
bar chart

2012-10-31 3页 doc 39KB 20阅读




bar chart柱状图 Example:⒚ According to the 3 charts, we are provided with data/ statistics/ statistical information figures regarding/ concerning numbers of mature population whose parents used a certain dialect in their childhood(as in ChartⅠ and ChartⅡ) and who use/ speak it ...
bar chart
柱状图 Example:⒚ According to the 3 charts, we are provided with data/ statistics/ statistical information figures regarding/ concerning numbers of mature population whose parents used a certain dialect in their childhood(as in ChartⅠ and ChartⅡ) and who use/ speak it to their nest generation(ChartⅢ).↖用于图表标题冗长时 *男人:the male population, the stronger halx, the power gender, men, male *学生:the learning population, the young learners, school-age children, those undergoing academic training With regard to ChartⅠand ChartⅡ, Occitan, amongst all, ranked first, with just above 600,000 habitual speakers and around 1.08 million occasional ones. And then the next was Alsatian, spoken by exactly 600,000 habitually and approximately 240,000 occasionally. In the third place was Breton, by roughly 270,000 habitual and 400,000 occasional users. And finally came Creole (100,000 and 101,000) and Corsican (80,000 and 100,000). As indicated in ChartⅢ, Alsatian sees the highest figure of 400,000 speakers while Corsican has the least, at 60,000, between which there are Occitan (240,000), Breton (98,000) and Creole (80,000) respectively. Example:⒛(虚拟) · 有调查及信息来源 The outcome/ result of a staff study/ survey/ research carried out by a British national newspaper agency is statistically displayed in table, regarding the top 5 small-scale businesses in employment. In terms of the number of staff, the 5th best company, amongst all, ranked first, with 190, and the next was the second, at 79, followed by the 4th’s 76. Finally, came the 3rd (72) and 1st (56). With regard to male: female ratios, the 3rd topped the table, with 74:26. The rest are in descending order, were the 5th (51:49), the 2ud (47:53), the 1st (30:70) and the 4th (13:87) , respectively. As to the percentages of those younger than 35 years old and aged above 55, the 5th saw largest difference with 93% to 0%, while the 3rd had the least with 26% to 8%, between which there were 3rd (82% to 10%), 1st (77% to 0%) and 2nd (59% to 1%), respectively. As for as staff turnovers are concerned, the table enlists, from the highest to the lowest, 33% in the 5th, 18% in the 2nd, 13% in the 4th, 8% in the 3rd and 5% in the 1st. And the staff in high income brackets ranged from 74% (3rd) to 2% (5th). ★ 在…间变化:varied between … and … Example:⒎(虚拟柱状图 → 线性图) The charts provide statistical information regarding the differences of school education and science programs in less developed and wealthy nations in the year of 1980 and 1990. As can be seen from the figures indicating the average years of schooling, that of developing countries rose slightly from approximately 2.8 to 3.2 years, while that of industrialized ones enjoyed an jump by 2, from 1980’s 8.5. In terms of the number of scientists and technicians out of/ amongst/ in/ per 1000 people, the former experienced a roughly 80% increase to 18 in 1990, comparatively, the latter saw 90% growth, starting from about 40 (1980). As to expenditure/ investments/ funding on the science research and development, a 2.5-time reduction from 50 billions US dollars was found in the first category/ group. By the means of contract, however, a 2.6-fold increase to 330 can be observed in the other (group). To concluded, the levels of participation in education and science in developed economies were far better than (these in) the developing world. ★economy:不可数:经济 可数:经济体(国家) Example:⒏(真实柱状图:分组排序) 柱状图:非同一事物在不同时间区域变化 ⑴分组,⑵排序 The bar chart provides data regarding public/ individual spends on 6 items in 4 European nations. In the UK, the sales of photographic film ranked first, amongst others, with roughly £172 thousand (pounds sterling), and the next was toys consumption, at approximately 169, which was 6,000 more than (the spending on ) CDs. And finally came perfume products tennis racquets and personal stereos, with (a total amount of) 160,000, 157,000 and 156,000 respectively. In France, photographic film purchases topped the chart, with 168,000. And the others, in a descending order, were toys(158,000), CDs (157,000), personal stereos (150,000), perfumes(148,000) and tennis racquets(147,000) In Italy, toys saw the most expenses with/ at 159,000 while personal stereos had the lowest at 149,000, between which there were photographic films, tennis racquets, perfumes and CDs with nearly 157,000. 155,000, 154,000 and 150,000 respectively. By comparison, Germans spent the least on 6 consumer goods, ranging from 151,000 to 147,000. · 有信息来源题目的开头: Based on the survey/ investigation/ stuffy/ research (carried out) by 机构 in 时间, the statistics in the bar chart reveal show后内容. Example:⒑(饼状图式的柱状图) Based on the survey/ investigation/ stuffy/ research (carried out) by the US Department of Education, etc from 1996 to 1997, the statistics in the bar chart reveal school offenses and their (the relevant) disciplinary actions. The most used punishment was out-of-school suspensions/ been suspended at home for 5 or more days. In this group/ category/ type, 66% physical attacks or fights (typeⅠ) resulted in this action ,ranked first. In the second place was 62% possession distribution, or use of alcohol or drugs, inchlding tobacco included (typeⅡ). Nextly was 55% possession or use of a weapon other than a fire arm (typeⅢ). And finally came 49% possession or use of a fire arm (typeⅣ). Less than those were expulsions 31% typeⅣ led to being expelled, while only 15% of typeⅠ caused/ brought such a outcome, between which there were typeⅢ (23%) and typeⅡ(18%). The least taken were transfers to alternative schools or programs, whose specific offenses/ misbehaviors, in a descending order, were 22111115 of typeⅢ, 20% of typeⅡ and typeⅣ and 19% of typeⅠ, respectively.
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