
Scientific timetable(科学作息时间表)

2017-09-30 9页 doc 34KB 26阅读




Scientific timetable(科学作息时间表)Scientific timetable(科学作息时间表) Scientific timetable(科学作息时间表) First, the scientific timetable 7:30: get up. Researchers at the University of Westminster found that those who got up at 5:22-7:21 in the morning had a higher level of substance in their blood that coul...
Scientific timetable(科学作息时间表)
Scientific timetable(科学作息时间) Scientific timetable(科学作息时间表) First, the scientific timetable 7:30: get up. Researchers at the University of Westminster found that those who got up at 5:22-7:21 in the morning had a higher level of substance in their blood that could cause heart disease, so after 7:21 Bed is good for your health. 7:30-8:00: brush your teeth before breakfast. Brushing your teeth before breakfast can prevent your teeth from corrosion. After brushing your teeth, you can put a protective layer of fluoride on the outside of your teeth. Or brush your teeth half an hour after breakfast. 8:00-8:30: having breakfast. Breakfast must be eaten because it can help you maintain a steady blood sugar level. 8:30-9:00: avoid sports. Researchers from Brunel University found that in the morning exercise athletes is more susceptible to the disease, because the immune system is weakest in this time. 9:30: the hardest job of the day. Researchers at the sleep center in New York have found that most people wake up most awake within one or two hours of waking up every day. 10:30: let your eyes leave the screen and have a rest. If you work with a computer, let your eyes rest for 3 minutes each hour of work. 11:00: have some fruit. This is a good way to resolve your body's decline in blood sugar. Eat an orange or some red fruit, which can supplement the body's iron content and vitamin C levels. 13:00: add some beans and vegetables on the bread. You need a nice lunch, and you can slow down your energy release. 14:30-15:30: a little lunch break. A university study in Athens found that those who had lunch at least 30 minutes a day or more at least 3 times a week had a 37% lower chance of dying from heart disease. 16:00: have a cup of yogurt. This can stabilize blood sugar levels. Drinking sour milk between meals every day is good for heart health. 17:00-19:00: exercise. According to the body's biological clock, this time is the best time to exercise. 19:30: eat less at dinner. Eating too much at dinner can cause blood sugar to rise and increase the burden on the digestive system, which affects sleep. You should eat more vegetables and less calories and protein. When you eat slowly. 21:45: watch tv. This time, watching TV for a while to relax and help sleep, but be careful not to lie in bed watching TV, which will affect sleep quality. 23:00: take a hot bath. An appropriate reduction in body temperature can help relax and sleep. 23:30: go to bed. If you get up at 7:30 in the morning and go to bed now, you can enjoy 8 hours of plenty of sleep. Two, daily health care, the best time 1, the best time to sleep It's better to sleep at night and go to bed at 10 - 11 in the evening. Because at this time, the body's "biological clock" has a low tide period, and the deep sleep time is usually at 12 in the evening to 3 in the morning, when the body temperature, breathing, pulse and body The state goes into deep sleep. The nap is best from 1 noon, when the body feel natural decline, it is easy to sleep. 2, the best time to get up Experiments show that the morning of 5 - 6 is the body's "biological clock" climax, rising body temperature. As a result, it is advisable to get up at around 6. 3, the best time to exercise In the first one or two months of winter and winter, you should refrain from exercising at 6 - 7 in the morning. During the summer and fall, the sun comes out early and exercises in the morning. The climate is cool and the air is fresh. Usually, at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., at 8 p.m., do aerobics, radio exercises, etc., Be good for health. The morning is often regarded as the best time for exercise, but the conclusion of recent research on the contrary, that the most beneficial exercise in the evening, the experts explained that: the regulation of human activities are subject to the "biological clock", whether it is in full play It's the ability to adapt. It's best to approach the evening, Such as people's sense of taste, vision, hearing and other senses at this time the most sensitive, this is the strongest coordination of the whole body, especially heart rate and low blood pressure and smooth, the most suitable for exercise. 4, walk the best time to lose weight After 45 minutes or so, walk for 20 minutes at 4.8 kilometers per hour, the fastest calorie consumption, the most conducive to weight loss. If you walk for 20 minutes after two or three hours, it's better to lose weight and exercise better. 5, the best time to use the brain At 8 in the morning, the brain has the ability to think carefully and carefully, energetic at 10, the fastest at 2 p.m., the strongest memory at 8 p.m., and the ability to reason within 12 hours of the day. 6, the best time to brush your teeth In addition to brushing teeth in the morning and evening, the best time to brush teeth should be counted within 3 minutes after each meal, because, after 3 minutes after eating, the bacteria in the mouth begin to decompose the acidic substances of the food residue and corrode and dissolve the enamel. But don't use it too long after meals Force is not excessive, gently brush the food residue can better gargle. 7, the best time to take a bath Bath at different times, the effect is not the same. Get up in the morning, take a bath, if the water temperature is improper, the human body is difficult to adapt, easy to catch cold. Bath at noon, although you can get a clean and relaxed, but can cause fatigue. It's better to take a bath before going to bed at night Water bath (water temperature 40 - 50 degrees), can promote the whole body skin and joint relaxation, blood circulation to speed up, help you sleep peacefully. 8, the best time for beauty The best time for beauty is before going to bed at night. After everyone sleep, all the pores of the skin release, the nutrient content of the most easily absorbed by the skin, and really play a role in beauty care. 9, window ventilation the best time Every morning, 9 - 11, 2 - 4 p.m. window ventilation is the best. At this point, the temperature has risen, the phenomenon of countercurrent layer has disappeared, the deposition of harmful gases at the bottom of the atmosphere gradually dispersed, and this period of time outside the suspended particles are also less. 10, the best time to bask in health The best time to stay in the sun is between 8 a.m. - 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.. At this time, the sun is mainly beneficial to the ultraviolet A beam, which can produce vitamin D in the body, thereby enhancing the human immune function and prevent osteoporosis, And reduce the incidence of atherosclerosis. 11, the best time to drink water After the morning drink a cup of boiling water, can supplement the body of water, the role of "washing" stomach; before the meal 1 hours (morning 10 - 11, 4 pm - 5) to drink a glass of water, can help digestion and secretion, promote appetite; drink a cup of water before sleeping It's good for you too. The daily water intake should be 6 to 8 cups (1500 - 2000 ml). 12, the best time to eat fruit The best time to eat fruit is 1 hours before meals. Because fruit is raw food, eat raw food and then into cooked food, the body does not produce leukocytosis and other reactions, which is conducive to the protection of the human immune system, thereby enhancing the ability to prevent disease and cancer. Eat fruit after dinner This is no protection. In addition, eating fruit after eating, the fructose can not enter the intestinal tract in time, so that fermentation in the stomach, produce organic acids, causing abdominal distention, diarrhea. 13, the best time to drink tea Tea is the best time to eat, 1 hours later, many people like to drink a cup of hot tea after dinner, this is unscientific. Because the tannic acid in tea can be combined with iron in food, insoluble iron salts, reducing the body's absorption of iron, a long time Predisposing anemia. 14, the best time to drink milk The best time to drink milk is before going to bed at night. Because milk is rich in calcium, drinking before going to bed can improve the nocturnal hypocalcemia in the elderly and protect bones. At the same time, milk has a hypnotic effect and is good for drinking before going to bed High sleep quality. Seize the best time and keep your body in top shape! Three, healthy life ten best times 1, the best time to bask in the sun From 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., Sun is the best time to keep fit. At this time, the sun is mainly beneficial to the ultraviolet A beam, which can produce vitamin D, thereby enhancing the body's immune system anti tuberculosis and prevent osteoporosis Ability and reduce the incidence of atherosclerosis. 2, the best time for beauty The metabolism of the skin from 24 to 6 am the next day the most exuberant, so before going to bed at night to use cosmetics for skin care, the best effect, can play a role in promoting metabolism and protect skin health. 3, the best time to brush your teeth 3 minutes after the meal is the best time to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth. Because at this time, the bacteria in the mouth begin to decompose the food residue, the acid produced by it is easy to corrode, dissolve the enamel, and cause the tooth to be damaged. 4, the best time to drink tea The best time to drink tea is after 1 hours. Many people like to drink hot tea immediately after meals, which is very unscientific. Because the tannic acid in tea can be combined with iron in food, insoluble iron salts, interfere with the body's absorption of iron, the time A long time can cause anemia. 5, the best time to drink milk Because milk contains rich calcium, middle-aged and old people drink before going to bed, can compensate for the low status of night blood calcium, and protect bones. At the same time, milk has a hypnotic effect. 6, the best time to eat fruit The best time to eat fruit is 1 hours before meals. Because the fruit is raw food, eat raw food after eating cooked food, the body will not increase in white blood cells, is conducive to the protection of the human immune system. 7, the best time to walk 45 minutes to 60 minutes after meal, to 4 per hour. 8 kilometers a walk for 20 minutes, the largest heat consumption, most conducive to weight loss. The effect will be better if you take a walk after two hours after meals. 8, the best time to take a bath Sleep every night, come to a warm water bath (35 ~ 45 degrees Celsius), can make the whole body of muscle and joint relaxation, blood circulation to accelerate, help you sleep peacefully. 9, the best time to sleep The nap is best to start at 13, when the body feels lowered and it's easy to fall asleep. In the evening, it is better to go to bed from 22 to 23, because the deep sleep time is from 24 to 3 a.m. the next day, and 1.5 hours after sleep, people go to the deep sleep state. 10, the best time to exercise Exercise is most useful in the evening. The reason is that the physical exertion or physical adaptation of the human body is best in the afternoon or at dusk. At this point, people's sense of taste, vision, hearing and other sensitive, and the strongest overall coordination, especially Heart rhythm and blood pressure are more stable, the most suitable exercise.
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