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骑摩托车省油技巧骑摩托车省油技巧 国内车用汽油节节攀升,谷话说“机子一响尽烧银两”、“车子一跑花钱多少”。对于有车一族来说,“油门时时牵着用户的心”。 谁相信“又想马儿好又要马儿不吃草”的神话呢,但省油行家却说“好车靠人用、省油在手中”。 一、在高油耗的使用条件及环境下的开车省油技术 摩托车正确使用时油耗是不会太高的125mL车正常油耗一般骑式车为2.3~2.5L/100km、踏板车为2.5~2.7L/100km。正常的油耗每1km仅花1角钱左右,但是,一旦超过其使用条件,其油耗则会高很多,因为摩托车常常是在高油耗情况下使用,在高油耗...
骑摩托车省油技巧 国内车用汽油节节攀升,谷话说“机子一响尽烧银两”、“车子一跑花钱多少”。对于有车一族来说,“油门时时牵着用户的心”。 谁相信“又想马儿好又要马儿不吃草”的神话呢,但省油行家却说“好车靠人用、省油在手中”。 一、在高油耗的使用条件及环境下的开车省油技术 摩托车正确使用时油耗是不会太高的125mL车正常油耗一般骑式车为2.3~2.5L/100km、踏板车为2.5~2.7L/100km。正常的油耗每1km仅花1角钱左右,但是,一旦超过其使用条件,其油耗则会高很多,因为摩托车常常是在高油耗情况下使用,在高油耗情况下使用还能省油吗, 1(在繁华闹市区行驶,临时停车、不熄火更省油 摩托车频繁制动、停车、起步时会增加油耗。摩托车每起步一次相当于走了100m,平稳起步才能省油;停车不要熄火,熄火后启动一次至少多用5mL油。 2(在市区多数情况下采用低速行驶,怠速稍高会省油 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 在市区行驶时,摩托车很少达到该车的经济车速,一般都在20~30km/h高油耗区。怠速不能调得太低,怠速越低越费油(因为混合比越浓);而且提速时间长,如正常怠速为1500r/min时提速到50km/h车速需要3秒钟,若怠速为1000r/min时同样提速到50km/h需要6s。 3(在载荷过大情况下行驶费油,少超载轻装快跑能省油 摩托车如超重50kg油耗就升高10%。俗话说:轻拉快跑,尽量不要超载行驶、特别是超载爬坡最费油。 4(低速上坡行驶耗油高,高挡“冲坡”发动机中速爬坡能省油 坡道多,尤其是10º以上陡坡都是在车速低于20km/h高油耗区行驶。上坡前用高挡“冲坡”,即开始上坡就有一定的初速度(大于50km/h),保持发动机的转速不下降,等到速度降下来后快速换入低挡,保持爬坡车速为30km/h以上。这样尽量减少发动机的低转速时间,中速可省油。 5(松软路面或坑洼的道路,顺利直线行驶通过可省油 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 在阻力大,低车速高油耗区行驶。通过松软或坑洼的道路时,用三挡或二挡,车速在30km/h、双手把正方向把让摩托车顺利直线行驶,不降速、不摇摆,顺利“冲过去”,也可以达到省油的效果。 6(车辆欠保养、用油差自然费油,要省油勤保养用好油 摩托车长期没保养,如空气滤清器未清洗或劣质滤芯造成混合气过浓自然多烧油,如化油器雾化差或者蓄电池存电不好、火花塞脏等引起启动性能差造成启动次数多肯定费油,又如气门间隙未检查调整造成汽缸密封不良则会费油,离合器打滑,轮胎气压不足,后平叉和减震缺油运动不畅也会费油等。 使用质量差的机油,或者机油变质后,使发动机工作不顺畅,也会增加油耗。按规定定期更换机油,使用合格的机油,可以达到节油的效果。不要贪小便宜吃大亏,换机油省了点小钱但烧汽油却费了大钱,不划算。 汽油牌号低或劣质汽油,启动困难,没高速,误时又费油,应当使用合规定的汽油。 7(使用环境差,省油也有巧门 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 逆风行驶(5级以上大风),注意驾姿低、载货不可太高太宽,尽量减少行驶时的风阻可省油。 当天气、环境温度低于0?或者湿度很重,预热是关键,发动机预热后中速行驶才省油。 在海拔3000m、大气压力低于一个大气压(96kPa)的高原地区,应调稀混合比(降油针高度)、更换阻力小的空气滤清器等,也能省油。 二、最常用的开车省油使用技术 省油,车主的驾驶技术最重要,要“知车善用”才能使车尽其用,才能使车为你省钱。所以,摩托车的正确使用是省油的充分条件,正是“好车靠人用、省油在手中”。 1(启动预热后再起步省油 正常的预热时间,冬季不少于15~20min,其它季节通常不少于3~5min。发动机冷启动时,汽缸内还没有形成润滑油膜,摩擦副金属之间出现直接接触。未经预热就强行起步行驶,不但使汽缸、活塞、配气等零件处于干摩擦状态,其60%功率用于冷机运动阻力,of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 使燃料消耗大大增加。试验证明:发动机若从5?(指曲轴箱机油温度)启动就起步温度升到50?时需耗油100mL,当预热到20?后再起步,到油温50?时仅耗油75mL,走同样的路程先预热的比不预热能节油25mL,还可避免熄火再启动。 发动机达到工作温度时,各零件的配合间隙为最佳,损失功率最小,自然省油。 2(正确起步、变速省油技巧 常言道“一挡起步、二挡提速、三挡走步、四挡跑路、五挡高速”。 为起步方便,有些人常用二挡或三挡起步,这个习惯是不正确的。正确的方法是用一挡起步,因为一挡在很低的转速就能发出很大的扭矩以克服静止车辆的阻力。发动机得到了充分的预热,各零件膨胀都达到最佳状态。燃烧密封良好点滴燃油都得到充分的利用。所以燃料消耗也最小。待发动机曲轴转速在3000r/min以上时,再换入二挡。若用二、三挡起步发动机必须达到高转速才行,否则容易出现车速不稳,会更费油。 当车速达到30km/h以上、发动机转速3000r/min以后,换入三挡、加速后进四挡,并保持在经济车速50km/h左右行驶。若需of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 要超车时,在发动机转速达到6000r/min以后再换入五挡。 3(巧用挡位能省油 试验明,同一车速下高挡比低挡对应的发动机曲轴转速低,功率利用率高,燃油消耗量小。当然,同一发动机曲轴转速下,相同时间内高挡行驶的里程最多,燃料最省。例如:125mL车在交通和道路状况好的情况下,在车速为50km/h行驶时,试验结果是:用五挡比四挡省油10%,用五挡比三挡省油17%。用五挡比二挡省油53%。由此可见,挡位使用是否恰当,对摩托车油耗有很大的影响。 在爬长坡或道路状况较差时,应适当地选择挡位,并能及时地换挡,使车速与发动机所产生的功率相对应。实践证明,使用某一挡位上坡时,其油门开度越小就越省油。因此,上长坡时使用低挡位小油门开度为好。如上长坡用二挡油门只有1/2开度,若用三挡必须加大油门到3/4开度,油耗则增加。当然,用摩托车惯性冲坡时,注意高挡冲坡不硬撑、及时换低挡,应避免使用发动机的大功率转速。 在交通条件许可的情况下,要尽量采用高挡行驶。即使有一段小的坡道,在避免车速不太下降的前提下高挡要尽量用足,换挡的操作要快、过渡时间要短,使车辆速度下降幅度小,功率损失小,轰油门的次数减少,这样每少一次减挡、就少一次加油,便会省油。所以,of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 变挡次数越少越省油。 4(在经济车速下行驶最省油 发动机不同转速时的油耗曲线是一条鱼钩形状,在鱼钩曲线的低速、高速段油耗高,中等转速为低油耗区??此时的车速称为经济车速。如果发动机的转速低于此转速区,可燃混合气流速降低,使得油气混合不均匀、燃烧不完全,油耗就会上升;而转速高于此范围时,为了达到发动机的最大功率,化油器供给的是较浓混合气,油耗则相应增加。实车也证明,只有在稳定中等车速下行驶时摩托车才最省油。 如125mL车的经济车速一般在50km/h左右,常说“悠着油门走省油靠你手”就是这个理,用高挡、中油门经济车速行驶最省油。但是每辆车的经济车速区域各不相同,所以车主应在实践中摸索,找出自己的最佳省油经济车速区域,以便于在驾驶时使用。 5(匀加油、不可“猛“加油 在行驶中猛加油门,可给驾驶者带来一种兴奋感,但这种操作方法会使油耗猛增并影响车辆使用寿命。在猛加油门后虽有瞬时的加速感,但要达到稳定的车速还需要一段时间,在这段时间里,油耗大增,是稳定车速的2倍以上。试验表明,每轰一次油门,少则多耗油of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 5~10mL,多则多耗油20~30mL(可以跑1km了)。另外,车辆起步后,若采用急加速和缓加速两种方法,将车辆提高到60km/h分别需要10秒和15秒的时间,虽然缓加速的时间长一些,但是可省油8~10mL。 要记牢:变挡离合匀加油,把稳油门“悠”着走,省油技巧心中有,低速高速少停留(多用中速)。 6(巧用离合器也能省油 巧用离合器对省油也十分重要。带挡位的摩托车在刚刚起步时,离合器手柄要慢慢放开;在行驶过程中变挡时,松离合器要稍快一点,能平稳结合不冲就行。巧松离合要以快但不出现“冲”车为原则,过快易出现熄火和换挡中发生抖动。有试验显示,起步时熄火启动一次要多耗油10~15mL,发生抖动比正常起步多耗油5~10mL。当然松离合过慢则会使离合器过多处于半离合打滑状态,车速损失大,对省油不利。 当摩托车在平路上转弯或者下坡前,巧用离合器也省油。如转弯前可先快捏离合减速滑行,正当车辆行驶到转弯处时松离合,能利用“发动机制动”来降低车速,以减少转弯时的离心力,避免车体过多倾斜而滑倒。这与转弯后晚松离合相比,显行更安全、平顺,燃油消耗of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 也相对要小一点。 7(合理加速滑行也可省油 滑行只需消耗很少的燃料,也是摩托车省油的操作方法之一。先提速、再怠速滑行;当摩托车在平坦或在下坡度较小的道路上,以经济时速行驶时,可用暂加油门来提高车速的,利用加速时储存的动能使车辆在惯性作用下滑行,即使扣除多消耗的燃料,由于滑行时间长可省一部分燃油。 但是滑行是一个非常复杂的问题,并不是滑行必省油,而是要结合实际,否则不但不能省油反而费油。例如,若加速过高后滑行,发动机有相当的一部分功率都消耗在克服行驶的空气阻力上,反而得不偿失;但滑行速度降得太低后,而加速所需的时间增长,此时消耗的燃油则大于滑行这段路程所消耗的燃油,反而费油。 加速滑行的省油条件:道路平坦、坡度应不大,如125mL发动机的转速在5000r/min以下,加速终了时的车速不超过其经济车速上限的55km/h,滑行终了时的车速不低于其经济车速下限的40km/h。这样变换车速,可以使摩托车的动能得到充分的发挥和利用,发动机燃油消耗也是最低的。 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 8(正确使用制动也省油 摩托车在行驶中如有需要必须使用制动装置。制动减速或停车意味着车辆动能的减小和转化,制动和停车的次数与油耗成正比,不必要的制动和停车无疑会增加燃油消耗。据测定,摩托车在平坦道路上行驶时使用制动,让车速由50km/h降至30km/h,消耗燃油25mL,两者相比前者多费油10ml。慎用“紧急制动”:试验表明,摩托车若车速为60km/h,在砂石路面上紧急制动一次,不仅油耗增加10%;而且使轮胎磨损1mm,相当于3000km正常行驶的磨损量。同时,摩托车紧急制动时还容易造成侧滑,引发交通事故。由此可见,制动的次数越多浪费的汽油就越多,磨损也增加。 希望大家把自己行车节油的经验说说,来与各车友交流。。。。。。 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development.
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