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高线公园 72 Landscape Architecture China 设计实践 73Landscape Architecture China PRACTICE 高线公园 The High Line 项目名称:高线公园 项目地址:纽约市曼哈顿区西部 第一部分:甘斯沃尔特街至第20街 第二部分:第20街至第30街 第三部分:火车站西部,第30街至34街 项目面积:总计2.87hm2,22个街区,长度2.3km 第一部分:1.13 hm2,9个街区,长度0.8km 第二部分:0.87hm2,10个街区,...
72 Landscape Architecture China 实践 73Landscape Architecture China PRACTICE 高线公园 The High Line 项目名称:高线公园 项目地址:纽约市曼哈顿区西部 第一部分:甘斯沃尔特街至第20街 第二部分:第20街至第30街 第三部分:火车站西部,第30街至34街 项目面积:总计2.87hm2,22个街区,长度2.3km 第一部分:1.13 hm2,9个街区,长度0.8km 第二部分:0.87hm2,10个街区,长度0.8km 第三部分:0.87 hm2,长度0.7km 项目委托:纽约市(纽约市公园与游憩部,经济发展副市长办公 室,纽约市经济发展公司,纽约市城市规划局)以及 高线之友协会。 景观设计:James Corner Field Operations 事务所(主持设计团 队)与Diller Scofidio + Renfro 建筑师事务所 项目费用: 第一、二部分总投资1.523亿美元 项目负责人:James Corner 首席设计师:Lisa Tziona Switkin、Nahyun Hwang 设计介绍 这座废弃的高架铁路曾经是重要的城市 基础设施,历经岁月变迁。它所展现出的诗 意、荒芜之美很自然地成为了该公园设计的重 要灵感。设计人员力图将这条曾经风云一时的 工业运输线转变成后工业时代城市休闲空间的 典范。“高线”公园整体设计的核心策略是 “植—筑”(Agri-Tecture),它改变步行 道与植被的常规布局方式,将有机栽培与建筑 材料按不断变化的比例关系结合起来,创造出 多样的空间体验:时而展现自然的荒野与无 设计团队:James Corner Field Operations景观事务所(主持设 计团队),包括Sierra Bainbridge、Tom Jost、Danilo Martic、Tatiana von Preussen、Maura Rockcastle、 Tom Ryan、Lara Shihab-Eldin、Heeyeun Yoon、 Hong Zhou. Diller Scofidio + Renfro建筑师事务所,包括Robert Condon、Elizabeth Diller、Tobias Hegemann、 Matthew Johnson、Gaspar Libedinsky、Jeremy Linzee、Miles Nelligan、Charles Renfro、Ricardo Scofidio、Dan Sakai. (按姓氏英文拼写的首字母顺 序排列) 设计时间:2004~2009年 建成时间:第一部分于2009年6月7日开放 第二部分将于2010年开放 第三部分还未许可作为公园开放 序、时而展现人工种植的精心与巧妙;既提供 了私密的个人空间,又提供了人际交往的基本 场所。新“高线”景观别具匠心的线性体验与 哈德逊河公园的行色匆忙形成鲜明的对比,它 更加悠然自得、孤芳自赏,在保留基地的孤立 性和野性的同时,充分体现出一个新型公共空 间所应具有的包容性。“植—筑”概念是整个 设计策略的基础—硬性的铺装和软性的种植 体系相互渗透,营造出不同的面形态,从高 步行率区(100%硬表面)到丰富的植栽环境 (100%软表面),呈现多种硬软比率关系,为 使用者带来了不同的身心体验。 我们一直致力于尊重“高线”场地的自 身特色:它的单一性和线性、简单明了的实用 性、它与草地、灌木丛、藤本、苔藓和花卉等 野生植被,以及与道碴、铁轨和混凝土的完美 融合性。我们的解决主要体现在3个层面: 首先是铺装系统,条状混凝土板是基本铺装 单元,它们之间留有开放式接缝,植被从特别 设计的逐渐变窄的铺装单元之间生长出来,柔 软的植被与坚硬的铺装地面相互渗透。整体铺 地系统的设计与其说是单纯的步行道路,倒不 James Corner Field Operations景观设计事务所/ James Corner Field Operations 1 2 3 1. 鸟瞰图 ©Iwan Baan 2009 2. 华盛顿草地 ©Iwan Baan 2009 3. 夜景鸟瞰图 ©Iwan Baan 2009 1. Aerial View ©Iwan Baan 2009 2. Washington Grasslands ©Iwan Baan 2009 3. Night Aerial View ©Iwan Baan 2009 74 Landscape Architecture China 设计实践 75Landscape Architecture China PRACTICE 如说是一种犁田式景观形态,场地表面软硬有 致的变化形成一种独特的空间肌理,行人自如 地穿行于层层叠叠花草丛间,让人完全置身其 中,毫无旁观的距离感。植被的选择和设置摒 弃传统修剪式园林的矫揉造作,彰显出一种野 性的生机与活力,充分表现场地本身极端的环 境特点,也体现了浅根植物的特性。第二个策 略是让人放慢步伐,营造出一种时空无限延展 的轻松氛围。悠长的楼梯、蜿蜒的小路、不经 意间的美景无不使人们放慢脚步,流连其间。 第三个层面则是景观尺度比例的精心处理,尽量 避免当前求大、求醒目的趋势,采用更加微妙 灵活的设计手法。公共空间层叠交替,沿途景 色变化多端,一幕幕别样的风景,沿着简洁有 致的路线一一展现在人们眼前,让人沿途领略 到了曼哈顿和哈德逊河的旖旎景色。 关于工程 设计师将原有的高架铁路转变成一处崭新 的城市公园,需要对原有结构进行一系列重大 的工程改造,建立一套支持新景观的全新基础 设施,其中包括结构、机械、电力和排水管道 系统。 罗伯特·西尔曼建筑联合公司(RSA) 负责保护和修复原来的高架铁路结构。RSA勘 测并记录了高架铁路的结构现状,包括钢架支 撑系统和混凝土板道床。由于高架铁路不同寻 常的厚重结构(高架铁路最初的设计目的是满 足当时满负荷的货运火车和未来可能出现其他 公共用途),RSA提出了细部设计结构的最小 化改动,主要是除去钢结构腐蚀严重的表面层 并重新刷漆。在损坏严重的地方,加强钢结构 的钢板、替换铆钉并修复连接处。混凝土的修 复仅限于将损坏部分去除,然后利用环氧胶泥 进行修补。总之,保护的原则是不言而喻的: 修复勿庸置疑,对历史痕迹的破坏则要降至最 低。 Buro Happold工程公司主要负责设计所 有新工程系统和附加结构。新的人行步道是一 种创新的组合系统,它采用了大约0.3m×4m 的预制钢筋混凝土板。为了适应热膨胀引起的 新旧结构体系的相对挫动,预制混凝土框架 系统内加入必要的伸缩缝。在甘斯沃尔特街 (Gansevoort Street)和第14街的交叉处,高 架铁路原来的钢梁被切开一个方洞,用作楼梯 入口,楼梯本身由不锈钢拉杆悬吊在原有的高 架钢结构上。高架铁路桥跨跃第10大街的上空 形成一个较为开阔的小广场,原来的横梁被部 分切除,钢材和混凝土建造的新结构用于支撑 一个木制的、台阶状休息区。并且,横跨第10 大街的主梁被切掉很大一片,用来安装巨型玻 璃窗,供人们尽览街面景致。 高架铁路向公园的转变,还需要安装新 的机电和排水管道设施。尖端的电力系统用来 控制整个公园的照明系统,光纤电缆则用来支 持新的安全保卫系统。Northern Designs公司 设计的综合灌溉系统与全新的防水和排水系统 完美结合,既满足公园植被的灌溉需求,又确 保结构体系长远的牢固性。 (王玲 译,佘依 爽,周虹 校) 4 5 6 7 4. 切尔西草地 ©Front Studio 5. 铺板+植被 ©James Corner Field Operations 6. 下沉观景休息区 ©Pong NYC 7. 下沉观景休息区 ©James Corner Field Operations 4. Chelsea Grasslands ©Front Studio 5. Planking+Planting ©James Corner Field Operations 6. Sunken Overlook ©Pong NYC 7. Sunken Overlook modernette ©James Corner Field Operations 76 Landscape Architecture China 设计实践 77Landscape Architecture China PRACTICE Design statement Inspired by the melancholic, “found” beauty of the High Line, where nature has reclaimed a once-vital piece of urban infrastructure, the design aims to re- fit this industrial conveyance into a post-industrial instrument of leisure. By changing the rules of engagement between plant life and pedestrians, our strategy of “agri-tecture” combines organic and building materials into a blend of changing proportions that accommodates the wild, the cultivated, the intimate, and the social. In stark contrast to the speed of Hudson River Park, the singular linear experience of the new High Line landscape is marked by slowness, distraction and an other-worldliness that preserves the strange, wild character of the High Line, yet doesn’t underestimate its intended use and popularity as a new public space. This notion underpins the overall strategy-the invention of a new paving and planting system that allows for varying ratios of hard to soft surface that transition from high use areas (100% hard) to richly vegetated biotopes (100% soft), with a variety of experiential gradients in between. Our position has always been to try and respect the character of the High Line itself: its singularity and linearity, its straight-forward pragmatism, its emergent properties with wild plant-life-meadows, thickets, vines, mosses, flowers-intermixed with ballast, steel and concrete. Our solution is primarily threefold: first the paving system, built from linear concrete planks with open joints, specially tapered edges and seams that permit intermingling of plant-life with harder materials. Less a pathway and more a combed or furrowed landscape, this intermixing creates a textural effect of immersion, strolling “within” rather than feeling distanced from. The selection and arrangement of grasses and plants further helps to define a wild, dynamic character, distinct from a typical manicured landscape, and representative of the extreme conditions and shallow rooting depth. The second strategy is to slow things down, to promote a sense of duration and of being in another place, where time seems less pressing. Long stairways, meandering pathways, and hidden niches encourage taking one’s time. The third approach involved a careful sense of 8 9 10 11 8. 甘斯沃尔特街入口 ©Iwan Baan 2009 9. 华盛顿草地 ©Iwan Baan 2009 8. Gansevoort Entry ©Iwan Baan 2009 9. Washington Grasslands ©Iwan Baan 2009 10. 日光浴躺椅区 ©James Corner Field Operations 11. 日光浴躺椅 ©Katherine H 10. Sundeck ©James Corner Field Operations 11. Sundeck ©Katherine H 78 Landscape Architecture China 设计实践 79Landscape Architecture China PRACTICE dimension of scale, minimizing the current tendency to make things bigger and obvious and seeking instead a more subtle gauge of the High Line’s measure. The result is an episodic and varied sequence of public spaces and landscapes set along a simple and consistent line-a line that cuts across some of the most remarkable elevated vistas of Manhattan and the Hudson River. About the engineering The transformation of the High Line structure in to a new urban park required a series of significant engineering adjustments to the existing structure and the creation of a whole new infrastructure, including structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems to support the new landscape. Robert Silman Associates (RSA) was responsible for the preservation and restoration of the existing High Line structure. RSA surveyed and documented the structural conditions, including the steel frame support system and the concrete slab for the track bed. Due to the unusual robustness of the structure (since it was built to support fully-loaded freight trains and significant overbuilt for its future public use), RSA was able to detail minimal structural repairs, often merely removing deteriorated surfaces and repainting the steel. Where damage was significant, reinforcing plates were designed for the steel structure, rivets were replaced, and connections repaired. Concrete repairs were limited to removal of damaged material and patching with an epoxy repair mortar. In all cases, preservation standards were followed: repairs are evident, and the removal of historic material was minimized. Buro Happold was responsible for the design of all new engineering systems and structural interventions. The new pedestrian walkway is an innovative unitized system, using 1’ x 12’ precast, reinforced-concrete planks. To coordinate the movements of the old and new structures due to thermal expansion, expansion joints are incorporated in the precast concrete framing system. At the Gansevoort and 14th Street access points, the High Line’s existing steel girders were cut to create openings for staircases, which are suspended from the structure by stainless steel tension rods. At the 10th Avenue Square, the existing beams were removed, and a new steel and concrete supporting structure was inserted to support a wood, stepped seating area. Large windows were then carved out of the main girder spanning 10th’ Avenue, allowing views down to the street through the structure. The conversion of the High Line also required the installation of all new mechanical, electrical and plumbing infrastructures. A sophisticated electrical system controls the extensive lighting scheme for the park, and fiber optic cables support a new security system. A comprehensive irrigation system, designed by Northern Designs, was complemented by entirely new waterproofing and drainage systems, to support the landscape and to ensure the long-term needs of the structure. 12 13 14 15 12. 日光浴躺椅和水景 ©Iwan Baan 2009 13. 甘斯沃尔特街入口楼梯 ©Iwan Baan 2009 12. Sundeck Water Feature ©Iwan Baan 2009 13. Gansevoort Stair ©Iwan Baan 2009 14. 北岔口保留区景观 ©Iwan Baan 2009 15. 长凳 ©James Corner Field Operations 14. Northern Spur Preserve ©Iwan Baan 2009 15. Peelup bench ©James Corner Field Operations
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