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对抗龙族!酷睿正猖狂,1U强势服务器组装实录对抗龙族!酷睿正猖狂,1U强势服务器组装实录 对抗龙族~酷睿正猖狂,1U强势服务器组装实录 Intel的酷睿处理器发布已经两个月了,但是当初大家翘首期待的热情却并没有在DIY市场中显现出来,究其原因还是因为组建酷睿平台的成本偏高。目前最低端的E6300搭配一块二线厂商的P965主板也要2000多元,如此高的成本使得更多用户抱持币观望的态度。不过,人气旺盛的网站的站长们总是喜欢紧随时代的步伐,他们关心的是如何组装更快的1U服务器,因为只有这样才能吸引更多的网友,带来更大的流量,而现在这个时代,流量意味着什么,对,流量就是钱。...
对抗龙族!酷睿正猖狂,1U强势服务器组装实录 对抗龙族~酷睿正猖狂,1U强势服务器组装实录 Intel的酷睿处理器发布已经两个月了,但是当初大家翘首期待的热情却并没有在DIY市场中显现出来,究其原因还是因为组建酷睿平台的成本偏高。目前最低端的E6300搭配一块二线厂商的P965主板也要2000多元,如此高的成本使得更多用户抱持币观望的态度。不过,人气旺盛的网站的站长们总是喜欢紧随时代的步伐,他们关心的是如何组装更快的1U服务器,因为只有这样才能吸引更多的网友,带来更大的流量,而现在这个时代,流量意味着什么,对,流量就是钱。“酷睿”凉爽的温度和超级棒的速度(在多家媒体的评测里都能惊喜地看到酷睿大幅超越AMD处理器的报道),早已吸引了许多“1U Server Diyer”。所以,当E6300刚刚在市场铺开的时候,我就有幸与一位发烧友站长一起组装了这样一台“酷睿”1U服务器。 下面我就和大家来一起分享这一过程,由于也是摸着石头过河,不当和疏漏之处在所难免,还请大家多在后面评论里给予补充、批评和指正。 好了,先来看看咱们今天的主角——酷睿E6300的真容吧。 请看下图,拍的很清晰,这块酷睿的正式名字一般称作Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 1.86GHz,CPU内核为Allendale,内核电压(V) 1.248V,制作(微米) 0.065 微米,CPU频率主频(MHz) 1860MHz 。当然是两颗内核的主频,所以比单内核的东东要快多了。它的针脚数仍旧是775pin,所以现在很多945甚至865的主板都能继续安装它,CPUL1缓存32KB,L2缓存2MB。不支持超线程HyperTransport技术,否则你就可以在系统里看到四颗处理器的图标了。 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 来看看酷睿的针脚,是775针的触点式针脚。 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 因为最近比较忙,所以写这个文章的时候,组装服务器的事情已经过去近1个多月了,当时市场上支持酷睿的主板还不是很多,虽然很多945G的主板号称支持酷睿,但是我们当时几乎试遍了所有能找到的945G主板,都是一样,黑屏,估计厂家还没有给这些主板刷新最新的BIOS,所以不能识别酷睿,而直接可以支持酷睿的965主板里,还找不到最适合用来组装1U服务器的G965全集成主板,没办法,我们只好选择了一块不集成显卡的技嘉965P,S3主板,这块主板采用P965/ICH8芯片组,除了支持LGA775 Intel Core 2 Duo处理器之外,还支持赛扬D/奔腾4/PentiumD,总线频率(MHz) FSB 1066MHz,在供电部分,这款GA-965P-S3采用了三项供电设计,半封闭式的扼流电感线圈搭载Sanyo SVP固态和直立式电解电容,构建出良好的供电体系,保证了主板的长时间稳定运行。在内存方面,主板则提供了4条DDR2内存插槽,支持最高双通道DDR2 800内存规格,最大内存容量高达4GB。在扩展性能上,主板提供了1条PCI-E X16显卡插槽、3条PCI-E X1插槽以及3条PCI插槽,同时该主板可以提供4个SATA2接口和10个USB2.0接口,板载了第三方磁盘控制芯片,能够提供额外的2个SATA2接口,在扩展性能上的表现非常出色。 而在集成声/网卡方面,965P-S3主板和DS3的设计完全相同,同样能够提供8声道音效输出和10/100/1000M网络传输效能,售价也不贵,仅仅1200元左右,无疑这款主板作为PC主板是一块很好的主板,但是如果今天您也要组装一台酷睿1U服务器,我建议您不要选择它,因为这块主板不集成显卡,需要用转接卡来转接显卡,为安装平添了许多麻烦,如果你也和我们一样转接的是一块PCI-E显卡,那么搞不好,你就要备受显卡转接后不稳定的种种折磨,所以,我建议你还是最好选用现在市场上大量到货的G965芯片组的全集成主板,会节约很多时间,省去很多麻烦。 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 将主板装入千际龙冰五代1U机箱内,挺合适,主板上芯片组上的散热片高度还远远低于4厘米的机 箱高度,需要注意的是,在下图机箱右下角位置,机箱内有一个固定主板的铜柱,对应的主板位置上没有 开孔,所以务必要将这个铜柱拔掉,不要让它顶在主板底下,造成短路隐患,许多组装1U服务器的朋友, 就是这些细节地方总不是很注意,因而总是不成功。 主板上的CPU插座,还是熟悉的775针触点式的。 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 这块主板上集成了千兆网卡和个sata硬盘接口,唯一遗憾是不集成显卡,大家看,虽然主板有3个 PCI插槽,但是位置都很靠外,如果用一般的1U专用PCI转接卡来转接PCI显卡,那么显卡躺下后就可能 躺到机箱侧壁外面,如果使用非的反向PCI转接卡,又不好固定显卡,所以我们决定用一块PCI-E转 接卡来转接那个PCI,E显卡接口。 今天选用的内存是kingmax的两条1G DDR667内存,总计2G内存。插入主板上两条颜色相同的内存 插槽,开启内存双通道模式。 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 下面来看看,咱们的显卡,这是一块华硕出品的7600显卡,选购的时候有意选择了一块不带散热风 扇,散热片体积较小的卡,因为1U机箱内部空间很狭小,如果卡上零碎太多,有可能碍事,妨碍显卡转 接安装和将来的散热。 现在显卡已经插入一块专用的1U PCI,E转接卡内,这块转接卡可以用来在1U内转接现有的所有PCI ,E接口的设备。 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 这块显卡上带有多种视频输出端口,不过,我们只用到那个最普通的VGA接口,服务器对显卡的要求 使最低的,只要能用来启动机器,支持远程调试服务器即可,如果可能当然还是转接一个最简单的PCI显 卡为好。因为我在实际使用中发现,在1U机箱内转接显卡,最稳定的是普通的PCI显卡,其次使AGP显 卡,最不稳定的是PCI,E显卡,而且越高档的显卡越不好转接,越高档的显卡,转接后越不稳定,或许 是AGP和PCI,E的显卡通过转接之后,供电不足的原因吧,我这样认为。 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 现在CPU已经安装在主板上,并且装好的千际冰霸775专用散热模块,这个散热模块的散热效力很强, 和千际龙冰五代系列1U机箱配合,支持现有所有775针接口的CPU的散热,该散热模块底部为纯铜,上 部为铝翅片,表面喷有千际独家研发的黑色导热增效涂层。我们看到现在主板上有一个高高的电容挨到了 散热模块上,于是我们用锉刀将这个地方锉下一点,让开电容,这是必须的,否则如果电容长期处于散热 模块的挤压下,很可能导致主板损坏和不稳定。在黑色散热模块右侧,大家看到是一个巨型涡轮风扇的出 风口,千际龙冰五代1U机箱的独特设计,为酷睿营造了一个良好的散热环境。 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 现在华硕7600显卡已经通过PCI,E转接卡转接之后固定在千际龙冰五代1U机箱上,显示器的VGA 接口已经连接好。 看看,硬件主体部分都已经连接好了。 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 电源的所有接线也完毕,现在就差硬盘还没有上,不过没关系,我最关心的是这样一套组合在运行时 候的发热量,我们可以在没有硬盘的情况下,进入主板BIOS观察一下CPU和主板芯片组的温度状况。 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 难得的是,千际1U机箱的一块IO后窗背板刚好和这块主板的IO接口吻合,装起来很漂亮。 开机~嘟一声,系统欢快启动,屏幕亮起,大家看,intel core 2 的字样赫然入目,主板轻松识别出 CPU型号。 按DEl进入bios,没想到堂堂965的bios面孔还是这么熟悉,呵呵。按上下箭头键到PC Health Status 一项,回车,即可进入观察温度的选项。 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 呵呵,不错,CPU温度仅有34摄氏度,系统芯片组温度37摄氏度,这可是双核处理器啊,这样的温 度,再怎么运行大型程序估计也到不了60度,果然酷睿的功耗和发热都控制得不错,看来千际的1U机箱、 电源、散热器套件完全可以支持酷睿的运行。 好了,再欣赏一下我们的酷睿1U服务器吧,那个用户给它又装上一个希捷的250Gsata二代硬盘,安 装好2003系统,运行测试,温度还是很低,看着这样一台高速实用互联网服务器,我们不禁心花怒放。 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 不过高兴之余,我还得两句,提醒大家注意,少走弯路: 一、酷睿1U服务器的安装,基本上和组装一般的775处理器的服务器差不多,但是,大家在选购配件的时候,要注意,最好选择新出来的G965的全集成主板,选择一线大厂的主板,这不仅是为了让系统更加稳定,更好发挥酷睿的实际能力,而且,也避免买到不支持酷睿的老主板,来回折腾换货,现在很多945、946甚至865芯片组的主板都号称支持酷睿,遇到这样的主板,最好在经销商处实际插好主板、CPU、内存等启动一下,因为很多声称能够支持酷睿的老主板,实际上并不能很好支持酷睿,如果不测试一下再回家,难免还得来回跑冤枉路; 二、不要看我在本文里用了一个PCI,E显卡很威风,就照着学,我是没有办法,找不到全集成的主板,我认为组装1U服务器在转接显卡这个问题上的态度应该是,能用集成显卡不转接就不转接,如果非要转接,最好转接PCI显卡,其次是AGP显卡,万不得已不要转接PCI,E显卡,至于为什么,我不罗嗦了,大家照办就不会吃亏,因为显卡对于服务器来说,只是起一个调试的作用,只要有一个能用的就可以了,有些人说,集成的显卡会耗费系统资源,其实和因为转接显卡带来的不稳定因素相比,这点资源占用完全可以忽略不计; 三、作为双核处理器,酷睿的发热量确实不高,但是在1U机箱内的散热上依旧不可掉以轻心,因为电脑发展到了现在这个时代,机箱里的发热大户,绝对不止CPU一个。 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure
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