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2018-08-29 4页 doc 17KB 21阅读




三一口语考试临场发挥技巧三一口语考试临场发挥技巧 开始部分 打招呼: Good morning/ Good afternoon, sir/madam. 谈论天气: It is a wonderful day today. Wow, it is raining today. I love the rain. It is so peaceful and so beautiful outside. It’s pretty cool today, isn’t it? It’s a bit cloudy today, isn’t it? 介...
三一口语考试临场发挥技巧 开始部分 打招呼: Good morning/ Good afternoon, sir/madam. 谈论天气: It is a wonderful day today. Wow, it is raining today. I love the rain. It is so peaceful and so beautiful outside. It’s pretty cool today, isn’t it? It’s a bit cloudy today, isn’t it? 介绍自己: Nice to meet you! Nice to see you! 礼貌询问是否可以坐下: Can I take a seat please? May I take a seat please? May I have a seat please? May I sit down please? 考试中的问题 听懂了考官的问题,第一就是要评论 夸奖他的问题问的好,这样显示他的水平很好: This is a very good question! Wow, this is very interesting question! Well, it’s a very tough question. This is a tricky question. Thank you for your question. (当老师很正式的,并非打断你 的时候用) 没听清楚考官的问题,别猜,问他! 可以直接要求考官重复问题,没关系,千万不要没听懂还要 乱猜,请保持镇定(calm),有礼貌的(polite)让考官重复问题: Would you please say it again? Would you mind repeating the question? I am afraid I don’t quite catch what you said. Would you please say it again? 听不懂考官的问题,太难,让他换方式来问 可以让考官换方式问,千万别要求考官换问题: Would you please put it in the other way? Would you please rephrase it in the other way? Would you mind putting it in the other way? 考官的问题有点难,你需要思考一下,拖延一下时间 千万别冷场,一定要有些话来拖延,给自己思考时间: That is really a difficult question for me. Please let me think it over. Let me see. 你不需要给出很深刻的解答,只需要有一个简单的观点,给出一个或两个理由支持你的观点就可以了。然后利用考官来配合你接续下去(发招给考官)。 开头语的一些 达自己的观点要显得很自然,很真诚,下面这些可能会帮助你开始: To be honest Frankly speaking As far as I am concerned, In my opinion, From my point of view Actually, 一些表达情绪的词汇 帮你凸显你对考官的观点和解释已经理解并有反应: That sounds reasonable. That is great/fantastic/excellent/… 对考官的观点做出反应 这是接招的第一步,不要让谈话生硬,而是要将从考官到自己的过渡做到流畅,这就需要你首先对考官的观点做出反应, 之后引入自己的观点,然后再”发招”给考官: 表示同意: I cannot agree with you more. I totally/completely agree with you. I keep the same opinion. We think alike. 表示不完全同意或者不同意: I am afraid that I cannot agree with you. Different people have different opinions. To some degree, I agree with you, but I think we can think in another way. 和考官互动起来 千万不要只顾着回答考官的问题,答完了就答完了,表述完 自己的观点和理由,”发招”给考官做互动的用法: Do you agree with me, madam/sir? What do you think madam/sir? Do you have different opinion? 互动循环结构 一共两种,分别是考试的第二部分和第三部分 第二部分,由考官发起,考生接招,给出观点和理由,再发 招给考官征求意见。 第三部分,由考生发起,给出观点和理由,再和考官互动起 来(发招给考官)。 考试结尾 一定要对考官表示感谢,也可以提出美好祝福,最后再见。 Thank you, sir/madam Really appreciate your time. Thanks a lot. Have a nice day. Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the rest of the day. See you. Bye. Good bye.
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