
u盘变成raw.怎么恢复(How to restore disk into raw.)

2017-10-27 5页 doc 20KB 20阅读




u盘变成raw.怎么恢复(How to restore disk into raw.)u盘变成raw.怎么恢复(How to restore disk into raw.) u盘变成raw.怎么恢复(How to restore disk into raw.) You want to restore data? Without data recovery, formatting is OK, formatted into FAT or NTFS can be, I tried. If you want to restore the data inside, the trouble points are as...
u盘变成raw.怎么恢复(How to restore disk into raw.)
u盘变成raw.怎么恢复(How to restore disk into raw.) u盘变成raw.怎么恢复(How to restore disk into raw.) You want to restore data? Without data recovery, formatting is OK, formatted into FAT or NTFS can be, I tried. If you want to restore the data inside, the trouble points are as follows: Here are some ways you can try: A letter in the RAW format, right click, select properties, choose safe, will be useless for the user to delete, add your own user name, and then change the authority to. If there is no security options in the folder options (open my computer, select the tools menu, select the folder options), remove the "use simple file sharing" before the hook, you can right-click on disc midpoint NTFS format, display attribute security options menu. Two, in the "control panel" found "management tools", which opened in the local security policy will open, in the security options open, find network access in the right window: sharing and security model for local accounts "after the" guest only "to" classic ", returning to the my computer, right click on the D to find the" security "tab, the garbled deleted, then add the user to the computer. Three, 1, and the use of EasyRecovery Pro 6.06, select data recovery Advanced Recovery (select advanced options, custom data recovery function); 2, choose the format has been changed to RAW letter, click Advanced Options under the angle of the; 3, in the file system scanning, the file system select "NTFS", "point" advanced scanning, select the lower right corner of "advanced options", the size of the cluster and data start position is set to 0; 4, click the partition settings, use the MFT method (this must not be wrong), and then determine; 5, click the next step, start scanning the file system, and then wait, the time required is relatively long, be patient. After you will find to find a NTFS drive, and then click Find letter, start scanning; 6, after the scan, you will find all the files have been found, and then click restore, select an available disk to save your recovery files on the line; 7. Finally, format the problem disk and copy the recovered files back. OK everything is as good as ever. The first and second methods are recommended, and third methods are used when the first and second methods fail. Method four: Norton PartitionMagic found a tool with PTEDIT32.EXE 8 I accidentally (partition table editor), just try, open to find the corresponding partition information and other partition information for comparison, found are very different, then control other district information to modify the partition error information (parameters of each hard disk the partition is different, so there is no standard), can resume operation, so don't worry, will not damage the data, modify the preservation, restart after be accomplished! Method five: First, CP ~/.bash_history ~/cmd_history, backup the commands you've hit, and then find out what commands you've used in cmd_history. If you just change the sign of the file system, using fdisk - > t command sign changed back to the original file system on the line. Answer: caiway | two | 2007-4-14 11:35 Have you used this one? No, try it: ICreate PDx16 finished green edition Download address Http:// Cid=BC3C2DEEF1624C90CC0D6ADED75E49CC69F4F4F1? I use the U disk Shinco 512M, when storing files in a computer error, then with the computer can identify the U disk, but that is not open, and right click to view the properties found U disk file format into a RAW, the capacity to 0 bytes. In the online search many U disk repair tools, have no success, and finally found this iCreate PDx16.exe finally repaired, capacity or just bought the size, use up or so convenient! Glad! It is a USB production tool, in addition to the U disk can be repaired, it also has many functions, to find out! 参考资料: http: / / www.54master.com / bbs / archiver / tid-153179.html 我有一个索尼1g的移动u盘, 上星期由于外借, 回来之后就发现u 盘打不开了, 进去的时候老是显示u盘没有化, 而按系统自带 的格式化却又提示u盘驱动没插入, 用了各种方法都无补于事, 开 始是怀疑u盘芯片的问题, 但是才用了几次, 想索尼的产品应该没 有这么烂吧, 无奈之下只得用软件修复尝试一下看能不能补救, 用 了很多方法都不行, 包括esay recorder, ppp, mformat等都不行, 因为这些软件按了之后也没有反应, 最好却发现 [table] [tr] [td] [url = http: / / / dload1.html? cid = bc3c2deef1624c90cc0d6aded75e49cc69f4f4f1] [color = # 0000cc] icreate pdx16汉化绿色版 [/ color] [color = # ff0000] u [/ color] [color = # ff0000] 盘 [/ color] [color = # ff0000] 修复 [/ color] [color = # 0000cc] 工具 [/ color] [url] [td] [/ / tr] [] 可以从根本上解决问题 / table, 只需要几秒就可以解决了, 如 果不是质量的问题, 我想应该大都可以解决的, 格式化后还是恢复 到原来的容量的, 大家不用担心.但是不能恢复原文件.特别提示, 大家的u盘如果有重要的文件在里面的话, 最好不要接一些旧式的 电脑本身不直接自带usb插口或xp系统有问题的电脑, 因为很容易 使u盘变成raw系统格式的, 因为我在我朋友那部机已经验证过了, 具体原因我也不清楚, 请各位有 兴趣的朋友共同研究一下, 呵呵: lol 软件下载地址 [url = http: / / / dload1.html? cid = bc3c2deef1624c90cc0d6aded75e49cc69f4f4f1] http: / / / dload1.html? cid = bc3c2deef1624c90cc0d6aded75e49cc69f4f4f1 [/ url).
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