基于PHP+MYSQL开发具有商品分类、 品牌管理、商品管理、支付管理、配送区域和配送方法设 置、商品搜索和分类查询、商品评论、购物车、非会员和会员 订单提交、订单管理、在线支付、订单统计、销售统计等网上 商店常用的功能。该模块适合企业网站建立在线商品销售栏目, 开展B2C电子商务。 b2c在线支付系统模式图 供应商发布商品?管理员审核商品并发布自家商品?买家支付 货款给管理员?管理员发送商品 b2c在线支付系统功能介绍 1、网店参数设置 非会员订购设置:可以设置是否允许非会员 订购,非会员订购的订单不需要会员登录,直接提交直接处理 订单 会员定价规则设置:可以设置各级会员自动按比率计算会 员价,也可以在商品发布时输入各会员类型的会员价格;可以 预设各级会员价计算比例和市场参考价计算比例,方便商品定of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall 价输入 商品积分规则设置:可以设置商品购买所使用的积分类型(会员系统有五种会员积分类型),设置按商品固定积分或按订购金额动态计算积分,并设定积分的计算比例 2、配送区域设置 可以设置二级配送区域,用于给不同的区域指订不同的配送费用计算方法 3、配送方法设置 可以添加多种配送方法,每种配送方法可以指定按固定运费、按重量计算运费或按订单价格计算运费同一种配送方法可以和不同区域绑定,产生不同的运费计算方法前台网站订单提交时,根据顾客选择的配送地区动态显示适用的配送方法,并动态计算出配送费用 4、支付方法设置(会员模块功能)可以添加线下支付,在线支付等支付方式; 5、商品分类支持多级商品分类可以为每个分类指定商品参数列,用于商品发布时填写参数列支持分类专栏,用于大型购物网站为某些分类开设单独专栏主页(不同专栏主页可以分别排版) 6、品牌管理添加和管理品牌,包括品牌名称、品牌介绍、官方网址、品牌LOGO等品牌和分类的关联,品牌可以和多个自选分类进行关联,在商品发布时选择分类时,动态显示并可选择相 of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall 关的品牌;前台网站有相应的分类品牌展示的插件,可以根据各大分类下的相关品牌进行商品查询 7、商品发布和管理可以选择分类、选择品牌、填写商品名称和自定义参数列填写商品售价后根据预设的会员类型价格比例自动计算填写价格(可以修改),自动按预设填写市场参考价填写商品计价单位、重量、库存等数据如果启用积分并采用商品固定积分,则可填写商品积分商品简述,可用于商品推荐和检索列中的简介文字商品介绍,采用html编辑器录入商品介绍详细参数,在商品修改时可以录入商品的详细参数表,用于详情页的的商品详细参数介绍自定标签,可以录入多个自定义标签,例如“新品上架、本季特卖”等,在前台可插入多个自选商品列表,通过“标签匹配”可以在不同板块中指定显示特定标签的商品。多图上传,在商品修改时可以上传多张图片,在商品详情页可翻页显示商品管理,可以按条件搜索商品、进行批量删除、推荐、排序等操作 8、团购管理管理员可在后台发布团购商品,在指定时间内可以发布定量团购商品。 9、晒单管理对已经订购过商品的用户,可以进行已经购买过商品信息及感受进行分享。 of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall 10、商品评价管理会员交易完成后可以对双方进行评价,分了好评、中评、差评。 11、商品咨询管理买家可以对相要订购的商品进行和管理员互动咨询。 12、订单管理按条件查询订单,查看和打印订单,进行付款确认、配送确认、完成确认、退订等操作付款确认:根据是否会员、付款方式等条件进行不同的自动付款处理,均有处理方式的提示信息退款确认:根据是否会员、付款方式等,对已经付款的订单进行退款处理配送确认:对订单中的商品分别发货或退货,全部发货完成后订单自动变成已配送状态完成确认:对已付款已配送的订单,可以进行完成确认,完成的订单被保护不能再进行操作退订确认:将非付款和配送状态的订单进行退订 13、订单查询统计可以查询某一时间段、指定各种条件的订单,并统计总金额等数据 14、商品销售统计可以查询统计某一时间段中指定商品的销售量和销售额 15、鼠标拖拉排版功能为方便网站管理系统特设鼠标拖拉排版功能,对入门级的站长都可以进行网站的改版布局。 of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall 前台的功能模块 B2C网站管理系统前台具有商品自选列表、商品搜索和查询、 商品详情、商品评论、商品咨询、团购、晒单、商品评价、商 品咨询、购物车、非会员和会员订单提交、会员订单管理、非 会员订单查询等功能。前台界面采用div+css布局,广泛运用 jquery/ajax技术,使用户体验更友好,尤其是商品搜索和订 单提交:商品搜索具有橱窗、列表、图片模式的切换,订单提 交在同一页面实现订单填写、配送方式和支付方式选择及动态 计算。 运行环境 安装环境要求 1、PHP 4.3-5.2.x 2、MYSQL 4.1-5.1.x 3、zend optimizer 3.2以上 注意事项 1、一个软件授权只能用于一个主站域名。试用顶级域名时,不 加“WWW”,同时自动授权www域名。 2、用户可以邦定顶级域名,在本公司购买域名可免费做IP指 向解析。 of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall 3、系统建议最低用VPS主机来运行,有条件的用户用独立服务 器最佳。 4、用户提供空间需要我方安装的,请提供空间的php探针地址; FTP地址、用户名和密码;数据库管理权限、数据库名、用户 名和密码。 5、独立服务器用户,Wind2003系统的提供远程管理权限,Linux 系统需提供root管理权限。 广州市网畅信息技术有限公司 of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall
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