

2017-09-30 6页 doc 21KB 32阅读




歌曲活跃气氛歌曲活跃气氛 Oxford English 1A M3 U2 (1) Content M3U2 In the fruit shop Look and learn \ Play a game(Period 1) 1. To use nouns to identify fruit. Aims 2. To Use numerals to describe things. 3. To ask questions to find out quantity. 4. To Identify the key words in an...
歌曲活跃气氛 Oxford English 1A M3 U2 (1) Content M3U2 In the fruit shop Look and learn \ Play a game(Period 1) 1. To use nouns to identify fruit. Aims 2. To Use numerals to describe things. 3. To ask questions to find out quantity. 4. To Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation. 5. To Respond to simple instruction. 6. To eat more fruit to be good for health. Language focus 1. To use nouns to identify fruit. 2. To ask questions to find out quantity. Teaching aids some fruit picture and cards, multimedia, etc Procedures Step Contents Methods Purpose 1. Warming-up Sing a song 歌曲活跃气氛。 Pre-task preparation 2. Daily talk 复习数字和句型, 3. Review 1. Count the numbers from 为新授作准备。 one to ten. 2. How many…? (books / rabbits….) While-task Show some fruit and 1. Listen to the song: 利用歌曲,激发学procedure introduce their 生的学习兴趣。 names. T: Look, this is an apple. It’s 出示图片单词,认 red. 读单词。 1. Learn to say: 1). Read the word. apple, orange 2).Say a rhyme. 通过比较、说说认 2. Is this an apple? 读。 1).Say: orange, orange, I see an orange. 2). Say some sentences with the new words. 1.Guess: 通过猜谜游戏,调 What is it? Is it a\an…..? 动课堂气氛。 2.Learn to say: It is a pear.(Put the fruit in pear , peach the box) T: How many pears? 比较这两个单词 S1: Six pears. 的字形,正确朗 S2: Five pears. 读。 2. Is this a pear? No, it is a peach. (peach, peach, peach, I see a peach.) S1: I’m a peach. S2: Hi. Peach. I’m orange. 让学生在说说练 S1: Hello, orange. How are 练中学习感知。 you? S2: Fine. Thanks. S1: Goodbye. 运用到句型之中, S2; Goodbye. 复习巩固新知识。 3.Learn to say: 3. Say some sentences with banana , lemon peach and pear. The same to 2 Post-task 1. Do some exercise 1. Listen and number. activity 2. Listen and draw. 说说练练,把 2. Say and act 新知识运用 Make new dialogues: 到实际生活 How many…? 中。 Homework 1. Read after the tape. 2. Say and act with your parents. My feeling (我的感受) My attitude (我的态度) 板 教Peach,pear人起来较困难。 书 学 设 反 计 思 Oxford English 1A M3 U2(2) Content M2U2 In the fruit shop Look and say \ Say and act(Period 2) 1. To understand the key pattern: e.g. ……, please. 2. To use formulaic expressions to reply to requests. Aims 3. To use formulaic expression to express thanks. 4. To be polite in the shop. Language focus 1. To use formulaic expressions to request something. 2. To use formulaic expressions to reply to requests. 3. To use formulaic expression to express thanks. Teaching aids Some fruit, multimedia, two puppets, etc Procedures Step Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task Show the wall picture to the preparation 1. Look listen and say: students and then have 看图听录音, ……, please. them listen to the dialogue. 初步了解对 S1: Apples, please. 话内容。 S2: How many apples? S1: Four. S2: Here you are. S1: Thank you. 1. Act out the dialogue P 31 2. Review and act out T: Apples, please. the dialogue. S: How many apples? 让学生听过 T: Four. 录音之后在 S: Here you are. 设定的场景 T: Thank you. 中操练句子。 While-task 1. Listen and act. 1. Repeat after the 听录音跟读,procedure recording. 同时分小组 2. Divide the class into 操练。 2. Repeat the dialogue groups. using different voices. Use the puppet to act out the 教师演示,利 3. Learn: At the dialogue. 用木偶练习 supermarket 下段对话,注 Show the wall picture, 意提醒学生 prompt the students to retell 如何在超市 4. Act out the the dialogue. 购物。 dialogue. Show some fruit to the students and let them choose one. 分小组练习 Work in pairs 在超市购物。 S1: Oranges, please. S2: How many oranges. S1: Three. 5. Show three pictures S2: Here you are. with dialogues to the S1: Thank you. students. Choose and act. 表扬演得最 好的一组。 Post-task 1. Play a game: S1: Apples, please. activity Shopping S2: How many apples? 将所学的东 S1: Four. 西灵活运动 S2: Here you are. 到实际生活 S1: Thank you. 中去。通过编 Discuss in groups and make 对话和作练 2. Making a shopping a dialogue about shopping 习巩固所学 list for Kitty. for fruit. 知识。 3. Listen and say Workbook P32. Homework 1. Read and act. 课外的延伸, 2. Make a dialogue about shopping. 及时巩固知 3. Sing a song. 识。 My feeling (我的感受) My attitude (我的态度) 板 教Peach的复数较难念,How many 后书 学用复数较抽象。 设 反 计 思
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