

2018-01-17 9页 doc 238KB 75阅读




新商盟卷烟零售户——网上订烟流程(图解操作)新商盟卷烟零售户——网上订烟流程(图解操作) 零售户—网上订烟流程(图解操作-易学会) 1.1. 网上订烟流程 1. 第一步:进入【商业社区】 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advan...
新商盟卷烟零售户——网上订烟(图解操作) 零售户—网上订烟流程(图解操作-易学会) 1.1. 网上订烟流程 1. 第一步:进入【商业社区】 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 2. 第二步:进入【卷烟超市】 直接点击商业社区的导航牌【卷烟超市】,可以直接进入卷烟超市 3. 第三步:录入订单 可以看到超市导航牌上有4个操作菜单:【自选订单】、【目录订单】、【快捷订单】,零售户可以自主选择使用哪种方式订货,【修改订单】可以对已经提交的订单进行修改。下面依次介绍这几种订货方式: (1). 自选订单 以模拟货架的形式录入订单,此种方式直观、易于操作,推荐广大用户使用此种方式。 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 自选订单第一步:选择要订购卷烟,点击商品图片(标注1 ),商品会落入到购物车(标注3)中,同时在标注4显示该商品的小图。 自选订单第二步:在需求数量录入区(标注5)输入数量,或者点击输入框右边的上、下箭头增减数量,点击【确定】提交需求数量;点击【删除】删除所选商品。 当商品不能满足时,弹出替代商品提示框,最多会显示3种替代商品。在A区录入需求数量,点击【确定】提交数量并关闭替代商品提示框,点击【£】,不再提示替代商品,点击【×】关闭替代商品提示框。 (2). 目录订单 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 以卷烟目录的形式录入订单,只需要在对应卷烟后填入需求量即可,此种方式简单明了,信息量大,也推荐广大零售户选择使用。 目录订单第一步:零售户首先选择卷烟,被选中的卷烟会以蓝色标示; 目录订单第二步:填入【需求量】,由系统根据限量自动生成【订单量】。 (3). 快捷订单 根据个人卷烟收藏夹进行订货,特别适合在平常订货时,需求品种和数量基本保持不变的零售户使用。 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 快捷订单第一步:先添加卷烟收藏夹,才可以使用快捷订单; 快捷订单第二步:在快捷订单中【编辑数量】,设定某个卷烟的默认订购量; 快捷订单第三步:点【£】勾选卷烟,然后点击【批量加入购物车】; 快捷订单第四步:提示【已成功加入购物车】; 快捷订单第五步:点击【购物车】查看,核对无误后提交订单。 4. 第四步:提交订单 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 零售户在录完订单之后,需要进行核对,无误后再提交,订单会提交到烟草公司业务系统进行处理,生成预订单。(如何确认订单提交成 功,) 提交订单第一步:点击【结帐】,确认订单; 提交订单第二步:此环节可以【查询余额】,之后再点击【提交订单】 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 提交订单第三步:显示订购数量及订单金额,订单提交成功 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 5. 第五步:修改订单,可选, 订单提交之后,如果零售户需要修改,可以点击【修改订单】,如果不需要再做修改,在新商盟网站中的操作到此结束; 点击【增加卷烟】,零售户可以追加卷烟; 点击【删除订单】,零售户可以删除整个订单; 点击卷烟后面的【垃圾桶】按钮,删除此条记录。 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit
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