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驾驶的电动车是属于机动车还是非机动车驾驶的电动车是属于机动车还是非机动车 中华人民共和国侵权责任法 第二十六条 被侵权人对损害的发生也有过错的,可以减轻侵权人的责任。 第三十五条 个人之间形成劳务关系,提供劳务一方因劳务造成他人损害的,由接受劳务一方承担侵权责任。提供劳务一方因劳务自己受到损害的,根据双方各自的过错承担相应的责任。 第九十一条 在公共场所或者道路上挖坑、修缮安装地下设施等,没有设置明显标志和采取安全措施造成他人损害的,施工人应当承担侵权责任。 窨井等地下设施造成他人损害,管理人不能证明尽到管理职责的,应当承担侵权责任。 最高人民法院关...
驾驶的电动车是属于机动车还是非机动车 中华人民共和国侵权责任法 第二十六条 被侵权人对损害的发生也有过错的,可以减轻侵权人的责任。 第三十五条 个人之间形成劳务关系,提供劳务一方因劳务造成他人损害的,由接受劳务一方承担侵权责任。提供劳务一方因劳务自己受到损害的,根据双方各自的过错承担相应的责任。 第九十一条 在公共场所或者道路上挖坑、修缮安装地下设施等,没有设置明显标志和采取安全措施造成他人损害的,施工人应当承担侵权责任。 窨井等地下设施造成他人损害,管理人不能证明尽到管理职责的,应当承担侵权责任。 最高人民法院关于审理人身损害赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释 第二条 受害人对同一损害的发生或者扩大有故意、过失的,依照民法通则第一百三十一条的规定,可以减轻或者免除赔偿义务人的赔偿责任。但侵权人因故意或者重大过失致人损害,受害人只有一般过失的,不减轻赔偿义务人的赔偿责任。 适用民法通则第一百零六条第三款规定确定赔偿义务人的赔偿责任时,受害人有重大过失的,可以减轻赔偿义务人的赔偿责任。 第十一条 雇员在从事雇佣活动中遭受人身损害,雇主应当承担赔偿责任。雇佣关系以外的第三人造成雇员人身损害的,赔偿权利人可以请求第三人承担赔偿责任,也可以请求雇主承担赔偿责任。雇主承担赔偿责任后,可以向第三人追偿。 雇员在从事雇佣活动中因事故遭受人身损害,发包人、分包人知道或者应当知道接受发包或者分包业务的雇主没有相应资质或者安全生产条件的,应当与雇主承担连带赔偿责任。 第十二条 依法应当参加工伤保险统筹的用人单位的劳动者,因工伤事故遭受人身损害,劳动者或者其近亲属向人民法院起诉请求用人单位承担民事赔偿责任的,告知其按《工伤保险条例》的规定处理。 因用人单位以外的第三人侵权造成劳动者人身损害,赔偿权利人请求第三人承担民事赔偿责任的,人民法院应予支持。 最新工伤保险条例 第十四条 职工有下列情形之一的,应当认定为工伤: (一)在工作时间和工作场所内,因工作原因受到事故伤害的; (二)工作时间前后在工作场所内,从事与工作有关的预备性或者收尾性工作受到事故伤害的; (三)在工作时间和工作场所内,因履行工作职责受到暴力等意外伤害的; (四)患职业病的; (五)因工外出期间,由于工作原因受到伤害或者发生事故下落不明的; the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom (六)在上下班途中,受到非本人主要责任的交通事故或者城市轨道交通、客运轮渡、火车事故伤害的; (七)法律、行政法规规定应当认定为工伤的其他情形 驾驶的电动车是属于机动车还是非机动车 2005年2月1日中午,西陵交警大队值勤民警屈亮发现邓某驾驶的“嘉爵”牌电动摩托车在西陵区夷陵路上行驶,该车没有号牌,屈示意邓停车检查,发现邓没有随车携带(实际没有)机动摩托车驾驶证,以邓没办理机动摩托车驾驶证为由,依据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》第95条第一款、《道路交通安全违法行为处理程序规定》第13条第(一)项之规定,对邓出具第02006345号“公安交通管理行政强制措施凭证”决定对邓采取扣留摩托车的强制措施,并将“凭证”送达邓某。“凭证”上告知邓不服本决定作出的行政强制措施的,可以在60日内向宜昌市公安局交通警察支队行政复议;或者在三个月内向管辖区人民法院提起行政诉讼,持本凭证在15日内到鼓楼中队接受处理。邓当即在“凭证”当事人栏签字,西陵交警大队即扣留了邓的摩托车。邓不服,于2005年2月22日向法院提起行政诉讼。 【裁判要点】 原告邓某驾驶的“嘉爵”牌电动车是属于机动车还是非机动车乃是本案双方争议的焦点 法院经审理认为,根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》第119条第(三)项规定,“机动车”是指以动力装置驱动或者牵引,上道路行驶的供人员乘用或者用于运送物品以及进行专项作业的轮式车辆。该条第(四)项规定:“非机动车”是指以人力或者畜力驱动,上道路行驶的交通工具,以及虽有动力装置驱动但设计最高时速、空车质量、外形尺寸符合有关国家标准的残疾人机动轮椅车、电动自行车等交通工具。 ongenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndromases cimplanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cmity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and defor abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetaletric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various s obst0 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 caseailure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 1tion fidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney funcr, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit ky watesyndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidner, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumo like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer-llbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SACbile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gathe 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, 2 原告邓某驾驶的电动车,从其外形看没有脚踏板,仪盘上的里程表显示该车设计最高时速为60km/h。根据中华人民共和国家家标准《电动自行车通用技术条件》(GB17761—1999)“技术要求”第5.1.1规定:“最高车速,电动自行车最高车速应不大于20km/h”。第5.1.2规定:“整车质量(重量),应不大于40Kg”。第5.1.3规定:“脚踏行驶能力,电动自行车必须具有良好的脚踏骑行功能,30min的脚踏行驶距离应不小于7Km”。该“技术要求”规定,最高车速为强制性条款,也是电动自行车检验的否决项目。 显然,邓某驾驶的车辆不属于电动自行车。原告邓某驾驶的两轮电动车有动力装置驱动,在道路上行驶,供人员乘用,符合机动车的定义,属于机动车的范畴。 根据《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258—2004)3.5条规定:“摩托车motorcycle”:无论采用何种驱动方式,其最高设计车速大于50km/h,或若使用内燃机, 边其排量大于50ΜL的两轮或三轮车辆,包括两轮摩托车、边三轮摩托车和正三轮摩托车(三轮摩托车和正三轮摩托车可合称为三轮摩托车)。 《机动车运行安全技术条件》3.6条规定:“轻便摩托车moped”:无论采用何种驱动方式,其最高设计车速不大于50km/h,且若使用内燃机,其排量不大于50ΜL的两轮或三轮车辆,包括两轮轻便摩托车和三轮轻便摩托车,但不包括最高设计车速不大于20km/h的电驱动的两轮车辆。 根据“技术条件”的解释和规定,邓某驾驶的车辆是电动摩托车,属于机动车辆。 根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》第95条规定:“上道路行驶的机动车未悬挂机动车号牌,未放置检验合格标志、保险标志或者未随车携带行驶证、驾驶证的,公安 and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired rine gland muscle syndrom , and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, utee tirereset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grapancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian pregnses bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy,2 ca eteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room thekidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ur dney,congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk ki nsfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidneyn tracongenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, splee ic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleenlike expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreat-bile duct SAC gent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenitalbile duct stone, urthe 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, 3 机关交通管理部门应当扣留机动车,当事人提供相应牌证、标志或者补办相应手续,并可以依照本法第九十条的规定予以处罚。当事人提供相应的牌证、标志或者补办相应手续的,应当及时退还机动车。” 《道路交通安全违法行为处理程序规定》第13条第(一)项规定:“未悬挂机动车号牌,未放置检验合格标志、保险标志,或者未携带行驶证、机动车驾驶证的„„因无其他机动车驾驶人代替驾驶,违法行为尚未消除,可以扣留车辆”。 被告在执法过程中,根据原告邓某的违法行为,对其出具了“强制措施凭证”,并当即送达,告知了行政复议和提起诉讼等权利,邓某在“凭证”上签字,被告即扣留了邓某驾驶的机动车。被告对邓某作出的公安交通管理行政强制措施事实清楚,程序合法。对于邓某的其他诉讼请求,因被告的具体行政行为合法,已得到人民法院的判决确认,其诉讼请求没有事实和法律依据,法院不予支持。依照《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》第五十四条第一款第(一)项、最高人民法院《关于执行〈中华人民共和国行政诉讼法〉若干问题的解释》第三十三条规定,判决维持被告宜昌市公安局交通警察支队西陵交警大队于2005年2月1日对原告邓某作出的第02006345号公安交通管理行政强制措施之具体行政行为。驳回原告邓某的其他诉讼请求。 本案二审法院维持了一审法院的判决。 【评析】 这是一个比较新型的公安交通管理行政强制措施案例,争议的焦点是涉案电动车辆是机动车还是非机动车。 ongenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndromases cimplanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cmity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and defor abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetaletric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various s obst0 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 caseailure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 1tion fidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney funcr, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit ky watesyndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidner, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumo like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer-llbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SACbile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gathe 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, 4 我国电动车在九十年代前基本都依靠进口,如高尔夫球车、游览观光车等。自1992年以来,我国有了自行研制和生产的电动车产品,通过近10年的发展,现已初步形成以一大批具有实力和规模的电动车生产厂家,现已在国内市场推出的有:电动摩托车、电动游览车、电动高尔夫车、电动观光车、电动汽车、电动载货车、电动救援车、电动助行(代步)车、电动滑板车、电动自行车、家庭生活车等。从其产品分类,可分为两类:即四轮电动车和二轮电动车。二轮电动车包括电动自行车、电动摩托车。而二轮电动车主要指电动自行车,其目标市场主要以个人代步为交通工具。据统计:2004年我国电动车产量已达到500万辆,已成为世界电动车产品最大的国家。 对于这类新型的电动车产品,销售商在销售此类车辆时,告知消费者此类车辆属于电动自行车,不需办理牌证即可上道路行驶,而现在在道路上行驶的此类车辆数量大并日趋增多,但持有牌证行驶的是少数或者基本无牌证,在这样的背景下,法院对公安交警部门对邓某驾驶的车辆以无证驾驶为由,作出的暂扣具体行政行为依法能否支持,一、二审法院作出的判决均给予了肯定的答复,即依法应予支持。笔者为此再补充理由如下。 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》第119条对“机动车”、“非机动车”作了明确界定,据此可以得出机动车与非机动车的区别关键在于驱动方式和设计最高时速。机动车以动力装置驱动,非机动车以人力或畜力驱动,或者虽有动力装置驱动但设计最高时速、空车质量、外形尺寸应符合国家标准。 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》第58条规定:“残疾人机动轮椅车、电动自行车在非机动车道内行驶时,最高时速不得超过十五公里„„”而且此条在该法第三节“非机动车通行规定”章节之中,很明显电动自行车应属于非机动车,这种理解有些片面。电 rine gland muscle syndrom, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, utee tirereset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grapancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian pregnand late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired ses bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy,2 ca eteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room thekidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Urdney,congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk ki nsfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidneyn tracongenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, splee ic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleenlike expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreat-bile duct SAC gent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenitalbile duct stone, urthe 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, 5 动自行车确应属于非机动车,但属于非机动车范畴的电动自行车必须符合《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》第119条对非机动车的定义,有动力装置驱动的其设计最高时速、空车质量、外形尺寸必须符合国家标准,即必须符合《电动自行车通用技术标准》。该“技术标准”规定:电动自行车最高车速应不大于20公里/小时(属强制否决标准);电动自行车的整车质量(重量)应不大于40公斤;电动自行车必须具有良好的脚踏骑行功能,30min的脚踏行驶距离应不小于7公里等多项指标,只有符合《电动自行车通用技术标准》的电动自行车才属于非机动车范畴,才能按非机动车进行管理。根据国标对电动自行车的定义,电动自行车是特种自行车。对于车速的限定,最高车速不得大于20km/h,而且是指绝对值,没有公差,因此电动自行车的最高车速就限制在20km/h,只有这样电动自行车才能与其它非机动车协调。 本案中邓某驾驶的电动车没有脚踏骑行装置,反而装有电驱动装置,很显然邓某驾驶的电动车居于非机动车与机动车之间,如何判定其属于非机动车还是机动车,关键在于确定邓某所驾驶的电动车是否符合国家有关标准。 首先,分析一下邓某所驾驶电动车的特征,卷宗中有关证据证明,邓某所驾驶电动车设计最高时速达60公里,无脚踏骑行装置。很显然其主要项目不符合《电动自行车通用技术标准》的规定,当然不属于非机动车范畴的电动自行车。其次,根据《机动车运行安全技术条件》对“摩托车”、“轻便摩托车”的定义,即“摩托车”指无论采用何种驱动方式,其最高设计时速大于50公里/小时„„的两轮或三轮车辆;“轻便摩托车”指无论采用何种驱动方式,其最高设计车速不大于50公里/小时„„,但不包括最高设计车速不大于20公里/小时的电驱动的两轮车辆。邓某驾驶的电动车完全符合《机动车运行安全技术条件》对轻便摩托车的规定,据此可以判定邓某驾驶的电动车属于机动车,当然应按机动车进行管理。 ongenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndromases cimplanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cmity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and defor abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetaletric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various s obst0 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 caseailure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 1tion fidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney funcr, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit ky watesyndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidner, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumo like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer-llbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SACbile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gathe 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, 6 对电动车的性质确定,有一个简单的判断标准,即“设计最高时速标准”。设计最高时速小于20公里的是电动自行车,属于非机动车范畴;设计最高时速大于20公里且小于50公里的,是轻便摩托车;设计最高时速大于50公里的,是摩托车,后两者都属于机动车范畴。 综上,本案中邓某认为自己驾驶的是非机动车,不需办理机动车驾驶证,被告不能以机动车的名义予以扣留;被告认为邓某驾驶的是机动车,应办理注册登记,应取得机动车驾驶证,否则,可以扣留车辆。本案经一、二审法院审理,均认定邓某所驾驶的电动车属机动车,既然邓某所驾驶的电动车属于机动车范畴,毫无疑问,上道路行驶应依法办理注册登记,应依法取得驾驶证。 文章来源:中顾法律网 (免费法律咨询,就上中顾法律网) rine gland muscle syndrom, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, utee tirereset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grapancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian pregnand late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired ses bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, 2 ca eteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room thekidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ur dney,congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kinsfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidneyn tracongenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, splee ic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleenlike expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreat-bile duct SAC gent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenitalbile duct stone, urthe 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, 7
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