首页 > 糯米酒制作方法


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糯米酒制作方法糯米酒制作方法 先做好准备: 1、糯米(北方叫江米) 2、酒粬 3、容器:铝盆、瓷盆、搪瓷盆、玻璃瓶等,要带有盖子。要求:绝对干净,尤其不要粘油~ 4、蒸锅(铁锅、电饭锅、高压锅均可)、屉布(纱布),要求:清洁不黏油渍。 、纸箱、毛毯(或被子),用于包裹及盛装容器,便于保温发酵。 5 准备就绪,开始行动吧~ 一、泡米: 用自来水把糯米淘洗3,5次,然后放在锅(盆)中,加入没过米面约3厘米高的凉水,盖好盖子放置5至12小时【通常,夏季泡5,8个小时,冬季泡8,12个小时】,使米粒吸饱水。泡好后捞出沥干水分。 二...
糯米酒制作 先做好准备: 1、糯米(北方叫江米) 2、酒粬 3、容器:铝盆、瓷盆、搪瓷盆、玻璃瓶等,要带有盖子。要求:绝对干净,尤其不要粘油~ 4、蒸锅(铁锅、电饭锅、高压锅均可)、屉布(纱布),要求:清洁不黏油渍。 、纸箱、毛毯(或被子),用于包裹及盛装容器,便于保温发酵。 5 准备就绪,开始行动吧~ 一、泡米: 用自来水把糯米淘洗3,5次,然后放在锅(盆)中,加入没过米面约3厘米高的凉水,盖好盖子放置5至12小时【通常,夏季泡5,8个小时,冬季泡8,12个小时】,使米粒吸饱水。泡好后捞出沥干水分。 二、蒸米: 取干净的屉布用水浸湿,铺在蒸锅笼屉(蒸格)上,锅内加入充足的水。等水开后,把泡好的米用手捞出来均匀松散的平铺在布上,盖上锅盖用旺火蒸20,30分钟,尝一尝糯米的口感,如果饭粒偏硬,就洒些水拌一下再蒸一会。总之,把米蒸熟蒸透就可。 三、淋饭 糯米蒸熟后,拎着屉布的4角,倒在可沥水的盛具内,再平摊开,用凉开水或自来水从糯米上淋下过滤,使糯米淋散(如有成团状的部分用手捏散)、沥冷(不是完全冷却,要让糯米饭保持微温状态,用手摸着温温的最好)。沥冷后,把糯米饭舀入干净无油渍的陶制或玻璃容器(不要用塑料容器)中,准备调入酒粬。 四、调入酒粬: 取适量酒粬(看说明书),揉(碾)碎成粉状均匀撒在糯米上,边撒边用手抓拌均匀,如果糯米饭黏手,可适当蘸些水。另也可用一点点温水将酒粬化开后均匀淋入米饭中。拌好后用手掌将米饭轻轻压实抚平,中间再用手指挖个直径3,4厘米的深窝,在深窝里放入少许酒粬粉。完成后,搭上保鲜膜再盖上盖子,密封好。 提示:冬季酒曲可稍多放一点儿,便于发酵。 五、搭窝发酵: 这时关键环节,掌柜要多说两句哦^_^ 取一床毛毯(或被子)围在纸箱里为醪糟做一个“窝”,用毛毯(或被子)将容器严严实实地包裹起来,1,2天就可食用了。 发酵中途可以用手摸容器外壁是否发热,发热就是好现象,1至2天后就可以打开盖子看看(中途别经常开盖),如能闻到酒香,能看见盆中深窝内清亮的液体,那就大功告成了^_^ 如果没有酒香味、米饭还没有结成豆腐块的趋势,可以将容器取出放入30?温水中水浴加热一下,再放回窝里继续发酵。 发酵过程中温度是最重要的一环,一般保持在30?,32?之间。 在冬天,北方家庭里都有暖气,正是制作醪糟的好时节。包裹好的容器放在离暖气较近的地方,以保持温度。但注意不要直接放在暖气上,那样会发酵得太快,酒容易变酸。还要注意过一半时间后要轻轻将容器转动一下(动作一定要轻微),将未挨暖气的那一面转过来,保证受热均匀,一般1-2天内就能闻到溢出的酒香了;发酵时间南方地区则需要2,3天。在南方没有暖气的房间里,就应当包裹得更严实、更厚些,在发酵时间上也应当根据天气和室温适当延长。如果是冬天酿的话,应多加一床被子或用特厚的被子。掌柜记得小时候妈妈就喜欢在夜晚把窝放在灶上(农村土灶)保持温度。您也可用热水袋装入热水后贴着容器放好,再用被子将容器与热水袋一起包住,还可把容器放在电饭锅内用温水保温,或放在炉子旁保温……只要能保温的方should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees 法都行,欢迎各位买家拿出自己的方法和大家一起分享哟。 糯米酒制作方法 1.先用水将糯米泡半天,漂洗干净,然后蒸熟成米饭 在蒸锅里放上水,蒸屉上垫一层纱布,烧水沸腾至有蒸汽。将糯米捞放在布上蒸熟。尝一尝糯米,如果饭粒偏硬,就洒些水拌一下再蒸一会,蒸好后盛到发酵用的容器中(电饭锅、汤盆或者塑料、玻璃容器),用勺 搅几下,凉至不烫手的温度(30?左右)。 2.拌酒曲 用勺将糯米弄散,将酒曲均匀地撒在糯米上(稍微留下一点点酒曲最后用),然后用勺 将糯米翻动,目的是将酒曲尽量混均匀。 3.保存 用勺轻轻压实。抹平表面(可以蘸凉开水),做成平顶的圆锥型,中间压出一凹陷窝,将最后一点酒曲撒在里面,倒入一点凉开水(目的是水慢慢向外渗,可以均匀溶解拌在米中 的酒曲,有利于均匀发酵),但水不宜多。 4.发酵 将容器盖严,放在适宜的温度下(30?左右),如果房间温度不够,可以用厚毛巾等将 容器包住。 发酵期间可以检查,有发热就是好现象。1天后就可以尝尝。完成发酵的糯米是酥的,有汁液,气味芳香,味道甜美,酒味不冲鼻,(时间可以根据个人口味。时间长,酒味酸味就浓,但太长也不好)。大约发酵24~48小时,将容器盖打开(有浓郁的酒香就成了),加满凉开水,再盖上盖子,放入冰箱(为的是终止发酵)或直接入锅煮熟(也是停止发酵)。 should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees 自制黑糯米酒 怀孕八月~越来越感受到BB的活动~TA会陪你一起看电视~感受到你在和TA交流,TA会随着羊水在转动~永远不知道头在哪里,TA会时不时踢踢你~让你留意TA的存在......你会感受到TA一天比一天结实~每次运动都是充满力量的~但你的行动却会越来越不利索。但想到TA的即将到来~在兴奋之余~也会想下有什么需要DIY的~用“爱心”礼物来迎接TA。 随着社会分工的细化~我们几乎可以在市场买到所有“成品”~早已远离自给自足的世界。十指不沾阳春水的我~没想到自己能学着做“黑糯米酒”、“姜醋”等传统食品。在我眼里~这些都可以买到现成的,但在妈妈眼里~自己做的永远是最好的。这或许是真理~因为“爱心”和“真情”是DIY出品所独有的~而“代代相传”的习俗更是一个传统家庭的文化精髓所在。 言归黑糯米酒~这的确是样好东西。起码对于南方人来说~已经是流传了很久很久的营养食材了。 话说黑糯米以其丰富的营养价值和药用价值而被誉为“黑珍珠”。从中医理论上~“有黑入肾~肾强则青春焕发~精力充沛”之说。黑糯米与白糯米对比~黑糯米的蛋白质、赖氨酸和核黄素含量都高~产妇食用黑糯米较白糯米有助于滋补产后造成的身体虚弱~有利于增加乳汁~should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees 哺乳婴儿。此外~黑糯米不仅对产妇有良好的滋补作用~对于慢性病患者、恢复期病人和体虚者~都是一种很好的营养滋补品。 而药用糯米酒有“百药之长”的美称~是医药上很重要的辅佐料或“药引子”。中药处方中常用糯米酒浸泡、烧煮、蒸灸某些中草药~或调制人参再造丸及各种药酒。黑糯米酒具有药用价值和保健作用~如黑糯米酒与鸡蛋、红糖同煮~有补中益气~强健筋骨~防止神经衰弱~神思恍惚~头晕耳鸣~失眠、健忘等症,如与桂圆、荔枝、红枣、核桃、人参同煮~有助阳壮力、滋补气血之功效~对体质虚衰、元气降损、贫血等有疗效。黑糯米酒酒精含量较低~但“后劲”足、不可贪杯。在糯米酒中打个蛋花或加入适量红糖滋补效果更佳~适合产妇食用。 常见的黑糯米酒制法有两大类:第一类是在煮熟的黑糯米里加入酒糟~使糯米自然发酵成为酒~3-4天可以完成发酵过程~但这种做法的酒保存时间较短~一般在几天里要饮完。另一种比较传统~在煮熟的黑糯米里加入酒药,酒饼,~加入米酒封存~待1-2个月后就可酿成黑糯米酒。妈妈“教路”的制法是后者。所以~怀孕8月时就要提前做好。 1、用电饭锅将黑糯米煮熟~放在盘子里降温。将浓缩甜酒药,每包1克,按1:1000的份量~即1包酒药拌入2斤黑糯米中。 should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees 2、购买优质米酒~如九江双蒸等。黑糯米与米酒按1:2的份量~ 即将2斤的米酒拌入1斤的黑糯米中。可以用在超市购买的玻璃储物瓶 装好拌好的米酒~然后装好瓶口~放置干燥通风处。 should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees 3、约2个月后黑糯米的精华会融入米酒~酿成黑糯米酒~这种制 法的酒存放时间很长~且酒量较大。 很感谢妈妈~我会好好地记住自制黑糯米酒的方法~再传给我的囡 囡~我的孙女...... should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees
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